Welcome to St. Therese Catholic Church 217 Brawley School Road, Mooresville, NC 28117-9103 704-664-3992 www.SaintTherese.net An Ignatian parish staffed by priests of the Maryland Province of the Society of Jesus (The Jesuits) since 1970. Pastor Rev. Vincent C. Curtin, S.J. Mass Times Saturday Vigil 5:30 pm Sunday Mass Times 7:30 am, 9:00 am, 10:30 am (Sunday Nursery at 9:00 am and 10:30 am Masses) 12:00 noon, 2:30 pm (Misa en Espanol), 5:30 pm Daily Mass 9:00 am Monday through Friday and First Saturdays (Day Chapel) Reconciliation 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm on Saturdays or by appointment Eucharistic Exposition and Adoration First Friday of each month 9:45 am - 4:45 pm with Benediction at 4:45 pm Rosary 7:00 pm Mondays (Day Chapel) 6:30 pm Tuesdays (Day Chapel) Bulletin Deadline 4:30 pm Thursday for the next weekend bulletin. All items subject to approval and editing. Submit to Lisa Cash, [email protected] Parish Office Hours Monday-Friday 8:00 am - 12:00 pm & 12:30 pm - 4:30pm 704-664-3992 Fax: 704-660-6321 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.sainttherese.net Faith Formation Office Hours Sunday 8:30 am-5:30 pm and 6:30 pm-9:00 pm Monday 9:00 am - 5:00 pm Tuesday 10:00 am - 7:00 pm Wednesday 10:00 am - 6:30 pm Thursday 10:00 am - 2:00 pm Friday & Saturday Closed 704-664-7762 Welcome to St. Therese Catholic Church! Thank you for being here with us! The parishioners of St. Therese welcome our visitors. Please introduce yourselves to your neighbors. Your presence is very important to us, as is your support. Registration Every household is invited to register. Forms are available in the Parish Office or on our website. According to Diocesan policy, parish registration is required for Faith Formation, all Sacraments, ministries, and school vouchers. MOVING? Please notify the Parish Office! Communion of the Sick Please notify the Parish Office if you want communion brought to the home, hospital or nursing home. Hospitals do not notify the church that you are there except at your direct request. Anointing of the Sick Please notify the Parish Office of those who are homebound or in hospitals, or nursing homes, especially when seriously ill. Marriage According to Diocesan policy, registered couples must begin marriage preparation at least SIX MONTHS pr ior to the desir ed wedding date. Please call the Parish Office for an appointment. Baptism of Infants and Children through Grade 1 At least SIX WEEKS before the anticipated date of Baptism, parents must contact the Parish Office to arrange for required baptismal preparation. Contact: Christine Leal at 704-664-3992. Baptism for Children Grades 3 through 7 All children in the above grades are prepared for the first Sacraments of Initiation through the Rite of Christian Initiation of Children. Contact: Dave Conklin in the Faith Formation Office 704-664-7762. Adult Sacraments of Initiation All adults (age 17 and older) who wish to be baptized, confirmed and/or receive First Eucharist are prepared through the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults. This is also the process for non-Catholics to come into full communion with the Catholic Church. Contact: Deacon John Sims 704-662-0714. Parish Office 704-664-3992 Pastor/Párroco Rev. Vincent C. Curtin, S.J., ext. 102 [email protected] Parochial Vicars/Vicarios Rev. Dominic Totaro, S.J., ext. 225 [email protected] Rev. Donald M. Ward, S.J., ext. 107 [email protected] In Residence Rev. Francis X. Reese, S.J., ext 205 [email protected] Deacons/Diácono Rev. Mr. John Sims [email protected] Rev. Mr. Myles Decker Rev. Mr. Robert Kratchman (retired) Rev. Mr. Joe Santen (retired) Parish Manager Melinda Drury, ext. 101 [email protected] Latino Coordinator Leyda Carrillo, ext. 114 [email protected] Ministry Communications Coordinator Lisa Cash, ext. 105 [email protected] Music Ministry Director Phil Haigler, ext. 106 [email protected] Liturgy Coordinator Rosemary Hyman, ext. 315 [email protected] Office Assistant/Facilities Scheduler Christine Leal, ext. 100 [email protected] Pastoral Council Bill Streiff, President [email protected] Bob Linden, Vice President Tina Force, Secretary Maria Boaze David Deselem Administrative Assistant Elaine Runski, ext. 301 [email protected] Maintenance Manager Wesley Weaver, ext. 104 [email protected] Faith Formation/ Formación de Fe: 704-664-7762 Director Carmen San Juan, ext. 109 Assistant Director Dave Conklin, ext. 108 Office Assistant Darlene McClure, ext. 110 Little Way Preschool: 704-664-7762 Preschool Director Dayna Auten, ext. 318 Amy Michelone Tracy Neumann Karen Neyland Ron Toney Judy Wagner Rick Wagner Finance Council Chair Rick Fabrize, [email protected] 25TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME SEPTEMBER 20, 2015 WORSHIP & PRAYER In Your Prayers Prayer Requests Peggy Bachand, Jan Balmat, Michelle Bischoff, Barbara Cahill, Steve Coyne, Dutch Detchemendy, Teresa Geraci, JD Gibbs, Beverly Hedrick, Marilynn Houck, Beatrice Hynson, Dolores Licari, Bill Michalak, Nick Politis, Cindy Powell, Ron Regula, Rose Regula, Maureen Rossi, Helen Russo, Angela Schelter, John Vorlicek, Robyn Wolf, Johnnie Ziats. If you have any changes to the Prayer Request list, please contact Christine Leal at 704-664-3992, ext. 100 or [email protected]. Homebound Please remember our homebound in your prayers: At home: William Cote, Rosalind Doehm, Patsy Freeze, Julianne & Scott Jarvis, Angela Leuci, Mark Marchese, Jeanne McDonnell, Charles Memrick, Dean Nash, Claradilla Pineda, Rita Sabella, Mary Strup, Stach Wisniewski. Autumn Care: Betty Mar kovich Brian Center: Cynthia Fer r er , Oliver Mann, Gregory Ramirez, Hattie Walker, Joan Waltman. Carillon: Betty Bunyan, Marie Fields, Jim Harnett, Mila Maldjain, Vartavar Maldjain, Mitzi Moody, Patrick Naso. Churchill: Cecilia Blouin, Connie Caron, Corinne Cordillo, MaryJane Farrell, Helen Holmes, Trudy Keller, Regina Kilcarr, Joan Koch, Jean Loeshen, Louise Logono, Ruth Martins, Helen Mastrianni, Robert Matsey, Johanna McCloskey, Jean Mueller, Lillian Pingel, Elly Schenne, Evaline Seyk, Inga Shealy, Sherry Thompson, Diane Visek, Jean Woodall. Crown Colony: Rosemary Leonetta, Linda Turner. Genesis: Joan Brennan, Lorraine Cardillo, Leona Dreiling, Barbara Jedrey, Lelia Leon, Margaret Lovine, Francis Mariea, Dee Murray, Terry Nagel, Jim Strup, Patricia Vance. Huntersville Oaks: Carol Osmer. Statesville Place: Irene Nemeth. Summit Place: Pat Aikenhead, Bill Bonsignore, Attilo Ceraldi, Nickie Ceraldi, Connie Ferraro, Lee Floyd, Mary Kozar, Elaine Panuski, Paul Poisson, Beverly Wisbon, Yvette Wynn. The Pines: Florence Chandler, Charlotte Ferrero, Lee Kuras, Ann Rudolph, Kathleen Sabalis. If you have any changes to the Homebound List, please contact Rosemary Hyman at 704-664-3992, ext. 315 or [email protected] PRAYERS FOR OUR TROOPS! Please remember our military personnel in your prayers: READINGS FOR Sunday, September 27, 2015 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time 1st Reading - Numbers 11:25-29 Responsorial - Psalm 19 2nd Reading - James 5:1-6 Gospel - Mark 9:38-43, 45, 47-48 SEPTEMBER In September, the Holy Father asks us to pray that opportunities for education and employment may increase for all young people and that catechists may give witness by living in a way consistent with the faith they proclaim. Madison Ahlers, Dave Berczek, Jaryl Burjoss, Janine Campbell (USS Pickney), Crista Campos, Garrett Carnes, Douglas Cestari (Afghan), John Cevasco, Alan S. Colvin (Iraq), Steven Fotiadis, Kody Garrison, Matthew Geremia, Jeffrey Guild (Afghan), Courtney Hanna, Gregory Hanna, Richard Hedges, Nicholas Hemm (Japan), Mary Katherine Hesler, Ryan Howard (Afghan), Christopher Kolakowski (Okinawa), Jeremy Lacey, Matthew Laxton, Rachel Laxton, Adam Livingston, Andres Molestina, Carlos Molestina, John Nickolopakos, Stephen Nilsson, Eduardo J. Sanchez (Afghan), Ryan Smith (Okinowa), Daniel Spaulding (Iraq), Erik Tarnacki, Dominic Wagner, Donovan Wagner, John White, Kyle Wishlinski (USS Louisiana), Billy Wyatt (Quantico). Please help us keep our prayer list up to date. Let us know if someone in your family is deployed overseas, injured, or returns home. The Ignatian Corner! Hope Sings, So Beautiful: Graced Encounters Across The Color Line (Note: Larry Paffrath corrected me. Dr. Christopher Pramuk is an associate professor of theology at Xavier University in Cincinnati. Larry writes this article. Fr. Dominic) Dr. Pramuk’s theme differed from the other keynote speakers in that he spoke of listening through the creative or imaginative heart. This theme is best expressed in his own words found in the prospectus for the conference: “I take my inspiration in the presentation from Fr. General Adolfo Nicolas’s (Superior General of the Society of Jesus) evocative statements likening religious sensitivity to the appreciation of music. What can Fr. Nicolas mean by suggesting that Jesuit education and mission in the world today must seek to form ‘a new kind of humanity that is musical’, a humanity that retains a ‘sensitivity to beauty, to goodness, to the suffering of others, to compassion’? How does this musical sensitivity relate to what Fr. Nicolas calls ‘a deep taste for silence’, sensitivities that are ‘threatened today by a purely economic or materialistic mindset which deadens this sensitivity to the deeper dimension of reality’? Beginning from a shared meditation together, I want to explore the Ignatian disposition of the ‘listening heart’ and then offer a mosaic of examples of such spirituality in concrete practice.” I would like to focus on the last sentence from Dr. Pramuk’s words and share what was in my heart after listening to his presentation. I was moved by how he expressed the intersection of theology, spirituality, the arts, race relations, and social justice in his life. I wondered if he had written more on the subject. Fortunately, while shopping at the book store that accompanied the conference, I found a book titled Hope Sings, So Beautiful: Graced Encounters Across The Color Line (Nora and I donated the book to our St. Therese Library, if you are interested in reading it.) In this book Pramuk writes elegant and penetrating prose about his personal, spiritual, and scholarly encounter with the extremely timely topics of racial discord, gender bias, ethnic and religious conflict, and other social problems. This is not just “another” book about the ills of our society and church, but Pramuk’s “passion is nothing less than overcoming every discrimination, but especially racism, to gaze on Christ from ten thousand places”. (Drew Christiansen, SJ former editor of A merica). “Pramuk creatively interweaves music, scholarship, art, the natural world, theology, personal experience, spiritual writings, and much more to examine discipleship in a racist and fractured world. But above all he unveils the everyday mystery of divine love that beckons us to new life and a new way forward.” (Timothy Matovina, University of Notre Dame, Author of Latino Catholicism: Transformation in America’s Largest Church). In the early chapters Pramuk explains the tension and discord that grows from ambiguity in race discourse, and indeed, he uses straight forward language early on in the book. The first time it struck me directly was when he called me a PWM. That happened when he referred to himself as a PWM (Privileged White Male). I worked through my discomfort and continued to read Pramuk’s advice on how to encounter others as Jesus would expect us to do. “It is God’s world – not two worlds.” “Everybody is traumatized.” “The human family is turned against itself.” “Jesus gave us gifts we cannot steal away from each other.” “Live, be present to each other.” These are expressions from the next few chapters that we can all learn from. Building on these concepts Pramuk encourages Christians especially to spend significant, “quality” time encountering one another. Like Fr. Nicholas, Pramuk encourages us to use wisdom language in our encounters. Wisdom language involves the use of positive, encouraging, engaging, non- threatening, and liberating words and expressions when we encounter others; not exclusively, but especially when in relationship with people different from ourselves and even our enemies. Drawing from his musical training, Pramuk helps us see the importance of a graced encounter by taking the reader on a pilgrimage with some of the greatest creative performing and prose artists. He quotes and provides examples from the endeavors of Thomas Merton, Stevie Wonder, Billie Holiday, Steve Ochs, Sting, Fr. Nicholas SJ, Ysae Barnwell, Jonathan Kozol, Saint Augustine, Pedro Arrupe SJ, several popes, Etty Hillesum, James Baldwin, Georgia O’Keefe, Malcolm X, Rev. Martin Luther King, Sr. Thea Bowman, Gerald Manley Hopkins SJ, the gospel writers, and others. In conclusion, I want to share a recent “encounter” I experienced. Nora and I attended a performance of Berry Gordy’s musical, Motown, recently at the Belk Theater. Gordy wrote this musical to celebrate the great works of the black musicians who started their careers under contract with him at Motown. I sat at the end of an aisle and could see lots of toe tapping with feet and legs stretched into the aisle. We were physically connecting with the words and rhythms of their “concert”. My “encounter” happened when the character Diana Ross descended from the stage at her break-out performance as a solo artist in Las Vegas to engage the audience in singing the famous lyric from her hit “Reach Out And Touch”. At her encouragement, the capacity audience joined hands above our heads and swayed back and forth with the rhythm as we sang “Reach out and touch somebody’s hand, make this world a better place, if you can.” During this hope filled encounter I was experiencing what a PWM can truly become. I was one of over two thousand of God’s “children”. STEWARDSHIP...Sharing Time, Talent & Treasure Mass Attendance Christian Stewardship trains us to become aware that God is the ultimate giver of the gifts we have. To give to God should be “from the top” – not what may be left over. September 6, 2015 5:30 Sat 7:30 9:00 10:30 376 214 412 560 12:00 2:30 5:30 Total 331 173 300 2366 RCIA Needs More Adult Babysitters RCIA provides adult babysitters in our Church nursery for those preparing to come into the Catholic Church. Class is on Thursday nights from 7 to 8:30PM from September through March. The babysitter commitment will be at MOST once every month during that period. They also must attend the “Protecting God’s Children” class if they have not already done so. Adult RCIA babysitters are officially members of our RCIA team. Please contact Nancy Toney at [email protected] or Deacon John at 704-662-0714. Music Ministry Opportunities STEWARDSHIP OF TREASURE OFFERTORY THROUGH SEPTEMBER 6, 2015 Actual 30-Aug 6-Sept YTD(7/1/15-9/6/15) Budget Over/ (Under) $21,214 $23,400 ($2,186) $22,607 $24,000 ($1,393) $245,877 $247,000 ($1,123) Active Families 3,759 as of 9/15/15 Thank You for Your Generosity OUTREACH Adult Choir - sings every Sunday at 9 and 10:30 am Masses. We rehearse together on Wednesday evenings at 7pm in Room 101. We’re not looking for solo voices, just committed choir members. Sanctuary Praise Band - provides contemporary music for the Sunday 5:30 pm Mass. Instruments are piano, guitars and drums, although other instruments might serve this Mass also. Practices are on Sunday at 4 pm. Toothpaste Bars of Soap Children’s Choir - joins the Adult Choir at 10:30 pm Mass at least once a month. Open to children age 4 and older. Weekly Wednesday rehearsals are at 4 pm in Room 101. (Food can be dropped off on the black rolling carts in the Narthex of the Church or you may continue to drop donations off in the carts in the hallway of the Administration building) Handbell Choir - Handbell experience is greatly desired, but not required. Instruction for novices are generously offered. Weekly Tuesday rehearsals are at 7 pm on in Room 101. Please Remember: No opened or fresh food Check expiration dates - expired food must be thrown away Celebration Choir - sings only at funerals. We usually have only one rehearsal per month. Please consider what your strengths might be and feel free to join us! Call Phil Haigler, Director of Music Ministry at 704-664-3992, ext. 106 or email [email protected]. Food Pantry is open Mondays from 10:00am to 11:30am The pantry is closed on church Holy Days & all Federal holidays. PARISH SPIRITUAL LIFE UPDATE: Morning Mass on Thursday, September 24th will remain at 9:00 AM. The Church and Faith Formation Offices will be closed from 10:00 AM-11:00 AM while we watch Pope Francis address a joint session of the U.S. Congress in rooms 202-203 of the PLC. All are welcome to join us. To view online, go to: http://ignatiansolidarity.net/pope-franciscongress/ RCIA Inquiry Thursday, September 24th at 7:00 PM Angels Saints Presented by Amy Michelone We Would like to invite you to: Friday Night Live—Peru Night Friday Sept 25th Dinner at 6:30pm Presentation at 7pm Come join us for an evening of food and fellowship as we share our experiences in Peru with you! Prayer Service - Friday, September 25th at 6:30 PM Join us on Friday, September 25th for our monthly Prayer Service in the Day Chapel at 6:30pm. All are welcome to come and pray with us for anyone dealing with illness and for their caregivers. Morning Offering – Apostleship of Prayer Turn your entire day into a prayer of offering for others. Join the millions worldwide who pray each day for the world, the Church, each other, and the Pope’s monthly prayer intentions. Each morning offer your day to God with the suggested Morning Offering. DAILY (MORNING) OFFERING PRAYER O Jesus, through the Immaculate Heart of Mary, I offer You my prayers, works, joys, and sufferings of this day in union with the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass throughout the world. I offer them for all the intentions of Your Sacred Heart: the salvation of souls, reparation for sin, and the reunion of all Christians. I offer them for the intentions of our bishops and of all Apostles of Prayer, and in particular for those recommended by our Holy Father this month. WAKING UP TO THIS DAY A Day of Reflection with Paula D’Arcy Saint Therese Catholic Church Saturday, October 3, 2015 9:30am to 3pm $35 per person (Lunch included) During this Day of Reflection we will explore guideposts that summon us to live in the present moment and open our eyes to the perfection of Divine love moving in our lives. The day will include time for reflection. Please bring a journal. OPEN TO EVERYONE THIS IS A FREE EVENT Visit our website at http://www.sainttherese.net/wakingup-to-this-day for additional information and to get a registration form. For questions, call Carmen San Juan at 704-664-7762 Faith Sharing Opportunity Sat 9/19 Intention 5:30 AM Tom Cronin+ Barbara & Brian Kentler Sun 9/20 Intention 7:30 AM Raymond Guilfoyle+ Frank Ulishney+ 9:00 AM Ben Oates+ Betty Ann Kincaid+ 10:30 AM Parishioners Requested By Family Anniversary Requested By Family Ron & Mary Ulishney Family Tom & Cindy Kincaid 12:00 PM Joseph & Loretta Falzone Frank & Ingrid Schaffer 5:30 PM Marion Cataldo+ Helen Odomirok+ Mon 9/21 Intention 9:00 AM Elizabeth Fournier+ Thomas Wedlock+ Tues 9/22 Intention 9:00 AM Mary Saia+ Irene Yurish+ Wed 9/23 Intention 9:00 AM Charles Russell+ Anthony Christopher Doll+ Thurs 9/24 Intention 9:00 AM Pope Francis Faith Formation Friends of Ivy Hollow Requested By Carol & Ron Cortopassi Hardiman Family Requested By Son & Family Steve Yurish Requested By William Neil Family Requested By Fri 9/25 Intention 9:00 AM Gabriel Molestina+ Mark Perillo+ Sat 9/26 Intention 5:30 AM Edward St. John+ Lucille Barslow+ Sun 9/27 Intention 7:30 AM Kaye Churchill+ Carleen Pugliese (Healing) 9:00 AM J.J. Anderson+ Floyd Hill+ 10:30 AM Lucille Barslow+ Joseph Nottoli+ 12:00 PM Parishioners Requested By Family Nanna Family Requested By Friends John & Donna Park Requested By Jean & Tom Franzone Nanny Family Family Family Betty Shepard Donna & Bob Mosback 5:30 PM David Collins+ Michael Jaderaia+ Faith Formation Kuhlman & Jadevaia Attention current or prospective Eucharistic Ministers & Ushers Join us for a review and new volunteer training! We will also answer questions on the new scheduling program. New ministry instructional booklets with photos will be available. Monday, September 21st at 7pm Beginning Thursday, October 1st we will be offering a faith sharing group using the book: Love: A Guide to Prayer by Jacqueline Bergan and Sr. Marie Schwan. Facilitated by Pat Davies. Dates: 10/1, 10/8, 10/15, 10/22, 10/29, 11/5, and 11/12 Thursday mornings from 10AM– 12 noon in room 206 Cost: $15.00 (to cover the cost of book and materials) For more information and to register, please contact Carmen San Juan at 704-664-7762 or [email protected]. Come Celebrate! Mass and Reception for the Feast of St. Therese Thursday, October 1st Mass at 9:00 AM with Reception immediately following Mass Deepest Sympathy To Carrie Rathbun and family on the death of her husband, Thomas Rathbun. To the family of Juan Alvarez on his death. To the family of Arthur Takes on his death. PARISH LIFE Parish Picnic 2015 Date: Saturday September 26, 2015 (rain or shine) Time: 11am-3pm Place: Parish Life Center (outside if weather permits) Grilling by Knights of Columbus Desserts by S.W.A.T. M.O.S.T. beer tent St. Therese Alumni Choir Heritage Festival Music and Dancing Heritage tables Epic Moments – photo booth Magic Show & Face Painting by Magical Events by Dana Every family is asked to bring a favorite picnic side dish in a disposable container to share. Please bring your side dish in by noon. Peace and Justice Corner The Peace and Justice Committee is working with the Parish Life Commission on the Heritage Festival portion of the picnic on Saturday, September 26th. We would love for each ethnic group to share their heritage with us by setting up a table at the picnic. Our parish has several groups represented. Share your pride with the parish. Please call Anne Cerutti at 704-664-7455 to let me know if you are participating and if you have any questions. NEWS FROM MOST Coffee and Donuts- hosted by M.O.S.T. (Men of St. Therese) The Men of St. Therese, (M.O.S.T.), would like to invite all parishioners to Coffee and Donuts after the 7:30 AM, 9:00 AM and 10:30 AM Masses today. Please join us TODAY, September 20th and on the third Sunday of each month. It's a great way to build a sense of community, so why not stop by, enjoy some coffee, juice, and donuts and get to meet someone new. There are a lot of new families moving in to our parish… what better way to welcome them? Keep in mind that children are welcome, too. We will have Coffee and Donuts in the Family Room. Parish Dinner / Theater Trip MOST is planning a one day excursion to the Wohlfarht Dinner Theater in Wytheville,VA on December 13th, 2015! www.wohlfarhthaus.com We will travel in a Luxury motor coach leaving the church parking lot at 10:15 AM sharp. After making a short necessary stop we will arrive for a “holiday feast” about 12:15 PM. Dinner starts at 1:00 PM and the “ Holiday Spectacular” show starts at 3:00 PM. The show is packed with the Christmas songs you know and love and there is a marvelous Nativity scene. The coach will arrive back at St. Therese about 7:00 PM. The all inclusive cost is $58 per person - a real bargain! Several tour companies charge $119 per person for this same tour. This event is open to all parishioners, however we are limited to 54 people so the first 54 people to PAY will be guaranteed a seat. Uncertain??? Pay now. Get your seat. Full refunds will be available until November 11th. Make your check payable to St. Therese and mail to Jack Madey, 121 Brawley Point Circle, Mooresville, NC 28117, or drop it in the MOST mailbox at Church. For more information, call Vince Greco at 704-662-3930 or Jack Madey at 704-662-0220. WEEKLY SCHEDULE Sunday, Sept 20 8:00 AM MOST Coffee & Donuts 9:00 AM Faith Formation Classes 10:30 AM Faith Formation Classes 1:00 PM ESL-Citizenship Class 1:15 PM Baptisms 3:30 PM Together in Faith 4:00 PM Faith Formation Classes 4:00 PM Sanctuary Praise Band 6:30 PM Confirmation Meal 7:00 PM Confirmation Classes 7:00 PM Youth Ministry Monday, Sept 21 9:00 AM Little Way Preschool 10:00 AM ESL 7:00 PM Ignatian Book Club 7:00 PM Pastoral Council 7:00 PM Rosary for the Unborn Tuesday, Sept 22 9:00 AM Little Way Preschool 11:00 AM Social Butterflies 3:00 PM Bereavement 6:00 PM Faith Formation Classes 6:30 PM Marian Prayer Group 7:00 PM Handbell Choir 7:00 PM Ignatian Latino Prayer Wednesday, Sept 23 9:00 AM Little Way Preschool 10:00 AM CLC-Preparation Days 10:00 AM Just Moved 12:30 PM LWP-Lunch Bunch 12:30 PM LWP-Lunch Bunch 4:00 PM Children's Choir 5:00 PM ESL 5:00 PM Faith Formation Classes 7:00 PM Adult Bible Study 7:00 PM Adult Choir 7:00 PM CLC-Preparation Days 8:00 PM New Beginnings Family Room PLC Classrooms PLC Classrooms Room 14 Church MPR-PLC PLC Classrooms Church MPR-PLC PLC Classrooms Family Room Preschool Rooms Room 14 Room 202-203 Room 15 Day Chapel Preschool Rooms Room 204 Room 15 PLC Classrooms Day Chapel Choir Room-101 Room 16 Preschool Rooms Room 204 Room 202-203 LWP Rms 103,106 LWP Room 104 Choir Room-101 Room 14 & 16 PLC Classrooms Room 16 Choir Room 101 Room 204 Family Room From the Respect Life Committee National Life Chain Sign up this weekend and next weekend for Life Chain 2015 after all Masses. The Life Chain is a pro-life, family event Sunday, October 4 from 2:00 to 3:30 p.m. on sidewalks along Hwy 150 in Mooresville. Families will stand silently and pray while holding pre-made signs as a pro-life witness to our community. Be a part of this ministry that hopes to save lives and change hearts and minds. Thursday, Sept 24 9:00 AM Little Way Preschool 9:30 AM Luminous Rosary 10:00 AM CLOSED 10-11 10:00 AM Women's Bible Study 12:30 PM LWP-Lunch Bunch 5:00 PM Latino Music Ministry 7:00 PM Finance Council 7:00 PM Peace & Justice Comm 7:00 PM RCIA Meetings Friday, Sept 25 9:00 AM Little Way Preschool 1:00 PM Bridge Club 6:30 PM Friday Night Live Saturday, Sept 26 10:00 AM Sat Morning Bible Study 11:00 AM Parish Picnic Sunday, Sept 27 9:00 AM Faith Formation Classes 10:30 AM Faith Formation Classes 1:00 PM ESL-Citizenship Class 1:00 PM FF Span 1st Com Prep 1:15 PM Latino Baptisms 4:00 PM Faith Formation Classes 4:00 PM K of C Squires 4:00 PM Latino Pot Luck 4:00 PM Sanctuary Praise Band 6:30 PM Confirmation Meal 7:00 PM Confirmation Classes 7:00 PM Youth Ministry Preschool Rooms Day Chapel Offices Closed Rooms 204 LWP Room 104 Day Chapel Room 15 Room 14 Family Room Preschool Rooms Room 17 MPR-PLC Room 16 MPR-PLC PLC Classrooms PLC Classrooms Room 14 202/3,205,107,110 Church PLC Classrooms Room 15 MPR-PLC Church MPR-PLC PLC Classrooms Family Room To view the complete Event Schedule, visit our website at http://www.sainttherese.net/eventschedule and click on “View Events Calendar.” If you have any questions about the schedule, please contact Christine Leal at 704-664-3992, ext. 100 or [email protected]. Revised schedule for ESL classes Monday: 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM ( room 14 ) Wednesday: 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM( room 14 ) Thursday: 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM (rooms 107 and 110 in the PLC ) Faith Formation is excited to announce our new theme and logo for the 2015-2016 year: "Fed Together at Eucharist…Sent on Mission as One!" Especially with the building of the new church, the Eucharist becomes even more important than ever before. Being fed together emphasizes the many peoples, the many cultures, the many differences of those who come to receive our nourishment at the Sunday meal and that we all receive according to our wonderful differences what we each need. For that there is great gratitude as an important result of the gift given at Eucharist. But, that is only half of the wonder which we celebrate. The other is the mission, so dear to Francis our shepherd, the bishop of Rome. And that mission is always the same. That He whom we have received together at the liturgy be better known, loved and served in our world, especially among the poor and abandoned with whom we live. The various colors of the logo are expressions of our hope that what we profess by the reception of the Sacrament is entirely possible to live with the help of the Lord whom we receive. Join us in celebrating our new theme! Our beautiful banner is hanging in the hallway of the PLC just outside the Faith Formation office. Why not stop by and check it out? COMMUNITY Catholic Charities invites you to attend “From Stewardship of Our Local Catawba River to a Justice Vision of Global Fresh Water Usage" taking place at St. Peter Catholic Church on Monday evening, October 5, in Biss Hall from 7:00 to 9:00 PM. Event speakers are Matthew Burkhart of Catholic Relief Services, and Sam Perkins of Catawba Riverkeeper Foundation. Find more information about this presentation at www.ccdoc.org. While this event is free, notification of your plan to attend is requested. Please call 704-370-3225 or email [email protected]. Retrouvaille is a pr ogr am for mar r ied couples who are struggling with problems in their marriage. For confidential information or to apply for the next program beginning with a weekend September 25, 2015, call 800-470-2230 or 434-793-0242, e-mail us at [email protected], or visit the web site at www.retrouvaille.org. Jesus is waiting for you to visit him in Adoration! Did you know that Perpetual Adoration of the Most Blessed Sacrament is available to you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week? St. Mark Catholic Church in Huntersville (off of Exit 25) invites the parish family of St. Therese to sign up for a weekly holy hour with Our Lord. Those interested in signing up for a weekly holy hour of Adoration can go to the St. Mark Perpetual Adoration website at http:// www.stmarknc.org/perpetual_adoration.html. Anyone with questions can contact Mary Fink, Coordinator of the St. Mark Perpetual Adoration Ministry, at [email protected] or 704-905-6686. Upcoming Days of Reflection in October - Reserve Your Seat Today! Thursday, October 8, 2015 Location: St. Eugene Catholic Church, Asheville Presenter: Fr. Ed Sheridan Cost: $10 per person includes lunch Checks Payable to: St. Eugene’s Women’s Guild Deadline for Registration: Thursday, October 1st To Register: Registration information and fee can be put into weekly collection at St. Eugene’s or mailed to Catholic Charities. For Additional Information: Contact Sandra Breakfield at 704-370-3220 or email [email protected] Tuesday, October 15, 2015 Location: St. Gabriel Catholic Church, Charlotte Presenter: Fr. Frank O’Rourke Topic: “Keeping the Flame of Faith Alive in Our Hearts…Stories that Inspire” Cost: $12 per person includes lunch Deadline for Registration: Friday, October 9th Checks Payable to: Catholic Charities Diocese of Charlotte To Register: Contact Sandra Breakfield at 704-3703220 or email [email protected] Wednesday, October 21, 2015 Location: Catholic Conference Center, Hickory Presenter: Msgr. Mo West Cost: $15 per person includes lunch Checks Payable to: Catholic Charities Diocese of Charlotte Deadline for Registration: Monday, October 12th To Register: Contact Sandra Breakfield at 704-3703220 or email [email protected] FAITH FORMATION 704-664-7762 Week of: Faith Formation Redefined – Part I 9/20 Classes as scheduled (Catechetical Sunday) Youth Ministry Begins Sun 7pm 9/20 Together in Faith - 3:30pm 9/25 Friday Night Live 9/27 Classes as scheduled 9/27 SPANISH - Special 1st Comm Pr ep 1pm 9/27 Special 1st Comm Pr ep 3:30pm 9/30 Adult Ed - 7pm 10/3 Day of Reflection with Paula D'Arcy 10/4 Classes as scheduled 10/4 Together in Faith - 3:30pm 10/5 First Communion Parent Meeting 6:30pm 10/7 First Communion Parent Meeting 6:30pm 10/10 Confirmation Retreat For most of us, when we think about faith formation, classes for children come to mind. This year over 1000 children will walk down the halls of the Parish Life Center heading to classes to form their faith. This next generation of Catholics will be running the church before too long. So yes, the religious education of our children is important, but we do need to realize that as adults our religious education is never complete. The faith formation of adults is an essential component of a faith formation program because we are all on a constant journey to get closer to God. 10/11 Classes as scheduled 10/11 SPANISH - Special 1st Comm Pr ep 1pm 10/11 Special 1st Comm Pr ep 3:30pm 10/11 NO Confirmation Classes 10/14 Adult Ed – 7pm 10/18 Classes as Scheduled (Last 15 min. all in MPR) 10/18 Together in Faith – 3:30pm 10/18 Conf Parent Meeting (A,B,C & D) 10/25 Classes as scheduled 10/25 SPANISH - Special 1st Comm Pr ep 1pm 10/25 Special 1st Comm Pr ep 3:30pm 10/25 Confirmation Parent Meeting (E,F,G&H) 11/1 Classes as scheduled 11/1 Together in Faith - 3:30pm 11/4 Adult Ed – 7pm 11/7 7th Grade Retreat (1-6pm) 11/8 Classes as scheduled 11/8 SPANISH - Special 1st Comm Pr ep 1pm 11/8 Special 1st Comm Pr ep 3:30pm 11/13 Friday Night Live 11/15 Classes as scheduled 11/15 Together in Faith – 3:30pm 11/18 Adult Ed – 7pm 11/22 SUNDAY CLASSES ONLY 11/22 SPANISH - Special 1st Comm Pr ep 1pm 11/22 Special 1st Comm Pr ep 3:30pm 11/24 – 11/29 NO CLASSES (Thanksgiving) A good percentage of the faith formation children receive is in the form of information. Over the years they learn about the 10 commandments, the 7 sacraments, the 7 gifts of the Holy Spirit, the 12 apostles, the 4 pillars of the Catholic Church, the 14 Stations of the Cross, and so on. These are all important parts of being a Catholic. If you learned the Baltimore Catechism I bet you can rattle off many other lists. Being a Catholic adult is much more than knowing the information. Our continuing faith formation must be centered on transformation. All of the information shows us that God loves us. If we paid any attention to the stories about Jesus we know he expects us to return His love as well as show the love to others. While we are all created in the image of God, we are all in a constant struggle to be more like him. By allowing our faith to continue to grow, we grow closer to Him. Because He loves us, he gave us each other. We are a church – a community of believers that worships and serves alongside each other. Knights of Columbus Brothers and Youth Volunteers Needed LAMB Program WalMart Tootsie Roll Giveaway Call Larry 704-224-0959 Saturday, October 3rd and Sunday, October 4th 9:00am - 5:00pm *Earn Service Hours* Saturday, October 10th and Sunday, October 11th 9:00am - 5:00pm Misas en Español Todos los Domingos a las 2:30 p.m. Adoración al Santísimo Sacramento. El viernes 2 de Octubre del 2015. Todos los primeros viernes del mes, de 9:30 am—4:45 pm tendremos adoración eucarística. Confesiones: Todos los domingos a las 2:00 p.m. Usted puede llamar para hacer una cita. Clases de Bautismos: Todos los tercer fines de semanas tendremos clases de bautismo. La duración de la clase es de 2 horas, la asistencia es requerida padres y padrinos. La próxima clase será el sábado 17 de Octubre de 2:00 - 4:00 pm y el domingo 18 de Octubre de 4:00 a 6:00 pm. Por favor llamar a la Iglesia para registrarse en la clase. Atención Padres: No niños en las clase. Quinceañeras: Las personas que quieran organizar 15 años tienen que ser miembros de la iglesia, por un periodo de 6 meses luego llamar a la iglesia, para hacer una cita con el coordinador del misa. Matrimonios: Clases pre matrimoniales, favor avisar con seis meses de anticipación. Primeras Comuniones y Confirmaciones: Llamar a Carmen San Juan al 704-664-7762. Grupo Ignaciano: El grupo de oración Ignaciana abres sus puerta nuevamente el día martes 22 de Septiembre a las 7:00 pm. Los esperamos !!! 20 de Septiembre 2015 25avo. Del Tiempo Ordinario La segunda lectura de hoy nos advierte que un corazón consumido por la avaricia y la envidia conduce a los celos, a la discordia, los conflictos y las disputas. Un corazón generoso, en contraste, puede cantar con el salmista, “Libremente te ofreceré el sacrificio; alabaré Tu nombre, O Señor, por su bondad”. English as a Second Language : Si usted esta interesado en aprender ingles, por favor escriba un correo electrónico a la Profesora Deanna Hagan al [email protected] Los horarios de clases son: Lunes (10:00 –11:00 am) en el salón 14 Miércoles (5:00 pm—6:00 pm) en el salón 14 y 15 Jueves (7:00 pm—8:00 pm) en el salón 107-110 Domingo (1:15 pm– 2:15 pm) Citizenship salón 14 . Colecta para los sacerdotes jubilados del 2015: Por favor tome el tiempo necesario para leerlos e informarse sobre las necesidades de nuestros sacerdotes durante sus años de jubilación. Por favor medite en como puede demostrar su agradecimiento a los muchos sacerdotes que sirven a los feligreses de nuestra diócesis con tanta fidelidad. El Obispo Jugis ha escrito una carta a todos los feligreses sobre la colecta para la jubilación y los beneficios de los sacerdotes. En esta carta el Obispo nos recuerda la labor de los sacerdotes que nos han servido en el pasado y que ahora merecen vivir años de jubilación con dignidad. Esta es poco menos del doble de la cantidad de una colecta dominical. Por favor sea generoso el próximo fin de semana en la segunda colecta. Gracias por su generosidad. Congreso Eucarístico: Un día lleno de bendiciones, con toda la familia de la Iglesia de Santa Teresa. Día de la Hispanidad y Picnic Parroquial : Reserve el sábado 26 de Septiembre, celebremos el Día de la Raza, y un rico Picnic familiar. Los esperamos habrán actividades para los niños, bailes, música en vivo y mucho más. Donde?: Centro Parroquial de 11:00 am– 3:00 pm . Los esperamos ! Para más información, llamar a Leyda Carrillo a 704-664-3992 Extensión 114, fax 704-660-6321 “La Esquina Ignaciana” La semana que entramos hoy es una que está distinguida por muchos acontecimientos importantes en la vida de la iglesia y en la vida de muchos de sus miembros en todo el mundo. La fiesta de San Mateo el lunes enfatiza la misericordia gratuita que fue regalado a aquel pecador y que es un tema constante en la predica de nuestro querido Francisco, el obispo de Roma. El miércoles es el día más santo en el calendario litúrgico judío, un día cuando el pueblo entero pida la misericordia de Dios por sus pecados tanto personales como comunales. También el mismo día inicia la estación del otoño en el hemisferio norteño, un momento cuando personas de fe reconozcan en la cosecha la abundancia de la misma misericordia con la cual Dios les ha colmado. El jueves, en los países de Argentina, Ecuador, Perú y la República Dominicana, se celebra con una intensidad especial la fiesta de nuestra Señora de Merced. Toda la semana nos urge que recordemos la gran misericordia de Dios, su regalo más precioso que hemos recibido de sus manos generosas. Pero este año tiene otra ocasión para celebrar a nuestro Dios misericordioso. El martes empieza el encuentro mundial de las familias en la ciudad de Filadelfia. Durante todo el año la iglesia ha ido pensando en la importancia de la familia y en los muchos problemas que existen en vivir el ideal de una familia cristiana y rumiando en la maneras que la iglesia pudiera ser un agente más misericordioso en ayudarlas que logren aquellos ideales. Como todos sabemos, el momento central de la celebración de Filadelfia será la presencia de Francisco y el apoyo que ofrecerá a todos los participantes del encuentro. Tal vez sus discursos al Congreso de Washington y a la asamblea de las Naciones Unidos en Nueva York van a recibir más atención de los medios de comunicación, pero es seguro predecir que en todas partes su mensaje será lo mismo: Nuestro Dios de la misericordia nos exhorta que en nuestro trato con los demás, imitemos a Jesús en edificar el Reino de Dios en la familia, en este país y en todo el mundo. Lo que aquel mensaje significa es promover el respeto de la dignidad de cada persona, luchar por la justicia en todas las relaciones en que participamos, tanto en las entre la familia, en las diversas clases económicas y culturales, entre las naciones poderosos y las más débiles y asegurar de que todas las personas de buena voluntad trabajen juntos por la paz y para construir un mundo más humano. Nos llamará a ser la alegría del Evangelio. Verdaderamente, la expectación de la visita del Papa nos llena de una esperanza nueva, que, a pesar de las dificultades mundiales, aparentemente insuperables, la misericordia que hemos recibido desbordadamente de nuestro Dios fiel, pueda liberarnos para compartirla generosamente. La presencia del Santo Padre es otro signo de la compasión de Jesús para que nuestras familias, nuestros conciudadanos, y todos los hombres y mujeres en todas partes del mundo que el Señor ama tanto, puedan vivir en paz y harmonía. ¡Recemos durante la semana que el plan de Dios se cumpla en este conocimiento histórico! P. Donald Ward,SJ
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