LEVI ORTA PORTFOLIO Havana, Cuba; 1984. [email protected] www.ortalevi.blogspot.com (+34)674701809 (+53)5274 9532 SINGING ALONE, 2014 Video-Installation 2 channels of video Dimensions variable The installation is composed for 12 videos which showing politicians from different countries singing. The politicians who compose this symphony are: Vladimir Putin, Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, Hugo Chavez, Raul Castro, Silvio Berlusconi, Rafael Correa, Nicolás Maduro, Evo Morales, Tony Blair, Pablo Iglesias and Fernando Lugo. These videos are not false or manipulated, are extracts from public moments of these politicians where they have decided to sing. Installation view. POLITICAL CREATION, 2010-2013 Video-Installation Series of paintings and drawings, Video with 10 chapters of file pictures Dimensions variable I reproduce the drawings and paintings made by famous politicians. I study the History through the subjectivity of their protagonists. These subjectivities are explored using the exercise of the copy of their artistic creations. The politicians that I studied until now are: Adolf Hitler, Winston Churchill, Francisco Franco, Ernesto CheGuevara, Dwight D. Eisenhower, Alberto Fujimori, Vladimir Putin, Dmitri Medvédev, Hugo Chavez, and George W. Bush. Installation view. COPY OF A WORK OF FRANCISCO FRANCO TRAVELING SAFELY THROUGHOUT SPAIN, 2014 Installation Oil on canvas 70x76x66cm In this art work I use the copy as an analytical method. Copy of a work of Francisco Franco traveling safely throughout Spain, focuses on the figure of El Caudillo, not with the only aim of analyze their subjectivity through his art, if not with the even greater intention to review its validity in the current politic of the Spanish State. Vista de la instalación. Detail. PERVERTED JOKE, 2014 Installation 12 poems on politicians Dimensions variable Twelve framed poems dedicated to political leaders form an installation that mimics a supposed assembly or disassembly process in which only two of these, randomly chosen, are been positioned correctly. The poems are dedicated to Barack Obama, Salvador Allende, Fidel Castro, Ho Chi Minh, Nelson Mandela, Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin, Francisco Franco, Hugo Chavez, Vladimir Putin, Evo Morales and Kim JongIl. Installation view. Installation view. Detail. AUTOMATIONS, 2014 installation drawings on documents + briefcase Dimensions variable I collect the nonsense drawings made by politicians during their meetings in the Cuban National Assembly. These drawings are made on political documents. Installation view. VOYEUR, 2014. Two 9-inch tablets. 50 meters of electric cable Installation Dimensions variable Voyeur it´s a package of documentary photographs viewed at tablets that show how politicians spend their time in meetings. They are images from the internet, where we can see duels of scrabble, buy lingerie in the Congress of Deputies, poker games like John McCain in the Senate of the United States when the possible invasion of Syria was discussed, and we can even see some of the politicians engrossed with pornographic pages. An electrical long cable rolled gives permanently power to both tablets, energy for the reproduction of these amusements. Installation view ARTWORK DONATION TO A POLITICAL ART MUSEUM, 2010 Undercover operation and documentation Action-Installation Dimensions variable The secret intelligence and counterintelligence center of the Cuban Ministry of the Interior has agents who oversee and control all the cultural activities held in the country. These agents have always been more or less evidently present in the Cuban artistic milieu, depending on the Ministry´s policy. Using counterespionage techniques Orta infiltrates a politically charged artwork in the Ministry of the Interior files in order to follow the bureaucratic paths of censorship in Cuba. Installation view. Frames. SIGNATURE, 2012 Three watercolors on paper 29x15cm Alemania. I copied the drawings of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs made by Adolf Hitler, the only change I made was to make the Fuhrer's signature in gold. Until now only three drawings has been found. Installation view. Detail. TEST , 2010 Smoke bomb, text, phones, curators. Action-Installation Dimensions variable The project consisted in put a smoke bomb in the gallery. The bomb is programmed to explode at a given time every day. The curator of the exhibition has in his hands the possibility of preventing the explosion with call a phone number which aborts the detonation which then would pass to the following day. He, therefore, has to repeat the operation every day. Installation view. Installation view. THE GHOST´S DEATH OR PLAYING TO HAPPY ENDING , 2014 Series of conferences + Documentation HDV, mono-channel, color, stereo sound, 16:9, 1:34:00 min. I proposed to the Cuban Ministry of the Interior develop a project jointly about self-censorship in cultural institutions. The project consisted in the realization of a series of conferences given by me to a group of Interior Ministry's officials. In the first lecture I presented a serie of main works of the Political Art's history and after we did a critical reading exercises using works of my authorship. The project generated a debate about self-censorship with the own responsibles of censorship, while the role that should assume the Interior Ministry and cultural institutions about political art in Cuba were rethought . Installation view. Frames. CAPITAL=CULTURE, 2015 Action-Installation New Cuban stock market 12 th Havana biennale Dimensions variable The economic openings that the Government of Cuba recently did, make us wander among multiple future possibilities and culture is not exempt. The project reverses the premise Culture = Capital using art to encourage the investment of foreigner capital to the local cultural sector. Capital = Culture takes advantage of the excitement generated by the Havana Biennial and the flow of foreign visitors, to parasite it. As a pilot test, uses the mechanisms of traditional stock market, allowing that private cultural businesses receive funding and the contemporary art public has been transformed into its investors and shareholders. Detail. Installation view. DEGENERATED POLITICAL ART, 2014 Action-Installation Company in a tax haven Dimensions variable Degenerated Political Art is a work by Núria Güell and Levi Orta in which the artists have used the designated artistic production budget in order to create a society in a tax haven. We have been advised by specialists of the renowned finance school ESADE, from where it has been consulted the three latest detour of public funds by Catalan politicians cases. The company Orta & Güell Contemporary Art S.A allows us to evade all the taxes related to our profits as well in Spain as in a global level, taking advantage of the jurisdiction of the country where the subsidiary is. Installation view. stocks. REFLECTIONS ABOUT A SOUVENIR, 2012 Action-Installation Souverir of Berlin Wall Dimensions variable I brought from Germany a fragment of the Berlin Wall as a souvenir I bought a state facility, the cost was 4, 99 euros for a piece measuring 3x2 cm. The average wall 3m high by about 0.70 m wide and extended across all of Berlin, I asked myself how much money could make the German state of the wall in a clear strategy to monetize the ideology of the past. The installation consists of a mathematical calculation of the monetary capital that can be drawn from the Berlin Wall, and the integration of these souvenirs on the wall of the gallery. Detail. Installation view. HONOUR WITHOUT COURAGE, 2013 Action-Installation Photographs, video, application form, costume. Dimensions variable In Quebec, 85% of the population rejects the monarchy as a model of representation for Canada; the monarchy justifies itself as a cultural tradition of the country. I am interested in linking the concepts of “represe tatio i art a d “represe tatio i politi s, triggeri g a perversio of oth. The proje t uses a fictional event where I save the life of a woman disguised as Queen Elizabeth II in order to apply for the “Star of Courage , a de oratio a arded y the represe tative of the o ar hy i Canada by order of the Queen. The whole application process, the proofs of the heroic action, and the expected granting of the medal are part of the project. It is one representation that meets another, the realities of art and politics dissolving into each other and becoming accomplices. Photograph taken during the meeting with the Governor General of Canada, The Right Honourable Michaëlle Jean; on the occasion of my application to the "Star of Courage.". (Detail) False rescue 6 analog slides, 50x50mm DAY OFF, 2010-2013 Video miniDV, NTSC, Color, 16:9, sound out 20:02 min. loop Days Off draws a connection between the wave of social demonstrations that has been sweeping the world in recent years, the political regime in Cuba and his own way of life; as he mixes himself a Cuba Librecocktail, the names of cities around the world where anti-government demonstrations took place between 2010 and 2012 appear on the screen with the date. The name of the work suggests that the artist mixes himself a cocktail each time such a demonstration takes place. The everyday actions of mixing and sipping a drink become an act of solidarity with the global demonstrations, and at the same time an act of protest against the regime in Cuba that prohibits such demonstrations. Orta’s passivity and relaxation as he leisurely savors his drink, and the tension between the name of the o ktail, “Cu a Libre [Free Cu a], a d the a e of the ork, Dias Libre [lit. Free Days], stand in stark contrast to the urgency that motivates millions to go out and demonstrate against their governments. The simple action becomes an act of protest. Frame of video. Frame of video. LEVI ORTA Havana, Cuba; 1984. Lives between Havana, Barcelona and Beirut. E-mail: [email protected] Web: https://www.ortalevi.blogspot.com Skype: leviorta +34 674701809 +53 52749532 ESTUDIOS | STUDIES Currently HWP-Ashkal Alwan, Beirut, Lebanon. 2012 SOMA, MexicoDF, Mexico. 2005-2010 Instituto Superior de Arte, Havana, Cuba. 2007-2009 Cátedra Arte de Conducta, directed by Tania Bruguera, ISA, Havana, Cuba. 1999-2003 Academia de Bellas Artes "Sa Aleja dro“ ,Havana, Cuba. RESIDENCIAS | RESIDENCES 2015 FLACC. Workplace for Visual Artists. Genk, Belgium. 2013 T.R.I.B.E., MoTA Museum of Transitory Art, Nicosia. Fonderie Darling, Montreal, Canada. EXPOSICIONES INDIVIDUALES | SOLO SHOWS 2015 Gozando mientras trato de entender algo de política, Casal Solleric, Palma, Spain. 2013 You and whose army, GalerijaMiroslav Kraljvić, Zagreb, Croatia. (with Núria Güell) Arte, relajo y resistencia, Servando Art Gallery, Havana, Cuba. Honour without courage, Fonderie Darling, Montreal, Canada. Cualquier semejanza..., Salle Zero, Havana, Cuba. (with Núria Güell) 2012 Aplicación Moral Desplazada #1: Crecimiento Exponencial. Sant Andreu Contemporani, Barcelona, Spain. (with Núria Güell) 2009 Maneras de interpretar el poder, Salle Zero, Havana, Cuba. 2007 Inventario 03, Ludwig Foundation of Cuba. (with Frank Mujica) EXPOSICIONES COLECTIVAS | GROUP SHOWS 2016 Biennal d’Art d’A posta. Lo Pati, Amposta, Spain. Proyecto John Rambo. ADN Platform, Barcelona, Spain. The Soul Of Money. DOX - Centre for contemporary art, Praga, Czech Republic. La historia se repite más de dos veces. Sant Andreu Contemporani, Barcelona, Spain. El teorema de Maslow Nº2.0.Galeria Sicart, Barcelona Spain. 2015 Quince planes terroristas. Ágora Andrés Benitez-Sant Andreu Contemporani, Barcelona, Spain. Grafización. Espacio Trapezio, Madrid, Spain. Entre el uno y el dos. El Apartamento, Havana, Cuba. TRANSLOCATIONS. Project Observatory. Arts Santa Mònica, Barcelona, Spain VII Bienal de Arte Contemporáneo de Jafre. Girona, Spain. Gran Angular. Fabra i Coats, Barcelona, Spain. Premi de Pintura Internacional Guasch Coranty. Tecla Sala, Barcelona, Spain. Entre, dentro, fuera / Between, inside, outside. Pabellon Cuba, 12 Havana Biennial, Havana, Cuba. Uno para unos, unos para uno. Miramar Trade Center, Havana Cuba. Karaoke. Proyecto El Apartamento, Havana Cuba. 2009Deriva2013. Centro Cultural Padre Félix Varela, Havana, Cuba. De Facto. XOHO, Havana, Cuba. Art Present: Mapping Space That Could Return to Earth Again. Fabrica de Arte Cubano, Havana, Cuba. Límites Nómadas. Biennial of the Frontiers, Temaulipas, Mexico. 2014 WE ArE HERE BeCAUSE YOU were/ARE (t)HERE. Studio Das Weisse Haus. Vienna, Austria. Really Useful Knowledge. Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, Madrid. Spain. 6º Salón de Arte Cubano Contemporáneo, CDAV, Havana, Cuba. XIV Concurso Internacional Encuentros de ArteContemporáneo (EAC-2014), Instituto Alicantino de Cultura Juan Gil-Albert, Alicante, Spain. Monte de Estépar, Espacio Tangente, Burgos, Spain. Rodando se encuentran, Museum of Urbanism, Shangai, China. El text: Principis i sortides, Fábrica Fabra i Coats, Barcelona, Spain. Pan y circo, Instituto Superior de Arte, Havana, Cuba. Cómplices y testigos, ADNgallery (LOOP Festival), Barcelona, Spain. Lo que sucede conviene, Servando Art Gallery, Havana, Cuba. Sistema de Vigilancia y Control a los poderes, Estació Creativa, Tarragona, Spain. 2013 Beschwerden erwünscht, D21 Kunstraum, Leipzig, Germany. Statement, Pabellón Cuba, Havana, Cuba. Cuban Virtuality, Tufts University Art Gallery, Medford, EEUU. Micro Acciones de Emergencia, AdnPlatform, Barcelona, Spain. Ante nuestros ojos, Avelino Salas Studio, Loop 2013, Barcelona. Open Score, Contemporary Art Museum, Florida, EEUU. 2012 Gulliver contemporary cuban art, Freies Museum, Berlin, Germany. A part, Centro Cultural La Mercé, Girona, Spain. AMD Crecimiento Exponencial, Centro Miquel Casablancas, Barcelona, Spain. Our Work is Never Over, PhotoEspaña, Matadero, Madrid. Open score, Centro Hispanoamericano de Cultura, 11 Havana Biennial. HavanaOpen House, Galería Servando, 11 Havana Biennial. Arte no es Fácil, LinksHall, Chicago, EEUU. 2011 Menú, FelipaManuela, Madrid, Spain. Festival Internacional de Video Arte de Camagüey, Camagüey, Cuba. How to Work (More for) Less, Kunsthalle, Basel, Switzerland. Proyecto Circo, Mercosul Biennial, Rio grande do sul, Brasil. 8 edición Proyecto Circo- II Muestra de Videocreación España-Suiza-Cuba, Centro de Arte Contemporáneo Wifredo Lam, Havana. Torbellino II, Havana Gallery, Havana, Cuba. Spray, Kokerei Hansa Museum, Dortmund, Germany. EXPLUM 2011, Internatinal Festival of Contemporary Art, Puerto Lumbreras, Spain. 2010 Nómadas del siglo XXI, Centre Cívic Barceloneta, Barcelona, Spain. TOUCHED, Liverpool Biennial, Liverpool, UK. El extremo de la bala, a decade of Cuban art, Pabellón Cuba, Havana, Cuba. Utropicos, XXXI Pontevedra Biennial, Galicia, Spain. XXIII Salón de la Ciudad, CPAPD, Cuba. 2009 XX años no es nada, CDAV, Havana, Cuba. Per diem, Betonsalon, Paris, France. Factoría Habana, 10 Havana Biennial, La Factoría, Cuba. Estado de excepción, 10 Havana Biennial, Havana Gallery, Cuba. Eighth Festival of New Filmmakers, ICAIC, Havana, Cuba. V Contemporary Cuban Art, CDAV, Cuba. PREMIOS | AWARDS 2015 Premio Maretti, Cuba-Italy. Becas de Artes Plásticas de la Fundación Botín, Spain. 2014 Premi Ciutat de Palma "Antoni Gelabert" d'Arts Visuals, Casal Solleric, Palma, Spain. VI Premio Internacional de Arte, Fundación Maria José Jové, Coruña, Spain. 2011 Estudio 21, CDAV, Havana, Cuba. 2010 Winner of Despacio open call, San José, Costa Rica. Mention of Salón de la Ciudad, Luz y Oficios, Havana, Cuba.
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