Trabajo de ingles
Estudiante : Ana Camila Castro Cuasquer
Carrera: Enfermería
Paralelo : Primero B
7 Match the statements on the left with the explanation on the right .Draw a line
1 “all children is meals come with a drink and dessert”
RPTA : B) the sever is explaining the menú
2”does the grilled chicken come with a salad?
RPTA: A) the customer is asking about the menú
3”i think i all start with the tomato soup”
RPTA: E)the customer is ordering an appetizer
4”anything to drink?
RPTA:D) the server is taking a beverage order
5”I need some more time”
RPTA: C) The customer is not ready to order
6 “and what would you like for your main course?
RPTA : F) The server is taking the customer is entree order
8 complete the conversations
1 A: what do sándwiches come with?
B:Potato chips or fresh fruit.
2 A:What kind of bread in there?
B: White,wheat, or a croissant.
3 A: and anything else?
B:sparkling wáter, please
4 A:would you like to try our famous chocolate cake?
B:no , thanks .I am not in the mood for dessert.
9 complete the conversations whit a,an,or the
MARY: let is get a table
JOAN: OK.let is see. How about the table by the window? It is available.
MARY: perfect.
SERVER: are you ready to order?
JOAN:yes, we you have a breakfast special?
SERVER: yes,we do have a continental breakfast special and an english breakfast
special on the menú today.
JOAN: what does the continental breakfast special come with?
SERVER: it comes with a choice of juice,tea,or coffee and a basketof fresh-baked
french bread.
JOAN: I think i all have the english brakfast special with coffe ,please.
MARY: I all have the same ,but without the coffee. I all have a glass of juice instead.
SERVER: certainly
10 complete the sentences with a,an,or the
1. I am in the mood for a cheeseburger.
2. The caesar salad at Mario´s is fantastic.
3. Is there a children is menú?
4. Would you like to start with an appetizer?
5. It is Elizabeth is birthday. Let is pick up a cake.
6. I recommend the curry chiken . it is delicious.
7. Are there eggs in the chinese noodles?
8. For breakfast,I usually have coffee with milk and a banana.
9. The orange juice here is fresh-squeezed
11 answer the questions. Use your own words. Use a,an,or the if needed
1. “hungry? What are you in the mood for?
if I always like to smile and a little comic
2. What dish do you recommend at your favorite restaurant?
my favorite plate is smoky rib that always like in the restaurant TOLIMENSE in
3. What do you usually eat for breakfast?
my breakfast is egg fried in the morning with chocolate and bread and a piece
of cheese
Gramar booster
A Complete the chart with nouns for the box
1 music non-count noun
2water non-count noun
3 banana count noun
4 help non-count noun
5cookie count noun
6sugar non-count noun
7 bread non-count noun
8 onion count noun
9 apple count noun
10 fun non-count noun
11cheese non-count noun
12 egg count noun
13 carrot count noun
14 fruit non-count noun
15 golf non-count noun
16 coffee non-count noun
B write how much or how many to complate the questions.
1 how much water do you drink in a day?
2 How much Milk is in your refrigerator?
3 How many Potato chips do you eat in a week?
4 How much Bread do you buy every week?
5 How many Onions do you use in a month?
6 How much Sugar do you put in your coffee?
C complete the e-mail. Write a ora n in front of count nouns or x in front of non-count
I need x help with dinner today . can you go to the store and buy a liter of milk and a
loaf of bread? We also need an kilo of apples. Do you think we have x cheese? If not,
please get a package of that, too. I´ll see you at home after 5:00
D complete the conversation with some or any . for some ítems, more then one answer
may be possible
1 A: do you need some bread?
B: NO.thanks. I have
2 A:do they want some soup?
B: no they do not want any
right now
3 A: I do not have any wáter and i am so thirsty
B: do you want some tea?
4 A: does she need some help?
B She does not need
any help. She needs some