NOVEMBER 16, 2014: W ELCOME TO OUR COMMUNITY CELEBRATION OF THE 33RD SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME. S T . M A R Y M A G DA L E N C AT H O L I C P A R I S H St. Mary Magdalen Catholic Parish is a Eucharistic community that places God first in all things and comes together as a family to Love as Christ Loves and Serve as Christ Serves . Community Engagement Eucharist a welcoming spirit loving God with all of our celebrating the and a culture of heart, our soul, our center of our faith genuine inclusion strength and our mind to through creative, into our diverse actively and passionately vibrant and diverse parish family build the Kingdom liturgies Faith Formation committing to life-long learning through Catholic education from childhood through adulthood Family Stewardship nurturing, responding gratefully empowering with sacrificial and supporting generosity for all God strong families has given us in today’s world Witnessing & Evangelizing living the Gospel by sharing & teaching our faith through conversion of mind, heart, & reconciliation with God & one another Daily: Monday through Friday: 7am, 8:30am Thurs.: 7pm (Español ) Weekends: Sat: 8am, Vigil: 5pm, 7pm (Español) , Sun: 8am, 10am (Interpreted for the Deaf) , 12Noon, 5:30pm A DDRESS : 861 Maitland Avenue, Altamonte Springs, FL 32701 ✥ W EBSITE : P HONE : 407.831.1212 ✥ F AX : 407.831.1560 ✥ E-M AIL : [email protected] LETTER FROM THE PASTOR Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Queridos Hermanos y Hermanas en Cristo, In today’s Gospel, Christ again gives us an example of how to love the way He loves, and to Give as He Gives… in the form of the parable of the Talents. We have all been given gifts from God. The stewards in today’s Gospel are held accountable for the gifts they have been given and are asked by the Master “What have they done with what they have been given.” They are asked for an accounting – How have they loved as God loves… and Given as God gives… How have they been good stewards of the gifts they have been given. En el Evangelio de hoy, Cristo de nuevo nos da un ejemplo de cómo amar de la manera que Él ama, y cómo dar como Él la misma forma que muestra la Parábola de los Talentos. A todos, Dios nos ha dado dones. Los administradores en el Evangelio de hoy son responsables por los regalos que se les han dado. El Maestro les preguntó que habían hecho con los talentos que se les había dado". A ellos se le pidió cuentas: Cómo ellos han amado como Dios ama y Dado como Dios da...Cómo ellos han sido buenos administradores de los dones que se les había dado. The starting point for Sacrificial Giving is the basic principle of Christian stewardship—that everything we have is a gift from God, including the gift of life itself. In gratitude for God’s generosity, we dedicate a portion of these gifts— our time, talent and money— to furthering God’s Kingdom. If we truly believe that God gives us all that we have, gratitude is one response. Trust is another. When we realize that God has provided for us and will continue to do so, we recognize that our real security lies in God. After all, the same Lord who has given us all, will continue to take care of our future. I want to thank all of those who have responded by making a financial commitment for this coming year to support the mission and ministries of Christ at St. Mary Magdalen Parish. Your generous witness to these Gospel teachings is always inspiring to me! Challenge of the Week: Please continue to pray and reflect on God’s many blessings in your life – your spouse, your marriage, your children, your parents, your ability to work, your home, your education, the air we breathe, the gift of life itself, etc. We continue, during this month of Thanksgiving, to offer time in prayer before the Blessed Sacrament. Stop by this week between 9AM and 7PM, Monday through Wednesday & Friday and 9AM and 6:30PM Thursday to thank God for His many gifts to us. Finally, if you have young children (or artists or aspiring artists of any age), we would love to receive simple drawings illustrating an act of God showing how he loves and gives to his people. Name and age are optional. Example: Jesus giving someone a smile or loaf of bread or healing a sick person. Please turn it in to me this week. I am anxious to see your works of art for God. In prayerful gratitude for all God’s many gifts to us, El punto de partida para Dar con Sacrificio es el principio básico de la administración cristiana: que todo lo que tenemos es un regalo de Dios, incluyendo el don de la vida misma. En gratitud por la generosidad de Dios, dedicamos una parte de estos regalos, nuestro tiempo, talento y dinero para promover el Reino de Dios. Si realmente creemos que Dios nos da todo lo que tenemos, la gratitud es una de las respuestas. La confianza es otra. Cuando nos damos cuenta de que Dios ha provisto para nosotros y va a seguir haciéndolo, reconocemos que nuestra verdadera seguridad está en Dios. Después de todo, el mismo Señor que nos ha dado, seguirá cuidando nuestro futuro. Quiero agradecer a todos los que han respondido haciendo un compromiso financiero para el próximo año para apoyar la misión y ministerios de Cristo en la Parroquia Santa María Magdalena. ¡Su generoso testimonio de estas enseñanzas del Evangelio es siempre una inspiración para mí! Desafío de la Semana: Por favor, continúen orando y reflexionando sobre las muchas bendiciones de Dios en su vida - su cónyuge, su matrimonio, sus hijos, sus padres, su trabajo, su casa, su educación, el aire que respiramos, el don de la vida misma, etc. Continuamos, durante este mes de Acción de Gracias, ofreciendo tiempo en oración ante el Santísimo Sacramento. Venga esta semana entre las 9am a 7pm, de lunes a viernes, y agradezca a Dios por los innumerables regalos que nos da. Por último, si Ud. tiene niños pequeños (o artistas o aspirantes a artistas de cualquier edad), nos encantaría recibir dibujos sencillos que ilustran un acto de Dios que muestra cómo Él ama y le da a su pueblo. Nombre y edad son opcionales. Ejemplo: Jesús ofreciendo a alguien una sonrisa o un pedazo de pan o curando a una persona enferma. Por favor, envíenmelos esta semana. Estoy ansioso por ver sus obras de arte para Dios. En gratitud devota por todos los dones que Dios nos da, In gratitude for God’s gifts of time and talent to all of us, we gratefully acknowledge and salute: iempo alento esoro DONNA CALMES Donna faithfully participates in the Council of Catholic Women St. Gerard Circle efforts and offers support to the families of those incarcerated through the Prison Family Support Ministry. With deep gratitude, we thank you, Donna! If you have not already done so, please bring your Sacrificial Giving commitment card and place it into the offertory collection along with your weekly envelope. Thus far 603 families have returned their commitment card to the parish. We need 847 more families to pledge in order to reach our parish goal of 1,450 commitments. Thanks for helping us to plan for next year and for giving “First Fruits”. “What good is it to profess faith without practicing it? . . . If a brother or sister has nothing to wear and no food for the day and you . . . do not meet their bodily needs, what good is that? So it is with the faith that does nothing in practice. It is thoroughly lifeless” (James 2:14-17). In gratitude for the gifts we have received from God, parishioners and visitors made a joyful return to the Lord of $48,087 on November 8 and 9 for the mission and ministries of St. Mary Magdalen. Thank you for helping us carry out Christ’s mission and ministry. Thanks for Giving First Fruits & Taking a Step! ✥-Ofrenda con Sacrificio: En gratitud por los dones que hemos recibido de Dios, los feligreses y visitantes hicimos retorno gozoso al Señor de $48,087 el 8 y 9 de noviembre para la misión y ministerios de la Parroquia Santa María Magdalena. Gracias por ayudarnos a seguir llevando a cabo la misión y el ministerio de Cristo. !Gracias por dar los primeros frutos y dar un paso! With our new Automated Giving Program, the parish receives your weekly Sacrificial Giving donation automatically! No more mad rush to find your offertory envelopes or a pen to write a check. Planned and proportionate financial stewardship is made easier with this new option and it reduces expenses while totally eliminating exposure to cash theft. For more information, please contact Lois at the Parish Office at 407.265.2317 or e-mail her at: [email protected]. We also have the form available on the parish website: $100,000 Challenge Grant Status (As of November 12, 2014 – First Week) Goal Pledged Thus Far Pledge Cards turned in: 1,450 603 Total “Steps” taken as a Parish Community: 1,000 412 Amount Pledged for calendar year 2015: $2,500,000 $1,168,407 We are so blessed that you decided to join us! Won’t you join our Catholic community by registering at St. Mary Magdalen? Registration forms are available at the Connection Central “Concierge” table in front of the Church, by calling Lisa Oak at the Parish Office 407.265.2300, or by filling out the form below. Please drop it in the mail, collection basket, or you can sign up online at Name: ____________________________________ Address: ___________________________________ E-mail:_____________________________________ City/Zip: __________________________________ Phone: ____________________________________ 861 Maitland Ave — Altamonte Springs — FL — 32701 Christmas Eve Mass Times 4PM (with overflow Mass in Parish Life Center) 6PM (with overflow Mass in Parish Life Center) 8PM Spanish Mass in the Church 8PM English Mass in the Parish Life Center 12Midnight Join us Thursday, November 27 for our Annual Thanksgiving Day Dinner in the PLC. Dinner will be served at 12NOON. Please call the Parish Office if you plan on attending ✥Cena Anual de Acción de Gracias: Únase a nosotros el jueves 27 de noviembre para nuestra cena anual por el Día de Acción de Gracias, en el PLC. La cena se servirá a las 12 del mediodía. Por favor, llame a la oficina parroquial si usted planea asistir. Christmas Day Mass Times 9AM and 11AM UPCOMING EVENTS Join us Monday, November 17 at 7PM in the Mother Teresa Room where Deacon Henry Libersat will present on Blessed are the Merciful and Blessed are the Peacemakers of the Beatitudes! Evening hosted by Acts 29 and the Evangelization Team ✥-Viviendo las Bienaventuranzas: Únase a nosotros el 17 de noviembre a las 7PM en el salón de la Madre Teresa, donde el Diácono Henry Libersat explorará las Bienaventuranzas: ¡Bendito sean los misericordiosos; y Benditos sean los que trabajan por la Paz! La noche ha sido organizada por Hechos 29 y el Equipo de Evangelización. "Could you not watch an hour with me?" (Matt. 26:40). You are invited to spend time before the Blessed Sacrament sharing your deepest thoughts with Jesus or just be still with Him offering praise and thanksgiving for all He has given us. Adoration will be provided in the Chapel between October 27 and November 26, Monday through Wednesday & Friday, 9AM to 7PM and Thursday 9AM to 6:30PM . Become a "Guardian of the Hour" by signing-up at the Concierge Desk after weekend Masses or outside the Chapel during the week. ✥Adoración Eucarística: ¿"¿Así que no habéis podido velar conmigo una hora? (Mateo 26:40.). Los invitamos a compartir ante El Santísimo Sacramento. Comparta con Jesús sus pensamientos más profundos, o simplemente quédese tranquilo con El ofreciéndole alabanzas y acción de gracias por todo lo que Él le ha dado. Tendremos la Adoración en la Capilla desde el 27 de octubre al 26 de noviembre, de lunes a viernes de 9AM a 7PM. Conviértase en un "Guardián de la Hora". Vaya a la mesa del conserje para inscribirse después de las Misas de fin de semana o en la salón afuera de la capilla durante el fin de semana. Our November Ultreya will be Friday, November 21 at 7PM in the School Cafeteria. Please come for prayer and spiritual uplifting; for fellowship and sharing. For more information, please call Evelyn Miller 407.898.7036. Please remember Ultreya starts at 7PM. De Colores! ✥-A todos los Cursillistas: Nuestra Ultreya de noviembre será el viernes 21 a las 7PM en la cafetería de la escuela. Por favor, venga para la oración y elevación espiritual; para la camaradería y un compartir. Para obtener más información, llame a Evelyn Miller al 407.898.7036. Por favor, recuerde que Ultreya comienza a las 7PM. ¡De Colores! Slips will be available in the Church the weekends of November 22 and 23 and November 29 and December 1 for suggested Christmas gifts for migrant children, nursing homes and Pathway to Care residents. Gifts can be returned at all Masses on December 6, 7, 13, and 14. Please participate as you have in past years by selecting a slip for suggested gifts. Thank you for your continued generous support. ✥Servicios para Familias- Regalos de Navidad: Las hojas con sugerencias de regalos navideños para niños migrantes, hogares de ancianos, y residentes de “Pathway to Care”, estarán disponibles en la Iglesia los fines de semana del 22 y 23 de noviembre, y del 29 y 30 de noviembre. Los regalos pueden ser entregados durante las misas del 7, 8, 14 y 15 de diciembre. Por favor, participe como lo ha hecho en los últimos años seleccionando un regalo sugerido. Gracias por su generoso apoyo. Witness a holiday classic brought to life on stage on December 5 and 6 at 8PM in the Parish Life Center. Be prepared to be amazed and moved as our LifeTeen Ministry presents this 1940s live radio broadcast! ✥-Programa radial Es una Vida Maravillosa: Sea testigo de un clásico navideño presentado en escena el 5 y 6 de diciembre a las 8pm, en el PLC. Prepárese para ser sorprendido y conmovido cuando nuestro ministerio Life Teen presente esta emisión de radio de los años 40 en directo! We are, indeed, uniquely created to serve God in wonderful and powerful ways! Join us this Sunday, November 16 at 1:30PM in the Parish Life Center and don’t miss this one-day retreat that provides foundational information on the “Living Your Strengths” concept that will begin you on the journey of being the best version of yourself for the Kingdom of God. We focus on what you naturally do well, because that is where God has gifted you! In preparation for the retreat, we highly recommend taking the Clifton StrengthsFinder® (theme names are trademark of Gallup, Inc.) to discover your Top 5 “Signature” themes of talent. The “Living Your Strengths” book can be purchased for $15 in the Parish Office or Religious Book Store. If you are not ready to take the Clifton StrengthsFinder® and just want to learn more about the strengths concept, you are more than welcome to attend. There is no fee for the retreat itself! Contact Melissa Findley at 407.265.2311 or [email protected]. ✥- Viviendo Sus Fortalezas: ¡Un día de retiro gratis! Verdaderamente somos creados como individuos únicos, para servir a Dios de una forma maravillosa y poderosa. No se pierda el retiro el 16 de Noviembre a la 1:30PM en el Parish Life Center. Este día de retiro nos proveerá la información fundamental sobre el concepto de “Vivir Sus Fortalezas” para iniciar el camino que lo guiará a ser su mejor versión de sí mismos para el Reino de Dios. Nos enfocamos en lo que cada uno de nosotros hacemos bien naturalmente, porque éstos son los dones que Dios nos ha dado a cada uno. Les recomendamos que haga el ejercicio: Clifton StrengthsFinder® (los títulos de los temas son propiedad de Gallup, Inc.)” que se encuentra en el libro “Viviendo Sus Fortalezas” que está a la venta por $15, en la oficina parroquial o en la tienda de libros religiosos. Este ejercicio le ayudará a descubrir sus primeros 5 talentos principales. Si no está dispuesto a hacer el ejercicio, sino simplemente quiere conocer más sobre el concepto de “fortalezas" también puede asistir. No se cobra nada por la asistencia. Póngase en contacto con Melissa Findley llamando al 407.265.2311 o [email protected] While the saints are meant to be role models for today’s men and women, the Pope likes to remind people that holiness is not something completely out of reach — it’s not some “rare privilege for the few,” but an inheritance everyone receives at baptism. The Pope has said, “Saints aren’t superheroes nor were they born perfect. They are like us, each one of us,” but when they experienced the life-changing encounter with God, they never left His side. So are you ready to be a saint!? ✥ ✥ ✥ ✥ ✥ ✥ ✥ ✥ ✥ ✥ ✥ Follow God with your whole heart, without compromise, without hypocrisy. Get your sense of security from God’s love not things. Always serve others. Learn to suffer with those who suffer; rejoice with those who rejoice. Bear suffering and adversity without hatred. Respond to evil with goodness and mercy. Reconcile people, build peace. Have a joyous, humble heart; don’t judge. Follow the path of the Beatitudes. The saints are on the sidelines telling us, “Be not afraid.” Pray. 10 Secrets via Pope Francis MINISTRY NEWS: We are open after all the Masses on the weekend. We have a variety of Advent wreaths and candles, rosaries, medals, plaques, missals. We also have Bibles and Catechisms that can be used for the current Bible Study. For more information you can call Jo Ann at the Parish Office during the week. ✥-Artículos Religiosos y librería: La tienda está abierta después de todas las misas del fin de semana. Tenemos una gran variedad de rosarios, medallas, placas, misales. También tenemos Biblias y catecismos que se pueden utilizar para el Estudio de la Biblia.. Para más información puede llamar a Jo Ann en la Oficina Parroquial 407.831.1212 durante la semana. The Adopt-a-Family parish program is looking for parishioners interested in adopting a family this holiday season. Please consider sharing your blessings with a family that could use a little extra help this Christmas. If you are interested in sponsoring a local family, please contact Sandy Matusz at [email protected] or 407.325.4390 for more information. “In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.” Matthew 5:16. ✥- Adopte una Familia: El programa Adopt-a-Family parroquial está buscando feligreses interesados en la adopción de una familia durante la época navideña. Por favor, considere compartir sus bendiciones con una familia a quien le vendría bien un poco de ayuda en esta Navidad. Si está interesado en patrocinar a una familia local, póngase en contacto con Sandy Matusz al [email protected] o 407.325.4390 para más información. "De la misma manera deja que tu luz brille ante los hombres, para que vean vuestras buenas obras y glorifiquen a vuestro Padre que está en los cielos."Mateo 5:16 Kids Mass Ministry is Here! Ministering to families with children ages 6 months to 5 years, Kids Mass Ministry offers a safe, friendly, and welcoming environment to inspire children to know and love God through Bible stories, crafts and activities. The ministry is currently offered during the 10AM Mass. For more information and to register, please contact Larann Wilson at [email protected] or 407.265.2303. . Disciple Volunteers needed! Our Children’s Liturgy of the Word Ministry is in need of disciple volunteers for the 10AM and 12PM Masses to help us in bringing the Word of God to our K-5 grade children in such a way that they understand the teaching and can apply the lesson in their own daily lives. Please contact David Salazar at 407.310.8150 or [email protected] for further information. ✥ ¡Necesitamos Discípulos Voluntarios!: El Ministerio de la Liturgia para Niños necesitan más voluntarios durante las Misas dominicales de las 10AM y de las 12PM. Por favor, ayúdenos a llevar la Palabra de Dios a nuestros niños de Kínder al 5to. grado de tal manera que comprendan las enseñanzas y para que aprendan como aplicarlas en sus vidas cotidianas. Para más información por favor, póngase en contacto con David Salazar al 407.310.8150 o [email protected]. Spiritual food, physical food, & fellowship: 5:30 to 8:30 Sunday’s Middle School Night: Wednesdays 7 to 8:30pm I ran in the SMM track race. I collected food for poor people in Scouts. ✥ I helped fix the house. ✥ I prayed for friend that is sick. ✥ I did my chores. ✥ I made breakfast for my family. ✥ I went to Mass. ✥ I shared with friends. ✥ I trained to serve at God's altar. ✥ I pressure washed the drive way. ✥ I was a good friend. ✥ I prayed. ✥ I did my best this trimester. ✥ I helped unload the dishwasher. ✥ I helped move bricks. ✥ I helped train my dog. ✥ ✥ MUSTANG MOMENT: ✥-Open House: St. Mary Magdalen Catholic School invites you to attend our Open House this Sunday, November 16. A presentation by Mrs. Lorianne Rotz, school principal, begins at 1PM followed by the opportunity to take a tour and meet our wonderful teachers and staff. Come and learn more about how we live out our mission statement: To prepare students for life with a quality Christ-centered education in a safe and supportive environment. Families, faculty and parish share in the development of the spiritual, academic, and social potential of each student as a unique child of God. We are located at 869 Maitland Avenue, Altamonte Springs, FL 32701. For additional information please contact Mrs. Brenda East, registrar, at 321.280.5330. ✥-Early Learning Center: St. Mary Magdalen’s Early Learning Center fall enrollment is open! Stop by to learn about our VPK and Pre-K through 3 enrollments. We are open Monday through Friday from 7AM to 6PM. Call 407.831.3740 ext5381 for more information. ✥-S t . M a r y M a g d a l e n ’ s E a r l y L e a r n i n g C e n t e r : ¡Inscriba a sus niños este otoño! Estamos abiertos de lunes a viernes de 7AM a 6 PM. Los invitamos a que visiten el centro de VPK y Pre-K. Habrá 3 oportunidades distintas para inscribir a sus niños. Llame al 407.831.3740 ext.5381 para más información. Dear Lord, Watch over the guardians of our freedom and those who protect our nation. Would you like to honor a loved one or a special event by providing flowers for the Shrine of Our Lady of Grace in the Church? If you are interested in donating, please contact Jo Ann at the Parish Office at 407.831.1212. For Mrs. Adelaide Grisaitis from her sister Mrs. Barbara Tluczek and husband Ronald Be with those serving in the air, on the seas and on distant lands. May their faith in your might give strength and honor to their service. Amen. Pray for these parishioners who are celebrating new life in Baptism, Marriage, or Eternal Life. Baptisms: Jocelyn Rose Bodeep Julia Reese Bodeep Mason Josiah Rabel Deaths: Christopher Watkins Husband of Lisa Bill Kanapaux Brother of Kitty Cathcart Mark Rysavy Husband of Tina Barbara Green G ENERAL P ARISH I NFORMATION Hours: Mon-Thur 8:30 AM -7 PM ; Fri 8:30 AM -4:30 PM Sat 9 AM -12 PM Phone Number: 407.831.1212 PASTORAL TEAM Pastor Associate Pastor Associate Pastor Sacramental Minister Pastoral Associate Deacons Fr. Charlie Mitchell x2316 Fr. Ed Thompson x2315 Fr. Alfonso Cely, O.P. x2318 Fr. Patrick Patton Lois Locey x2317 Marshall Gibbs, Juan Cruz, Jerry Kelly, Henry Libersat, Greg Nelsen & Bill O’Brien, Israel Colon MUSIC AND LITURGY Steward for Music & Liturgy Liturgy Assistant Steward for Contemporary Christian Choirs Mark Ayers Debbie Karleskint Andres Ocampo Fax: 407.831.1560 407.831.1212 x 2310 x 2310 X2603 Lorianne Rotz SCHOOL OFFICE 407.339.7301 Principal Brenda East x 5332 Registration Elisa Steiner (Director) x 5330 407.831.1212 EARLY LEARNING CENTER MEMBERSHIP SERVICES Cecile Bertot (Chair) 407.831.3740 x5381 x2307 Ministry to Sick & Grieving Rosemary Kazyk Joe Hillebrandt (Vice Chair) PASTORAL COUNCIL x2311 Time, Talent & Evangelization Melissa Findley Adult Center SHARE THE CARE 407.423.5311 x2313 Facilities Director Vince Edman x2314 Assistant Facilities Director Leslie McCranie S A C R A M E N T I N F O R M A T I O N x2300 Membership Admin. Assistant Lisa Oak x2312 5PM, 7 PM (Español ) SATURDAY VIGIL Parish Accountant Heidi Lewis x2302 8AM, 10AM (Interpreted for the deaf), SUNDAY Administrative Intern Julie Daligney 12NOON, 5:30 PM Receptionist Jo Ann Kuhn/Wanda Padin x2309/x2320 Mon-Fri: 7AM, 8:30AM, Saturdays 8AM, WEEKDAY Bulletin Editor Lisa Sojourner [email protected] Thurs 7PM (Español) Morning Rosary 8 AM (Monday-Saturday) LIFELONG FAITH FORMATION Adoration First Friday 9 AM - 5PM (In the Chapel) x2318 Steward for Faith Formation Fr. Alfonso Cely, O.P. Prayer Line 407.830.9042 [email protected] x2304 Steward for Adult Sacramental Preparation Deacon Marshall Gibbs Sacrament of Reconciliation Sat 3-4PM (English), Sat after 5PM Mass (Eng/Sp) x2303 Steward for Children & Family Larann Wilson Sacrament of Initiation, Deacon Marshall x2305 Steward for Youth Ministry Darryl Dziedzic Baptism and Matrimony Lucy Berger/Fr. Charlie Mitchell x2306 Steward for Annulments Sister Pat O’Malley Sacrament of the Sick Rosemary Kazyk x2301 Project Coord . for Faith Formation Lucy Berger Religious Bookstore Contact Jo Ann Kuhn O UR C ATHOLIC F AITH : T IME AND T ALENT : Sacrificial Giving flows out of an understanding that everything we are and have is a gift from God. When we give a portion of our time, talent and money, we are expressing our commitment to this reality. Our baptism reminds us of our new life in Christ. We are called to be a witness to this new life 24 hours a day—in our home, neighborhood and job. By giving a portion of our time, talent and money and by making it visible to ourselves and to others, we continually remind ourselves of this reality. When we consider our participation in Sacrificial Giving, we need to include our time and talent as well as our money. Just as in giving money, giving time and talent expresses our gratitude to the God who has given us these gifts. the center of our life, we become more prayerful, more focused on loving and caring for our families and our neighbor in need and less preoccupied with material things. In short, we find the true source of happiness and fulfillment that we all seek and that the Lord alone can provide. It’s been said that “People make the time and find the money for what they value most.” We must challenge each other, as disciples of Jesus Christ, to value God above all else. This belief will lead us to put our faith in action by finding the time and money to promote God’s priorities because we have made them our priorities as well. H OW W ILL Y OU R ESPOND ?: Every year Our gifts of money do not substitute for gifts of time and talent. Neither do time and talent substitute for giving of financial resources. All our gifts are from God. As you make your decision about the portion of income you will give this year to your parish, the poor and other charities, consider as well what you will give of your time and talent. Consider the guideline of committing five hours per week to parish or other church ministries and activities, community work or other kinds of social service. We can give more or less than this guide depending on our situation. P L ACE G OD F IRS T IN A LL T HINGS : This means making God’s priorities our priorities. When we place our loving Creator at you will have the opportunity to reflect on and re-evaluate your giving in light of your commitment to your faith. As you decide on the percentage of your income to give, you are asked to consider giving onehalf of that amount to our parish and one-half to other charities. The “Take a Step” Planning Guide/Commitment Card to help you determine the percentage of your income you wish to commit to Sacrificial Giving for this next year. Please fill out and tear off the commitment card attached to it and return it to the parish. This enables our parish leaders to plan a budget for the year. Please use the Sunday envelope each week as the way in which you offer your gift to our Parish. Sacrificial giving is a necessary expression of our faith, of what we say we believe. We channel a portion of our giving through our parish because it is the body which most clearly bears witness to the meaning and values we find at the center of our lives. F AT H E R E D ’ S Q U E S T I O N B OX © My Jewish friend asked me to explain the Creed expression about Jesus: ‘He descended into Hell? ✥ ¿Un amigo judío me pidió que le explicara la expresión en el Credo sobre Jesús: "Descendió a los infiernos." Scripture call the abode of the dead to which the dead Christ went down “hell,” “Sheol” in Hebrew, “Hades” in Greek – the inferior regions for both the good and the bad. Jesus went down to the “hell of the just” not to the “hell of the damned;” He did not destroy the hell of damnation nor did he deliver the damned. (“Heb. 2:14-15) (“Catechism,” 632-637). ✥ Las Escrituras llaman “infierno”, “Seol” en hebreo y “Hades” en griego, a la morada de los muertos a la que fue Cristo al morir - las regiones inferiores tanto para los buenos como para los malos. Jesús bajó al “infierno de los justos”, no al “infierno de los condenados;” Él no destruyó el infierno de la condenación, ni tampoco entregó a los condenados. (Hebreos 2:14-15) (“Catecismo”, 632-637). MASS INTENTIONS W E E K LY C A L E N D A R RV 1:1-4; 2:1-5; PS 1; LK 18:35-43 7:00AM 8:30AM Don Gallagher Daria Dittmer Hardin Gary and Michael Sydnor Deacon Norm Kazyk Terry Brennan Sister Barbara Gazzella RV 3:1-6, 14-22; PS 15; LK 19:1-10 7:00AM 8:30AM Nora Drew Chris Aurand Emma Sisco Edward A Gallagher III Flora Dore Mary Costello Intentions of Hibett Lozada Intentions of Ed & Karen Gallahger RV 4:1-11; PS 150; LK 19:11-28 7:00AM 8:30AM Florence and Joseph Pellegrini Intentions of Nila Passilla All Souls in Purgatory Jim Cathcart Betty Hutton Mike Slivinski RV 5:1-10; PS 149; LK 19:41-44 7:00AM 8:30AM 7:00PM Katie White Maeve, Joseph and Ray Gosselin D’Souza and Barretto Families Pam Susac Todd Heusel Aaron and Sabina Lindquist All the People of the Parish RV 10:8-11; PS 119; LK 19:45-48 7:00AM 8:30AM Betty Hutton Joe Verlander Intentions of Mary and Charles Mitchell Intentions of Father Charlie Mitchell Joe, Jerry and Chris Cina Living Your Strengths Day of Reflection – PLC – 1:30PM The Bible Timeline Series – Adult Center – 6:30PM Life Teen – PLC – 6:30PM Happy Birthday Father Charlie! Men’s Bible Study – Mother Teresa Room – 7:00AM Grief Support Group – Parish Office – 10:00AM Confirmation Rehearsal – PLC and Church – 7:00PM Centering Prayer Meeting – Parish Office – 6:30PM Acts 29 Meeting – Mother Teresa Room – 7:00PM New Beginnings Meeting – School Room 105 – 7:00PM Young Adults 20’s and 30’s Meeting – St. Francis of Assisi Room – 7:00PM Spanish Coordinators Meeting – Pope John Paul II Room II – 7:00PM The Gospel of Matthew Series – San Juan de la Cruz Room – 7:15PM Father Ed’s Bible Class – Parish Office – 7:30AM American Sign Language Class – Parish Office – 6:30PM Spanish Baptism Class – Pope John Paul II Room – 7:00PM The Bible Timeline Series – Mother Teresa Room – 7:15PM John XXIII Meeting – School Cafeteria – 7:00PM The Gospel of Matthew Series – PLC – 9:45AM Women’s Theology Group – Pope John Paul II Room – 11:30PM Wednesday Afternoon Seniors – Mother Teresa Room – 1:00PM P.R.E.P. – Church – 4:00PM Quick Journey through the Bible – St. Ignatius of Loyola Room – 6:30PM EDGE – PLC – 7:00PM Our Lady’s Rosary Group – Chapel – 7:00PM Respect Life Meeting – Parish Office – 7:00PM Peace Orphanage Meeting – Parish Office – 7:00PM RV 11:4-12; PS 144; LK 20:27-40 8:00AM 5:00PM 7:00PM 8:00AM 10:00AM 12:00PM 5:30PM Mary Beers Antonio Morolla Estrella Tomas Somilia Bazile Ellen Chard Brennen-Schad Families Scott Botticello Josefina Silva Isabel Faura Hildebrando Boderth The Bible Timeline Series – Mother Teresa Room – 9:30AM Grief Support Group – Parish Office – 10:00AM Men’s Club – Mother Teresa Room – 7:30PM Oración Centrante – Parish Office – 10:00AM Niño’s en Accion – St. Katherine Drexel Room – 6:00PM Confirmation – Church – 7:00PM Cursillo Ultreya – School Cafeteria – 7:00PM Renovacion Carismática – San Juan de la Cruz Room – 7:00PM EZ34:11-12,15-17;PS23;1COR15:20-26,28;MT25:31-46 Clementina Auciello Walter Pippin Families Ministering to Families – Mother Teresa Room – 9:00AM Joan Hopper P.R.E.P. – Church – 9:15AM Safe Return of our U.S. Deployed Military Mike Koch John Alfred Baird James Montgomery Happy Sunday Vicki Isola Lou Di Lello Brian Shepardson Margaret and Edward Weite Robert Stephen Davidson and Family Need to Check out our Calendar During the Week? Intentions of SMM Men’s Club and Follow our Scan Code or go to the Following Link for our Online Calendar: the Men and Women in the Military
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