COLEGIO BEATA IMELDA - SANTO TOMÁS - FESD Octubre Normal LUNES 3 KCal 810 P. 40 Lip. 21 H.C. 123 Arroz tres delicias Bacalao romana con ensalada liz Fruta / Pan Fried rice Battered cod with liz salad Fruit / Bread 10 KCal 653 P. 38 Lip. 14 H.C. 94 Patatas en salsa verde Lomo adobado de cerdo empanado con lechuga Fruta / Pan Potatoes in green sauce Breaded marinated pork loin with lettuce Fruit / Bread 17 KCal 715 P. 28 Lip. 32 H.C. 80 Sopa de pescado con lluvia Hamburguesa de ternera 100% con tomate y patatas fritas Fruta / Pan Fish soup with rain 100% veal hamburger with tomato and chips Fruit / Bread 24 KCal 855 P. 26 Lip. 36 H.C. 108 Marmita de sepia Albóndigas de vacuno a la jardinera Fruta / Pan Cuttlefish stew Veal meatballs with mixed vegetables Fruit / Bread 31 KCal 892 P. 38 Lip. 21 H.C. 140 Lentejas San jacobo con lechuga Fruta / Pan Lentils San Jacobo with lettuce Fruit / Bread MARTES 4 KCal 823 P. 37 Lip. 25 H.C. 116 Alubias blancas Salchichas frankfurt con tomate y patatas fritas Fruta / Pan White Beans Frankfurters with tomato and chips Fruit / Bread 11 KCal 804 P. 31 Lip. 31 H.C. 107 Lentejas con arroz Medallones de merluza enharinados en salsa verde Fruta / Pan MIERCOLES 5 KCal 708 P. 49 Lip. 22 H.C. 80 Puré de verdura Muslo de pollo asado con lechuga Natillas / Pan Vegetable cream Grilled chicken thigh with lettuce Custard / Bread 12 Lentils with rice Floured hake slice in green sauce Fruit / Bread 18 KCal 844 P. 47 Lip. 27 H.C. 106 Alubias rojas Filete de merluza romana con mahonesa Fruta / Pan Red beans Battered hake fillet with mayonnaise Fruit / Bread 25 KCal 804 P. 49 Lip. 21 H.C. 105 Garbanzos Escalope de cerdo con ensalada liz Fruta / Pan Chickpeas Pork escalope with liz salad Fruit / Bread JUEVES 6 KCal 1000 P. 30 Lip. 41 H.C. 129 Tallarines napolitana Albóndigas de vacuno a la jardinera Fruta / Pan Neapolitan tagliatelle Veal meatballs with mixed vegetables Fruit / Bread 13 KCal 686 P. 19 Lip. 26 H.C. 96 Crema de calabacín Tortilla de patata con ensalada liz Fruta / Pan Courgette cream Spanish omelette with liz salad Fruit / Bread 19 KCal 888 P. 46 Lip. 23 H.C. 128 Arroz con tomate Pechugas de pollo rebozadas con salsa rubia Yogurt natural azucarado / Pan Rice with tomato sauce Breaded chicken breasts roux Naturally sweetened yogurt / Bread 26 KCal 885 P. 46 Lip. 26 H.C. 116 Espaguetis boloñesa Bacalao rebozado en salsa verde Yogurt sabores / Pan Bolognese spaghetti Battered cod in green sauce Different flavors yogurt / Bread 20 KCal 834 P. 51 Lip. 25 H.C. 104 Espirales salteados con champiñón y bacon Estofado de pavo con verduras Fruta / Pan Spirals sautéed with mushrooms and bacon Turkey stew with vegetables Fruit / Bread 27 KCal 719 P. 51 Lip. 24 H.C. 78 Guisantes rehogados Muslo de pollo asado con champiñón, zanahoria y patata Fruta / Pan Sautéed peas Grilled chicken thigh with mushroom, carrot and potato Fruit / Bread VIERNES 7 KCal 840 P. 50 Lip. 23 H.C. 108 Garbanzos Merluza rebozada en salsa americana Fruta / Pan Chickpeas Battered hake in American sauce Fruit / Bread 14 KCal 992 P. 29 Lip. 39 H.C. 138 Arroz con salchichas y chorizo Nuggets de pollo con lechuga Fruta / Pan Rice with sausages and chorizo Chciken nuggets with lettuce Fruit / Bread 21 KCal 719 P. 15 Lip. 27 H.C. 107 Vainas rehogadas Empanadillas de atún con lechuga Fruta / Pan Sautéed green beans Small tuna patties with lettuce Fruit / Bread 28 KCal 890 P. 30 Lip. 29 H.C. 133 Arroz tres delicias Salchichas frankfurt con tomate y patatas cuadro Fruta / Pan Fried rice Frankfurters with tomato and diced potatoes Fruit / Bread
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