DESCRIPCIÓN BIBLIOGRAFICA DEL TFE IALaren DESKRIBAPEN BIBLIOGRAFIKOA Año Grado/Gradua Urtea 2017 Master/Masterra Título del TFE IALaren Izenburua Plan de negocio de empresa de gestión deportiva Autor Egilea Apellido primero Lehen deitura Equisoain Titulación Apellido segundo Bigarren deitura Azcona Nombre Xabier Titulazioa Grado en Administración y Dirección de Empresas/Gradua Enpresen Administrazio eta Zuzendaritzan Director del TFE IALaren zuzendaria UPNA/NUP Ainhoa Urtasun Alonso Codirector del TFE IALaren zuzendarikidea UPNA/NUP Abstract (resumen de 100-250 palabras) otro/beste bat: Abstract (laburpena 100-250 hitzetan) This end-of-degree work is based on the description and elaboration of a business plan of a new company called GDN SPORT S.L. It is a sports management company, that is, the company will be in charge of managing sports facilities and programs. It is not an innovative business model, but intuiting the possibilities of the sector I decided to make this plan to see if a new company could make a dent. In order to develop this business plan, I have resorted to the business plan format suggested by CEIN for new companies. This business plan is divided into nine parts where we can highlight the business idea, the marketing plan and its analysis of the sector, the human resources plan, social security and financial analysis. Finally, some conclusions about the viability of the company are presented. Materias o Palabras claves (máximo 5) Gaiak edo hitz gakoak (gehienez 5) Izena Bussines plan, sports center, management, Marketing Mix, modelo canvas
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