Saint Patrick Catholic Church 235 Glen Street Glen Cove NY 11542 “Sketch of Saint Patrick Church” A gift of the artist, Joseph M. Cherubini The Very Rev’d Dom Daniel Stephen Nash, Can. Reg. Pastor The Very Rev’d Dom Gabriel Rach, Can. Reg. Associate The Very Rev’d Dom Ambros Boyd, Can. Reg. Associate The Very Rev’d Dom Elias Matthew Carr, Can. Reg. In Residence The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ Dcn. Frank Borchardt Dcn. Juan Guilfú Deacon Deacon PARISH OFFICE: 676-0276 Fax (516) 674-9137 Mass Schedule BUSINESS OFFICE 674-8669 Weekdays 9:00 am FAITH FORMATION 671-7223 Saturday MUSIC AND CHOIRS 676-0276 9:00 am 4:30 pm (Sunday A nticipatory) The Very Rev’d Dom Gabriel Rach, Can. Reg. Ms. Bernadette Heym Fran Howlett Director SOCIAL MINISTRY 676-5586 SPANISH MINISTRY 759-6039 Cantalicio Gamarra Cantalicio Gamarra Website: EMail: Parish office: [email protected] Fr Daniel: [email protected] Fr Gabriel: [email protected] Fr Ambros: [email protected] May 29, 2016 Sundays 7:45 am Spanish Mass: 8:45 am (Parish Hall) 10:15 am (Family Mass) 11:30 am (Choir) 5:00 pm This week at St. Patrick’s St. Patrick’s Parish Ministries Adoration Saturday, May 28th. 9:00 AM: Ulrich Maurer 4:30 PM: Collective Mass Intentions Roberta & Alexander Patrick Mary Giordano Sunday, May 29th– The Most Holy Body & Blood of Christ. 7:45 AM: Ann Savino 8:45 AM: Pro populo 10:15 AM: Peter Massarrone 11:30 AM: Timothy Kyte 5:00 PM: Elizabeth O’Neill Monday, May 30th. 9:00 AM: Joan & Cliff Fusco (Wedding Anniv.) Tuesday, May 31st. 9:00 AM: George & Anna Reichert Wednesday, June 1st. 9:00 AM: Calep Allen Boyd Thursday, June 2nd. 9:00 AM: Joseph W. Muldoon, Jr. (16th Anniv.) Friday, June 3rd. 9:00 AM: Norma Zbikowski Saturday, June 4th. 9:00 AM: Marie Marthe Sence 4:30 PM: Collective Mass Intentions Maura Kelly Kehew Francesco Amorelli Joseph Hutter Chief Gerald Giordano Sunday, June 5th. 7:45 AM: Eugene Auciello 8:45 AM: Pro populo 10:15 AM: Roger Burke 11:30 AM: Richard C. Jensen 5:00 PM: Dolores Eliseo The Blessed Sacrament in the Notre Dame Chapel (Convent) Tuesday and Wednesday 10 am to 9 pm, Thursday open from 6:00 pm to Friday 1:00 am, and reopens Friday from 5:00 am to 12:00 pm (noon) then, from 9:00 pm Friday through Saturday 2:00 pm. Closed Sunday. Sacrament of Baptism At 11:00 am on the 1st Saturday of the month. Please call the Parish Office for more information. Preparation classes: the last Saturday of each month. Sacrament of Marriage Engaged and planning your wedding? The process begins by reviewing our Marriage Prep Checklist. This document is available at the Parish Office, or at The link is located on the main page under "Announcements". Sacrament of Penance Saturday 3:30 pm to 4:15 pm (Church) Monday to Wednesday immediately after the 9:00 am Mass (Church). If possible, please inform the sacristan or priest before Mass. Parish Faith Formation Provides excellent formation in the Catholic Faith for children in non-Catholic private and public schools. Grades 1-6 and Children’s Catechumenate on Tuesday 4:15 - 5:30 pm Grades 1-8 and Children’s Catechumenate on Tuesday 7:00 - 8:15 pm R.C.I.A on Tuesday evenings from 7:30-8:30 pm. We will meet (mostly) at St. Rocco’s. All Saints Regional Catholic School Offers an excellent Catholic and academically rigorous education. Nursery to Eighth Grade. For more information please call the School Office (676-0762). Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick Please contact the Office to arrange a time. In emergency please call the Parish Office/Emergency Line. Apostolado Hispano Celebramos la Eucaristía todos los Domingos a las 8:45 am, el Sacramento del Bautismo se administra el 2do. y el 4to. Domingo de cada mes. Se require previa charla de preparación. Para más información, llamar al 759-6039. Parish Social Ministry The family members who have entered into Eternal Life! Blanca Villacorta The 2016 Mass book is open for Masses The offering is $20.00 We care for our brothers and sisters through our Parish Outreach and food pantry program. Open on Tuesdays from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm and Thursdays from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm. For further information please call 676-5586. Parish Thrift Shop Closed for r enovation. Will r eopen on Mondays to r eceive donations starting June 13th. Please, contact Helen Willenbacher 516-671-1779 or Marge Leach 516-676-6615. We Pray for our Sick..... The church unites in praying for those who are critically ill. Our prayers can be a very effective channel for the healing power of Christ. Some people have a crisis or illness. Others are chronically ill. Both types of situations need the care and concern of the entire Body of Christ. At the request of concerned family members, names of the critically ill will be placed on our prayer list and will remain on the sick list for four (4) weeks. After that time they will be removed from the list. If a member of the family or the sick person himself or herself wishes to remain on the list, they have only to call or e-mail us and we will be happy to oblige. Peggy Williams, Elizabeth Doxey, Tracy Johnston, Jim McCabe, Abigail Sadowski, Michelina Gambale, Eileen Guadagni, Jacob Sagaser, Samantha De Mato, Steve Valli, Gloria Cuellar, Katherine McCarthy, Peter Jablonski, Eileen Stapelton, Mike Solomito, Michelle Butler, Allyn Adams, Jack Swenson, Kim Pomeroy, Fernando Ayo, Angela Bezella , Dorothy Sagaser, Joseph Sagaser, Mary Tormey, Carter Suozzi, Raymond Dillon, Angela Grella, Elizabeth Comitino, Mackenzie Borchers, baby Grace Skuches, Maryann Curley, Concetta Macedonio, Philipe Pretto, Louis Guadagni, Alberta Sadowski, Mrs. Hazel Reukauf, John Devoti, Christine Williams, Nora Avci, Thomas Wright, Salomon Huamaní, Victor Tosner, Susan Robertson, Margaret Occhuito, Bobbie Brown, Frances Breen, Julianne Hennesy, Veronica Munoz, Sal Comitino, Hogan Family, and John McCarthy. Reflection- In today’s gospel, the disciples suggest that Jesus disperse the crowd so that they might individually seek food and lodging. The miracle of the feeding of the 5,000 is Jesus’ powerful reminder that when we share our gifts in His name there is always more than enough! General Intercession for Mass– That as good stewards, we receive the Body of Christ to become the Body of Christ in the world, we pray to the Lord. Living Stewardship- We are grateful this week for all stewards who continually develop their relationship with Jesus through prayer and the Eucharist. WEEKLY OFFERINGS May 22, 2016 Collection $9,879.00 Actual Budget* Healthy Parish** $14,176.00 $18,000.00 Memorial Day Over/Under -$4,297.00 -$8,121.00 * Actual Budget is based on historical collections only. It reflects only the bare minimum the parish needs. **Healthy Budget reflects what is really needed to run the parish and prudently maintain the facilities. Thank you for your continued generosity! The Parish Mass will be transferred to St. Patrick’s Cemetery Monday, May 30th at 9:00 AM. PARISH OFFICE Weekly Readings Monday: 2 Peter 1:2-7. / Ps 91(90):1-2.14-15ab.15c-16. / Mk 12:1-12. Tuesday:Zeph. 3:14-18a. / Is 12:2-3.4bcd.5-6. / Lk 1:39-56. Wed.: 2 Tim 1:1-3.6-12. / Ps 123(122):1-2a.2bcd. / Mk 12:18-27. Thursday:2 Tim 2:8-15. / Ps 25(24):4bc-5ab.8-9.10.14. / Mk 12:28-34. Friday: Ezek. 34:11-16. / Ps 23(22):1-3a.3b-4.5.6. / Rm 5:5b-11. / Lk 15:3-7. Saturday:Is 61:9-11. / 1 Sam. 2:1.4-5.6-7.8abcd. / Lk 2:41-51. Sunday: 1 Kings 17:17-24. / Ps 30(29):2.4.5-6.11.12a.13b. / Gal. 1:11-19. / Lk 7:11-17. Closed Monday, May 30th Adoration Chapel Will be Closed on Thursday, May 26th, and will reopen on Tuesday, May 31st in observance of Memorial Day A View from the Pew What Goes into Running a “Healthy Parish” By Gerry Chiariello I have been a parishioner at St. Patrick’s for almost 20 years, but up until recently I have had no involvement with any committee or group involved in assisting with the management or future planning of this or any other parish. Before my recent conscription by the Canons (and to this day), I would regularly read the bulletin to pass time before Mass started. I’m sure many of you have seen that small item in the bulletin which describes the past week’s collection and how that amount measures up against the parish’s basic budgetary needs and those of a “healthy” parish. Sadly, it regularly appears as if the parish only infrequently meets its minimum budget and never meets the needs of a so-called “healthy” parish. I often wondered what was meant by a “healthy” parish. Over the course of the past year or so, I have learned quite a bit about what the parish really needs and I wanted to pass some of this along to all parishioners so they can see behind the curtain, so to speak, and understand the significant task involved in running our parish. Prior to the arrival of the Canons, the business operation of the parish was apparently somewhat haphazard with an emphasis on mere survival rather than strategic planning for the future needs of the parishioners and the physical plant of the entire campus. Like in our own homes, the parish needs to have funds available to pay for utilities, salaries, debts, maintenance and upkeep as well as putting money away for future needs that will certainly arise. Many of us may not know that the parish must also pay the diocese an assessment out of weekly collections. And, although the regional school is on our campus, the parish must also pay a share towards its upkeep and support. Unfortunately, in years past, and partly due to dearth of contributions, there was little emphasis placed on fiscal management for the future needs of our facilities. During that time, the parish leaned heavily on the diocese for financial assistance as larger expenses arose. The result of this was that any capital campaigns during that era yielded little, if any, tangible improvement and more often than not went to repay debt owed to the diocese. Certainly no one wants to support a capital campaign that makes no capital improvement! Things are changing. Over the past few years, the Canons have made significant strides toward balancing the parish budget, cutting waste, seeking more efficient operating methods and prioritizing expenses – all with an eye to making the parish sustainable not only day-to-day, but in the future as well. Several members of the parish (mostly Mark Haynes) have devoted their time to preparing a significant facilities plan which outlines the major needs of the parish campus and prioritizing them. From the roofs, to the pavement, to the mechanical systems, to the bell tower and beyond – a lengthy and voluminous summary has been prepared which lays out what needs to be done now, in the short term and further into the future. Already the plans have been put into action with the bell tower remediation as well as the repair of the gutters and leaders on the church which had led to the flooding last winter. Other pending projects include repairs of the door closers in the church and the repair of the water stain on the church ceiling. While this all sounds great, the fact is the parish still does not have nearly enough money to tackle the significant and crucial projects that need to be addressed soon. Some of the roofs are well beyond their expected lifespan and there are significant pavement issues that must be addressed before we head into another winter – and that is only the beginning. On top of these pressing needs, the parish owes a significant sum to the diocese for unpaid assessments. Quite understandably, the Canons are reluctant to undertake any capital campaign from parishioners which will merely flow to the diocese in the form of payments for past due assessments – we all want a capital campaign that funds capital improvements! So what’s the plan? We are on the verge of having a meaningful proposal prepared for the diocese which will outline the significant strides the parish has made to get its financial house in order and which will put forth a concrete vision for the sustainability and improvement of the all the facilities and systems here on the hill - a formal business plan, so to speak. While no one likes to admit that their church is a “business”, the practical reality is that it must be managed as such if it is to survive. The Canons and the parishioners who have devoted their time have truly gotten off to a great start. However, unlike a business, the parish can’t raise prices. Only with your increased generosity (and perhaps even your time) can we expect to flourish. Hopefully, with the help of all of you, we will become the “healthy” parish to which we aspire rather than merely treading water to stay afloat. The Canonry of Saint Leopold presents “ Vatican Two (Re)views“ 5/31 Presbyterorum Ordinis – the Decree on the Life and Ministry of Priests 6/7 From the Missal of Paul VI to the Motu Proprio 6/14 “There and Back Again” – reviewing our (re)views This series is open to everyone. We start at 7:30 pm in the Parish Center of the Church of Saint Rocco 18 Third Street, Glen Cove, NY 11542 For more information, please contact us at [email protected] Adoration Chapel The Society of St. Vincent de Paul Glen Cove Conference May 29, 2016 The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ Tuesday 10:00 AM - 9:00 PM Wednesday 10:00 AM - 9:00 PM Thursday Open 6:00 PM to Friday 1:00 AM Reopens Friday 5:00 AM - 12:00 (noon) 9:00 PM Friday to Saturday 2:00 PM Sunday - Closed Substitutes are needed for all hours from time to time. Pick what days and hours you are available. Please contact the following captains Marge Peguillan (Tuesdays) 516-676-0885 Susan Jerzewski (Wednesdays) 516-629-6325 Harry Mooney (Thursdays) 516-671-3908 Paula Archuleta (Fridays) 516-639-9773 Peter Luzynski (Saturdays) 516-759-3882 God bless you Thrift Shop Closed for renovation. Will reopen on Mondays to r eceive donations, star ting June 13, 2016 from 9:00 am - 2:00 pm Contact: Helen Willenbacher: 516-671-1779 or Marge Leech: 516-676-6615 Today as we celebrate the gift of the Body and Blood of Christ, let us pray for those who are hungry, malnourished and starving. In the month of May, through your gifts, the Society of St. Vincent de Paul was able to bring the love of God to the poor by assisting families - providing food, paying utility and rent bills, etc. Thank You!! PLEASE VOLUNTEER- you can help us r espond to requests from our neediest neighbors and help coordinate Parish events. Help is needed in many forms – home visits, paperwork, fundraising, phone calls and more… We also connect on a spiritual level at every monthly meeting and each visit. The Mission of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul Inspired by Gospel values, the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, a Catholic lay organization, leads women and men to join together to grow spiritually by offering person-toperson service to those who are needy and suffering in the tradition of its founder, Blessed Frédéric Ozanam, and patron, St. Vincent de Paul. Our Conference meets on the first Tuesday of the month. Join us at our next meeting on Tuesday, June 7th, St. Rocco’s Parish Center, starting at 7:30 PM. HELP LINE: for assistance 516-676-5586 Your financial support as a benefactor/donor will help families who have fallen on hard times. “Poor Box” donations and/or Checks payable to: Glen Cove Conference of St. Vincent de Paul Mail to: Glen Cove Confer ence of St. Vincent de Paul c/o The Church of St. Rocco 18 Third Street Glen Cove, New York 11542 2016 Catholic Ministries Appeal Monday is Memorial Day and we would like to recognize and show our sincere appreciation to all of the men ad women who are serving their country to help insure the freedoms we all enjoy. Holy Trinity Diocesan High School Honor Roll 5/9/2016 St. Patrick Parish - Glen Cove Please take a moment tomorrow to pray for all those who have and are serving our country in the military as well as for their families. As we honor and celebrate their service and sacrifice let us also be thankful that through generous donations to the Catholic Ministries Appeal, and Catholic Charities Project Veterans Independence, our Church has been able to help homeless veterans find permanent housing, gain independence and live in dignity. Katelin Ann Bilello Daniel Dickson Natalie Falk Maryjane Hughes Christine Pazler Makayla Whitting Honor Roll A 3rd Q Honor Roll B 3rd Q Honor Roll B 3rd Q Honor Roll B 3rd Q Honor Roll A 3rd Q Honor Roll A 3rd Q Thank you for your support and God Bless America! Congratulations! Please Join the Holy Name Society June 11, 2016 St. Rocco’s Church 18 3rd St. Glen Cove, NY St. Anthony of Padua “The Wonder Worker” 3:00 Novena and Prayers 4:00 Celebration of Holy Mass 5:00 Procession with St. Anthony 6:00 Feast begins with Blessing of Bread and food All are invited to attend this free celebration! Food, drinks and desserts will be served. Donations in honor of St. Anthony, will be appreciated. Seminary Garden Tour And Lunch The Seminary of The Immaculate Conception in Huntington will host a tour of three gardens in Oyster bay Cove and Cold Spring harbor, followed by buffet lunch in the Seminary Refectory on Wednesday, June 15, 2016. Reservations required, $40 per ticket. Seminary Development Office, 631-423-0483 ext. 102, or [email protected]. Below, please find a letter from three very enthusiastic, talented and generous young people from our Parish who have a great idea! We are very fortunate to have them. - Father Daniel Hello, All! Recently, we began reminiscing about past theatrical productions we have participated in. In doing so, we realized that Glen Cove doesn’t have a theater that produces shows for the community to enjoy and participate in. As the conversation continued, we had the idea of producing a musical at St Patrick’s. Right away, we began to brainstorm. After some more planning, we decided to pitch our idea to Father Daniel. We wanted to create a new tradition at St Patrick’s – a summer musical! We thought we would have to do some convincing, but Father Daniel loved the concept and supports it 100 %. Our idea is becoming a reality. Father Daniel asked us to place something in the bulletin to inform the Parish. That being said, the first musical St Patrick’s is going to produce is Godspell. This beloved musical recreates the parables and life of Jesus and his disciples in a modern way and features songs like “Day by Day” “Save the People” and “All Good Gifts.” We are very excited to produce the musical in the Parish Hall this summer! • Auditions will be held mid-June, and the Musical will run the first weekend in August! • We are looking for actors age 15 – 25 to audition! You will be asked to prepare a song from a musical for the audition; there will be more info on the specifics later. As you can imagine, we’re going to need as much as we can get in the following areas: • Fundraising • Concessions • Advertising • Crew and Technical Positions • Ticket Sales If you have a special area of interest or talent that you would like to help us with, please contact us ASAP! As you can tell, we have a lot to do in a short amount of time. We urge you to contact us at [email protected] with any questions or concerns about the Musical. You can also reach out to our parents, Omar and Antoinette Patino, to contact us as well. Thank you and God Bless! Nicholas and Andrew and Gabrielle Patino All Saints Regional Catholic School Founded in 1990 Supported by the Parishes of: St. Boniface ~ St. Hyacinth ~ St. Mary ~ St. Patrick ~ St. Rocco Accredited by the Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools Phone: 516 676-0762 May God Bless our Second Graders! Congratulations! Saturday, May 14th was a beautiful day for our Second Grade. They did a wonderful job! We are so proud of them! They worked very hard this year with Miss Diffley. A special thank you to our Second Grade Parents, Father Daniel, Father Elias, Father Ambrose, Father Gabriel, Mrs. Fitzgerald, Miss Fran Howlett, and Miss Diffley for all of their support and guidance in preparing our Second Grade for this Blessed Day! Faith Foundation Future All Saints Students visit Chocolate Works Students in the Top Achievers Program, T.A.P. in grades two through eight visited Chocolate Works in Bellmore, NY as part of the Fifth Grade T.A.P. project to study the affects sugar has on the brain. Students were divided into two groups. The first group covered cookies, graham crackers and pretzels with chocolate and followed the process as the food went through the conveyor belt. The second group tasted different types of cocoa powder. Students learned that 400 cocoa pods makes one pound of chocolate. The students also discovered that there is really only two types of chocolate, dark and milk. White chocolate is made with all fat. The trip was both fun and educational. Special Persons’ Day at All Saints Students in grades PreK through Eighth invited a special person to visit our school on Friday, May 13th. Our visitors were treated to breakfast, a tour of the school and a special activity that was planned in each classroom. In addition, visitor’s from our fourth, fifth and sixth grade classes assembled in the gym to watch our students perform ballroom dancing. Pictured here is one of our special visitors telling the story “There was an Old Lady who Swallowed a Fly” to our Pre-K students. New this year! FREE Before-care and After-care! Registration for the 2016-2017 school year is ongoing. Contact Carol Filippone in our Registration Office at 516 676-0762 ext. 202 OUTREACH PANTRY We are in need of the following items: All Saints Regional Catholic School will be holding its Third Annual Tag Sale Saturday, June 4th and Sunday, June 5th 9:00 am - 3:00 pm All Saints Regional School cafeteria (lower level of the St. Patrick's Church Parish Hall) We are accepting donations of unwanted clothing, household items, toys (no missing parts), baby items, and small furniture, all in good condition. We are also in need of the following items: Clothing Racks (will be returned after the sale), Grocery Bags, Hangers, Empty Boxes, and Old Newspapers Beginning Tuesday, May 10th, donations can be dropped off at the school cafeteria during the following times: Tuesdays: 2:45-4:00 pm Thursdays: 5:30-7:00 pm Saturdays: 1:00-3:00pm If you are unable to transport your items, pickup can be arranged by calling Susan McCormack at 516-695-6024. SUPER BONANZA RAFFLE $25.00 Daily Prize Winners May 22nd - May 28th 05/22 05/23 05/24 05/25 05/26 05/27 05/28 Joan Casson Sauer Ann Marie McGrady Marianne Welden Chirstopher Albin Dorothy Gabel John Peguillan Griffin Rush Congratulations to all the Winners! Pasta sauce, soup, canned fish or meat, cereal, tuna, peanut butter, jelly, red beans, tomato sauce, juice, black beans, canned fruit, canned vegetables, sardines, pancake mix, syrup, parmalat milk, rice and toiletries. Please, bring your donations to help our less fortunate brothers & sisters. Thank you in advance for your generosity. FAN Program This program offers food to people older than 60 years. Held the second Tuesday of every month from 9:30 AM - 12:00 PM in front of the Parish Hall. Immigration Services June 13 & 27th. 2:00 pm - 5:00 pm / John Paul II Room Convent building. Citizenship Classes Held every Tuesday 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm / John Paul II Convent building. Al Anon Is there a drinking problem in your family? We can help! There is a regularly scheduled Al-Anon group that meets Monday at 12:30 pm John Paul II Room / Convent building. Worldwide Marriage Encounter- Weekends are scheduled throughout the Metro New York area. The next weekend on Long Island is scheduled for June 10-12, 2016 at the Immaculate Conception Seminary in Lloyd Harbor, NY. For more information about the weekends or to apply, call: 1-877-697-9963 or visit our website at _______________________________________________________ Momma’s House- Mother-Child Residential Program invites you to a Mad Hatter Tea, to be held on Thursday, June 23, 2016 at 1:00 pm, Upper Brookville, NY. For more information call 516-781-8637 or email [email protected] _______________________________________________________ “I am a (senior) long-time parishioner of St. Rocco Church who is in desperate need of someone to watch my 16 lb., 13 year old Maltipoo during my working hours, from MondayFriday, 8:00 am until 5:45 pm. If you have any interest, please contact me at 516- 817-4534. Thank you and God bless you! St. Patrick Catholic Church Blood Drive Sunday, May 29, 2016 Recaudación de Sangre Domingo, 29 de Mayo, 2016 8:30 am - 2:30 pm Cafeteria - Parish Hall Knights of Columbus Caballeros de Colón Catholic High School Entrance Exam Prep Course By Order of the Queen of Hearts You are hereby summoned to a Tea Party Join us in Wonderland to benefit MOMMAS House MOTHER CHILD RESIDENCES Don’t be late for this very important date THURSDAY, JUNE 23, 2016 1:00 TO 5:00 PM Follow us down the rabbit hole to 26 Clews Drive Upper Brookville, NY 11771 Tickets $65 Please RSVP E-mail: [email protected] or by calling 516-781-8637 2016 Catholic Ministries Appeal Our Lady of Mercy Academy For over a decade, Our Lady of Mercy has been offering a CHSEE prep course for all students interested in attending Catholic High School. The Course provides excellent instruction in the academic skills required to test well, while familiarizing students with format and timing, thus building the self confidence so necessary for success. This fall’s classes will meet on Saturdays, September 10, 17 and 24 and October 29th exam. The cost for this program is $300.00, including all instructional materials. For further information, or to register, please call Mrs. Lucille Fitts at (516) 921-1047, ext. 110. Este lunes es el Día de Recordación, día en el que rendiremos homenaje y mostraremos nuestro aprecio a todos aquellos que ofrecieron el máximo sa crificio por nuestro país y por las libertades de las que gozamos. Le pedimos que mañana dedique un momento para orar por los miembros de las Fuerzas Armadas quienes han servido y están sirviendo a nuestra nación. Muchas familias han perdido seres queridos y los que sobreviven son hombres y mujeres que tendrán que enfrentar innumerables dificultades y desafíos por el resto de sus vidas. Gracias por su apoyo! Con su oración y generosi dad usted hace la diferencia en la vida de muchas personas! All Saints Regional Catholic School Fundado en 1990 Apoyado por las Iglesias de: St. Boniface ~ St. Hyacinth ~ St. Mary ~ St. Patrick ~ St. Rocco Acreditado por la Asociación Middle States de Universidades y Escuelas Teléfono: 516 676-0762 Dios Bendiga a los alumnos de Segundo Grado! Felicitaciones! El Sábado 14 de Mayo fue un día hermoso para nuestro alumnos de Segundo Grado. Hicieron un trabajo maravilloso! Estamos muy orgullosos de ellos! Ellos trabajaron muy duro este año con la Srta. Diffley. Les damos un agradecimiento a los Padres de Familia de los niños de Segundo Grado, a el Padre Daniel, Padre Elías, Padre Ambros, Padre Gabriel, Sra. Fitzgerald, Sra.Fran Howlett, y a la Srta. Diffley por todo su apoyo y orientación que ofrecieron a los niños del segundo grado para que este día sea bendecido! Fe Fundamentos Futuro Los Estudiantes de All Saints visitaron la Fábrica de Chocolates Los estudiantes que están en el Programa de Productores Principales, T.A.P. de segundo a octavo grado visitaron la Fábrica de Chocolates en Bellmore, NY como parte del programa de T.A.P. del quinto grado. Proyecto para estudiar los efectos que causa el azúcar en el cerebro. Los estudiantes fueron divididos en dos grupos. El primer grupo cubrió galletas Graham y pretzels con chocolate y vieron el proceso de como la comida iba a través de la cinta transportadora. El segundo grupo probó los diferentes tipos de polvo de cacao. Los estudiantes aprendieron que 400 vainas de cacao hacen una libra de chocolate. Los estudiantes también descubrieron que en realidad sólo hay dos tipos de chocolate, oscuro y de leche. El chocolate blanco es hecho con bastante grasa. El viaje fue divertido y educativo . Día de la Personal Especial en All Saints Los estudiantes desde los grados de Jardín de la Infancia hasta el Octavo Grado invitaron a una persona especial para que visite nuestra escuela el día Viernes 13 de Mayo. Nuestros visitantes desayunaron, hicieron un recorrido por la escuela y presenciaron una actividad especial que se ofreció en cada aula . Además, los visitantes de nuestras clases de cuarto, quinto y sexto se reunieron en el gimnasio para ver a nuestros estudiantes realizar un baile de salón. aquí representado es uno de nuestros visitantes especiales contó la historia "Había una señora mayor que se tragó una mosca " para nuestros estudiantes de Jardín de la Infancia. Nuevo este año! Programa de Cuidado Antes y Después de clases GRATIS! La registración para el periodo escolar 2016-2017 está abierta. Contacte a Carol Filippone en nuestra Oficina de Registración al 516 676-0762 ext. 202 Primera lectura Génesis 14:18-20 La escena leída en el Antiguo Testamento es la ciudad de Elam, la que luego sería Jerusalén. El rey era Melquisedec, quien era también un sacerdote. Fue a dar a Abram, a quien después Dios nombraría Abraham, una bendición y a compartir pan y vino con él. La bendición de Melquisedec celebró como Dios había protegido a Abram, el padre de los israelitas en una batalla. Siglos más tarde, los cristianos vieron un parecido entre Jesucristo y Melquisedec. Entendieron el compartir el pan y el vino en esta lectura como un signo de la Eucaristía. 1 Corintios 11:23-26 Hoy, en la fiesta del Cuerpo y Sangre de Cristo, escuchamos el recuento de Pablo sobre la última cena. Jesús toma el pan y da gracias, lo parte y dice: "Esto es mi cuerpo". Repite la misma acción sobre la copa de vino diciendo: "Este es el cáliz de mi sangre, sangre de la alianza nueva y eterna". De la misma forma, el celebrante repite las palabras y las acciones de Jesús en la oración eucarística de la misa. Cuando nos reunimos en la misa, compartimos el Cuerpo y la Sangre de Cristo, de la misma forma que Jesús nos invitó a hacerlo en la última cena. Lucas 9:11b-17 ¿Te has fijado cómo todas las lecturas de hoy hablan de alimentar al pueblo? La historia del evangelio nos muestra a Jesús y a los Doce rodeados de una multitud hambrienta. Cuando protestaron porque no podían dar de comer a todos, Jesús dividió la multitud en pequeños grupos. Después tomó lo que tenían, cinco panes y dos peces, dio gracias, los partió e invitó a los discípulos a pasarlo para compartirlo. Hubo suficiente para todos. Podemos, por supuesto, ver esta historia como un signo de la Eucaristía, en la que Jesús continúa alimentando a la multitud de sus seguidores. Pero podemos también verlo como un reto que nos invita a alimentar a millones de hambrientos en nuestro mundo Evidentemente, con aquel pan, no había suficiente para la multitud; pero Jesús da las gracias. Quizás muchas veces nosotros nos paramos a lamentar lo que no tenemos en lugar de dar gracias por lo que sí tenemos, aunque parezca muy poco. Al dar gracias, se multiplica la acción de dar. Muchas veces también podríamos pensar que no tenemos mucho que ofrecer a la comunidad. No tenemos mucho talento o mucho tiempo, o no nos consideramos capaces; pero eso era lo mismo que decían los amigos de Jesús: no tenían ni siquiera casi para ellos, mucho menos para dar de comer a cinco mil; pero, al dar gracias y presentárselo a Dios, se multiplica; es el compartir que multiplica las cosas. Esta fiesta se comenzó a celebrar en Lieja en 1246, siendo extendida a toda la Iglesia occidental por el Papa Urbano IV en 1264, teniendo como finalidad proclamar la fe en la presencia real de Jesucristo en la Eucaristía. Presencia permanente y substancial más allá de la celebración de la Misa y que es digna de ser adorada en la exposición solemne y en las procesiones con el Santísimo Sacramento que entonces comenzaron a celebrarse y que han llegado a ser verdaderos monumentos de la piedad católica. Ocurre, como en la solemnidad de la Trinidad, que lo que se celebra todos los días tiene una ocasión exclusiva para profundizar en lo que se hace con otros motivos. Este es el día de la eucaristía en sí misma, ocasión para creer y adorar, pero también para conocer mejor la riqueza de este misterio a partir de las oraciones y de los textos bíblicos asignados en los tres ciclos de las lecturas. El Espíritu Santo después del dogma de la Trinidad nos recuerda el de la Encarnación, haciéndonos festejar con la Iglesia al Sacramento por excelencia, que, sintetizando la vida toda del Salvador, tributa a Dios gloria infinita, y aplica a las almas, en todos los tiempos, los frutos extraordinarios de la Redención. Si Jesucristo en la cruz nos salvó, al instituir la Eucaristía la víspera de su muerte, quiso en ella dejarnos un vivo recuerdo de la Pasión. El altar viene siendo como la prolongación del Calvario, y la misa anuncia la muerte del Señor. Porque en efecto, allí está Jesús como una víctima, pues las palabras de la doble consagración nos dicen que primero se convierte el pan en Cuerpo de Cristo, y luego el vino en Su Sangre, de manera que, ofrece a su Padre, en unión con sus sacerdotes, la sangre vertida y el cuerpo clavado en la Cruz. La Hostia santa se convierte en «trigo que nutre nuestras almas». Como Cristo al ser hecho Hijo de recibió la vida eterna del Padre, los cristianos participan de Su eterna vida uniéndose a Jesús en el Sacramento, que es el símbolo más sublime, real y concreto de la unidad con la Víctima del Calvario. Esta posesión anticipada de la vida divina acá en la tierra por medio de la Eucaristía, es prenda y comienzo de aquella otra de que plenamente disfrutaremos en el Cielo, porque «el Pan mismo de los ángeles, que ahora comemos bajo los sagrados velos, lo conmemoraremos después en el Cielo ya sin velos» (Concilio de Trento). Veamos en la Santa Misa el centro de todo culto de la Iglesia a la Eucaristía, y en la Comunión el medio establecido por Jesús mismo, para que con mayor plenitud participemos de ese divino Sacrificio; y así, nuestra devoción al Cuerpo y Sangre del Salvador nos alcanzará los frutos perennes de su Redención. 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