ESTABLISHED 1956 ESTABLISHED 1960 As a diverse Catholic community, we joyfully worship God, celebrate fellowship and care for our neighbor. 370 SW 3rd St. Boca Raton FL 33432 561.392.0007 561.392.0074 Fax • • • JUBILEE YEAR OF MERCY - “MERCIFUL LIKE THE FATHER” DECEMBER 8, 2015 - NOVEMBER 20,2016 Msgr. Michael D. McGraw Pastor Fr. Tom Lafreniere Parochial Vicar Fr. Wesler Hilaire Parochial Vicar Deacon Bill Watzek • • • Fr. Carlo DiNatale-Tarasi Assisting Fr. Norman Schwartz Assisting Msgr. Steven Bosso Assisting Fr. Michael Driscoll Assisting Deacon Michael Zatarga Deacon Sam J. Barbaro Deacon David Keegan • • • • Parish Office Hours Monday - Thursday 8:30am to 6:00pm Friday 8:30am to 5:00pm Saturday 9:30am to 2:00pm in the Gift Shop 561.393.0006 • School Office Hours 561.392.7974 561.368.6671 Fax Monday - Friday 8:00am to 4:00pm • Mass Schedules Saturday Vigil: 4:30pm, 6:30pm (Spanish) Sunday: 7:30am, 9:15am, 10:45am, 12:15pm & 5:00pm Monday-Friday: 6:45am & 8:15am Saturday mornings: 8:15am Eve of Holy Days: 6:00pm Holy Days: 6:45am, 8:15am, 9:15am, & 12:15pm Holidays: Only one Mass at 9:00am Baptisms Sunday (English): 1:30pm 3rd Saturday (Spanish): 12 noon Confessions Saturday: 3:15 - 4pm & 5:30 - 6:15pm “No one can be excluded from God’s mercy.” - Pope Francis Our St. Joan of Arc Parish, in communion with the entire Catholic Church, began the Extraordinary Jubilee Year of Mercy. We installed the Holy Door of Mercy at the entrances of our Chapel. You are encouraged to make a journey to your local Holy Door. This spiritual journey, as the Holy Father said, signals “the deep desire for true conversion.” The Holy Door is opened to allow the faithful to receive blessings and pardon for their sins known as an Indulgence. The Holy Door of Mercy at St. Ignatius Cathedral will offer this Plenary Indulgence. This door will be open Mon. – Fri. from 9am to 4pm throughout the Jubilee of Mercy. In addition, you are called to participate in parish activities such as prayer, the sacrament of reconciliation, receive the Holy Eucharist “with a reflection of mercy”, pray for the Pope and for his intentions, do charitable and spiritual works of mercy and receive all the graces offered through this Jubilee Year of Mercy. God Bless! Fr. Wesler Hilaire DECEMBER 13, 2015 • ST. RATON YOUR CATHOLIC COMMUNITY IN DOWNTOWN MONTH DAYBOCA JOAN OF ARC • PG# ADVENT & CHRISTMAS SCHEDULE 2015 WEEK DAY MASSES for ADVENT Began Mon. November 30 through Wed. December 23 Mon.-Fri. 6:45am & 8:15am – Saturdays 8:15am ADVENT RITES OF COMMUNAL PENANCE at 7:00pm Mon, Dec. 14 at St. Joan of Arc Church, Tues. Dec. 15 at St. Jude Church CHRISTMAS CONCERT Thursday, December 17 7:00pm in the Church ADVENT CONFESSIONS Saturday Dec. 19 at 3:15pm to 4:00pm & at 5:30pm to 6:15pm (Chapel confessionals) DAILY MASSES (not a Christmas Mass) Thursday, December 24 6:45am & 8:15am CHRISTMAS EVE MASS SCHEDULE Thursday, December 24 4:30pm (3 sites), 6:30pm (Spanish Mass in Church), 8:30pm & 12:00am Midnight CHRISTMAS DAY MASS SCHEDULE Friday, December 25 7:30am, 9:15am, 10:45am & 12:15pm final Mass of the day FEAST OF THE HOLY FAMILY Saturday, December 26 Vigil Mass 4:30pm, 6:30pm (Spanish Mass) Sunday, December 27 7:30am, 9:15am, 10:45am, 12:15pm, 5:00pm DAILY MASSES Thursday, December 31 6:45am & 8:15am MARY, THE HOLY MOTHER OF GOD Thursday, December 31 6:00pm (Vigil for the Holy Day of Obligation) Friday, January 1 (New Year’s Day) 6:45am, 8:15am, 9:15am, & 12:15pm final Mass of the day DECEMBER 14, 2015 MASSES FOR THE WEEK OF DECEMBER 14, 2015 MONDAY – DECEMBER 14 6:45am Rosemary Liguori by Laura Liguori Ann Mayhew by Claudia Erardy 8:15am Elsa Santacroce by The Family Frank Loricchio by Rose Loricchio TUESDAY – December 15 6:45am Jesse Lee by Claudia Erardy St. Joan of Arc Parishioners 8:15am Janice Callahan by The Palomo Family Chat Polanin by Wife, Fran Polanin by Luisa Riccio Bill & Pat Appleman by Mary Bello SATURDAY – December 19 8:15am Omar & Violet Pernia 36th Anniversary Barbara Kabbas by Joe & Diane Kabbas 4:30pm Adrian & Victor Longhi by Anna & Tom McKenna Larry Hitchner by Michell & Carolyn Kasper 6:30pm Miguel Ribadeneira Elsa Santacroce by The Family SUNDAY – December 20 7:30am Diane DeMarco WEDNESDAY – December 16 by The Cipolla Family 6:45am Kevin Kemmerer St. Joan of Arc Parishioners by The Cipolla Family 8:15am 9:15am Nancy Dellisola Lolita Fensholt by Victor by The Mann Family Bernie Sopha Joseph Saxton by Kevin Kramer by Tom & Pat Ternus 10:45am THURSDAY – December 17 Marty Kane 6:45am by Mildred Kayle Rose Colatarci Armando Acosta by Mary Pat Havener by Elisabella Rosati St. Joan of Arc Parishioners 12:15pm 8:15am Alan C. Alford La Von K. Rieg by The Dattolico Family by Sclafani Family Fr. Jimmy B. Hababag T. J. Virgin by SJA’s Dads Club by Brenda Distler 5:00pm Kevin Kemmerer FRIDAY – December 18 by Bill & Theresa Lang & 6:45am Family St. Joan of Arc Parishioner Hildegard Slade 8:15am by Susan & Bill Brady The Riccio Family BULLETIN EDITOR: PATTY DELANEY Please email Bulletin material to: [email protected] *We reserve the right to edit and publish such materials at our discretion. 2 • ST. JOAN OF ARC • DECEMBER 13 PASTOR’S MESSAGE GAUDETE SUNDAY: THE FULLNESS OF JOY AND PEACE IS NEAR! The Third Sunday of Advent is also called “Gaudete” Sunday because of its emphasis upon the joy and hope that we feel as we get closer to Christmas. It is also because we remember with so much joy and hope the salvation that will be finalized through Christ’s Second Coming in glory. It is very appropriate that we celebrate today in our Bulletin the mission heart and outreach that so characterizes our parish. These pictures of our Thanksgiving Dinner ministry, our Haitian Christmas Party for children in Delray, our youth food packing day, our annual Christmas visit to the migrant families in LaBelle, our Care Ministry Angel Tree toy drive, our Christmas caroling in nearby retirement communities, and our Christmas Crèche celebration in Sanborne Park, are testimonies of the loving heart that is The Heart of Saint Joan of Arc. These many pictures show us the visual power of caring that is so much more powerful than words. We also celebrate as a diverse family of faith the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, the Patroness of Mexico and of all of the Americas. This annual procession and Mass reminds us that during this Holy Season we journey with the company of Our Blessed Mother and in solidarity with all the peoples Mary holds dear. These pictures, in addition, reveal the Incarnate Word at work in the world and the midst of all of its struggles through us. May we rejoice and be glad that Emmanuel our El Santo Nino and El Nino Manuelito will soon be with us to transform our world with His love. - Msgr. Michael D. McGraw DECEMBER 13 • ST. JOAN OF ARC • 3 WEEKLY TREASURE The Weekly Offertory Collection for December 5/6, 2015 totaled $20,813 637 envelope users contributed $17,443 and non envelope users contributed $3,370 The Retired Religious Collection totaled $4,608 PARISH DIRECTORY ANNULMENTS Deacon Bill Watzek 561-952-2828 by appointment only BAPTISMAL ARRANGEMENTS 561-392-0007 (English) Baptism class for parents 1st Thurs. each month, 7pm. 561-392-0007 Constanza Preble (Spanish) Baptism class for parents 3rd Tues. each month, 7pm. 561-392-0007 CARE MINISTRY 561-962-6000 MULTICULTURAL MINISTRY Constanza Preble, 561-859-4666 HOMEBOUND/PASTORAL VISITATION Fr. Wesler Hilaire, 561-392-0007 ext. 2824 MUSIC MINISTRY Douglas Byers, 561-952-2856 Director of Liturgical Music PARISH SOCIAL MINISTRY Deacon Bill Watzek, 561-952-2828 PHYSICAL PLANT DIRECTOR Paul Micelli, 561-392-0007 ext. 2850 COUNSELING CENTER (Catholic Charities Satellite Office at SJA) SCHOOL PRINCIPAL Counseling Director: Mrs. Caroline Roberts, 561-392-7974 Maria T. Isava MA, LCSW - 561-215-0208 Mario Acosta, Ph. D. - 561-254-6558 RELIGIOUS ARTICLES STORE Laura Watzek, 561-393-0006. COUNSELING CENTER (Private Practice) Hours: Mon. - Wed. 7:30am to 4:30pm Pamela Sigda, Ph. D. - 561-706-2277 Closed Thursdays Fri. 7:30am to 3:30pm COMMUNICATIONS DIRECTOR Sat. 9am to 5:30pm Patty Delaney, 561-952-2868 Sun. 9am to 1:30pm DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR Wendy Horton, 561-952 2838 Special Projects: Diane Salerno 561-952-2848 FAITH FORMATION MINISTRY Sr. Vivian Gonzalez / Director Rosa Davidson / Admin. Asst. 561-952-2872 FAMILY LIFE MINISTRY Tessie O’Dea, 561-952-2852 FINANCE & HUMAN RESOURCES DIRECTOR Patricia Suau, 561-392-2806 SACRAMENTS Anointing of the Sick and Elderly: First Saturday of the month following the 8:15am Mass. Please call the Parish Office to request a priest if you are a patient at Boca Regional Hospital. Holy Year Of Mercy DECEMBER 8, 2015 - NOVEMBER 20, 2016 CORPORAL WORKS OF MERCY • To Feed The Hungry • To Give Drink to the Thirsty • To Clothe The Naked • To Shelter The Homeless • To Care for The Sick • To Visit the Imprisoned • To Bury the Dead SPIRITUAL WORKS OF MERCY • To Convert Sinners • To Instruct the Ignorant • To Advise the Doubtful • To Comfort the Sorrowful • To Bear Wrongs Patiently • To Forgive Injuries • To Pray for the Living and Dead "It is a favorable time to heal wounds, a time to offer everyone the way of Forgiveness and Reconciliation." - Pope Francis CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR WOMEN OF GRACE GRADUATES! May you continue to be blessed always! SISTERS OF MERCY Sr. Ellen, Sr. Josephine, Sr. Kathleen, 561-392-7974 WEDDING PREPARATION Rosario Gonzales, 561-952-2854 6 Months notice required for marriages HIGH SCHOOL YOUTH MINISTRY Cecilia Chinchilla, 561-952-2858 USHERS MINISTRY Javier Palomo, 561-445-1782 4 • ST. JOAN OF ARC • DECEMBER 13 THE ST. JOAN OF ARC SCHOOL Gazette If you would like to be included in SJA’s School Quarterly Newsletter, The SJA Gazette mailings, please email us your name and address at [email protected] or call the School Office with your contact information at (561) 392-7974. Christmas Christmas Concert Help us hand out Christmas stickers, stuffed toys, candy and chocolates to the patients if you wish, but please ask if they are diabetic before dispensing the treat. December 17 DON’T MISS OUT ON THIS Amazing AND Free EVENING OF MUSIC! Come join the Men’s Ministry, The Knights of Columbus, Columbiettes, Dad’s Club and Music Ministry as we go Christmas Caroling to the Elderly Care Facilities near Saint Joan of Arc Church. Please bring your Silly Christmas Hats and Musical Instruments. THURSDAY INSIDE THE CHURCH Caroling THIS THURSDAY! DECEMBER 21 5:15pm - THE MAIN CHURCH PARKING LOT 6:00pm - THE ATRIUM, 1080 NW 15TH STREET 6:45pm - AVANTE (next door to The Atrium) 7:45pm - BOCA REHAB, 755 MEADOWS RD. (across from boca raton community hospital) CONTACT KC GRAND KNIGHT: JOSE HERNANDEZ AT 561.654.3470 Ho Ho Ho, let’s Go Go Go, Keep Christ in Christmas DECEMBER 13 • ST. JOAN OF ARC • 5 Praying with Different Spiritual Schools An Advent time of sharing with our Parish Team You are invited to set aside a short time each week during Advent to reflect on various spiritual schools and learn different forms of prayers. Each week one of our Parish Team members – Monsignor McGraw, Fr. Tom, Fr. Wesler and Sr. Vivian will gather with parishioners for a short talk and prayer/reflection period on each of the saints chosen for the day. Don’t miss this great opportunity to deepen your spiritual life. MONDAY, DEC. 14 "Contemplatives in Action: Praying with St.Anthony, Mary Claret and Mother Maria Antonia Paris" MONDAY, DEC. 21 "The Spirituality of St. Francis of Assisi: True Joy" - Fr. Wesler Hilaire - Sr. Vivian Gonzalez Please RSVP so we may plan for each week. Call the Office of Faith Formation (561) 952-2872 ANNUAL CCW CHRISTMAS LUNCHEON SJA's Council of Catholic Women invites you to their ANNUAL CHRISTMAS LUNCHEON Wednesday, December 16th at 12:00 Noon The Delray Beach Club 2001 S. Ocean Boulevard, Delray Beach THIS WEDNESDAY! RSVP by November 30th to your Circle Leader with your check for $35 at your November meeting, or mail to SJACCW at Parish Office. Husbands and Guests are welcome! Valet Parking. If you have any questions please call Cassie: 561-416-9831 6 • ST. JOAN OF ARC • DECEMBER 13 In the Chapel at 11am - Noon Christmas Brunch OH COME ALL YE FAITHFUL... The St. Joan of Arc Holiday Fellowship Ministry is Organizing a Brunch on Christmas Day! December 25 1:30pm Deer Creek Country Club 2801 Country Club Blvd. Deerfield Beach, FL 33442 COST: $31.50 tax and tip included CALL ASAP TO MAKE YOUR RESERVATION: Jean Ordonez at 561-350-0643 or Rita Agustynowicz at 561-737-7471 7TH GRADE FIELD TRIP TO ST. JOHN PAUL II ACADEMY Take a Lenten Journey with BE and discover the great call and gift of your feminine genius through this ten week Foundational Study... Merciful Father AS YOUR “Full of Grace: Women and the Abundant Life!” Each week you will meet two great women saints, receive wisdom from our Holy Mother Church, unpack the life changing wisdom of sacred scripture, and discover how the Blessed Virgin Mary is exemplar of Christian Discipleship, and the pathway to her Son Jesus Christ and into the Heart of God our Father. Study Details: Tuesday, January 12, 2016 12:30-2:30pm OR 7:00-9:00pm Spanish Monday, January 11, 2016 10:30am-12:30pm ALL Classes held at St. Joan of Arc, “Yellow House” (First Session is a informational session about the program) Men’s Retreat JANUARY 22-24, 2016 St. Joan of Arc parish Men’s Retreat is planned to be at OUR LADY OF FLORIDA SPIRITUAL CENTER 1300 US Highway 1, North Palm Beach, FL 33408. Please make a note in your calendars of these dates so you can schedule “YOUR RETREAT” and make “YOUR TIME” with our Lord a PRIORITY. You may register on the website at: REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED. Tessie O’Dea 561-952-2852 | [email protected] or Kris Toimil 561-929-3468 | [email protected] Ron Sheldon, Men’s Retreat Promoter (704) 403-3224 • E-mail: [email protected] DECEMBER 13 • ST. JOAN OF ARC • 7 DECEMBER 4, 2 0 15 THIS YEAR’S GALA HONORARY CHAIRPERSONS: Robert & Regina Vetto, and Mary & Paul Zuloaga 8 • ST. JOAN OF ARC • DECEMBER 13 Millie & Sir Robert Quillard (Celebrating his 91st Birthday!) DECEMBER 13 • ST. JOAN OF ARC • 9 10 • ST. JOAN OF ARC • DECEMBER 13 DECEMBER 13 • ST. JOAN OF ARC • 11 FAITH FORMATION & RELIGIOUS EDUCATION SR. VIVIAN GONZALEZ Director of Faith Formation Sunday December 13 - Last class before the Christmas break. [email protected] Wednesday December 15 - Last class before the Christmas break. (561) 952-2870 ROSA DAVIDSON, Administrative Assistant (561) 952-2872 • [email protected] PLEASE NOTE NEW HOURS IMPORTANT DATES TO REMEMBER IN THE RELIGIOUS EDUCATION PROGRAM for Religious Education Office Hours Monday - Thursday: 9am - 4pm Friday: 9am - 2pm Saturday: CLOSED Sunday: 8:30am - 12:30pm (Office closed during 10:45am Mass) - And by appointment - PRE-BAPTISMAL PREPARATION SCHEDULE The following dates are scheduled for the Pre-Baptismal classes for 2015-2016. Classes are given on the 1st Thursday of every month. Please call the main office to register before attending. 2016 January 7 February 4 March 3 April 7 May 5 June 2 July 7 Sunday December 20 and 27 - NO CLASSES- Christmas and New Year holidays. Wednesday December 23 and 30 - NO CLASSES- Christmas and New Year holidays. HOMESCHOOL FAMILY CATECHESIS FOR GRADES 1ST TO 6TH Our next Homeschool Family Catechesis session will take place on Tuesday, December 15, 2015 from 5:00p.m. - 6:00p.m. in Conference Room A of the Ministry Building. DEEPEN THE KNOWLEDGE OF YOUR FAITH… RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION FOR ADULTS (RCIA) IS FOR ALL ALL PARISHIONERS are invited to audit the RCIA faith classes with our Catechumens, Converts, and Candidates the topics for the next three weeks are scheduled as follow, please note there has been a change in the calendar from last week. - NO RCIA CLASSES ON TUESDAY DECEMBER 22 OR DECEMBER 29 for Christmas and New Year’s break. Classes will resume on Tuesday January 5, 2016. If you are interested in any of the topics, you are welcome to join us! WEDNESDAY PARENT FAITH SHARING GROUP AND SUNDAY BIBLE CLASSES We have started FAITH SHARING GROUP for parents whose children are in the Wednesday session. Come in for cups of coffee… get to know other parents… and have the opportunity to learn more and share about your faith in a comfortable, community atmosphere. Every Wednesday at 5 – 6pm in Conference Room A 12 • ST. JOAN OF ARC • DECEMBER 13 Parents with children in Religious Education are specially invited to attend the Sunday morning BIBLE CLASSES. In Conference Room B from 9 – 10:15am each Sunday. FROM THE DIRECTOR OF FAITH FORMATION ADVENT: A TIME OF PRESENCE Recently I went to a day of reflection in Our Lady of Florida and the presenter started the retreat by saying STOP SHOPPING…Christmas is not about presents but about PRESENCE. Advent is the time to prepare to receive that present and to surrender our lives to that PRESENCE of God among us… Emmanuel… the promise of God made flesh. RICK MOORE Catechumen JANE PETERS Catechumen GARY FERNAAYS Convert RICHARD FRANKENSTEIN Convert LINDA TRINE JOHNSON Convert JOHN MOORE Convert AMANDA VITTO Convert ROSE MARY WILLIAMS Convert DIEGO FERNANDO BOBADILLA Candidate LAUREN MCCAULEY Candidate I couldn’t help to think of our RCIA catechumens and candidates, as well as all the men and women in our diocese and in the church who during this time of Advent enter the order of Catechumens and those candidates and converts who are asking to complete their full initiation and communion with the church. The Rite of Acceptance and Welcoming opens with the following: Dear friends, The Church joyfully welcomes today those who will be received into the order of Catechumens. In the months to come they will prepare for their initiation into the Christian faith by baptism, confirmation, and eucharist. We also greet those who, already one with us by baptism, now wish to complete their Christian initiation through confirmation and eucharist or to be received into the full communion of the Catholic Church. For all of these, we give thanks and praise to the God who has led them by various paths to oneness in faith. My dear candidates, you are welcomed in the name of Christ. With the Rite of Acceptance and Welcoming they are publicly invited to STOP SHOPPING around, and to open to the true PRESENCE of God incarnate in their lives. They are now considered disciples and members of the church in process to be fully initiated and the whole parish community is asked to welcome them in its midst and to pray for them and help them in their faith journey. So… without further ado, here is the 2015-2016 group of Catechumens, Converts and Candidates of St. Joan of Arc. Meet them, welcome them and pray for them in the months to come. Sr. Vivian, R.M.I. NOT PICTURED: NERIANA FEIMI, BLAIR THEON RIX SR. VIVIAN GONZALEZ SJA Director of Faith Formation DECEMBER 13 • ST. JOAN OF ARC • 13 PRAY FOR THE SICKDecember Alexander, Gerald Arcau, Georgina Barone, Lydia Bauchman, Maureen Bertalan, Fred Bertalan, Olga Bobbitt, Joann Bollella, Ann Bondi, Barbara Brede, Helen Bruzzo, Tamara Butch, Laurie Ciarletta, Dylan Cline, Ashley Cloeren, LaHoma Conoghan, Patrick De La Quintana, Carmen De La Torre, Eugenia DeMarco, Diane DeMuth, David Descanio, Laura Draper, Teddy Evans, Rick Farrell, Amanda Fishter, Robert Fran Galindo, Erika Greenwald, Carol Mastinengo, Noah McKenzie, Jessica Miret, Emilio Munro, Brian Murphy, Sr. Immaculata Nebel, Lee Ann Nofe, Dianne Petho, Ellen Petito, Joseph Pfistner, Paul Power, Theresia Redner, Jabriel Rey, Fernando Richards, Craig Roberts, Robyn Saffran, Dorothy San Martin, Gloria Schoemaker, Raquel Stevens, Caroline Szlyk, Janice Thorson, Kim Urquiaga, Lilia Williamson, Spencer Word, Charlotte Yee, James Zimmerman, Shirley Gesner, Carmela Golden, Dorothy Gonsalves, Pat Gould, Jennifer Hamilton, Bob Harris, Cameron Heitz, Judy Hollerbach, Nancy Hubert, Fr. Raymond Hughes, Barry Iemolo, Salvatore Jacobs, Katherine Johnson, Jane Karam, Dean Kenny, Pauline Kildus, Margot Kilpatrick, Rain Kolesar, Donald Krzewinski, Roy Kuchina, John Largia, Elda Loesch, Dolores Lopez, Carlos Lugo, Miguel Lupo, Ana Lynn, Adele Margolis, Robert Mariette ALTAR BREAD Do you want a special remembrance for a loved one, living or deceased? You can donate Altar Bread for a week of Masses by calling Karen Tringali, 561-752-0014. BAPTISMS We welcome the newest members of St. Joan of Arc Parish and offer our congratulations to the parents of the newly baptized. VOCATION CHALICE The Chalice will be accepted by The Kepley Family on Sunday, December 13 at 6:30pm 4 Easy Steps TO LEAVE A LEGACY FOR ST. JOAN OF ARC STEP 1 Gather your information about your assets, including retirement funds, bank accounts and real property. STEP 2 Choose the type of bequest you’d like to make. 1. Unrestricted bequest. This is a donation to be used for St. Joan of Arc general funds. This donation would be used where it is most needed. 2. Restricted bequest. This donation specifies how the money is to be used. (This could be restricted to go into the endowment, a specific ministry, or the building fund.) OVERSEAS IN THE US ARMED FORCES: Staff. Sgt. Douglas Stott, PVT 1st Class Brendan Nestor. Sgt. Maj. John Hermeling, Capt. Christopher Allen & PFC Lee E. Palmer; David Schuler, Lance Corp., Marines. Benjamin Creed, PO3. Would you like to donate flowers to decorate the altar on the weekend masses? IfIfyou to donate donate flowers flowers you would would like like to totodecorate altar, please pleasecall call decorate our our altar, Patty Patty Delaney, Delaney, (561)952-2868 (561)952-2868 oror email emailher her atat [email protected] [email protected] Thisweek’s week’saltar altarflowers flowersdonated donated This by: A bequest can be made in a number of ways: • A specific dollar amount. • Specific assets, such as securities, real estate, or tangible property. • Retirement account assets, consisting of any benefits remaining in your retirement plan. • A residuary bequest, St. Joan of Arc receives all or a percentage of your estate after all other obligations are met. • An existing will or trust can be easily amended to include a gift to St. Joan of Arc without rewriting the entire document. Your attorney can prepare a simple document, called a codicil, which adds a new bequest while reaffirming the terms of your will. Similarly, an attorney can prepare an amendment to a revocable trust to add St. Joan of Arc. STEP 3 Meet with your estate planning attorney. If you need to create a will or just update your existing document, you’ll want to get advice from your estate planning attorney. An attorney can advise you as to the best way to structure your will in order to take care of your loved ones first and then your charitable interests while assuring the best tax benefits. by:DUCH DUCHDESIGNS DESIGNS 141 NW 20th St., Suite SuiteB7 B7 141 NW 20th St., Boca 33431 Boca Raton, FL 33431 As a charitable, not-for-profit all bequests to St. Joan of Arc are fully deductible for estate tax purposes. Please (561) 405-6856 405-6856 Please call call Patricia, (561) Cell: 444-2072 Cell: (516) 444-2072 We acknowledge and welcome donors into our Arc Angel Society. Members are invited to special member events and receive special mailings. (We also recognize and respect the wishes of anyone that wishes to remain anonymous.) 10% 10%discount discountoffered offeredtotoSJASJAparishioners parishio- ners 14 • ST. JOAN OF ARC • DECEMBER 13 STEP 4 Contact us. Please contact Wendy Horton in the Development Office at (561) 952-2838 or [email protected]. MINISTERIO MULTICULTURAL Misa en español todos los sábados a las 6:30pm. Confesiones todos los sábados a las 5:30pm en la capilla. DIRECTOR MINISTERIO: Constanza Preble 561-620-6280 [email protected] DIACONÍA: Diácono Álvaro Velasco Silva 786-417-9073 [email protected] MES DE DICIEMBRE Padre Wesler Hilaire capellán del Ministerio Multicultural, habla inglés, español, francés y creole. Atiende todas las necesidades pastorales de la comunidad Multicultural. Para marcar consulta llame a 561-392-00097. [email protected] LA “PUERTA SANTA” EN NUESTRA CAPILLA “La puerta no debe ser forzada, al contrario, se pide permiso, porque la hospitalidad resplandece en la libertad de la acogida”. - Papa Francisco El Pesebre en San Born Park Esperando al Señor Feliz Adviento DECEMBER 13 • ST. JOAN OF ARC • 15 SANTA MARÍA DE GUADALUPE RUEGA POR NOSOTROS! ACTIVIDADES EN ESPAÑOL Bautismos 19 de deciembre Sábado al mediodía llamar al 561-392-0007 para información. • Clases de Catecismo para adultos: información con Constanza • Clase Pre Bautismal 19 de enero martes a las 7:00pm • WOG en Español Volvemos en enero. • Grupo de oración Todos los jueves a las 7:00pm en la Casa Hispana. • Rosario Padre Pio Todos los jueves a las 9:00am en la Casa “The Ark.” • Rosario por las vocaciones Sacerdotales los jueves en la Capilla a las 9:30am • Clases de Inglés. Llamar al 561-289-7846 para información. • Ciudadanía 954 -818 -5032. • Clases de Biblia Padre Oscar Alonso 7:00pm en la Casa Hispana Próxima clase: Lunes 4 de diciembre ESTE MARTES TE ESPERAMOS! • Jueves a las 10:00am en El Ark “La Gran Aventura” • THE ARK 319 SW 3rd St. Cómo quiere el Papa Francisco que vivamos este Año Santo. 1. ¿Qué es la misericordia? - “Es la palabra que revela el misterio de la Santísima Trinidad”. - “Es el acto último y supremo con el que Dios acude a nuestro encuentro”. - “Es la ley fundamental que habita en el corazón de cada persona cuando mira con ojos sinceros el hermano que encuentra en el camino de la vida”. - “Es la vía que une Dios y el hombre, porque abre el corazón a la esperanza de ser estimados a pesar del límite de nuestro pecado”. 2. ¿Por qué el Papa ha convocado un Jubileo de la Misericordia justamente ahora? El Papa responde: “he anunciado un Jubileo Extraordinario de la Misericordia como tiempo propicio para la Iglesia, para que haga más fuerte y eficaz el testimonio de los creyentes” (n.3), en un momento en que la Iglesia vive un tiempo de nueva evangelización. Se trata de renovar el espíritu del Concilio Vaticano II en su quincuagésimo aniversario; con el Concilio “la Iglesia sintió la respons abilidad de ser en el mundo signo vivo del amor del Padre”; ahora “la Iglesia siente la necesidad de mantenerlo vivo”. (n.4) 3. ¿Cuándo tendrá lugar el Año Santo? Se iniciará este año con la apertura de la Puerta Santa en el Vaticano durante la solemnidad de la Inmaculada Concepción, el 8 de diciembre de 2015. Y finalizará el 20 de noviembre de 2016, domingo de nuestro Señor Jesucristo Rey del Universo y rostro vivo de la misericordia del Padre. 4. ¿Cómo se llevará a cabo? En la fiesta de la Inmaculada Concepción, el Papa abrirá la Puerta Santa en el Vaticano en esta ocasión “será una Puerta de la misericordia, mediante la cual cualquiera que entre experimentará el amor de Dios”. (n.3) El siguiente domingo, III de Adviento, se abrirá la Puerta Santa en la catedral de Roma, la basílica de San Juan de Letrán y sucesivamente se abrirá la Puerta Santa en las otras Basílicas Papales. El mismo domingo, se establece que cada Iglesia particular abra, para todo el Año Santo, una Puerta de la Misericordia idéntica a la Catedral que es la Iglesia Madre para todos los fieles, o en la iglesia principal de la ciudad o en una iglesia de significado especial o santuario. El Jubileo, por tanto, será celebrado en Roma y también en las Iglesias particulares como signo visible de la comunión de toda la Iglesia. 5. ¿Cómo propone vivir este Año Santo el Papa Francisco? El lema de este año santo es “Misericordiosos como el Padre”. “Es mi vivo deseo, dice el Papa, que el pueblo de Dios reflexione durante el Jubileo sobre obras de misericordia corporales y espirituales” (n.15). Redescubrir las obras de misericordia corporales: dar de comer al que pasa hambre, acoger al forastero, asistir a los enfermos y visitar a los presos, etc. Y ejercitar las obras de misericordia espirituales: dar consejo a quien lo necesite, consolar al afligido, corregir al que se equivoca, perdonar ofensas, rezar por los vivos y los difuntos... (continuara en el próximo boletin…) DICIEMBRE PROCLAMADORES DE LA PALABRA MINISTROS EXTRAORDINARIOS DE LA EUCARISTIA 5 Nora Acevedo y Luis Guash 5 Luis Chavez y Georgina Garcia, Josefina Bolla, Aurora Cortez y Saray Esquivel 12 Maria Angeles Angulo y Rebeca Vera, Josefina Bolla, Carmen Bruckner y Benito Fernandez 19 Aurora Cortez y Rachel Licciardino, Georgina Gracia, Nelcy Sua y Paula Patino 24 Fernando Cordova y Nelcy Sua, Jeannette Cordova, Georgina Garcia y Benito Fernandez 26 Jeannette Cordova y Nelcy Sua, Fernando Cordova, Maria Angeles Angulo y Carmen Bruckner 12 Rosis Suarez y Valeria Lozada ¡Estudio Biblico con DVD de Jeff Cavins en ESPAÑOL! 19 Carmen Bruckner y Luis Cortes 24 Sandra Castro y Anibal Lozada 26 Maria de los Angeles Cajale y Anibal Lozada Ministerio Extraordinario de la Eucaristía y Grupo de Oración : Fernando Cordova 561-573-0194. Proclamadores de la Palabra: Rosis Suarez 561-665-1725 • Liturgia de la Palabra para los niños: Cynthia Lara 561-716-4334. Ujieres y monaguillos Constanza 561-859-4666. 16 • ST. JOAN OF ARC • DECEMBER 13
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