ST. JOACHIM CHURCH 401 West 5th Street, Madera, California 93637 559-673-3290 FAX: 559-673-6471 e-mail: [email protected] Fr. John Warburton, O.S.J., Pastor Fr. Gustavo Lopez, O.S.J., Parochial Vicar Fr. Shaji Athipozhi, O.S.J., Parochial Vicar Fr. James Catalano, O.S.J., Parochial Vicar Deacon Steve Taylor ST. ANNE CHAPEL 36483 Road 606 - Raymond WWW.STANNESCHAPEL.ORG Saturday: Vigil of Sunday: Sunday: Holy Days: Weekdays: St. Anne Chapel MASS SCHEDULE 8:00 AM; 5 PM; 6:30 PM (Spanish) 6:30 AM, 8 AM (Spanish), 9:30 AM, 11 AM; 12:30 PM (Sp), 4 PM ( Sp), 5:30 PM, 7 PM (Sp) Vigil: 5:30 PM; 7 AM, 9 AM, 12:15 PM, 5:30 PM, 7PM (Spanish) St. Anne Chapel: Vigil 4 PM 7:00 and 8:00 AM; (Tuesday & Thursday in Spanish) Wednesdays 7:00 PM (Spanish) 9 AM (Confessions before Mass) Communion Service: Tuesday and Friday 9 AM Confessions: Baptisms: Saturdays: 9 - 11 AM; Wednesdays 6:00 PM Sunday 2 PM, (Registration: two weeks before Baptism) Weddings: Funerals: Arrangements six months in advance. Arrangements - 479-8231 July 24, 2016 Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time You were buried with him in baptism, in which you were also raised with him through faith in the power of God, who raised him from the dead. — Colossians 2:12 Volume 50 Number 30 MASS INTENTIONS July 25 - 31, 2016 Mon 7:00 Guadalupe Salem - Ruth Rocha 8:00 Lorenzo Rodriguez-Cruz - Family Tue 7:00 Maureen Bettini - Jim Bettini 8:00 In Honor of Our Lady of Guadalupe - Juana Sanchez Wed 7:00 Joe Massetti - Fred & Diane Massetti 8:00 David & Danny Baca - Sarah Baca 7:00 Benditas Almas del Purgatorio Thu 7:00 Barbara Bettini - Jim Bettini 8:00 Kevin Vega - Ricardo y Hortencia Vega 2:30 (Madera Rehab.) Jesus Cabrera - Family Fri 7:00 Trini L. Gonzales - Family 8:00 Mark Guerra - Pasma Family Sat 8:00 Manuel Borregon - Sisters 11:00 Quinceañera 12:00 Quinceañera 1:00 Robert Kreig (Memorial Mass) 2:00 Wedding - Roberto Ortiz Silva & Raquel Ortiz 5:00 Lupita Flores - Family 6:30 Jenaro y Teresa Baragan - Familia Sun 6:30 Roger Godinez - Godinez Family 8:00 Kevin Vega - Ricardo y Hortencia Hernandez 9:00 (Raymond ) Amory Borgens - Tom & Cheley Spencer 9:30 Ignacio Rey - Emilio & Margaret Flores 11:00 For the People of the Parish 12:30 Carmen y Bernadino - Familia 4:00 Guadalupe e Ignacio Perez - Aurora Perez 5:30 Ygnacio Martinez - Peter & Kenney 7:00 Mike Martinez - Family SAINTS AND SPECIAL OBSERVANCES St. James Ss. Joachim and Anne; World Youth Day, Krakow, Poland Friday: St. Martha Saturday: St. Peter Chrysologus; Blessed Virgin Mary Monday: Tuesday: PRAY FOR THOSE WHO RECENTLY DIED May the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace: Adolfo Santos Martinez, Robert Adam Kreig, Salvador Carranza Jr. PASTOR’S CORNER On Mercy in the words of Pope Francis: “Mercy is the very foundation of the Church’s life. All of her pastoral activity should be caught up in the tenderness she makes present to believers; nothing in her preaching and in her witness can be lacking in mercy. … The Church is commissioned to announce the mercy of God, the beating heart of the Gospel, which in its own way must penetrate the mind and heart of every person. … The Church’s first truth is the love of Christ. The Church makes herself a servant of this love and mediates it to all people: a love that forgives and expresses itself in the gift of oneself. … Merciful like the Father, therefore, is the motto of this Holy Year. … It is my burning desire that, during this Jubilee, the Christian people may reflect on the corporal and spiritual works of mercy.” (From Vultus Misericordiae - The Face of Mercy) Blessings, Fr. John COLLECTION FOR THE DIOCESE OF KHAMMAM On behalf of the Priests, and I’m sure the children and needy of the Diocese of Khammam, India, we want to thank you for your generosity. The amount of this collection was $11,090.50. Imagine all of the great projects and assistance this donation will provide to the needy of the Diocese of Khammam. THANK YOU! PETER’S PENCE COLLECTION Thank you for your generous support of our Holy Father’s charitable works through the Peter’s Pence Collection, it was $ 4,321.50. Our contributions will be combined with those from our brothers and sisters around the world to help Pope Francis provide essential relief to people in need. Your generosity is an act of solidarity with the universal Church, answering the call to become a witness of charity. May God bless you. NATIONAL NIGHT OUT 2016 We encourage our parishioners to participate in National Night Out on Tuesday, August 2, 2016. Help build a stronger, safer community by giving crime a going away party. For more information contact Yuliana at 661-2852. VOCATION CENTER “I have called you by name, you are mine.” JESUS St. Anne Chapel • In need of prayer? Call Julie Draska @ 658-7308 to be put on prayer list DIVINE MERCY PARISH MISSION August 6 - 10 at St. Joachim Church with Fr. Dan Cambra, M.I.C. Mark your Calendars now and plan to attend. THE HARVEST FESTIVAL The Harvest Festival is going to be on August 19 & 20 at the School grounds, from 6-10pm. Some of the entertainment will be: Mariachi de la Tierra, Folklorico Dancers, The Yard Dogs, etc. Donations & Gift baskets accepted. We have raffle tickets available at the Rectory and St. Marello Bookstore. We are also selling the tickets after all the weekend Masses until August 14. Raffle tickets will not be mailed out again this year. Drawing to be held on Saturday, August 20th. CCD REGISTRATION It’s already time to register your children for the upcoming catechetical year! If you have children going into their second year of preparation, you must re-register. Please bring in your child’s birth & baptism certificate upon registration. Also provide medical coverage information. Tuition is as follows: 1 child $40; 2 -$50; 3-$60; 4 or more $70. Beginning September 1, a $10 late fee per child will be added. Your help is needed as a catechist to share our faith with our children. If you are interested come into the CCD office to register. Registration Hours Monday thru Friday - 10am - 12:30pm and 2pm 5:30pm ST. JOACHIM PRE-SCHOOL OPEN HOUSE Monday, August 1st from 5:30 - 7:30pm. Any questions call Jenny at 662-0372 WOMEN PRIESTS/MARRIED PRIESTS Why can’t women become Catholic priests? Is it true that there are married Catholic priests and the Pope permits it? Why can’t all Catholic priests be allowed to marry? Wouldn’t having women and married priests solve the vocation shortage? What about deaconesses? What is the difference between a doctrine and a discipline? We invite you to a new presentation that will address these questions. Thursday, July 28, 6:30 pm. Room 42. CITIZENS AGAINST LEGALIZING MARIJUANA (CALM) Vote NO on Legalizing Marijuana November 8, 2016 Gateway to Other Drugs. -Marijuana works on the same receptor site systems in the brain as heroin. -Marijuana primes one’s brain to seek stronger drugs. -Most drug addicts in treatment began their drug journey with marijuana. For more information (916) 965-4825 or (916) 270-2675. THE HARVEST FESTIVAL It's Easy to Volunteer! Have you ever wanted to assist at the festival, but you didn't have the time or energy to physically help? Here's a way you can volunteer and help out. In the boxes where the bulletins are, you will find envelopes. They have the cost of items we rent that are needed for the festival. If you want to "volunteer' to help cover the cost of rented items, simply take an envelope, make your donation and drop it in the collection basket or take to the Rectory. If you want to make a general donation rather than donating towards a specific item, you are welcome to do so. Although you won't be able to physically help out, by "volunteering" with a donation envelope, you will be helping out in a big way and help make the festival a success. CONFIRMATION REGISTRATION Registrations packets for High School Confirmation are now available at the Youth Ministry Office. Your child has to be 14 years old or a 9th grader this fall. Please bring your baptismal certificate. Registration fee $60.00 per candidate per year. SECOND YEAR CANDIDATES MUST RE-REGISTER. For more information call Lucy at 674-9069. HEALING RETREAT Healing Mercy of Jesus Christ on August 19 - 21 at St. Anthony Retreat Center, Three Rivers, CA. $195/person on double occupancy. For any questions please call Ben or Christy 824-0732 or 271-1246. ROSARY Come and pray the Rosary in the chapel after the 8:00am Mass every Saturday, followed by the Litany of Our Blessed Mother Mary. Rosary prayed in English or Spanish. ADULT EDUCATION AND RCIA Baptized Catholic Adults 18 yrs/older for 1st Communion/ Confirmation. Classes begin Monday, August 29th, 6:30-8 pm, Room 42. Obtain & return completed registration form with copy of baptismal certificate to Parish Office. $50 book fee to be collected in class. Call Mary Shearer, 706-6407. Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) All adults, 18 yrs/older, interested in becoming a Catholic:Classes begin Monday, August 29, 6:30-8 pm, Room 42. Obtain & return completed registration form with copy of birth certificate to Parish Office. $50 book fee to be collected in class. Call Donna Van Hoogmoed, 706-4753. FESTIVAL DE LA COSECHA ¡Es fácil ser voluntario! ¿Ha querido ayudar en el Festival, pero no ha tenido el tiempo o la energía física para hacerlo? Aquí está una manera de cómo puede ser voluntario y ayudar. En donde también se encuentra el boletin, encontrará sobres. Tienen el costo de los artículos que alquilamos y que se necesitan para el festival. Si usted quiere "ser voluntario" para ayudar a cubrir con el costo de los artículos alquilados, simplemente tome un sobre, haga su donación y póngalo en la canasta de la colecta o llévelo a la Rectoria. O si desea puede hacer una donación general en lugar de donar para algún articulo específico. INSCRIPCIONES PARA LA DOCTRINA Es tiempo para inscribir a sus hijos para este año de doctrina. Si usted tiene un hijo/a que comenzará el segundo año de preparación, debe venir a la oficina para inscribirlo. Por favor traiga el acta de bautismo y de nacimiento al moemnto de la inscripción, también requerimos cobertura medica. La cuota por niño/a es $40; 2 niños $50; 3 niños $60; 4 o más niños $70. Comenzando el día 1° de Septiembre se le acumularán $10 por cada niño. Necesitamos catequistas para la doctrina! Si usted está interesado en ser catequista o ayudante por favor venga a registrarse a la oficina de catecismo. Horario de Inscripción Lunes a Viernes de 10am a 12:30pm y de 2pm a 5:30pm ENCUENTRO MATRIMONIAL MUNDIAL ¿Sabías qué al mejorar tu relación como pareja estas mejorando la relación con tus hijos? ¿Te gustaría saber como? Vive un fin de semana del Encuentro Matrimonial Mundial. El siguiente fin de semana será el 27 y 28 de Agosto en Merced. Para más información communicate con Moises y Antonia al 706-7171 ó Moises y Erika al 514-5634. EDUCACIÓN PARA ADULTOS Y RICA Para Adultos Católicos Bautizados de 18 o mayores las Clases de Primera Comunión ó Confirmación comienzan el Lunes, 29 de Agosto, 6:30-8:00 pm en los Salones 41 y 44. Por favor obtenga la aplicación y regresela con la copia de su acta de bautismo a la Rectoria. Comuniquese con Enrique Medina al 674-4886. Rito de Iniciación Cristiana para Adultos (RICA) Todos los adultos de 18 ó mayores, interesados en convertirse en Católicos: Las clases empiezan el Lunes 29 de Agosto de 6:30-8:00pm, en los Salones 41 y 44. Obtenga la aplicación y regresela junto con el acta de nacimiento a la Rectoria. Más información al 674-4886. Una cuota de $20 se colectará en clase. RINCÓN DEL PÁRROCO Sobre la Misericordia en las palabras del Papa Francisco: "La misericordia es el fundamento de la vida de la Iglesia. Toda su actividad pastoral debe ser envuelta en la ternura que se hace presente a los creyentes; nada en su predicación y su testimonio puede carecer de misericordia… La Iglesia está encargada de anunciar la misericordia de Dios, el corazón palpitando del Evangelio, que a su modo debe penetrar la mente y el corazón de cada persona. … La primera verdad de la Iglesia es el amor de Cristo. La Iglesia se hace siervo de este amor y lo complace a todas las personas: un amor que perdona y se expresa en el don de uno mismo. … Misericordioso como el Padre, por lo tanto, es el lema de este Año Santo. … Es mi ardiente deseo de que, durante este Jubileo, el pueblo Cristiano pueda reflejar las obras de misericordia corporales y espirituales. " ( Del Libro Vultus Misericordiae - The Face of Mercy) Bendiciones, Fr. John COLECTA PETER’S PENCE Muchas gracias por su generoso apoyo a la Colecta Peter’s Pence, gracias a ustedes colectamos $4,321.50 para las obras de caridad de nuestro Santo Padre. Nuestras contribuciones serán combinadas con las de nuestros hermanos y hermanas alrededor del mundo para ayudar al Papa Francisco a proporcionarles una asistencia básica a las personas necesitadas. Su generosidad es un acto de solidaridad con la Iglesia universal, respondiendo al llamado a ser un testigo de la caridad. Que Dios les bendiga. COLECTA DE LA DIÓCESIS DE KHAMMAM De parte de los Sacerdotes, y estoy seguro de los niños y los necesitados de la Diócesis of Khammam, India, queremos darles las gracias por su generosidad. La cantidad de esta colecta fue de $11,090,50. Imagínense todos los grandes proyectos y la asistencia que esta donación proporcionará a los necesitados de la Diócesis of Khammam. ¡MUCHAS GRACIAS! EL FESTIVAL DE LA COSECHA El Festival de la Cosecha es el próximo 19 y 20 de Agosto en los terrenos de la Escuela de 6 a 10pm. Tendremos como entretenimiento al Mariachi de la Tierra, Baile Folklorico Mizajaoa, The Yard Dogs, etc. Aceptamos donaciones y Canastas de Regalo. Compre sus boletos en la Rectoria ó en la Librería Marello, para la rifa de: $3,000, $2,000, y $1,000. Además estaremos vendiendo los boletos después de todas las Misas del fin de semana. Los boletos para la rifa no se enviaran por correo este año. La rifa será el Sábado, 20 de Agosto. Habrá toda clase de antojitos. Parish Office 673-3290 [email protected] Hours Monday thru Friday: 9 am to 12 pm & 1 to 6 pm Closed Saturday and Sunday Office Manager [email protected] CCD Office - 674-5871 [email protected] Summer Hours Monday thru Friday: 10 am to 1 pm & 2 to 6 pm Closed Saturday & Sunday Youth Ministry - 674-9069 [email protected] Hours Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday 10 am to 4 pm Thursday 1 to 7 pm Closed Monday, Saturday & Sunday St. Marello Bookstore - 662-0682 Hours Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday: 1:30 to 7:30 pm Thursday: 10 am to 7:30 pm; Saturday: 10 am to 8 pm 2nd Sunday of month:7:30 am to 2 pm; 4:30 - 8:30 pm. Closed Monday St. Joachim School - 674-7628 Fax 674-8770 St. Joachim PreSchool - 662-0372 Holy Spouses & Griffin Hall Rental - 674-9489 Fr. John Warburton [email protected] Fr. James Catalano [email protected] Fr. Gustavo Lopes [email protected] Fr. Shaji Athipozhi [email protected] WEEKLY DEVOTIONS Our Lady of Perpetual Help -Monday after 8 am Mass. Seven Sorrows and Joys of St. Joseph - Wednesday after 7 & 8 am Mass. DAILY ADORATION IN CHAPEL Monday & Tuesday, 8:40 am to 9 pm Wednesday, 8:40 am to 6:50 pm, 9 pm to Thursday, 6:50 am Thursday, 8:40 am to Friday, 6:50 am Friday, 8:40 am to 6:00 pm STUDY THE SUNDAY LITURGY Wednesday: 7 - 8:30 pm in Room 71 BIBLE STUDY St. Anne - Tuesday 9:30 am Doors of Hope Pregnancy Center - 662-8629 Rachel’s Vineyard - 1-877-629-6626
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