St. Cecilia Church Iglesia Santa Cecilia Celebrating 100 Years est. 1913 5105 SW Franklin Ave. Beaverton, Or 97005 Phone:(503) 644-2619 Fax: (503) 626-7204 Web Site: February 14, 2016 Rev. Cary Reniva, Pastor Fr. Mark Bentz, Parochial Vicar Deacon Bill Richardson, Hispanic Ministry, Ext. 176 Parish Office, Press 2 Cheryl Motal, Office Coordinator, Ext. 160 Jim Cassinelli, Business Manager, Ext. 164 Shelly Schultheis, Accountant, Ext. 162 Michelle Hallett, Development, Ext. 178 Erika Ascencio, Hispanic Asst., Ext. 161 MASS SCHEDULE SATURDAY 5:00pm (Vigil) 7:00pm (Vigil – Spanish) SUNDAY 7:30am 9:00am 10:45am 12:30pm 2:30pm (Spanish) WEEKDAYS Monday through Saturday 8:00am RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Adult Faith Programs Betsy Willing, Ext. 163 RCIA Mike Flanigan 503-524-6922 Middle School/High School Confirmation Mary Kiefer, Ext. 171 Elementary RE (Grades 1-5) Amy Maris-Volf, Ext. 172 Nursery & Preschool Betsy Willing, Ext. 163 Spanish RE, K-12 Letty Rodriguez, Ext. 173 CONFESSIONS/ CONFESIONES Saturday/Sabado 8:40am - 10:00am 3:30pm - 4:40pm ST. CECILIA SCHOOL Sue Harris, Principal Tami McIntyre, Registrar School Office, 503-644-2619 Press 3 Parish Office Hours (English): Monday through Thursday 8:30am to Noon, 1:00pm to 5:00pm. Horario de Oficina en Español: para bautismos, quinceañeras y catecismo para niños, jóvenes y adultos, Lunes-Jueves 2-5pm only St. Vincent de Paul: 503-643-1702 Infant Baptism: Before scheduling a date for baptism, parents must be registered members of St. Cecilia Parish and attend a baptism preparation class. To register for English baptism classes and for more information, contact Betsy Willing 503-270-6564. Inquiries for Spanish baptisms should be directed to Erika Ascencio, 503- 644-2619, Ext. 161. Matrimony: Couples must contact a parish priest and arrange for pre-marriage instructions. No date will be set until there is a conference with a parish priest, at least six months prior to the wedding. Ministry to the Sick & Homebound, Anointing, & "Welcome Ministry": Call Joye Boone, 503 644-2619, Ext. 170. Are you pregnant and considering your options? Catholic Charities can help: 503-238-5196. Funeral Services: Please contact the parish priest before scheduling any funeral services. Perpetual Adoration: Chapel is open 24 hours and located in the Parish Center. Bulletin Deadline: 10:00am Monday for the following Sunday. Please submit bulletin information to a “new” email account, [email protected]. The Church gives us three practices of LENT—prayer, fasting, and almsgiving—to help us prepare to receive whatever God wants to give us. These practices are a signal to God and to ourselves that we know we need God in our lives. Lent helps us act first and then gain the motivation to change our lives. Prayer . . . Attend daily Mass and/or come to Friday Soup Supper/Speaker/Stations of the Cross Fasting and Abstinence . . . All Catholics 14 years and older must abstain from meat on Ash Wednesday, the Fridays of Lent and Good Friday. All Catholics between the ages of 18 and 59 are to fast on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday. To fast means to eat one full meal. Two smaller meals may also be taken for good health, but together they should not be greater than a full meal. Eating between meals is not permitted; however, liquids (including coffee, milk and fruit juices) are allowed. Almsgiving . . . Try to put aside $1 each day or $8 each week for the 40 days of Lent for Outreach Ministries of our Parish: Our Partner Parish-Christ the King in New Mexico, St. Vincent de Paul, Social Concerns Ministry. Please look for your weekly Lenten envelopes mailed in the regular mail packet. A special collection will be taken on Palm Sunday for those who do not use envelopes. THANK YOU FOR YOUR GENEROSITY!!! PASTOR’S CORNER FIRST SUNDAY OF LENT Last Wednesday, when we were signed with ashes, we formally entered into the season of Lent. Though the liturgical seasons of the Church highlight the mysteries of the life of Christ, they also reflect the dynamism and the movement of our own lives. In the Gospel for this Sunday, Jesus was in the desert. In the biblical and spiritual tradition, the desert or the wilderness is a place of solitude and reflection, a place where God made his covenant with Israel, but at the same time, it is also a place where the Chosen People were tested in their faithfulness to Yahweh and where they repeatedly failed. Since the desert is a place where one is stripped of what is comfortable and survival becomes the primary concern, the human person is once again reoriented to consider only the things that are truly essential. If Lent is a spiritual wilderness experience, then it calls us to strip ourselves of those things that have overpowered and overwhelmed us in our day to day life that, in the final analysis, are just litter and unimportant. This “de-cluttering” is what we call fasting, our spiritual detoxification so that at Easter we are once again reborn and renewed into the original person that God has willed and envisioned us to be. Lent is not just a break or a pause from those things that we consider mundane and unimportant, but rather a period of transformation that leads to spiritual rebirth that does not want to go back to a life of sin and dissipation. If one takes this seriously, then fasting moves us to generosity (the aim of almsgiving as a spiritual component of Lent). A person who genuinely understands his or her essence and call after a period of “de-cluttering” will not fail to realize that he/she is called to service. When we speak of almsgiving as a Lenten practice, it transcends material giving. It speaks of a deliberate gaze on the other person as a subject of God’s love, thus inviting us to treat the other as we would treat ourselves. Both fasting and almsgiving would only be authentic if they are rooted in prayer. Prayer has a dual function in our Lenten practice: it is the source of a genuine fasting and almsgiving, but also an end result of the two practices. A person who de-clutters (fasting) is led and moved to a compassionate and merciful act towards the other (almsgiving) will necessarily encounter himself or herself in a profounder relationship with God (prayer). It is my ardent prayer and hope that this season of Lent will bring about a vigorous and joyful transformation in our relationship with God, with others and with our own selves. – Fr. Cary MASS INTENTIONS Saturday, February 13th 5:00pm †Alfred Dinges—Leona Dinges 7:00pm Souls in Purgatory—Rios Family Sunday, February 14th 7:30am †Ray Schuetze—Fran Redlinger 9:00am †Floyd R. Mode—Allison Finney 10:45am People of St. Cecilia 12:30pm †Philomena Phi—Bui Nguyen Family 2:30pm †Debby Winter—Rafaela Contreras Monday, February 15th 8:00am Int. Social Concerns Tuesday, February 16th 8:00am †Kenneth Jansen—Kathy & Patrick O’Claire Wednesday, February 17th 8:00am †Edward T. Conway—Jean Conway Thursday, February 18th 8:00am Int. SVDP Members Friday, February 19th 8:00am †Charles Gusman—George Gusman Saturday, February 20th 8:00am Int. John Hesla Francis Brungard, Geraldine Cagney, Peter Reding, Charlie Schnatter, Richard Stahl VOCATIONS Contact: Tom Eyer, (503) 804-0398 VOCATIONS COMMITTEE We ask each parishioner to pray the following Petition to God: “For all men and women being chosen by Christ to follow Him as priests, deacons, sisters and brothers, that they will persevere in the face of temptations against faithfulness to their call,” We pray to the Lord. “We are dependent upon God for all that we have and all that we are.” PARISH OFFICE CLOSED Monday, February 15th in observance of President’s Day Place your items for St. Vincent de Paul in the barrels at the main entrance to the church and the West annex door: Needed this week: CANNED MEATS Come hang out with Mom's Fellowship. We meet the 1st and 3rd Thursday's 9-11am in the Fireside room. Free childcare and great fellowship! Next meeting is Thursday, February 18th Questions can be directed to [email protected] USHER SAFETY TRAINING Safety training for all ushers of the parish is scheduled for Saturday, February 20, 2016, from 9:00AM to approximately 10:30AM in the school library. Beaverton Police Officer Jamie Beam will give a presentation on how to handle dangerous or threatening situations and/or medical emergencies which may arise during our worship services. A short question and answer period will follow the presentation. All ushers are strongly encouraged to attend. LOST & FOUND There are two drawers in the Server Sacristy that are heaping with lost & found: Umbrellas; Bibles; Children’s Book & Toys; Hats, Scarves & Gloves; …. Unclaimed items will be donated to a new home on Monday, February 22nd. “MERCIFUL LIKE THE FATHER” Jubilee of Mercy (12/8/15—11/20/16) AN INVITATION FROM JESUS TO: WHO —YOU WHAT—TO BECOME A DIVINE MERCY CRUSADER WHY—TO SPREAD THE MESSAGE OF DIVINE MERCY WHEN—NOW, THE JUBILEE OF MERCY American Red Cross Blood Drive Thurs. February 25th from 1:30—6:30pm St. Cecilia Parish Center To schedule your appointment, contact 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767) or — sponsor code: StCeciliaBeaverton MEN’S (Ages 18 +) BASKETBALL Sunday nights, 7:00pm, Activity Center February 14, 21 28 Organizer is Mike Droessler, [email protected] WHERE—TO ALL THE ASSISTED LIVING, RETIREMENT HOMES, CARE CENTERS AND INDIVIDUAL HOMES THAT ST. CECILIA COMMUNION VISITORS CURRENTLY VISIT. You do not have to be a communion visitor! All the information about Divine Mercy, St. Faustina and how to spread the devotion will be provided to you as well as pictures, prayer cards and rosaries. You can choose where to visit and when. Contact Joye Boone at the Parish Office, 503-644-2619 ext. 170 (Tues -Thurs), for more info. COME JOIN THE DIVINE MERCY CRUSADERS AND SPREAD THE WORD! Gifts Making a Difference St. Mary’s Boys Home sent a note of thanks to Friends at St. Cecilia. “This time of year can be hard for our boys, but you helped to brighten their holiday with kind wishes and thoughtful gifts. Thank you for bringing Christmas to the Boys Home! Thank you for giving us the support we need to help our boys turn their lives around. We could not do this without your gracious assistance. Together we are making life better for these young men, their families and our communities. Thank you for actively making a difference in the lives of these young men." Communion Visitors and Welcome Ministry Joye Boone, ext. 170 [email protected] If you have a loved one who is no longer able to come to Mass, has moved to a “care” facility, changed residences or is hospitalized, please notify Joye at the Parish Office. We want to be a friendly voice from St. Cecilia Parish to keep in contact and provide Sacraments. ST. CECILIA WOULD LIKE TO HONOR & PRAY FOR YOU! We will be listing anniversaries monthly in our parish bulletin. But we need your help! Please call or email Joye Boone with your names (John & Mary Smith), anniversary date (January 31) and how many years (12) you’ve been married! HAPPY FEBRUARY ANNIVERSARIES! Howard & Theresa Seal, February 8, 54 years Don & Sherril Verdegan, February 9, 60 years Sean & Judith Stumpf-Deghuee, February 14, 29 years Marilyn & Rich Klesh, February 16, 42 years Mike & Nickey Kemp, February 19, 53 years Steve & Shelly Schultheis, February 29, 24 years Knights of Columbus General Council Meeting on Monday, February 15 6:00pm Social & Dinner 7:00pm Meeting Haven't attended a meeting in a while? Interested in membership? St. Cecilia School News 6th Grade Religion This year in religion, we have been learning a lot about the Old Testament. We have learned about Moses and how he brought the Israelites out of Egypt and led them to the Promised Land. We learned about the Ten Commandments and how we can live them every day. We have also learned that God is all powerful and loving, and how Jesus learned the same things we are learning when he was a child. Another thing we have learned is the importance of trusting God and the importance of asking God for forgiveness when we’ve done something wrong. We are also learning some of the history of our faith and how it connects to our knowledge and our relationship with Jesus. - Compiled by the 6th grade class at St. Cecilia School SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 20TH CYO BASKETBALL— ST. CECILIA HOME GAMES IN THE ACTIVITY CENTER 8:30am—Boys Grade 3 9:45am—Girls Grade 3 (Coach Butterly) 11:00am—Boys Grade 5 12:15pm—Boys Grade 6 (Orange) 1:30pm—Boys Grade 7 (Orange) 2:45pm—Boys Grade 8 (Orange) SPRING 2016 CAMPAIGN ANNOUNCEMENT The next 40 Days for Life Campaign will be at Lovejoy Surgicenter, 933 NW 25th Avenue, Portland, OR February 10 – March 20, 2016 from 7am – 7pm daily Your prayerful presence is needed especially during early morning to afternoon hours (abortions done) Don’t Forget to Sign-Up for your Vigil Date and Time! Vigil Contacts: Marie Barzen 971-340-0679, [email protected] Therese Ruesink 503-997-1884, [email protected] Spanish/Bilingual: Nancy Witt – 971-645-8543, [email protected] If you wish to have your child baptized, please send an inquiry to [email protected] Nursery & Pre-K on Sunday’s @ 9am Kindergarten on Sunday’s 10:15-11:30am Betsy Willing, ext. 163 [email protected] Bring your kids to Little Blessings! Little Blessings Early Childhood Faith Formation explores the Sunday readings with crafts and activities for your little ones. ELEMENTARY FAITH FORMATION Believers grades 1-2 Disciples grades 3-5 Meet Sunday Mornings 10:15-11:30am Amy Maris-Volf, ext. 172 [email protected] Upcoming dates: Feb 14- No Classes today Feb 21- Regular classes Feb 28- Regular classes First Eucharist Preparation SEEKERS Grades 2-5, English Program Sunday Mornings, 10:15-11:30am Amy Maris-Volf, ext. 172 [email protected] Registration is now CLOSED for this year’s Seekers First Communion preparation program. Please keep our First Communicants and their families in your prayers ☺ The Children’s Exchange Closet is Open! What: St. Cecilia is excited to announce the opening of our “Children’s Exchange Closet”. The exchange closet is a space for parishioners to leave and take items for children ages 0-6 years! Where: St. Cecilia Parish Center Nursery When: Sun. 8:30-9 am, 10 am – 12:00 pm 1st and 3rd Thurs. (Mom’s Club meetings) How to donate items: New or very gently used items may be dropped off with Little Blessings volunteers on Sundays or by apt with Betsy Willing. All items must be clean. Items that are not claimed within 1 month of drop-off will be donated to Birth Right of Oregon. Items accepted are clothing, books, baby gear, and small toys. We cannot accept car seats or large items. Questions? Betsy Willing [email protected] 503-644-2619 x 163 Children’s Liturgy of the Word Children, K-5th grades, are invited to attend during the 9am Sunday Mass. Children process to the Parish Center with adults during the Liturgy of the Word and then return to celebrate the rest of Mass. Adult/Youth Volunteers interested in helping, please call Vicki Giampietro at 503-639-8745. Is your child baptized Catholic? Are you and your child now ready to join our Seekers—First Eucharist Preparation? Have you been involved in Religious Education classes either through your parish or school? Information about our preparation program and Registration forms are on our website, Upcoming info: Next Seekers session is March 6thth at 10:15 a.m. in the Parish Center. Homework: *Visit our webpage and check out the 2 videos posted about Eucharist *Visit the Adoration Chapel 2x before March 6th *Do Lesson 1 and 2 on your Eucharist poster Reminders: Retreat Saturday, March 12. Gather in the church at 9am God bless! See you soon! Go to Enter Our Parish Code 664558 THE BEST CATHOLIC CONTENT ALL IN ONE PLACE (Programs, Movies, Audios, Books) Coordinator: Mary Kiefer [email protected] 503-644-2619 x 171 “Leading Teens Closer to Christ” SAVE THE DATES: Rise Up Youth Rally* is Ma r ch 5 @ St. P iu s– Early reg. ends Feb. 16. Spring Service Retreat* is Apr il 8 & 9. Archdiocese Pilgrimage Walk* is Apr il 23. Steubenville NW Conference* in Spoka n e is J u ly 27-August 2. Ignite Y our Torch* at St. Martin’s U. is August 4-7. Summer Mission Trip* in July - Contact YM office if interested and/or for more details on any of these offerings. High School – LIFE TEEN - UPCOM ING DATES: Feb 2 1 Life T een Gathering Mar 3 Night Strike - Gr oup Ser vice * Mar 6 Co nfir matio n Ca nd id ates ONLY Feb 28 Life T een Gathering Mar 5 ArchD Rise Up Rall y* Mar 1 3 Life Teen Gathering M iddle Scho o l – EDG E - UPCOM ING DATES: Feb 2 1 EDGE Gather ing Feb 2 8 EDGE Gathering Mar 6 EDGE Gather ing Mar 1 3 EDGE Gathering H ig her Ca lling Ro p es Cam p * @ Cam p Yam hill is Aug ust 1 -5 - Co nta ct Ma ry fo r info. * Means permission form and/or money & registering ahead of time is required. Confirmation Candidates : Saint Report and Service Reflections can be submitted. Get signed up for the Rise Up Rally and the next Group Service. Life Teen (high school) AND EDGE (middle school) - NEED volunteers t o b uild a relationship with the young people of our parish. Prayerfully consider join in g th e Life Teen and EDGE Teams. T h is d yn a m ic m in ist r y a ct ively en ga ges you t h t o lea r n a b ou t t h eir C a t h olic faith AND to enter into a relationship with Jesus through learning how to foster an active prayer life. The meeting time for Life Teen is on average 2 -3 Sundays/month. You Can GET INVOLVED and truly make a difference. Prayers for our Youth: Could you commit to pray for our youth who are preparing for Sacraments? Seven of them (names in italics) will be receiving their First Communion at the Easter Vigil. All of them are preparing for Confirmation on Tuesday, May 3 when Archbishop Sample comes to confer the Sacrament. Thanks for praying for each of these young people: Ernesto, Luis, Yazmin, Monica, Cole, Ricardo, Maria, Melenie, Justin, Luis, Zach, Christopher, Kevin, Ana, Greilin, Miguel, Crystal, Luis, Sebastian, Suzy, Jacob, Joel, Alyssa, Hannah, Katrina, Bryan, Crystal, Kimberly , Stepha nie, Anta wn, Adrian, Carlos, Ka r en, Ca r men, J ose, Ma deline, Juan, Fernando and Sophia, J. Joel . YOUNG ADULTS MINISTRY Hey Young Adults…Come start your new year with us! Join us on the 1st & 3rd Thursday evenings (next meeting February 18) at 7pm in the Fireside Dining Room as we begin “Catholicism” by Fr. Robert Barron Come for food (and bring some to share), come for fun, come for fellowship as we grow together in our Catholic faith! Raffle for prizes – bring a friend for an additional chance to win!! Check us out on Facebook and on the St Cecilia webpage for more information. Text BeavertonYAM to 84576 for updates and events! February 14, 2016 First Sunday of Lent First Reading Psalm Second Reading Gospel Deuteronomy 26:4-10 Psalm 91:1-2, 10-15 Romans 10:8-13 Luke 4:1-13 RCIA Bible Study to Consider Sponsored by Blessings from Heaven Bookstore Acts of the Apostles: Ray Tenorio will be leading the class at 11:00am Tuesdays in the Parish Center Fireside Room. Call 503-644-1814 to RSVP Contemplative Prayer Group: 2nd & 4th Saturdays Meets on February 13th and 27th in the Parish Center— NE Conference Room from 3:15 to 4:45pm. Includes periods of silent centering prayer and Lectio Divina. For additional information, contact Marylyn Klesh at 503-866-2478 or [email protected] Meetings 9am to noon Mass, Presentation & Discussion in the School Library ??’s—Contact Mike & Peggy Flanigan 503-524-6922 or [email protected] RCIA FEBRUARY CALENDAR All classes are after the 9am Mass 7 The Prodigal Son/Reconciliation 14 NO CLASS 21 Rite of Sending at 9 am Mass w/sponsor Class after Mass: Lent Rite of Election at 7:30 pm, St. Mary's Cathedral w/sponsor 28 First Scrutiny at 9 am Mass w/sponsor Class after Mass: The Lord's Prayer & The Creed Minister Together! St. Cecilia is seeking married coupes to mentor our engaged couples! Come to our training on the “Prepare and Enrich Program.” When: Sat., Feb. 20 8:00 am—3:30 pm Parish Center Fireside Room RSVP Betsy Willing [email protected] 503-270-6564 MINISTERIO HISPANO - PARROQUIA SANTA CECILIA, BEAVERTON Coordinador: Diácono Bill Richar dson Sacerdotes: P. Cary Reniva y P. Marcos Bentz Secretaria: Er ika Ascencio Teléfono oficina: 503-644-2619, Ext. 161 o Ext. 176 Horas de oficina en español: de Lunes a J ueves de 2:00 a 5:00 PM PRIMER DOMINGO DE CUARESMA FEBRERO 14, 2016 JESÚS RESISTE LAS TENTACIONES En la lectura del evangelio de hoy, escuchamos el relato de San Lucas acerca de las engañosas tentaciones con las que Satanás espera desviar a Jesús de su misión de traernos la salvación. En 3 diferentes trampas con las que Jesús se enfrenta, el reconoce claramente dónde está el peligro. Su amor y confianza total en su Padre Celestial le permiten no titubear al RECHAZAR radicalmente el placer o la satisfacción aparente de lo que se le ofrece; escoge, en cada situación, serle absolutamente fiel a Dios y servirle SOLO a Él. De esta manera nos muestra claramente el camino a seguir. CON CENIZAS INICIAMOS LOS 40 DÍAS Este miércoles dio comienzo a la temporada del año que llamamos, en la Iglesia, CUARESMA. Son 40 días en que nos concentramos, como seguidores de Jesucristo, en hacer el esfuerzo de dejar a un lado todo lo que nos separa de Él. El objetivo es acercarnos al corazón de Jesús para vivir en una unión más profunda con nuestro Salvador. ¿Por qué 40 días? ¿De dónde viene esa costumbre? Leemos que Jesús pasó 40 días y 40 noches en el desierto, donde fue repetidamente tentado por Satanás; nosotros también esperamos, con la ayuda de la gracia, vencer las tentaciones que inevitablemente acompañan a cualquier persona que intenta caminar fielmente con el Señor. Serán las 3 prácticas cuaresmales de oración, ayuno, y obras de caridad, las que serán nuestra mejor cooperación con la gracia divina que Dios nos ofrece. ¿DESEAN CELEBRAR SU MATRIMONIO? Ofrecemos en Santa Cecilia una serie de pláticas de preparación para el sacramento del MATRIMONIO 3 veces al año. Parejas que tienen interés en prepararse hacen una cita con el Padre Cary antes de comenzar. Las SIGUIENTES pláticas después de estas comienzan en ABRIL, después de cuaresma y Semana Santa. LA VIRGEN PIDE MUCHA ORACIÓN En sus mensajes a través de los años y en las diferentes culturas de nuestro mundo, la Santísima Virgen no se cansa de invitarnos, a todos sus hijos, a hacer mucha oración. Ella nos recuerda que esa es la clave, con el ayuno, para podernos transformar en más auténticos seguidores de su Hijo Jesucristo. DIA DEL AMOR Y LA AMISTAD Este año, la fecha del primer domingo de Cuaresma coincide con el día en que el mundo occidental celebra el amor y la amistad (San Valentín). Y ¿Qué nos puede decir esto? Podemos indicar 2 cosas significativas: primero, que sin reconocer y VENCER las tentaciones que se van presentando en la vida día tras día, tanto el amor entre a pareja y el de la amistad entre amigos se van debilitando y, tarde o temprano, se deshacen. Para tener un buen matrimonio y una buena amistad, se requiere mucha humildad, paciencia, y sacrificio. Segundo, otros requisitos para el éxito en estas relaciones son oración, ayuno (y penitencia) por el bien del otro, y muchos actos sencillos de caridad. BAUTISMO DE NIÑOS Las siguientes pláticas para padres y padrinos se llevarán a cabo los jueves 3 y 17 de marzo. Hay más información con Erika en la oficina parroquial. JUBILEO DE LA MISERICORDIA DE DIOS Las reliquias de SAN PADRE PIO (su cuerpo parcialmente incorrupto) está en Roma esta semana, en visita a varias iglesias, incluyendo la Basílica de San Pedro, para una serie de Misas y vigilias y la veneración de los fieles. El papa Francisco señaló que su vida entera fue una entrega total al servicio de LA MISERICORDIA DE DIOS. Pudo hacerlo solamente a través de mucha oración. MENSAJE MARIANO “!Queridos hijos! También hoy estoy con ustedes y nuevamente los llamo a todos para que se acerquen a mí con sus oraciones. Los invito de manera especial a la renuncia e este tiempo de gracia. Hijitos, vivan a través de vuestros pequeños sacrificios la Pasión y Muerte de Jesús con ustedes. Únicamente si se acercan a Jesús, comprenderán el amor inconmensurable que El tiene por cada uno de vosotros. A través de la oración y la renuncia, llegarán a estar más abiertos al don de la fe y del amor hacia la Iglesia y hacia las personas que los rodean. Yo los amo y los bendigo. ¡Gracias por haber respondido a mi llamado! 25 de febrero de 1998. OFERTORIO Estas cantidades abajo son las que aportamos en nuestras Misas de español. No se olviden de ofrecer LA PRIMERA HORA de nuestro trabajo de la semana al Señor. 1/31 $1,701 1/24 $2,253 GRACIAS por su continua generosidad y participación en el trabajo del Señor. Oración para nuestros jóvenes: ¿Podría comprometerse a orar por nuestros jóvenes que se están preparando para sus sacramentos? Cinco de ellos (nombres subrayados) recibirán su Primera Comunión en la Vigilia Pascual. Todos ellos se están preparando para su confirmación el martes 3 de Mayo cuando el Obispo Alexander Sample vendrá a darles el Sacramento. Gracias por orar por cada uno de estos jóvenes: Ernesto, Luis A., Yazmin, Monica, Cole, Ricardo, Maria, Melenie, Justin, Luis G., Zach, Christopher, Kevin, Ana, Greilin, Miguel, Crystal, Luis R., Sebastian, Suzy, Jacob, Joel, Alyssa, Hannah, Katrina, Bryan, Crystal, Kimberly, Stephanie, Antawn, Adrian, Carlos, Karen, Carmen, Jose, Madeline, Juan, Fernando and Sophia, J Joel. BEAVERTON VICARIATE (continued) Please suppor t these adver tisers who make this bulletin possible Hard to say... easy to work with! Living Better than ever Dr. David McBride Optometrist 503-642-7323 Parishioner 14570 SW Hart Road Beaverton • (503) 626-5100 1 block east of Jesuit High School 8566 SW Apple Way Abbot Tax Service Finding Solutions for Your Financial Needs Teddy H. Martin, AAMS® 4755 S.W. Watson Avenue, Suite 100 Beaverton, OR 97005-0521 503-626-6400 Member SIPC Dr. Rose Detmer Stone Optometric Physician 4655 SW Griffith Dr. Ste 165 1503-646-8592 • T. Scandia Motors 503.684.6465 503.520.8888 503-590-3398 Landmark Landscape Tom’s Pancake House “30 Varieties of Pancakes & Waffles” Chicken, Fish & Chips, Steaks & Sandwiches 503-646-2688 Kim Vandehey LCB#7788 Service & Repair Since 1985 5711 SW Multnomah Blvd., Portland Call: (503) 245-7621 · Fair Pricing Full Service Landscaping Install & Maintenance New Construction Tired Lawns Parishioner (503) 646-5181 Serving Washington County since 1937 SAAB, VOLVO &SUBARU 12925 SW Canyon Road Beaverton, Or. 97005 50 Years Experience Financial Advisor Body and Paint, Inc. Serving All Personal & Business Tax Needs A Senior Living Community lunch! Beaverton, OR 97225 Melissa Bobadilla Attorney at Law Parishioner 503-496-7500 Hablo Español Personal Injury • Business Law • Immigration Law Rick compton Mobile: 503-704-7633 Assisted Living owned by Beaverton family “Expect Exceptional Service” Rick@RickSells Chaplain on *• Chaplain on Staff Staff *• Communion Communion * Spiritual Support • Spiritual Support •Wisdom Tooth Removal •Dental Implants •IV Sedation 503-643-6607 Beaverton Catholic Owned 503.645.6665 Tour, then be our guest to... 503-297-4183 Option $5.00 Heitzman Only 1.5 miles away 503-357-1446 Forest Grove 503 641 0911 Option 2 ad with green holly leaves and red berries Catholic Books & Gifts 503-644-1814 Tues - Fri. 10am - 5pm Sat. 10am - 3pm 4755 SW Tucker Ave. Beaverton • OR 97005 (Behind Beaverton Library) 9790 SW Nimbus Beaverton, OR 97008 (503) 646-7750 (503) 626-4600 Tony Byers Wishing you a, Broker joyous DENTISTRY TO MEET YOUR BUSY SCHEDULE RE/MAX HALL OF FAME Christmas Parish memberSeason! since 1982 [email protected] Chaplain on Staff Communion Spiritual Support • Same day crowns • Cosmetic specialists • In-office implants • Early morning appointments BMW • AUDI • VW • MERCEDES • PORSCHE $ Only 1.5since miles away Servicing our community 2001 503 641 0911 149 FOR A CLEANING, EXAM AND X-RAYS We warmly invite you to let us be your partner in your automotive needs. Follow your manufacturers recommended intervals for service and save money and receive better resale. PH:503-641-4525 10925 S.W. Beaverton-Hillsdale Hwy. Beaverton OR 97005 Se Habla Español Se Habla Español DOUGLAS A. RUST, DMD BRIAN T. RUST, DMD 503-626-7323 Tualatin Valley Funeral Alternatives La Hacienda ReaL • Mexican RestauRant • 7 Days A week Fri-Sat: 11AM-11PM Sun-Thurs: 11AM to 10PM 12025 SW Canyon Road, Beaverton 503-601-7000 $6.00 OFF DINNER Buy 2 complete dinners & 2 beverages: receive $6.00 OFF TOTAL BILL Excludes Friday, Saturday & Holidays. Not good with specials. Dine-In only. One coupon per customer per visit. Coupon expires: 1/31/2016 Juan Bravo Ins. Agency Auto • Home • Life • Business Se Habla Espanol 503-596-2803 [email protected] Jeff & Kathryn Hoyt Owners/Directors Personalized Services, Caskets, Markers, Vaults, Urns Serving all cemeteries including: Crescent Grove, Mt. 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