S J G P 84 Carleton Avenue * Central Islip, New York 11722 Phone: 631-234-6535 * Fax: 631-234-7474 * Email: [email protected] Website: www.stjohnofgodparish.org Rev. Christopher Nowak, Pastor Pastoral Staff Rev. Freddy Lozano, Associate Pastor Rev. John Ekwoanya, in Residence Dcn. Ronald J. Gillette Dcn. René O. Alvarado Dcn. José Valdez Mrs. Maggie Martin, DRE Parish Center: 631-234-6535 Religious Education: 631-234-4040 Outreach Office: 631-234-1884 Cemetery Office: 631-234-8297 Parish Office Hours: Monday – Saturday: 9:00 AM – 4:30 PM Sunday: 9:00 AM – 2:00 PM (For Mass Cards) Emergency Sick Calls Any Time Sunday Mass Schedule Saturday Vigil: 5:00 PM Chapel Sunday: 8:00 AM Church 9:30 AM Church 11:00 AM Chapel (1st Sunday Family Mass) Bilingual Special Needs Mass With Special Blessings to the sick 1st Sunday of every month: 4:00PM Chapel Weekday Masses Monday – Saturday: 9:00 AM Church Devotions Miraculous Medal Novena: Monday at 9:00 AM Mass Sacraments Reconciliation: Saturday at 4:00 PM in the Church or by appointment. Please call the Parish Center. Baptism: 1st Sunday at 2:00 PM. Parents must set up appointment with a Pastoral Staff at least 1 month before the baptism.. Please call 631-234-6535 Marriage: Those wishing to be married must make arrangements at least 6 months in advance. Call the Parish Center. Our Lady of Providence Regional School Pre-K (4 yrs.) through 8th Grade 631-234-6324 www.olprov.org Principal: Ms. Sharon Swift Sr. Valerie Scholl, CSJ, Pastoral Associate/Admin. Ms. Carmen Roncal, Pastoral Associate Mrs. Ana Sullivan, Parish Social Ministry Coordinator Mr. Jack Lafferty, Pastoral Associate Fundraising/CMA Mr. Guillermo Felix, Music Ministry STAFF DUTY HOURS Rev. Christopher Nowak: Mon & Thu. 5:00-7:00pm Rev. Freddy Lozano: Wed. 7:00-9:00pm & Fri. 5:00-7:00pm Dcn. Rene Alvarado: Mon & Tue. 7:30-9:00pm Dcn. José Valdez: Fri. 7:00-9:00pm & Sunday by Appointment/Cita Mr. Jack Lafferty: Wed. 4:00-6:00pm & Fri. 4:00-6:00pm Sra. Carmen Roncal: Tue & Thu. 5:30-7:30pm Misas En Español Vigilia Sábado: 7:00 PM Capilla (1er Sábado Misa para Jóvenes) Domingo: 9:30 AM Capilla 12:30 PM Capilla (1er Domigo Misa de Familia) Martes: 7:00 PM Capilla Adoration & Benediction 1st Friday of the Month: English 9:30 AM to Noon Church Español 7:00 PM to 8:00PM Church Sacramentos Bautizos en Español: 2do y 4to Domingo de cada mes, 2:00 PM . Los padres de los niños deben solicitar una cita con un miembro pastoral por lo menos 30 días de anticipación. Llame 631-234-6535 Confesiones: Los sábados a las 4:00 PM o con cita. Llame al Centro Pastoral. Primera Comunión y Confirmación: Niños de 6 hasta los 17 años deben asistir a las clases de Educación Religiosa de acuerdo a su edad. Llame: 631-234-4040 Sacramentos Para los Adultos: (18 años en adelante) Las clases para los adultos son los domingos a las 11:00 AM. Para más información llame 234-6535 Matrimonio: Inscribirse 6 meses antes de la fecha de la boda. Llame: 631-234- 6535 para hablar con un miembro del Clérigo que habla Español. Nuestra Señora de la Providencia Escuela Católica Pre-K (4 años) hasta 8vo grado 631-234-6324 www.olprov.org Principal: Ms. Sharon Swift JULY 3, 2016 FOURTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Mass Intentions for the Week of July 3 Monday – 9:00AM – Tuesday – 9:00AM – Wednesday – 9:00AM – Thursday – 9:00AM – Friday – 9:00AM – Saturday – 9:00AM – _ 5:00PM _ Sunday – 8:00AM – – 9:30AM – – 11:00AM – Henry Antonawich Frank McGuire Thomas Brennan For Souls in Purgatory Anita Bagor Miguel Vargas Kathleen Bailey Society of Prayer The People of St. John of God Carmine Peranzo FOR YOUR PRAYERFUL GIVING! Your Sunday donations have been reaching the $9,000.00 mark which is needed weekly to cover parish expenses. God’s Blessings Always!! Fr. Chris POR SU DEVOTA OFRENDA Sus donaciones Dominicales han alcanzado la marca de $9,000.00 dólares que se necesita para cubrir los gastos de la parroquia. Que Dios los Bendiga siempre! Padre Chris. Weekends of June 25 & 26 Sharing One’s Resources in the Parish READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday – Weekday Hos 2:16, 17b-18, 21-22 Mt 9:18-26 Tuesday – St. Anthony Zaccaria, Priest Hos 8:4-7, 11-13 Mt 9:32-38 Wednesday – St. Maria Goretti, Virgin & Martyr Hos 10:1-3, 7-8, 12 Mt10:1-7 Thursday – Weekday Hos 11:1-4, 8c-9 Mt10:7-15 Friday – Weekday Hosea 14:2-10 Mt10:16-23 Saturday — St. Augustine Zhao Rong, Priest & Companions, Martyrs, BVM Is 6:1-8 Mt 10:24-33 Sunday – Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Dt 30:10-14 Col 1:15-20 Lk 10:25-37 PRAY FOR OUR FAITHFUL DEPARTED EDWARD ROTTMAN OSCAR ORLANDO DIAZ ATTILIO CAVAGGIONI JOSE CRESPO MODESTA PAULINO MORILLO PRAY FOR THOSE SERVING OUR MILITARY: Tara Forester Chris Benitez Thomas Jackson Evan Barnes Trevor Machin Michael J. Byrne Oscar Robert Vera Ma hew V. Balestrieri THANK YOU IN DEFENDING THE FREEDOM OF OUR NATION If your loved ones or if you know of someone who is called to serve in the military, please submit their names at the Parish Center 631-234-6535. The families thank you for your prayers. GOD BLESS YOU ALL $11,000 SUNDAY COLLECTION $10,500 $10,000 $9,500 $8,344. $9,000 $8,500 $8,000 ATTENDANCE $7,500 $7,000 1,142 $6,000 0 THANK YOU!!! Budget Actual $9,000 $8,344. PLEASE CONSIDER PUTTING SAINT JOHN OF GOD PARISH IN YOUR WILL Consider making a bequest to your Parish of St. John of God. Your gift will allow the parish to continue God’s work here in Central Islip for generations to come. BREAD & WINE MEMORIAL In Memory of: JOSEPH SHEA Requested by: Mary & Family SEE WHAT’S NEW ON OUR WEB PAGE www.stjohnofgodparish.org Mass Presiders’ Schedule: July, 2016 Calendar of Events: July, 2016 Visit us at www.facebook.com/stjohnofgodci LITURGICAL MINISTRIES CORNER ESQUINA MINISTERIOS LITURGICOS CHILDREN LECTOR REHEARSALS: Wednesday/Miér coles July6,13,20,27 and Friday/ Vier nes Julio 8,15,22,29 ~ 6-7:30pm ~ Chapel. CHOIR REHEARSALS SPA 9:30AM MASS: Jueves, Julio 14, 28— 7:30PM — CHAPEL SPA 7:00PM (SAB.) MASS: (Jueves, 2da,3ta&4ta Semanas) Julio, 14, 21, 28 6:00PM—Music Rm CHILDREN FOR LIFE CHOIR: FRIDAY/ VIERNES, JULIO 8, 15, 22, 29~ 4:30PM—CHAPEL JOVENES CHOIR: MONDAY/LUNES, JULY 11, 18, 25—7-9PM—MUSIC ROOM SPECIAL COLLECTION DATE JULY 17: MAINTENANCE & REPAIRS BANNS OF MARRIAGE rd 3 ANNOUNCEMENT Jorge Augusto Gaviria v Yolanda Ramírez Herrera St. John of God The Parish Offices will be CLOSED this Monday In Observance of: St. John of God Pray for ... Frank Antonawich Ines Betancourt Sue Bond William M. Burke, Sr. Debra Canini Angelo Cristiano Donna Dixon Mark Dixon James Falk Kathleen Falk Michael Falk Patricia Falk Zidnia García Chris Gómez Elizabeth Gould Barbara Henes María R. Hernández Pedro O. Hernández Helmo Jaime Troy LiDDell Thomas MacMillan Sharon Mass Jim McMahon Rosemary Mead Balesi Morales Ines Moreno Jairo Moreno Cheryl Morse Modesta Murillo Pearl Murphy Jorge Pereira Johnny Pérez Isa Reyes Doris Reynolds Mary Shea Herminia Silva John Smith Natalie Stergakos Ed Stevens Brittany Williams Names will be placed for a MONTH. To add, keep or remove, please call Parish Office 631-234-6535. Saint John of God Parish Special Needs Mass With a special blessing of the Sick! July 3rd 4:00PM In the Chapel Wheelchair Accessible All are invited Somos Un Rebaño Eucaristía Para Personas con Necesidades Especiales Con Bendición Especial/Unción de los Enfermos 3 de Julio 4:00PM Capilla Accesible a silla de Ruedas Our Lady of Providence Regional School Accredited by the Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools 82 Carleton Ave, Central Islip, NY 11722 Phone: (631) 234-6324 Fax: (631) 234-6360 www.olprov.org Like us on Facebook Ms. Sharon Swift, Principal How much are you paying for Day Care? Consider this: Pre K or Kindergarten for your child with early drop off (as early as 7:15 am) and late pick up (as late as 5:45 pm) and they get a Catholic Education! AGOODSTARTENDSINSUCCESS! Pre K (4 years old by 12/1/2016) $390/month. Morning & After School Program: $250/month/child. More affordable than daycare! ENROLL YOUR CHILD NOW! ¿Cuánto está pagando por el cuidado de su niño/niña? Considere esto: PreK ó Kindergarten para su niño/niña con un programa por la mañana de cuidado desde las 7:15 am y por la tarde hasta las 5:45 pm y todo esto con una Educacion Católica!! UNBUENCOMIENZOTERMINAENEXITO! PreK (4 años de edad al 12/1/2016) $390/mes — Programa en la Mañana & Después de la Escuela: $250/mes/niño/a Más accessible que la Guarderia! INSCRIBA A SU NIÑO/NIÑA YA! PARISH OUTREACH OFFICE Ana Sullivan, Coordinator Telephone: 631-234-1884 Like St. John of God Parish Outreach on Facebook Back To School Drive We are accepting the following items for our School Supply Drive * Backpacks * Pencils * Construction paper * Marble books * Glue sticks, * Sharpeners * Crayons * Filler paper * Pens (black/blue) * Eraser Please- no spiral-note books due to safety. FOOD PANTRY: Our outreach Center is very low on: * Diapers: Size 3, 4 and 5 Any donation can be dropped off in the Outreach on Monday through Thursday between 10:00 A.M. to 2:00 P.M. Food Pantry Hours Tuesday/Wednesday: 10:00 A.M. – 12 Noon Monday/Thursday: 6:00 P.M. – 7:15 P.M. Thrift Shop Hours Monday through Thursday: 10:00 A.M – 2:00 P.M. Monday and Thursday: 6:00 P.M. – 7:15 P.M. IMMEDIATE OPENING: Parish Social Ministry Coordinator position for parish in south, central Suffolk County. Responsibilities include engaging the parish in the ministry; recruiting, training and supervising volunteers; managing the direct services provided to people in need. Experience in the human service field; Bachelor’s Degree, preferred. Saint John of God Religious Education Touching Hearts ~ Changing Lives Mrs. Maggie Martin, Director Telephone: 631-234-4040 ~ Email: [email protected] The Office of Religious Education is CLOSED as we prepare for “The Road to Emmaus Faith Camp”. Calendars for classes beginning in September will be sent to your home on August 18. Please leave a voice message (631-234-4040) or a message in the Religious Education mailbox at the front desk if your mailing address has changed. Re-registration forms and all payments may be sent to Religious Education Office or submitted to the front office. Make sure to put your CHILD’s NAME on the envelope. We will re-open for NEW registrations in late August. Have a Happy, Healthy & Relaxing Summer! Exciting things are happening in Religious Education! SCHEDULE FOR WITNESS MINISTRIES TALKS JULY 3: JULY 10: JULY 17: JULY 24: JULY 31: RESPECT LIFE “SPIRITUAL ADOPTION”/RESPETO A LA VIDA’ADOPCION ESPIRITUAL” SUPER RAFFLE /SUPER R IFA JOVENES YOUTH GROUP/GR UPO JUV ENIL (INGL ES) LECTORS/LECT OR ES AUGUST 7: AUGUST 14: AUGUST 21: AUGUST 28: RCIA/R ICA —REL EDUC. OUR LADY OF PROVIDENCE SCHOOL/ESCUELA NTRA SRA DE LA PROVIDENCIA OUR LADY OF PROVIDENCE SCHOOL/ESCUELA NTRA SRA DE LA PROVIDENCIA DOM. REP. MISSION APPEAL/APELACION PARA LA MISION EN REP. DOMINICANA SEPTEMBER 3: SEPTEMBER 10: SEPTEMBER 17: SEPTEMBER 24: OUTREACH/A L CA NCE COM UNIT A R IO MUSIC MINISTRY/M IST ER IO DE M USICA CATECHISTS/CA T EQUIST A S MINISTRY FOR THE HOMEBOUND/M INIST ER IO PA R A L OS ENFER M OS OCTOBER 1: OCTOBER 8: OCTOBER 15: OCTOBER 22: OCTOBER 29: SPECIAL NEEDS MASS/MISA PARA PERSONAS CON NECESIDADES ESPECIALES ST. VINCENT DE PAUL SOCIETY/SOCIEDA D SA N V INCENT E DE PA UL HOLY NAME SOCIETY/SOCIEDA D SA NT O NOM BR E CHRISTIAN MOTHERS/M A DR ES CR IST IA NA S FAMILY MASS: CHILDREN CHOIR/M ISA FA M IL IA R : COR O DE NIÑOS NOVEMBER 6: NOVEMBER 13: FAMILY MASS: CHILDREN LECTORS/M ISA FA M IL IA R : NINOS L ECT OR ES AA NOTE: Every Ministry/Group must have Witness Speaker at weekend Mass. If there is any conflict with dates or witness talks, we will assign a new date. Please talk to the Pastor, Fr. Chris. SUPER RAFFLE TICKETS AVAILABLE IN THE CHURCH OFFICE TICKET: $100.00—SHARES AVAILABLE RESERVE YOUR TICKET, SOON! GRAND PRIZE: $10,000.00 THREE CONSOLATION PRIZES: $500.00/Each DRAWING: JULY 29, 2016 ~ COCKTAIL PARTY KNIGHTS OF COLOMBUS HALL ~ 7:30—11:00PM YOU HAVE TO BE IN IT TO WIN IT!!!! SUPER RIFA BOLETOS DISPONIBLES EN EL CENTRO PARROQUIAL BOLETO: $100.00—PORCION DISPONIBLE RESERVE SU BOLETO, PRONTO!!!! PREMIO MAYOR: $10,000. TRES PREMIOS CONSUELO: $500.00cada/Uno SORTEO: 29 DE JULIO ~ FIESTA COCKTAIL: 7:30-11:00PM CABALLEROS DE COLON UD. TIENE QUE ESTAR EN LA RIFA PARA GANAR!!!! Invites women to reach out in hope to a new and comprehensive initiative of Women’s Health and Fertility, which has two programs: 1. Pregnancy Support Line For Services 1-855-301-4247 (for unexpected pregnancy with little or no support) (1-800-712-4357 on weekends and overnight between 7:00PM and 7:30AM) Do you ever feel alone, scared, stressed, angry, disconnected, or just lost? Gianna Center 631-376-3232 (Deal with the causes and treatment and new technology NAPRO) Then answer the call and join Youth Group a safe place where you can confront all these feelings and more. A place where you can grow in your faith and make life long friendships along the way. If you answer the call you can look forward to: IN CELEBRATION OF THE YEAR OF MERCY Games ~ Mission trips ~ Retreats ~ Service Projects Spiritual Growth ~ Friends ~ And so much more PLEASE CONSIDER PARTICIPATING WITH ALL FAITHFUL FROM OUR DIOCESE FOR A DAY-LONG EXPERIENCE FILLED WITH OPPORTUNITIES FOR PRAYER, REFLECTION, RECONCILIATION AND FELLOWSHIP Monday Nights 8-10pm - Small Cafeteria Youth Minister- Rolando Alvarez #631-504-2967 E-mail- [email protected] 2. PILGRIMAGE TO THE NATIONAL SHRINE OF THE IMMACULATE CONCEPTION Instagram - saintjohnof WASHINGTON, D.C. ~ SEPTEMBER 24th Information: Anne Walsh, Office of the Bishop 516-678-5800 Ext. 243 EXTRAORDINARY JUBILEE YEAR OF MERCY 2016 CROSSING THE TRESHOLD OF THE HOLY DOOR 2016 AÑO JUBILAR EXTRAORDINARIO DE LA MISERICORDIA CRUZANDO LA PUERTA SANTA Please come out and show your suppor t for St. John of God YOUTH GROUP, Saturday, July 30 from 12:00—5:00pm. JULY/JULIO 9, 2016 The member s of the YOUTH GROUP will wash your car for only $5—tips appreciated—in the parking lot behind OLOP school. Departure/Salida: 9:30AM ST. JOSEPH CHURCH— 45 Church St., Ronkonkoma, NY 11779 All money r aised will go to suppor t the YOUTH GROUP and its ser vice projects throughout the year: SHRINE OF OUR LADY OF THE ISLAND SANTUARIO NUESTRA SEÑORA DE LA ISLA GUETS/INVITADOS: Bishop/Obispo Nelson Pérez Rev. Michael Rieder Donation: $20.00 More Information/M ás inform ación: Sandra Chacón: 516-320-4144 ó Sandra Turcios: 631-512-3165 -Habitat For Humanity -NYC Food Run to help feed the homeless -Christmas Toy Drive and … many more. Suppor t and encour age our TEENS as they go out to do God’s work! ATLANTIC CITY TRIP RESORTS CASINO MONDAY, JULY 11th, 2016 TICKETS $35. (Get $20. back) DEPARTURE: 8:00AM C.I. FIRE HOUSE PARKING LOT RETURN: 9:00PM Tickets available at the Parish Center. More Information: Jack Lafferty 631-234-6535 X-135 YEAR OF MERCY PRAYER ORACION DEL AÑO DE JUBILEO DE LA MISERICORDIA Lord Jesus Christ, and have told us that whoever sees you sees Him. Señor Jesucristo, tú nos has enseñado a ser misericordiosos como el Padre del cielo, y nos has dicho que quien te ve, lo ve también a Él. Let the Church be your visible face in the world. Haz que, en el mundo, la Iglesia sea el rostro visible de Ti. you have taught us to be merciful like the heavenly Father Send your spirit so that the Jubilee of Mercy may be a year of grace from the Lord, and your Church, with renewed enthusiasm, bring good news to the poor, proclaim liberty to captives and the oppressed, and restore sight to the blind. We ask this through the intercession of Mary, Mother of Mercy, you who live and reign with the Father and the Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen. Adapted from the prayer penned by Pope Francis. Manda tu Espíritu para que el Jubileo de la Misericordia sea un año de gracia del Señor y tu Iglesia pueda, con renovado entusiasmo, llevar la Buena Nueva a los pobres, proclamar la libertad a los prisioneros y oprimidos y restituir la vista a los ciegos. Te lo pedimos por la intercesión de María, Madre de la Misericordia, a ti que vives y reinas con el Padre y el Espíritu Santo por los siglos de los siglos. Amén. Adaptada de la oración escrita por el Papa Francisco. HAVE AN OUTDOOR MASS AT HOME TENGA UNA CELEBRACION DE LA SANTA MISA AL AIRE LIBRE EN CASA WEDNESDAY TO FRIDAY OF JUNE, JULY, AUGUST; MIERCOLES A VIERNES EN JUNIO, JULIO, AGOSTO; APPROX. 7:00PM FOR ABOUT 30 OR 45 MINUTES APROX. 7:00PM POR 30 o 45 MINUTOS Give us several dates and we will confirm one. We will give you flyers to pass to your neighbors announcing the date/time about a week before. Date and time will also be in the bulletin. The day of the Mass a group will come about an hour before and set up the Altar , chairs, etc. Usted nos da las fechas y nosotros le confirmamos una. Les daremos los volantes para que los repartan a sus vecinos anunciando el dia y hora una semana antes. Fecha y hora estará en el boletín. El día de la Misa, un grupo vendra una hora antes para preparar el Altar, sillas, etc. Mass will include: Music (not too loud), short homily (maybe a lay person expressing why they love their faith and what it means in their life). Team will pack everything up. After Mass, the Mass Committee will offer light refreshments La Misa incluirá: Música (no tan alta), homilia breve (talvés una persona exprese porqué ama su fe y que significa en su vida) El equipo recogerá todo. Después de la Misa, el Comité de Misa ofrecerá refrescos ligeros. ………………………… . ……………………… COST: Opening your doors to Christ…… COSTO: Abrir sus puertas a Cristo...… NAME: _______________________________________ NOMBRE: ____________________________________ ADDRESS: ___________________________________ DIRECCION: _________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ PHONE#:_____________________________________ # TELEFÓNICO: __________________ POSSIBLE DATES: ____________________________ ____________________________ FECHAS POSIBLES: ________________________________ ________________________________ OUTDOOR MASSES LIST AVAILABLE DATES FOR OUTDOOR MASS: July7,13,15,20,21,27 ~ August 4,5,10,11,17,18 JULY 6 ~ 7:00PM KANNA RAMIREZ, 516-581-1578 JULY 8 ~ 7:00PM LUZ MARINA, 36 Sycamor Ln. Islandia—631-748-6090 JULY 14 ~ 7:00PM ROSA CRUZ, 235 Earle St. C.I.—631-439-9085 JULY 22 ~ 7:00PM OLGA BARAHONA, 26 Lace Lane , C.I.—631-388-0567 JULY 28 ~ 7:00PM JOSE MARTIN RODRIGUEZ, 54 Applegate Dr., C.I.— 631-374-4777 JULY 29 ~ 7:00PM MARIA BONILLA, 127 Cone Ave., C.I.—631-704-3938 AUGUST 3 ~ 7:00PM MARIA DE LA PAZ, 17 Locust St. , C.I.—631-697-6513 AUGUST 12 ~ 7:00PM JESSICA MORAN, 23 A Booth St., C.I.—631-524-7994 AUGUST 19 ~ 7:00PM—30 MARRIAGE ANNIVERSARY DORIS CRESPO, 3 MILANO AVE, C.I.—631-637-8195 AUGUST 24 ~ 7:00PM LINDA & BARBARA GARDINER, 47 Snowberry Lane, Islandia, NY 11749—631-234-0214 AUGUST 25~ 7:00PM JOSE MARTIN RODRIGUEZ, 54 Applegate Dr., C.I. 631-374-4777 AUGUST 26 ~ 7:00PM ROSA, 3 Yalta Dr., C.I.—631-664-0789 AUGUST 31 ~ 7:00PM MARIA AMAYA, 32 Bridger Blvd., C.I.—631-245-3193 ST. JOHN OF GOD PARISH AL-ANON/ALATEEN Esperanza y ayuda para los familiares y amigos de alcohólicos Hope & help for family & friends of alcoholics Program in Spanish AL-ANON TE INVITA A APRENDER MAS SOBRE EL ALCOHOL Y COMO AFECTA A LA FAMILIA Y AMIGOS. REUNIÓN DE JÓVENES CADA VIERNES 7:00PM PEQUEÑA CAFETERIA Diversión, Espiritualidad, Organización para Misa de Jóvenes Sábados 7PM, Deportes REUNIONES SEMANALES TU ASISTENCIA SERA ANONIMA Más información 718-801-6255/631-439-0269 LOS AMISH/THE AMISH Historia y Vida de una Sociedad Peculiar A Unique Society, History & Life ST. JOHN OF GOD PARISH LANCASTER, PENNSYLVANIA HANDS ON TO CLEAN THE WORLD MANOS PARA LIMPIAR EL MUNDO SATURDAY, AUGUST 13, 2016 POPE FRANCIS’ “LAUDATO SI: THE EARTH NEEDS TO BE CLEAN, HEALTHY AND BEAUTIFUL” PAPA FRANCISCO EN SU “LAUDATO SI: LA TIERRA NECESITA ESTAR LIMPIA, SALUDABLE Y BELLA” ALL ARE INVITED TO THE MEETING THURSDAY, JULY 7, 2016 ~ 7:00PM ~ SETON ROOM TODOS ESTAN INVITADOS A LA REUNION JUEVES 7 DE JULIO, 2016 ~ 7:00PM ~SETON ROOM More Information:/Más Información: Verónica Reyes 631-480-6200 FROM OUR DIOCESE & NEIGHBORS JULY 29-31: “GO AND MAKE DISCIPLES” ~ 2016 ANNUAL CATHOLIC CHARISMATIC CONFERENCE ~ SCRANTON University. Information call Anna Baciuska 516-223-8594 SEPTEMBER 17: 8:30am-5:00pm CATECHETICAL CONGRESS 2016 “Safeguarding Human Dignity” St. John the Baptist High School, West Islip Information: www.drvc-faith.org SEPTEMBER 24: 8:00-10:30am ‘PREP COURSE” for CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL ENTRANCE EXAM” St. John the Baptist HS, West Islip Information: 631-587-8000 Ext. 117 SABADO 13 DE AGOSTO VALOR BOLETO/TICKET COST: $50.00 incl. 2 Paseos/Tours Niños deber estar sentados en su propia silla (mandado por la Ley de EE.UU.) Children should be seated in his own seat (It’s the Law) Más Información/More Information: Jose Luis Barreto 631-273-3145 Yanira Barahona 631-835-3563 HELP SOLICIT ADVERTISERS FOR SJOG BULLETIN Please consider asking the businesses (stores, restaurants, etc..) that you frequent to advertise in our bulletin. The bulletin is an easy way to reach families with information about a business. For more information how to advertise in our bulletin, call Frank Capanzano at 631-987-0064 AYUDE A SOLICITAR ANUNCIADORES PARA EL BOLETIN DE SJOG Por favor considere preguntar en los negocios (tiendas, restaurants, etc..) que tan frecuente publican en nuestro boletín. El boletín es una forma fácil de llegar a las familias con información acerca de los negocios. Para más información de cómo publicar en nuestro boletín, llame a: Frank Capanzano: 631-987-0064 Lectio Divina: is a form of prayer using Sacred Lectio Divina: es una forma de oración utilizando Scripture. It is a four step process, using Scripture as its las Sagradas Escrituras. Se trata de un proceso de cuatro basis to get to know our Lord in a more profound way. It is a pasos, usando las Escrituras como base para conocer a process that was developed by St. Benedict and can be used nuestro Señor en una forma más profunda. Fue un in individual prayer or in a group. proceso desarrollado por San Benedicto y se puede utilizar como oración individual o grupal. 4 STEPS: READ, MEDITATE, PRAY, CONTEMPLATE BEGIN WITH A PRAYER TO THE HOLY SPIRIT: Come Holy Spirit, illuminate my mind, open my heart so I can encounter in your Word Christ, the Way, the Truth, and the Life…..Help me follow today, the call of Christ in a new way, according to your word. And let me be for all in the world, one who is sent by the Lord, let me be a brother/sister, let me be a friend, let me be a disciple of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Amen. 4 PASOS: LEER, MEDITAR, ORAR, CONTEMPLAR COMENZAR CON UNA ORACIÓN AL ESPÍRITU SANTO: Ven, Espíritu Santo, ilumina mi mente, abre mi corazón para que yo pueda encontrar en la Palabra a Cristo, el Camino, la Verdad y la Vida……. Ayúdame a seguir hoy, la llamada de Cristo de una manera nueva, conforme a tu palabra. Y lo digo por todos en el mundo, uno quien es enviado por el Señor, quiero ser un hermano/hermana, un amigo, ahora voy a ser un STEP 1: READ: What does the Biblical Text Say? At the most basic level: What is going on in this discípulo del Padre, del Hijo y del Espíritu Santo. Amén. PASO 1: LEER: ¿Qué dice el texto bíblico? En el Scriptural passage? You have to identify a WORD, nivel más básico: ¿Qué está pasando en este pasaje PHRASE, IDEA that touches your heart….that the Lord bíblico? Usted tiene que identificar una PALABRA, places in your heart….. FIRST READING: read the text out loud FRASE, IDEA que toca su corazón…..que el Señor pone en tu corazón….. slowly and intentionally. PRIMERA LECTURA: lea el texto en voz alta REFLECTION: take several minutes to lenta y deliberadamente. reflect on the reading and allow the Holy Spirit to surface REFLEXIÓN: tome varios minutos para a WORD, A PHRASE, AN IDEA/CONCEPT that is reflexionar sobre la lectura y permitir que el Espíritu central to the meaning of the text for you (What is the Santo le revele UNA PALABRA, UNA FRASE, UNA Biblical text saying?). IDEA/CONCEPTO que es el centro del significado del INTERNALIZE: repeat the word or phrase texto para usted (¿Qué le está diciendo el texto bíblico?). either out loud or in your heart. INTERNALIZAR: repetir la palabra o frase en voz alta o en su corazón. STEP 2: MEDITATE: What is Jesus saying to me personally through this Scripture Text? What does God PASO 2: MEDITAR: ¿Qué me está diciendo want me to know or see through this Scripture Text. How personalmente Jesús a través del texto de la Escritura? does this text speak to my experience in life? ¿Qué es lo que Dios quiere que conozca o vea a través del texto de la Escritura? ¿Cómo este texto me habla a mi SECOND READING: read the same experiencia en la vida? passage again. SEGUNDA LECTURA: leer el mismo pasaje. MEDITATION: take several minutes to reflect on the question: What is Jesus saying to me MEDITACIÓN: tome varios minutos para personally through this Scripture Text? reflexionar sobre la pregunta: ¿Qué me está diciendo personalmente Jesús a través de este texto de la STEP 3: PRAY: My Lord has spoken to me in the Escritura? Scriptural Text: What do I want to say back to him in PASO 3: ORAR: Mi Señor me ha hablado en el texto Prayer? Bíblico: ¿Qué es lo que le quiero decir a Dios en oración? THIRD READING: may want to re-read TERCERA LECTURA: puede volver a leer el the same passage again. mismo pasaje. REFLECTION: Jesus has spoken to me REFLEXIÓN: Jesús me ha hablado personally in this Scriptural text. What do I want to say personalmente en este texto Bíblico. ¿Qué quiero decir a to my Lord in Prayer? mi Señor en oración? PRAYER: say your prayer to our Lord ORACIÓN: diga su oración a Señor ya sea en either out loud or interiorly. voz alta o interiormente. STEP 4: CONTEMPLATE / ACT: As a result of PASO 4: CONTEMPLAR / ACTUAR: Como my prayer, what is Jesus calling me to DO (this week) as resultado de mi oración, ¿A qué Jesús me está llamando a result of this process? Finally, our prayer calls us to HACER (esta semana) como resultado de este proceso? action ultimately to be more compassionate and faithful. Por último, nuestra oración nos invita a la acción, en CONTEMPLATE: on what our Lord is calling definitiva, a ser más compasivo y fiel. you to do as a result of this process. CONTEMPLAR: en lo que nuestro Señor está llamándome hacer como resultado de este proceso. 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