St. Cecilia Church Iglesia Santa Cecilia Celebrating 100 Years 5105 SW Franklin Ave. est. 1913 Beaverton, Or 97005 Phone:(503) 644-2619 Fax: (503) 626-7204 Web Site: November 16, 2014 Rev. Cary Reniva, Pastor Fr. Mark Bentz, Parochial Vicar Deacon Bill Richardson, Hispanic Ministry, Ext. 176 Deacon David Hammes, Pastoral Minister Parish Office, Press 2 Cheryl Motal, Office Coordinator, Ext. 160 Jim Cassinelli, Business Manager, Ext. 164 Shelly Schultheis, Accountant, Ext. 162 Michelle Hallett, Development, Ext. 178 Erika Ascencio, Hispanic Asst., Ext. 161 MASS SCHEDULE SATURDAY 5:00pm (Vigil) SUNDAY 7:30am 9:00am 10:45am 12:30pm 2:30pm (Spanish) WEEKDAYS Monday through Saturday 8:00am CONFESSIONS/ CONFESIONES Saturday/Sabado 8:40am - 10:00am 3:30pm - 4:40pm RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Pastoral Associate Adult Formation/RCIA Angela Paz, Ext. 174 Middle School/High School Confirmation Mary Kiefer, Ext. 171 Elementary RE (Grades 1-5) Amy Maris-Volf, Ext. 172 Nursery & Preschool Betsy Willing, Ext. 163 Spanish RE, K-12 Letty Miranda, Ext. 161 ST. CECILIA SCHOOL Sue Harris, Principal Tami McIntyre, Registrar School Office, 503-644-2619 Press 3 Parish Office Hours (English): Monday through Thursday 8:30am to Noon, 1:00pm to 5:00pm. Horario de Oficina en Español: para bautismos, quinceañeras y catecismo para niños, jóvenes y adultos, Lunes-Jueves 2-5pm only St. Vincent de Paul: 503-643-1702 Infant Baptism: Before scheduling a date for baptism, parents must be registered members of St. Cecilia Parish and attend two consecutive classes held on Thursdays at 7:00pm in August, November, February and May. Call Angela Paz, (503) 644-2619, Ext. 174 to register for classes and for more information. Matrimony: Couples must contact a parish priest and arrange for pre-marriage instructions. No date will be set until there is a conference with a parish priest, at least six months prior to the wedding. Minister to the Sick, Anointing & Neighborhood Welcome: Call Joye Boone, (503) 644-2619, Ext. 170. Grief Support Ministry: Call the Parish Office, 503-644-2619. Funeral Services: Please contact the parish priest before scheduling any funeral services. Perpetual Adoration: Chapel is open 24 hours and located in the Parish Center.. Bulletin Deadline: 10:00am Monday for the following Sunday. Please submit bulletin information to a “new” email account, [email protected]. EMAIL ADDRESS FOR CHURCH BULLETIN ARTICLES [email protected] Bulletin Deadline: 10:00am Monday for the following Sunday PASTOR’S CORNER Next Saturday, November 22nd at the 5pm Vigil Mass, we will be celebrating the patronal feast of St. Cecilia. This will be a special liturgy in honor of our patron saint who has unceasingly interceded for our parish for the past 100 years. Immediately following the Vigil Mass is a spaghetti dinner, where we will also be staging a theatrical presentation of the life of St. Cecilia. The casts have been practicing for months to give us a meaningful and powerful exposition of the life of our patron saint. We are grateful to the casts for their dedication and sacrifices to make this play a reality. Our profoundest gratitude to Gene Climer, a long time parishioner, who has wonderfully put together this play. Since we are not able to accommodate everyone in our Activity Center, please make sure that you get your tickets for the spaghetti dinner after all the Masses this weekend. Tickets can also be purchased in the parish office. This would be a wonderful time to come and celebrate together who we are as a community of faith under the NOVEMBER IS THE MONTH OF THE HOLY SOULS Faithful Departed who received Rites of Burial from St. Cecilia November 2013 — October 2014 May they rest in peace. Odilon Solorzano Carranza Terry McKinnon Charles Bailey Thomas Anthony McCormick Patricia Collins Barbara Leriche Helen B. Peterson Muriel Petty George Montano Robin Mary Dalebroux Dorothy Milo Robert John Welter Cindi Lou Healy Josephine Cosgrove Della LeBrun Lawrence Joseph Jacobsen Paul Trask Philip Belding Agnes Casley Robert A. Glasgow Ruth Orton Thomas P. Meese Mary Madelene Trujillo Kim Lundahl Carolyn Lea Huber Gilbert Barboza Beata Moses Diane Carragher patronage of the virgin-martyr, St. Cecilia. Thanks in advance to all those who have been working really hard to make this celebration truly a memorable one! Thomas Doherty, Joyce Pfaff, Betty Ross, Joe Santoro On a different note, while we are in the process of filling in the position of Pastoral Associate after Angela Paz’s move to the Archdiocesan office, some of the responsibilities that were originally handled by Angela are now distributed to several volunteers and staff member. Betsy Willing, who is our current Kindergarten and Pre-K coordinator, will temporarily handle the adult faith programs. She will act as the liaison of the parish to the various adult faith programs that we have—e.g., bible study groups. She will be the contact person for questions regarding scheduling and other matters that pertain to our adult faith programs. Deacon David Hammes will handle all inquiries on the sacrament of baptism, while Mike Flanigan together with the whole RCIA team will continue what Angela has started in our RCIA program. I am deeply grateful for their willingness to step up to take these crucial and important pastoral responsibilities while we are in the period of transition. May the good Lord who has begun the work in us bring it to completion. – Fr. Cary All are welcome to a Holy Hour to pray for the repose of the souls of the faithful departed who are buried in our Catholic Cemeteries. This one-hour prayer service includes the Holy Rosary, Chaplet of Divine Mercy, and other prayers for the dead. This is a wonderful opportunity to come together as a community to pray for our loved ones in a supportive setting, and is especially healing for those who have lost a loved one very recently. The service will be held in the chapel of Gethsemani Catholic Cemetery on Tuesday, November 18th at 11:00 AM. Gethsemani Catholic Cemetery address is: 11666 SE Stevens Road Happy Valley, OR 97086 St. Cecilia Feast Day LIMITED SEATING AVAILABLE: PURCHASE TICKETS SOON! For Adults: Spaghetti Dinner & The Life of St. Cecilia Saturday, November 22 6:00pm Activity Center $8.00 per Ticket Purchase Tickets After Weekend Masses November 15/16 At the Main & Annex Entrances to Church or In the Parish Office Nursery & Pre-K on Sunday’s @ 9:00am Kinder “Believers”, Sunday’s 10:15-11:30am Betsy Willing, ext. 163 [email protected] The Nursery is OPEN during the 9:00am Mass Children’s Liturgy of the Word Children, K-5th grades, are invited to attend during the 9:00 am Sunday Mass. Children process to the Parish Center with adults during the Liturgy of the Word and then return to celebrate the rest of Mass in the Church. Adult/Youth Volunteers are needed. If interested in helping, please call Vicki Giampietro at 503-639-8745. ELEMENTARY FAITH FORMATION Believers grades 1-2 Disciples grades 3-5 Meet Sunday Mornings 10:15-11:30am Amy Maris-Volf, ext. 172 [email protected] ***We meet in the school— enter through the front main doors November 16 - FAMILY DAY!!! 10:00-11:30am in the Activity Center Bring the whole family !! Faith Fellowship and Fun!! Advent crafts Learn about Advent, St. Cecilia, Our Lady of Guadalupe, The Immaculate Conception ST. CECILIA FEAST DAY NOVEMBER 22ND Middle & High School Youth Ministry Mary Kiefer, ext. 171 [email protected] NEXT PARENT JOIN IN the GATHERING: November 16th This Intergenerational Advent Event will be in the Activity Center. Come learn about the Season of Advent with your family. Interested in our Spring/Summer offerings? Camp Joshua, Mission Trip, Steubenville Conference, Higher Calling Ropes Camp, Christian Leadership Institute… This is the time to sign up, so fundr aising opportunities can be scheduled if you need to raise money. We offer so many ways to strengthen your walk with Jesus as a young Catholic in today’s world, but you need to show up and get involved. Middle School Ministry—Mark your Calendar Gatherings are most Sundays after the 9:00 Mass in the Fireside Room of Parish Center. Check the calendar on the website for the dates. Come be a blessing and be blessed! November 16—Intergenerational Advent Event in Activity Center December 6 – First Saturday Mass @ 8:00am Activity TBD December 7—YM Gathering December 13 – Called Rally @ St. Pius X Sign up forms are on the website. December 14 —Gathering Mark your Calendar—High School: November 16 —Intergenerational Advent Event in the Activity Center November 18—NEW: Teen 3 Timeline Bible Study begins at 3:00pm or 6:00pm for 1.5 hours in the Parish Center. Do you know the Bible? Sign up with Mary, TODAY! November 21-23 – Archdiocese Youth Conf. @ Seaside Sign up forms are on the website. Waiting list has been started. December 6 —First Saturday Mass @ 8:00am Activity TBD December 7 —YM Gathering (Chosen video—location TBD) December 7 —YM Fundraiser at Christmas Fair In the Activity Center MINISTRY NEWS & EVENTS JESUS I TRUST IN YOU Singing of the Chaplet of Divine Mercy for the sick and dying and pro-life causes takes place Monday evenings at 7:00pm in the Adoration Chapel. VOCATION COMMITTEE We ask each parishioner to pray the following Petition to God: “That the Church will be continuously blessed with good and faithful servants following Christ as priests, deacons, sisters and brothers,” We pray to the Lord. HOW CAN YOU SUPPORT ST. CECILIA SCHOOL? PURCHASE SCRIP GIFT CARDS Before & After School in the Office Nov. 23 @ Coffee & Donuts Questions? Contact Heather 503-318-4755. REGISTER YOUR FRED MEYER CARD Our Community Partner # 86648. THANK YOU FOR DINING OUT AT PIZZICATO Thank you parishioners, school families and friends of St. Cecilia School for dining out at Pizzicato on October 28th. We received a check for $470, the most we’ve ever earned on a dining out opportunity! Your support is greatly appreciated! ST. CECILIA MEN’S BASKETBALL Ages 18 years & older Sunday nights, 7:30pm, Activity Center November 16, 23 Organizer is Mike Droessler, [email protected] Calling All Matthew Kelly Fans! We’re bringing the “Free Book Give-away Program” to St. Cecilia this Christmas. Matthew Kelly is a dynamic Catholic speaker who is re-energizing parishes all over the country and creating materials for parishes to revitalize their communities, keep people coming to church and keep our young people engaged. Want to help? Contact Heather ([email protected]) or Tom ([email protected]) for more information! Place your food items for St. Vincent de Paul in the barrels at the main entrance to the church and the West annex door: This weeks food items: CANNED SPAGHETTI SAUCE Make Christmas Brighter: Donate a Turkey Can you donate a turkey for a family in need? This season, St. Vincent de Paul is providing 200 families with Christmas dinner as well as gifts for the entire family. If you could pick up an extra turkey on sale, it would be much appreciated. The ideal turkey is around12-16 pounds and frozen. Please bring your donation to the St. Vincent de Paul office around the back of the Parish Center, Monday – Friday between 9 and 11:30a.m or drop it off at the parish office. Questions: call 503-643-1702. To All Our Generous St. Cecilia Parishioners: The love and compassion you have shown to St. Vincent de Paul in the past year is beautiful. We could not do the amount of work for those less fortunate than ourselves without all of you. We are truly grateful! During the fiscal year ended September 30th, we provided food assistance to 2,506 families, totaling 8,157 people. We also helped 178 families (740 people) with Christmas food boxes and included gifts for the whole household. You provided this help by taking tags from the Giving Garland. Every single one of you who helped with funds or prayers or your time are part of our St. Vincent de Paul ministry, TO HELP OTHERS. This Christmas, our intentions are to increase from 178 families to 200. We give each household a Christmas dinner and gifts to those 18 years and younger; those greater than 18 year of age are given gift cards. This way everyone will have a happy Christmas. Also this year, we provide rent and/or utility assistance to 274 families, totaling $47,180. Just last month, we started a backpack program for low income students at Vose Elementary School. Each Wednesday, we fill 20 backpacks with food for the students to take home for the weekend. The next weekend, we give to 20 more, so that a total of 40 students receive backpacks every month. Many parishes in the Archdiocese are partnering with low income schools. This program is much needed and rewarding. The major sources of financial support to accomplish all we do comes from: The Lenten Collection Quarterly Envelopes in May, August and October The Thanksgiving Collection We are so proud of you in your support of us. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your generosity. We also thank you for your prayers, that we can continue to do the work of Christ in helping those less fortunate than ourselves. God Bless You All!!! Sincerely, Kathy Johnson, President Hand to Heart A newsletter of the Social Concerns Ministry of St. Cecilia Parish It is Almost Giving Tree Time Every year parishioners contribute about 1,000 gifts to our neighbors in need, making this event the parish's biggest annual outreach project. Social Concerns Ministry and the Society of St. Vincent DePaul work together to get the requests for giving. Parish volunteers write the gift requests on tags that will be hung on garlands in the church on November 29. We encourage all parishioners to choose a tag to take home. The tags will tell you the gift request as well as a little bit about the person who made the request. You take a tag, buy the gift, and bring the wrapped gift back to the Parish Center on December 13 and 14. The Social Concerns gift tags will go to the following places where the poor are served. You will notice that each place will have a distinctive colored tag. Residents of The Good Neighbor Center, a family shelter located on Greenberg Rd. near Washington Square. During a six-week-stay, the center helps the families develop a plan of self sufficiency. Requests for these families are given to parishioners who like to give gifts for a whole family St. Mary's Home for Boys opened as an orphanage in 1890. Today it provides residential treatment and educational care for boys 10-to-18-years-old. The staff provides a learning environment focused on each boys needs. This enables the boys to successfully transition back to the community and appropriate living environments. The tags are white. Avamere Rehabilitation Center provides care for those who need assistance with basic physical needs. With the help of therapy, many of the residents have a short stay, while others are there indefinitely. Each week, a Eucharistic minister from St. Cecilia takes communion to the Catholic residents. Their tags are lavender. The Macdonald Center in Portland's Old Town enhances the lives of the forgotten poor through their outreach program. Our Giving Tree gifts help support their mission of compassion and service to those in need. Look for yellow tags for them. The Macdonald Residence is an Assisted Living program for homeless people in Old Town. They have rooms for 53 needy persons and provide all of their needs. We help them have Christmas joy. The tags are green. Rose Haven, a drop in day shelter for women and children in NW Portland ,offers a safe environment and services to facilitate positive changes in the lives of women and children experiencing the trauma of abuse and homelessness. The tags are pink. Christ the King in Shiprock, NM is our parish partner. This is a very poor parish on an Indian Reservation. This year we will have fifty tags that will request a $2 donation to support their parish needs. Blue tags are for Shiprock. November 2014 St. Vincent de Paul brightens Christmas for 200 families this year. Struggling families who receive food boxes from St. Vincent de Paul throughout the year get a special treat every Christmas. This year, 200 families will get a Christmas dinner with all the trimmings and will also receive a gift for every member of the family. St. Vincent volunteers have been working day and night this fall taking individual orders from recipient families asking their food preferences and what gifts each family member prefers. Here is how you can get involved in this wonderful project: Take a red tag from the Giving Tree garland. Return the wrapped gift to the Parish Center the weekend of December 13-14. It is vitally important to return the gift and return it on time! Help pack Christmas boxes on Dec. 15, 16, or 17. Help deliver boxes on Dec. 20 To volunteer or find out more about the Christmas box project, call the St. Vincent de Paul office Monday-Friday between9-11:30 AM at 503-643-1702. St. Vincent de Paul president Kathy Johnson says the project succeeds because of you —- “Our St. Cecilia parishioners are the kindest people in Beaverton. “ Social Concerns President Colleen Seed concurs. We love you and thank you from the bottom of our hearts. First Eucharist Preparation SEEKERS Grades 2-5, English Program Sunday Mornings, 10:15-11:30am Amy Maris-Volf, ext. 172 [email protected] WELCOME!! th This program is for 2nd -5 graders requesting First Eucharist Preparation and who have had previous Religious Education Classes. This is a parent participation program. Parent and child meet together once a month on Sunday mornings from 10:15-11:30am, in addition to their other religious education classes. Please submit a copy of your child’s Baptismal Certificate with the registration form. Upcoming dates: Don’t forget to talk about the Our Father and the Act of Contrition with your child. Mass Intentions Saturday, November 15th 5:00pm †Paul Trask—Ivy Stadelman Sunday, November 16th 7:30am Holy Souls 9:00am †Dale Seed—Colleen Seed 10:45am People of St. Cecilia 12:30pm †Josefa Mendoza—Jean Balangue 2:30pm †Terry McKinnon--Anniversary Monday, November 17th 8:00am †Robert Welter—Sharon & Jim Frichtl Confirmation Sacramental Preparation Mary Kiefer, ext. 171 [email protected] Attendance on Sunday morning Youth Ministry Gatherings is expected each week. Check out Bible Study offering on 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of the month next one is November 18th 3:00-4:30pm or 6:00-7:30pm in the Parish Center ARCHDIOCESE YOUTH CONFERENCE This is a BIG EVENT..… It is a big deal…. Nov. 21-23 at the Seaside Convention Center . Cost is $145.00. We can help you fundraise. Get on the WAIT LIST WITH a completed registration form. This event is a glimpse of the world wide Catholic Church with teens coming from the whole Archdiocese. All Mom’s, any age, are welcome to join the Mom’s Club —- guaranteeing fellowship, spirituality and friendship! Free child care provided by caring and experienced child care providers. We meet 9:00-11:00am in the Parish Center on the 1st and 3rd Thursday’s each month. Next meeting is Thursday, November 20th! Questions can be emailed to [email protected] Tuesday, November 18th 8:00am †Denise LeBrun—Maureen & Tony Nejedly Wednesday, November 19th 8:00am Int. Scott Petersen—Scott Petersen 9:00am †Anne Krohmali—Anna Kalinak Thursday, November 20th 8:00am Int. SVDP Members Friday, November 21st 8:00am †Peter, Mary & James Nguyen—Kristi Vi Saturday, November 22nd 8:00am Int. Fr. Pat McNamee—Vocations Committee PRAYER FOR MY FAMILY Loving God, I offer You thanks for the gift of my family. Help us to work together for peace and harmony in our family relationships. Through the intercession of our Blessed Mother, give us the grace to accept each other’s faults and weaknesses. Protect us from harsh words and hurt feelings. Lead us to encourage one another’s strengths and abilities. Guide us to mutual understanding and support. May we always forgive each other’s failings and rejoice in one another’s successes. Watch over and protect my family Dear Lord. Bless us with good health and happiness. Give us hearts full of love, patience and kindness for one another, now and always. AMEN Communion Visitors and Welcome Ministry Joye Boone, ext. 170 [email protected] If you have a loved one who is no longer able to come to Mass, has moved to a “care” facility, changed residences or is hospitalized, please notify Joye at the Parish Office. We want to be a friendly voice from St. Cecilia Parish to keep in contact and provide Sacraments. LOOKING FOR SOME FRIENDLY FACES St. Cecilia has a NEW MINISTRY… and we would like YOU to enroll as an “Official Member of the St. Cecilia Hello Squad.” What? A Hello Squad? Yes, the vision is that…. EVERY weekend, at EVERY Mass, there will be a smiling face with a warm welcome voice and an extended hand outside the Church doors to greet the congregation as they arrive. Any parishioner of any age is welcome. Families are encouraged to participate. Sign up for as many Sundays or Mass times as you would like. There is room for YOU to be the face of welcome. ST. CECILIA WOULD LIKE TO HONOR & PRAY FOR YOU! We will be listing anniversaries monthly in our parish bulletin. But we need your help! Please call or email Joye Boone with your names (John & Mary Smith), anniversary date (January 31) and how many years (12) you’ve been married! HAPPY NOVEMBER ANNIVERSARIES! Cody & Connie Dupuis, November 5, 43 years Wayne & Evelyn Watkins, November 5, 27 years Steve & Lisa Sanders, November 5, 20 years Chris & Melissa Smasal, November 6, 15 years Robert & Adele Zanon, November 7, 61 years Leonard & Georgene Bernhardt, November 8, 62 years John & Maureen DeCarli, November 11, 50 years Deacon Bill & Margarita Richardson, November 13, 43 years Ivan & Laura Loock, November 19, 9 years Pete & Jan Theisen, November 21, 50 years Bill & Faith O’Donnell, November 25, 58 years Fred & Marian Helm, November 25, 53 years Jim & Dagny Souza, November 27, 66 years Rick & Cheryl Motal, November 27, 38 years Chad & Lisa Averill, November 29, 18 years Call Joye Boone, 503-644-2619 ext 170 or email [email protected] Adult Formation Sunday, November 16, 2014 Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time First Reading:Proverbs 31:10-13, 19-20, 30-31 Psalm:Psalm 128:1-5 Second Reading:1 Thessalonians 5:1-6 Gospel:Matthew 25:14-30 or 25:14-15, 19-21 Remember that Jesus Christ, referring to the humility of the publican, said that his prayer was heard. If this was said of a man whose life was evil, what may we not hope for if we are really humble? -- St. Vincent de Paul You Are a Better Parent Than You Think Dr. Ray explains that what is needed to raise well-adjusted children who are prepared to succeed in life in today’s challenging environment is uncommonly good parenting. Faith UncorkedMen's Catechesis Program: New Evangelization Men, join Fr. Cary and Fr. Mark in going deeper in exploration of how to live the New Evangelization in your family, work, and personal lives. THIS Tuesday, October 18th 7 pm in the School Library To sign up or if you have questions, please contact Steve Purves, 503-267-5552 or [email protected] MINISTERIO HISPANO - PARROQUIA SANTA CECILIA, BEAVERTON Coordinador: Diácono Bill Richar dson Sacerdotes: P. Cary Reniva y P. Marcos Bentz Secretaria: Er ika Ascencio Teléfono oficina: 503-644-2619, Ext. 161 o Ext. 176 Horas de oficina en español: de Lunes a J ueves de 2:00 a 5:00 PM DOMINGO XXXIII DE TIEMPO ORDINARIO 16 DE NOVIEMBRE, 2014 ¿ES DIOS COMO UN LADRÓN? A través de Su Palabra que escuchamos (o leemos) en la Sagrada Escritura, Dios nunca deja de romper nuestros esquemas y las categorías en que a veces tratamos de encuadrarlo. Como un ejemplo, en la segunda lectura de la Misa de hoy, San Pablo nos habla bajo inspiración del Espíritu Santo. Lo que dice es que Dios es como un ladrón que llega de noche. Dios, ¿Es como un ladrón? ¿Cómo es posible que San Pablo esté diciendo tal cosa?, El punto es que nos llama mucho la atención. Nos obliga a reflexionar para ver qué puede significar tal pensamiento. Nos motiva a entrar más en profundidad a la Biblia para entenderla mejor y o quedarnos en la superficie. Lo que vemos es que en esta lectura, que la Iglesia nos ofrece al acercarse el fin de año, nos encontramos en tiempos de escatología, o sea, cuando se nos invita a considerar la Segunda Venida de Cristo, cuando ya está a mano el juicio final y la culminación de la historia. Y es precisamente en ese contexto que logramos ver que San Pablo nos advierte que debemos estar conscientes de que Dios se hace presente en nuestras vidas en los momentos más inesperados: o sea, cae de sorpresa. El Mensaje: estemos listos y alertas, siempre. No sabemos cuándo y de qué manera Dios se nos hará presente. No sea que nos encuentre espiritualmente dormidos, y, como consecuencia, desperdiciemos ese encuentro importante y decisivo que el Señor desea tener con nosotros. CLÍNICA MÉDICA VIRTUAL Totalmente Gratis…….para niños y adultos ……. SABADO DICIEMBRE 20. En cooperación con Providence Health, las clínicas tendrán un proveedor de salud, una asistente médica, y promotores de salud, para proporcionar: EXÁMENES: nivel de Azúcar en la Sangre Colesterol Triglicéridos TRATAMIENTOS: Alergias Dolores Infecciones y mucho más. PARA HACER CITAS: llamar a la promotora Arcelia, 503-350-3736 ALCOHÓLICOS ANÓNIMOS … es una organización haciendo una obra sumamente hermosa con personas que tiene una ADICCIÓN al alcohol. Recién repartieron flyers después de Misa. Si no alcanzó a recibir la información, tenemos copias en la oficina parroquial. CLASES DE CONFIRMACION JUVENIL JÓVENES: estén alertas a las direcciones que vienen en el boletín acerca de las actividades y horarios de las partes del programa de preparación. Generalmente hay información sumamente importante en el boletín de inglés al respecto, y, para no quedarse atrás, hay que estar revisando los mensajes para no perder o desperdiciar los recordatorios que Mary envía a los estudiantes. LOS PROMOTORES DE SALUD … DE LA IGLESIA: un ministerio que ayuda a la comunidad a proteger la buena salud en la familia y a promover buenas prácticas preventivas. Habiendo completado un curso extendido de clases, estas personas están preparadas para asistirnos cuando tenemos preguntas sobre nuestra propia salud o la de nuestra familia, o cuando, con poco dinero, no sabemos dónde recurrir para obtener ayuda profesional. PENSANDO EN EL MATRIMONIO Si usted y su novio (o novia) están pensando en casarse en la Iglesia dentro del próximo año, no es demasiado temprano para averiguar sobre los diferentes pasos que se toman en preparación para este sacramento. La próxima serie de pláticas pre-matrimoniales en Santa Cecilia se ofrecerán comenzando el lunes, 5 de enero, 2015. La personas tomando estas pláticas típicamente estarían pensando en casarse en, o cerca del verano del mismo año (junio, julio, o agosto). Haga una cita con nuestro párroco, el Padre Cary para darse a conocer y empezar el proceso. SABADOS: CONFESIONES EN ESPAÑOL: de 8:40 a 10 AM, y de 3:30 a 4:30 PM, en inglés y español. PLÁTICAS PARA BAUTISMO Padres y padrinos: necesitan pasar por la oficina para llenar el formulario necesario (traiga el acta de nacimiento del niño) antes de las pláticas. Las siguientes pláticas no se ofrecen de nuevo hasta ENERO, 2015. MENSAJE MARIANO “¡Queridos hijos! También hoy los invito: oren, oren, oren. Hijitos, cuando oran, están cerca de Dios y El les da el deseo de eternidad. Este es un tiempo en que pueden hablar más de Dios y hacer más por Dios. Por eso, no se resistan, sino permitan, Hijitos, que El les guíe, cambie, y entre en su vida. No olviden que son viajeros en camino hacia la eternidad. Por eso, hijitos, permitan que Dios los conduzca como un pastor a su rebaño. !Gracias por haber respondido a mi llamado!” 25 de noviembre, 2006. OFERTORIO Estas cantidades abajo son lo que aportamos en nuestra Misa de español. No se olviden de ofrecer LA PRIMERA HORA de nuestro trabajo de la semana a nuestro Señor. 11/02/14 $1,436 10/26/14 $1,138 10/19/14 $1,327 Gracias por su continua generosidad en el trabajo de Nuestro Señor. Newsworthy West Portland Catholic Build Buy a square for $50 and help the Leon Family's dream come true! Make your check payable to Habitat for Humanity and put "Catholic Build St. Cecilia" on the memo line. Checks can be dropped off at the parish office or mailed to: Willamette West Habitat for Humanity 5293 NE Elam Young Parkway #140 Hillsboro, Oregon 97124 Love Thy Neighbor! The Knights of Columbus at St. Cecilia have organized a "Catholic Build" for Westside Parishes and are making a difference—now it’s your turn to join in! We are building a home for the Leon family here in Beaverton. This hard working family earned their US citizenship and Fermin, the father, works hard to support his wife and four children. Currently, their small apartment is poorly vented and has roof repair needs. This is where we come in with money and time. As little as $50 will build a portion of this home, and we have divided the home on a grid to see where we are in funding. Come out to the job site on November 22nd for the blessing and installation of the signed wall into the Leon’s new home. The Knights will be BBQing a free lunch as well! This is our neighborhood and these are our neighbors — come and BE the difference you want to see in the world! Adult Family Home Owned and operated by a Registered Nurse 6823 129th Pl SE - Bellevue COMMERCIAL • RESIDENTIAL • INDUSTRIAL Estate Planning, Wills, Trusts, & Probate Downtown Kirkland 425-828-7800 WWW.KRUEGERBECKLAW.COM Water Heaters • Furnaces, gas & electric Clogged Drains • Drain Cleaning Sewer Repair & Cleaning • Tankless Water Heaters 24 hour service/7 days a week “StopFREAKIN’... Freakin’... Call “STOP CALLBeaCon” BEACON” 1-800-Freakin (373-2546) NEED AN ELECTRICIAN? START WITH TRUST High School Open House: Owner with 14 yrs Experience October 13, 2013 [email protected] 425-590-9796 Assisted Living with Care Options and Affordable Independent Living. Housekeeping • Transportation Activities • Best Neighbors in Bellevue! 124th Ave. NE Bellevue, WA 98005 425-455-4333 Sunset Hills Memorial Cemetery SALE Reel in your BEST customers by advertising on this bulletin. For more info call: Est. 1978 Eric Serving the community for 34 years through Catholic values, by providing outstanding quality for all of life’s special occasions 425.643.2610 • 3500 Factoria Blvd SE, Bellevue, WA 98006 Private Sale of 2-Side by Side plots, at a Reduced Price * The plots are located in the sold out & prestigious, Catholic Section in the Garden of Gethsemane [email protected] / (425)985-9587 1-800-867-0660 Asset Preservation, Medicaid, Long Term Care Planning, Disability, Wills & Trusts, RN on Staff Elder Law Offices of JULIANNE KOCER, P.S. 206-525-6919 • Helping Fellow Catholics Care for Loved Ones Please suppor t these adver tisers who make this bulletin possible Hard to say... easy to work with! Heitzman Rock for Ponds, Pathways & Patios • SUPER-SOILS Clip & Save •• BARK BLOWING • RECYCLE CENTER $5.00 503.281.0752 Parishioner 503.645.6665 Body and Paint, Inc. Parishioner (503) 646-5181 Serving Washington County since 1937 T. Scandia Motors Parishioner 503-297-4183 1 block east of Jesuit High School 8566 SW Apple Way Beaverton, OR 97225 (503) 372-7981 503-642-7323 Canyon Auto Repair t Ask Abouer Parishions! Special ASE Master Technicians & Collision Catholic Owned All work guaranteed Complete Mechanical & Body Repair Beaverton 503-646-2573 Tigard 503-597-5000 Finding Solutions for Your Financial Needs Teddy H. Martin, AAMS® West Hills Be our guest... lunch! A Senior Living Community “Help when you need it” 503-626-7466 12225 S.W 2nd St. #100 Beaverton, OR • Business & individual tax Services •Financial Statements • Bookkeeping •Strategic Planning •Accounting Member SIPC Like Us On Facebook 5075 SW Griffith drive, Ste 100 4655 SW Griffith Dr. Ste 165 503-646-8592 • Piano Lessons Tamara Pozzi 503-244-1004 • Parishioner Melissa Bobadilla Attorney at Law Parishioner 503-496-7500 Hablo Español Personal Injury • Business Law • Immigration Law Rick compton Mobile: 503-704-7633 Charming Boutique-like Assisted Living “Expect Exceptional Service” Rick@RickSells BEACH STREET RETREAT OCEAN VIEW VACATION RENTAL HOME 3 BDRM(+LOFT) / 2 BATH MANZANITA, OREGON (503) 368-2929 503.641.0911 Greg - The Plumber Expires 12-31-2014 12925 SW Canyon Road Beaverton, Or. 97005 10225 S.W. Hall Blvd. #101, Tigard, OR 97223 12520 SW Hart Road, Beaverton 503-644-8424 Beginning • Intermediate • Advanced 12 blocks south of St. Cecilia Church 503-646-2688 Optometric Physician • Short Stays Available • Chaplain on Staff Parishioner Chicken, Fish & Chips, Steaks & Sandwiches Wayne L. Gerig, O.D. Dr. Rose Detmer Stone Optometric Physician “30 Varieties of Pancakes & Waffles” 20/20 Eye Care Professionals Schmidt & JohnSon, LLP, C.P.A.’s 503-646-1432 4755 S.W. Watson Avenue, Suite 100 Beaverton, OR 97005-0521 503-626-6400 Tom’s Pancake House 5711 SW Multnomah Blvd. Portland Or. 97219 Call (503) 245-7621 Financial Advisor 503.684.6465 Local Parishioner (503) 320-9483 Bring flyer into any Westside location CCB# 124547 Licensed • Bonded • Insured for 10% OFF Entire Order DENTISTRY TO MEET YOUR BUSY SCHEDULE 9790 SW Nimbus Beaverton, OR 97008 • Same day crowns • Cosmetic specialists • In-office implants • Early morning appointments (503) 646-7750 (503) 626-4600 Tony Byers , Broker $ RE/MAX HALL OF FAME Parish member since 1982 149 FOR A CLEANING, EXAM AND X-RAYS [email protected] Se Habla Español Se Habla Español Affordable • Fast • Quality Newsletters Booklets Postcards Mailers Printing Tualatin Valley Funeral Alternatives Do You Have Arthritis Knee Pain? Ask Your Doctor About The Bellacure OA Knee Treatment Device Digital & Offset 20% Off* Jeff & Kathryn Hoyt Owners/Directors (*First time customers) Call Donna/Kevin 1-800-867-0660 ext. 253 Covered by most Insurances~ Medicare Approved 1.800.795.2070 / DOUGLAS A. RUST, DMD BRIAN T. RUST, DMD 877.847.8602 Personalized Services, Caskets, Markers, Vaults, Urns Serving all cemeteries including: Crescent Grove, Mt. Calvary, Sunset Hills, Skyline, Valley Memorial Park (Beaverton) New Location: 12270 SW First St. 503-641-9060 (Hillsboro) 237 West Main St. 503-693-7965 137 - CPI, P.O. Box 81026, Seattle, WA 98108-1026 - For Advertising call 503-650-6347 Dr. David McBride Optometrist Service & Repair Since 1985 Call today for a free estimate: Commercial - Residential Remodel & Repair ©CPI SAAB, VOLOVO &SUBARU
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