The Catholic Community of St. Joseph 877 N. Campus Avenue Upland, CA 91786 Office (909) 981-8110 Fax (909) 982-8991 E-Mail: [email protected] Website: MASS SCHEDULE Saturday/Sábado 5:00 pm Vigil, 7:00 pm (Español) Vigila Sunday/Domingo 7:00 am, 9:00 am, 11:00am , 1:00 pm (Español), 5:30 pm Daily Masses Monday thru Thursday 7:30 am, Friday 8:30 am, First Friday Mass at 5:30 pm Misa en Español Cada Miércoles 7:00 pm Holy Days of Obligation As Announced Confessions/Confesiones Saturday: 3:30 pm (English & Spanish) or by appointment Twenty First Sunday in Ordinary Time August 21, 2016 August 21, 2016 2 Twenty First Sunday in Ordinary Time TODAY’S READINGS First Reading — Brothers and sisters of every race and language will be brought to Jerusalem (Isaiah 66:18-21). Psalm — Go out to all the world and tell the Good News (Psalm 117). Second Reading — Be strong and endure your trials as the “discipline” of a loving God, for it will result in the peaceful fruit of righteousness (Hebrews 12:5-7, 11-13). Gospel — People from east and west, north and south, recline at table in the kingdom of God (Luke 13:22-30). The English translation of the Psalm Responses from Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved. Vigésimo Primer Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario LECTURAS DE HOY Primera lectura — Hermanos y hermanas de todas las razas e idiomas acudirán a Jerusalén (Isaías 66:18-21). Salmo — Vayan por todo el mundo y prediquen el Evangelio (Salmo 117 [116]). Segunda lectura — Sé fuerte y soporta las pruebas como la “disciplina” de un Dios amoroso (Hebreos 12:5-7, 11-13). Evangelio — Gente del este y el oeste, del norte y del sur se sentarán a la mesa del Reino de Dios (Lucas 13:22-30). Salmo responsorial: Leccionario II © 1976, Comisión Episcopal de Pastoral Litúrgica de la Conferencia del Episcopado Mexicano. Usado con permiso. Todos los derechos reservados. DISCIPLINE It is no accident that the words “disciple” and “discipline” are nearly identical. Their relationship in Christian faith and life, however, has fallen somewhat out of favor in the past generation, as certain prescribed Church rules and regulations have been reduced and relaxed. These rules were often referred to as “disciplines.” We are mistaken, however, to think that it no longer takes discipline to follow Christ. The Letter to the Hebrews assures us of that today. Our discipline is more like that of an athlete pursuing a victory or a personal best, or a musician striving for a concert career or to master a new piece of music. This discipline comes from desire, not from regulations. It was the desire to do the will of God that led Jesus on the path to his cross. It is that same desire he encourages in us today: to strive to enter through the narrow gate, to find ourselves in the kingdom with a surprising assortment of people who are there not because of mere observation of rules, but out of a genuine desire to recline at the table of the heavenly banquet. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. DISCIPLINA No es accidente que las palabras “discípulo” y “disciplina” sean casi idénticas. Su relación en la fe y la vida cristianas, sin embargo, ha caído en desuso en la generación pasada debido a que ciertas reglas y regulaciones prescritas en la fe cristiana se han reducido o relajado. Estas reglas con frecuencia eran llamadas “disciplinas”. Nos equivocamos, sin embargo, si pensamos que ya no se necesita disciplina para seguir a Cristo. La Carta a los Hebreos nos lo asegura hoy. Nuestra disciplina es como la de un atleta que persigue una victoria o quiere ser el mejor, o como la de un músico que lucha por hacer carrera como concertista o por perfección en la ejecución de una nueva obra musical. Esta disciplina se basa en el deseo, no en las reglas. Fue el deseo de hacer la voluntad de Dios lo que motivó a Jesús en el camino hacia el calvario. Es ese mismo deseo el que él inspira en nosotros hoy: luchar por entrar por la puerta angosta, para encontrarnos en el Reino con muchas personas que están allí no solamente por observar las reglas, sino por un sincero deseo de reclinarse a la mesa del celestial banquete. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. Please remember in your prayers the repose of the souls of Dorothy Ruth Gomez Josephine Rodriguez Theresa Garcia Julio S. Ramirez Diana Lamb May they and all the faithful departed rest in peace. Patricia Flynn Chapman Vincent Anthony Solorzano Toni Marroquin Kelly Mack David Leon Bob Bates Michelle Perez Tegan Castillo Maria Socorro Mejia Rebeles Conrado Ramos Edward Nick Nichols Becky Jimenez Vargas Josie Rivera Lamar Fidler Jacob Beltran Liliana Duarte Joanne Messerick Mercy Garcia Tony Bravo Matthew Mardesiche Babies Adrian & Ariana Ramirez Manuel Coloso Jr. Beverly Brennan Bernarda Tiangco Sam Leon Annette Weise Miguel Quirarte Daniel Calderon Adrian Cabrera Lilian Sandom Terri Pando Dolores Contreras Ricardo Martinez Consuelo Dominguez Helen Fillhart Michael Vaez Jose and Angela Vaez Oanh Quang Father Rafael Bui Lupe Howell Manuela Flores Armando Aguayo Muñoz Veronica Castro Carlos Garcia Maritza Miranda Jacquelyn Mata Roger Arriola Brigette Hurley Matthew Ryan Rodrigo Garcia Ericka Gutierrez Karen Thanh Bill Bishop Jason Cortes Antonio Gutiérrez Sr. Carol Warren Rivera Joselyn Gonzalez Carrie Rubidoux Bob Gonzalez Sara Wheeler Arnoldo Pedrego Juan Paredes Willy Lopez Candelario Herrera Martina Mejia Armando Espinoza Pat Maiorana Kay Jordon Manuela Martinez Armando Garcia Don Gilbert Jr. Dat Do Teresa Coe David Salazar Jose Bender Jocson Sain Ramirez Lola Anaya Charles Eddy Helen Sarry Nina Curly Isela Erwin Lidia Salas Martha Escobar Teresa Fructuoso Marina Garcia Chris Mendoza Phyllis Majcen Gloria Romero Carl Thune Terri Ruiz MASS INTENTIONS For The Week Monday, August 22, 2016 7:30 am Hector Ramirez Tuesday, August 23, 2016 7:30 am Ints of Carlo & Nadia Argoti Wednesday, August 24, 2016 7:30 am Eduvigues Arabit 7:00 pm Refugio Hernandez Thursday, August 25, 2016 7:30 am Said Cholagh Friday, August 26, 2016 8:30 am Frieda Leger Saturday, August 27, 2016 5:00 pm Pro Populo 7:00 pm Maria Renteria Sunday, August 28, 2016 7:00 am Joe Borba Sr. 9:00 am Joe Acosta 11:00 am Anne Sternard 1:00 pm Jesus Barrera 5:30 pm Messan Pascal Koueui = Deceased SUNDAY CATHOLIC TV MASS For The Homebound 9:00 am on KDOC Channel 56 (also on Cable-TV) Please call the Parish Office at (909) 981-8110 ext. 10 to add your loved ones name. Please note, names will be removed after three months. Share the word. Tell a shut-in relative, friend or neighbor. SICK CALLS If you need to contact a priest for the Anointing of the Sick, please call the parish office (909-981-8110) during our office hours. If your request is urgent and you are calling after the parish office is closed, please follow the phone instructions on the parish voice mail for reaching a priest in an emergency. If a family member is sick or homebound and would like to receive Holy Communion, please call Sr. Sheila at 909-377-8611 or call the parish office. Si necesita ponerse en contacto con un sacerdote para la Unción de los Enfermos, por favor de llamar a la oficina parroquial al (909-981-8110) durante nuestras horas de oficina. Si un familiar está enfermó o incapacitado y le gustaría recibir la Santa Comunión, por favor de llamar al 909-949-9924 y preguntar por Sr. Sheila o llamar a nuestra oficina parroquial. This Week At St. Joseph Parish 7:00 pm MONDAY, August 21 NA OLG 5:30 pm 6:00 pm 7:00 pm TUESDAY, August 22 Bingo Hall Marys Lamb Prayer Sacred Heart Ovejas de Cristo Church 6:15 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm WEDNESDAY, August 23 Spanish Rosary Church Spanish Mass Church Jovenes Para Cristo OLG Encuentro Matrimonio St. Joseph September 10th, 2016 5:00 pm THURSDAY, August 24 11:00 am Bible Study St. Ambrose 6:00pm FRIDAY, August 25 Babysitting Hall 9:00am 3:30 pm SATURDAY, August 26 Combined Ministry OLG Confessions Church MASS FOR FR. TIMOTHY DO SUNDAY, August 27 11:00 am Sunday School Hall 11:00 am RCIA for children Sacred Heart 6:00 pm ICF Hall Go to for more event information! Monday 8:30 p.m. — 4:30 p.m. (Closed 12:00 p.m. — 1:30 p.m.) Tuesday thru Thursday 8:30 a.m. — 7:00 p.m. (Closed 12:00 p.m. — 1:30 p.m. and 4:30 p.m. — 5:30 p.m.) Friday 9:00 a.m. — 12:00 p.m. Closed Saturday & Sunday Save the Date Marriage Enrichment Retreat “Just the Two of US” October 21, 22 & 23, 2016 More information available on the Parish Website 5 August 21, 2016 Offerings August 14, 2016 Plate Envelope Misc. Total Fr. Timothy Do, Pastor [email protected] $ 3,867.00 $ 9,011.00 $ 797.00 $ 13,675.50 DDF Second Collection ……$2,040.00 WE THANK YOU for all your prayers and generous support. Diocesan Development Fund Campaign Progress Gifts Received As of Today DIOCESAN GOAL $71,355.10 $81, 800.00 I am very grateful for the generous gifts of prayer, talents and financial support that you share with our parish family throughout the year. We are fortunate that many of our parishioners respond with such generosity to the needs of our faith community. At present we have received $88,681 (638 donors) in pledges toward our target of $81,800! Your gift will assist us in reaching this request. The DDF serves many people in ways that we, as an individual parish, could not do. Social service ministries and religious education for both youth and adults provide continuity in our lifelong pursuit of a closer relationship with God. Please consider making a pledge in support of this effort. Your gift is very important. May God continue to bless each one of us and our faith community family. Rev. Timothy Do Rev. Carlos Martinez Fr. Carlos Martinez, Parochial Vicar [email protected] Deacon Octavio Echeverria [email protected] Ext. 11 Deacon Mark Lopez [email protected] Ext. 33 Christina Berry, Office Administrator [email protected] Ext. 18 Jesus Maldonado, Director of Liturgy & Ministry [email protected] Ext. 19 Carlo Argoti, Director of Music [email protected] Ext. 21 Mark Tumambing, Youth Choir Director [email protected] (626) 217-8497 Joanne Garay, Bookkeeper [email protected] Ext. 14 Belinda Valencia, Receptionist [email protected] Ext. 10 Debbie Aud, Director of Religious Education [email protected] Ext. 29 Jose Valencia, Youth & Young Adult Minister Confirmation Coordinator [email protected] Ext. 26 Carolyn Hite, Director of His Hands & Parish Life [email protected] Ext. 16 Sr. Sheila Reen, Ministry to the Sick [email protected] (909) 377-8611 Vern Garcia, Maintenance [email protected] Ext. 13 Maria Hermosillo, Religious Education Asst. [email protected] Please see the Parish website for additional Staff & Ministry contacts. August 21, 2016 6 We invite parishioners to consider a gift to the parish of flowers for the Altar in thanksgiving, in memory, or in celebration of a loved one or special event. Cost for one altar arrangements is $50, up to two arrangements per week will be available to parishioners. Please visit the Parish Office so you can designate the week and occasion. These intentions will be recognized in the bulletin. If you have any questions please contact the parish office at (909) 981-8110 RCIA classes start on Tuesday 9/13 at 7pm. If you ar e in need of any of the sacraments or you know anyone who does, have them call the RCIA extension #12 to register or come to the first meeting on 9/13 starting at 7pm at the Parish office. If you know anyone who would like to join our Faith, tell them the same thing to call or to come to the first meeting. St. Joseph’s RCIA is a relaxed learning course where you can come learn, have fun and receive the sacraments you are needing. God Bless you all and hope to see you on Sept. 13th . Bring Your Children (Ages 3 to 3rd grade in School that are not currently in Religious Education Classes) Join us to learn about Jesus and have lots of fun on their journey. Please arrive a few minutes before the 11:00 am and 1:00pm Masses to sign them in the Parish Hall!! For more info (909)981-8110 ext 29 Le pedimos que sus hijos (de 3 a 3er grado en la escuela que no están actualmente en Clases de Educación Religiosa) vengan con nosotros para aprender acerca de Jesús y tener mucha diversión. Por favor llegue unos minutos antes de las 11:00 am y 1:00 pm Misas para registrar a sus hijos en el Salón Parroquial !! Para mas información 909-981-8110 ext 29 How Can We Pray for You? ¿Comó Podemos Orar por Usted? __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ Town Hall: You are invited to a town hall meeting with our Priests Frs. Tim and Carlos and the Hispanic Community, it will be held in Spanish. Tuesday the 30th of August at 7PM here in the church. The town hall affor ds the community and the Priests the opportunity to have an open interaction. Our Priests will host a 1-1/2 to 2 hour open forum to hear the community and to share the present and future of the parish. Foro comunitario: Se le invita a un foro con nuestros sacerdotes Padre Tim y Padre Carlos y la comunidad hispana, que se llevará a cabo en español. El martes, 30 de agosto, a las 7PM aquí en la iglesia. El for o ofr ece a la comunidad y a los sacerdotes la oportunidad de tener una interacción abierta. Nuestros sacerdotes acogerán 1-1/2 a 2 horas de foro abierto con la comunidad y compartir lo presente y el futuro de la parroquia. The Catholic Bible Institute through Loyola Marymount University invites you to join their bible discussion series with Dan Wilson as the lead facilitator. This is a 6-week program enabling the participants to purchase a text book and study guide for $25 and then each week read the section assigned, write down their answers to the questions in the study guide and come back the next week prepared to discuss what they read and wrote. Through this small group discussion process we are able to develop a better understanding of the bible and how what was written applies to our lives today. In this session we will be studying the parables of Matthew and Luke. Come join us and have a unique experience with your fellow St. Josephs parishioners. The series will begin Thursday, October 6th and ends November 10th. The deadline to sign up for this series is September 15th. To sign up, call the parish office at 909-981-8110 and ask for extension 12, (the RCIA extension) and leave your message to be a participant. Your study material will then be ordered for which you can pay when the series begins. Hope to see you then. A big thank you to Fernando Rivera and Mariano Lopez for their help in painting the parish office. Also a special thank you to the following young people who helped with the office and maintenance work for the parish office. Amanda Garcia, Eddy Berry, Ezekiel Garay and Gabriel Garay. WE COULD NOT DO WHAT WE DO WITH OUT YOU!!! FAMILY FALL FESTIVAL SEPTEMBER 30, OCTOBER 1 & 2 WE HAVE RAFFLE TICKETS! If you need raffle ticket booklets, please ask one of the Ministers of Hospitality or stop by the Parish Office. For the donation of only $5.00, you have the chance to win THREE great prizes: Grand Prize – A 2016 Chevy Cruz, 2nd Prize - Cruise ($3,000.00 value), and 3rd Prize $500.00!! (If you donate using church envelopes, the raffle tickets have been mailed to your home.) You can turn in your sold tickets and money/checks in the collection basket inside an envelope marked “Raffle” or turn them in at the Parish Office. We will also be selling raffle tickets after the masses each weekend. IT’S A REALLY BIG JOB – BUT EVERYONE HELPING LIGHTENS THE LOAD!! Please set aside Saturday, August 27th at 8:00 AM to come and help – we will be cleaning and checking out the kitchen equipment and preparing the booths in the church parking lot. This is a big job that can be made easy if a lot of you come to help. So plan to come and help us get ready for this year's festival. Refreshments and water will be supplied to all eager workers! Friday Night Food/Drink Specials!!!! Once again we will be offering the following food and drink specials from 5:00 – 7:00 PM on Friday, September 30th: Hot Dogs – $1.00 each Beer (12 oz.) – $2.00 each Margaritas – $2.00 each So bring your friends and family to join in our festival celebration!! BEE’Z AUTO CARE COMPLETE AUTO SERVICE OFFICIAL SMOG STATION ASC CERTIFIED SINCE 1990 909 982-4321 231 E. ARROW HWY. • UPLAND, CA Is this film suitable for my children? Reviews and ratings of an extensive list of movies, both current and archived is available at: This service is provided by the U.S. Catholic Bishops’ Office of Film and Broadcasting YOU CAN DO SOMETHING ABOUT ADVERTISING SEX AND VIOLENCE ON TELEVISION AND He who has a thing to sell and goes and whispers in a well, is not so apt to get the Brian or Sally, coordinators dollars as he who climbs a tree 860.399.1785 and hollers. 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Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-231-0805 VACUUM & SEWING UPLAND VAC & SEW SALES • SERVICE PARTS • CLASSES TRUSTS • WILLS • PROBATES Attorney Victor P. Skvarna, Church Member Local Catholic Family Since 1940’s Upland, Ph: (909) 608-7671 • [email protected] (909) 949-4884 113 No. 2nd Ave. • Upland, CA Quality Homecare Since 2002 • Meal Preparation • Medication Reminders • Hygiene Assistance • Light Housekeeping • Transportation • Joyful Companionship Upland 909-982-4646 • Local Catholic Family Since 1970’s HCO #364700003 The Most Complete Online National License #1006190 Pavers • Flagstone • Patios Concrete • Bricks • Walkways 626-319-0643 Directory of Check It Out Today! Richardson Peterson FUNERAL HOME Funeral Home FD-737 123 West ‘G’ St., Ontario, CA 91762 SERVING THE AL SERVICIO DE LA COMMUNITY SINCE COMUNIDAD DESDE 1921 1921 Dr. Alexander A. Galvan - Parishioner GENERAL, COSMETIC & IMPLANT DENTISTRY 750 N. Archibald Ave., #N, Ontario (909) 481-2233 Cremation and Burial Services Payment Options Available Shipment to Anywhere in the World Legal Forms Available Pre-Arranged Funeral Plans Servicios de Entierro ó Cremación Opciones de Pago Disponibles Repatriación a Cualquier País Formas Jurídicas Disponibles Arreglos a Futuro 909-986-1196 Catholic Parishes I’m your Neighborhood State Farm Agent Call me for all your insurance needs. Agent Lic. #0670063 Norbert “Norb” Murphy 378 South Euclid Ave. Bus. (909) 946-9877 Fax: (909) 949-9616 “Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there” Se Habla Español Does your old annuity contract(s) create a large tax burden for your beneficiaries? When an annuity contract is terminated or set up to pay the beneficiary a claim, there can be a tax bill for up to 40% of the balance. Let’s check your contracts. There is no obligation. Call me today! Daniel R. Wilson 909-981-8996 Financial Advisor 1125 E. 16th St. #1 Upland, CA 91784 Raymond James Financial Services, Inc. Member FINRA/SIPC Travel Services Representative 1271 W. 7th St. Phone 909 / 981-8724 PARISHIONER [email protected] Raymond James Financial Services offers a full range of investment services to its clients. Call today for your complete analysis. Please note Raymond James does not provide tax advice or services. WHY IS IT A man wakes up after sleeping under an ADVERTISED blanket on an ADVERTISED mattress The Sponsors Who Appear On This Bulletin. It Is Through Their Support That This Bulletin Is Made Possible. Business Owners Interested In Advertising Please Call J.S. Paluch 1-800-231-0805 and pulls off ADVERTISED pajamas bathes in an ADVERTISED shower shaves with an ADVERTISED razor brushes his teeth with ADVERTISED toothpaste washes with ADVERTISED soap puts on ADVERTISED clothes drinks a cup of ADVERTISED coffee drives to work in an ADVERTISED car and then . . . . refuses to ADVERTISE believing it doesn’t pay. Later if business is poor he ADVERTISES it for sale. WHY IS IT? Se Habla Español 513189 St Joseph Church (A) For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-231-0805 We present to our St. Joseph Family our New Youth Minister. Jose Valencia Jose brings a true passion for youth and for St. Joseph. We could not imagine someone better to lead this very important part of the life of our parish. He already has incredible connections with our youth, plus he has the drive, the energy, the vision, and the organizational skills needed to continue providing a place where our youth can find connections with each other, with the community of faith, and with God. We are blessed by God, indeed! Welcome, Jose, to this expanded form of a ministry you've already been doing so well, for so long.
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