Saints Peter & Paul Catholic Parish Parroquia Católica de San Pedro y San Pablo 720 N BAIRD ST GREEN BAY, WI 54302 “It is Jesus that you seek when you dream of happiness; He is waiting for you when nothing else you find satisfies you; He is the beauty to which you are so attracted; it is He who provoked you with that thirst for fullness that will not let you settle for compromise; it is He who urges you to shed the masks of a false life; it is He who reads in your heart your most genuine choices, the choices that others try to stifle. It is Jesus who stirs in you the desire to do something great with your lives, the will to follow an ideal, the refusal to allow yourselves to be ground down by mediocrity, the courage to commit yourselves humbly and patiently to improving yourselves and society, making the world more human and more fraternal.” ― Pope John Paul II “En realidad, es a Jesús a quien buscáis cuando soñáis la felicidad; es él quien os espera cuando no os satisface nada de lo que encontráis; es él la belleza que tanto os atrae; es él quien os provoca con esa sed de radicalidad que no os permite caer en el conformismo; es él quien os impulsa a dejar las máscaras que falsean la vida; es él quien os lee en el corazón las decisiones más auténticas, que otros querría sofocar. Es Jesús el que suscita en vosotros el deseo de hacer de vuestra vida algo grande, la voluntad de seguir un ideal, sin dejaros atrapar por la mediocridad, la valentía de comprometeros con humildad y perseverancia para mejoraros a vosotros mismos y a la sociedad, haciéndola más humana y fraterna.” –– Papa Juan Pablo II Mass Times/Horario la Misa: Saturday 4:00pm Sunday 8:00am, 10:00am, 12:30pm Misa en Español Tuesday - Saturday 8:00am Confession/ Confesión 1/2 hour prior to weekend masses First Fridays and Saturdays 7:30am 24 Hr. Perpetual Adoration: Code available with Red at office Chapel Scheduling, Tina @ 327-9231 Parish Office Hours/Horario de Oficina Parroquial M CLOSED, T-R 9:00-4:00 F CLOSED. Ministerio Hispano con cita. Parish Office: 435-7548 Faith Formation Office: 437-0651 Email: [email protected] Fax: 432-1321 October 18 and 19, 2014 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time 18 y 19 de octubre 2014 29o Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario PARISH BUSINESS, INFORMATION AND ANNOUNCEMENTS Parish Calendar Monday, October 20th No Mass Tuesday, October 21st 8:00 AM Mass Lorraine Bradford Wednesday, October 22nd 8:00 AM Mass Amanda KrisƟne Looman 6:30 PM RE Classes 7:00PM Rosary in church Thursday, October 23rd 8:00 AM Mass Urban Herman Friday, October 24th 8:00 AM Mass Alice Craanan Saturday, October 25th 8:00 AM Mass Robert and Greg Bodart 4:00 PM Mass Gary J. Ball and the Living and Deceased Members of the Ball and Reimer Families Sunday, October 26th 8:00 AM Mass William Armstrong 10:00 AM Mass Janice Renier 12:30 PM Aledis Hernandez, en el dia su bauƟsmo Divine Mercy Holy Hour Last Sunday of the Month 3:00-4:00pm in the Church Marian Movement of Priests Prayer Cenacle First Thursday of the Month 6:30pm in the MTC PARISH TEAM Fr. Anthony Cirignani, OFM Margo Thorsen Claire “Red” Patz Norma Chavez Michael Lee Carlos Hernandez Roger Bader Mike Mancheski Debbie Lemmen Parish Trustees Don Patz Steve Parent Pastoral Council / Finance Council Joseph Uhyrek Dan Miller Pastor Parish Office Manager Parish Secretary Ministerio Hispano RE Facilitator RE Facilitator Director of Music Maintenance Maintenance Trustee Treasurer Trustee Secretary P.C. Chairperson F.C. Chairperson Blessed fall season to all! This week and weekend we will celebrate the sacrament of anointing known as the sacrament of the sick and elderly. Saturday, October 18th after the 8am mass and after the 4pm mass I (Fr. Tony) will be celebrating our fall sacrament of the sick. I will also continue to anoint on Sunday, October the 19th after all masses. May the healing of our Lord come upon all of those who receive this healing sacrament. Again, this sacrament is a solemn and important rite and is intended for the elderly and those dealing with grave illnesses. November is coming soon; it is the month for giving thanks and remembering our loved ones. In November, our parish is especially dedicated to prayers for the faithful departed. The office is now taking intentions for the parish Purgatorial Society for 2015. Stop by the office at 720 N. Baird St. Tuesday through Thursday 9am to 4pm the stipend is $25.00 for as many people who want to remember. The Purgatorial Society Mass is celebrated once a month starting in November and continuing to October the following year. At the Mass we remember and give thanks for the lives that touched us. Saturday November 1st is All Saints Day. Solemn Mass will be celebrated at 8am only. The Saturday evening vigil Mass will be for All Souls Day as well as all Sunday Masses. Please come and remember and give thanks for all your beloved family and friends who have departed from this life. A Special book of remembrance will be near the Holy Family shrine in church. Special prayers for the deceased will be prayed all throughout November. The fall Knights of Columbus Pancake and Porkie Breakfast is coming up on November 2nd! It will be held in the Father Schuh Hall from 9am-Noon. Bring your appetites! Mark your family calendars for our Thanksgiving Day Family Mass on November 27th! The 9:00 AM Family Mass is the only Mass on that day, so bring a friend or a neighbor, too! Let us all give thanks to God for the beautiful fall colors and cool evenings. Keep your heads up, Fr. Tony Please be sure to come to Mass next week! We will be having a special Reverse Collection for those in need! Please Participate in this wonderful ministry. 2 DAY-TO-DAY AT OUR PARISH St. Thomas More 2014 Annual Giving Campaign is now underway. Please consider a gift to this Appeal to help St. Thomas More Catholic School continue to be the wonderful school that it is. STM serves a diverse urban population providing a Catholic education for children from early education through eighth grade. The struggle to meet expenses and remain viable is a constant. All donations to this Appeal go directly to St. Thomas More School Third Source Funding. If you are an alumnus of St. Francis Xavier Cathedral, St. Mary of the Angels, Ss. Peter and Paul, St. John the Evangelist, or St. Willebrord Schools, are a parent, grandparent, or someone who believes in or benefitted from a Catholic education, we encourage a donation and thank you. Please send your support directly to: STM Annual Appeal, 650 S. Irwin Ave., Green Bay, WI 54301 *please make checks out to St. Thomas More School Annual Appeal STM thanks you for your generous support and asks God to bless you and your family. Liturgical Roles: October 25 & 26 Lectors 4:00 PM 8:00 AM 10:00 AM Rod Crowe Jim Ball Tony Rozewski Servers 4:00 PM 8:00 AM 10:00 AM Adult Server Adult Server Anthony R., Vince and Max P. EucharisƟc Ministers 4:00 PM Aimee Rentmeester and Mary PaƩerson 8:00 AM John Walschinski, Ken Cumbers, and Steve Gorches 10:00AM Don Patz, Carol Gapinski, and Lois Bodart Greeters Santo Tomás Moro 2014 Campaña de donación anual ya está en marcha. Por favor considere un regalo a este Llamamiento para ayudar a St. Thomas School Más Católica continuará siendo la escuela maravillosa que es. STM atiende a una población urbana diversa proporcionar una educación católica a los niños desde la educación inicial hasta el octavo grado. La lucha para cubrir los gastos y seguir siendo viable es una constante. Todas las donaciones a esta apelación van directamente a St. Thomas More School tercera fuente de financiamiento. Si usted es un ex alumno de St. Francis Xavier Catedral, Santa María de los Ángeles, Ss. Pedro y Pablo, San Juan Evangelista, o St. Escuelas Willebrord, son un padre, abuelo, o alguien que cree en o se benefició de una educación católica, nos animan a una donación y gracias. Por favor envíe su apoyo directamente a: STM Campaña Anual, 650 S. Irwin Ave., Green Bay, WI 54301 * por favor haga los cheques a nombre de St. Thomas More School Campaña Anual STM le agradece su generoso apoyo y pide a Dios que bendiga a usted y su familia. 4:00 PM Mary PaƩerson and Claire Rodgers 8:00AM Steve and Barb Gorches 10:00AM Carol Gapinski, Bea Moens and Lois Bodart The ushers will be recertifying their CPR training on November 8th at 8am in the Father Schuh Hall. Anyone who is interested, please call Ken Heim at (920) 819-2358. Help us save a life. Readings for the Week of October 19, 2014 Sunday: Is 45:1, 4-6/1 Thes 1:1-5b/Mt 22:15-21 Monday: Eph 2:1-10/Lk 12:13-21 Tuesday: Eph 2:12-22/Lk 12:35-38 Wednesday: Eph 3:2-12/Lk 12:39-48 Thursday: Eph 3:14-21/Lk 12:49-53 Friday: Eph 4:1-6/Lk 12:54-59 Saturday: Eph 4:7-16/Lk 13:1-9 During The Month of the Holy Rosary and Respect Life Month, as well as next month when we especially remember those who have died, please consider making the donation of a Mass in honor of your loved one. The mass intention book and Purgatorial Society are both taking names at this time. There will be Mass cards available as many people prefer to give the gift of a Mass for a Sympathy or Christmas gift. If you would like to receive a Mass card with your petition, please see Red in the office. We will not be mailing these cards. Please feel free to call 920-435-7548 in order to schedule a Mass or if you have any questions. Lecturas para la semana del 19 de octubre de 2014 Domingo: Is 45, 1. 4-6/1 Tes 1, 1-5/Mt 22, 15-21 Lunes: Ef 2, 1-10/Lc 12, 13-21 Martes: Ef 2, 12-22/Lc 12, 35-38 Miércoles: Ef 3, 2-12/Lc 12, 39-48 Jueves: Ef 3, 14-21/Lc 12, 49-53 Viernes: Ef 4, 1-6/Lc 12, 54-59 Sábado: Ef 4, 7. 11-16/Lc 13, 1-9 Join the parish family before every Mass as we pray the Rosary for World Peace. Únete a la familia de la parroquia antes de cada Misa como rezamos el Rosario por la Paz Mundial. 3 Families with school age children are invited to come to an All Saints Day party on Saturday, November 1, 2014 from 57:30 pm in the Fr. Schuh Hall. There will be prayer, pizza and games for children of all ages. The evening will end with a "Living Litinay of the Saints", while the children process in their Saints Costumes. Please RSV by Thursday, October 30th to Cindy Stillwell at 920-457-0332 or email: [email protected]. We will need to know how many parents and children will attend to order enough pizzas! Sponsored by Our Lady's Knights and Maidens of the Altar youth groups. Harvest GiŌs Sacred Space Reminder The church is a place of prayer both private and public and, most importantly, sacred. We would like to remind those who like to socialize and visit before or after mass that this is offensive to some people who are looking for some quiet time of prayer. Community is important as a part of a faith family, so we welcome you to converse in the Father Schuh and Fatima Halls, or outside if weather permits. Thank you for your gracious cooperation! Upcoming Events at St. Anthony Spirituality Center in Marathon (October 19, 26; November 2, 9) Takashi Nagai: Doctor and Survivor of the Atomic Bomb Saturday, Nov. 15, 2014, 9:30 a.m.-3 p.m. Fr. Marty Pable, OFM Cap., will share the inspiring story of this Japanese man who became a convert from Buddhism to Catholicism. He went on to marry and practice medicine, becoming well known for both his expertise and his compassion for sick people in Nagasaki. Day includes continental breakfast and noon meal. Offering: $55. (October 19, 26; November 2, 9) Gift of Transition Silent Theme Retreats “Gift of Transition”: The combination of insightful presentations, dynamic common prayer and the Holy Spirit to speak to the whole person in each one’s faith journey. We will discover how God is with us through all our transitions and what gifts and consolations He provides to guide us along the path ahead. Visit for details. Various presenters. Retreat Cost: $185. Upcoming Dates: Nov. 14-16, 2014: Men & Women; Jan. 16-18, 2015: Men & Women; Feb. 20-22, 2015: Men Only; March 27-29: Women Only. NEW Community Shelter Meal Saints Peter & Paul Parish serves a meal the 3rd Saturday of every month at the NEW COMMUNITY SHELTER for those in need. Volunteers are needed to prepare and serve meals. Call Caroline at 468-1177. Morning Mass is always a good idea, and October 22nd is the FIRST Feast Day for Saint John Paul II!!! Join us for Mass at 8am, or just say a special prayer in thanksgiving for our Polish Pope. MEDICARE PART D PLAN FINDER: Understanding Your Medicare Drug Benefits Wednesday, October 29th Pre-register by Friday, October 24th A valuable workshop for persons entitled to Medicare Part D and those who want to learn more. It is very important to check your coverage every year as plans change, new plans are added, and some plans leave our service area. You'll learn how to use on-line Medicare tools for comparing and enrolling in the Part D Plan that is best for you. Presenter: Staff from Brown County Aging and Disability Resource Center Time : 1 - 2:30 p.m. Location: Ashwaubenon Community Center - 936 Anderson Drive Fee: Free TUESDAY MORNING SOCIAL EVERY TUESDAY MORNING FROM 8 - 10 A.M. Rise & Shine! Let’s start our Tuesday mornings together! Beginning October 7th from 8 – 10 a.m. we’ll be starting a morning social at the Community Center! Tuesday socials will be free to the public. This will give you a chance to meet and talk with new and old friends. Several activities will also be offered during this time. Cards, a book club (if people are interested) and Wii bowling to name a few. Refreshments will be served. You will also be able to sign up for any other of the activities that take place at the Community Center and pay any fees if applicable. SENIOR BALL SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 8TH PRE-REGISTER BY MONDAY, NOVEMBER 3RD Think back to your high school dances…what wonderful times! This is certainly one dance you won’t want to miss! We’re bringing back songs of the 50’s, 60’s, and 70’s! Put your dancing shoes and let’s boogie! Don’t feel like dancing? That’s ok! Come and enjoy popular songs from your time and socialize with friends! If you want to capture a special moment with your spouse, friend, or someone else special we’ll have a photographer there so that you may do so! And if you would like to have a copy of the photo you will have the option to purchase them at the Park & Rec Department later that week. Time: 4 - 6 p.m. Location: Energy Fitness & Dance - 2841 Allied St #B (located behind Ashwaubenon Bowling Alley) Fee: $5 if pre-register by November 3rd $8 at the door Seven days of Prayer for the Souls in Purgatory Begins Sunday, November 2nd and continues through Sunday, November 9th after mass. Throughout the month, privately special prayer cards will be available at church entrances. Let us all remember our beloved dead. Preble High School class of 1965 is looking for updated contact information on classmates for the 50th class reunion ! Please call please contact Judi Hyska at (920)-434-2598. 4 Para la Communidad Hispana Temporada de otoño Santísima a todos! Esta semana y fin de semana vamos a celebrar el sacramento de la unción conocido como el sacramento de los enfermos y ancianos. Sábado, 18 de octubre después de la misa las 8 am y después de la misa 16:00 I (Padre Tony) estará celebrando nuestro sacramento caída de los enfermos. También voy a seguir para ungir el domingo de octubre, el 19 después de las misas. Que la sanidad de nuestro Señor vendrá sobre todos los que reciben este sacramento de curación. Una vez más, este sacramento es un rito solemne e importante y está destinado a las personas mayores y los relacionados con enfermedades graves. Noviembre estará disponible muy pronto; que es el mes para dar gracias y recordar a nuestros seres queridos. En noviembre, la parroquia está especialmente dedicado a la oración por los fieles difuntos. La oficina está tomando intenciones para la parroquia Purgatorio Sociedad para 2015 Pase por la oficina en el 720 N. Baird St. Martes a jueves 09 a.m.-4 p.m. el estipendio es de $ 25.00 para el mayor número de personas que quieren recordar. La Sociedad Misa Purgatorio se celebra una vez al mes a partir de noviembre y continuando hasta octubre del año siguiente. En la Misa recordamos y damos gracias por la vida que nos tocó. Sábado 1 de noviembre es el Día de Todos los Santos. Solemne Misa será celebrada a sólo 8 am. La vigilia de la noche del sábado la misa será para Día de los Difuntos, así como todas las misas dominicales. Por favor venga y recordar y dar gracias por todos sus amigos y familia amada que han partido de esta vida. Un libro especial de recuerdo estará cerca de la ermita de la Sagrada Familia en la iglesia. Oraciones especiales para los difuntos será rezado todo lo largo de noviembre. La caída Caballeros de Colón Pancake y Porkie desayuno está subiendo el 2 de noviembre! Se llevará a cabo en el Salón Padre Schuh de 9 am a mediodía. Traiga sus apetitos! Marque su calendario para nuestra familia el Día de Acción de Gracias Misa Familiar el 27 de noviembre! La Misa Familiar 09 a.m. es la única misa en ese día, así que traiga un amigo o un vecino, también! Pongámonos todos a dar gracias a Dios por los hermosos colores de otoño y las noches frescas. Mantén la cabeza alta, Padre Tony Curso de Planificación Natural de la Familia ¿Alguna vez has pensado en lo que los métodos de control de natalidad realmente a tu cuerpo? Para su matrimonio? La Liga de Pareja a Pareja Ɵene las respuestas y más. AsisƟr a un curso corto y aprender un método natural de planificación familiar que sea seguro, eficaz y moralmente aceptable. Para más información e inscripciones en línea: o llame Cindy SƟllwell al 920-457-0332. Intenciones En La Misa: Si desea pedir por una Misa para una intención especial, puede ponerse en contacto con la Oficina de la Parroquia una semana antes. El estipendio para la Misa es $10.00. Registro de Educación Religiosa está abierto para la inscripción. Sólo se aceptarán las primeras 100 niños este año. Los formularios de inscripción se pueden encontrar en el mostrador cerca del ascensor. Después de llenarlos, puede dejarlos *con el cargo* a Sra. Margo o Srta. Red en la oficina parroquial los martes a viernes; 9am a 4pm. Esperamos a registrar todos los niños antes de la primera clase (de los miércoles por la noche; 6: 30-8pm) 15 de octubre. Los formularios de inscripción están disponibles en la oficina parroquial. Oportunidad de carrera: Los Caballeros de Colón está buscando un agente de campo para una oportunidad de empleo que representa su programa de seguros. Ofrecen un paquete de beneficios completo con esta posición de tiempo completo. Para calificar, una vez debe ser elegible para ser miembro de los Caballeros de Colón. Para obtener más información, póngase en contacto con Joseph M. Molosky, FICF, Agente General, en 715-330-5178 o [email protected]. Una Oración por Mi Parroquia Dios amoroso, te pedimos que envíes tu Espíritu Santo sobre esta parroquia para que nos llene de amor. Haznos instrumentos de tu amor para todos los que encontramos en la casa, en el trabajo, en nuestro vecindario, y en nuestra comunidad parroquial. Obrar por medio de nosotros para que podamos llevare Tu verdada aquellos que están buscándote. Ayúdanos a crecer en gratitud para que podamos reconocerte y darte gracias por todas las cosas buenas que nos haz dado. Incúlcanos un profundo sentido de generosidad para que estamos dispuestos a compartir nuestros dones, nuestros talentos, nuestro tiempo y nuestra recursos económicos. Profundiza nuestro deseo de seguir Tu voluntad y de Hacerlo todo por Tu honor y gloria. Te lo pedimos por Jesucristo, Nuestro Señor y Salvador. Amen Bautizos Platicas Pre bautismal: El segundo martes de cada mes hay preparación para bautismo a las 5:30pm. Los requisitos: La cosa primera es que deben asistir las clases de preparación. Después de tener el comprobante de asistir, favor de pasar al la Oficina del Centro de Madre Teresa los miércoles o jueves para confirmar la fecha elegida. Traer el comprobante de plática, acta de nacimiento. Para información llamen al (920) 435 – 7548. 5 (920) 498-8600 Libertas Treatment Center 1701 Dousman Street Green Bay, WI 54303-3282 CLIFF YOUNG Electrical Contractors LLC RESIDENTIAL, COMMERCIAL & INDUSTRIAL Ken Young - Owner 469-0111 Parish Member Alcohol/Drug Abuse Treatment for Teens & Adults JOSEPH H. PEOT Painting * Wallpapering Contracting 920-435-0455 ROLA-RENA JAUQUET Roller Skating Rink 731 Morris Ave., Green Bay, WI LUMBER CO., INC. 494-6152 Quality Building Material Mary and John Dollar 1613 Main St. 468-6651 Riverside Ballroom 920-432-5518 1560 Main Street, Green Bay, WI 54302 Ken Kristi & Kenny Tedford 435-2287 1751 University Ave., Green Bay, WI 920-965-0233 DEDE RIFE GRI, SRES - REALTOR® Dr. Nicole Gardner 1476 University Ave. Each office independently owned and operated Dan Malcore Parish Member 2270 Holmgren Way • Green Bay, WI 54304 (920) 593-4132 Office • (877) 202-8918 Toll Free (920) 593-4179 Fax • (920) 655-0359 Mobile [email protected] • Religious Supply Established in 1963 1482 Main Street Green Bay, WI 54302 Phone 920-432-2758 800-242-2700 Fax 920-432-2759 [email protected] Compliments Of RJ Jacques Inc. Complete Car Service • Towing Jeff Woelz - Owner 1372 East Mason At Baird Green Bay, WI 437-7656 701 North Baird Street Green Bay 432-5579 JEFF’S AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE JEFFERY J. JANDRAIN MALCORE FUNERAL HOME (920) 617-3000 Jim Ball, Owner • 920-436-9882 2130 Velp Ave., Green Bay 1685 Main St., Green Bay [email protected] Helping Business Get the Work Done 494-4585 469-3366 Fred Bredael Plumbing, Inc. Be Vocal Buy Local • New Home Construction • Small Commercial • Remodeling • Water Heaters • WaterCare Softeners • Faucets • Fixtures & Whirlpools Over 25 Yrs. of Experience 920-621-0756 Cell 920-845-2811 Business Email: [email protected] Delain Insurance Agency Call For A Free Quote! 406-9030 Diocese Member DOROTHY’S CUSTOM SEWING AND ALTERATIONS Horst & Dorothy Lindenbeck (920) 435-4111 520 Greene Ave. • Green Bay, WI 54301 (Corner of Libal & Greene) Electrical Wiring Residential & Commercial FREE Estimates • Looking for area attractions? • Need community information? • Let us help and send you a Newcomer’s packet Phone: (920) 468-4289 • Fax: (920) 468-0909 P.O. Box 8261, Green Bay, WI 54308 • “Expert Dental Care with Compassion” DEBAKER ELECTRIC & HARDWARE 1729 University • 920-432-6205 NEW TO THE AREA? We Offer Sedation Dentistry Village Gardens “ABOVE THE REST IN QUALITY CARE” 1640 Shawano Ave. • Green Bay 499-5177 2668 Noel Dr. • 465-0755 David J. DeGrave, D.D.S. [email protected] Excellence in Skilled Nursing & Rehabilitation Care. Call today to schedule a tour! 2961 St. Anthony Dr.,Green Bay, WI 54311 920.468.0861 VANSCHYNDLE MARICQUE’S Dr. Lynn Carli and Dr. John Knuth 535 South Monroe Ave. 435-9511 Complete Family Vision Care, Contact Lenses, Frames and Lenses, Repairs and Adjustments, Contact Lenses Cleaned & Polished while you wait. PLUMBING LLC OVER 75 YEARS OF QUALITY SERVICE RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL 1517 University Ave. 432-9871 1265 Cass St., Green Bay 920 662-0722 [email protected] owner/operator Kevin Santy - MP230509 (within the St. Thomas More School) (920) 437-1979 GIPPERS SPORTS BAR & GRILL Ceramic • Vinyl • Laminate • Carpet • Hardwood We Sell It! Install It! Clean It! Repair It! 2674 N. Packerland Drive (920) 494-2709 ONE FREE CLEANING OF YOUR NEW CARPET PURCHASE WILLOW CREEK LANES Senior Citizen “Fun” Leagues Monday - Friday Daytime Children’s Birthday Packages Super Cosmic Friday & Saturday Nights 2020 Verlin 465-0966 BLINDAUER’S Sheet Metal – Roofing 1860 University Ave. Green Bay, WI Jim Manders, President Your trusted name in hardware since 1928! Heating, Air Conditioning Ventilation & Air Quality Control 1949 E. Mason St., Green Bay 1396 Plane Site Boulevard, De Pere 920-336-5551 920-432-4845 Kroll’s East Mike Blindauer – Dean Englebert 1227 S. Broadway 437-1332 1658 Main Street 468-4422 Allouez Catholic Cemetery & Chapel Mausoleum Save thousands and give your family peace of mind by pre-planning. BORNEMANN Nursing Homes, Inc. Contact Dennis Thompson to place an ad today! [email protected] or (800) 950-9952 x2470 2121 Riverside Drive (920)432-7585 FOR AD INFO CALL DENNIS THOMPSON 1-800-950-9952 WWW.4LPi.COM Skilled Nursing Facility 20 Bed CBRF South & 20 Bed CBRF North 226 Bornemann St. 920-468-8675 ST. PETER & PAUL, GREEN BAY, WI A 4C 01-0078 10-03-2011 10:08:29
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