San Fernando Cathedral The Oldest Cathedral Sanctuary in the United States-Founded in 1731 Location– 115 W. Main Plaza Parish Office Mailing Address - 231 W. Commerce San Antonio, TX 78205 Most Reverend Gustavo García-Siller, M.Sp.S Archbishop of San Antonio San Francesco di Paola Catholic Church Location - 205 Piazza Italia Parish Office Mailing Address - P. O. Box 7783 San Antonio, TX 78207 SAN FERNANDO CATHEDRAL SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS FEBRUARY 15, 2015 Pastoral Staff/Equipo Pastoral Office Hours Very Rev. Tony Vilano, J.C.L - Rector Tuesday - Friday 9:00am - 5:00pm Rev. Prasanna Mese-Parochial Vicar Closed for lunch from 12:00pm - 1:00pm Rev. Krikor Gregory Chahin, PhD- Parochial Vicar Deacon Ismael Casanova Parish office: (210) 227-1297 Deacon Doroteo Pedroza Fax: (210) 271-0149 Deacon Pete G. Nañez Gift Shop: (210) 357-5608 Gift Shop Fax: (210) 223-7854 Deacon Julio Garcia III Deacon Victor Cepero Deacon Joe Marroquin Lupita Mandujano-Director of Religious Ed. Rick Mc Laughlin-Director of Music Ministries Janie Vela-Cavazos-Admin. Assistant Ext. 133 Ext. 154 Ext. 122 Development office: (210) 576-1365 Fax: (210) 576-1367 MASSES Saturday/Sabado - 8:00a.m. (Sabatina Español) & 5:00p.m. (English) Administration/Administración Louis Sanchez - Administrator Ext. 129 Ruben Alvarado - Receptionist/Baptism/Mass Intentions Ext. 128 Veronica Alvarez - Wedding Coordinator Ext. 131 Arturo Bustamante– Maintenance Mary E. Garza - Bookkeeper Ext. 130 Amelia Nieto - Office of Advancement Ext. 126 Sunday/Domingo - 6:00 a.m (Español), 8:00 a.m. (Español/Televised), 10:00 a.m. (English), 12:00 p.m. (Español), 2:00 p.m. (English), 5:00 p.m. (Bilingual) Monday/Lunes - 12:05 p.m. (Bilingual) Tues/Martes - Fri./Viernes - 6:15 a.m. & 12:05 p.m. (Bilingual) Confessions/Confesíones Elizabeth Nunez - Housekeeper Dora Ramos - Gift Shop Manager Everyday from 10:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. Ext. 150 Adoration - Every 3rd Wednesday at 7pm Marta Figueroa - Sacristan Development/Desarrollo Amelia Nieto, CFRE - Executive Director Baptism/Bautismos/Marriage/Matrimonio Please contact the Parish Office /Favor de llamar a la Oficina Ext. 126 Parish Organizations Organization Meeting Day Time Location Hijas de Maria Knights of Columbus Columbian Squires Finance Council ACTS Core Group Prayer Group 1st Sunday 2nd Sunday 3rd Sunday Last Thursday 3rd Monday Every Tuesday 11:00 a.m. 3:30 p.m. 3:30 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. La Sala Choir Room San Jose Room Conference Room Concepcion Room Concepcion Room Please pray for those who are sick and in need of healing graces…John A. Cavazos, Josie Castillo, Mallory Rayne Salazar, Leo Castillo, Madelyn R. Salazar, Matthew J. Salazar, Elva M. Mc Knight, Santos Araujo, Lonnie Cantu, Carlos E. Alvarado, Yvette Alizadeh, Arnulfo Valencia, Antonio Vargas Sr., Maria Regina Vidal, Lucy Rodriguez, Eduardo Gutierrez Castro, Tony Pecina, Sandra Villarreal, Dolores Moreno, San Mario Alberto Casarez, Maria L. Gara, Sandra Urdiales, Roberto M. Martinez, Laura Curtis, Theresa Luna, Alicia Torres, David Olivares, Santos Garza Jr., Manuel Sosa, Juliet Hernandez, Linda Alcorta, Connie Winters, Catarina Zendejas, Charles Francis Rufe, Juanito Valencia, Elsa Munoz, Ramona Bell, Martin Gutierrez Jr., Melissa Rose Gutierrez, Crystal Rose Garcia, Kimberly Marie Gutierrez, James Hernandez, Maria Y. Torres, Josie Lopez, Guadalupe Sanchez, Olga Medina, Susan De Luna, Rosemary Aguillard, Alex Castro, Tony Alvarado Sr., Robert Muniz, Joseph Weich, Rebecca Grace Shauvn, Janie Morin, Gloria Rodriguez, Christine Maldonado, Raymond Sandoval, Angelita Najera, Flora Cuellar, Teresa Mendez, Josh Reyes, Robert Reyes, Robert Macias, Florinda Delgado, Lavern Gully, Blas Saenz, Christopher Michael Mireles, Hector Sanchez, Benita Rivas, Julian Vasquez, Mr. Reymundo Rocha, Mrs. Eileen Aguirre, Antonia Martinez, Roberto A. Huesca, Michelle Vargas, Joshua Vargas, Olga Villaseñor, Robert Aguilar, Natalia Contreras, Victor Cepero, Bea Cepero, Nena Mendez, Ray Hernandez Sr., Patricia Mathuren, Ruby Zamora, Levy Zamora, Alice Bolanos, Marivic A. Bonto-Kane, Rodolfo Meyers, John J. Kane, Gloria A. Bonto, Peter Paul Vincent A. Bonto, Joe Gonzalez, Jeremy Perez, Maria Martinez, Francisco Gaytan, Ramon Gutierrez, Maria Dolores Salas, Carmen Natal, Lydia Natal, Isabella Rodriguez, Eddie Ramirez, Julian Flores, Antonio Valadez, Bobby Rivera, Lisa Saenz, Elizabeth Garcia Rodriguez, Louis Martin Gutierrez Jr, Rosemary Aguilard, Rafael Garcia, Rudy Aguilar, Daniel Gonzales, Ruben Corpus, Sulema Muniz, Andrea Fatima Asencio, Evelyn Rose Hernandez, Manuel Castillo Jr., Victor Mazac, Jayleen Solis, Ynes Sandoval Trevino Jr., Marvin Elkin, Daniel Dominguez, Janie Aleman, Angel Aguilar, Olivia Ortiz, Sidra Vela, Francisco Avila, Yoelia Cepero, Fidel Rodriguez, Faith Rodriguez, Roger Gonzalez, Steven Pripdel, Linda Wapp, Dianna Hernandez, Gloria A. Bonto, Shirley Acosta, Samuel Allen Ward, Olivia Sophia Rodriguez, Caleb Luke, Jake Lou, Carol Schunter, Teresa Mendez, Maria Saucedo, Will Mair, Catherine Mair, Alex Castro, Olivia De Cordova, Juan C. Alvarez, Nieves O’Neil, Veronica Luisa Ernest, Rayappa Mesa, Irene & Glenn Shifflet Sr., Eladio Alvarado Jr, Gloria Menchaca, Frank De Leon, Rylee Ramon, Raymond Cosme, Ophelia Rios, Ghincea Garay, Robert Anthony Rios & Alfonso Cazares If you would like a name to be put on the prayer list please call the parish office at 210-227-1297. Thank you! SAN FERNANDO CATHEDRAL SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS FEBRUARY 15, 2015 A Message from Fr. Tony Un mensaje de parte de Padre Tony FOR THE GLORY OF GOD PARA LA GLORIA DE DIOS The entire history of the Jewish people is directed toward one goal: that God might be glorified through the chosen people. Christians, too, are called to “do everything for the glory of God.” In today’s scriptures Paul reminds us that the best way for us to glorify God is to seek to benefit “the many,” as Christ did when he shed his blood for all of humankind. La historia completa del pueblo judío va dirigida hacia una meta: que Dios sea glorificado por medio del pueblo escogido. Los cristianos también están llamados a “hacer todo para la gloria de Dios”. En las Escrituras de hoy Pablo nos recuerda que la mejor manera que tenemos para glorificar a Dios es buscar el beneficio de “todos” tal como Cristo hizo cuando derramó su sangre por toda la humanidad. The reading from Leviticus explains one way the Jews sought to benefit the many, by keeping lepers and leprosy away from the chosen people. Jesus finds a better way. He cures the leper, who immediately re‑enters the community to spread the good news about Jesus to everyone who will listen. In this way both Jesus and the leper fulfill their calling to glorify the God who fills us “with the joy of salvation.” La lectura de Levítico explica una manera en que los judíos buscaban el beneficio de muchos, manteniendo a los leprosos y la lepra alejados del pueblo escogido. Jesús encuentra una manera mejor: cura al leproso, que inmediatamente retorna a la comunidad para difundir la Buena Nueva de Jesús a todo el que le escuche. De este modo tanto Jesús como el leproso cumplen con su llamado de glorificar al Dios que nos llena “con la alegría de la salvación”. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. Confessions/Confesíones (Everyday) - 10:00a.m. - 5:00p.m. TODAY’S READINGS LECTURAS DE HOY First Reading — The leper will dwell apart, making an abode outside the camp (LeviƟcus 13:1-2, 44-46). Primera lectura — El leproso habitará solo, fuera del campamento (LevíƟco 13:1-2, 44-46). Psalm — I turn to you, Lord, in Ɵme of trouble, and you fill me with the joy of salvaƟon (Psalm 32). Second Reading — Do everything for the glory of God; be imitators of Christ (1 Corinthians 10:31 — 11:1). Gospel — The leprosy leŌ him immediately, and he was made clean (Mark 1:40-45). Salmo — Perdona, Señor, nuestros pecados (Salmo 32 [31]). Segunda lectura — Haz todo por la gloria de Dios; sean imitadores de Cristo (1 CorinƟos 10:31 — 11:1). Evangelio — Jesús, después de haber curado a un hombre leproso, le pide que no se lo cuente a nadie (Marcos 1:4045). LENTEN REFLECTION Every Thursday evening beginning on February 19th, from 7pm - 8:30pm Mardi & Bob Baron will begin the yearly Lenten ReflecƟon at the San Fernando Cathedral Centre at 231 W. Commerce in the San Juan Room on the 2nd Floor. Let us join together, read the Sunday Readings and Reflect on God’s Word. SAN FERNANDO CATHEDRAL SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS FEBRUARY 15, 2015 2015 Archdiocese of San Antonio Archbishop’s Appeal Countless lives are touched by every contribution to the 2015 Archbishop’s Appeal. Children, seminary students, the sick and the aged, the needy—they all depend on our generosity. Thank you for pledging today to help meet our parish goal of $ 42,893.00 and assure the continuation of these programs and services. For more information on the ministries funded by the appeal visit 231 W. Commerce St, San Antonio, TX 78205 (210) 576-1365 [email protected] Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time - February 15, 2015 Whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do everything for the glory of God. — 1 Corinthians 10:31 SAN FERNANDO CATHEDRAL SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS FEBRUARY 15, 2015 SAN FERNANDO CATHEDRAL SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS FEBRUARY 15, 2015 LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Gn 4:1-15, 25; Ps 50:1, 8, 16bc-17, 20-21; Mk 8:11-13 Lunes: Gn 4:1-15, 25; Sal 50 (49):1, 8, 16bc-17, 20-21; Mc 8:11-13 Tuesday: Gn 6:5-8; 7:1-5, 10; Ps 29:1a, 2, 3ac-4, 3b, 9c-10; Mk 8:14-21 Martes: Gn 6:5-8; 7:1-5, 10; Sal 29 (28):1a, 2, 3ac-4, 3b, 9c-10; Mc 8:1421 Wednesday: Jl 2:12-18; Ps 51:3-6ab, 12-14, 17; 2 Cor 5:20 — 6:2; Mt 6:16, 16-18 Miércoles: Thursday: Dt 30:15-20; Ps 1:1-4, 6; Lk 9:22-25 Jl 2:12-18; Sal 51 (50):3-6ab, 12-14, 17; 2 Cor 5:20 — 6:2; Mt 6:1-6, 16-18 Friday: Is 58:1-9a; Ps 51:3-6ab, 18-19; Mt 9:14-15 Jueves: Dt 30:15-20; Sal 1:1-4, 6; Lc 9:22-25 Saturday: Is 58:9b-14; Ps 86:1-6; Lk 5:27-32 Viernes: Is 58:1-9a; Sal 51 (50):3-6ab, 18-19; Mt 9:14-15 Sunday: Gn 9:8-15; Ps 25:4-9; 1 Pt 3:18-22; Mk 1:12-15 Sábado: Domingo: Is 58:9b-14; Sal 86 (85):1-6; Lc 5:27-32 Gn 9:8-15; Sal 25 (24):4-9; 1 Pe 3:18-22; Mc 1:12-15 The Hijas de Maria will be having a trip to The Basilica de San Juan de Valle/Progresso, Mex Sunday, March 1, 2015 - Fee: $50.00 per person (Round trip) Bus Departs from San Fernando at 5am Returning to San Fernando between 10pm & 10:30pm For more information please call: Gloria Gonzalez at 210-533-7475 or Gloria Torres at 223-2515 Please join the Hijas de Maria de San Fernando for a fun-filled trip with Mass at the Basilica and then lots of shopping in Progresso, Mex. If you want to cross the border YOU MUST HAVE A PASSPORT. SAN FERNANDO CATHEDRAL SIXTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME San Fernando Cathedral now Online FEBRUARY 15, 2015 provides Giving—a convenient and safe way to make a one-time or recurring donation. Getting started is easy—just v i s i t o u r w e b s i t e , SUNDAY - FEBUARY 15, 2015 [, 6:00 a.m. Adalberto Flores †Ms. Angela Moore - Rosemary Kowalski securely transferred directly into the parish bank account. And you 8:00 a.m. Parish Community and Television Viewers won’t have to remember to write a check or stop by the ATM on 10:00 a.m. †Jesus Riojas - Carolyn Riojas †Edward F. Bysinski - Dee Villarrubia †Teresa Gatica - Guadalupe Rodriguez & Lucy Martinez †Herminia Ochoa Donnell - Rose Ann Tagle †Isabel Flores Sundays! 12:00 p.m. †Miguel Angel Vazquez & †Julia Quinones Garcia Fernando Landin †Edward F. Bysinski - Dee Villarrubia 2:00 p.m. †Ms Susane “Suzy” Josephson Finesilver - Rosemary Kowalski †Ms. Mary Frances Hollister Holliday - Rosemary Kowalski 5:00 p.m. Adam & Jessica Knueve - Paul & Joyce Knueve and click our Online Giving link. When you participate, your gift will be MONDAY – FEBRUARY 16, 2015 12:05 p.m. Thanksgiving to St. Anthony - Edythe F. Johnson TUESDAY - FEBRUARY 17, 2015 6:15 a.m. 12:05 p.m. For those sick in the Parish Community †Judge Andy Mireles - Mireles Family WEDNESDAY - FEBRUARY 18, 2015 6:15 a.m. 12:05 p.m. 6:15 a.m. 12:05 p.m. For those serving in the Military and their families †Alicia Arizaenzi - Louis & Angie Whitestone 6:15 a.m. NEW GIFT SHOP HOURS Monday thru Saturday: 9:00am - 5:00pm (lunch 1:00pm - 2:00pm) Sunday: 8:30am - 3:30pm Gift Shop now selling Children’s (English), Youth (English) & Adult (English & THURSDAY - FEBRUARY 19, 2015 Spanish) Bibles For Peace Just a friendly reminder, please do not bring candles from your home †Paula Camacho - Camacho Family †Manuel Villa - Children FRIDAY - FEBRUARY 20, 2015 12:05 p.m. “Gift Shop News” Looking for that perfect souvenir gift or do you want to give a gift that is lasting and memorable? Well, stop by our Gift Shop where you will find a great selection of beautiful and unique merchandise. or outside stores to light inside the church. The chemicals in the candles destroy the fibers in tapestry and paint in the paintings and statues. Candles may be purchased in our Gift Shop. For All Missing Children Parish Registration/Forma de Registración Thanksgiving to St. Anthony - Edythe F. Johnson SATURDAY - FEBRUARY 21, 2015 Name:_____________________________________________________________ Nombre 8:00 a.m. For the Parish Community Address:___________________________________________________________ 5:00 p.m. Mary Ann Garza - Husband & Family †Julian Alexander Karnasuta-Gomez - Familia y Abuelita Zip Code:_____________________________________________________________ Domicilio Codigo Postal Telephone Number:______________________________________________ Número de telefono Email:______________________________________________________________ Date:______________________________________________________________ Fecha If you are not receiving envelopes from San Fernando, you are not registered as a parish member. There will be a two month process before receiving envelopes. Please fill out the above form and return it to the Gift Shop to become an official parishioner. San Francesco Di Paola San Antonio, TX FEBRUARY 15, 2015 San Francesco di Paola Catholic Church Location - 205 Piazza Italia/Parish Office Mailing Address - P. O. Box 7783, San Antonio, TX 78207 Office: (210) 227-0548 Fax: (210) 226-5086 Lay Ministry Barbara Bertani Liturgy Committee Jo Ann Scrivano Sick Ministry Rose Marie Pagonis Altar and Rosary Society Cathy Ruffo Aguirre San Francescani Society Jay Pantusa Baptisms/Bautismos - Website: Mass Schedule: Saturday Sunday Domingo 5:30pm (English) 10:00am (English) 1:30pm (Español) Baptism Classes and required documents are needed please contact Ruben Alvarado at 210-227-1297 ext. 128 for more information and dates. Marriage/Matrimonios & Quinceañera’s - Must be scheduled at least 6 months prior to the wedding or quinceañera date upon availability of the Parish. Paperwork, documents, and requirements must be met before marriage or quinceañera’s are celebrated. Please contact Veronica Alvarez at 210-227-1297 ext. 131 For Hall rentals visit:; phone #223-8284. Funerals - Contact Ruben Alvarado at 210-227-1297 ext. 128. Mass Intentions/Names for Prayer of the Sick- can be made at parish during the weekend mass with the envelopes provided or you may contact Ruben Alvarado at 210-227-1297 ext. 128. Mass Intentions should be made at least three weeks in advance if the intentions are to be put into the bulletin. Please pray for those who are sick and in need of healing graces/ Por favor oren por los enfermos y necesitados de sanación gracias... Finley De Fossett, Angelina & Ivan Hinojosa, Christopher Jackson Bordano, Luke Bordano, Vencie Bordano, Josephine Garza, Jeff Mc Coy, Alexis Kimberly Garcia, Mariah Chanel Torres, Ralph B. Torres, Leonard & Regina Lee, Loretta Gutierrez, Jorge Faria VanDune, Mariana Gaspar, John Tia, Virginia Pantuso, Sher H. Gonzalez Menchaca, Dolores Pantusa, Rosalie Rizzo, Tamara Lee Young, Joseph Roberto Moreno, M. del Carmen Sanchez, Mike Casanovan, Chris Johnson, Adrienna Attention San Francesco Parish Community!!! We are looking for contributions of $100.00 from anyone who would like to help defray the cost of a box of Turkey Legs for the Turkey Leg booth for Fiesta. This would make it possible for a greater profit for San Francesco. Your help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you, Fr. Tony Vilano Toscano, Lori Hanzel, Guido Bordano IV, Mario Reyes & Kathy Greco Sanctuary Lamp for FEBRUARY will shine for: Bob James By: Velma, Don & Chris Monaco The will be Sunday AdoraƟon aŌer the 10:00 a.m. Mass unƟl 1:00pm beginning the First Sunday of Lent (February 22, 2015) San Francesco Di Paola San Antonio, TX FEBRUARY 15, 2015 The Altar and Rosary Society of San Francesco Di Paola Catholic Church cordially invites its members and guest to: Sunday, February 15, 2015 10:00 a.m. 1:30 p.m. †Rosie Granieri - Marc & Karen Machado †Jovita L. Menchaca - Sher H. Gonzalez Menchaca †Diana Gonzalez de Salinas - Sher H. Gonzalez Menchaca Honorary member of the Altar Rosary Society Mrs. Lily Lecocke and all deceased and living members of the Society Our Morning of Prayer and Reflection The Celebration of the Holy Mass will begin at 10:00am, Sunday, March 8, 2015 Celebrant: Rev. Krikor Gregory Chahin Following Mass there will be a brief reception at Columbus Hall (downstairs). Reflection will resume at 11:30am Para la Comunidad de La Parroquia Thursday, February 19, 2015 12:00 p.m. Our Day of Recollection †Mingo Aguirre - John & Rosemary ValenƟne Let us come together and prepare ourselves Spiritually as the Lenten Season is upon us. Deadline for Lunch Reservation is March 6, 2015 Lunch is Complimentary Saturday, February 21, 2015 5:30 p.m. †Rosie Granieri - Humbert & Frances MaroƩa Catering by: Good Time Charlie’s For lunch reservations ONLY, please call: Cathy Ruffo Aguirre at 210-342-2034, Rose Marie Pagonis at 210-344-4226, Vincy Dunn at 210-403-0322 Archbishop’s Appeal Countless lives are touched by every contribution to the 2015 Archbishop’s Appeal. Children, seminary students, the sick and the aged, the needy—they all depend on our generosity. Thank you for pledging today to help meet our parish goal of $__3525.00_ and assure the continuation of these programs and services. For more information on the ministries funded by the appeal visit Flowers for the Altar for February 14th & February 15th Are in memory of †Mingo Aguirre From: Cathy & Family
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