FCEE_TFE DESCRIPCIÓN BIBLIOGRAFICA DEL TFE IALaren DESKRIBAPEN BIBLIOGRAFIKOA Grado/Gradua ✔ Año Urtea IALaren Izenburua MARKET RESEARCH ABOUT C2C FASHION COMMERCE. A STUDY OF POTENTIAL OPPORTUNTIES FOR NEW ENTRY PLAYERS 2016 Master/Masterra Título del TFE Autor Egilea Apellido primero Lehen deitura del Pozo Apellido segundo Bigarren deitura Lecumberri Titulación Nombre Izena Isabel Titulazioa Programa Internacional del Grado en Administración y Dirección de Empresas/Enpresen Administrazio eta Zuzendaritza Graduko Nazioarteko Programa Director del TFE IALaren zuzendaria Ildefonso Grande Esteban Codirector del TFE UPNA/NUP IALaren zuzendarikidea UPNA/NUP Abstract (resumen de 100-250 palabras) otro/beste bat: Abstract (laburpena 100-250 hitzetan) Inglés (obligatorio) Ingelesa (nahitaezkoa) This thesis aims to the objective of understanding consumer’s behavior related to second-hand fashion commerce to define potential opportunities of new entry player. It establishes causal relationships between consumer’s preowned fashion attitude and various aspects related to second-hand world. Those hypothesized relations have been tested through two research models. Firstly, an exploratory study has been made to obtain more information about the topic this essay. Twelve sampled people have been interviewed to take into account which variables have been the most repeated so as the survey could have been formulated. Furthermore, a sample of 192 Spanish people has been asked to fill in thirteen questions related to motives why they have been bought (sold) or not. Both studies’ results have been analyzed in a concise way to determine which are the most repeated aspects about second-hand fashion, as well as trying to provide some suggestions in order to increase Spanish participation in this new market. Materias o Palabras claves (máximo 5) Research, fashion, commerce, C2C Gaiak edo hitz gakoak (gehienez 5)
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