ATToRNEY oR pARTy WTHoUT erronNti f|aie sra ta Ba, nunbe;;t1d;A;A _Larry A..Ginsberg, Esq. (SBN 1255G) Harris Ginsberq f,in 6420 Wilshire Blvd., SixCeenth Floor Los Angeles, CA gOOaB 310 444 -6333 "case is rtsigred AnoRNEy FoR (rv,"|g). TaluLah RiIey ptUsk .'il^TiiliJJ; STREETADDRESs: 111 North Uiff FOR COURI USE ONLI '"r*fl,J,htPllt**" to HAR Shcm Bireef 21 2016 R Canct' Same as above Los Angel-es, CA 9004g BRANcHMME. Stanley Mosk P ETITI ON E R : tAr,Uffi -r-i r,EY...-- MG M^tLtNcAoDRESS: crry^NozrpcoDE. K E] t-- -J 1. LEGAL RELAT|ONSH|P (check a. We are married. E b r] c fl 2. a/ '' " rr CASE NUMEER E f] Marriage Maffiage Maniage L- b rr BD 6 38089 we are domestic partners and our domestic partnership was estabrished in carifomia. we are domestic partners and ou, oor""ti" p"in",.nil *a. nor in california. a "stablished that apply): Petitioner f X I Resoondent has been a resident of this stare for at least six months and ol this county for at least gnT;J:|',,ffi",rj1,v p,"""o,Jt-r,l i,Iis' ;iiiii;l;i,,,. ror [il#i#;;1'#.::;;trx#rtrii petirione/s - :t*tf:ffi Bff."Jll"",uflmsy,,-^";es,ab,ished in ca,iromia risidence lstate or nai,iinli STATISTICAL FACTS " [E] Domeslic Partnershio Domestic parlnership J Domestic partnership that appty): RESTDENCE REQUTREMENTS (check a E] _ 3, E E E Dissotution (Divorce) of: Legat Separation of: (1) Date of marriage (3) Time from date of (1) rsp ecify):1 /29/73 a auorce, i ii-iii,i,i.i""."on ,n ,nu ,esat retationship il#;;;],",il, .,,",,,",,n ^",,H:il5:'i,:T:':i::::::ff:%mici,e (2) chird,sname (t) in ca,iromia **on ,,,r","J;ff:tr-T"#r"#lilJ"jji,yi1,:"",j,";"Ji:",;lI,:Il;"0,,,,,",, MINOR CHILDREN (chitdren bo (or bom or adopted duing) lhe maniage a. rhere are no ,,no, *,ilrjn'."re b. rhe minor children are: (2) ., DBte ofseparat ion(specify):TBD (specirybetow): Date of separation (specify): (3) Time from date of (,gistration ofdomestic partnership to date ofseparation (speclfi| E E ",,,u I (2) 4. u or years Months domestic paftnership): Birrhdate Ase *fi#',6 FHPFFs$; !l:'' " fiE g fI continuedonAttachment4b flactrirowhoisioryerborn '- W[1f;;:Xff:]l?f3Siff|l[ffi,fl&j"fl::ffi:,,aacompreted d. f] d. Petitioner and Respondent f] petitioner Resoondenr signed eidh.a aa voluntary ,,^1.^.^-. r. hiE $i $H H H DoctarationundertJniromchit(1",",,;n$"- E dectaration of paternity. A Acopy copy f] _l f_l L Ll n6 permot-uan@ tErrrloN-MARR,ogYoo, .iYfii',^:?"1ff"1ts:, rr".iiir-"*i'' -' ^" "'=^on'r .+*E-EHiH " T= #:J##; is is atrar[5e0. PETITIONER;TAIULAH Rf RESPONDENT:ELON MUsK I,Ey MUSK Petitioner requests that the court mak" tn" 5. fotto*inllt LEGAL GROUNDS (Family Code se ctions 220c._2210,231U23,t2) a. I or E Legal separalion ortheman rFr irreconirabredifferences,t ET""l#ffi'[J.1iffi:ff?:"i#,;ff:i"::r, b. [ ] tuttity of void marriage or domestic partnership based on: (1) f-l incest. (2) [l bigamy. c. f_l ttuttity ofvoidable marriage or domestic partnership based on: (1) rl petitione/s age at time of registration of domestic (a) f_l fraud. partnership or marriage. _ (2) fI prior existing marriag! or domestic partnership. (51 [__l force. (3) E unsouno mind. (6) [-..l physicat incapacity. 6' cHlLo cusroDY ANo vtstrATroN (PARENTTNG T|ME) p"titioner Respondent Joint other a.Legatcustodyofchitdrento.........EEEE b. physicat custody of chitdren to_.... E EE c. Chitd visitation (parenting time) be granted lo.......................... E E E As requested in: f-l tum EL.glt E form FL_312 f l form FL_341(C) E rormFL-341(p) f-_lro,, }rel T_l on""ii*iii,,, d E Determin" lh" [-_l p"'unt"s" orJ Ei 0".;;;;;;;"0 R""pona"nt u"rol-ilIiffie Divorce 1r1 t 7. or domesric partnership. CHILD SUPPORT lf there are minor children bom lo or adopted by Petitioner and.Respondent before or during this maniage wirl make orde'" or domestic a u. " ,pon ,"qr".t lrn earntngs assignmenl may be issued wilhoul furlher notice. i. fl'il#i""lj| 8. d6; .i,;il;i,iJ'.i',.,"n ["#"J,'ilX,licourr o"' 'uo'on ,n*t p"v i"i"'*i'ii "riiii,e nnanciar rorms by rhe amounts ar the "resar,, rate, which is currenry 10 percent SPOUSAL OR DOMESTIC PARTNER SUPPORT a. [xl Spousal or domeslic partner support payable petilioner t] Io E I E lilffi::Tfl,ffrou('sabiriryroawarasupportto-fr to m o. t othet (specity): srmination the issue of suppon payabte Respondent -E;";*. p"lition"I[--l'-l'""poro"nr petit,oner 9. "nJ.roliss]oi'or SEPARATE PROPERTY a. [_l u tFl There are no such assets or debts that I know of to be confirmed by the court. confirm as separare property the assets E the fo owing tist. o"oi. ""0 Ic!0 i" -'r ) propeny Declararbn (form FL_160) The true naEure and extG seParaEe ProPe!Ey asseEs & alebts are unl.nown aE ill^"l."tttlo""t'E lime, peEitioner ask6 to amend t.his petition I 'hen E Attachment gb Confirm to leave of CourE to salne have been ascer!ained. PETITION-MARRIAGE/DOMEST'IC {Family Law) P- P.g! 2 o, t (1 PETIfIONERT TALULAH RITJEY l.tUSK 10. COMMUNTTY AID AUASI4OMMUNIIY PROPERW ThEro are no ssch asrets or dsbts that I know o, to b€ dvld€d by lh€ coun. ogrmqr aehtr b community and quasl-communlv s6ssB and dsbts. A[ BUch sssets srd d€bts Erc tisEd pnprty a, El u El -1 fFl h t)cdarraon E it*, L$Ol n eUcrrlrprr, 1Ot. The true naEure anC exten! o! communlty prop€rEy as8ets and obrigations arc ,nknown at this tlmei pecltioner aakE reave of courE Lo amehd thia peliti9n when aane have bBsn ascerlalned. as fotlows (.rpo6iyJ; 11, OTHER REQUESTS e. E b. El c. El I I ,, petitioner,e iBiIsffi?i by L-f petitionor brmer namo beredoredte (specify): Other (specfr?).. El I I AnomEfs fees and cosls payabl€ See AltachrnenE tLc [Ei Respondent Talulah Riley Continu6d on Attachmant I I c. lx[x?rr,I|t,xrr,ro oRoERs oN rHE BACK oF rHE suM,oirs, Ar{o I uNDERsTAr,rD rHAr rHEy apply I I I I I I declare undEr penary ot p€rjury under the rsw! of tho stare ofcarifornr. thai lho lorBgohg ls truB Oate: March 2], 20L6 I I I rsrotrerunr or I I I I I I I I a [ilf*f#t51: I I I I I *0'od'r y#:*::,:ffi r::i.#f;Hffi y#tfl $:#xffi "itrtrx,#n: i,trjl:ffi:ililiffi ::*trH#'."::fl lr"ru;H#:l",fl fil#'fl"'#l:} ffijT,,# f,ffi iltr","]trHffi1]i#',",ffi* nno*?*,i l;lx:lr*i:t#ffi ,j;H#f, :ffi T rfrT*:ru,*,,_ #illl{ffiffifl ;} 6urylyor3hi, rights to any propeny otmed a! rvgll I t (b'""t aniffi ?6iiffi 6iEi' ES fl rny crEdlt @rd8, other credll Ec PET]TION-[IARRI AGE/DOUES (Famity trw) PARTNERSHIP 1 2 ATTACHMENT lt.c. J 4 I 5 6 7 8 9 l0 ll 1.c. Other (specifi) Pursuant to ca.rifomia code of civil procedure, Section 632, mdRule 3.1590, califomia Rules of court, petitioner hereby requests a statement of Decision with respect to any contested issue submitted to the court for determination in the within proceeding. petitioner specifically requests that the Court include in the Statement of Decision any and all calculations upon which the determination ofany issue was made incruding, but not rimited to, issues ofspousal suppofl, property valuation, property division, tax consequences and attomey,s fees and costs. t2 t3 t4 l5 l6 17 l8 t9 20 2t 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ATTACHMENT I Lc. FL_l10 SUMMONS (Family Law) CITACION (Derecho familiar) NOTICE TO RESPONDENT (tJame)j ErJeN MUSK AVISO AL DEMANDADO (Nombre): FOR COURT USE ONLY PAM USO OE ta CORT9 ISOLO ---l You have been sued. Read the information betow and on th" n"J!-"!I. lLo han clemandaclo. Lea ta in{ormaci6n a continuaciln y en ta plgina siguiente. I l-' Petitioner's name 16: TALULAH Nombre del demandante: RILEy I MUSK cAsE NUMBER rx'BErc 'YW* "-#rftt*,r$r,ur,,, 6.T8 0 g g You have 30 calendar days aner this Summons and Petit on are served on you to lile a Response (form FL-120) at the court and have a copy seryed on lhe petitioner. A letter, phone call, or courl appearance will nol protecl you. Tiene gO dias de catendario-d'ispi€s Qe haber rccibido ta entrega legal de esra Citacion y petici6n para prcsentat una Respuesta (fomulaio FL-IZO anle la cdde y electuar la entrega legal de una copia al demandante. tJna cada o llamada telef6nica o una audiencia de ta cofie no basta para prategedo. lf you do not file your Response on time, the court may make orders affecting your marriage or domestic partnership. your property, and custodtof your children. You may be ordered to pay support and attorney fees and cosls. S, no presenla su Respuesta a tiempo, la cofte puede dar ddenes que afeclen su matrimonio o pareja de hecho, sus bienes y la custodia de sus l,rbs. La iode'tambien b puede oft,enar que pague manutenci6n, y hononios y costos legales. For le-gal advice. contact a lawyer immediately. Get help finding a lawyer at the California Courts 6nline Self-Help Center (lvww., al lhe California Legal Services website (g444!ggS;.lp9qp1g,l, or by contacting your local county bar associaton Pam asesoramiento legal, p1ngase en contacto de inmediato can un abogado. Puede obtener infomaciOn para encontrar un abogado en el Centro de Ayuda de las Cone; de Catifomia (, on el silio web de los Seryicios Lega/es de Qalifomia (WMbqlpq3gry) o poni,ndose en cont;cto con el colegio de abogados de su condado. NOTICE_RESTRAINING ORDERS ARE ON PAGE 2: These restraining orders are efiective against both spouses or domeslic partners until the pitition is dismissed, a judgment is entered, or thb court makes flrther orders. They are enforceable anMere in California by any law enforcement officir who has received or seen a copy of them. Ayrso-LAsOnoervffi ENCUENTRAN FEE WAIVER: lf you cannot pay the filing fee, ask the clerk for a fee waiver form. The court may order you to pay back all or parl of the fees and cosls that th; court waived for you or the other party. EN LA PAGINA 2: LAS 6dENES dE rEStiCCi,N estdn en vigencia en cuanto a ambos c nyugos o miembros de la pareja de hecho hasta que se despida ia fietici,n, se emita un fallo o la corte d6 orras 6rdenes. Cuilquier igencia del orden p,blico que haya recibido a visto una copia cle estas ,rdenes puede hacodas acatar en cualquier lugar de Califomia. EXENCTON DE CUOIAS: Si no puede pagat la cuota de presentaci,n, pida al secretaio un fomulaio de exenci1n de cuotas. La cofie puede ordenar que usted pague, ya sea en pafie por completo, las cuotas y costos de h corte previamente .o exenlos a petici'n de usted o de la otra pade. The name and address of the court are (El nombre y direcci1n de la Los Angeles Superior CourL 111 North Hi 1I Street same as above Los Ange1es, CA 90048 coie son): The name, address, and rerephone number of the petitioner's aflomey, or the petitioner without an a.ttomey, are: (El nombre, direcci'n y n1mero de tel,lono del abogaAo clel demandante, o del demandante si no tiene abogado, son): A. .Ginsberg, Esq. (SBN 1255G) larry Harrrs c]-ns-berq LLp 6420 Wilshire Etvd., sixreenrh F100r Los Ange-tes, CA 90048 310 444-6333 Date (Fecha) ltAli 2,1 ZOfi lq Mand.tory ule Judicial Counot o, C6t ornr! FL-l10lR€v. Janu€ry I 20151 Form Adopl€d R. ctHts (sut'"tario' Poo ( , Deputy (Asisrent4 P.9. i ot 2 SUMMONS (Family Law) Famiry cod6. gli 232.233,20247.2040 77m_ cdr. or cd Procodurs s541220 41660-.11590 *ww @uns ca 9o! STANDARD F FL-i10 Y LAW RESTMINING ORDERS DE FAMILIAR ES'; DE DERECHO Starting immediately, you and your spouse or domestic partner are restrained from: '1. removing the minor children of the parlies En forma inmediata, usted y su c'nyuge o pareia de hecho from the state or applying for a new or replacement passport for those minor children without the prior written consent of the other party or an order of the courti 1. 2. cashing, borrowing against, canceling, transferring, disposing of, or changing the benefici-aries of anv-' insurance or olher coverage, including life, health, automobile, and disability. held for the benefit of the parties and their minor children; 2. transfening, encumbering, hypothecating, concealing, or in - 3. 3. lienen prohibido: cobrar, pedir prestado, cancelar, transfedt, deshacerse o cambiar el nombre de los benefrciaios de cualqaier seguro - -u otto tpo de cobedun, como de vida, salud. veiiculo ois9y.agtg1a, que tenga como benefician;@ a h;-p;les y su ( s) hijo( s) meno4e s) ; i-- any way disposing of any property, real or personal, whelher community, quasi-community, or aeparale, wilhout the written consent oflhe other party or an oider oithe court, except in the usual course of business or ,or the necessities of lite; and 4. llevatse del estado de Calilomia a los hrbs menores de ,as paies, o solicitar un pasapode nuevo o de repueslo Dara los huos menores, sin el consentimiento previo por escito de la otra pafte o sin una orden de la cofte; creating a nonprobate transfer or modifying a nonprobate transfer in a manner that affects the dis-pos-ition of orooertv subject to the transter, withoul the writtin mnsent bf tire other parly or an order of the court. Before revocation of a nonprobale transfer can take effect or a right of survivorship to property can be eliminatedl notice of the change must be tiled and served on ihe other party. ' transfeir, gnvat, hipotecar, ocultat o deshacerse de cualquier manera de cualquier propiedad, inmuebte o personat, ya sea comunitaia, cuasicomunitada o se}arada. sin et consentimiento esuito de la olra pane o una -la cofte, excepto en et curso habitual de actividadei perconales y comerciales o para satisfacer ras necesdades de la vida; y crear o modifrcet una transferencia no testamentatia de manera que- atecte la asignaci,n de una propiedad sujeta a transtercncia, sin el consentimiento por escito de la otra pafte o una orden de la code. Antes de que se pueda eliminar la revocaci'n de una tnnsferencia no' testamentaia, se debe presentar ante la code un aviso del cambio y hacer una entrega legal de dicho aviso a la pafte. 6iiil - 4. oti You must notiry each other of any propgsed extraordinary Cada palle tiene que notificar a la otra sobre cualquier gasto expenditures al least five business days prior to lhese extmodinaio propuesto por lo menos cinco aias itaOids iites extraordinary expendilures and account to the court for ;ll oe reatEano, y rendir cuenta a la cofte de lodos los gasros extraordinary expenditures made afler these restraining orders extra.ordinarios realizados despuis de gue estas drd-enes de However, you may use community prope-rty, 9tc]lru resnccton hayan entndo en vigencia. No obslante, puede ?l:quasr-communily property, or your own separate properti usar to prcptedad comunitaia, cuasicomunitada o suya separ642 psrg pay an attorney to help you or to pay court cosls. a un abogado que lo ayude o para pagbr los costos'di ta corle. NOTICE-ACCESS TO AFFORDABLE HEALTH INSURANCE: Oo you or someone in your household need affordable_ h6allh insurance? lf so, you should apply for Covered California. Covered Califo;nia can help ieiuce the cost you pay towards high quality affordable heallh c€re. For more rntormation, visit www.coveredca,com. Or call Covered California at I -800-300-1 506. WARNING_IMPORTANT INFORMATION California law provides that" for purposes of division of property upon dissolut on of a marriago or domestic partnership or upon legal sepaEtion, property acquired by the parties during mariage or domLstic pirtneisnip in joint form is presumed to be communlty property. lf eiiher party to this action should die befors tha ioinuy ietd community property is divided, the languige in the deed that characterizea how tifle is held (i.a.ljoiit tenancy, tenants in common, or community property) will be contuolling, and not the communiir'pr6periy presumption. You should consult your attorney if you want the community property presumption to UL wiitten into the recorded title to the property. Ftr10lR J.nuary 1 2O1SI AY'SO_ACCESO A SEGURO DE SALUD MAS ECON'I ICO: aNecesita seguro de satud a un costo asequiure, ya iea piia ustlo o hoga, Sies asi, puede prd"entai rn"i&i"itro uovereo uatrtornia. Covered Califomia lo puede ayudar a reducir"oi el -' costo que paga por seguro de salud aseqiriUle y Oi afia Para obtener m6s informacion, visite O llame a Covered California al 1-BO0-3OO-0213 cafial A DVE RT EN CI A_IM FO RM ACI O N I M PO RTAN TE De acuerdo,a la-tey de Catifomia,las propieclacles adquiddas por las partes durtnte su matimonio o iareja de heclho en consideran propieaao cimuniiii 1"1! fines de la divisl6n ds blenes que ocurre cuando se plroduce una.disolucidn o separaci,n tsgal det matrimonio o parcja de he.cho. Si cualqulera de ,as partes de aste caso t/egi fallecer antes de que se divida la propiedad comuiitaria de tenencia conjunh, el clestino de la m;isme quedard determinado por las cbusulas de la escrttun correspondiente que descnbe,, su te nencla (por ej,, Enencia tenencta en comtn o propiedact comunnarAl y io l?liynh, por la presuncidn de propiedad comunlaria. Si quiere iue la presunci6n comunitada quade registaAa en ta iscritu; Ae propiedad, la deborla consultar con un abogado. SUMMONS (Family Law) ?o!i"!g:: jai a P.g. Z of 2 Ml,lE ADoRESS. O"O raLarnona ", Larry A. Ginsberg, Esq. Harris cinsberg LLp 6420 (SBN 12556) wilshire Blvd., sixEeent.h Floor aes€&Ed lor Cbrts Fil€ Srarri I L Los Angeles, CA 90049 310 444-5333 ArroRNEy FoR (NanE): FILEI,l TaIULah Riley Musk iuoerior Coun of Califomia tountY oflns Annetes SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES uuux, neusE Auur(Ess: PEr|r|oNER/PLATMT|FF 111 North Hill sEreet Lgs Angeles, CA 90048 taf,Uj1g11Rf f.f y MUSK RESPONoENT/DEFENDAU, g1g5 HAR 21 20lb qhe ri R. Lancr, pxc.;u'rv( '-,,ltlcel/Clerl ffie By y1jfgX1 '"'o" r\i\/lAailrf),.| FAMILY LAW CASE COVER SHEET "^trugrrOUUU CERTIFICATE OF GROUNOS FOR ASSIGNMENT TO OISTRICT Case Filing lnstructions This cover sheet is required so that the court can assign your case to the correct court district for filing and hearing. lt satisfies the requirement for a certificate authorizing filing in the district, as set forth in Los Angeles Superior Cou( Rules 2(d) and 14 2. lt must be completed and submitted to the court along with the original Coirptaint or petition in ALL Family cases filed in any district of the Los Angeles County Superior Court. This form is not required Abandonment & Emancipation cases, which are to be filed at Children,s Court. in r. Fill in the requested information. 10911 Chalon Road, Los Anqeles, CA 9oo77 b) Enter address of Respondeni. DO NOT COMPLETE THtS |TEM tF THtS tS A MTNOR'S CONTRACT CASE MINOR CHILDREN INVOLVED? f l YES [xlNo How MANy? ll. Select the correct district: a. b. under column 1 below, check the one type oI action which best describes the nature ot this case. ln Column 2 below, circle the reason for your choice of district that applies to the iype o, action you have checked. Applicable Reason for Choosing District (See Column 2 betow) t. May be liled in Centrsl Diskict. Distrid where one or more of the 2. TYPE OF ACTION tcucr orsv 3. Child resides within lhe district. 4. Districl where Petitioner resides. reside. onrt tconrnreol [i] A5520 Dissolution of Marriage f l 45525 Summary Dissolution of Marriage f I A5521 Dissolution of Domestic partnership f l 45530 Nullity of Void or Voidabte Marriage w <.APPLICAqLE REASONS rsor oov"r 1.2 1.2 1.2 f_,1 A5531 Nullity of Void or Voidabte Domestic Partnership FAM 020 O2O (Rev 1 'l /'l '1) FAMILY LAW CASE COVER CERTIFICATE OF GROUNDS FOR ASSIGNMENT TO DISTRICT PEge 1 of 2 LASC RULE 5,2 MARRIAGE OF MUSK F A5s10 LJnssrr Legal Separation 1.2 Legal Separation of Domestic partnership 1.2 f_-.l 46126 Petition for Custody and Support of Minor 1,2.3 T l A6131 1. Child Support Services Department (CSSD) Parentage/Support l-_-l A6139 Foreign Support Order 1.2.3 [-_l A6136 Foreign Custody Order 1.2.3 [__-1 46138 Uniform lnterstate Family Support Act (UIFSA) 1.2.3 Responding Petition a-t f A6122 Domestic Violence Restraining Order (Civil Harassment - use Civil Cover Sheet) I 46600 fI Habeas Corpus Petition - (Any Court Jurisdiction governmental) Approval of Minor's Contract (6751 Family Code) [_-l A6130 Other Family [-l 1. 2.3 1 1.2.3 Complaint or Petition (Specify): A6101 Agency Adoption 1.4 f_-] 46102 lndependent Adoption 1.4 f-l A6104 Stepparent Adoption f l notog Adutt Adoprion E A6106 Sole Custody Petition 1.4 1.4 1,4 III, ENTET AddTESS Of M|NOT lV. Enter lhe information below and sign the c€rtificate. Certificate / D\ls onty) 1.3 Child Custody nooao Petition to Establish Parentage / Paternity (Non- L_l A6111 - Chi|d if KNOWN (DO NOT COMPLETE UNLESS YOU HAVE CIRCLED ITEM 3 AS AN APPLICABLE REASON Declaration ol Assignment. The undersigned hereby certifies and declares that the above enti ed matter i6 properly filed for assignment to lheeentral Diskict of the Los Angles Superior Court under Code oI Civit Procedure 5392 et seq., 23OO et seq ol the Family Code, and Rule 2(b), (c), and (d) ot lhis court lor reason checked above. I cortify and dectare under under the laws of the State ot California lhat the foregoing is ort", u.rcnJ\ truqtnd correct. zore LARRY FAM O2O (Rev 1'!/11) penatty of perjury A. GINSBERG FAMILY LAW CASE COVER SHEET CERTIFICATE OF GROUNDS FOR ASSIGNMENT TO DISTRICT Page 2 of 2 LASC RULE 5,2
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