UNIDO Workshop LAC – Eurasian Economic Union (EEU) - BRICS countries STRENGTHENING INTERNATIONAL ALLIANCES IN THE GLOBAL MARKET, Quito, 14-17 July 2015 Time 09:00 Mo. 13 July 10:00 Arrival experts from BRICS, EEU and UNIDO 10:20 Tu. 14 July Arrival from Latin American and Caribbean participants 11:00 11:30 13:00 14:00 15:30 16:00 18:15 19:00 Welcome Cocktail Reception Participants local authorities and Diplomatic Corpus We. 15 July Opening session Representative UNIDO; Head of Delegation BRICS; Head of Delegation EEU; Representative SELA; Government of Ecuador Introduction to the Workshop Mr. Carlos Chanduvi-Suarez, Chief LAC Bureau, UNIDO Overview of regulations, technical regulations and requirements to product certification in the Eurasian Economic Commission: Dr. Eugenia Soboleva, International Expert, UNIDO Coffee Break Round Table EAEU Part 1 “CONFORM” 1. Aleg Yermalovich, Head of the Department of Economic Cooperation, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Belarus; 2. Konstantin Karamyshev, Head Department Analyses equivalent principles for export of livestock production , Federal Agency for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Control, Russian Federation; 3. Ksenia Bokovaya , Chief Expert of Division, WTO and OECD cooperation division, Federal Service for Surveillance on Consumer Rights Protection and Human Well-being, Russian Federation; Moderation: Dr. Eugenia Soboleva (UNIDO) Lunch Round Table EAEU Part 2 “CONNECT” 1. Azamat Yesdauletov, Expert of the bilateral cooperation division, Department of External Economic Cooperation of the Ministry for Investment and Development, Kazakhstan; 2. Rustam Mametov, Secretary of the Department for International Associations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Kyrgyzstan; 3. Maxim Vagin, Trade in Goods Unit, Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, Russian Federation; Moderation: Dr. Eugenia Soboleva (UNIDO) Coffee Break Round Table BRICS Overview of regulations, technical regulations and requirements to Product certification, opportunities and challenges for promotion of trade, Recommendations and potential actions 1. Irina Sorokina, Ministry of Industry and Commerce, Russian Federation; 2. Li Li, Associated Professor, China; 3. Manuela Lima, Business Intelligence Analyst and Corporate Strategy Unit, Brazil; Moderation: Mr. Aleg Sepelev (UNIDO) Free time Cultural activity organized by the Ministry of Foreign Trade of Ecuador National Ballet of Ecuador Saloon FGH Time Th. 16 July 09:00 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 10:15 10:45 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 13:00 14:00 1. 2. 3. 14:00 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 19:00 Round Table CARICOM Antigua and Barbuda, Belize, Dominica, Grenada, Guyana, Jamaica “Potential areas for export to EEU/BRICS” Main Challenges Jacqueline Yearwood, Director Enterprise Development, Antigua and Barbuda; Lejia Gideon, General Manager of the Enterprise & Innovation Division at BELTRAIDE, Belize; Cletus Joseph, Executive Director, National Development Foundation, Dominica; Kwesi Roberts, Business Development Specialist, Grenada; Uchenna Gibson, Senior Export Promotion Officer, Guyana; Diane Edwards, JAMPRO President, Jamaica Moderation: Mr. Román Mayorga (SELA) Coffee Break Round Table CARICOM St. Lucia, Suriname, Trinidad and Tobago, Dominican Republic, Cuba “Potential areas for export to EEU/BRICS” Main Challenges Jacqueline Emmanuel-Flood, Chief Executive Officer Saint Lucia Trade and Export Promotion Agency, Saint Lucia; Imro San A Jong, Deputy Director Investment and Development Corporation Suriname NV, Suriname; Dwight Brown, Chief Executive Officer at exporTT Limited, Trinidad and Tobago; Anyelín Montero, Deputy to the CEO CEI-RD, Dominican Republic; Roberto Siro Verrier Castro, Director CEPEC, Cuba; Moderation: Mr. Román Mayorga (SELA) Lunch Round Table CAN Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador “Potential areas for Export to EEU/BRICS and challenges” Main Challenges Iván Cahuaya, Director PROMUEVE BOLIVIA, Bolivia; Adriana María Gutiérrez Cadavid, Director Office PROCOLOMBIA Ecuador, Colombia; Víctor Jurado Carriel, Executive Director, PRO ECUADOR, Ecuador; Moderation: Mr. Santiago Segovia (CAN) Round Table SIECA (Costa Rica, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, El Salvador) + Mexico “Potential areas for Export to EEU/BRICS and challenges” Main challenges Albán Sánchez Cabezas, Director of International Trade Strengthening, Ministry of Foreign Trade, Costa Rica; Aida Fernández, Manager Manufacture Division AGEXPORT, Guatemala; Vilma Sierra, Executive President FIDE, Honduras; Sidhartha Marín, Ambassador of Nicaragua in Ecuador, Nicaragua; Alejandrina Barrera, Vice Minister of Trade and Industry at the Ministry of Economy, El Salvador; Norberto Amador Islas, Official ProMexico Commercial Advisor in Colombia, Mexico; Moderation: Diego Caicedo, Expert, (ECUADOR) Cultural activity organized by the Ministry of Foreign Trade of Ecuador Night City Tour Time Fr. 17 July 9:00 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 10:00 10:30 12:00 12:15 13:00 Round Table MERCOSUR (Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay, Venezuela) and Chile “Potential areas for export to EEU/BRICS and challenges” Main challenges Fernando Núñez, Manager of Institutional Relations at ExportAR, Argentina; Manuela Lima, Business Intelligence Analyst and Corporate Strategy Unit, Brazil; Nikolaus Osiw, Business Intelligence Director, Export and Investment Network (REDIEX), Ministry of Industry and Commerce, Paraguay; Mariana Ferreira, Division Manager of Competitive Intelligence, Uruguay; Deborah Mendoza, Bancoex Executive Vicepresident, Venezuela; Roberto Paiva, Executive Director ProChile, Chile; Moderation: Carlos Chanduvi-Suarez (UNIDO) Coffee Break Plenary Working Group BRICS - EEU –LAC Opportunities and challenges for promotion of trade recommendations on potential actions Moderation: Silvana Vallejo, Vice Minister of Trade Policies and Services (ECUADOR) and Mr. Carlos Chanduvi-Suarez, Chief LAC Bureau UNIDO Break Final remarks & Conclusions Silvana Vallejo, Vice Minister of Trade Policies and Services (ECUADOR) and Mr. Carlos Chanduvi-Suarez, Chief LAC Bureau UNIDO Certificates and closure of the Workshop Lunch Departure of LAC participants Sa. 18 Jul Departure EEU and BRICS participants
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