“Foxes have dens and birds of the sky have nests, but the son of man has nowhere to rest his head.” head.” - Lk 9:58 SS. SIMON & JUDE CATHEDRAL JUNE 26, 2016 13TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Ss. Simon & Jude Cathedral XIII DOMINGO ORDINARIO CONTACT US MASS SCHEDULE CONFESSIONS PHONE 602-242-1300 WEB www.simonjude.org EMAIL [email protected] SUMMER OFFICE HOURS Monday- Thursday: 9 a.m.—2 p.m. Friday: 9 a.m.—12 p.m. SUNDAY (Saturday 4:30 p.m. vigil) English: 7 a.m., 9 a.m., 11 a.m. 5 p.m. Español: 1 p.m. y 7 p.m MONDAY 6:15 a.m. & 8:30 a.m. TUESDAY 6:15 a.m., 8:30 a.m. & 6:30 p.m. WEDNESDAY 6:15 a.m. & 8:30 a.m. THURSDAY 6:15 a.m. & 8:30 a.m. FRIDAY 6:15 a.m. & 8:30 a.m. SATURDAY 8:30 a.m. & 4:30 p.m. vigil TUESDAY 5 p.m.- 6 p.m. THURSDAY 10 a.m.– 3 p.m. FRIDAY 6 p.m.-8 p.m. * SATURDAY 9 a.m.-11 a.m. *There will be occasional exceptions due to scheduling conflicts. Ss. Simon and Jude Cathedral | 6351 N. 27th Avenue Phoenix, Arizona 85017 BISHOP OF PHOENIX Most Reverend Thomas J. Olmsted MASS RECTOR Very Reverend Fr. John Lankeit 602-242-1300 X118 Sundays in English: 7 am, *9 am, 11 am, 5 pm PAROCHIAL VICAR Reverend Fr. Luis Gonzalez 602-242-1300 X158 IN RESIDENCE Reverend Fr. Kurt Perera 602-242-1300 X156 Reverend Fr. Jaya Rao Maddu DEACONS Deacon Doug Bogart Deacon Chuck Shaw (Retired) Deacon Juan Guzman (Retired) RECTOR EMERITUS Reverend Monsignor Michael O’Grady CATHEDRAL ADMINISTRATION Phil Lester 602-242-1300 X114 CATHEDRAL OFFICE MANAGER Cele Deguire 602-242-1300 PASTORAL ASSOCIATE Sr. Dympna Doran, IBVM 602-242-1300 X121 CATECHETICAL FORMATION/EDUCATION RELIGIOSA Andrea Diaz 602-433-7610 Saturday Vigil: 4:30 pm * ASL interpreter * Broadcast live on AZ TV7, CABLE 13 and 1310 AM radio Streamed live www.simonjude.org Domingos en Español: 1 pm, 7 pm Daily: Monday - Friday 6:15 am, 8:30 am Tuesday 6:30 pm followed by Devotion to St. Jude Saturday 8:30 am PERPETUAL EUCHARISTIC ADORATION The Perpetual Adoration Chapel is located in the narthex of the cathedral. The doors are open to the public from 6 am to 9 pm. From 9 pm to 6 am access is for scheduled adorers only. To sign up to be a regular adorer, please call the parish office. PENANCE & RECONCILIATION (CONFESSION) Tuesdays: 5 - 6 pm Thursdays: 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Saturdays: 9 - 11 am HOLY COMMUNION TO THE SICK AND HOMEBOUND English: Sr. Dympna Doran, IBVM 602-242-1300 X121 Español: 602-242-1300 BAPTISM English or Español: Faith Formation Office 602-433-7610 FIRST COMMUNION/CONFIRMATION English or Español: Faith Formation Office 602-433-7610 YOUTH MINISTRY Jen Pitera 602-242-1300 X119 www.facebook.com/pages/SSJ-Cathedral-Youth-Group RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION (RCIA) LITURGICAL MINISTRIES Tony Smith 602-242-1300 X146 Oficina Parroquial 602-242-1300 DIRECTOR OF SACRED MUSIC Matthew Meloche 602-242-1300 X116 www.facebook.com/cathedralchoirphoenix English: Susan Pietro 602-319-0487 Español: Fr. Luis Gonzalez 602-242-1300 (BY APPOINTMENT ONLY / CITA SOLAMENTE) SAFE ENVIRONMENT COORDINATOR Kathy Lopez 602-246-2569 SS. SIMON & JUDE CATHEDRAL SCHOOL Sr. Raphael Quinn, IBVM, Principal School Office 602-242-1299 Development/Tuition Tax Credit Information 602-242-1300 X149 Scrip at SSJ School 602-242-1299 X125 CATHEDRAL GIFT SHOP 602-246-2569 PARISH GROUPS Sunday Fellowship: Pete & Lindsey Groft 623-640-6179 Bereavement Support: Wilma Martin 480-580-2219 Socially Active Seniors (SAS): 602-242-1300 Little Flowers of St. Thérèse: Christine Pueyo 602-663-2640 Companions of Anna: Christine Pueyo 602-663-2640 Pro-Life/Pro-Vida 365 Monica Jordan 602-615-0016 CATHOLIC ORGANIZATIONS St. Vincent De Paul Society: Lori Sellers 602-433-7613 Knights of Columbus: Keith Johnson 602-249-7050 Legion of Mary: Dana Durazo 602-575-0943 Association of Our Lady of Guadalupe: Jo Villagrana 602-989-3523 Cursillo: Freddie & Maritza Sordia 602-380-7294 1 Susan Pietro 602-319-0487 EL RITO DE INICIACIÓN PARA ADULTOS (RICA) MARRIAGE ANOINTING OF THE SICK The Anointing of the Sick is not a sacrament for those only who are at the point of death. Hence, as soon as anyone of the faithful begins to be in danger of death from sickness or old age, the fitting time for him to receive this sacrament has certainly already arrived. (CCC 1514) If a person is in need of Anointing of the Sick, please call the parish office for a priest at 602-242-1300. If the parish office is closed and there is an immediate danger of death, please call the after-hours emergency number at 602-246-3534. The after-hours number may only be used for life and death emergencies. UNCIÓN DE LOS ENFERMOS La Unción de los Enfermos no es un sacramento sólo para aquellos que están a punto de morir. Por eso, se considera tiempo oportuno para recibirlo cuando el fiel empieza a estar en peligro de muerte por enfermedad o vejez. (CCC 1514). Si una persona necesita la Unción de los Enfermos, por favor llame a la oficina parroquial para un sacerdote al 602-242-1300. Si la oficina parroquial está cerrada y hay peligro de muerte, por favor llame al número de emergencia después de horas de oficina al 602-246-3534. Este número sólo se puede utilizar para casos de emergencia de vida o muerte. Ss. Simon & Jude Cathedral FAREWELL TO SISTER MARY By Sr. Dympna It is with great regret that we say farewell to our dear Sr. Mary Roche! Sr. Mary has been a light of love in our midst for the past 16 years. She has been a blessed and wonderful sister-companion in our convent. She has served our parish in our Christian Formation Office and as a Catechism teacher for several years. She also served as Spiritual Director for our wonderful SSJ St. Vincent de Paul Group. She tutored many little groups of students at the school and besides all that, we can’t leave out her skill at entertaining people at events with a string of jokes that could evoke peals of laughter. (Is that what they call Irish wit?!) She is an avid sports-fan. We tried to tell her she could cheer on her beloved Kilkenny Hurling Team from this side of the world too but somehow that didn’t work! She still has decided to retire in Ireland! In her sports priorities, basketball, tennis, and golf come after hurling. (Rory McIlroy doesn’t know where he got all those prayers from!) Anyway, dear Sr. Mary, go and enjoy your green and misty land, and don’t forget to pray for us in your “new” home -Loreto Abbey, Dalkey, County Dublin. SSJ School Enrollment SS. Simon & Jude Cathedral School is now accepting applications for grades K-8 for the 2016-17 school year. Find out how you can give your children the gift of a Catholic education right here at SSJ. Due to the Arizona Tuition Tax Credit, there are many scholarships available to families who would like to send their children to private or parochial schools. Stop by our School Office Monday – Thursday between 8:00 AM and 2:00 PM to get more information. Cathedral Parish of the Diocese of Phoenix 2 >> WEEK AT A GLANCE JUNE 27TH— JULY 2ND TUESDAY, JUNE 28th 5:00 p.m.—6:00 p.m. Confessions THURSDAY, JUNE 30th 10:00 a.m.– 3:00 p.m. Confessions 6:00 p.m.– 8:00 p.m. Witnesses to Freedom Relic Tour(See pg. 4 for more details) SATURDAY, JULY 2nd 9:00 a.m.– 11:00 a.m. Confessions >> ANNOUNCEMENTS 3 Homebound Apostolate- If you or any family members are unable to attend Mass due to illness or debility and would like to receive Communion at home (or in a care facility) please call the parish office at 602-242-1300. We’re happy to serve you. POPE FRANCIS’ PRAYER INTENTIONS JUNE 2016 Universal: Human Solidarity That the aged, marginalized, and those who have no one may find–even within the huge cities of the world–opportunities for encounter and solidarity. Evangelization: Seminarians and Novices That seminarians and men and women entering religious life may have mentors who live the joy of the Gospel and prepare them wisely for their mission. From the Office of Vocations & Religious Life Bereavement Support—Bereavement Support Group will not meet during the summer months, but, if you are grieving the loss of a loved one and you need some support, please call Wilma at 602-943-7583. We are in need of adorers! Our 24 hour Adoration Chapel is a vital aspect of our Cathedral community. If God moves you to take one of these hours, please call the front office at 602-242-1300. "You shall love the Lord, your God, with all your heart, with all your being, with all your strength, and with all your mind, and your neighbor as yourself." Does a life of prayer and service as a priest, deacon or in the consecrated life attract you? Contact the Vocations Office at 602-354-2004 – www.phoenixpriest.org, or the Office of Consecrated Life, 602-354-2472 – dphx.org/consecrated-life Sunday: 2:00 am - 3:00 am, 3:00 am - 4:00 am, 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm Tuesday: Tuesday: 3:00 am - 4:00 am, 10:00 am 11:00 am, 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm Wednesday: 3:00 am– 4:00 am, 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm, 11:00 pm - Midnight Thursday: 9:00am - 10:00 am Friday: 3:00 am - 4 :00 am Saturday: 12 midnight - 1:00 am, 1:00 pm 2:00 pm, 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm, 8:00 pm - 9:00 pm The time is almost here – air out your tents and pack your gear! Join us July 29th-31st in gorgeous Sedona for fun, tubing and fellowship. We will have a potluck dinner Saturday night, so bring a dish to share. Annual Parish Camping Trip The cost is $25 for the weekend (2pm Fri-10am Sun) or $10 for Saturday only. For directions and more details contact Danielle Martinez 602-696-4327. No reservations needed. Ss. Simon & Jude Cathedral JULY CONFESSIONS There will be no Confessions on Thursdays and Fridays during the month of July. Mercy Friday Adoration will also be cancelled during July. Tuesday and Saturday Confession times will remain the same. The following are the dates and times there will be NO Confession or Adoration on the main altar: Friday, July 1st– 6 p.m.-8 p.m. Thursday, July 7th– 10 a.m.– 3 p.m. Friday, July 8th- 6 p.m.-8 p.m. Thursday, July 14th- 10 a.m.– 3 p.m. Friday, July 15th- 6 p.m.-8 p.m. Thursday, July 21st- 10 a.m.– 3 p.m. Friday, July 22nd—6 p.m.-8 p.m. Thursday, July 28th- 10 a.m.– 3 p.m. Friday, July 29th- 6 p.m.-8 p.m. The following are the dates and times Confession is available during July: Saturday, July 2nd- 9 a.m.-11 a.m. Tuesday, July 5th– 5 p.m.-6 p.m. Saturday, July 9th– 9 a.m.-11 a.m Tuesday, July 12th– 5 p.m.– 6 p.m. Saturday, July 16th 9 a.m.– 11 a.m. Tuesday, July 19th 5 p.m.- 6 p.m. Saturday, July 23rd 9 a.m.-11 a.m. Tuesday, July 26th 5 p.m.– 6 p.m. Saturday, July 30th 9 a.m.– 11 a.m. CATHOLIC ACADEMY FOR LIFE LEADERSHIP In this modern age, teenagers are exposed to conflicting truths about love, sexuality, and their faith. The Catholic Academy for Life Leadership was developed to assist teens in living out their call to help to build a Culture of Life by giving them tools to better defend their beliefs on topics surrounding love and life. CALL is a three year program that meets four times a year in a seminar format that covers specific challenges that have arisen in this day and age. CALL's mission is to strengthen and solidify teen's knowledge in topics such as, Theology of the Body, Catholic teachings on human sexuality, and bioethics. CALL aids parents in helping their teens form an honest Catholic worldview. Parents are encouraged to attend seminars along with their teens which allow them to discuss what they have learned and directly apply that to the family setting. The seminars are given by accomplished speakers who have a vast knowledge in a variety of fields ranging from philosophy to biology. CALL promotes leadership in its teens that will foster a culture of life, love, and service. Leadership Certificates are provided to graduates and they can be listed on college scholarship and admission applications. The program costs $75 per teen, but sibling and youth ministry participation discounts are given. Partial scholarships are also available for those who qualify. Visit the website to learn more and register online for the coming year: catholicacademyforlifeleadership.org. Cathedral Parish of the Diocese of Phoenix 4 FRIENDS GOLF TOURNAMENT 9th Annual FRIENDS of the Cathedral Golf Tournament is coming up on September 23rd at the J.W. Marriott Desert Ridge Resort & Spa. We need sponsorships, donations, golfers, and auction items. If you have never participated in the past, please support your Cathedral and enjoy a great day at a beautiful venue! Check out our website at friendsofthecathedral.org CATHEDRAL GIFT SHOP Did you know when you purchase books and religious items from the Cathedral Gift Shop you are supporting the parish? All profits from our Cathedral gift shop go to help pay for parish operating expenses. You can purchase spiritually enriching books on faith, the saints, devotional prayer pamphlets, children’s books, baptism gifts, anniversary presents, birthday presents, cards for any occasion and sacred art all while supporting our parish. Whether you need a gift for a someone receiving a Sacrament or celebrating a birthday or special occasion, or want to learn more about our Catholic faith, or whenever you’re looking for a religious item… start right here at our own Cathedral Gift Shop! If you’d like to volunteer in the gift shop, please call the Parish Office at 602-242-1300. CATHEDRAL BOOKS & GIFTS GIFTS HOURS Monday: 9:00 a.m.- 4:00 p.m. Tuesday: 9:00 a.m.- 6:30 p.m. Wednesday: 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. Thursday: 9:00 a.m.– 4:00 p.m. Friday: 9:00 a.m.- 4:00 p.m. Saturday: 9:00 a.m.- 4:30 p.m. Sunday: 8:00 a.m.-2:30 p.m. 5 Ss. Simon & Jude Cathedral SPECIAL INTENTIONS INTENCIONES ESPECIALES Johnny Gonzales Frank Zuccaro Gerry Gavan Virginia Gonzales Jose Santa Cruz Holy Souls in Purgatory All Military Personnel and their families. MASS INTENTIONS INTENCIONES DE MISA June 27th – July 3rd Monday 6:15 a.m. Virginia Gonzales 8:30 a.m. Mary Vietenhaus Tuesday 6:15 a.m. 8:30 a.m. 6:30 p.m. Hoppe Family Gass Family Juan Loredo Wednesday 6:15 a.m. Anita Nieves 8:30 a.m. Virginia Gonzales Thursday 6:15 a.m. John and Yvonne Barrett 8:30 a.m. Sr. Colombiere Crowley Friday 6:15 a.m. Carmen Gomez 8:30 a.m. Iduardo Jaimes Saturday 8:30 a.m. Paula Rodriguez 4:30 a.m. Nicole DeLaat Sunday 7:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 1:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. Pete M. Dominquez Friends of the Cathedral SSJ Parishioners Jorge Valadez Jim Sullivan Carmen Alicia Manzanarez Deceased/ Difunto Cathedral Parish of the Diocese of Phoenix READINGS OF THE WEEK June 27th – July 3rd Monday: Am 2:6-10, 13-16/Ps 50:16-23/M t 8:18-22 Tuesday: Am 3:1-8; 4:11-12/Ps 5:4-8/Mt 8:23-27 Wednesday:Acts 12:1-11/Ps 34:2-9/2 Tm 4:6-8, 17-18/Mt 16:13-19 Thursday: Am 7:10-17/Ps 19:8-11/Mt 9:1-8 Friday: Am 8:4-6, 9-12/Ps 119:2, 10, 20, 30, 40, 131/Mt 9:9-13 Saturday: Am 9:11-15/Ps 85:9-14/Mt 9:14-17 Next Sunday: Is 66:10-14c/Ps 66:1-7, 16, 20/Gal 6:14-18/Lk 10:1-12, 17-20 or 10:1-9 SPECIAL WISH LIST ITEM LISTA DE DESEO – ARTÍCULO ESPECIAL The living quarters for Bishop Olmsted and our priests in residence are in need of new carpeting. We really need to re-carpet their whole living space and are looking for funds and donations of labor/supplies to do so. If you would like to donate carpet or labor for this project, please contact Phil Lester at 602- 242-1300 X114. If you would like to make a monetary donation for this project, you can do so online or by placing your check in the offering basket. Please mark “Wish list: Carpet” on your check so we ensure your donations go to this project. Thank you in advance for helping us improve the living space of our Bishop and priests. La vivienda del Obispo Olmsted y de nuestros sacerdotes en residencia necesita de nueva alfombra. En realidad necesitamos alfombrar su espacio de vivienda por completo y estamos en busca de fondos y donaciones de suministros y mano de obra para hacerlo. Si le gustaría donar alfombra o mano de obra para este proyecto, por favor, póngase en contacto con Phil Lester al 602-2421300 X114. Si le gustaría hacer una donación monetaria para este proyecto, puede hacerlo en línea o puede colocar su cheque en la canasta de ofrenda. Por favor indique “Lista de deseo: Alfombra” en su cheque para asegurarnos de que sus donaciones vayan a este proyecto. ¡Gracias de antemano por ayudarnos a mejorar la vivienda de nuestro Obispo y sacerdotes! 6 ¡ADIÓS, HERMANA MARY! De Sr. Dympna Con gran pesar decimos adiós a nuestra querida Hermana Mary Roche . La Hermana Mary ha sido una luz de amor entre nosotros durante los últimos 16 años. Ella ha sido una maravillosa y bendecida hermana-compañera en nuestro convento. Ella sirvió en nuestra parroquia en la Oficina de Formación Cristiana, y como maestra de Catecismo por varios años. Ella también sirvió como Directora Espiritual para nuestro maravilloso Grupo de San Vicente de Paúl. Ella instruyó a muchos pequeños grupos de estudiantes en la escuela, y además de todo eso, no podemos dejar a un lado su habilidad para entretener a la gente durante eventos con una serie de chistes que causaban carcajadas. (¿Es eso a lo que llaman ingenio Irlandés?) Ella también es fan de deportes. Tratamos de convencerle de que también podría animar a su amado equipo de hurling Kilkenny de este lado del mundo, ¡pero eso no funcionó! Aun así ella ha decidido retirarse en Irlanda. Entre sus prioridades deportivas, el baloncesto, tenis y golf vienen después de hurling. (¡Rory McIlroy no sabe de dónde él obtuvo todas esas oraciones!) De todos maneras, querida Hermana Mary, vaya y disfrute de su tierra verde y brumosa, y no se olvide de orar por nosotros en su “nuevo” hogar --- Abadía Loreto, Dalkey, Condado de Dublín. Inscripción Escolar Escolar dede SSJSSJ Inscripción LaEscuela escuelade delalaCatedral catedrál de SanSan Simón y San Judasestá estáaceptando aceptandosolicitudes aplicaciones La Simón y Judas parade matriculación los grados hasta2016 octavo el añousted 2016puede -17. Encuentre grados Kínder apara octavo para el Kinder año escolar -17. para Vea cómo dar a susla forma de darde a sus el regalo de unaaquí educación hijos el regalo unahijos educación Católica en SSJ.católica aquí en San Simón y San Judas. Debido al Crédito Fiscal Matricular de Arizona, hay varias becas disponibles para Debido que a lasdeseen becas de créditos los aimpuestos de Arizona mensualidades familias enviar a susde hijos una escuela privada para o parroquial. Visítenos en disponible a lasescolar familias gusten mandar sus hijos escuela privada nuestra oficina deque lunes a viernes, entrea 8:00 a.m.a yuna 2:00 p.m. para máso parroquial. Visítennos en la oficina escolar de lunes a viernes de 8 a.m. hasta 3:30 p.m. información. para mayor información. 7 Ss. Simon & Jude Cathedral INTENCIONES DEL PAPA FRANCISCO >>HORARIO SEMANAL 27 de junio– 2 de julio JUNIO 2016 Universal - Solidaridad en las ciudades. Para que los ancianos, marginados y las personas solitarias encuentren, incluso en las grandes ciudades, oportunidades de encuentro y solidaridad. Por la Evangelización Seminaristas y novicios. Que los seminaristas y los novicios y novicias tengan formadores que vivan la alegría del Evangelio y les preparen con sabiduría para su misión. MARTES 28 DE JUNIO 5:00 p.m.—6:00 p.m. Confesiones JUEVES 30 DE JUNIO 10:00 a.m.– 3:00 p.m. Confesiones 6:00 p.m.– 8:00 p.m. Visita de Reliquias de Testigos de la Libertad (Vea la página 9 para más detalles) SABADO, 2 DE JULIO 9:00 a.m.– 11:00 a.m. Confesiones >>ANUNCIOS De la Oficina de Vocaciones "Como tú, ve y anuncia el reino de Dios." Si usted está considerando una vocación a la vida sacerdotal, al diaconato o la vida consagrada, Llame a la Oficina de Vocaciones, 602-354-2004, o ver más en www.phoenixpriest.org o la Oficina de la Vida Consagrada 602-354-2472, phx.consecratedlife.com Campamento Parroquial Se aproxima la fecha – ¡Empaque su carpa y equipaje! Acompáñenos del 29 a 31 de julio en el precioso pueblo de Sedona para diversión y compañerismo. Tendremos una cena el sábado por la noche, así que lleve un platillo para compartir. El costo es de $25 para el fin de semana (2 de la tarde el viernes, hasta las 10 de la mañana el domingo) o $10 para el sábado solamente. Para direcciones o para más información, comuníquese con la oficina de la parroquia al (602) 242-1300. No se necesita reservaciones. Cathedral Parish of the Diocese of Phoenix El lunes, 4 de julio habrá una Misa de Día de la Independencia y Rosario por América aquí en la Catedral. Después de Misa de 8:30 a.m., celebrada por el Obispo Auxiliar Nevares, miembros de varias organizaciones Católicas dirigirán el Rosario por América. Acompáñenos para esta conmovedora Liturgia mientras oramos por nuestro país en estos tiempos de necesidad. Apostolado para los Confinados al Hogar. Si usted o algún miembro de la familia no puede asistir a Misa debido a una enfermedad o debilidad y desea recibir la Comunión en casa (o en un centro de atención médica), por favor llame a la oficina parroquial al 602-242-1300. Estamos encantados de poder servirle. Apoyo para los que están en Luto- El Grupo de Apoyo para los que se están en Luto no se reunirá durante los meses de verano, pero, si usted sufre la pérdida de un ser querido y necesita apoyo, por favor llame a Wilma al 602-943-7583. ¡Necesitamos Adoradores! Si Dios lo conmueve a tomar una de estas horas, por favor llame a la oficina al 602-242-1300. domingo : 2:00 a.m. - 3:00 am, 3:00 a.m.4:00 am, 1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. martes: 3:00 a.m.- 4:00 a.m., 10:00 a.m.11:00 am, 3:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. miércoles : 3:00 a.m. – 4:00a.m., 3:00p.m. – 4:00 p.m., 11:00 p.m. - medianoche jueves: 9:00a.m. - 10:00 a.m. viernes: 3:00 a.m.- 4 :00 a.m. sábado: 12 medianoche - 1:00 a.m., 1:00 p.m. 2:00 p.m., 6:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m., 8:00 p.m.9:00 p.m. 8 CONFESIONES EN JULIO No habrá Confesiones los jueves y viernes durante el mes de julio. Adoración de Viernes de Misericordia también se cancelará durante el mes de julio. El horario para las Confesiones los martes y sábados seguirá siendo el mismo. A continuación están las fechas y horario los cuales no habrá Confesión o Adoración en el altar principal: viernes, 1 de julio – 6 p.m.-8 p.m. jueves, 7 de julio – 10 a.m.-3 p.m. viernes, 8 de julio – 6 p.m.-8 p.m. jueves, 14 de julio – 10 a.m.-3 p.m. viernes, 15 de julio – 6 p.m.-8 p.m. jueves, 21 de julio – 10 a.m.-3 p.m. viernes, 22 de julio – 6 p.m.-8 p.m. jueves, 28 de julio – 10 a.m.-3 p.m. viernes, 29 de Julio – 6 p.m.-8 p.m. A continuación están las fechas y horario los cuales la Confesión estará disponible durante el mes de julio: sábado 2 de julio – 9 a.m.-11 a.m. martes, 5 de julio – 5 p.m.-6 p.m. sábado 9 de julio – 9 a.m.-11 a.m. martes, 12 de julio – 5 p.m.-6 p.m. sábado, 16 de julio – 9 a.m.-11 a.m. martes, 19 de julio – 5 p.m.-6 p.m. sábado, 23 de julio – 9 a.m.-11 a.m. martes, 26 de julio – 5 p.m.-6 p.m. sábado, 30 de julio – 9 a.m.-11 a.m. TIENDA DE REGALOS DE LA CATEDRAL ¿Sabía usted que cuando compra libros y artículos religiosos de la Tienda de Regalos de la Catedral, usted está apoyando la parroquia? Todo beneficio de nuestra Tienda de Regalos de la Catedral ayudan en cubrir los gastos de administración de la parroquia. Usted puede adquirir libros de enriquecimiento espiritual acerca de la fe, los santos, folletos de oración devocional, libros para niños, regalos para bautismo, aniversario o de cumpleaños, tarjetas para cualquier ocasión y también arte sagrada, mientras apoya a nuestra parroquia. Si necesita un regalo para alguien que va a recibir un Sacramento o celebra un cumpleaños o para una ocasión especial; o si desea aprender más acerca de nuestra fe Católica, o busca un artículo religioso…¡empiece aquí mismo, en nuestra Tienda de Regalos de la Catedral! Si le gustaría ser voluntario en la tienda de regalos, por favor llame a la Oficina de la Parroquia al 602-242-1300. HORAS DE LA TIENDA DE REGALOS DE LA CATEDRAL lunes: 9:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. martes: 9:00 a.m.-6:30 p.m. miercoles: 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. jueves: 9:00 a.m.– 4:00 p.m. viernes 9:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. sabado: 9:00 a.m.-4:30 p.m. domingo: 8:00 a.m.-2:30 p.m. 9 Ss. Simon & Jude Cathedral
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