Case 8:12-cv-00215-FMO-KES Document 268-5 Filed 07/28/16 Page 1 of 10 Page ID #:9067 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 STANLEY LAW GROUP MATTHEW J. ZEVIN, SBN: 170736 10021 Willow Creek Rd. Suite 200 San Diego, CA 92131 Telephone:(619) 235-5306 Facsimile: (815) 377-8419 e-mail:[email protected] THE EMGE FIRM, LLP DEREK J. EMGE, SBN: 161105 501 W. Broadway, Suite 1760 San Diego, CA 92101 Telephone:(619) 595-1400 Facsimile: (619) 595-1480 e-mail: [email protected] Attorneys for Plaintiff Cynthia E. Spann and the Settlement Class 12 IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT 13 CENTRAL DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA 14 15 16 CYNTHIA E. SPANN, on Behalf of Herself and All Others Similarly Situated, 17 Plaintiff, 18 19 v. 20 J.C. PENNEY CORPORATION, INC., a Delaware Corporation; and DOES 1 through 10, Inclusive, 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Defendant. Case No. SACV12 0215 FMO (KESx) CLASS ACTION DECLARATION OF JAMES R. PRUTSMAN IN SUPPORT OF PLAINTIFF’S MOTION FOR FINAL APPROVAL OF CLASS ACTION SETTLEMENT Judge: Ctrm: Date: Time: HON. FERNANDO M. OLGUIN 22 – 5th Floor August 25, 2016 10:00 a.m. Case 8:12-cv-00215-FMO-KES Document 268-5 Filed 07/28/16 Page 2 of 10 Page ID #:9068 1 I, JAMES R. PRUTSMAN declare as follows: 2 INTRODUCTION 3 I am a Partner of Heffler Claims Group LLC (“Heffler”), a company that 4 1. 5 provides class action notice, claims administration, and other significant data 6 management processes services related to class actions and mass tort actions. 7 The following statements are based on my personal knowledge and 8 information provided by other Heffler employees working under my 9 supervision, who provided information I believe to be accurate. If called upon 10 to testify, I could and would testify competently about the facts contained in 11 this declaration. 12 13 14 15 2. Pursuant to the Court’s January 25, 2016, Preliminary Approval Order, Heffler was appointed as Settlement Administrator. I am principally responsible for Heffler’s activities in connection with the administration of the Settlement. Heffler’s duties and responsibilities performed in connection with 16 the administration of the Settlement have included: preparing, printing, and 17 18 19 20 21 sending by mail and email Class Notices; locating and updating addresses for class members to receive Class Notices by mail; monitoring requests for exclusion from the Settlement Class; programming and hosting an informational website about the Settlement ( 22 capable of receiving online claims, documentation of additional purchases and 23 opt-out requests; programming and hosting a toll-free telephone service where 24 callers received recorded and live information about the Settlement; regularly 25 communicating with counsel for the parties regarding the class notification 26 and claims administration; receiving, processing and reviewing Claim Forms 27 submitted and ascertaining which Claim Forms were valid, duplicative or 28 Case 8:12-cv-00215-FMO-KES Document 268-5 Filed 07/28/16 Page 3 of 10 Page ID #:9069 1 untimely; and performing other related tasks requested by counsel for the 2 parties or as ordered by the Court. 3 3. 4 validating claims and documentation submitted by Claimants, continuing to 5 6 7 8 Future activities of Heffler are anticipated to include: verifying and respond to telephone calls, emails and other inquiries made by class members; continuing to report to counsel for the parties on the status of claims administration; continuing to receive, review and report on Claim Forms and proof of additional purchases submitted by Claimants; calculating distribution 9 amounts and, if the settlement becomes final, issuing checks from the 10 11 12 13 14 distribution account and distributing Store Credits to class members who submitted timely and valid claims; and reconciling the distribution account. 4. Heffler received documents from the parties including the Original Complaint, Stipulation of Settlement, Proposed Preliminary Approval of 15 Settlement, Settlement Notice, Publication Notice and the Claim Form. 16 5. 17 2005 (“CAFA”), 28 U.S.C. §1715(b), and in compliance with the Court’s 18 Order Authorizing Notice, paragraph 14, Heffler on behalf of JC Penney 19 served a CAFA Notice and accompanying enclosures by Federal Express 20 Second Day or USPS Priority Mail Express delivery to the Attorney General 21 of the United States, and the attorneys general of all states and territories, 22 informing them of the proposed Settlement. Heffler received confirmation of 23 delivery for each addressee to whom it sent the CAFA Notice. To date, 24 Heffler has not received any objection to or comment on the Settlement by 25 any of federal or state authority. 26 27 28 6. On November 23, 2015 pursuant to the Class Action Fairness Act of Pursuant to the Court’s Order, beginning on March 25, 2016, banner ads directing potential Settlement Class Members to the Settlement website Case 8:12-cv-00215-FMO-KES Document 268-5 Filed 07/28/16 Page 4 of 10 Page ID #:9070 1 appeared 2 (Hispanic/Spanish 3 Facebook. Attached as Exhibit A is are examples of the banner ads. The 4 banner ad program completed on April 24, 2016 5 6 7 7. on three internet online), networks: Xaxis and Conversant, on the Pulpo social Media platform In compliance with the Court’s Order Authorizing Notice, the combined online and social platform effort delivered over 47,320,000 impressions, or opportunities to see the ad. 8 8. Pursuant to the Order, the summary notice was published once in the 9 California edition of People Magazine, on sale April 1, 2016, and once in the 10 11 12 13 14 California edition of Sunset Magazine, on sale April 15, 2016. Attached as Exhibit B are tearsheet proofs of publication. 9. Additionally, the summary notice was published once in seven local Spanish newspapers in California between April 6 to April 10, 2016: Hoy Los 15 Angeles, Hoy Fin De Semana, La Opinion de la Bahia, Vida en el Valle – 16 Sacramento, Enlace, E! (now Hoy San Diego), Popular-Bakersfield, Vida en 17 el Valle-Fresno. Attached as Exhibit C are tearsheet proofs of publication. 18 10. 19 Spanish on March 25, 2016 at 9:17 am ET over PR Newswire US1 full 20 national wire. Attached, as Exhibit D is the clear time confirmation of the 21 press release. PR Newswire has an average reach of 3,000,000 unique visitors 22 per month including over 6,000 news outlets and digital publications. The 23 press release resulted in 317 news mentions. 24 11. 25 Claims Administrator, P.O. Box 0509, Philadelphia, PA 19105-0509 to 26 27 28 In compliance with the Order a press release was issued in English and Heffler uses the mailing address of Spann v. JCPenney Corporation, Inc., receive undeliverable Requests for Exclusion, Claim Forms, and other communications about the Settlement. Case 8:12-cv-00215-FMO-KES Document 268-5 Filed 07/28/16 Page 5 of 10 Page ID #:9071 1 12. 2 Settlement Agreement, Heffler received from JCPenney’s counsel a 3 spreadsheet in electronic format with the names, addressees, telephone 4 numbers, email addresses when available, and qualifying transactions as 5 6 7 8 On or about October 27, 2015, as provided in paragraph 7.2 of the gathered from JCPenney’s records. There were 55,582,319 qualifying transactions contained in the data. Additionally, Heffler analyzed the data to create the Notice List. In total, Heffler was able to identify some form of contact information for 5,654,012 Settlement Class Members. 9 13. On or about February 26, 2016, using the Notice List, Heffler caused the 10 11 12 13 14 sending of the Notice, via email, to 2,617,205 class members for whom JCPenney had email addresses. 1,346,184 email Notices were successfully delivered. 281,308 email Notices were returned as undeliverable hard bounce. A hard bounce is an e-mail message that has been returned to the sender 15 because the recipient's address is invalid. A hard bounce might occur because 16 the domain name doesn't exist or because the recipient is unknown. 976,791 17 email Notices were returned as undeliverable soft bounce. A soft bounce 18 typically indicates a temporary delivery issue. The most common issue being 19 that the recipient’s email box is full. There were 12,922 invalid addresses 20 where the email address did not have the proper elements for delivery such as 21 a missing @ or domain name. 22 14. 23 counsel that records for JCPenney employees were inadvertently included in 24 the data provided. JCPenny employees are specifically excluded from the 25 Settlement Agreement section 5.1.1 paragraph 2. 26 27 28 15. On or about February 29, 2016 Heffler was informed by JCPenney’s On or about March 7, 2016, Heffler identified that some of the email notices had gone out without a subject in the subject line of the emailed Case 8:12-cv-00215-FMO-KES Document 268-5 Filed 07/28/16 Page 6 of 10 Page ID #:9072 1 Notices. 2 16. 3 Notice with a subject in the subject line. This email was sent to a total of 4 2,583,238 potential Settlement Class Members. Excluded from this email 5 6 7 8 Accordingly, on or about March 15, 2016, Heffler resent the email Notice were JCPenney employees as identified by the Defendant, any class member who had already filed a claim, and the 4,480 Class Members who specifically requested to not receive any further emails regarding this case. The results of this second email notice effort were that 1,758,050 Notices 9 were successfully delivered, 249,956 were returned as undeliverable hard 10 11 12 13 14 bounce, 562,428 were returned as undeliverable soft bounce, and 12,804 were invalid. 17. A true and correct copy of the email Notice is attached as Exhibit E. 18. On or about March 15, 2016, Heffler mailed by First Class Mail the 15 postcard Notice to Settlement Class Members for whom there was no email 16 address or whose email notice was returned as undeliverable for any reason. 17 Heffler excluded from this mailing any records for JCPenney employees as 18 identified by the Defendant. Prior to mailing the 4,286,776 postcard Notices, 19 Heffler ran the records through the U.S. Postal Service National Change of 20 Address database to update the mailing addresses. 21 19. A true and correct copy of the postcard Notice is attached as Exhibit F. 22 20. Of the Postcard Notices, the U.S. Postal Service returned 259,021 23 postcards to Heffler as undeliverable as addressed and provided new mailing 24 addresses for 4,922 class Notices. The addresses were updated and 4,922 25 postcard Notices were promptly re-mailed by Heffler. 26 27 28 21. In sum, Heffler successfully emailed 1,758,050 email Notices and mailed or re-mailed 4,034,025 postcard Notices to class members contained in Case 8:12-cv-00215-FMO-KES Document 268-5 Filed 07/28/16 Page 7 of 10 Page ID #:9073 1 the Notice List. However, it is assumed that there was some number of 2 Settlement Class Members who received both an email and postcard notice, 3 such that the total number of Settlement Class Members who received Notice 4 is less than the combined sum of those two numbers. 5 6 7 8 22. On February 24, 2016, Heffler established the toll-free number 1-855- 731-7497 for class members to obtain additional information regarding the Settlement. Working with the parties, Heffler developed a script for recorded information and a script for live call center agents. The recorded script gave 9 callers the option of reaching a live call center agent. Callers were able to 10 11 12 13 14 request a claim form using either the recording or by speaking with a live agent. As of the execution of this declaration, Heffler has responded to 36,827 telephone calls inquiring about the case and/or Settlement. Of those calls, 13,962 callers spoke with a live agent. Pursuant to paragraph 2.36 of the Settlement Agreement, Heffler 15 23. 16 developed 17 18 continuously since February 24, 2016. 19 24. 20 of Class Action and Proposed Settlement (a true and correct copy of which is 21 attached as Exhibit G); Claim Form (a true and correct copy of which is 22 attached as Exhibit H); Opt-out Request (a true and correct copy of which is 23 attached as Exhibit J); Settlement Agreement; Complaint; the Motion for 24 Preliminary Approval; the Declarations and Exhibits submitted in the 25 connection with the Motion for Preliminary Approval; the Preliminary 26 27 28 a dedicated website The for the website settlement has been located at operational The website contains, among other things, a “Long Form Notice” Notice Approval Order; and the Motion for Attorneys’ Fees, Litigation Costs and Class Representative’s Enhancement Payment, as well as all supporting Case 8:12-cv-00215-FMO-KES Document 268-5 Filed 07/28/16 Page 8 of 10 Page ID #:9074 1 documents. Heffler will add to the website copies of additional documents as 2 requested by the parties and/or the Court, including the Motion for Final 3 Approval of Settlement filed by Plaintiff. All of the documents referenced in 4 this paragraph are available for downloading by anyone visiting the website. 5 6 7 8 25. Additionally, the website includes a list of deadlines (set in the Court’ Preliminary Approval Order) to submit Claim Forms (June 30, 2016) and request exclusion (June 30, 2016) and to make objections (June 30, 2016). This list also includes the date and time of the final approval hearing, 9 currently set for August 25 2015, 10:00 a.m. The website also includes a 10 11 12 13 14 section of Frequently Asked Questions (“FAQs”). A true and correct copy of the FAQs as contained on the website is attached hereto as Exhibit I. 26. The website allows Settlement Class Members to print claim forms, submit claim forms by Claimants who chose to receive Store Credits instead 15 of cash, upload proof of additional qualifying purchases and submit Opt-Out 16 Requests. 17 27. 18 the execution of this declaration, there were 363,946 visits to the website. 19 28. 20 the administration of the Settlement. These reports included, among other 21 things, the number of Class Notices emailed, mailed or re-mailed; the number 22 of Claim Forms submitted; the status of requests for exclusions and objections 23 received by Heffler. 24 29. 25 needed to be received online, sent by fax, or mailed with a postmark to Heffler 26 27 28 The website is able to count the number of visits to the website. As of Heffler regularly provided counsel for the parties with status reports on Under the Settlement Agreement, in order to be timely, Claim Forms on or before June 30th, 2016. As of the execution of this declaration, Heffler Case 8:12-cv-00215-FMO-KES Document 268-5 Filed 07/28/16 Page 9 of 10 Page ID #:9075 1 received 60,985 timely paper Claims,1 and 98,037 electronic claims, for a total 2 of 159,022 Claims. Of these, 102,502 Claimants have requested a Store 3 Credit, 56,089 Claimants have requested a cash payment, and 431 continue to 4 be processed. 5 30. 6 At this time, Heffler is still in the process of reviewing the claims and is unable to calculate the specific dollar amount that each individual Claimant 7 will receive if the Settlement is approved by the Court. It will take significant 8 time to complete the claims verification process and assign points based on 9 the point-based allocation plan. Moreover, it will take time to process 10 documents submitted by Settlement Class Members seeking to demonstrate 11 additional purchases. To date, 597 Class Members have submitted documents 12 demonstrating additional purchases. Heffler has reviewed, and will continue 13 to review the submissions for validity as they are processed. 14 Assuming the Court awards the full amount of requested attorneys’ fees 15 31. 16 ($13,500,000), costs reimbursement ($191,080.91), Plaintiff enhancement 17 payment ($10,000) and administrative fees ($2,667,000), the balance of the 18 $50,000,000 settlement fund to be distributed to Claimants would be 19 $33,631,919.09. As of the date of this declaration, 158,787 Claimants will 20 share in the net settlement, so the average payout to each Claimant would be 21 $211.81, although the actual amount that each Claimant will receive will vary 22 depending on the total number of valid claims and the number of points 23 assigned based on the allocation plan provided in the Settlement Agreement. 24 32. 25 from the settlement website and 198 mailed exclusion requests. After 26 27 28 1 As of the date of declaration Heffler has received 620 exclusion requests Due to delays with the U.S. postal service, Heffler continues to receive claim forms that are postmarked by the claim deadline of June 30, 2016. Case 8:12-cv-00215-FMO-KES Document 268-5 Filed 07/28/16 Page 10 of 10 Page ID #:9076 reviewing the exclusion requests we determined that 4 of the requests were 2 submitted after the exclusion deadline. The deadline for exclusion requests 3 was June 30, 2016. Additionally, after reviewing for duplicates we determined 4 that there were 6 duplicate exclusion requests. In total there are 809 timely 5 unique exclusion requests. A detailed list of the class members requesting 6 exclusion is attached as Exhibit J. 7 33 . 8 As of the date of this declaration, Heffler has received seven (7) total objections, six (6) of which were submitted by class members who were 9 included in the data provided by the Defendant. The deadline for such 10 11 12 13 objections was June 30, 2016. 34. As of the date of this declaration, Heffler has incurred administrative costs and fees of $2,425,267 .68, which is just below the $2,425,274 that we 14 estimated for all costs of notice and administration. However, we anticipate 15 that we will incur an additional $374,732.32 in costs and fees for future work 16 associated with this Settlement. Heffler therefore anticipates that the total 17 amount of administration costs and fees for this matter will be $2,800,000, 18 which is more than the $2,667 ,000 "cap" negotiated by the parties. The main 19 causes of the additional costs include: The undeliverable mail count is 3 times 20 higher than the original estimate therefore the address updating and notice 21 remailing costs have increased, and the paper claim forms are approaching 9 22 times higher than anticipated. 23 35. 24 Executed July Z]; 2016, in Edmond, Oklahoma. 25 26 27 28 I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Case 8:12-cv-00215-FMO-KES Document 268-6 Filed 07/28/16 Page 1 of 20 Page ID #:9077 Exhibit A Case 8:12-cv-00215-FMO-KES Document 268-6 Filed 07/28/16 Page 2 of 20 Page ID #:9078 Case 8:12-cv-00215-FMO-KES Document 268-6 Filed 07/28/16 Page 3 of 20 Page ID #:9079 Case 8:12-cv-00215-FMO-KES Document 268-6 Filed 07/28/16 Page 4 of 20 Page ID #:9080 Case 8:12-cv-00215-FMO-KES Document 268-6 Filed 07/28/16 Page 5 of 20 Page ID #:9081 Case 8:12-cv-00215-FMO-KES Document 268-6 Filed 07/28/16 Page 6 of 20 Page ID #:9082 Case 8:12-cv-00215-FMO-KES Document 268-6 Filed 07/28/16 Page 7 of 20 Page ID #:9083 CONVERSANT SCREENSHOTS HF Media – JC Penny’s PRESENTED BY CONVERSANT July 14, 2016 © 2014, Conversant, Inc. All rights reserved. 300X250 2 Case 8:12-cv-00215-FMO-KES Document 268-6 Filed 07/28/16 Page 8 of 20 Page ID #:9084 © 2014, Conversant, Inc. All rights reserved. 728X90 3 Case 8:12-cv-00215-FMO-KES Document 268-6 Filed 07/28/16 Page 9 of 20 Page ID #:9085 © 2014, Conversant, Inc. All rights reserved. 160X600 4 Case 8:12-cv-00215-FMO-KES Document 268-6 Filed 07/28/16 Page 10 of 20 Page ID #:9086 © 2014, Conversant, Inc. All rights reserved. Case 8:12-cv-00215-FMO-KES Document 268-6 Filed 07/28/16 Page 11 of 20 Page ID #:9087 PULPO – JC PENNEY Placement: Display Banner Size: 728x90 Screenshot URL: Screenshot date: 03/28/2016 Case 8:12-cv-00215-FMO-KES Document 268-6 Filed 07/28/16 Page 12 of 20 Page ID #:9088 PULPO – JC PENNEY Placement: Display Banner Size: 300x250 Screenshot URL: Screenshot date: 03/28/2016 Case 8:12-cv-00215-FMO-KES Document 268-6 Filed 07/28/16 Page 13 of 20 Page ID #:9089 PULPO – JC PENNEY Placement: Display Banner Size: 160x600 Screenshot URL: Screenshot date: 03/28/2016 Case 8:12-cv-00215-FMO-KES Document 268-6 Filed 07/28/16 Page 14 of 20 Page ID #:9090 HF Media PA_JCPenny's Screenshots HF Media PA_JCPenny's : 160x600 Site : Luxurylifestyle.comCase 8:12-cv-00215-FMO-KES Document 268-6 Filed 07/28/16 Page 15 of 20 Page ID #:9091 HF Media PA_JCPenny's : 300x250 Case 8:12-cv-00215-FMO-KES Site : Document 268-6 Filed 07/28/16 Page 16 of 20 Page ID #:9092 HF Media PA_JCPenny's : 728x90 Case 8:12-cv-00215-FMO-KES Site : Document 268-6 Filed 07/28/16 Page 17 of 20 Page ID #:9093 HF Media PA_JCPenny's : 160x600 Case 8:12-cv-00215-FMO-KES Site : Document 268-6 Filed 07/28/16 Page 18 of 20 Page ID #:9094 HF Media PA_JCPenny's : 300x250 Site : Case 8:12-cv-00215-FMO-KES Document 268-6 Filed 07/28/16 Page 19 of 20 Page ID #:9095 HF Media PA_JCPenny's : 728x90 Case 8:12-cv-00215-FMO-KES Site : Document 268-6 Filed 07/28/16 Page 20 of 20 Page ID #:9096 Case 8:12-cv-00215-FMO-KES Document 268-7 Filed 07/28/16 Page 1 of 5 Page ID #:9097 Exhibit B We Survived the Brussels Attacks GARRYCase SHANDLING 8:12-cv-00215-FMO-KES Document 268-7 Filed 07/28/16 Page 2 of 5 Page ID 1949-2016 #:9098 STORIES OF HORROR & HOPE April 11, 2016 SPECIAL REPORT WHO IS THE REAL DONALD TRUMP? He’s volatile, savvy and some say scary. talks to friends and foes—and Trump himself—about the candidate who’s exposing America’s deepest divides Plus HOW HE REALLY FEELS ABOUT WOMEN TAYLOR & CALVIN GETTING VERY SERIOUS! EXCLUSIVE BOOK EXCERPT OUR FAMILY SECRETS Anderson Cooper&His Mom, GloriaVanderbilt Case 8:12-cv-00215-FMO-KES Document 268-7 Filed 07/28/16 Page 3 of 5 Page ID #:9099 Case 8:12-cv-00215-FMO-KES Document 268-7 Filed 07/28/16 Page 4 of 5 Page ID #:9100 Case 8:12-cv-00215-FMO-KES Document 268-7 Filed 07/28/16 Page 5 of 5 Page ID #:9101 Case 8:12-cv-00215-FMO-KES Document 268-8 Filed 07/28/16 Page 1 of 8 Page ID #:9102 Exhibit C 8 - 14 de Abril, 2016 © El Popular 5A Case 8:12-cv-00215-FMO-KES Document 268-8 Filed 07/28/16 Page 2 of 8 Page ID #:9103 ENCIENDE Y DESCARGA A TU GUSTO. DISF RUTA DEL Servicio de TV Standard e Internet Lightning 50 por sólo 94 $ al mes por 12 meses más impuestos, equipo, cargos y recargos gubernamentales, incluyendo los cargos por el RSN y el servicio de retransmisión de señal Broadcast TV Llama al 1-855-222-0102 o visita Sólo en áreas con servicio. Ciertas restricciones aplican. Los productos y precio de los equipos y servicios están sujetos a cambios. Cargos mensuales de $5.50 por el Regional Sports Network (RSN) y de $4.00 por el servicio de retransmisión de señal Broadcast TV. La oferta vence el 5/8/2016. ESCOGE EL DVR MÁS CONVENIENTE PARA TI: DVR OPTIMIZADO DVR GRABA 2 PROGRAMAS A LA VEZ GRABA 6 PROGRAMAS A LA VEZ “REMESAS” VIENE de pagina 3A Según datos del Banco Central de México, la remesas recibidas desde el exterior sumaron en febrero pasado 2.093 millones de dólares, "el monto más alto para un segundo mes del año desde 1995", y el 13,6 % más que el mismo mes del año anterior. Las remesas, que proceden principalmente de los emigrantes mexicanos en Estados Unidos, son la principal fuente de divisas en México después del petróleo y constituyen un importante ingreso para millones de personas. Para Cristóbal Alex, presidente de Latino Victory Fund, cuya vocación es involucrar a electores y donantes latinos para que apoyen a líderes de la comunidad, la propuesta de Trump es "muy peligrosa y nada realista". "Esto no es más que otro ataque contra los inmigrantes que tendría consecuencias devastadoras para los latinos y los estadounidenses en general, poniendo en peligro nuestra economía, nuestra democracia y nuestra política exterior y de seguridad", señaló en un comunicado. Alex recordó que México es el tercer mayor socio comercial de EE.UU, así como un país "aliado y amigo", por lo que este plan "refuerza aún más el hecho de que una Presidencia de Donald Trump sería devastador para Estados Unidos". El director ejecutivo del grupo antiinmigrante NumbersUSA, Roy Beck, señaló por su parte en declaraciones enviadas a Efe que el muro sería "una herramienta de especial importancia en la lucha contra el terrorismo y el crimen organizado", pero apenas serviría para "combatir el número de extranjeros ilegales". De acuerdo con Beck, la programa EVerify, que obliga a los empleadores a comprobar la información de sus empleados con una base de datos federal, sería más efectiva en este caso. En lo que muchos coinciden es en que la participación de Trump en la contienda política para la Presidencia ha supuesto un revulsivo del activismo político. "Tengo amigos, aparte de mi familia, personas en los medios sociales como Facebook, que están más activos políticamente de una manera que no había visto en años", afirmó Morales. "Algo está pasando y vamos a ver muy pronto el resultado en las primarias y en las elecciones presidenciales", aseguró el dirigente de CHIRLA. EFEUSA DVR PARA TODO EL HOGAR GRABA 6 PROGRAMAS A LA VEZ, PODRÁS VERLOS EN CUALQUIER RECEPTOR DE CABLE DE TU RED DVR Compradores de JCPenney si adquirieron indumentaria o accesorios de marca privada o exclusiva de JCPenney, pueden recibir dinero o un crédito de la tienda por un acuerdo de liquidación de demanda colectiva Se ha llegado a un acuerdo de liquidación de demanda colectiva relacionado con las prácticas de fijación de precios de JCPenney. La demanda sostiene que JCPenney usó precios “normales” y “originales” falsos para sus productos de marca privada y exclusiva. La demanda es conocida como Spann v. JCPenney Corporation, Inc., Case No. 12-cv-0215FMO, en trámite en la Corte de Distrito de los Estados Unidos para el Distrito Central de California. JCPenney niega haber usado publicidad de comparación de precios falsa o haber hecho algo malo, y niega que la parte demandante o la clase hayan sido perjudicadas de manera alguna. La Corte aún no ha decidido quién tiene razón. ¿Quiénes son miembros de la clase? Si usted adquirió cualquier prenda de vestir o accesorio de marca privada o exclusiva de JCPenney en California con un descuento de al menos 30% respecto del precio “normal” u “original” entre el 5 de noviembre de 2010 y el 31 de enero de 2012, o entre el 1o. de enero de 2013 y el 31 de diciembre de 2014, puede reunir los requisitos para ser miembro de la clase. ¿Qué ofrece el acuerdo? JCPenney ha acordado poner a disposición US$ 50 millones para dirimir la demanda. Si usted es elegible, puede optar entre un pago en efectivo o un crédito de la tienda por el mismo valor para usar en cualquier tienda JCPenney o en su sitio web. El crédito de la tienda mantendrá un saldo corriente, no expirará y podrá usarse para adquirir cualquier artículo (o artículos) con o sin descuento. Usted podrá entregar su crédito a otra persona, pero no podrá revenderlo ni cambiarlo por efectivo. ¿Qué tengo que hacer? Si desea participar en el acuerdo, debe presentar una demanda, hasta el 30 de junio de 2016, para recibir efectivo o un crédito de la tienda. Si la Corte aprueba el acuerdo, usted renunciará a su derecho de demandar a JCPenney por cualquiera de las demandas presentadas en el acuerdo. Si no desea participar, puede excluirse hasta el 30 de junio de 2016. No recibirá efectivo ni un crédito de la tienda, pero conservará su derecho a demandar a JCPenney por su cuenta por las mismas reclamaciones de este asunto. Usted puede oponerse y explicar al tribunal por qué no le agrada el acuerdo, pero deberá hacerlo hasta el 30 de junio de 2016. Si no hace nada, NO recibirá dinero ni un crédito de la tienda, y estará efectivamente vinculado a las decisiones de la Corte. La Corte ha designado un Consejo de la Clase, que ha solicitado honorarios legales por US$ 13,500,000 (27% del Fondo de Liquidación) más un reembolso de US$ 191,080.91 por gastos de bolsillo y un Premio de Mejora de US$ 10,000 para el demandante representante. El Fondo de Liquidación se usará también para pagar hasta US$ 2,667,000 por los gastos de un tercero administrador de notificaciones y reclamaciones. El resto se distribuirá entre los miembros de la clase que presenten reclamaciones válidas. La moción por los honorarios y gastos de los abogados está publicada en El monto que usted reciba dependerá de la cantidad de reclamaciones presentadas, el monto que usted haya gastado en compras que califiquen en JCPenney, y el monto por honorarios y gastos que otorgue la Corte. La Corte celebrará una audiencia el 25 de agosto de 2016 a las 10:00 a.m. para determinar si aprueba el acuerdo, y los honorarios y gastos de los abogados. La fecha de la audiencia puede cambiar sin aviso previo, por lo cual se ruega verificar las actualizaciones en el sitio web del acuerdo. Este es solo un resumen. Para ver el formulario detallado de notificación y reclamación, visite Si tiene alguna consulta, también puede llamar al 1(855) 731-7497. Case 8:12-cv-00215-FMO-KES Document 268-8 Filed 07/28/16 Page 3 of 8 Page ID #:9104 News WEEK OF APRIL 6 2016 VIDAENELVALLE.COM 5A * FROM PAGE 1A WAGES County would be affected by such an increase, he said. “We’re still working our way through the implications for the economy, but it’s huge,” Michael said Monday. “It’s completely uncharted territory in terms of its impacts and a lot of offsetting positive and negative impacts.” For example, Michael noted that federal social support payments, such as for food stamps, would likely decline as minimum-wage earners move out of poverty, thus reducing dollars coming from outside the local economy. Other the other hand, those low-wage workers are most likely to put the additional income right back into the economy. “It’s a big mixed bag,” he said. The center’s analysis of the impact in the Northern California Megaregion — the Bay Area, Sacramento and northern San Joaquín Valley combined — found agriculture, restaurants and retail would be the most affected industries, while the least affected are utilities, information and finance. More than 90 percent of farmworkers, cooks and restaurant servers have current wages that would be impacted. Of workers in personal care and service, cleaning and maintenance service occupations, more than two-thirds have wages that would also be affected. The increase will be a burden for the hospitality industry, said Wes Rhea, chief executive of Visit Stockton Bumping the minimum wage $5 an hour, he said, “That’s a 50 percent increase in everything. That is going to be a large burden.” But ultimately, that wage cost will be borne by the customers. “Either the company takes less profit or they have to pass it along to the consumer,” Rhea said. HÉCTOR AMEZCUA [email protected] Joe Del Bosque of Firebaugh, in a 2015 photo, is concerned about the new minimum wage and its impact on farmworkers. He expects tougher competition from states with lower minimum pay. Farmers, however, don’t have that luxury, said Bruce Blodgett, executive manager, San Joaquín Farm Bureau Federation. “We’re competing in a world marketplace. We’re competing with other states and other countries, for that matter,” he said Monday. Blodgett said farmers will respond in several ways, by increasing automation or switching to crops that require less labor. “You’re going to see those that can are going to mechanize every way they can mechanize. Commodities that continue to be labor-dependent are going to be replaced,” he said. Or agriculture may simply shift to other states and countries. “Where does the insanity end?” Blodgett said. “Why not $20 an hour; why not $30?” During the annual César E. Chávez Garlanding Ceremony and Celebration at California State University, Fresno on March 30, Paul F. Chávez, son of Chávez and current president and chairman of the César Chávez Foundation, said farm workers in the Valley would benefit from the statewide minimum increase to $15 an hour by 2022. “It’s going to help farm workers tremendously because you have too many employers that still pays just minimum wage to workers. And so what it will do is raise the wage level for all farm workers,” he said. Chávez said when they are Compradores de JCPenney si adquirieron indumentaria o accesorios de marca privada o exclusiva de JCPenney, pueden recibir dinero o un crédito de la tienda por un acuerdo de liquidación de demanda colectiva Se ha llegado a un acuerdo de liquidación de demanda colectiva relacionado con las prácticas de fijación de precios de JCPenney. La demanda sostiene que JCPenney usó precios “normales” y “originales” falsos para sus productos de marca privada y exclusiva. La demanda es conocida como Spann v. JCPenney Corporation, Inc., Case No. 12-cv-0215FMO, en trámite en la Corte de Distrito de los Estados Unidos para el Distrito Central de California. JCPenney niega haber usado publicidad de comparación de precios falsa o haber hecho algo malo, y niega que la parte demandante o la clase hayan sido perjudicadas de manera alguna. La Corte aún no ha decidido quién tiene razón. ¿Quiénes son miembros de la clase? Si usted adquirió cualquier prenda de vestir o accesorio de marca privada o exclusiva de JCPenney en California con un descuento de al menos 30% respecto del precio “normal” u “original” entre el 5 de noviembre de 2010 y el 31 de enero de 2012, o entre el 1o. de enero de 2013 y el 31 de diciembre de 2014, puede reunir los requisitos para ser miembro de la clase. ¿Qué ofrece el acuerdo? JCPenney ha acordado poner a disposición US$ 50 millones para dirimir la demanda. Si usted es elegible, puede optar entre un pago en efectivo o un crédito de la tienda por el mismo valor para usar en cualquier tienda JCPenney o en su sitio web. El crédito de la tienda mantendrá un saldo corriente, no expirará y podrá usarse para adquirir cualquier artículo (o artículos) con o sin descuento. Usted podrá entregar su crédito a otra persona, pero no podrá revenderlo ni cambiarlo por efectivo. ¿Qué tengo que hacer? Si desea participar en el acuerdo, debe presentar una demanda, hasta el 30 de junio de 2016, para recibir efectivo o un crédito de la tienda. Si la Corte aprueba el acuerdo, usted renunciará a su derecho de demandar a JCPenney por cualquiera de las demandas presentadas en el acuerdo. Si no desea participar, puede excluirse hasta el 30 de junio de 2016. No recibirá efectivo ni un crédito de la tienda, pero conservará su derecho a demandar a JCPenney por su cuenta por las mismas reclamaciones de este asunto. Usted puede oponerse y explicar al tribunal por qué no le agrada el acuerdo, pero deberá hacerlo hasta el 30 de junio de 2016. Si no hace nada, NO recibirá dinero ni un crédito de la tienda, y estará efectivamente vinculado a las decisiones de la Corte. La Corte ha designado un Consejo de la Clase, que ha solicitado honorarios legales por US$ 13,500,000 (27% del Fondo de Liquidación) más un reembolso de US$ 191,080.91 por gastos de bolsillo y un Premio de Mejora de US$ 10,000 para el demandante representante. El Fondo de Liquidación se usará también para pagar hasta US$ 2,667,000 por los gastos de un tercero administrador de notificaciones y reclamaciones. El resto se distribuirá entre los miembros de la clase que presenten reclamaciones válidas. La moción por los honorarios y gastos de los abogados está publicada en El monto que usted reciba dependerá de la cantidad de reclamaciones presentadas, el monto que usted haya gastado en compras que califiquen en JCPenney, y el monto por honorarios y gastos que otorgue la Corte. La Corte celebrará una audiencia el 25 de agosto de 2016 a las 10:00 a.m. para determinar si aprueba el acuerdo, y los honorarios y gastos de los abogados. La fecha de la audiencia puede cambiar sin aviso previo, por lo cual se ruega verificar las actualizaciones en el sitio web del acuerdo. Este es solo un resumen. Para ver el formulario detallado de notificación y reclamación, visite Si tiene alguna consulta, también puede llamar al 1(855) 731-7497. happy about the prospect of the minimum wage going up, “we also know that workers need strong union to help protect them. Because apart from issues about income equality, there are also issues of job security, and protection from pesticides poisoning. So we welcomed the increase, but also we know the best way to provide for farm workers and their families is to have a strong union that can provide strong benefits and contracts for them.” When asked if he was concern about farmworkers losing their jobs because farmers might switch to crops that required less labor or increase machinery use, Chávez said he was not worried that that would happen. “Employers have always cried about the cost of labor. Yet, you know, they continue to live in big houses, and drive fancy cars. It’s about time that farm workers be given some benefits and one of the things we all need is a decent wage to raise our families and to do what is needed in this society,” Chávez said. “So no I am not concern about that. There are other issues that worried me: the use of dangerous pesticides, and there is also some big international trade issues that affecting us, but I think that when you look at its merit, farm workers deserve a wage increase.” Pacific’s study found wage impacts will vary by geography. In counties with a heavy dependence on agriculture and tourism, about half of current jobs have wages that would be affected by the legislation. In San Francisco and the Silicon Valley 25-30 percent of workers will be affected. For the 21county megaregion overall, about 37 percent of existing jobs could see their wages affected. Younger workers might see the biggest changes, as 77 percent of jobs held by those under the age of 25 would be affected by a minimum wage increase. That’s about three times the share of jobs held by those over 35. Fresno State student Miguel Cuevas, 24, works two jobs: at one of his jobs he earns $15 an hour and at his second job he makes $10 an hour. Cuevas said while the wage increase would help people make ends meet, he is concern that the price of goods would increase at the end as business owners might pass on the cost of labor to customers. He is also concern that workers’ hours would be cut as some employers now would have to pay more in wages. Also nearly 57 percent of Latino workers would be affected, compared to 26 percent of white workers, the researchers said. FROM PAGE 1A LIP SYNC uled to begin at 7 p.m. in the Clovis West High School gym. The contest pits principals against each other in lip syncing Spanish-language songs – and often mixing in choreography and props developed by students – in an effort to win scholarship funds. Schools that will be participating are Clovis West, Clovis East, Fresno, Sunnyside, Fowler, and Tracy. This year, the contest will be broken into a large school and small school division. There will be no preliminary rounds. “Each competing school will each receive $1,000 and we are going to give a first, second and third place prize,” López said. First place will earn $2,500; second place $2,000; and third place $1,5000. Started in 1987 by Mike Sturtevant of the Modesto Rotary Club, the High School Principals Spanish Lip Sync contest was taken over by El Concilio in 2007. Over the years, the event has raised more than $800,000 in scholarship money. Teams of dozens of students – up to 60 students are allowed from each school this year (small school entries can have five to 25 students) – practice for months in advance to get their lip sync routine down. The principals and administrators lip sync to Spanishlanguage music in front of a life audience. Judging is based on the lip syncing, choreography and overall showmanship. Lip sync coordinator Leticia Valencia is excited that the competition has been revived, especially since she has fond memories of it. As a 2002 Clovis West graduate, Valencia participated in the lip sync competition three years in a row: 2000, 2001, 2002. JUAN ESPARZA LOERA [email protected] Clovis West High and principal Ben Drati won first place in the 2011 High School Principals Lip Sync contest. “Of all the memories from high school, one of the top moments for me was lips sync, especially my senior year when we first won regional for Clovis West,” she said. “People dancing and singing, it really does take a lot to come out of your comfort zone and you really do connect with your fellow students and principal, so it’s really great to see the competition come back. “The relationships we build make it a great experience.” But even better, she said, is the scholarship money students receive. “We give those students ambitions to succeed and keep going with their education — we give them resources,” said Valencia, who today is the Athletics Secretary at Clovis East. The lip sync contest was started in 1987 by Mike Sturtevant of the Modesto Rotary Club. In 2007, El Concilio took over the contest. The contest has raised more than $800,000 in scholarship money. El Concilio called off the contest in 2011 due to lack of funds. The event coordinator said the nonprofit organization could not raise the estimated $30,000 to $35,000 needed to hold the contest after sponsors dropped out. In 2011, 24 teams participated in the three regionals, with the finals hosted at California State University, Stanislaus, in Turlock. Westside Ministries of Turlock organized the contest in 2012 and 2013, and lost about $7,000 the first year, but organizers remained optimistic because of the bond it established between principals, administrators and the students. Organizers held the contest under the name of the Talent Exhibition Principals Lip Sync. As for Saturday’s competition, we asked Valencia who she was rooting for, her alma matter Clovis West or her current employer Clovis East. “My heart is divided!” she said. “I will always have that connection to Clovis West, but I hope to see my Timberwolves (Clovis East) come all the way. Overall it’s going to be a fun might, even though I’m truly divided.” Case 8:12-cv-00215-FMO-KES Document 268-8 Filed 07/28/16 Page 4 of 8 Page ID #:9105 5A News WEEK OF APRIL 6 2016 VIDAENELVALLE.COM **** VALLEY Fresno State remembers iconic leader César E. Chávez ....................................................... Observance was part of the University’s three-day 20th annual César E. Chávez Garlanding Ceremony and Celebration ....................................................... Event commemorated the 50th anniversary of the 340-mile United Farm Workers pilgrimage from Delano to Sacramento ....................................................... Paul F. Chávez , son of Chávez who is now president and chairman of the César Chávez Foundation was the main speaker ....................................................... DANIEL CÁSAREZ [email protected] [email protected] Dignitaries including Paul Chávez, third from right, at the César E. Chávez Garlanding Ceremony commemorating the 50th anniversary of the 340-mile United Farm Workers Perenigracion (pilgrimage) from Delano to Sacramento. FRESNO ozens of students, community members and Fresno State University officials came out March 30 to the campus’ César E. Chávez monument in the Peace Garden to remember Chávez during the 20th annual César E. Chávez Garlanding Ceremony and Celebration commemorating the 50th anniversary of the 340mile United Farm Workers pilgrimage from Delano to Sacramento. The 25-day march from Delano to Sacramento began March 17, 1966 with 70 striking farm workers and ended on the steps of the state’s capitol on April 11 with more than D 10,000 supporters rallying with them. At the ceremony Dr. Joseph I. Castro, University President welcomed everybody as he shared a memory of his encounter with Chávez who was seating on a bench and how Castro visited with him and shared the story of his grandparents who were farm workers from Michoacán, México. Castro said Chávez was kind and deeply inspirational, adding that after Chávez heard his grandparents’ story, he invited Castro and his grandfather to visit La Paz. “It was an incredible experience to do with him,” Castro said of that DANIEL CÁSAREZ [email protected] Paul Chávez, professor Dr. Sudarshan Kapoor and Fresno State President Joseph Castro at the ceremony. visit to La Paz with his grandfather. “For me was a very personal experience. I had a small glimpse of the greatness of this man.” Compradores de JCPenney si adquirieron indumentaria o accesorios de marca privada o exclusiva de JCPenney, pueden recibir dinero o un crédito de la tienda por un acuerdo de liquidación de demanda colectiva Se ha llegado a un acuerdo de liquidación de demanda colectiva relacionado con las prácticas de fijación de precios de JCPenney. La demanda sostiene que JCPenney usó precios “normales” y “originales” falsos para sus productos de marca privada y exclusiva. La demanda es conocida como Spann v. JCPenney Corporation, Inc., Case No. 12-cv-0215FMO, en trámite en la Corte de Distrito de los Estados Unidos para el Distrito Central de California. JCPenney niega haber usado publicidad de comparación de precios falsa o haber hecho algo malo, y niega que la parte demandante o la clase hayan sido perjudicadas de manera alguna. La Corte aún no ha decidido quién tiene razón. ¿Quiénes son miembros de la clase? Si usted adquirió cualquier prenda de vestir o accesorio de marca privada o exclusiva de JCPenney en California con un descuento de al menos 30% respecto del precio “normal” u “original” entre el 5 de noviembre de 2010 y el 31 de enero de 2012, o entre el 1o. de enero de 2013 y el 31 de diciembre de 2014, puede reunir los requisitos para ser miembro de la clase. ¿Qué ofrece el acuerdo? JCPenney ha acordado poner a disposición US$ 50 millones para dirimir la demanda. Si usted es elegible, puede optar entre un pago en efectivo o un crédito de la tienda por el mismo valor para usar en cualquier tienda JCPenney o en su sitio web. El crédito de la tienda mantendrá un saldo corriente, no expirará y podrá usarse para adquirir cualquier artículo (o artículos) con o sin descuento. Usted podrá entregar su crédito a otra persona, pero no podrá revenderlo ni cambiarlo por efectivo. ¿Qué tengo que hacer? Si desea participar en el acuerdo, debe presentar una demanda, hasta el 30 de junio de 2016, para recibir efectivo o un crédito de la tienda. Si la Corte aprueba el acuerdo, usted renunciará a su derecho de demandar a JCPenney por cualquiera de las demandas presentadas en el acuerdo. Si no desea participar, puede excluirse hasta el 30 de junio de 2016. No recibirá efectivo ni un crédito de la tienda, pero conservará su derecho a demandar a JCPenney por su cuenta por las mismas reclamaciones de este asunto. Usted puede oponerse y explicar al tribunal por qué no le agrada el acuerdo, pero deberá hacerlo hasta el 30 de junio de 2016. Si no hace nada, NO recibirá dinero ni un crédito de la tienda, y estará efectivamente vinculado a las decisiones de la Corte. La Corte ha designado un Consejo de la Clase, que ha solicitado honorarios legales por US$ 13,500,000 (27% del Fondo de Liquidación) más un reembolso de US$ 191,080.91 por gastos de bolsillo y un Premio de Mejora de US$ 10,000 para el demandante representante. El Fondo de Liquidación se usará también para pagar hasta US$ 2,667,000 por los gastos de un tercero administrador de notificaciones y reclamaciones. El resto se distribuirá entre los miembros de la clase que presenten reclamaciones válidas. La moción por los honorarios y gastos de los abogados está publicada en El monto que usted reciba dependerá de la cantidad de reclamaciones presentadas, el monto que usted haya gastado en compras que califiquen en JCPenney, y el monto por honorarios y gastos que otorgue la Corte. La Corte celebrará una audiencia el 25 de agosto de 2016 a las 10:00 a.m. para determinar si aprueba el acuerdo, y los honorarios y gastos de los abogados. La fecha de la audiencia puede cambiar sin aviso previo, por lo cual se ruega verificar las actualizaciones en el sitio web del acuerdo. Este es solo un resumen. Para ver el formulario detallado de notificación y reclamación, visite Si tiene alguna consulta, también puede llamar al 1(855) 731-7497. At last week ceremony, Roberto Bustos, one of the original strikers of the Delano grape strike carried photos of the 25-day march showing him leading the march to Sacramento as well as the whistle he used 50 years ago to guide the farm workers as they headed to Sacramento hanging from his kneck. Bustos was 23 years old during the 1966 March to Sacramento. Bustos said it was im- portant to continue to remember the legacy of Chávez. “Farm workers need to be organized,” Bustos said, adding that farm workers still suffer injustice in the work place. The Chávez Day celebration ceremony included performance by the Mexican folkloric dance troupe, Danzantes De Aztlan, presentation of the National Colors, signing of National Anthem, ‘Escolta’ presentation of Mexico and UFW Flags, reading of Farm Worker Prayer, speakers, farm worker movement music performed by Phil Gonzales, a Chicano and Latin American Studies professor, and Stanley Lucero, the garlanding of Chávez ’s statue as well as paletas and pan dulce. The garlanding ceremony was led by Dr. Sudarshan Kapoor, professor emeritus of Social Work, and longtime friend of Chávez . Kapoor helped establish the Peace Garden, which also includes ¿Qué haría con $6,000 extra? ¡Dígale a sus amigos y a su familia acerca de los CréditosTributarios Por Ingreso Del Trabajo federal y de CA! Si gana menos de $13,870, puede ser elegible para el crédito CalEITC. Si gana menos de $53,267, puede ser elegible para el crédito EITC federal. Usted podría calificar para la ayuda de preparación de declaración de impuestos gratuita en: CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY, FRESNO EN EL EDIFICIO LEON S. PETERS, CUARTO PB 031 5241 N. MAPLE AVENUE FRESNO, CALIFORNIA 93740 Haga una cita 559.825.6704 Para más ubicaciones de Ayuda Voluntaria de Preparación de Impuestos, visite o llame al 2-1-1 María G. Ortiz-Briones: 559-441-6782, @TuValleTuSalud ENTER TO WIN TICKETS TO THE 102ND ANNUAL Clovis RODEO April 21-24, 2016 CLOVIS RODEO GROUNDS Register at for your chance to win 4 tickets to this year’s Rodeo, Thursday, April 21st PBR Touring Pro Division and concert package! HOW TO ENTER 1. Enter online at 2. One entry per person. 3. Tickets are not redeemable for cash. The Fresno Bee and are not responsible for lost, delayed or misdirected entries or prizes. 4. Employees, independent contractors of The Fresno Bee and its community publications are not eligible to participate. 5. Entries must be received by Friday, April 15th, 2016. Complete set of rules are available at The Fresno Bee’s front counter, or by calling 559-441-6405. No purchase necessary. You must be 18 years or older to enter. Void where prohibited by law. Winners will be drawn at random from all entries received and winners will be notified by phone Monday, April 18, 2016 by 5 p.m. Questions call 441-6405 0002369845-01 BY MARÍA G. ORTIZ-BRIONES monuments to Mahatma Gandhi, the Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. and Jane Addams. The 9-foot-high bronze sculpture of Chávez was installed March 31, 1996, and sits as the east anchor to the four monuments now standing in the Peace Garden. The César Chávez Day, which is a state holiday, is celebrated on the UFW founder’s birthday on March 31. The university, as well as other state agencies, was closed Thursday in observance of the holiday. Chávez visited Fresno State’s campus in 1975 and died peacefully in his sleep on April 23, 1993 near Yuma, Arizona at age 66. Wednesday’s ceremony was part of a three-day celebration in honor of Chávez. The three-day event kicked-off with a blood drive on March 28 where donors received a commemorative Chávez t-shirt, as well as the screening of two documentaries about farm workers including “César’s Last Fast” followed by panel discussions and a photo display at the Henry Madden Library that documents the 50 years since the farm worker union’s famous grape strike in the fall of 1965 and the ensuing national grape boycott in their quest to gain contracts with better pay and improved working conditions. Paul F. Chávez , son of Chávez who is now president and chairman of the César Chávez Foundation and Dr. Alex S. Fabros Jr., a Filipino community activist and historian who was involved in farm worker labor strikes in the 1960s pre-dating the UFW spoke at last week ceremony. Paul Chávez said his father’s movement went well beyond the fields, gave hope to people and inspired a nation. “This year we celebrate the 23 anniversary of my father’s passing, and the annual commemorations across the 11 states that have name his birthday as state holiday and countless cities and communities that name streets, parks and libraries other public buildings after him,” Paul Chávez said adding that President Obama during his visit to La Paz said that it was important that the story of his father and the farm worker movement no be a story of Latino history, but more importantly a part of American history because of the work and contributions he made. At the ceremony, Fabros talked about the role of Filipinos in the farm workers labor movement historically and leaders like Itliong, who organized a group of 1,500 Filipinos to strike against the grape growers of Delano in 1965 and uniting Filipinos, Chicanos and other ethnic workers. Case 8:12-cv-00215-FMO-KES Document 268-8 Filed 07/28/16 Page 5 of 8 Page ID #:9106 6 | La Opinión de la Bahía SEMANA DEL 10 AL 16 DE ABRIL DE 2016 #Health4All Pronto, los niños tendrán acceso a la salud preventiva Eduardo Stanley A partir del mes de mayo, todos los niños residentes en California tendrán la oportunidad de tener acceso a cuidados de salud, sin consideración de su situación migratoria. Se trata de acceso total a servicios de salud, no solo en casos de emergencia, como hasta ahora. Los niños y jóvenes hasta los 19 años tendrán acceso a medicina preventiva y tratamientos, además de servicios dentales y de visión. “Imagínate la diferencia para un niño en la escuela, que ahora podrá tener lentes y ver bien la pizarra y entender mejor las clases”, dijo con entusiasmo Anthony Wright, director ejecutivo de Health Access, una organización con base en Sacramento. “El objetivo es lograr que todos los niños se beneficien de este cambio”. Esto es posible porque en 2015 California aprobó nuevos fondos para ampliar el Medi-Cal para beneficiar a todos los niños y jóvenes, independientemente de su condición migratoria. En mayo, los niños elegibles hasta los ¿Dónde registrarse? OOLos interesados pueden visitar la oficina local de su condado. Para encontrar las direcciones visite www. aspx o, o llame al (855) 899-PLUS. 19 años de edad pasarán del Medi-Cal Restringido (también conocido como Medi-Cal de Emergencia) a Medi-Cal Ampliado. Sin embargo, para beneficiarse con esta transición del Medi-Cal, los padres deben inscribir a sus niños cuanto antes en el Medi-Cal Restringido o de Emergencia, aunque no necesiten visitar a un médico en estos momentos. Para registrarse, puede hacerlo en clínicas de salud comunitarias o en las oficinas del Medi-Cal de cada condado. Para saber dónde queda la más cercana, visite: www. Los beneficiarios deben llenar una solicitud y comprobar su ingreso y tamaño de su familia. La oficina pue- Compradores de JCPenney si adquirieron indumentaria o accesorios de marca privada o exclusiva de JCPenney, pueden recibir dinero o un crédito de la tienda por un acuerdo de liquidación de demanda colectiva Se ha llegado a un acuerdo de liquidación de demanda colectiva relacionado con las prácticas de fijación de precios de JCPenney. La demanda sostiene que JCPenney usó precios “normales” y “originales” falsos para sus productos de marca privada y exclusiva. La demanda es conocida como Spann v. JCPenney Corporation, Inc., Case No. 12-cv-0215FMO, en trámite en la Corte de Distrito de los Estados Unidos para el Distrito Central de California. JCPenney niega haber usado publicidad de comparación de precios falsa o haber hecho algo malo, y niega que la parte demandante o la clase hayan sido perjudicadas de manera alguna. La Corte aún no ha decidido quién tiene razón. ¿Quiénes son miembros de la clase? Si usted adquirió cualquier prenda de vestir o accesorio de marca privada o exclusiva de JCPenney en California con un descuento de al menos 30% respecto del precio “normal” u “original” entre el 5 de noviembre de 2010 y el 31 de enero de 2012, o entre el 1o. de enero de 2013 y el 31 de diciembre de 2014, puede reunir los requisitos para ser miembro de la clase. ¿Qué ofrece el acuerdo? JCPenney ha acordado poner a disposición US$ 50 millones para dirimir la demanda. Si usted es elegible, puede optar entre un pago en efectivo o un crédito de la tienda por el mismo valor para usar en cualquier tienda JCPenney o en su sitio web. El crédito de la tienda mantendrá un saldo corriente, no expirará y podrá usarse para adquirir cualquier artículo (o artículos) con o sin descuento. Usted podrá entregar su crédito a otra persona, pero no podrá revenderlo ni cambiarlo por efectivo. ¿Qué tengo que hacer? Si desea participar en el acuerdo, debe presentar una demanda, hasta el 30 de junio de 2016, para recibir efectivo o un crédito de la tienda. Si la Corte aprueba el acuerdo, usted renunciará a su derecho de demandar a JCPenney por cualquiera de las demandas presentadas en el acuerdo. Si no desea participar, puede excluirse hasta el 30 de junio de 2016. No recibirá efectivo ni un crédito de la tienda, pero conservará su derecho a demandar a JCPenney por su cuenta por las mismas reclamaciones de este asunto. Usted puede oponerse y explicar al tribunal por qué no le agrada el acuerdo, pero deberá hacerlo hasta el 30 de junio de 2016. Si no hace nada, NO recibirá dinero ni un crédito de la tienda, y estará efectivamente vinculado a las decisiones de la Corte. La Corte ha designado un Consejo de la Clase, que ha solicitado honorarios legales por US$ 13,500,000 (27% del Fondo de Liquidación) más un reembolso de US$ 191,080.91 por gastos de bolsillo y un Premio de Mejora de US$ 10,000 para el demandante representante. El Fondo de Liquidación se usará también para pagar hasta US$ 2,667,000 por los gastos de un tercero administrador de notificaciones y reclamaciones. El resto se distribuirá entre los miembros de la clase que presenten reclamaciones válidas. La moción por los honorarios y gastos de los abogados está publicada en El monto que usted reciba dependerá de la cantidad de reclamaciones presentadas, el monto que usted haya gastado en compras que califiquen en JCPenney, y el monto por honorarios y gastos que otorgue la Corte. La Corte celebrará una audiencia el 25 de agosto de 2016 a las 10:00 a.m. para determinar si aprueba el acuerdo, y los honorarios y gastos de los abogados. La fecha de la audiencia puede cambiar sin aviso previo, por lo cual se ruega verificar las actualizaciones en el sitio web del acuerdo. Este es solo un resumen. Para ver el formulario detallado de notificación y reclamación, visite Si tiene alguna consulta, también puede llamar al 1(855) 731-7497. 109-10110916 La Salud Empieza Aquí es una campaña de The California Endowment que nos reta a pensar en dónde ocurre la salud: La salud empieza con la prevención, en las escuelas y en nuestras comunidades. SHUTTERSTOCK de pedirle información adicional y, si califica, los niños inscritos podrían recibir su tarjeta en 45 días. El Medi-Cal es la versión estatal del Medicaid, el programa de salud federal para personas de bajos ingresos, creado en 1965. La expansión o ampliación del Medi-Cal permitirá que unos 170,000 niños indocumentados que viven en California tengan acceso a la salud preventiva. Actualmente, el Medi-Cal cubre al 30% de la población del estado, unas 11 millones de personas. Los niños que están registrados en el Programa de Kaiser, podrán registrarse en el Medi-Cal, pero esto es opcional. “Lo importante es que tengan acceso a la salud preventiva”, insiste Wright. Aún no hay cifras de la cantidad de personas que se han registrado en los últimos meses, pero se estima que es alta. Muchas escuelas están haciendo esfuerzos para informar a los padres de este cambio, al igual que algunas organizaciones no lucrati- vas, que buscan llegar a la comunidad inmigrante con esta información. “Aparte del beneficio individual, de cada niño que podrá tener un médico, medicinas y tratamientos disponibles, esto beneficiará al conjunto de la sociedad”, afirma Wright. Pero aún queda mucho por hacer, especialmente en las comunidades rurales aisladas donde la información es limitada. “No creo que sea posible que el 100% de los niños se inscriban en el Medi-Cal Ampliado este año”, asegura Wright. “Sería ideal, pero seguramente se necesitará un poco más de tiempo”. . Estudio afirma que carbohidratos pueden causa cáncer al pulmón Primera Hora SANTIAGO DE CHILE El estudio más amplio realizado en torno a la correlación de padecer cáncer pulmonar por consumo excesivo de alimentos blancos –como el arroz, las pastas o cualquier tipo de masa alta en carbohidratos–, arrojó que existe una posibilidad de casi un 50% de padecer la enfermedad y se incluye en este factor de riesgo a los no fumadores. El índice glicémico mide la calidad de una dieta basada en carbohidratos y cómo éstos aumentan los niveles de azúcar en la sangre. La teoría es que una dieta basada en estos alimentos, dispara los niveles de glucosa e insulina y para sostener esta hipótesis, se habla del factor de crecimiento insulínico (IGFs), que estaría previamente asociado al riesgo de cáncer de pulmón. La doctora Stephanie Melkonian de la Universi- Los carbohidratos estudiados fueron el arroz, las patatas y las pastas, entre otros. SHUTTERSTOCK dad de Texas, especializada en el tratamiento contra este tipo de cáncer, sostuvo que “se observó casi un 50% de prevalencia de cáncer de pulmón en aquellos sujetos que tenían una dieta alta en carbohidratos comparándolos con aquellos que llevaban una alimentación baja de éstos”. El cáncer de pulmón es el segundo más común en su tipo entre hombres y mujeres de EEUU, según datos entregados por la Asociación Americana contra el Cáncer. El Reino Unido también presenta cifras alarmantes con más de 45 mil diagnósticos por año, donde el 70% pierde la vida por el cáncer asociado principalmente al consumo de tabaco. La investigación pretende modificar los hábitos de aquellos que, sin consumir cigarrillos, pueden padecer la enfermedad por una alimentación poco saludable. “Los resultados indican que una persona puede evitar padecer la enfermedad si se mantiene activa, con una alimentación sana y prescinde de estos alimentos”, señaló el doctor Xifeng Wu, también a cargo del proyecto. El riesgo disminuiría si se cambian hábitos alimenticios y se reemplazaran dichos alimentos por papas, arroz integral u otros granos que no aumenten los niveles de azúcar en la sangre.l Case 8:12-cv-00215-FMO-KES Document 268-8 Filed 07/28/16 Page 6 of 8 Page ID #:9107 Publication Date: 04/08/2016 HOYLOSANGELES.COM/NO SE LO PIERDA Salsa con Montañez E M A D N É AG y ‘El Canario’ Y O H E D DES Cuándo: 9 de abril, 8 p.m. De qué se trata: Andy Montañez y José Alberto ‘El Canario’, dos grandes de la salsa, harán sacar chispas a sus seguidores con sus éxitos. Dónde: 333 Live. 333 South Boylston St., L.A. Adm.: $50 • Inf.: 1.800.668.8080 VILMA PALMA E VAMPIROS Cuándo: 8 y 13 de abril, 9 p.m. De qué se trata: El recordado grupo de rock argentino Vilma Palma e Vampiros regresa al Sur de California para presentar lo más aclamado de su repertorio. Dónde: Viernes: Giggles Nightclub. 215 North Brand Blvd., Glendale / Miércoles: 480 N Glassell St., Anaheim Adm.: $35 Inf.: 1.800.668.8080 GRUPO ESCOLTA EN POMONA Cuándo: 8 de abril, 9 p.m. De qué se trata: “No pasa nada”, “Mi historia en la mafia” y “Atentamente Damaso” son solo algunos de los corridos que el Grupo Escolta compartirá en esta presentación. Dónde: Carnaval. 342 S. Thomas St., Pomona Adm.: $25 Inf.: 1.800.668.8080 SHEN YUN, EL ESPECTÁCULO Cuando: 9 de abril, 2 p.m. y 7:30 p.m./ 10 de abril, 1 p.m. De qué se trata: Regresa el milenario espectáculo chino con un show renovado. Una serie de sonidos de hace 5,000 años se conjugan con la destreza de experimentados bailarines. Dónde: Bridges Auditoriumat Pomona City College, 450 N College Way, Claremont Adm.: Desde $80 Inf.: 800.880.0188 TARDE CULTURAL CHICANA Cuándo: 9 de abril, 2:30 p.m. De qué se trata: Conoce el trabajo del reconocido cineasta Jesús Salvador © 2015 Southern California Edison. Todos los derechos reservados. 23 Mantén las herramientas a 10 pies de los cables eléctricos Los cables eléctricos aéreos están en todas partes. Entrar en contacto con los cables puede provocar una lesión grave. Para estar seguro alrededor de la electricidad, te recomendamos mantener las herramientas y objetos al menos a 10 pies de los cables eléctricos aéreos. Visita para más consejos de seguridad. Estar alerta es estar seguro. CORTESÍA This electronic tearsheet confirms the ad appeared in the Los Angeles Times on the date and page indicated. You may not create derivative works,or in any way exploit or repurpose any content. 2 x 5.25 B&W Ad Number: Insertion Number: Size: Color Type: 4028922-1 Client Name: Advertiser: Section/Page/Zone: Description: HF Media LLC / PO# CO183 JC Penney Co (Key) Hoy LA Weekly/H023/LA JCPenney Settlement HOY • LOS ÁNGELES Viernes 8 de abril del 2016 Treviño y el premiado periodista Luis Torres en el evento “Encuentro”. Dónde: East Los Angeles Library. 4837 E. Third St. Adm.: Gratuita Inf.: 626.396.0920 GRAN JARIPEO CON BANDA JEREZ Cuándo: 9 de abril, 2 p.m. De qué se trata: Gran jaripeo en el Rancho Los Intocables de Zirandato Guerrero con la presentación especial de Marco Flores y la Banda Jerez. Dónde: Rancho Imperial. 930 S Arrowhead Ave., San Bernardino Adm.: $30 Inf.: 323.200.3197 / 818.414.5547 CAÑAVERAL, DADDYS, SAMURAI Y MÁS Cuándo: 9 de abril, 7 p.m. De qué se trata: Grupo Cañaveral de Humberto Pabón, el Increíble Samurai Son, Chucho Ponce y Los Daddys de Chinantla Pue, Grupo Naukalli y más. Dónde: Leonardos. 6611 S. Alameda St, Huntington Park Adm.: $40 Inf.: 714.399.7996 REGIONAL MEXICANO Cuándo: 9 de abril, 8 p.m. De qué se trata: Los Incomparables de Tijuana, La Luz Roja de San Marcos, Grupo Patrón y Erick Cruz. Dónde: La Brea Nightclub. 831 South La Brea Ave, LA Adm.: $24 Inf.: 323.936.7155 PURA RAZA Cuándo: 10 de abril, 1 p.m. De qué se trata: Fiestón a cargo de Banda El Recodo de Chuy Lizárraga, Voz de Mando y Kevin Ortiz. Dónde: Feria de Perris. 18700 Lake Perris Dr., Perris Adm.: $35 Inf.: 909.384.9750 TEATRO: HOTEL DE PASO Cuándo: 10 de abril, 7 p.m. De qué se trata: Hotel de Paso es una comedia teatral protagonizada por cuatro parejas en un dormitorio. Dónde: Teatro Margo Albert. 3540 N Mission Rd., Los Ángeles Adm.: $25 Inf.: 1.800.668.8080 Compradores de JCPenney si adquirieron indumentaria o accesorios de marca privada o exclusiva de JCPenney, pueden recibir dinero o un crédito de la tienda por un acuerdo de liquidación de demanda colectiva Se ha llegado a un acuerdo de liquidación de demanda colectiva relacionado con las prácticas de fijación de precios de JCPenney. La demanda sostiene que JCPenney usó precios “normales” y “originales” falsos para sus productos de marca privada y exclusiva. La demanda es conocida como Spann v. JCPenney Corporation, Inc., Case No. 12-cv-0215FMO, en trámite en la Corte de Distrito de los Estados Unidos para el Distrito Central de California. JCPenney niega haber usado publicidad de comparación de precios falsa o haber hecho algo malo, y niega que la parte demandante o la clase hayan sido perjudicadas de manera alguna. La Corte aún no ha decidido quién tiene razón. ¿Quiénes son miembros de la clase? Si usted adquirió cualquier prenda de vestir o accesorio de marca privada o exclusiva de JCPenney en California con un descuento de al menos 30% respecto del precio “normal” u “original” entre el 5 de noviembre de 2010 y el 31 de enero de 2012, o entre el 1o. de enero de 2013 y el 31 de diciembre de 2014, puede reunir los requisitos para ser miembro de la clase. ¿Qué ofrece el acuerdo? JCPenney ha acordado poner a disposición US$ 50 millones para dirimir la demanda. Si usted es elegible, puede optar entre un pago en efectivo o un crédito de la tienda por el mismo valor para usar en cualquier tienda JCPenney o en su sitio web. El crédito de la tienda mantendrá un saldo corriente, no expirará y podrá usarse para adquirir cualquier artículo (o artículos) con o sin descuento. Usted podrá entregar su crédito a otra persona, pero no podrá revenderlo ni cambiarlo por efectivo. ¿Qué tengo que hacer? Si desea participar en el acuerdo, debe presentar una demanda, hasta el 30 de junio de 2016, para recibir efectivo o un crédito de la tienda. Si la Corte aprueba el acuerdo, usted renunciará a su derecho de demandar a JCPenney por cualquiera de las demandas presentadas en el acuerdo. Si no desea participar, puede excluirse hasta el 30 de junio de 2016. No recibirá efectivo ni un crédito de la tienda, pero conservará su derecho a demandar a JCPenney por su cuenta por las mismas reclamaciones de este asunto. Usted puede oponerse y explicar al tribunal por qué no le agrada el acuerdo, pero deberá hacerlo hasta el 30 de junio de 2016. Si no hace nada, NO recibirá dinero ni un crédito de la tienda, y estará efectivamente vinculado a las decisiones de la Corte. La Corte ha designado un Consejo de la Clase, que ha solicitado honorarios legales por US$ 13,500,000 (27% del Fondo de Liquidación) más un reembolso de US$ 191,080.91 por gastos de bolsillo y un Premio de Mejora de US$ 10,000 para el demandante representante. El Fondo de Liquidación se usará también para pagar hasta US$ 2,667,000 por los gastos de un tercero administrador de notificaciones y reclamaciones. El resto se distribuirá entre los miembros de la clase que presenten reclamaciones válidas. La moción por los honorarios y gastos de los abogados está publicada en El monto que usted reciba dependerá de la cantidad de reclamaciones presentadas, el monto que usted haya gastado en compras que califiquen en JCPenney, y el monto por honorarios y gastos que otorgue la Corte. La Corte celebrará una audiencia el 25 de agosto de 2016 a las 10:00 a.m. para determinar si aprueba el acuerdo, y los honorarios y gastos de los abogados. La fecha de la audiencia puede cambiar sin aviso previo, por lo cual se ruega verificar las actualizaciones en el sitio web del acuerdo. Este es solo un resumen. Para ver el formulario detallado de notificación y reclamación, visite Si tiene alguna consulta, también puede llamar al 1(855) 731-7497. Publication Date: 04/09/2016 AGÉNDAME DESDE HOY TARDE CULTURAL CHICANA Cuándo: 9 de abril 9, 2 p.m. De qué se trata: Conoce el trabajo del reconocido cineasta Jesús Salvador Treviño y el premiado periodista Luis Torres en el evento “Encuentro”, organizado por The Chicano Legacy Project, una iniciativa que busca a la juventud latina. Dónde: East LA Library. 4837 E. Third St., LA Adm.: Gratuita Inf.: 626.396.0920/ GRAN JARIPEO CON BANDA JEREZ Cuándo: 9 de abril, 2 p.m. De qué se trata: Gran jaripeo en el Rancho Los Intocables de Zirandato Guerrero con la presentación especial de Marco Flores y la Banda Jerez. Dónde: Rancho Imperial. 930 S Arrowhead Ave., San Bernardino Adm.: $30 Inf.: 323.200.3197 / 818.414.5547 CAÑAVERAL, DADDYS, SAMURAI Y MÁS Cuándo: 9 de abril, 7 p.m. De qué se trata: Grupo Cañaveral de Humberto Pabón, el Increíble Samurai Son, Chucho Ponce y Los Daddys de Chinantla Pue, Grupo Naukalli y más. Dónde: Leonardo’s. 6611 S. Alameda St, Huntington Pk Adm.: $40 Inf.: 714.399.7996 / 323.998.3034 SALSA CON MONTAÑEZ Y ‘EL CANARIO’ Cuándo: 9 de abril, 8 p.m. De qué se trata: Andy 9 HOYLOSANGELES.COM/ENTRETENIMIENTO Shen Yun, el espectáculo Cuando: 9 de abril, 2 p.m. y 7:30 p.m./ 10 de abril, 1 p.m. De qué se trata: Regresa el milenario espec- táculo chino con un show renovado. Una serie de sonidos de hace 5,000 años se conjugan con la destreza de experimentados bailarines y acróbatas. Dónde: Bridges Auditorium at Pomona City College, 450 N College Way, Claremont Adm.: Desde $80 • Inf.: 800.880.0188 Compradores de JCPenney si adquirieron indumentaria o accesorios de marca privada o exclusiva de JCPenney, pueden recibir dinero o un crédito de la tienda por un acuerdo de liquidación de demanda colectiva Se ha llegado a un acuerdo de liquidación de demanda colectiva relacionado con las prácticas de fijación de precios de JCPenney. La demanda sostiene que JCPenney usó precios “normales” y “originales” falsos para sus productos de marca privada y exclusiva. La demanda es conocida como Spann v. JCPenney Corporation, Inc., Case No. 12-cv-0215FMO, en trámite en la Corte de Distrito de los Estados Unidos para el Distrito Central de California. JCPenney niega haber usado publicidad de comparación de precios falsa o haber hecho algo malo, y niega que la parte demandante o la clase hayan sido perjudicadas de manera alguna. La Corte aún no ha decidido quién tiene razón. ¿Quiénes son miembros de la clase? Si usted adquirió cualquier prenda de vestir o accesorio de marca privada o exclusiva de JCPenney en California con un descuento de al menos 30% respecto del precio “normal” u “original” entre el 5 de noviembre de 2010 y el 31 de enero de 2012, o entre el 1o. de enero de 2013 y el 31 de diciembre de 2014, puede reunir los requisitos para ser miembro de la clase. ¿Qué ofrece el acuerdo? JCPenney ha acordado poner a disposición US$ 50 millones para dirimir la demanda. Si usted es elegible, puede optar entre un pago en efectivo o un crédito de la tienda por el mismo valor para usar en cualquier tienda JCPenney o en su sitio web. El crédito de la tienda mantendrá un saldo corriente, no expirará y podrá usarse para adquirir cualquier artículo (o artículos) con o sin descuento. Usted podrá entregar su crédito a otra persona, pero no podrá revenderlo ni cambiarlo por efectivo. ¿Qué tengo que hacer? Si desea participar en el acuerdo, debe presentar una demanda, hasta el 30 de junio de 2016, para recibir efectivo o un crédito de la tienda. Si la Corte aprueba el acuerdo, usted renunciará a su derecho de demandar a JCPenney por cualquiera de las demandas presentadas en el acuerdo. Si no desea participar, puede excluirse hasta el 30 de junio de 2016. No recibirá efectivo ni un crédito de la tienda, pero conservará su derecho a demandar a JCPenney por su cuenta por las mismas reclamaciones de este asunto. Usted puede oponerse y explicar al tribunal por qué no le agrada el acuerdo, pero deberá hacerlo hasta el 30 de junio de 2016. Si no hace nada, NO recibirá dinero ni un crédito de la tienda, y estará efectivamente vinculado a las decisiones de la Corte. La Corte ha designado un Consejo de la Clase, que ha solicitado honorarios legales por US$ 13,500,000 (27% del Fondo de Liquidación) más un reembolso de US$ 191,080.91 por gastos de bolsillo y un Premio de Mejora de US$ 10,000 para el demandante representante. El Fondo de Liquidación se usará también para pagar hasta US$ 2,667,000 por los gastos de un tercero administrador de notificaciones y reclamaciones. El resto se distribuirá entre los miembros de la clase que presenten reclamaciones válidas. La moción por los honorarios y gastos de los abogados está publicada en El monto que usted reciba dependerá de la cantidad de reclamaciones presentadas, el monto que usted haya gastado en compras que califiquen en JCPenney, y el monto por honorarios y gastos que otorgue la Corte. La Corte celebrará una audiencia el 25 de agosto de 2016 a las 10:00 a.m. para determinar si aprueba el acuerdo, y los honorarios y gastos de los abogados. La fecha de la audiencia puede cambiar sin aviso previo, por lo cual se ruega verificar las actualizaciones en el sitio web del acuerdo. Este es solo un resumen. Para ver el formulario detallado de notificación y reclamación, visite Si tiene alguna consulta, también puede llamar al 1(855) 731-7497. CORTESIA This electronic tearsheet confirms the ad appeared in the Los Angeles Times on the date and page indicated. You may not create derivative works,or in any way exploit or repurpose any content. 2 x 5.25 B&W Ad Number: Insertion Number: Size: Color Type: 4028924-1 Client Name: Advertiser: Section/Page/Zone: Description: HF Media LLC / PO# CO183 JC Penney Co (Key) Fin De Semana/H009/LA JCPenney Settlement FDS • LA METRO Sábado 9 y domingo 10 de abril del 2016 Case 8:12-cv-00215-FMO-KES Document 268-8 Filed 07/28/16 Page 7 of 8 Page ID #:9108 Montañez y José Alberto ‘El Canario’, dos grandes salseros y sus éxitos, le harán sacar chispas a sus seguidores. Dónde: 333 Live. 333 South Boylston St., LA Adm.: $50 Inf.: 1.800.668.8080 SÁBADO DE REGIONAL MEXICANO Cuándo: 9 de abril, 8 p.m. De qué se trata: Los Incomparables de Tijuana, La Luz Roja de San Marcos, Grupo Patrón y Erick Cruz. Dónde: La Brea Nightclub. 831 South La Brea Ave., LA Adm.: $24 Inf.: 323.936.7155 PURA RAZA EN INLAND EMPIRE Cuándo: 10 de abril, 1 p.m. De qué se trata: Fiestón a cargo de Banda El Recodo de Chuy Lizárraga, Voz de Mando y Kevin Ortiz. Además habrá baile y jaripeo con los toros Pura Lumbre. Dónde: Feria de Perris. 18700 Lake Perris Dr., Perris Adm.: $35 Inf.: 909.384.9750 TEATRO: HOTEL DE PASO Cuándo: 10 de abril, 7 p.m. De qué se trata: “Hotel de Paso” es una comedia teatral protagonizada por cuatro parejas. Dónde: Teatro Margo Albert. 3540 N Mission Rd, Los Ángeles Adm.: $25 Inf.: 1.800.668.8080 MAURICIO MARTÍNEZ EN CONCIERTO Cuándo: 10 de abril, 7 p.m. De qué se trata: Mauricio Martínez, actor y cantante famoso por su participación en “Operación Triunfo”, presentará lo mejor de su repertorio. Dónde: Original Mike’s. 100 S. Main St., Santa Ana Adm.: $25 Inf.: 1.800.668.8080 CONSULADO GENERAL DEL PERÚ EN LOS ANGELES “ESTE 10 DE ABRIL A VOTAR POR EL PERU” COMUNICADO El Domingo 10 de abril de 2016, se llevarán a cabo las Elecciones Generales para elegir al Presidente de la República, miembros del Congreso y del Parlamento Andino en las que deben participar también los ciudadanos peruanos residentes en el extranjero. Se convoca a la Colectividad Peruana, con domicilio en el Sur de California y en el Estado de Arizona a tomar parte en dicho Proceso Electoral. Los lugares de votación son: Los Angeles: Robert F. Kennedy – Community Schools, 701 S. Catalina St., Los Angeles, CA. 90005. San Diego: Discovery Charter Elementary School, 1100 Camino Biscay, Chula Vista, CA 91910 Phoenix, AZ: Central High School, 4525 N Central Ave Phoenix, AZ 85012 El Horario de votación es de 08:00 a 16:00 hrs. en todos los locales. Para conocer el lugar y Mesa de Votación, así como si usted es Miembro de Mesa, titular o suplente, consulte la Pag. Web. y la Pag. Web. Nota. - Sólo podrán ejercer su derecho al voto, aquellos que registren domicilio en el Sur de California y en el Estado de Arizona y se encuentren inscritos en el Padrón Electoral del Centro de Votación respectivo. Los Angeles, marzo de 2016. This E-Sheet(r) is provided as conclusive evidence that the ad appeared in The San Diego Union-Tribune on the date and page indicated. You may not create derivative works, or in any way exploit or repurpose any content. JCPenney Settlement Description: B&W Color Type: Publication Date: 04/09/2016 3 x 5.25 Client Name: HF Media LLC / PO# CO183 Advertiser: JC Penney Co (Key) Section/Page/Zone: A Section/HY005/N 4028936-1 Hiram Soto, columnista El principio del fin de Donald Trump Cuando se trata de predicciones políticas, pocos pudieron anticipar el ascenso de Donald Trump, que hoy está muy cerca de convertirse en el candidato oficial a la presidencia por el partido Republicano. Analistas políticos lo descartaron en el momento en que llamó a los mexicanos violadores y traficantes. Dijeron que su candidatura moriría luego de llamar a quien fue un héroe de guerra, John McCain, un perdedor por dejarse atrapar por el enemigo. Juraron que caería después de burlarse de un reportero con discapacidades, o después de proponer vetar la en- trada de musulmanes a Estados Unidos. Ha habido tantas instancias en que las palabras que dijo hubieran arruinado la candidatura de cualquier otro político, sin embargo, Trump continúa subiendo las encuestas y sigue ganando estados. Por mi parte, me he mantenido lejos de hacer predicciones, pero hoy estoy dispuesto a hacer una: el comienzo del fin ya comenzó para Trump. Aquí presento dos razones. 1) Los líderes republicanos no lo permitirán, y ya empezaron a moverse. Hay que recordar que el ascenso de Trump se debe a los votos de una pequeña parte del electo- rado republicano que no refleja los valores y sentimientos del resto del país. La candidatura de Trump depende de esos votos, pero también de un proceso complejo y hasta cierto punto oculto en que los candidatos acumulan cierto número de delegados que los representan durante la convención en julio. Esos delegados son personas con lazos profundos al partido, que pueden cambiar de opinión y votar por otro candidato a pesar de estar supuestamente dellado de Trump. El sistema de elección de los republicanos es extremadamente complejo y descentralizado, lo cual se presta a CONSULADO GENERAL DEL PERÚ EN LOS ANGELES “ESTE 10 DE ABRIL A VOTAR POR EL PERU” COMUNICADO El Domingo 10 de abril de 2016, se llevarán a cabo las Elecciones Generales para elegir al Presidente de la República, miembros del Congreso y del Parlamento Andino en las que deben participar también los ciudadanos peruanos residentes en el extranjero. Se convoca a la Colectividad Peruana, con domicilio en el Sur de California y en el Estado de Arizona a tomar parte en dicho Proceso Electoral. personales a las esposas de los candidatos y sus comentarios de castigar a las mujeres que realizan un aborto. Este último comentario logró unir por primera vez fuerzas pro y antiaborto, quienes condenaron contundentemente al magnate, tanto, que hasta tuvo que retractarse. Pero incluso antes de esos comentarios, hay una encuesta clave que habla mucho sobre la vialidad de su candidatura: 7 de cada 10 mujeres tienen una opinión desfavorable de Trump. Cabe mencionar que las mujeres constituyen la mayoría de las personas que votan en las elecciones. Además de retractarse de esos comentarios, Trump también se vio obligado a reconocer que se equivocó en los ataques personales a la esposa de Ted Cruz. Estas son cosas mundanas de una campaña política, pero lo importante aquí es el precedente: Trump no pide disculpas, Los Angeles: Robert F. Kennedy – Community Schools, 701 S. Catalina St., Los Angeles, CA. 90005. Discovery Charter Elementary School, 1100 Camino Biscay, Chula Vista, CA 91910 Se ha llegado a un acuerdo de liquidación de demanda colectiva relacionado con las prácticas de fijación de precios de JCPenney. La demanda sostiene que JCPenney usó precios “normales” y “originales” falsos para sus productos de marca privada y exclusiva. La demanda es conocida como Spann v. JCPenney Corporation, Inc., Case No. 12-cv-0215FMO, en trámite en la Corte de Distrito de los Estados Unidos para el Distrito Central de California. JCPenney niega haber usado publicidad de comparación de precios falsa o haber hecho algo malo, y niega que la parte demandante o la clase hayan sido perjudicadas de manera alguna. La Corte aún no ha decidido quién tiene razón. Si usted adquirió cualquier prenda de vestir o accesorio de marca privada o exclusiva de JCPenney en California con un descuento de al menos 30% respecto del precio “normal” u “original” entre el 5 de noviembre de 2010 y el 31 de enero de 2012, o entre el 1o. de enero de 2013 y el 31 de diciembre de 2014, puede reunir los requisitos para ser miembro de la clase. ¿Qué ofrece el acuerdo? Phoenix, AZ: Central High School, 4525 N Central Ave Phoenix, AZ 85012 El Horario de votación es de 08:00 a 16:00 hrs. en todos los locales. Para conocer el lugar y Mesa de Votación, así como si usted es Miembro de Mesa, titular o suplente, consulte la Pag. Web. y la Pag. Web. Nota. - Sólo podrán ejercer su derecho al voto, aquellos que registren domicilio en el Sur de California y en el Estado de Arizona y se encuentren inscritos en el Padrón Electoral del Centro de Votación respectivo. Los Angeles, marzo de 2016. vocó; eso es parte de la marca Trump. El hecho que se quitó la máscara es indicativo que ha comenzado a sentir la presión de sus actos brutos. Trump jamás será presidente, de eso estoy seguro. De aquí a la convención pueden pasar muchas cosas locas todavía, inclusive una candidatura independiente de Trump una vez que se dé cuenta que ha perdido la guerra oculta de delegados. El partido Republicano se encargará de destruir el Frankenstein que ellos mismos crearon, aunque les cueste la Casa Blanca en noviembre. Si ellos fracasan en el intento, nosotros, el resto del país, nos encargaremos de que pierda como ningún otro candidato presidencial ha perdido en la historia de Estados Unidos. Ya dije. Soto es columnista independiente. [email protected]. Compradores de JCPenney si adquirieron indumentaria o accesorios de marca privada o exclusiva de JCPenney, pueden recibir dinero o un crédito de la tienda por un acuerdo de liquidación de demanda colectiva ¿Quiénes son miembros de la clase? Los lugares de votación son: San Diego: reglas de último momento que pueden manipularse para beneficiar a un candidato sobre otro. En un ejemplo de cómo los líderes republicanos están intentando bloquear la candidatura de Trump, oficiales en Tennessee reemplazaron a delegados que apoyarían a Trump con personas que podrían cambiar de opinión y apoyar a otro si se presentara la oportunidad. Si aún no hay candidato ganador para la convención, tenga por seguro que los líderes republicanos estarán atrincherados y preparados para derrotar a Trump. 2) Trump está herido. Incluso bajo sus propios estándares, él sigue haciendo y diciendo cosas tontas e ignorantes que han sido reprobadas tanto por la izquierda como la derecha. La violencia en sus mítines políticos incitada por él mismo y su equipo (su director de campaña enfrenta cargos de agresión con- JCPenney ha acordado poner a disposición US$ 50 millones para dirimir la demanda. Si usted es elegible, puede optar entre un pago en efectivo o un crédito de la tienda por el mismo valor para usar en cualquier tienda JCPenney o en su sitio web. El crédito de la tienda mantendrá un saldo corriente, no expirará y podrá usarse para adquirir cualquier artículo (o artículos) con o sin descuento. Usted podrá entregar su crédito a otra persona, pero no podrá revenderlo ni cambiarlo por efectivo. ¿Qué tengo que hacer? Si desea participar en el acuerdo, debe presentar una demanda, hasta el 30 de junio de 2016, para recibir efectivo o un crédito de la tienda. Si la Corte aprueba el acuerdo, usted renunciará a su derecho de demandar a JCPenney por cualquiera de las demandas presentadas en el acuerdo. Si no desea participar, puede excluirse hasta el 30 de junio de 2016. No recibirá efectivo ni un crédito de la tienda, pero conservará su derecho a demandar a JCPenney por su cuenta por las mismas reclamaciones de este asunto. Usted puede oponerse y explicar al tribunal por qué no le agrada el acuerdo, pero deberá hacerlo hasta el 30 de junio de 2016. Si no hace nada, NO recibirá dinero ni un crédito de la tienda, y estará efectivamente vinculado a las decisiones de la Corte. La Corte ha designado un Consejo de la Clase, que ha solicitado honorarios legales por US$ 13,500,000 (27% del Fondo de Liquidación) más un reembolso de US$ 191,080.91 por gastos de bolsillo y un Premio de Mejora de US$ 10,000 para el demandante representante. El Fondo de Liquidación se usará también para pagar hasta US$ 2,667,000 por los gastos de un tercero administrador de notificaciones y reclamaciones. El resto se distribuirá entre los miembros de la clase que presenten reclamaciones válidas. La moción por los honorarios y gastos de los abogados está publicada en El monto que usted reciba dependerá de la cantidad de reclamaciones presentadas, el monto que usted haya gastado en compras que califiquen en JCPenney, y el monto por honorarios y gastos que otorgue la Corte. La Corte celebrará una audiencia el 25 de agosto de 2016 a las 10:00 a.m. para determinar si aprueba el acuerdo, y los honorarios y gastos de los abogados. La fecha de la audiencia puede cambiar sin aviso previo, por lo cual se ruega verificar las actualizaciones en el sitio web del acuerdo. Este es solo un resumen. Para ver el formulario detallado de notificación y reclamación, visite Si tiene alguna consulta, también puede llamar al 1(855) 731-7497. 5 Hoy San Diego | Del sábado 9 al viernes 15 de abril de 2016 Ad Number: Insertion Number: Size: Case 8:12-cv-00215-FMO-KES Document 268-8 Filed 07/28/16 Page 8 of 8 Page ID #:9109 y cambios de tra una reportera), los ataques y jamás admite que se equimanipulaciones Case 8:12-cv-00215-FMO-KES Document 268-9 Filed 07/28/16 Page 1 of 7 Page ID #:9110 Exhibit D Case 8:12-cv-00215-FMO-KES Document 268-9 Filed 07/28/16 Page 2 of 7 Page ID #:9111 ( MAR 25, 2016, 09:17 ET News provided by Stanley Law Group ( vscript language="javascript1.2" src=""> < JCPenney Shoppers if You Purchased Private or Exclusive Branded Apparel or Accessories from JCPenney, You could receive money or a store credit from a class action settlement English < j SAN DIEGO, Mar. 25, 2016 /PRNewswire/ ‑‑ The following statement is being issued by the Stanley Law Group regarding the JCPenney California class action settlement. Para una noti cación en Español, llamar 1(855) 731‑7497 o visitar nuestro website ( A class action settlement has been reached concerning JCPenney's ("JCPenney") pricing practices. The lawsuit claims that JCPenney used false "regular" and "original" prices for its private and exclusive branded products. The lawsuit is known as Spann v. JCPenney Corporation, Inc., Case No. 12‑cv‑0215FMO, pending in the U.S. District Court for the Central District of California. JCPenney denies that it used false price comparison advertising or that it has done anything wrong, and denies that the Plaintiff or the class has been harmed in any way. The Court has not decided who is right. Case 8:12-cv-00215-FMO-KES Document 268-9 Filed 07/28/16 Page 3 of 7 Page ID #:9112 Who is a class member? You may be an eligible class member if you purchased any JCPenney private or exclusive branded clothing or accessories in California at a discount of least 30 percent off of a "regular" or "original" price between November 5, 2010 and January 31, 2012, or between January 1, 2013 and December 31, 2014. What does the Settlement provide? JCPenney has agreed to make available $50 million to settle the lawsuit. If you are eligible, you can choose either a cash payment or a store credit of equal value for use at any JCPenney store or on its website. The store credit will maintain a running balance, will not expire, and can be used to purchase any item(s) with or without discounts. You can give your store credit to someone else but it cannot be resold or exchanged for cash. What do I need to do? If you want to participate in the settlement, you must file a claim, by June 30, 2016 to receive either cash or a store credit. If the Court approves the settlement, you will give up your right to sue JCPenney for any of the claims released in the settlement. If you don't want to participate, you may exclude yourself by June 30, 2016. You will not receive cash or a store credit, but you will keep your right to sue JCPenney on your own for the same claims in this matter. You may object and tell the court why you don't like the settlement, but you must do so by June 30, 2016. If you do nothing, you will NOT receive money or a store credit, and you willbe bound by the decisions of the Court. The Court has appointed Class Counsel, who have requested attorneys' fees of $13,500,000 (27 percent of the Settlement Fund), plus reimbursement of $191,080.91 in out‑of‑pocket expenses, and an Enhancement Award of $10,000 to the Representative Plaintiff. The Settlement Fund will also be used to pay up to $2,667,000 for the costs of a third‑party notice and claim administrator. The remainder will be distributed to class members who submit valid claims. The motion for attorneys' fees and costs is posted on Case 8:12-cv-00215-FMO-KES Document 268-9 Filed 07/28/16 Page 4 of 7 Page ID #:9113 ( The amount that you receive will depend on the number of claims submitted, the amount that you spent on qualifying purchases at JCPenney, and the amount of fees and costs awarded by the Court. The Court will hold a hearing on August 25, 2016 at 10:00 a.m. to determine whether to approve the settlement and how much to award in attorneys' fees and costs. The date of the hearing may change without further notice, so please check the Settlement Website for updates. This is only a summary. For the detailed notice and claim form, visit ( You may also call 1(855) 731‑7497 with any questions. To view the original version on PR Newswire, visit:‑ releases/jcpenney‑shoppers‑if‑you‑purchased‑private‑or‑exclusive‑branded‑apparel‑or‑ accessories‑from‑jcpenney‑you‑could‑receive‑money‑or‑a‑store‑credit‑from‑a‑class‑action‑ settlement‑300227203.html (‑releases/jcpenney‑shoppers‑ if‑you‑purchased‑private‑or‑exclusive‑branded‑apparel‑or‑accessories‑from‑jcpenney‑you‑ could‑receive‑money‑or‑a‑store‑credit‑from‑a‑class‑action‑settlement‑300227203.html) SOURCE Stanley Law Group Related Links ( #PURL { display:none !important;} Find this article at: youcouldreceivemoneyorastorecreditfromaclassactionsettlement300227203.html Check the box to include the list of links referenced in the article. Case 8:12-cv-00215-FMO-KES Document 268-9 Filed 07/28/16 Page 5 of 7 Page ID #:9114 ( MAR 25, 2016, 09:17 ET News provided by Stanley Law Group ( vscript language="javascript1.2" src=""> < Compradores de JCPenney: si adquirieron indumentaria o accesorios de marca privada o exclusiva de JCPenney, pueden recibir dinero o un crédito de la tienda por un acuerdo de liquidación de demanda colectiva Español < j SAN DIEGO, 25 de marzo de 2016 /PRNewswire‑HISPANIC PR WIRE/ ‑‑ El Stanley Law Group da a conocer la siguiente declaración relacionada con el acuerdo de liquidación de demanda colectiva de JCPenney California. Para una noti cación en español, llame al 1(855) 731‑7497 o visite nuestro sitio web ( Se ha llegado a un acuerdo de liquidación de demanda colectiva relacionado con las prácticas de fijación de precios de JCPenney. La demanda sostiene que JCPenney usó precios "normales" y "originales" falsos para sus productos de marca privada y exclusiva. La demanda es conocida como Spann v. JCPenney Corporation, Inc., Case No. 12‑cv‑0215FMO, en trámite en la Corte de Distrito de los Estados Unidos para el Distrito Central de California. JCPenney niega haber usado Case 8:12-cv-00215-FMO-KES Document 268-9 Filed 07/28/16 Page 6 of 7 Page ID #:9115 publicidad de comparación de precios falsa o haber hecho algo malo, y niega que la parte demandante o la clase hayan sido perjudicadas de manera alguna. La Corte aún no ha decidido quién tiene razón. ¿Quiénes son miembros de la clase? Si usted adquirió cualquier prenda de vestir o accesorio de marca privada o exclusiva de JCPenney en California con un descuento de al menos 30% respecto del precio "normal" u "original" entre el 5 de noviembre de 2010 y el 31 de enero de 2012, o entre el 1o. de enero de 2013 y el 31 de diciembre de 2014, puede reunir los requisitos para ser miembro de la clase. ¿Qué ofrece el acuerdo? JCPenney ha acordado poner a disposición US$ 50 millones para dirimir la demanda. Si usted es elegible, puede optar entre un pago en efectivo o un crédito de la tienda por el mismo valor para usar en cualquier tienda JCPenney o en su sitio web. El crédito de la tienda mantendrá un saldo corriente, no expirará y podrá usarse para adquirir cualquier artículo (o artículos) con o sin descuento. Usted podrá entregar su crédito a otra persona, pero no podrá revenderlo ni cambiarlo por efectivo. ¿Qué tengo que hacer? Si desea participar en el acuerdo, debe presentar una demanda, hasta el 30 de junio de 2016, para recibir efectivo o un crédito de la tienda. Si la Corte aprueba el acuerdo, usted renunciará a su derecho de demandar a JCPenney por cualquiera de las demandas presentadas en el acuerdo. Si no desea participar, puede excluirse hasta el 30 de junio de 2016. No recibirá efectivo ni un crédito de la tienda, pero conservará su derecho a demandar a JCPenney por su cuenta por las mismas reclamaciones de este asunto. Usted puede oponerse y explicar al tribunal por qué no le agrada el acuerdo, pero deberá hacerlo hasta el 30 de junio de 2016. Si no hace nada, NO recibirá dinero ni un crédito de la tienda, y estará efectivamente vinculado a las decisiones de la Corte. Case 8:12-cv-00215-FMO-KES Document 268-9 Filed 07/28/16 Page 7 of 7 Page ID #:9116 La Corte ha designado un Consejo de la Clase, que ha solicitado honorarios legales por US$ 13,500,000 (27% del Fondo de Liquidación) más un reembolso de US$ 191,080.91 por gastos de bolsillo y un Premio de Mejora de US$ 10,000 para el demandante representante. El Fondo de Liquidación se usará también para pagar hasta US$ 2,667,000 por los gastos de un tercero administrador de notificaciones y reclamaciones. El resto se distribuirá entre los miembros de la clase que presenten reclamaciones válidas. La moción por los honorarios y gastos de los abogados está publicada en ( El monto que usted reciba dependerá de la cantidad de reclamaciones presentadas, el monto que usted haya gastado en compras que califiquen en JCPenney, y el monto por honorarios y gastos que otorgue la Corte. La Corte celebrará una audiencia el 25 de agosto de 2016 a las 10:00 a.m. para determinar si aprueba el acuerdo, y los honorarios y gastos de los abogados. La fecha de la audiencia puede cambiar sin aviso previo, por lo cual se ruega verificar las actualizaciones en el sitio web del acuerdo. Este es solo un resumen. Para ver el formulario detallado de notificación y reclamación, visite ( Si tiene alguna consulta, también puede llamar al 1(855) 731‑7497. SOURCE Stanley Law Group Related Links ( #PURL { display:none !important;} Find this article at: jcpenneypuedenrecibirdineroouncreditodelatiendaporunacuerdodeliquidaciondedemandacolectiva573540571.html Check the box to include the list of links referenced in the article. Case 8:12-cv-00215-FMO-KES Document 268-10 Filed 07/28/16 Page 1 of 7 Page ID #:9117 Exhibit E Case 8:12-cv-00215-FMO-KES Document 268-10 Filed 07/28/16 Page 2 of 7 Page ID #:9118 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE CENTRAL DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA If You Purchased Private or Exclusive Branded Apparel or Accessories from JCPenney, You could receive money or a store credit from a class action settlement, A federal Court authorized this Notice. This is not a solicitation from a lawyer. A class action settlement has been reached concerning JCPenney’s (“JCPenney”) pricing practices. The lawsuit claims that JCPenney used false “regular” and “original” prices for its private and exclusive branded products. The lawsuit is known as Spann v. JCPenney Corporation, Inc., Case No. 12-cv-0215FMO, pending in the U.S. District Court for the Central District of California. JCPenney believes that the lawsuit has no basis. You have received this Notice because JCPenney’s records indicate that you are an eligible class member who purchased JCPenney private or exclusive branded clothing or accessories in California at a discount of least 30 percent off of a “regular” or “original” price between November 5, 2010 and January 31, 2012, or between January 1, 2013 and December 31, 2014. YOU HAVE BEEN ASSIGNED THE FOLLOWING UNIQUE CUSTOMER ID NUMBER: <<RefID>>. You may enter this number on the Settlement Website to review your qualifying purchases, upload evidence of additional purchases and submit a Claim Form. Your legal rights are affected whether you act or don’t act. This Notice includes information on the Settlement. Please read the entire Notice carefully. Your rights and options—and the deadlines to exercise them—are explained in this notice. You can file a claim for benefits from the Settlement. see Question 7 You can object or comment on the Settlement. see Question 9 You can go to a court hearing and ask to speak about the Settlement. see Questions 12-13 You may exclude yourself from the Settlement. see Questions 9 & 10 • The Court in charge of the case still has to decide whether to approve the Settlement with JCPenney. Case 8:12-cv-00215-FMO-KES Document 268-10 Filed 07/28/16 Page 3 of 7 Page ID #:9119 WHAT THIS NOTICE CONTAINS BASIC INFORMATION 1. 2. 3. Why is there a notice? What is the lawsuit about? Why are there class actions? THE SETTLEMENT CLASS 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. How do I know if I’m part of the Settlement Class? Why is there a Settlement? What does the Settlement provide? How can I get benefits? When will I get benefits? What are my rights in the Settlement Class? What am I giving up to stay in the Settlement Class? When and where will the Court decide whether to approve the Settlement? Do I have to come to the hearing? May I speak at the hearing? THE LAWYERS REPRESENTING YOU 14. 15. Do I have a lawyer in the case? How will the lawyers get paid? GETTING MORE INFORMATION 16. How do I get more information? WHAT THIS NOTICE CONTAINS For More Information: Call 1-855-731-7497 or Visit BASIC INFORMATION 1. Why is there a notice? You have the right to know about the lawsuit and about your legal rights and options before the Court decides whether to approve the Settlement. The Court in charge of the case is the United States District Court for the Central District of California, and the case is called Cynthia E. Spann v. J.C. Penney Corporation, Inc., SACV12-0215 FMO (KESx). The person who sued is called the Plaintiff, and the company she sued, J.C. Penney Corporation, Inc. is called the Defendant. 2. What is the lawsuit about? The lawsuit claims that JCPenney engaged in a scheme of false price comparison advertising prior to February 2012 and then again starting in 2013 through 2014. Plaintiff claims that JCPenney’s conduct violated various California laws that prohibit false advertising and unfair competition. JCPenney denies: (1) that it used false price comparison advertising, (2) that it has done anything wrong, and (3) that the Plaintiff or class has been harmed in any way. The Court has not decided who is right. Case 8:12-cv-00215-FMO-KES Document 268-10 Filed 07/28/16 Page 4 of 7 Page ID #:9120 3. Why are there class actions? In a class action, one or more people, called class representatives (in this case, Cynthia Spann) sue on behalf of people who have similar claims. All of the people with similar claims comprise the “class” and are referred to as “Class Members,” except for those who exclude themselves from the class. U.S. District Judge Fernando Olguin in the United States District Court for the Central District of California is in charge of this class action. THE SETTLEMENT CLASS 4. How do I know if I am part of the Settlement Class? The Settlement Class includes the following persons: All persons who, while in the State of California and between November 5, 2010 and January 31, 2012, or between January 1, 2013, and December 31, 2014, purchased from JCPenney one or more private or exclusive branded items of apparel or accessories advertised at a discount of at least 30% off the stated “original” or “regular” price, and who have not received a refund or credit for their purchase(s). Excluded from the class are the Defendant, as well as its officers, employees, agents or affiliates, and any judge who presides over this action, as well as all past and present employees, officers and directors of JCPenney. 5. Why is there a settlement? This case has been pending since February, 2012. JCPenney is not admitting that it did anything wrong, but both sides want to avoid the cost and risk of further litigation. The Court has not decided in favor of the Plaintiff or JCPenney. The Class Representative and her attorneys think the Settlement is best for everyone who is affected. The Settlement provides the opportunity for benefits to Class Members. 6. What does the settlement provide? JCPenney has agreed to make available $50 million to compensate Class Members who file valid claims. The cash component of the Settlement will first pay notice and administrative costs in an amount not to exceed $2,667,000, plus attorneys’ fees and costs and a payment to the Class Representative as approved by the Court (see Question 15). The remaining amount will be paid to Class Members. Class Members can decide whether they want to request a cash payment or a JCPenney store credit of equal value. The amount of the cash payment or store credit will be based on the amount of purchases you made of private and exclusive branded apparel and accessories during the class period and on the number of valid claims that are filed (see Question 7). Please note that you can give your store credit to someone else but it cannot be resold or exchanged for cash. Your store credit can be used for any on-line or in-store purchase, and it does not expire. The Settlement Agreement describes more details about the Settlement. You can find a copy of the Settlement Agreement at the Settlement Website: 7. How can I get benefits? To ask for benefits, you need to complete and submit a Claim Form. Claim Forms are available at the Settlement Website or by calling 1-855-731-7497. Please read the instructions carefully. Claim Forms can be completed and submitted online (for store credits only) by June 30, 2016 or mailed so that it is postmarked by that date, to: JCPenney Settlement c/o Heffler Claims Group P.O. Box 0509 Philadelphia, PA 19105-0509 Case 8:12-cv-00215-FMO-KES Document 268-10 Filed 07/28/16 Page 5 of 7 Page ID #:9121 8. When will I get benefits? Benefits will be distributed to Class Members after the Court grants “final approval” of the Settlement and after any appeals are resolved. The “final approval” hearing is scheduled to occur on August 25, 2016. If there are appeals to the final approval order, they can take time to resolve. 9. What are my rights in the Settlement Class? Remain in the Settlement Class: If you wish to remain in the Settlement Class and get benefits from the Settlement, you need to file a Claim Form (see Question 7). Get out of the Settlement Class: If you wish to keep your individual right to sue JCPenney about the claims in this case you must exclude yourself from the Settlement Class. However, you will lose the right to receive any benefits from the Settlement if you exclude yourself from the Settlement Class. To exclude yourself from the Settlement Class, you must complete an Opt-Out Form, by filling out the following information: • • • • Your name, address, and telephone number, The name of the case (Spann v. JCPenney), A statement that you want to be excluded from this Settlement, and Your signature and date. Opt-Out Forms are available at the Settlement Website or by calling 1-855-731-7497. You must electronically submit or mail your exclusion request, postmarked no later than June 30, 2016, to: JCPenney Settlement - Exclusions c/o Heffler Claims Group P.O. Box 0509 Philadelphia, PA 19105-0509 Remain in the Settlement Class and Object: If you disagree with any aspect of the Settlement, you may express your views to the Court. The written response needs to include: • • • • • • Your name and address, The name and number of the case (Spann v. JCPenney, Case No. 12-cv-0215FMO), The reasons you object to the Settlement, Copies of all documents that support your objection, Whether you intend to appear at the Fairness Hearing (see Question 13), and Your signature. The response must be postmarked no later than June 30, 2016 and mailed to: JCPenney Settlement - Objections c/o Heffler Claims Group P.O. Box 0509 Philadelphia, PA 19105-0509 You will have no right to object to the Settlement if you exclude yourself from the Settlement Class. Case 8:12-cv-00215-FMO-KES Document 268-10 Filed 07/28/16 Page 6 of 7 Page ID #:9122 10. What am I giving up to stay in the Settlement Class? Unless you exclude yourself from the Settlement Class, you can’t separately sue JCPenney f o r the c l a i m s a n d issues in this case. You also will be bound by any decisions by the Court relating to the Settlement. The “Release of Claims” is described more fully in the Settlement Agreement and describes the legal claims that you give up if you get benefits from the Settlement. The Settlement Agreement is available at 11. When and where will the Court decide whether to approve the Settlement? The Court will hold a Fairness Hearing at 10:00 a.m. on August 25, 2016, at the United States District Court for the Central District of California, located at 312 North Spring Street, Los Angeles, California, in Courtroom 22 on the 5th Floor. The hearing may be moved to a different date, time or location without additional notice, so it is a good idea to check At this hearing, the Court will consider whether the Settlement is fair, reasonable and adequate. The Court will also consider how much to pay Class Counsel and the Class Representative. If there are objections, the Court will consider them at this time. After the hearing, the Court will decide whether to approve the Settlement. We do not know how long these decisions will take. 12. Do I have to come to the hearing? No. Class Counsel will answer any questions the Court may have. But, you are welcome to come at your own expense. If you send an objection or comment, you don’t have to come to Court to talk about it. As long as you mailed your written objection on time, the Court will consider it. You may also pay another lawyer to attend, but it’s not required. 13. May I speak at the hearing? Yes. You may ask the Court for permission to speak at the Fairness Hearing. To do so, you must send a letter saying that it is your “Notice of Intent to Appear.” In your letter you must include the following: 1. Your name, address, and telephone number, 2. The name and number of the case (Spann v. JCPenney, Case No. 12-cv-0215FMO), 3. The name, address, and telephone number of any attorney(s) who will be appearing on your behalf at the Fairness Hearing, 4. A brief statement detailing what you will be presenting to the Court, and 5. Your signature. You must mail your Notice of Intention to Appear which must be postmarked no later than June 30, 2016, to: JCPenney Settlement - Notice To Appear c/o Heffler Claims Group P.O. Box 0509 Philadelphia, PA 19105-0509 Case 8:12-cv-00215-FMO-KES Document 268-10 Filed 07/28/16 Page 7 of 7 Page ID #:9123 THE LAWYERS REPRESENTING YOU 14. Do I have a lawyer in this case? Yes. Plaintiff was represented by three law firms, and the Court has appointed two of those firms as “Class Counsel” to represent you and all Class Members: Matthew J. Zevin of the Stanley Law Group and Derek J. Emge of The Emge Firm, LLP. You will not be charged for these lawyers. If you want to be represented by your own lawyer, you may hire one at your own expense. 15. How will the lawyers get paid? The Court will decide how much the attorneys will be paid. Class Counsel have asked the Court to award a total of $13,500,000, (27% of the Settlement Fund), plus their out-of-pocket costs and expenses of $191,080.91, all of which will be paid out of the cash part of the Settlement. In addition, they have requested an Enhancement Award of $10,000 for the Class Representative. Class Counsel’s motion for Attorneys’ Fees and Costs is available for viewing on the settlement website at GETTING MORE INFORMATION 16. How do I get more Information? The Notice summarizes the lawsuit and the proposed Settlement. You can get more information about the lawsuit and Settlement at You may also write with questions to: JCPenney Settlement, c/o Heffler Claims Group, P.O. Box 0509, Philadelphia, PA 19105-0509. You can also get a Claim Form or Opt-Out Request at the website, or by calling this toll free number, 1-855-731-7497. Case 8:12-cv-00215-FMO-KES Document 268-11 Filed 07/28/16 Page 1 of 3 Page ID #:9124 Exhibit F JCPENNEY Shoppers Filed 07/28/16 Page 2 of 3 P 12-cv-00215-FMO-KES Document 268-11 If You Purchased Private or Exclusive Branded Apparel or Accessories from JCPenney, #:9125 You could receive money or a store credit from a class action settlement Para una notificación en Español, llamar 1-855-731-7497 o visitar nuestro website Your Unique Customer ID Number is: 30853GBBD2XNZ A class action settlement has been reached concerning JCPenney’s (“JCPenney”) pricing practices prior to February 2012, and in 2013 and 2014. The lawsuit claims that JCPenney used false “regular” and “original” prices for its private and exclusive branded products. The lawsuit is known as Spann v. JCPenney Corporation, Inc., Case No. 12-cv-0215FMO, pending in the U.S. District Court for the Central District of California. JCPenney denies that it used false price comparison advertising or that it has done anything wrong. The Court has not decided who is right. Why did I receive this Notice? You have received this Notice because JCPenney’s records indicate that you are an eligible class member who purchased JCPenney private or exclusive branded clothing or accessories in California at a discount of at least 30 percent off of a “regular” or “original” price between November 5, 2010, and January 31, 2012, or between January 1, 2013, and December 31, 2014. YOU HAVE BEEN ASSIGNED THE FOLLOWING UNIQUE CUSTOMER ID NUMBER: 30853GBBD2XNZ. You may enter this number on the Settlement Website to review your qualifying purchases, upload evidence of additional purchases and submit a Claim Form. What does the Settlement provide? JCPenney has agreed to make available $50 million to settle the lawsuit. If you are eligible, you can choose either a cash payment or a store credit of equal value for use at any JCPenney store or on its website. The store credit will maintain a running balance, will not expire, and can be used to purchase any item(s) with or without discounts. You can give your store credit to someone else but it cannot be resold or exchanged for cash. What do I need to do? If you want to participate in the settlement, you must file a claim, by June 30, 2016 to receive either cash or a store credit. If the JCPenney for any of the claims released in the settlement. Therefore, it is very important that you read the settlement agreement. If you don’t want to participate, you may exclude yourself by June 30, 2016. You will not receive cash or a store credit, but you will keep your right to sue JCPenney on your own for the same claims in this matter. You may object and tell the court why you don’t like the settlement, but you must do so by June 30, 2016. If you do nothing, you will NOT receive money or a store credit, and you will be bound by the decisions of the court. The Court has appointed Class Counsel, who have requested attorneys’ fees of $13,500,000 (27 percent of the Settlement Fund), plus reimbursement of $191,080.91 in out of pocket expenses, and an Enhancement Award of $10,000 to the Representative Plaintiff. The Settlement Fund will also be used to pay up to $2,667,000 for the costs of a third-party notice and claim administrator. The remainder will be distributed to class members who submit valid claims. The motion for attorneys’ fees and costs will be posted on The amount that you receive will depend on the number of claims submitted, the amount that you spent on qualifying purchases at JCPenney, and the amount of fees and costs awarded by the Court. The Court will hold a hearing on August 25, 2016 at 10:00 a.m. to determine whether to approve the settlement and how much to award in fees and costs. You or your attorney may attend, but you don’t have to. The date of the hearing may change without further notice, so please check the Settlement Website for updates. This is only a summary. For the detailed notice and claim form, please visit You may also call 1-855-731-7497 or visit if you have any questions. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Cut Here ---------------------------------------------------------------FROM ____________________ Place ____________________ Stamp ____________________ Here Mail to: JCPenney Settlement c/o Heffler Claims Group P.O. Box 0509 Philadelphia, PA 19105-0509 12-cv-00215-FMO-KES Document 268-11 Filed 07/28/16 Page 3 of 3 P #:9126 RECORD UPDATE VERIFICATION Mailing Address (Please return this postcard only if your address is different than the address you received this card) My address is different than the one as the address I received this card, I have indicated the changes in the space provided. NAME _____________________________________________________ ADDRESS _____________________________________________________ CITY _____________________________________________________ STATE ___ ___ ZIP ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ - ___ ___ ___ ___ COUNTRY _____________________________________________________ JCPenney Corporation, Inc. c/o Heffler Claims Group P.O. Box 0479 Philadelphia, PA 19105-0479 Presorted First-Class Mail US Postage PAID RKC n#Zi,'')=3?!o 1 / 002 / 0072 3085300000000 FIRSTNAME LASTNAME ADDRESS CITY, STATE ZIP Case 8:12-cv-00215-FMO-KES Document 268-12 Filed 07/28/16 Page 1 of 7 Page ID #:9127 Exhibit G Case 8:12-cv-00215-FMO-KES Document 268-12 Filed 07/28/16 Page 2 of 7 Page ID #:9128 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE CENTRAL DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA If You Purchased Private or Exclusive Branded Apparel or Accessories from JCPenney, You could receive money or a store credit from a class action settlement, A federal Court authorized this Notice. This is not a solicitation from a lawyer. A class action settlement has been reached concerning JCPenney’s (“JCPenney”) pricing practices. The lawsuit claims that JCPenney used false “regular” and “original” prices for its private and exclusive branded products. The lawsuit is known as Spann v. JCPenney Corporation, Inc., Case No. 12-cv-0215FMO, pending in the U.S. District Court for the Central District of California. JCPenney believes that the lawsuit has no basis. You have received this Notice because JCPenney’s records indicate that you are an eligible class member who purchased JCPenney private or exclusive branded clothing or accessories in California at a discount of least 30 percent off of a “regular” or “original” price between November 5, 2010 and January 31, 2012, or between January 1, 2013 and December 31, 2014. YOU HAVE BEEN ASSIGNED THE FOLLOWING UNIQUE CUSTOMER ID NUMBER: <<RefID>>. You may enter this number on the Settlement Website to review your qualifying purchases, upload evidence of additional purchases and submit a Claim Form. Your legal rights are affected whether you act or don’t act. This Notice includes information on the Settlement. Please read the entire Notice carefully. Your rights and options—and the deadlines to exercise them—are explained in this notice. You can file a claim for benefits from the Settlement. see Question 7 You can object or comment on the Settlement. see Question 9 You can go to a court hearing and ask to speak about the Settlement. see Questions 12-13 You may exclude yourself from the Settlement. see Questions 9 & 10 • The Court in charge of the case still has to decide whether to approve the Settlement with JCPenney. Case 8:12-cv-00215-FMO-KES Document 268-12 Filed 07/28/16 Page 3 of 7 Page ID #:9129 WHAT THIS NOTICE CONTAINS BASIC INFORMATION……………………………………………………………… PAGE 2 1. 2. 3. Why is there a notice? What is the lawsuit about? Why are there class actions? THE SETTLEMENT CLASS……………..………………………………….……….PAGE 3 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. How do I know if I’m part of the Settlement Class? Why is there a Settlement? What does the Settlement provide? How can I get benefits? When will I get benefits? What are my rights in the Settlement Class? What am I giving up to stay in the Settlement Class? When and where will the Court decide whether to approve the Settlement? Do I have to come to the hearing? May I speak at the hearing? THE LAWYERS REPRESENTING YOU…………………………………………...PAGE 6 14. 15. Do I have a lawyer in the case? How will the lawyers get paid? GETTING MORE INFORMATION…………………………………………………PAGE 6 16. How do I get more information? WHAT THIS NOTICE CONTAINS For More Information: Call 1-855-731-7497 or Visit BASIC INFORMATION 1. Why is there a notice? You have the right to know about the lawsuit and about your legal rights and options before the Court decides whether to approve the Settlement. The Court in charge of the case is the United States District Court for the Central District of California, and the case is called Cynthia E. Spann v. J.C. Penney Corporation, Inc., SACV12-0215 FMO (KESx). The person who sued is called the Plaintiff, and the company she sued, J.C. Penney Corporation, Inc. is called the Defendant. 2. What is the lawsuit about? The lawsuit claims that JCPenney engaged in a scheme of false price comparison advertising prior to February 2012 and then again starting in 2013 through 2014. Plaintiff claims that JCPenney’s conduct violated various California laws that prohibit false advertising and unfair competition. JCPenney denies: (1) that it used false price comparison advertising, (2) that it has done anything wrong, and (3) that the Plaintiff or class has been harmed in any way. The Court has not decided who is right. Page 2 of 6 Case 8:12-cv-00215-FMO-KES Document 268-12 Filed 07/28/16 Page 4 of 7 Page ID #:9130 3. Why are there class actions? In a class action, one or more people, called class representatives (in this case, Cynthia Spann) sue on behalf of people who have similar claims. All of the people with similar claims comprise the “class” and are referred to as “Class Members,” except for those who exclude themselves from the class. U.S. District Judge Fernando Olguin in the United States District Court for the Central District of California is in charge of this class action. THE SETTLEMENT CLASS 4. How do I know if I am part of the Settlement Class? The Settlement Class includes the following persons: All persons who, while in the State of California and between November 5, 2010 and January 31, 2012, or between January 1, 2013, and December 31, 2014, purchased from JCPenney one or more private or exclusive branded items of apparel or accessories advertised at a discount of at least 30% off the stated “original” or “regular” price, and who have not received a refund or credit for their purchase(s). Excluded from the class are the Defendant, as well as its officers, employees, agents or affiliates, and any judge who presides over this action, as well as all past and present employees, officers and directors of JCPenney. 5. Why is there a settlement? This case has been pending since February, 2012. JCPenney is not admitting that it did anything wrong, but both sides want to avoid the cost and risk of further litigation. The Court has not decided in favor of the Plaintiff or JCPenney. The Class Representative and her attorneys think the Settlement is best for everyone who is affected. The Settlement provides the opportunity for benefits to Class Members. 6. What does the settlement provide? JCPenney has agreed to make available $50 million to compensate Class Members who file valid claims. The cash component of the Settlement will first pay notice and administrative costs in an amount not to exceed $2,667,000, plus attorneys’ fees and costs and a payment to the Class Representative as approved by the Court (see Question 15). The remaining amount will be paid to Class Members. Class Members can decide whether they want to request a cash payment or a JCPenney store credit of equal value. The amount of the cash payment or store credit will be based on the amount of purchases you made of private and exclusive branded apparel and accessories during the class period and on the number of valid claims that are filed (see Question 7). Please note that you can give your store credit to someone else but it cannot be resold or exchanged for cash. Your store credit can be used for any on-line or in-store purchase, and it does not expire. The Settlement Agreement describes more details about the Settlement. You can find a copy of the Settlement Agreement at the Settlement Website: 7. How can I get benefits? To ask for benefits, you need to complete and submit a Claim Form. Claim Forms are available at the Settlement Website or by calling 1-855-731-7497. Please read the instructions carefully. Claim Forms can be completed and submitted online (for store credits only) by June 30, 2016 or mailed so that it is postmarked by that date, to: JCPenney Settlement c/o Heffler Claims Group P.O. Box 0509 Philadelphia, PA 19105-0509 Page 3 of 6 Case 8:12-cv-00215-FMO-KES Document 268-12 Filed 07/28/16 Page 5 of 7 Page ID #:9131 8. When will I get benefits? Benefits will be distributed to Class Members after the Court grants “final approval” of the Settlement and after any appeals are resolved. The “final approval” hearing is scheduled to occur on August 25, 2016. If there are appeals to the final approval order, they can take time to resolve. 9. What are my rights in the Settlement Class? Remain in the Settlement Class: If you wish to remain in the Settlement Class and get benefits from the Settlement, you need to file a Claim Form (see Question 7). Get out of the Settlement Class: If you wish to keep your individual right to sue JCPenney about the claims in this case you must exclude yourself from the Settlement Class. However, you will lose the right to receive any benefits from the Settlement if you exclude yourself from the Settlement Class. To exclude yourself from the Settlement Class, you must complete an Opt-Out Form, by filling out the following information: • • • • Your name, address, and telephone number, The name of the case (Spann v. JCPenney), A statement that you want to be excluded from this Settlement, and Your signature and date. Opt-Out Forms are available at the Settlement Website or by calling 1-855-731-7497. You must electronically submit or mail your exclusion request, postmarked no later than June 30, 2016, to: JCPenney Settlement - Exclusions c/o Heffler Claims Group P.O. Box 0509 Philadelphia, PA 19105-0509 Remain in the Settlement Class and Object: If you disagree with any aspect of the Settlement, you may express your views to the Court. The written response needs to include: • • • • • • Your name and address, The name and number of the case (Spann v. JCPenney, Case No. 12-cv-0215FMO), The reasons you object to the Settlement, Copies of all documents that support your objection, Whether you intend to appear at the Fairness Hearing (see Question 13 ), and Your signature. The response must be postmarked no later than June 30, 2016 and mailed to: JCPenney Settlement - Objections c/o Heffler Claims Group P.O. Box 0509 Philadelphia, PA 19105-0509 You will have no right to object to the Settlement if you exclude yourself from the Settlement Class. Page 4 of 6 Case 8:12-cv-00215-FMO-KES Document 268-12 Filed 07/28/16 Page 6 of 7 Page ID #:9132 10. What am I giving up to stay in the Settlement Class? Unless you exclude yourself from the Settlement Class, you can’t separately sue JCPenney f o r the c l a i m s a n d issues in this case. You also will be bound by any decisions by the Court relating to the Settlement. The “Release of Claims” is described more fully in the Settlement Agreement and describes the legal claims that you give up if you get benefits from the Settlement. The Settlement Agreement is available at 11. When and where will the Court decide whether to approve the Settlement? The Court will hold a Fairness Hearing at 10:00 a.m. on August 25, 2016, at the United States District Court for the Central District of California, located at 312 North Spring Street, Los Angeles, California, in Courtroom 22 on the 5th Floor. The hearing may be moved to a different date, time or location without additional notice, so it is a good idea to check At this hearing, the Court will consider whether the Settlement is fair, reasonable and adequate. The Court will also consider how much to pay Class Counsel and the Class Representative. If there are objections, the Court will consider them at this time. After the hearing, the Court will decide whether to approve the Settlement. We do not know how long these decisions will take. 12. Do I have to come to the hearing? No. Class Counsel will answer any questions the Court may have. But, you are welcome to come at your own expense. If you send an objection or comment, you don’t have to come to Court to talk about it. As long as you mailed your written objection on time, the Court will consider it. You may also pay another lawyer to attend, but it’s not required. 13. May I speak at the hearing? Yes. You may ask the Court for permission to speak at the Fairness Hearing. To do so, you must send a letter saying that it is your “Notice of Intent to Appear.” In your letter you must include the following: 1. Your name, address, and telephone number, 2. The name and number of the case (Spann v. JCPenney, Case No. 12-cv-0215FMO), 3. The name, address, and telephone number of any attorney(s) who will be appearing on your behalf at the Fairness Hearing, 4. A brief statement detailing what you will be presenting to the Court, and 5. Your signature. You must mail your Notice of Intention to Appear which must be postmarked no later than June 30, 2016, to: JCPenney Settlement - Notice To Appear c/o Heffler Claims Group P.O. Box 0509 Philadelphia, PA 19105-0509 Page 5 of 6 Case 8:12-cv-00215-FMO-KES Document 268-12 Filed 07/28/16 Page 7 of 7 Page ID #:9133 THE LAWYERS REPRESENTING YOU 14. Do I have a lawyer in this case? Yes. Plaintiff was represented by three law firms, and the Court has appointed two of those firms as “Class Counsel” to represent you and all Class Members: Matthew J. Zevin of the Stanley Law Group and Derek J. Emge of The Emge Firm, LLP. You will not be charged for these lawyers. If you want to be represented by your own lawyer, you may hire one at your own expense. 15. How will the lawyers get paid? The Court will decide how much the attorneys will be paid. Class Counsel have asked the Court to award a total of $13,500,000, (27% of the Settlement Fund), plus their out-of-pocket costs and expenses of $191,080.91, all of which will be paid out of the cash part of the Settlement. In addition, they have requested an Enhancement Award of $10,000 for the Class Representative. Class Counsel’s motion for Attorneys’ Fees and Costs is available for viewing on the settlement website at GETTING MORE INFORMATION 16. How do I get more Information? The Notice summarizes the lawsuit and the proposed Settlement. You can get more information about the lawsuit and Settlement at You may also write with questions to: JCPenney Settlement, c/o Heffler Claims Group, P.O. Box 0509, Philadelphia, PA 19105-0509. You can also get a Claim Form or Opt-Out Request at the website, or by calling this toll free number, 855-731-7497. Page 6 of 6 Case 8:12-cv-00215-FMO-KES Document 268-13 Filed 07/28/16 Page 1 of 3 Page ID #:9134 Exhibit H Case 8:12-cv-00215-FMO-KES Document 268-13 Filed 07/28/16 Page 2 of 3 Page ID #:9135 JCPenney Settlement Claim Form If you purchased one or more private or exclusive branded items of apparel or accessories from JCPenney while in California between November 5, 2010 and January 31, 2012, or between January 1, 2013 and December 31, 2014, that were advertised at a discount of at least 30% off the stated “original” or “regular” price, and you have not received a refund or credit for your purchase, you will be eligible to receive benefits from a Settlement with JC Penney. You need to submit this Claim Form if you want to receive a cash payment or a store credit. The deadline to file a claim is June 30, 2016. The amount of the cash payment or store credit will be determined based on a formula contained in the Settlement Agreement and in the notice you received. Additional information regarding the formula and the Settlement can be found at To claim a store credit you may submit the Claim Form by mail or online at If submitting by U.S. Mail, print and complete this Claim Form and mail it to the following address postmarked on or before June 30, 2016: Claims Administrator: JCPenney Settlement c/o Heffler Claims Group P.O. Box 0509 Philadelphia, PA 19105-0509 To claim a cash payment, you must complete this Claim Form and mail it to the following address postmarked on or before June 30, 2016: Claims Administrator: JCPenney Settlement c/o Heffler Claims Group P.O. Box 0509 Philadelphia, PA 19105-0509 You cannot file an online claim for a cash payment. Please Complete Each Section On The Following Page In The Space Provided *30853* 30853 *CF* CF *Page 1 of 2* Page 1 of 2 Case 8:12-cv-00215-FMO-KES Document 268-13 Filed 07/28/16 Page 3 of 3 Page ID Unique Customer ID: *3085300000000* FOR OFFICE USE ONLY #:9136 3085300000000 JCPENNEY CLAIM CLAIM FORM SECTION I- CONTACT INFORMATION If you received a notice via email or postcard, please provide your Unique Customer ID found on the notice you received (if you did not receive such a notice, leave this blank): Unique Customer ID: 30853 ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ Name: _______________________________ ___ _________________________________________________ First Name MI Last Name Name at the time of your purchase(s): ___________________________ ___ __________________________________________ First Name MI Last Name _________________________________________________________________________________________ Street Address _________________________________________________ City ___ ___ State ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ - ___ ___ ___ ___ Zip Code Zip4 (optional) Telephone Number: ( ___ ___ ___ ) ___ ___ ___ - ___ ___ ___ ___ (Primary) Email Address: ___________________________________________________@____________________.___________ SECTION II: AWARD SELECTION Please tell us whether you prefer to receive an electronic store credit or a cash payment. You may not request both. If you are requesting a cash payment, you must also provide the last four digits of your social security number. You can give your store credit to someone else but it cannot be resold. Electronic Store credit Cash Payment Last Four Digits of your Social Security Number (for cash payment only): X X X – X X- ___ ___ ___ ___ SECTION III: AFFIRMATION I hereby affirm, under penalty of perjury, that the information I have provided in this Claim Form is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and this is the only JCPenney Claim Form that I have submitted. I further understand, acknowledge, and agree that I am eligible to receive only ONE payment from this Settlement based on all my purchases from JCPenney. I further understand, acknowledge, and agree that the amount I will receive shall be calculated according to the terms of the Settlement Agreement and subject to the terms of the Settlement Agreement, including the release of claims. Date: ___ ___ / ___ ___ /___ ___ ___ ___ *30853* 30853 Signature:___________________________________________ *CF* CF *Page 2 of 2* Page 2 of 2 Case 8:12-cv-00215-FMO-KES Document 268-14 Filed 07/28/16 Page 1 of 8 Page ID #:9137 Exhibit I Case 8:12-cv-00215-FMO-KES Document 268-14 Filed 07/28/16 Page 2 of 8 Page ID #:9138 FAQ’s: 1. Why is there a notice? You have the right to know about the lawsuit and about your legal rights and options before the Court decides whether to approve the Settlement. The Court in charge of the case is the United States District Court for the Central District of California, and the case is called Cynthia E. Spann v. J.C. Penney Corporation, Inc., SACV12-0215 FMO (KESx). The person who sued is called the Plaintiff, and the company she sued, J.C. Penney Corporation, Inc. is called the Defendant. 2. Why are there class actions? In a class action, one or more people, called class representatives (in this case, Cynthia Spann) sue on behalf of people who have similar claims. All of the people with similar claims comprise the “class” and are referred to as “class members,” except for those who exclude themselves from the class. U.S. District Judge Fernando Olguin in the United States District Court for the Central District of California is in charge of this class action. 3. What is the lawsuit about? The lawsuit claims that JCPenney engaged in a scheme of false price comparison advertising prior to February 2012 and then again starting in 2013 through 2014. Plaintiff claims that JCPenney’s conduct violated various California laws that prohibit false advertising and unfair competition. JCPenney denies: (1) that it used false price comparison advertising, (2) that it has done anything wrong, and (3) that the Plaintiff or class has been harmed in any way. The Court has not decided who is right. 4. How do I know if I am part of the settlement class? The Settlement Class includes the following persons: All persons who, while in the State of California and between November 5, 2010 and January 31, 2012, or between January 1, 2013, and December 31, 2014, purchased from JCPenney one or more private or exclusive branded items of apparel or accessories advertised at a discount of at least 30% off the stated “original” or “regular” price, and who have not received a refund or credit for their purchase(s). Excluded from the class are the Defendant, as well as its officers, employees, agents or affiliates, and any judge who presides over this action, as well as all past and present employees, officers and directors of JCPenney. 5. Why is there a settlement? This case has been pending since February, 2012. JCPenney is not admitting that it did anything wrong, but both sides want to avoid the cost and risk of further litigation. The Court has not decided in favor of Case 8:12-cv-00215-FMO-KES Document 268-14 Filed 07/28/16 Page 3 of 8 Page ID #:9139 the Plaintiff or JCPenney. The Class Representative and her attorneys think the Settlement is best for everyone who is affected. The Settlement provides the opportunity for benefits to Class Members. 6. What does the Settlement provide? JCPenney has agreed to make available $50 million to compensate Class Members who file valid claims. The cash component of the Settlement will first pay notice and administrative costs in an amount not to exceed $2,667,000, plus attorneys’ fees and costs and a payment to the Class Representative as approved by the Court. The remaining amount will be paid to Class Members. Class Members can decide whether they want to request a cash payment or a JCPenney store credit of equal value. The amount of the cash payment or store credit will be based on the amount of purchases you made of private and exclusive branded apparel and accessories during the class period and on the number of valid claims that are filed. Please note that you can give your store credit to someone else but it cannot be resold or exchanged for cash. Your store credit can be used for any on-line or in-store purchase, and it does not expire. The Settlement Agreement describes more details about the Settlement, which can be downloaded [HERE]. 7. How can I get benefits? To ask for benefits, you need to complete and submit a Claim Form. Claim Forms are available at the Settlement Website or by calling 855-731-7497. Please read the instructions carefully. Claim Forms can be completed and submitted online (for store credits only) by June 30, 2016 or mailed so that it is postmarked by that date, to: Spann v. JCPenney c/o Heffler Claims Group P.O. Box 0509 Philadelphia, PA 19105-0509 8. When will I get benefits? Benefits will be distributed to Class Members after the Court grants “final approval” of the Settlement and after any appeals are resolved. The “final approval” hearing is scheduled to occur on August 25, 2016. If there are appeals to the final approval order, they can take time to resolve. Case 8:12-cv-00215-FMO-KES Document 268-14 Filed 07/28/16 Page 4 of 8 Page ID #:9140 9. What are my rights in the Settlement Class? Remain in the Settlement Class: If you wish to remain in the Settlement Class and get benefits from the Settlement, you need to file a Claim Form. Get out of the Settlement Class: If you wish to keep your individual right to sue JCPenney about the claims in this case you must exclude yourself from the Settlement Class. However, you will lose the right to receive any benefits from the Settlement if you exclude yourself from the Settlement Class. To exclude yourself from the Settlement Class, you must complete an Opt-Out Form, by filling out the following information: • • • • Your name, address, and telephone number, The name of the case (Spann v. JCPenney), A statement that you want to be excluded from this Settlement, and Your signature and date. Opt-Out Forms are available at the Settlement Website or by calling 855-731-7497. You must electronically submit or mail your exclusion request, postmarked no later than June 30, 2016, to: Spann v. JCPenney c/o Heffler Claims Group P.O. Box 0509 Philadelphia, PA 19105-0509 Remain in the Settlement Class and Object: If you disagree with any aspect of the Settlement, you may express your views to the Court. The written response needs to include: • • • • • • Your name and address, The name and number of the case (Spann v. JCPenney, Case No. 12-cv-0215FMO), The reasons you object to the Settlement, Copies of all documents that support your objection, Whether you intend to appear at the Fairness Hearing (see FAQ 13), and Your signature. The response must be postmarked no later than June 30, 2016 and mailed to: Spann v. JCPenney c/o Heffler Claims Group P.O. Box 0509 Philadelphia, PA 19105-0509 You will have no right to object to the Settlement if you exclude yourself from the Settlement Class. Case 8:12-cv-00215-FMO-KES Document 268-14 Filed 07/28/16 Page 5 of 8 Page ID #:9141 10. What am I giving up to get a payment or stay in the Settlement Class? Unless you exclude yourself from the Settlement Class, you can’t separately sue JCPenney for the claims and issues in this case. You also will be bound by any decisions by the Court relating to the Settlement. The “Release of Claims” is described more fully in the Settlement Agreement, which can be downloaded [HERE], and describes the legal claims that you give up if you get benefits from the Settlement. 11. When and where will the Court decide whether to approve the Settlement? To The Court will hold a Fairness Hearing at 10:00 a.m. on August 25, 2016, at the United States District Court for the Central District of California, located at 312 North Spring Street, Los Angeles, California, in Courtroom 22 on the 5th Floor. The hearing may be moved to a different date, time or location without additional notice, so it is a good idea to check this website. At this hearing, the Court will consider whether the Settlement is fair, reasonable and adequate. The Court will also consider how much to pay Class Counsel and the Class Representative. If there are objections, the Court will consider them at this time. After the hearing, the Court will decide whether to approve the Settlement. We do not know how long these decisions will take 12. Do I have to come to the hearing? No. Class Counsel will answer any questions the Court may have. But, you are welcome to come at your own expense. If you send an objection or comment, you don’t have to come to Court to talk about it. As long as you mailed your written objection on time, the Court will consider it. You may also pay another lawyer to attend, but it’s not required. 13. May I speak at the hearing? Yes. You may ask the Court for permission to speak at the Fairness Hearing. To do so, you must send a letter saying that it is your “Notice of Intent to Appear.” In your letter you must include the following: • • • • • Your name, address, and telephone number, The name and number of the case (Spann v. JCPenney, Case No. 12-cv-0215FMO), The name, address, and telephone number of any attorney(s) who will be appearing on your behalf at the Fairness Hearing, A brief statement detailing what you will be presenting to the Court, and Your signature. You must mail your Notice of Intention to Appear which must be postmarked no later than June 30, 2016, to: Spann v. JCPenney c/o Heffler Claims Group P.O. Box 0509 Case 8:12-cv-00215-FMO-KES Document 268-14 Filed 07/28/16 Page 6 of 8 Page ID #:9142 Philadelphia, PA 19105-0509 14. Do I have a lawyer in this case? Yes. Plaintiff was represented by three law firms, and the Court has appointed two of those firms as “Class Counsel” to represent you and all Class Members: Matthew J. Zevin of the Stanley Law Group and Derek J. Emge of The Emge Firm, LLP. You will not be charged for these lawyers. If you want to be represented by your own lawyer, you may hire one at your own expense. 15. How will the lawyers be paid? The Court will decide how much the attorneys will be paid. Class Counsel have asked the Court to award a total of $13,500,000, (27% of the Settlement Fund), plus their out-of-pocket costs and expenses of $191,080.91, all of which will be paid out of the cash part of the Settlement. In addition, they have requested an Enhancement Award of $10,000 for the Class Representative. Class Counsel’s motion for Attorneys’ Fees and Costs is available for viewing on this website. 16. How do I get more Information? This website is only a summary of the lawsuit and the proposed Settlement; more details can be found in the Settlement Agreement, which can be downloaded [HERE]. You may also write with questions to: Spann v. JCPenney, c/o Heffler Claims Group, P.O. Box 0509, Philadelphia, PA 19105-0509 or via the “Contact US” page. You can also get a Claim Form or Opt-Out Request at the website, or by calling this toll free number, 855-731-7497 Case 8:12-cv-00215-FMO-KES Document 268-14 Filed 07/28/16 Page 7 of 8 Page ID #:9143 IMPORTANT DOCUMENTS: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. The Complaint The Amended Complaint The Second Amended Complaint The Third Amended Complaint The Fourth Amended Complaint Preliminary Approval Order Settlement Agreement Long Form Notice Summary Notice Claim Form Opt-Out Form Case 8:12-cv-00215-FMO-KES Document 268-14 Filed 07/28/16 Page 8 of 8 Page ID #:9144 CONTACT US: Spann v. JCPenney c/o Heffler Claims Group P.O. Box 0509 Philadelphia, PA 19105-0509 1-800-000-0000 Case 8:12-cv-00215-FMO-KES Document 268-15 Filed 07/28/16 Page 1 of 15 Page ID #:9145 EXHIBIT J Case 8:12-cv-00215-FMO-KES Document 268-15 Filed 07/28/16 Page 2 of 15 Page ID #:9146 EXCLUSION # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 NAME ABBOTT, ANITA ACTON, ERIN ADAMS, LINDA ADKINS, SHIRLEY AGPALSA, JOSEPH AGUAYO, VERONICA AGUIAR, REBECCA AGUILAR, GUSTAVO AGUILAR, JESUS AITKEN, SHANNON ALATORREPEREZ, CRISTAL ALEXANDER, LAURIA ALLEGRA, RICHARD ALLEN, CYNTHIA ALLISON, JEFFREY ALLISON, MARGIE ALONSO, MARIA ALTAMIRANO, ELIZABETH ALVAREZ, ROSEMARY AMORE, MARTA AMSDEN, JEFFREY AMUNDSON, ERIC ANDERS, JANET ANDERSON, CAROLE ANDERSON, CHRISTOPHER ANDREWS, BRADEN ANGULO, CAROLINE ANGULO, MARITZA ANTABLIN, BOOTS ARELLANO, HUMBERTO ARGYRES, JOANNE ARREGUIN, ALEJANDRA ARTHERTON, MICHAEL ASATOURIANS, VALENTINA ASHWORTH, DANEEN ATKINSON, NAOMA AYER, RITA BACICH, DENISE BADRI, MALAK BAKST, NANCY BALDWIN, SANDRA BARBOZA, HILARY BARCUS, NANCY BARRIOS, MARY BARRY, SHANNON BARTELT, RONALD BATES, KAREN BAUER, LENDA BAUER, LENNDA BEAMAN, KARON BEAN, HAROLD BEARD, JANA BECK, ROGER BECKER, LINDA BEELES, LARINNA BEIRLE, DEIDRE BELL, TARA Case 8:12-cv-00215-FMO-KES Document 268-15 Filed 07/28/16 Page 3 of 15 Page ID #:9147 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 BENOUDIZ, TANYA BENTON, DAVID BERCK, LANA BERRIZ, CARMEN BETZER, DONNA BHANG, LOUISE BIDNICK, SCOTT BIGGE, DIANNE BITTNER, KAREN BLACK, DAVID BLALOCK, DAVID BLANCO, JENNIFER BLAZEK, CYNTHIA BLOCH, JAIME BOGER, SUSETTE BOLEX, ELIZABETH BONNER, LINDA BORAH, KAUSHIK BOWERS, KAREN BOYD, ELEANOR BRADLEY, LILLAN BROWN, JERELEAN BRUNDAGE, JOHN BRUNSKILL, KRISTEN BUCHANAN, JANET BUCHANAN, STACY BUDHAVARAPU, SREE BUFFUM, CHARLENE BURBAGE, ALICE BURG, SANDRA BURRELL, NATTIE BUTIMORE, DEBORAH BYRNE, ILA CACERES, OLVIN CADDEN, STACEY CALBREATH, JIM CALDERA, MARTHA CAMARENA, APRIL CAMARGO, HECTOR CAMERON, RYAN CAMERON, SHELIA CAMPBELL, TONYA CAMPOS, ELIZABETH CARBONI, ROBIN CARERO, KAREN CAREY, BRUCE CARINI, DOMENICO CARLSON, CHRISTINA CARLSON, SUSAN CARMEL, DIANE CARMODY, MARCI CARRIERE, WILMA CARRILLO, BENIGNA CASANOVA, LYNNE CASSERLY, GREGORY CASTILLO, YOLANDA CEJA, LORENA CERDA, PHILLIP CERNY, RAVEN Case 8:12-cv-00215-FMO-KES Document 268-15 Filed 07/28/16 Page 4 of 15 Page ID #:9148 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 CERSOSIMO, RICHARD CERVANTES, TEODORO CHAPMAN, MARIETA CHARLTON, CAROL CHATTIN, ELEANOR CHAUVIN, BRENDA CHAVEZ, EMILIA CHAVEZ, ENRIQUE CHEEK, CHERYL CHEGLOV, MARITE CHENOWETH, CAROLE CHRISTENSON, RUTH CHRISTMAN, PALMA CHRISTMAN, WILLIAM CLARK, JULIE CLYDE, GAIL COFFRINI, CORINNE COHEE, PAMELA COLE, GAIL COLLETT, ELVIRA COLOMBO, BONNIE CONGER, KAREN CONNERY, PATRICIA CONNOLLY, ROSE CONTRERAS, ALBERT COPLEMAN, NANCY CORDINER, WILLIAM CORNEJO, HELEN COSTELLO, CLAUDIA COSTELLO, SANDRA COUCH, KATRINA CRAWFORD, DONNA CROCKETT, DOROTHY CROSSMAN, THOMAS CROW, JOAN CRUM, LORETTA CRUZ, EDWARD DAFNEY, KHRIS DAMICONE, ILENE DAMMIER, MARIE DANEY, ELAINE DAUB, LAURA DAVALOS, MORAIMA DEARCE, DELANEY DEE, JAMES DEFRANCO, CLAUDIA DELMAS, VICKY DELONG, DAVID DENNIS, EDWARD DENNIS, LEWIS DIAS, BARRY DIAS, EUGENE DIEDESCH, BARBARA DIFRANCO, OLGA DILLEN, AMANDA DION, MARY DITSWORTH, LONNA DOANE, HORTENSIA DRAEGGER, MARGARET Case 8:12-cv-00215-FMO-KES Document 268-15 Filed 07/28/16 Page 5 of 15 Page ID #:9149 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 DUERNER, JANE DUNKS, CINDY EADS, LYNN EHLERS, ELIZABETH EMANUEL, CRISTA ENCINAS, SANDRA ENGLISH, ARTHUR ENRIQUEZ, CHRISTINE ENRIQUEZ, MARLENNE ESAU, TIMOTHY ESPARZA, VERONICA ESPINOZA, TY ESTRADA, KATHIE EUERLE, LORENE EUZENT, VIVIAN EVANS, MICHELLE FAGAN, MARY FARRAND, CONSTANCE FAUCON, JOHN FAUSTO, MARIA FEIGERLE, A FEIGERLE, JEANNETTE FEO-SEAMAN, MARGARET FERGUSON, LESLIE FERNANDEZ, ESTEFANIA FERNANDEZ, RONNIE FESSENDEN, CINDY FIFE, JACK FILLINGAME, DIANNE FISCHER, ANDREA FISCHER, JAN FLEMING, BOBBY FORRESTER, J FRANCISCO, CAROLE FRANCO, MARIESA FRANCO, VERONICA FRANKLIN, CHERI FRANKLIN, YVONNE FREITAS, JOHN FREITAS, LINDA FRISINGER, CODY FROSCHAUER, BETH GALVEZ, ELENA GARCIA, BEULAH GARCIA, DAVID GARCIA, EVA GARCIA, LILIANA GARCIA, MARCO GARCIA, MARIA GARCIA, MICHELLE GARDNER, MEGAN GARRETT, BEVERLY GARRETT, CRAIG GAUNT, SANDRA GEMLER, BEVERLY GIBSON, DONALD GIBSON, SHUDE GIFFORD, BEATRIZ GILBRECHT, DEBRA Case 8:12-cv-00215-FMO-KES Document 268-15 Filed 07/28/16 Page 6 of 15 Page ID #:9150 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 GILES, MIGUEL GILLIN, KIMBERLY GLUNT, SHERYL GODFREY, RAY GODLEWSKI, JUANA GODOY, MAYRA GOLDSTEIN, BEATRIZ GOMES, KATE GOMEZ, MARIA GONZALES, EDWARD GONZALEZ, ADA GONZALEZ, VERONICA GOODMAN, RITA GOTELLI, DOREEN GRAHAM, JEAN GRANT, CASSANDRA GRANT, SANDRA GRAYSON, PAMELA GREEN, IRENE GREEN, JANICE GREEN, JUDITH GREGORY, JANE GREMIGNI, CRISTINA GRIEGO, JOANNE GRIFFIN, SHERRY GRISWOLD, LUCINE GROSS, MARCELLA GROVE, EARL GU755OO2, JILL GUGEL, JULIE GUILLEN, ANDREW GUILLETTE, SHELBY GURZI, JUDY GUTHRIE, ALLYSON GUTIERREZ, RICHARD GUTIERREZ, TANYA GUZMAN, ANDREA HABTESLASSIE, AKBERET HAGER, AMANDA HALEY, SANDRA HALL, GAYLE HALLOCK, THERESA HAMBLIN, NICHOLE HAMILTON, EDITH HAMMONDS, KEARSTON HAMPTON, RICHARD HAMPTON, TERESA HANSEN, JACQUELINE HANSON, LLOYD HANSON, LYNN HARMON, PATRICIA HARNESS, CARL HARRIS, PAULETTE HAWATMEH, PAULINE HAYASHI, HELEN HAYES, ROBERT HAYNES, ETHEL HEFFERLIN, PAUL HEINMILLER, ZOE Case 8:12-cv-00215-FMO-KES Document 268-15 Filed 07/28/16 Page 7 of 15 Page ID #:9151 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 HELL, JANICE HENDRIX, STEFANIE HENDRY, KATHY HENRY, A HENRY, NORMA HERNANDEZ, BEATRIZ HERNANDEZ, JUAN HERRERA, RAFAELA HERRMANN, HYUN-SOOK HERTZ, PAMELA HESLA, SHARON HEVERON, GAIL HIDALGO, JENNIFER HIGHTOWER, MELANIE HIGHTSHOE, MARLENE HILGARDNER, JENNIFER HOEFT, DARLA HOELLWORTH, PHYLLIS HOFER, CHERYL HOFF, REGINA HOFFARTH, YOLANDA HOFFMAN, ROBERT HOFFMAN, SHARLON HOGUE, JEFF HOLDAWAY, DONNA HOLLIS, WENDALL HOLT, JACQUELINE HONG, DOROTHY HORLICK, KATHLEEN HORN, JENNIFER HOSNER, NANCY HOUSE, SUSAN HOWELL, MARILYN HUERTA, ANNA HULSING, NORBERT HULSING, PATTY J HUME, NANCY HUMMA, MARTHA HUPP, JEMMA HYMAN, TODD IAPELLO, VALERIE IMUS, PATRICIA INNES, SANDRA ISRAEL, KATHLEEN JACKSON, JOHNNY JACKSON, KEVIN JAUREGUI, KAROL JEAN-GILLES, RACHELLE JEIDE, KATHARIN JENKINS, HATTIE JENSEN, JAN JIMENEZ, JOSE JIMENEZ, MARIBEL JIMENEZ, ROSAMAR JOHNSON, CAROLYN JOHNSON, LAVERDA JOHNSON, RORY JOHNSON, SCOTT JOHNSON, WANDA Case 8:12-cv-00215-FMO-KES Document 268-15 Filed 07/28/16 Page 8 of 15 Page ID #:9152 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 JONES, JENNIFER JONES, MARQUIS JONES, OLGA JUAREZ, LUIS KANDOLA, JASKIRATH KANNAN, MAGESH KANNELY, FRAN KASKELA, PAMELA KAUR, KIRAN KAUR, MANDEEP KAUR, SUKHDEEP KEHOE, JENNIFER KELLY, JOEANNE KELLY, MARTHA KELLY, PATRICIA KENDALL, ERIK KENNEDY, JACK KERKERA, JODEL KERSHNER, DAWN KESTER, SHELIA KHALIL, BERNADETTE KHAN, BABAR KHAN, NEHA KILLOUGH, DEBORAH KIMBERGER, CAROL KING, STELLA KIRBY, DESSA KOCI, LINDA KOEHN, LORITA KOPETSKI, DONALD KOZAK, TERRI KRUEGER, MARGARET KU, CHI KUHN, WALLACE LAI, BETH LAM, ALLISON LAM, ELLEN LAM, HENRY LAMOUREAUX, RUSSELL LANDIS, PATRICIA LARSON, ROSELAVON LARSON, TRACE LARUE, WILLIAM LATUS, MARIETTA LAWRENCE, JULIE LECKEY, BILLIE LEEBER, JAKE LEET, PATRICIA A. LEGASPI, BRITT LEITER, LINDA LEONELLY, FRANCES LEWIS, SALLY A LEYVA, MARTA LEZAMA, DIANE LIGGETT, CHRISTINA LIGMAN, JULIE LINES, DEBRA LISCANO, JOE LISCANO, TOMASA Case 8:12-cv-00215-FMO-KES Document 268-15 Filed 07/28/16 Page 9 of 15 Page ID #:9153 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 LIVCHITS, PAVEL LIZARDO, JERRY LOCKHART, JUDITH LOCKS, THERESA LOCOCO, FRANCESCO LOPETEGUY, JULIE LOPEZ, ANITA LOPEZ, CHRISTINA LOPEZ, GERARDO LOPEZ, MAYRA LOPEZ, SALVADOR LOVETT, GEORGEANN LUCAS, BARBARA LUCKINBILL, MARY LUI, DANAE LYNN, TRACY MAESTAS, GENIEVE MAGYAR, TRULY MALDONADO, ALVARO MALETA, SUE MALONE, MICHAEL MANGAYAO, CRYSTAL MANGRUM, DAN MANINGAS, JAMES MANIORD, KENNETH MANN, PATRICIA MAR, PEARL MARCELLIN, PAULETTE MARCELLO, SANDRA MARCH, DAVID MAREY, KATHLEEN MARIN, JUDIT MARQUEZ, CINDYMARIE MARRUJO, TERESA MARTIN, CHRISTOPHER MARTIN, GARY MARTIN, LOIS MARTINELLI, LORRAINE MARTINEZ, BELINDA MARTINEZ, JUANA MARTINEZ, RHINA MASLIAH, MARY MASSEY, JO MATSUOKA, LILY MAYSTROVIC, NANCY MAZZIA, MICHELE L MCABATA, ANN MCCARRON, JOSEPH MCCARTER, THERESA MCCLARREN, IAN MCCOMBS, CATHY MCCONE, SAMANTHA MCDERMOTT, EMILY MCGEE, EILEEN MCGEE, KAREN MCKEAN, ROSEMARY MCKEE, MONTE MCLEAN, JACQUELINE MCMANUS, MARILYN Case 8:12-cv-00215-FMO-KES Document 268-15 Filed 07/28/16 Page 10 of 15 Page ID #:9154 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 MCMILLAN, BARBARA MEDRANO, RHODALYN MEE, MARGARET MEHROTRA, ASHISH MENDIZABAL, ETELVINA MENDOZA, ARMANDO MENEFEE, SUSAN MENGE, KIM MENTEL, NANCY MERRILEES, ROBERT MESSENGER, DEBORAH METLING, PAULA MEYER, MICHAEL MICHELETTI, SANDRA MICKELSON, JOHN MINGES, DEBORAH MITCHELL, LAWRENCE MITCHELL, LORI MITCHELL, MARY MOCKRIDGE, LARRY MOLINA, VALENTINA MOLITOR, ELIZABETH MONTALVO, LORETTA MONTALVO, PAMELA MONTOYA, CRISTINA MOORE, LOIS MORADIYAN, JOHNIK MORALES, JANET MORENO, KATHLYN MORGAN, NANCY MORRIS, SARAH MOSELEY, LINDA MUNOZ, CONSUELO MUNROE, MARIA MURPHY, ROBERT MYRICK, KRISTI NAHLOVSKY, KATHY NAHLOVSKY, KEITH NAVARRO, JAIME NAY, AMY NEAL, SHELLI NEUMAN, SUSAN NEUMANN, CONRAD NGUYEN, CU NGUYEN, HANH NGUYEN, NGOC NGUYEN, NHON NGUYEN, THAO NICEWONGER, CAROL NICKELS, TUESDAY NIEC, SANDRA NIEMANN, TONI NOLASCO, VICKY NORMENT, ZAKIRAH NORTH, ELEANOR NUNEZ, NORMA OCHOA, PATRICIA ODOR, MARILYN OEHLER, PHILIP Case 8:12-cv-00215-FMO-KES Document 268-15 Filed 07/28/16 Page 11 of 15 Page ID #:9155 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 OKUMURA, PAT OLGUIN, ANDREA OLMOS, JOSEPHINE ONEALL, SUZANNE OROZCO, CRISTINA ORTEGA, CARLOS ORTEGA, JAVIER ORTIZ, MIGUEL OVEN, CLARE OWEN, LOIS OWENS, CYNDIA PADILLA, JENNIE PAGKALIWANGAN, ERLINDA PAI, JANE PALMER, LISA PANDEY, SURESH KUMAR PANTOJA, MARY PARADISE, SAMANTHA PARKS, KATIE PARSONS, LYDIA PATIL, BABITA PATINO, CAROLINA PATTEN, JILL PATTERSON, JANET PAYNE, CLIFFORD PAYNE, LISA PAYNE, MICHAEL PELAYOCORDERO, JAVIER PELLA, PHILIP PENALVER, JOHNNY PENROSE, MICHELLE PERDUE, AA PERDUE, ARLEEN PEREZ, ANTONIO PEREZ, EMILY PEREZVEGA, DALILA PETERSON, LINDA PFORSICH, MARY PFORSICH, THOMAS PHAN, VU PIAZZA, ROSEMARY PIERCE, DIANNE PIERCE, JEAN PIEROLA, ILSE PIFER, LIANE PIRES, TING PIRL, VIRGINIA PITTS, KATHERINE PLUMBERG, CATHY PORTER, DAWN POTTER, NANCY POTTER, STEVEN POWER, CONSTANCE PRABHU, LAKSHMI PRINTERS, JACKIE PRUM, LYDEN PTACEK, CRYSTAL PUENTE, VERONICA PUENTES, ANGELICA Case 8:12-cv-00215-FMO-KES Document 268-15 Filed 07/28/16 Page 12 of 15 Page ID #:9156 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 596 597 598 599 600 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 613 614 615 616 617 618 619 620 621 622 623 624 625 626 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 638 639 640 641 642 643 644 645 646 647 PUGH, THELMA QUEJADA, MONIRA RAGUENEAU, RACHELLE RAMAN, PRASAD RAMOS, EVA RAMOS, MARIA RAMSEY, EILEEN RANADE, AMEYA RANADE, SWAPNAJA RANGEL, JULIANA RASTORGUEVA, OLESYA RAVITCH, MATTHEW REASON, GLORISA REAVES, BRUCE REBSAMEN, LAURA RECTOR, DEANNA RED, CARL RED, SHERYL RENTERIA, LYDIA REPELLA, CRAIG REYES, ALEXANDRA RICE, ALISON RICE, JUDY RICE, LYNN RICH, DAWN RILEY, KEITH RING, RACHEL RIVAS, ANA RIVERA, EDWIN RIVERA, MARIA ROBERTS, MICHELE ROBLEDO, RACHEL ROCCA, RUSSELL RODRIGUEZ, APRIL RODRIGUEZ, GABRIEL RODRIGUEZ, ROSA RODRIGUEZ, YAMILET ROHRBACH, NAIDA ROMBERG, MARGARET ROMERO, HECTOR RUBY, SARAH RUFFINI, BARBARA RUIZ, NADIA RUSCILLI, RUBY RYBAK-SUSTARSIC, CYNTHIA RYDER, STEPHEN SALAZAR, BARBARA SANCHEZ, CATRINA SANCHEZ, MARIA SANDERSON, MICHELLE SANDOVAL, LINDA SATTLEY, MICHAEL SATTLEY, MONICA SAUNDERS, SHEILA SCANTLEBURY, LAYNA SCHILDER, ELEANOR SCHILE, ANGELINA SCHOONOVER, SUSIE SCHUBACH, RITA Case 8:12-cv-00215-FMO-KES Document 268-15 Filed 07/28/16 Page 13 of 15 Page ID #:9157 648 649 650 651 652 653 654 655 656 657 658 659 660 661 662 663 664 665 666 667 668 669 670 671 672 673 674 675 676 677 678 679 680 681 682 683 684 685 686 687 688 689 690 691 692 693 694 695 696 697 698 699 700 701 702 703 704 705 706 SCHWALD, JEAN SCOGGIN, LINDA SCOTT, VERNELL SECKMAN, JAY SEHGAL, SANDEEP SENA, MARILYN SEPULVEDA, FELIPE SETZER, COLLEEN SHANKLAND, TAMMIE SHAPIRO, LYNN SHARP, GWEN SHARPE, KAREN SHAW, DOUGLAS SHEARES, KAREN SHEKERLIAN, STEVEN SHELDEN, DYONE SHELDON, KENNETH SHELLEY, LYNN SHIELDS, ELIZABETH SHIELDS, PAUL SHIN, JENNY SHIPERLY, CLARA SILVERMAN, DELPHINE SIMPSON, KAYE SINCLAIR, BARBARA SINGH, SAPNA SINOT, ROBERT SIPPEL, BRYAN SIPPEL, JANIE SMITH, CHRISTINE SMITH, DOAK SMITH, RYAN SMITS, JUDI SNODGRASS, MARY SNYDER, JANET SOLORZANO, TERESA SONG, WEI SOOD, PANKAJ SOTO, ANNIE SPENCER, CHERYL SPERRY, MARLENE SPRANKLING, PAMELA STAMPS, MARCELA STANLEY, PAT STEEB, MARSHA STEELY, MOLLY ANNE STEPHENS, CAROLYN STERNE, PATRICIA STOCKMAN, JAMES STOKOE, JUNE STONEKING, PENNY STORM, LEANN STORY, KARI STRUMLAUF, JOSHUA STURDEVANT, ERIN SUEN, ESTHER SUGITA, BEATRIZ SUGITA, RICHARD SUMAYLO, EILEEN Case 8:12-cv-00215-FMO-KES Document 268-15 Filed 07/28/16 Page 14 of 15 Page ID #:9158 707 708 709 710 711 712 713 714 715 716 717 718 719 720 721 722 723 724 725 726 727 728 729 730 731 732 733 734 735 736 737 738 739 740 741 742 743 744 745 746 747 748 749 750 751 752 753 754 755 756 757 758 759 760 761 762 763 764 765 SUNDSTROM, GLENDA SWEET, JENEEN SWINKELS, NORMA TACK, PAT TAMBOURIS, MARIA TANG, KATINA TARANTINO, ANTHONY TAYLOR, LINDA TAYLOR, MICHAEL TEODORESCU, SILVIA TERRY, TIA TEUSCHLER, MARCIA THIELMAN, JEFFREY THOMPSON, BONNIE THOMPSON, CHRISTINE THOMPSON, KAREN TINOCO, RICHARD TINOCO, SYLVIA TIPP, GARY TOLIN, ROSADELL TOMBERLIN, LAVONA TORRALBA, DOREEN TORRES, OLGA TRAN, CATHY TRIPP, COREY TRUDELL, JESSICA TRUJILLO, MATTHEW TU, MICHAEL TUCKER, CINDY TUCKER, EVA TUCKER, KATHLEEN TURNER, KATIE TYLER, BARBARA UNDERWOOD, BETTY UYEDA, PAULINE VACHON, NEYSA VALADEZ, ROBERT VANCE, PATRICIA VANDALSEM, JAMES VANDYKE, JOYCE VARGAS, CAMELIA VARGAS, MOSES VEATCH, JOYCE VELARDE, ALETHA VELTMAN, ROCIO VENTURA, BREANNE VERA, CAMELIA VERA, CAMILLIA VICKERS, RACHAEL VILLALOBOS, EDGAR VILLANUEVA, DAVID VILLEGAS, ESMERALDA VIOS, CABER VOGT, AMY WAASDORP, KATHLEEN WADAMA, JUNKO WADE, SANDY WAHLMAN, MARK WAITE, SARAH Case 8:12-cv-00215-FMO-KES Document 268-15 Filed 07/28/16 Page 15 of 15 Page ID #:9159 766 767 768 769 770 771 772 773 774 775 776 777 778 779 780 781 782 783 784 785 786 787 788 789 790 791 792 793 794 795 796 797 798 799 800 801 802 803 804 805 806 807 808 809 810 811 812 813 814 815 816 817 818 WAITERS, GLADYS WALKER, TAMARA WALL, GARY WALLACE, KATHLEEN WALTERS, ELIZABETH WARDEN, AMANDA WEBB, SHELIA WEIR, NANCY WEISE, NANCY WELLS, GRACIELA WELLS, NANCY WERT, MARILYN WEST, AMY WHEELER, GARY WHITE, JANET WHITE, SHARON WIEDMAIER, ALBERT WILBURN, SUSAN WILKINSON, BARBARA WILLIAMS, DOMENICA WILLIAMS, JENELENE WILLIAMS, MARTIN WILLIS, BELINDA WILLIS, SANDRA WILLS, NATHAN WILSON, KEANNA WILSON, LLOYCE WINGARD, FALLON WITTERICK, BARBARA WOOD, MERCY WRIGHT, JAMES XIONG, JAMIE XIONG, MAI YEBRA, SHANNON YEGHEYAYAN, HASMIK YOUNG, ALTA YOUNG, MARIANNE YSAIS RANGEL, TRINA ZAPIEN, NORA ZAPPE, ERIKA ZAVARIZ, ADRIANA ZIMMER, THELMA ZINK, JEROME ZUBIATE, GWENDOLYN GUTHRIE, ALLYSON RASTORGUEVA, OLESYA WEBB, SHELIA WELLS, GRACIELA WILBURN, SUSAN JOHNSON, ROBERT SOLLENDER, DEVIN SOLLENDER, KIMBERLY SOLLENDER, DEVIN DUPLICATE DUPLICATE DUPLICATE DUPLICATE DUPLICATE LATE LATE LATE LATE & DUPLICATE
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