NORDI C T R U S T E E Denne melding til obligasjonseieme er kun utarbeidet på engelsk. For informasjon vennligst kontakt Nordic Trustee ASA To the bondholders in: ISIN: NO 001 0724818 - First Priority Oro Negro Impetus Pte. Ltd. Senior Secured Bond Issue 2014/2015 Oslo, 29 January 2015 Sum mons to Bondholders’ Meeting Nordic Trustee ASA is appointed as Bond Trustee for the above mentioned Bond Issue. Capitalised terms used herein shall have the meaning assigned to them in the bond agreement dated 4 December 2014 (the “Bond Agreement”), unless otherwise stated herein. Clearwater Capital Partners Pacific IV, Ltd (“Clearwater”) has in accordance with Clause 16.2.1(b) of the Bond Agreement requested the Bond Trustee to summon a Bondholders’ meeting. Clearwater has requested the Bondholders’ meeting to review, consider and discuss whether the Trustee acted appropriately and in accordance with Bondholders’ best interests when reacting to information provided by Clearwater’s counsel. Following the consideration of such matters, the Bondholders meeting will consider the removal of the Bond Trustee and Security Agent as set out in the Proposals below. Clearwater holds between 10 and 15% of the Bonds in the Bond Issue. Please be advised that an information package from Clearwater will be sent to the Bond Trustee and made available on the website prior to the meeting. If you need further information from Clearwater, please contact Edward Caims ([email protected]) or Andrew Payne ([email protected]'). For the Bondholders’ information, the Bond Trustee wants to point out that the Bond Trustee has conducted its obligations under the Bond Agreement based on thorough assessments and qualified external legal advice. Please also note that the Bond Trustee may provide additional relevant information on the website prior to the meeting. The Bond Trustee wishes to point out that should the said resolutions be adopted, a further Bondholders’ Meeting must be held in order to elect a new Bond Trustee. The Bond Trustee also wants to point out that the proposed change of Bond Trustee and Security Agent is not initiated by the Bond Trustee, and that, should the said proposal be adopted, the Bond Trustee will maintain and fulfill its functions and obligations under the Bond Agreement until a new Bond Trustee is elected. L 5801040 VI 29.01.15 92656-124 2/3 SUMMONS FOR BONDHOLDERS’ MEETING: Bondholders are hereby summoned to a Bondholders’ meeting: Time: Place: 12 February 2015 at 1400 hours (Oslo time), The premises of Nordic Trustee ASA, Haakon Vns gt 1,0161 Oslo - 6th floor The Bond Trustee will provide Bondholders who wish to participate at the meeting by way of telephone conference with call-in details upon receipt of proof of ownership of the Bonds as further described below. Agenda: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Opening of the meeting by the Bond Trustee. Recording of the number of Bondholders and Bonds represented. Approval of the summons. Approval of the agenda. Election of Chairman of the meeting. Proposal for Clearwater representative to be the Chairman. Election of two persons to co-sign the minutes together with the Chairman. Discussion between the participating Bondholders. Request for adoption of resolution 1. Request for adoption of resolution 2. It is proposed from Clearwater that the Bondholders’ Meeting resolve as follows: Resolution 1: The Bond Trustee is replaced by another trustee, such appointment to take place as soon as practicable. Resolution 2: The Security Agent is replaced by another security agent, such appointment to take place as soon as practicable. In order to have a quorum, at least (1/2) (half) of the voting Bonds must be represented at the meeting. Bondholders representing at least 2/3 (two thirds) of the Bonds represented in person or by proxy at the meeting must vote in favour of the resolution. Please find attached a Bondholder’s Form (see Schedule) from the Securities Depository (VPS), indicating your bondholding at the printing date. The Bondholder’s Form will serve as proof of ownership of the Bonds and of the voting rights at the bondholders’ meeting. (If the bonds are held in custody - i.e. the owner is not registered directly in the VPS - the custodian must confirm; (i) the owner of the bonds, (ii) the aggregate nominal amount of the bonds and (iii) the account number in VPS on which the bonds are registered.) 3/3 The individual bondholder may authorise Nordic Trustee to vote on its behalf, in which case the Bondholder’s Form also serves as a proxy. A duly signed Bondholder’s Form, authorising Nordic Trustee to vote, must then be returned to Nordic Trustee prior to the start of the Bondholders' Meeting, by scanned e-mail, telefax or post - please see the first page of this letter for further details. For the avoidance of doubt, Nordic Trustee will not accept any discretion to vote and all Bondholder Forms must indicate clearly whether the Bondholder wishes for Nordic Trustee (as proxy) to vote for or against a particular resolution. In the event that Bonds have been transferred to a new owner after the Bondholder’s Form was made, the new Bondholder must bring to the Bondholders’ meeting or enclose with the proxy, as the case may be, evidence which the Bond Trustee accepts as sufficient proof of the ownership of the Bonds. For practical purposes, we request those who intend to attend the bondholders’ meeting, either in person or by proxy, notify Nordic Trustee by telephone or by e-mail ([email protected]) prior to 16:00 hours (4 pm) (Oslo time) on 11 February 2015. Call in details will be provided to Bondholders wishing to participate in the discussions to be held in the Bondholders' Meeting. Such participation will not be counted as attendance at the meeting and it will not be possible to cast any vote over the phone. More information on how to get access to the call in details will be posted on the website prior to the meeting. Yours sincerely Nordic Trustee ASA Enclosed as Schedule: Bondholder’s Form
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