© J.S. PALUCH COMPANY, INC. L’Innocence, Bouguereau, www.restoredtraditions.com, All Rights Reserved Sacred Heart Parish 819 N. 16th Avenue, Melrose Park, IL 60160 E-Mail: [email protected] www.shsparish.org www.facebook.com/sacredheartmelrosepark Adminstrator: Rev. Francisco Ortega Pastor Emeritus: Rev. Erwin J. Friedl Retired: Rev. Herbert Meyr Permanent Deacons: Mr. Mike Barnish, Mr. Ray Behrendt, Mr. Norberto Ojeda, Mr. Eduardo Rodriguez RECTORY: 819 N. 16th Avenue, Phone (708)344-0757 Fax (708) 344-5906 RECTORY OFFICE HOURS: Tues. & Thur. 9:00am-5:00pm, Mon, Wed & Fri 9:00am-7:30pm Saturday 9:00am-1:00pm PARISH STAFF: JOSEPH AUGELLI , Parish Business Manager RANDY CERQUA, Director of Music MIKE CRUZ, Director of Buildings & Grounds ARNOLDO MARTINEZ, Director of Religious Education SCHOOL: 815 N. 16th Avenue, Phone (708)681-0240 Fax (708)681-0454, Website: shsmelrosepark.com SCHOOL STAFF: MRS. BARBARA CICONTE Principal MRS. CHERYL MILITELLO: Secretary MRS. JUANITA GUERRA CONVENT: 1503 Rice Street Franciscan Sister’s Franciscan Resource Center Dominican Literacy Center Phone (708)344-6940 Phone (708)567-5083 Phone (708)338-0659 School Sisters of St Francis Offices Phone (708)865-6990 PARISH INFORMATION FUNERALS: Arrangements can usually be made with the rectory office by the funeral director. We have the Book of Funeral Readings at the rectory for families who wish to look them over. A priest or deacon will usually attend the wake. SICK CALLS: If someone needs to be Anointed, please call the rectory when they are seriously ill. Don’t wait too long! If someone homebound wishes Holy Communion, please call the rectory. It will usually be brought by a Minister of Care. NEW PARISHIONERS: Welcome to Sacred Heart Parish! Please register in the rectory office to be counted! CHANGE OF ADDRESS: If you leave the parish or move to a new address, please notify the rectory as soon as possible The Ascension of the Lord May 8, 2016 God mounts his throne amid shouts of joy; the LORD, amid trumpet blasts. — Psalm 47:6 SUNDAY, MAY 8: Ascension of the Lord Mother’s Day MONDAY, MAY 9: 6:30pm STEM (Upper Grade Library) 7:00pm Parish Council (Rectory) 7pm Spanish Baptismal Preparatory Class (Marian Hall) WEDNESDAY, MAY 11: 1:45pm School Rosary (Church) 6:00pm Choir (Church) 6:30pm PTO Meeting (Teacher’s Lounge) THURSDAY, MAY 12: 2:45-4pm Children’s Choir Ice Cream Party (Rectory) 7:00pm Tae Kwon Do (School Gym) FRIDAY, MAY 13: 1:30pm School May Crowning 5:00-6:00pm CCD May Crowning Practice (Church) 6:00pm Jr. Scouts (Upper Grade Hall) 7:00pm Youth Group Meeting (Room 13) SATURDAY, MAY 14: CCD Final Classes 9:00am Tae Kwon Do (School Gym) 10:00am CCD May Crowning (Church) 10:00am-1:00pm Christopher Leaders (Room 13) 1:00pm Spanish Baptisms SUNDAY, MAY 15: Pentecost 9:00am Holy Name Mass 10:00am Holy Name Meeting (Marian Hall) A Tribute to Mothers on Mother's Day This Mother's Day, we express our heartfelt thanks to our mothers for their unconditional love and guidance. President Theodore Roosevelt once said, "The mother is the one supreme asset of national life; she is more important by far than the successful statesman, or business man, or artist, or scientist." Today, mothers continue to play a vital part of our national character. On Mother's Day, we honor the women whose steadfast love and wisdom have made America a great nation. Motherhood is a rewarding and often difficult job. A mother is a child's first teacher and affects a child's life like few others can. Loving and selfless mothers can inspire their children to love themselves and others, work hard, make healthy choices, serve causes greater than self, and achieve their dreams. Mothers who protect, teach, and nurture their children with all their hearts strengthen their families and help build a better future for our country. Yet, mothers and expectant mothers today face greater challenges than ever before. Our culture of death often tells young women that precious life is cheap and that they can engage in sex without consequences. Let us pray this Mother's Day that the younger generation will fully understand the gift of LIFE, the blessing of children and the honor of motherhood. The Ascension of the Lord GRANDMOTHER’S DECK OF CARDS My grandmother had a deep and lasting impact on the lives of her grandchildren. She was our first close relative to die. I will never forget her wake when, in a kind of procession, each of her adult grandchildren walked up to her casket and slipped a small symbol beneath the folds of the lining of the coffin. For me, it was a playing card from the deck she always used to create a kind of magical fan, formed by bending the deck of cards back and forth. Each time I perform this same “trick” to the delight of my own nieces and nephews, the presence of my grandmother is unmistakable. CHRIST’S ENDURING PRESENCE FOR ALL TIMES I have always imagined that the Lord’s followers were very deflated, to the point of depression, when he ascended into the heavens before their eyes. This was the man who had completely changed their lives. This was the man whom they had abandoned, yet who brought them the Easter peace of reconciliation and forgiveness. It could have all ended in that place where Jesus ascended. We all know it did not. The Lord Jesus left his followers gifts that would always and forever make his presence known to them. And these gifts are at our disposal to this day. Every time we gather to celebrate the sacraments, especially the Eucharist, we know the presence of the Lord. Symbols, like my grandmother’s one playing card, have tremendous power to evoke presence. Christ’s presence inspires us to take his final words to his followers very seriously. It is in Christ and through the power of the Holy Spirit that we continue to make the gospel message known to those we meet. Today is not a day to celebrate the departure of Christ from this world. It is a day to celebrate the enduring presence of the Lord. Today’s Readings: Acts 1:1–11; Psalm 47:2–3, 6–9; Ephesians 1:17–23 or Ephesians 4:1–13 [1–7, 11–13]; Mark 16:15–20 Copyright © 2005, World Library Publications. All rights reserved. SACREDHEARTSCHOOL 3rdAnnual5k SATURDAY,MAY212016 $40–Adults(15years&OLDER) $20–Children(14years&under) ***allchildrenmustbeaccompaniedbyanadultforthedurationoftherunlwalk*** Pleasereturnacompletedregistrationformandsignedwaiver totheSchoolOf icebyMay16th! Sponsorship packages still available. They range from $100 to $2500+.Fordetailsoneachlevel,visitshsspartan5k.com.Thankyou forhelpingsupportourparishschoolandthisfunevent. Next Sunday, May 15, the men of the parish are invited to join the Holy Name Society at the 9am Mass, followed by their general meeting in Marian Hall. Next weekend, May 15/16, we will be collecting non–perishable food for our parish food pantry. Thank you and God bless! Women’s Club General Meeting Sacred Heart School is looking for parish volunteers for our annual Spartan 5K on Saturday, May 21 from 7am-1pm. We need volunteers to set-up, clean-up, be at various water stations or just close to your house, to keep our runners/walkers safe & motivated! Any questions, please call Shawn Konkel at (708) 456-4761 or Caroline Cruz at (312) 505-0793 Tuesday, May 17th 6pm Mass followed by Final Meeting in Marian Hall Pizza and refreshments to be served. All the ladies are invited to celebrate together one final time before summer break. Come one, come all. Bring a friend! Jesus “raised his hands and blessed them”. Jesus prayed for his disciples and us to know and believe the good news of the Gospel! Open your heart and allow God’s love to transform all areas of your life including your marriage. The next Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekends are June 10-12, August 12-14, or October 7-9, all in Elk Grove Village. Early registration is highly recommended. For reservations/info, call Jim & Kris at 630577-0778 or contact us through wwme-chicagoland.org. The rectory is in need of a full size bedroom set for one of the priest’s bedrooms. Please call the rectory if you have a gently used set you’d like to donate. Thank you. Do we ever take the initiative in giving our time, talent and treasure, or do we always wait to be asked? “In generous spirit pay homage to the Lord, not by sparing of freewill gifts.” (Sirach 35:7) Whatever time we have is a gift from God and we are asked to use it wisely, to serve God and others. Stewardship of time, talent and treasure faces certain obstacles: greed, selfishness, irresponsibility and lack of trust. All of us are called to be good stewards of our time, but to different causes or activities according to God’s specific call. What is God’s call to me? Mother’s Day is today, May 8th. Our Mother’s Day Novena Cards are available at the church entrances. You can drop them in the collection baskets on Sunday or send them to the Rectory. What a beautiful way to remember all of our mother’s. Please come show your devotion to Mary Mother of God. Our School is having May Crowning on Friday, May 13th at 1:30pm, and our CCD school will have it on Saturday, May 14h at 10am in Church. Please join the school in saying the Rosary in Church on Wednesday’s 11th, 18th & 25th at 1:45pm, and Monday, May 16th at 1:45pm. Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with Thee. Blessed are Thou among Women, and blessed is the fruit of Thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, Pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death. Amen A Taste of Alpha Wednesday, May 25 1:30-3pm or 7-8:30pm St. James Parish 820 N Arlington Heights Rd, Arlington Heights, IL 60004 For registration & info: Anna Dudek, Office for the New Evangelization, Arch. of Chicago [email protected], 312.534.8107 This is an opportunity to explore life an the Christian faith in a friendly, open and informal environment. It is a significant way for churches to answer call for the New Evangelization. There will be food, talk and a chance to share thoughts and ask questions. St. Domitilla Spring Bingo is Back! Friday, May 13, 2016 Doors Open at 5pm. Bingo Starts at 7pm Playing 15 games Pack of 9-on Cards 1 Card - $15 2 Cards - $28 3 Cards - $35 Food, Beer, Wine & Soda available for sale. Must be 18 years old or older to be in the hall. Total Sunday Collection May 1, 2016 Budgeted Sunday Collection Difference - net deficit Total Weekly Collection for Year Budgeted Weekly Collection for Year Difference for Year - net deficit $ $ $ $ $ $ 4,121 6,575 (2,454) 198,370 282,284 (83,914) Total Parishioner Envelopes: 202 envelopes received Total Children's Envelopes: 13 envelopes received Thank you for your generous sacrifices for the support of Sacred Heart Parish! (Fiscal Year is July 1st, 2015 through June 30th, 2016) _____ ________ARCHDIOCESE OF CHICAGO___ _________ Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ, On Mother’s Day, each of us will have an opportunity to join in the Church’s sacred mission of charity through our donations to Catholic Charities Mother’s Day Collection. Funds raised from the collection will be used to help struggling families and individuals living right in our own communities. With 150 programs at 164 locations throughout Cook and Lake Counties, Catholic Charities annuOffice of the Archbishop ally serves more than one million poor and vulnerable people of all ages, races, religions and economic backgrounds. Catholic Charities helps people overcome the challenges of poverty, hunger, homelessness, joblessness, mental illness, abuse, and aging. Low-income families, at-risk children, courageous veterans, and vulnerable seniors rely on Catholic Charities for food, clothing, shelter, and a host of other services. Supporting the extraordinary work of Catholic Charities takes on special significance during this Jubilee Year of Mercy. By designating the Jubilee Year of Mercy, Pope Francis has provided us a graced opportunity to appreciate more deeply how the mercy of God shapes our lives and, at the same time, how we can bring that mercy into the world through our own actions and the way we live our lives. Catholic Charities exemplifies how we are to transmit His love and compassion to our brothers and sisters who are facing tremendous difficulties. Mother’s Day is the one day set aside for Catholic Charities to request the financial support of each of us in the parishes. Please show your support for the great mercy of the Church by contributing to Catholic Charities during the second collection, or make your donations directly to Catholic Charities at 721 N. LaSalle St., Chicago, IL 60654, or www.catholiccharities.net/donate. Now is a particularly important time for us to give generously, as Catholic Charities must contend with the repercussions of the Illinois state budget crisis, which has placed tremendous financial stress on their ability to serve the poor and vulnerable. During this Jubilee Year, let us take up the Pope’s challenge to bring the transformative power of God’s infinite mercy into our world. Working together, we can raise up our brothers and sisters in need, providing compassion and concrete support to propel them to a new life filled with hope and dignity. Many thanks for considering a gift to Catholic Charities. May God bless you and your families. Sincerely yours in Christ, Most Revered Blase J. Cupich Archbishop of Chicago Queridos hermanas y hermanos en Cristo: En el Día de las Madres, cada uno de nosotros tenemos la oportunidad de unirnos con la Iglesia en su misión sagrada de la caridad, a través de nuestras donaciones a la Colecta de Caridades Católicas en el Día de las Madres. Fondos recaudados por esta colecta, serán usados para ayudar a familias e individuos viviendo en nuestras comunidades enfrentando dificultades. Con 150 programas en 164 ubicaciones a través de los condados de Cook y Lake, Caridades Católicas atiende anualmente a más de un millón de personas vulnerables y necesitadas, de todas las edades, razas, religiones y situaciones económicas. Caridades Católicas ayuda a personas a superar los desafíos de la pobreza, el hambre, la falta de vivienda, la falta de empleo, una enfermedad mental, el abuso y el envejecimiento. Familias de bajos recursos, niños en riesgo, veteranos valientes y personas vulnerables de tercera edad, dependen en Caridades Católicas para comida, ropa, alberque y una multitud de otros servicios. Apoyando el trabajo extraordinario de Caridades Católicas asume un significado especial durante el año del Jubileo de la Misericordia. Al designar el año del Jubileo de la Misericordia, el Papa Francisco nos ofrece una gran oportunidad para apreciar más profundamente cómo la misericordia de Dios da forma en nuestras vidas y, al mismo tiempo, cómo podemos incorporar esa misma misericordia en el mundo a través de nuestras propias acciones y en la manera en que vivimos nuestras vidas. Caridades Católicas es un ejemplo de cómo transmitir el amor y compasión de Dios a nuestros hermanos y hermanas que están enfrentando tremendas dificultades. El Día de las Madres se reserva en todas las parroquias para que Caridades Católicas solicite apoyo financiero de cada uno de nosotros. Por favor, muestre su apoyo a la gran misericordia de la Iglesia, contribuyendo a Caridades Católicas durante la segunda colecta, o haciendo su donación directamente a Caridades Católicas, en el 721 North LaSalle Street, Chicago, Illinois, 60654, o en la página web www.catholiccharities.net/donate. Ahora es un momento particularmente importante para ser generosos, ya que Caridades Católicas tiene que lidiar con las repercusiones de la crisis presupuestaria del Estado de Illinois, que ha puesto una enorme tensión financiera en su capacidad de atender a los más necesitados y vulnerables. Durante este año del Jubileo de la Misericordia, aceptemos el reto presentado por el Papa a traer el poder transformativo de la infinita misericordia de Dios a nuestro mundo. Trabajando juntos, podemos ayudar a levantar a nuestros hermanos y hermanas necesitados, proporcionando la compasión y el apoyo concreto para impulsarlos a una vida nueva llena de esperanza y dignidad. Muchas gracias por considerar hacer un donativo a Caridades Católicas. Que Dios los bendiga a ustedes y sus familias. Sinceramente suyo en Cristo, Reverendísimo Blase J. Cupich Arzobispo de Chicago INFORMACION PARROQUIAL ADORACION EUCARISTICA: El primer Viernes de cada mes de 12-7pm. Exposición a las 12pm; Adoración y Bendición a las 7pm. BAUTISMOS: en Español: 2do. y 4to. Sábado de cada mes a la 1:00 p.m. PLATICA PRE-BAUTISMAL: requerida para padres y padrinos es el 1ro. y 3er. Lunes del mes a las 7:00 pm. En la rectoría. (Excepto días festivos) Padres y Padrinos deben registrarse por adelantado en la rectoría para el bautismo y las platicas pre-bautismales. MATRIMONIOS: Arreglos para la boda deben hacerse en la rectoría con un sacerdote o diácono por lo menos cuatro meses con anticipación. Normalmente se hacen matrimonios para feligreses aunque se pueden considerar situaciones especiales. Les recomendamos un matrimonio con Misa a católicos practicantes. Recomendamos el rito matrimonial para católicos no practicantes o parejas mixtas de otras religiones. Las dos formas son matrimonios validos. El sacerdote es necesario para el matrimonio con misa. QUINCEANERA: Para tener una Misa, la candidata DEBE de haber sido confirmada & haber recibido la 1ra Comunión. Las demás, solo tendrán un servicio de oración & Bendición. Todas las quinceañeras deben ser bautizadas católicas cristianas. Arreglos deben hacerse en la rectoría con un sacerdote o diácono, mínimo con dos meses de anticipación. FUNERALES: Arreglos pueden hacerse con la oficina parroquial a través del director de la funeraria. Tenemos un libro con las lecturas para funerales para las familias que quieran mirarlas. Un sacerdote o diácono presidirá el funeral. LLAMADAS POR ENFERMEDAD: Si alguien necesita ser Ungido, favor de llamarnos a la rectoría cuando la persona esté enferma de seriedad. ¡No esperes hasta que sea demasiado tarde! Si alguien en nuestra área desea que se le lleve la Santa Comunión, llámenos a la rectoría, un ministro de enfermos será el encargado. NUEVOS FELIGRESES: ¡Bienvenidos al Sagrado Corazón! favor de inscribirse en la oficina en la rectoría para que podamos realmente contar con usted y viceversa. CANBIO DE DIRECCION: Si dejas nuestra parroquia o te mueves a otra dirección, notifícanos tan pronto como puedas a la rectoría. ALAZENA DE COMIDA PARROQUIAL: Se abre el sábado de 10-11:30am. Si necesita comida llámenos a la rectoría no después del jueves para prepararte tu comida de antemano. *Los miembros de las organizaciones parroquiales están enlistados en la página #2. LA PRESENCIA DURADERA DE CRISTO PARA TODOS LOS TIEMPOS Siempre he pensado que los seguidores del Señor se sintieron muy desanimados, al punto de la depresión, cuando ante sus ojos Jesús ascendió al cielo. Este fue el hombre que cambió completamente sus vidas. Este fue el hombre que abandonaron, pero que en la Pascua les trajo la paz de la reconciliación y el perdón. Todo podría haber terminado en el lugar donde ascendió Jesús. Pero todos sabemos que no fue así. El Señor Jesús dejó regalos a sus seguidores para que su presencia sea eternamente conocida por ellos. Y esos regalos están a nuestra disposición en este día. Cada vez que nos reunimos para celebrar los sacramentos, especialmente la Eucaristía, sabemos que el Señor está presente. Los símbolos, como la carta de la baraja de mi abuela, tienen un poder inmenso para evocar la presencia de alguien. La presencia de Cristo nos inspira a tomar seriamente sus últimas palabras a sus seguidores. Es en Cristo y por medio del poder del Espíritu Santo que continuamos proclamando el mensaje del Evangelio a los demás. Hoy no es un día para celebrar la partida de Cristo de este mundo. Es un día para celebrar la presencia eterna del Señor. Lecturas de hoy: Hechos 1:1–11; Salmo 47:2–3, 6–9; Efesios 1:17–23 o Efesios4:1–13 [1–7, 11–13]; Marcos 16:15–20 Copyright © 2005, World Library Publications. All rights reserved. Un tributo a las madres en su día En este Día de las Madres, expresamos de corazón nuestro agradecimiento a todas nuestras madres por su amor y guía incondicional. El presidente Teodoro Roosevelt dijo una vez: “La madre es el activo mayor en la vida nacional; por lejos es más importante que el exitoso estadista, o que el hombre de negocios, o el artista, o el científico”. Hoy en día, las madres siguen jugando una parte vital en nuestro carácter nacional. En el Día de la Madres rendimos homenaje a las mujeres cuyo amor y sabiduría han hecho de los Estados Unidos una gran nación. La maternidad es un trabajo que da muchas satisfacciones pero por lo regular es un difícil trabajo. La madre es el primer maestro del niño e influye en la vida de el como pocos otros pueden. Las madres que aman sin egoísmo pueden inspirar en sus hijos a amarse a sí mismos y amar a los demás, a trabajar con tenacidad, a optar por elecciones saludables, a servir a grandes causas y no solo a sí mismos, a alcanzar sus sueños. Madres que protegen, enseñan y alimentan a sus hijos, con toda la fuerza de su corazón fortalecen a sus familias y ayudan a construir un futuro mejor para nuestro país. Sin embargo, las madres actuales y las que están en espera, enfrentan hoy en día mayores desafíos que nunca. Nuestra cultura de la muerte frecuentemente les dice a las mujeres jóvenes que pueden tener relaciones sexuales sin tener consecuencias. Roguemos a Dios en este Día de la Madres que las nuevas generaciones entiendan completamente el significado del regalo de VIDA, la bendición que son los niños y el honor que es la maternidad. Jane Ascroft, James Basich, Willow Breesawitz, Edward Brinck, Nico Carbonara Filice, Anna Cascio, Arocho Cisco, Rick Clohecy, Agnes Coco, Marcella Excell, Florence Curinka, Gerald DalCerro, Joseph Fabiani, Diane Fahey, Edna Faillo, Fr. Erwin Friedl, Bob Fox, Lenn Gassmann, Jenine Gollogoy, Henric Hauser, Cesar Hernandez Jr., Hayley Koujaian, Lauretta Laponte, Fr. Herbert Meyr, Michael Karalis, Don Klaput, Antonio Lemon, Timoteo Martinez, Stella Marzillo, Lois Mathewson, Vern Meyerhofer, Angela & Ken Militello, Edilberto Nava, Michael O’Rourke, Sue Palisi, Diane Panico, John & Linda Puccio, Hilario Ramirez Jr., Lauren Rende, Lupita Reyes, Diane Rohan, Agatha Scanio, Austin Rose Smith, Connie Tramontana … AND ALL OF OUR HOMEBOUND PARISHIONERS. Heavenly Father, Look upon our brothers and sisters who are ill. In the Midst of illness and pain, may they be united with Christ, who heals both body and soul; may they know the consolation promised to those who suffer and be fully restored to health. We ask this in the name of Jesus the Lord. If you or one of your loved ones wish to be included on or taken off the sick list each month, please call the Rectory at 344-0757. The Fulgencio Family The Gonzalez Family The Morales-Perez Family We welcome the following children into our Sacred Heart Family: MARCELA MORALES GARCIA Daughter of Margarito Morales & Emily (Sabeth Garcia) CRISTIAN SAUCEDO ITZEL SAUCEDO Children of Cristian Saucedo & Leticia (Moza) Donate Electronically Online You may choose to make your donations online by going to givecentral.org or by clicking on the “Donate Now” button at: www.shsparish.org or www.facebook.com/sacredheart melrosepark. Thank you for your continued support! Mass Intentions for the Week SUNDAY, MAY 8 Ascension of the Lord Mother’s Day SAT 5:00pm +Stanislava Gritenas by Rakauskas Family +Bill Galvin by Family +Joseph Bronge by Cerone, Angiulo & Manzo Families 7:30 +Lucille DiIacova by DiIacova Family +Ida Militello & Josephine Militello by Anna Marie +Antonia Russo & Josephina Pantano by Russo Family 9:00 +Mary Reich by Agatha and Family +Ann Lucchesi by Daughter 11:00 +Darlene Kessling by Kessling Family +Anne Trusco & Catherine Enlow by Trusco Family 12:30pm(Spanish) +Damiana Garcia by Reyes Arriola -Alejandro De La Cruz-For Healing by Belinda & Melina De La Cruz +Luis Salgado Jr. by Marroquin Family MONDAY, MAY 9 8:00 +Stanislava Staras by Agnes Malela +Stanislava Gritenas by Agnes Malela +Dolores Lullo by Janice Howell -Bobby Lullo-Birthday Blessings by Janice Howell TUESDAY, MAY 10 8:00 +Jack Teresi by Mary & Sam Teresi +Maria de Leon by Cavazos Family WEDNESDAY, MAY 11 8:00 -Mass for the People THURSDAY, MAY 12 8:00 +Anne Caprini by Family -Hilario Ramirez, Jr. - For Healing by Family FRIDAY, MAY 13 8:00 +Norbert Zupinski by Sacred Heart Women’s Club St Matthias SATURDAY, MAY 14 8:00 -Gintas Mikucauskas - Birthday Blessings by Agnes Malela 2:30 Wedding - Castillo & Garcia 5:00 -Special Intention by Rinaldi Family +Joyce Jennings by Randy Cerqua SUNDAY, MAY 15 Pentecost Sunday 7:30 +Joseph Bronge by Mr. & Mrs. Gassman +Norbert Zupinski by Ciconte Family 9:00 +Violet Battelli by Michael DeCarlo 11:00 +Maria Cuomo by Rosa Angiulo 12:30pm(Spanish) +Reyes & Solfina Suastegui by Ana Mendez CELEBRANT/LITURGICAL MINISTER SCHEDULE for Saturday/Sunday, May 14/15, 2016 5:00 pm 7:30 am 9:00 am 11:00 am 12:30 pm Celebrant Visiting Priest Fr. Francisco Ortega Fr. Francisco Ortega Fr. Francisco Ortega Fr. Francisco Ortega Caroline Cruz Linda Nelson Nick Golding Kristin Trusco Nancy Marella Phil Cardaropoli Rod Weal Sister Jan Pat Esposito John Lullo Lazara Dubroca Mary Ellen Krezel Sam Cruz Antonio Cruz Alexis Cabriales Nick G, John G, Elyssa B, Jo D, Gabriella M Cristian Flores Ariana Colella Rodrigo Serna - L Teresa Romero - L Israel Rosales - S Armando Angelita Anthony G, Elian C, Saria G, Melanie A, Orlando A, Ilse S • Gaming • Party Room DAN DE LA FONT FREE 1621 Thatcher Avenue APPETIZER Agent Elmwood Park, IL 60707 • AUTO • HOME • LIFE • HEALTH 708-453-7065 www.RussellsBarbecue.com Se Habla Español 637 N. Taft Ave. • Hillside/Berkeley 708.449.8900 www.DanDInsuresMe.com The Greatest Compliment You Can Give is a Referral. MARK’S QUALITY LANDSCAPING Specializing in Landscape Maintenance & Installation (708) 681-3384 With $20 Purchase & This Coupon Valid May only. 1 coupon per customer per visit. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS AND ENGINEERS LICENSED & BONDED 708-345-1344 Consider Remembering Your Parish in Your Will. Local Melrose Park Florist For further information, please call the Parish Office. 708-456-7890 www.quasthoffs.com PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE PUSH TALK ........... 24/7 HELP ........... Established in 1893 $19.95*/Mo. + 1 FREE MONTH Meeting the Needs of Our Community with Dignity and Without Bias at the Most Reasonable Cost FUNERALS — PRE-NEEDS — CREMATIONS — INTERNATIONAL TRANSFERS ➢ No Long-Term Contracts ➢ Price Guarantee ➢ American Made RICHARD M. BACZAK, Funeral Director/Owner - Sarah Virelli TOLL FREE: 1-877-801-8608 1600 Chicago Avenue • Melrose Park, IL 60160 (708) 344-0714 www.BormannFuneralHome.com *First Three Months If You Live Alone You Need LIFEWatch! Your ad 24 Hour Protection at HOME and AWAY! ✔Ambulance ✔Police ✔Fire FREE Shipping ✔Friends/Family FREE Activation ntracts NO Long Term Co CALL NOW! Solutions as Low as $1a Day! 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