New perspectives in the study of modern languages
Department of Philology. University of Cantabria.
Santander, 20, 21 and 22 June, 2016
The Department of Philology of the University of Cantabria is pleased to resume
this series of conferences that started back in 2004 with the aim of fostering a
scientific meeting for the exchange of current research related to any of the areas
that make up the Department, namely Spanish, English and French Language and
Literature, as well as Didactics of Spanish Language and Literature.
The goal is to set up a forum where specialists in the study of modern languages
can present the results of their research from a variety of perspectives, with the
incorporation of new avenues and new theoretical and methodological paradigms.
The Conference will be arranged in thematic sessions and will consist of 20-minute
paper presentations followed by a 10-minute discussion. Proposals will undergo
blind review by a Scientific Committee made up of specialists in the different fields.
We also welcome submissions by young researchers in poster format. Further
details will be provided in the second circular.
In addition, the Conference will be honoured with plenary presentations by
renowned experts.
The Conference will be organised around two large thematic areas of linguistics
and literature:
The corpus as a tool for linguistic exploitation. Due to the huge impulse that
corpus creation and data exploitation techniques are receiving in linguistics, we are
looking for papers dealing with the possibilities and limitations of these tools and
their research outcomes and covering one or more of the following thematic lines:
Diachronic and synchronic linguistic studies (phonetics, phonology;
morphosyntax; semantics; lexis; discourse)
Linguistic variation and change
Pragmatics and discourse
Metaphor studies
Corpus linguistics
Applied linguistics
Acquisition and teaching of first, second and foreign languages
Bilingualism and multilingualism
Teaching of literature
The rewriting of literary classics and their different reinterpretations
throughout history. This thematic line can be explored in relation to the following
Literary studies of periods (from the Middle Ages to contemporary
Translation studies
Reception studies
Comparative literature
Teaching of literature
Children’s literature and literature for young adults
A monographic volume will be published in digital format by the University
of Cantabria (http://www.editorialuc.es/).
Abstracts should be submitted by 15 February, 2016. The text should include:
- Title
- Name of the author(s)
- Affiliation
- Contact details
- Thematic line/s to which the submission belongs
- Abstract (Word format; font Times New Roman 12 pts.; single space; 500-word
extension, including references).
Proposals should be sent to [email protected]
Notification of acceptance: 15 March, 2016.
Participants will be able to register in two periods through the electronic
registration form on the Conference website, where the registration process is
Participants presenting a paper/poster:
Until 1 May, early bird registration: 75 euros
Until 5 June, standard registration fee: 100 euros
Conference participants/students:
- Until 1 May, early bird registration: 30 euros
- Until 15 June, standard registration: 40 euros
Website: information about the Conference is available at
Updated information about the academic and social programmes will be
added progressively together with information concerning accommodation
and transportation.
E-mail address (proposal submission and inquiries):
[email protected])
Venue: Edificio Interfacultativo (Universidad de Cantabria), Av. de Los Castros,
s/n, Santander, 39005.
Dates: 20, 21 and 22 June, 2016
Francisco Gallardo del Puerto
Marta Gómez Martínez
Isis Herrero López
Laura Mier Pérez
Mª Carmen Moral del Hoyo
Alfredo Moro Martín
Paula Rodríguez Puente
Julia Williams Camus
Amaia Arizaleta (Université de Toulouse 2)
Antonio Ballesteros González (Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia)
Fátima Carrera de la Red (Universidad de Cantabria)
Francisco Cuevas (Universidad de Chile)
Elena Díaz del Corral (Université de Lausana)
Montserrat González Condom (Universitat Pompeu Fabra)
Jesús Ángel González López (Universidad de Cantabria)
Raquel Gutiérrez Sebastián (Universidad de Cantabria)
Lucía Loureiro Porto (Universitat de les Illes Balears)
Fiona MacArthur (Universidad de Extremadura)
María Martínez Adrián (Universidad del País Vasco)
Javier Muñoz Basols (University of Oxford)
Álvaro Octavio de Toledo y Huerta (Universität München)
Javier Pardo (Universidad de Salamanca)
María Pérez López de Heredia (Universidad del País Vasco)
Javier San José Lera (Universidad de Salamanca)
Diego Santos Sánchez (Humboldt Universität zu Berlin)
Enrique Santos Unamuno (Universidad de Extremadura)
Carsten Sinner (Universität Leipzig)
Ian Williams (Universidad de Cantabria)