For the One who carved the islands / has come to live among us, And this is the house He has chosen, / St. Mary Star of the Sea. ~Anne Porter St. Mary Star of the Sea Catholic Church ALTAR SERVERS DEC. 3-4, 2016 SAT. 9:00 AM: Spanish Assigned SAT. 5:15 PM: Ed Carder SUN. 8:15 AM: Travis & Elena McConaghy SUN. 11:00 AM: Maggie Anderson, Tiburcio Brennan 1335 Blaine Street Port Townsend,WA 98368 Phone: (360) 385-3700 Fax: (360) 379-1989 Website: Office Hours: Monday-Friday 9:00 am—4:00 pm GREETERS SAT. 9:00 AM: Carmen Boling SAT. 5:15 PM: Larry & Kathie Bomke SUN. 8:15 AM: Judy Atkinson, Laura Simpson SUN. 11:00 AM: Mark Ortmeier, Nancy McGillis WEEKLY CALENDAR WEEKLY MASS INTENTIONS SATURDAY, DECEMBER 3, 9:00 AM (HISPANIC): For the special intentions of the Hispanic Community of St. Mary Star of the Sea. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 3, 5:30 PM: For the special intentions of the parishioners of St. Mary Star of the Sea. SUNDAY, DECEMBER 4, 8:15 AM: That the peoples of Europe may rediscover the beauty, goodness, and truth of the Gospel which gives joy and hope to life. SUNDAY, DECEMBER 4, 11:00 AM: For the continued growth in faith, hope and love in our parish children. MONDAY, DECEMBER 5, 12:05 PM: That the scandal of child-soldiers may be eliminated the world over. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 7, 6:30 PM: For an end to abortion and an increase in the respect for all human life in our country and around the world. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8, 12:05 PM (FEAST OF THE IMMACULATE CONCEPTION): For the special intentions of the parishioners of St. Mary Star of the Sea. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 9, 12:05 PM: For the repose of the souls of James and Bessie Stevens, as requested by their granddaughter, Aretta McClure. MONDAY Isaiah 35:1-10 Psalms 85:9-14 Luke 5:17-26 TUESDAY: Isaiah 40:1-11 Psalm 96:1-3,10-13 Matthew 18:12-14 WEDNESDAY: Isaiah 40:25-31 Psalms 103:1-4,8,10 Matthew 11:28-30 THURSDAY: SATURDAY, DECEMBER 3 RE-GIFTING SALE AFTER MASSES Midnight-9:00 am: EUCHARISTIC ADORATION 9:00 am: SPANISH MASS 10:00-Noon: Spanish Lunch—Hall 4:30 pm: CONFESSIONS 5:30 pm: MASS SUNDAY, DECEMBER 4 RE-GIFTING AND COOKIE SALE AFTER ALL MASSES 8:15 am: MASS (CONFESSION 30 MIN PRIOR) 9:30-10:45 am: Religious Education—Classrooms 11:00 am: MASS (CONFESSION 30 MIN PRIOR) 12:30 pm: Healing Ministry—Room 6 12:30-1:30 pm: Theology Kettle 12:30 pm: Servite Meeting—Room 5 6:30 pm: Rosary MONDAY, DECEMBER 5 12:05 pm: COMMUNION SERVICE 1:00 pm: Ladies’ Guild—Hall 3:00 pm: Divine Mercy Chaplet TUESDAY, DECEMBER 6 12:05 pm: COMMUNION SERVICE 3:00 pm: Divine Mercy Chaplet 6:00 pm: Communion Service—Quilcene 6:00-7:00 pm: Theology Kettle—Quilcene 6:00 pm: St. Mary’s Choir—Church WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 7 1:00 pm: Centering Prayer—Chapel 3:00 pm: Divine Mercy Chaplet 5:00-6:00 pm: Theology Kettle—Hall 6:00 pm: CONFESSIONS 6:30 pm: VIGIL MASS FOR THE IMMACULATE CONCEPTION 7:00 pm: Our Lady of Perpetual Help THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8 FEAST OF THE IMMACULATE CONCEPTION HOLY DAY OF OBLIGATION 11:30 am: CONFESSIONS 12:05 pm: MASS 1:00-2:30 pm: St. Vincent de Paul Meeting—Hall 3:00 pm: Diving Mercy Chaplet 3:30 pm: Knights of Columbus Meeting—Hall FRIDAY, DECEMBER 9 11:30 am: CONFESSIONS 12:05 pm: MASS 1:00-6:00 pm: EUCHARISTIC ADORATION 3:00 pm: Divine Mercy Chaplet SATURDAY, DECEMBER 10 4:00 pm: OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE PROCESSION from La Isla 4:30 pm: ROSARY 5:30 pm: MASS—OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE 6:30 pm: OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE CELEBRATION—HALL Genesis 3:9-15,20 Ps 98:1-4 Ephesians 1:3-6,11-12 Luke 1:26-38 FRIDAY: Isaiah 48:17-19 Psalm 1:1-4,6 Matthew 11:16-19 SATURDAY: Sirach 48:1-4,9-11 Psalm 80:2-3,15-16,18-19 Matthew 17:9,10-13 SUNDAY: Isaiah 35:1-6,10 Psalm 146:6-10 James 5:7-10 Matthew 11:2-11 Second Sunday of Advent / December 4, 2016 PASTOR: FATHER PETER ADOKO-ENCHILL (360) 385-3700 [email protected] DEACON: BILL SWANSON (360) 385-3700 [email protected] PASTORAL ASST. FOR FAITH FORMATION/ ASISTENTE PASTORAL PARA LA FORMACIÓN DE LA FE: Deacon Bill Swanson (360) 385-3700 [email protected] PASTORAL ASST. FOR ADMINISTRATION/ ASISTENTE PASTORAL PARA ADMINISTRACIÓN: Kathleen Wadkins [email protected] ADMIN. ASSISTANT/ ASISTENTE ADMINISTRACIÓN: Alisa Meany [email protected] Half hour before every Mass. Private confession by appointment. Media hora antes de cada Misa. Apartar citas para confesarse en privado con el Padre Peter. EXPOSITION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT/EXPOSICIÓN DEL SAGRARIO: Friday after Mass to 6:00pm Benediction. 20-Hour Eucharistic Adoration on the first Friday of each month. Viernes después de la Misa. La Benedicción-6pm. EUCHARIST TO SHUT-INS & THE ILL/ EUCARISTÍA PARA DESCAPACITADOS: Call 385-3700 to have Communion brought to you at home. Llamar al teléfono 385-3700 para recibir la comunión los viernes. PRAYER CHAIN/CADENA DE ORACIONES: HISPANIC MINISTRY / MINISTERIO HISPANO: Karen Burge (360) 627-0534 [email protected] Pat White 385-3063, Carol Hurley 385-6691. ROSARY/ROSARIO: Sunday from 6:30-7 PM. Also 35 minutes prior to Mass. Domingo de 6:30-7 PM y media hora antes de Misa. DIRECTOR OF MUSIC MINISTRY/ DIRECTOR DEL MINISTERIO DE LA MÚSICA: SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM/SACRAMENTO DEL BAUTISMO: Chris Hawley (541) 622-3543 [email protected] Required prep. classes, please call Dcn. Bill Swanson at 385-1662. Clases de preparación—Karen al 385-3700. MAINTENANCE / MANTENIMIENTO: FUNERAL/CHRISTIAN BURIAL, FUNERAL/ ENTIERRO: Roger Cesmat Contact pastor before setting date. Contactar al sacerdote antes de apartar la fecha. CUSTODIAN / LIMPIEZA: Sergio López RETURNING CATHOLICS / CATÓLICOS REGRESEN: Deacon Bill Swanson (360) 385-3700 ST. VINCENT DE PAUL /SAN VICENTE DE PABLO: Contact Tel: (360) 379-1325 SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION/ SACRAMENTO DE RECONCILIACIÓN: SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE/SACRAMENTO DEL MATRIMONIO: Six month notice and preparation classes required, call Deacon Swanson at 385-1662. Clases de preparación requeridas 6 meses antes—Karen Burge al 385-3700. “OUR MISSION IS TO... ...CELEBRATE GOD’S PRESENCE IN OUR MIDST BY MASS, SACRAMENTS, AND PRAYER; LIVE CHRIST’S LOVE BY SERVING OTHERS, ESPECIALLY THE POOR, NEGLECTED, AND SUFFERING; GROW IN THE TRUTHS AND VALUES OF OUR CATHOLIC TRADITION, TEACH THEM TO OUR CHILDREN, AND PROCLAIM THEM TO THOSE WHO DO NOT KNOW THEM.” Second Sunday of Advent / December 4, 2016 Second Sunday of Advent / December 4, 2016 FROM THE DESK OF FATHER PETER ADOKOENCHILL… SÁBADO MISA EN ESPAÑOL 9:00AM SATURDAYVIGIL 5:30PM SUNDAY 8:15AM & 11:00AM MONDAY 12:05PM TUESDAY ** COMMUNION SERVICE 12:05PM WEDNESDAY 6:30PM THURSDAY 12:05PM FRIDAY 12:05PM THE CATECHISM OF THE CATHOLIC CHURCH HOW IS THE SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM CELEBRATED? THE GRACE OF BAPTISM 1262. The different effects of Baptism are signified by the perceptible elements of the sacramental rite. Immersion in water symbolizes not only death and purification, but also regeneration and renewal. Thus the two principal effects are purification from sins and new birth in the Holy Spirit. 1263. By Baptism all sins are forgiven, original sin and all 1264. St. Mary’s Simbang Gabi Celebration! Sunday, December 11th at the 11:00 am Mass Followed by potluck in the Parish Hall… All are welcome!!! All Ladies of the parish are invited to attend the Ladies’ Guild Christmas Luncheon at the Highway 20 Roadhouse on Dec. 5th @ 1-3 pm. This is a No-Host luncheon. Please call Germaine Arthur, 385-2233, for more information today! The Reconciliation Service will be held Sunday, December 18th at 3:00 pm in the Church! Please mark your calendars and come prepare your hearts for a holy and blessed Christmas this year! FEAST OF THE IMMACULATE CONCEPTION IS A HOLY DAY OF OBLIGATION, DECEMBER 8TH.VIGIL MASS WILL BE WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 7TH AT 6:30 PM AND MASS ON DECEMBER 8TH WILL BE AT 12:05 PM…. MARK YOUR CALENDARS! GIFTS FOR OURVOLUNTEERS ARE NOW IN THE SACRISTY — PLEASE STOP ON BY THE SACRISTY The Angel Tree is UP!! It’s time for you to be an ANGEL to needy children this Christmas! AND PICK UP ONE AS A SMALL TOKEN OF OUR THANKS FOR ALL THAT YOU DO!! Please take an angel from the tree, and bring it back no later than December 11th!!! Thank you in advance for all of your generosity this Christmas—this program makes Christmas special for so many children in need!!! CHRISTMAS FLOWER DONATION OFFERING ENVELOPES ARE NOW IN THE PEWS … PLEASE PICK ONE UP AND HELP US MAKE OUR CHURCH BEAUTIFUL FOR CHRISTMAS THIS YEAR!! DONORS WILL BE REMEMBERED ON CHRISTMAS DAY MASS… PARISH STEWARDSHIP Ladies’ Guild Luncheon!! RECONCILIATION SERVICE PARISH ANNOUNCEMENTS For the forgiveness of sins... personal sins, as well as all punishment for sin. In those who have been reborn nothing remains that would impede their entry into the Kingdom of God, neither Adam’s sin, nor personal sin, nor the consequences of sin, the gravest of which is separation from God. Yet certain temporal consequences of sin remain in the baptized, such as suffering, illness, death, and such frailties inherent in life as weaknesses of character, and so on, as well as an inclination to sin that Tradition calls concupiscence, or metaphorically, “the tinder for sin” (forms peccati); since concupiscence “is left for us to wrestle with, it cannot harm those who do not consent but manfully resist it by the grace of Jesus Christ.” Indeed, “an athlete is not crowned unless he competes according to the rules.” ADVENT WEEKLY MASS SCHEDULE Week of 11/27/2016 Week #22 Week / Semana Actual / Colecta Real Budgeted / Presupuesto Year to Date / Año Corrido Actual / Colecta Real Budgeted / Presupuesto $5,201.16 $8,036.92 <$2,835.76> $161,010.50 $176,812.24 <$15,801.74> God Bless You... OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE CELBRATION December 10th, 2016 Schedule as follows: 4:00 PM PROCESSION FROM LA ISLA TO CHURCH 4:30 PM ROSARY 5:30 PM MASS, DINNER & CELEBRATION IN SOCIAL HALL ALL ARE WELCOME!! Reminder ~ St. Mary's Ladies Guild Annual... “Christmas Re-gifting & Cookie Sale” December 3rd & 4th After all Masses this weekend! Head on over to the Hall after Mass and get your wonderful Christmas Cookies and presents for your loved ones!!
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