Introducción sobre Curazao La nueva Realidad Mid Shore en el Caribe Xabier Escalante Elguezabal Bogotá Mayo 2015 Características Principales: ü Situada en el sur del Caribe a 70 km de la costa norte de Venezuela ü Área Total: 444 km cuadrados (171.4 millas cuadradas) ü Población: 2012: 151.339 Capital y ciudad más grande: Willemstad ü Los principales idiomas: holandés, papiamento, inglés, español ü Religión principal: Catolicismo ü Clima: clima tropical fuera de zona de Huracanes ü Huso horario: UTC - 04:00 ü Código de área telefónico: +599 9 ü Moneda: Florín antillano (vinculado al $ de los EE.UU. @1.72 ANG por USD$ ) Curazao – Información General Centro Financiero del Caribe desde 1939, • Estructuras corporativas • Administración de Fondos AIFs • Planificación patrimonial familiar y estructuración Características Principales: ü País autónomo dentro del Reino de los Países Bajos. ü El Rey de Holanda es el jefe de Estado ü Gobierno democrático parlamentario y autónomo en todo asunto interno, incluyendo impuestos. ü Derecho Civil. Corte Suprema en La Haya, Holanda. ü Supervisor Banco central de Curazao y Saint Marteen, desde 1826, (mas viejo que el FED!) ü Clima político y jurídico estable. Jurisdicción multimoneda, registros oficiales de documentos en varios idiomas. ü Big 4s, todas las trustco’s mas importantes, 3 bancos Canadienses, múltiples Rep. de bancos Internacionales ü Cumplimiento de estándares internacionales AML; OECD / FATF / EU lista blanca (algunas listas negras todavía quedan pendientes de actualizar) Tratados de impuestos: HOLANDA (“BRK”); Noruega, Malta, Seychelles. Se esperan mas en Latino América TRATADOS DE INTERCAMBIO DE INFORMACION (TIEAS) 18 países; USA, Canadá, Colombia, España… 3 Régimen Export Facility No hay régimen de retenciones en la fuente E-Zone Exención de ganancias de capital Exención de holdings Compañías Segregadas en Celdas Beneficios Corporativos y Fiscales de Curazao Bolsa de Valores del Caribe Trust Anglosajón Régimen Cost Plus Fondos de Inversión Públicos y Privados Fundaciones Privadas ¡A partir del 1ero de julio de 2015 ya no hay requisito de visa de visitante para los Colombianos que viajan a Curazao! Vuelos: Desde Bogotá 1 ½ hora Desde Medellín 1 ½ hora Desde Barranquilla 40 min. ¡O tome uno de los cruceros desde Cartagena! Inauguración del Sambil Shopping Mall mayo 29 y 30! Contáctenos Para más información y/o asistencia en relación con los servicios mencionados arriba u otros servicios prestados por el Grupo SGG, contáctenos en nuestras oficinas en la siguiente dirección: SGG Management (Curaçao) N.V. Bas Horsten Teléfono: + (599) 9 670 1914 [email protected] Xabier Escalante Elguezabal Teléfono: + (599) 9 526-3714 [email protected] Herman Oosten (Fondos de Inversión) + (599) 9 517 3146 [email protected] Kaya W.F.G. (Jombi) Mensing 36 Apdo. 3141 Willemstad, Curaçao, Teléfono: + (599) 9 461 1299 Fax: + (599) 9 461 5392 SGG Management Miami, Florida USA Juan C. DeSousa Teléfono: +1 786 483 4540 [email protected] Asset protection & privacy solutions Colombia – Bogota May 2015 Maike Bergervoet Jeroen Starreveld Focus of today Introduction The Segregated Trust Company Structures Introduction Spigt Dutch Caribbean • Curaçao law office founded in 2001 • Legal and tax solutions • Total of 11 lawyers and tax advisers Maike Bergervoet: corporate, finance & regulatory Jeroen Starreveld: tax litigation & structuring Why Curaçao Curaçao is part of the Kingdom of the Netherlands Legal protection up to the Supreme Court in the Hague (the Netherlands) Well organized legal & tax system and professionals Why Curaçao Curaçao is not a part of the EU, thus………. The draft 4th Anti Moneylaundring Directive will not apply to Curaçao: • Public UBO register: interest or voting power of > 25% • Applies to all entities incorporated under the laws of the EU • Open to everyone with a legitimid interest Under Curaçao law, the typical Dutch privacy solutions are available as well, such as limited partnerships (CV) and foundation (with or without depositary receipts Why Curaçao Typical D utch p rivacy s tructure t hat c an b e r eplaced b y C uraçao e ntities Curaçao founda\on issuing depository receipts LP interest General Partner CV / LP Non EU Holding Company Curaçao Private Founda\on Established under the Laws of Curaçao, resident of the Netherlands Curaçao BV subject to 10% Porfolio investments What is a Segregated Trust Company? • A Curaçao corporation with a capital dividend into shares • Segregated equity can be created by using Curaçao trusts • The Curaçao corporation is the trustee of the Curaçao trusts • Segregation of equity in several trust cells: no recourse on equity that is segrated in a trust cell if the underlying debt is not segrageted in the same trust as well. • No recourse on the general equity of a Segregated Trust Company • No obligation to file annual reports with the Curaçao Chamber of Commerce Basis structure Legal Perspec\ve Cell A Cell B Cell C Tax perspec\ve Board STC / Trustee A/B/C Cell C Cell B Cell A • Practical use of a Segregated Trust Company Holding activities Investment funds Multiple family offices Single family offices Alternatives……………. STC as a holding company A STC holding structure A Opco A B Opco B C Opco C Advantage: risk management in case of various ac\vi\es STC as an investment fund Investors / beneficiaries Different classes of shares A Investment A B Investment B C Investment C Advantages • Investments segregated in trust cell A, B & C • Results do not mix a the level of the STC • Distribu\ons out of one investment can be made regardless the results of the other investments • Investors can decide in which investment they want to par\cipate STC as a multiple family office Founda\on STC / Trustee A/B/C Family C Family B Family A Beneficiaries C Protector C Beneficiaries B Protector B Beneficiaries A Protector A Advantages: • Family estates segrated in trust cells • One trustee / STC for mul\ple families • Beneficiaries / protectors can be appointed per trust cell • New trust cells can be created for new families STC as a single family office Founda\on STC / Trustee A/B/C Ben C Child C: 20 years Ben B Child B: 17 years Ben A Child A: 5 years Advantages: • Family estate is segregated in trust cells • Separate cells for children / beneficiaries • Leeer of wishes per trust cell to determine controle / distribu\ons Alternatives……………………. Legal perspec\ve Cell A Cell B Cell C Tax perspec\ve Board STC / Trustee A/B/C Cell C Cell B Cell A Transfer of funds in the STC Option I: Contributions as share capital or Option II: Contributions directly into the trust cell Option I: Funds contributed as capital Investor A A Investor B B Investor C C Cell C Trustee A/B/C Step 1: Contribu\on as capital Step 2: Segrega\on into the trust cell Cell B Cell A Option I: distributions of profits Investor A A Investor B B Investor C C Cell C Trustee A/B/C Distribu\on of profits Cell A, B en C Repayment of segregated capital Repayment of capital Cell B Cell A Option II: contribution directly into trust cells Investor A A Investor B B Investor C C Cell C Trustee A/B/C Contribu\on directly in trust cell Cell B Cell A Distribution of equity and profits Investor A A Investor B B Investor C C Cell C Trustee A/B/C Distribu\ons directly to the Investors Cell B Cell A Information to be provided to Curaçao tax authorities • Each entity should document information about the ultimate beneficial owner entitled to the equity of the entity. • In case of a limited partnership, the general partner should document who is entitled to the equity of the limited partnership Questions? Maike Bergervoet: [email protected] +5999 4618700 ext 24 Jeroen Starreveld [email protected] +5999 4618700 ext 25
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