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Pupils of Undregraduate and Posgraduate Schools ( Residents, Fellow , trainees). Supporting companies. Grants free charge only with preregistration before 31/8/2014 Registration grant does not include Access to Courses. COURSES Information about fees in Secretary Registration for Courses includes free access to the Congress CONTACT FOR LATINAMERICA Mariuxi Morales Bazurto; MD. [email protected] Skype: mariuximb33 PRESIDENT OF CONGRESS Oscar Bottini; MD [email protected] Skype: ohbottini INATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL CONTACT Lic. Gabriela Sfarcich [email protected] Phone: 054 11 4924 1843 Skype: Gabriela.sfarcich REGISTRATION [email protected] Web page: Intercontinental Hotel Buenos Aires, Argentina 23, 24, 25 October 2014 PERFORATING VEINS WELCOMING WORDS *OUIFGBOUBTUJDDJUZPG#VFOPT"JSFTDBQJUBMPG5BOHPPODF again we are organizing an event which will transcend the scientific medical community, especially for those who make Phlebology and Lymphology speciality, Angiology and Vascular Surgery in Argentina and Latin America. One more time all the institutions without exception work together with a conciliatory spirit, that our organizing Societies and Universities wish to keep, preserving it through the time and expanding it to other related specialities, thirsty for sharing these meetings, with a scientific program of high academic level that puts together a large number of reference professionals of the speciality from all over the world. We will also share a social schedule that you will all enjoy and will improve interpersonal relationships. We are committed to increasing in young minds motivation and energy to encourage research and intellectual growth. 5IJTJNQPSUBOUFXWFOUXJMMCFFOIBODFECZZPVSQSFTFODF and will reward all our effort and commitment. t4VNNBSZPGUIF*618PSME$POTFOTVTPO7FOPVT6MDFS t**$POTFOTVTPO7FOPVT6MDFS-"7' t-BUJO"NFSJDBO$POTFOTVTPO%JBCFUJD'PPU"-"% t-BUJOPBNFSJDBOB4VSWFZPO$7*-"7' t*7/BUJPOBM$POTFOTVTPO4VQFSGJDJBMBOE1FSGPSBUJOH7FOPVT $"$7:- SYMPOSIUM HEALING AND ADVANCED WOUND CARE t"EWBODFEXPVOEDBSFJOUIFXPSMEBUQSFTFOU t-BUJO"NFSJDBO(SPVQPG%JBCFUJD'PPU*OUFSEJTDJQMJOBSZ management. t$FOUFSTGPS8PVOE)FBMJOH 4UBHFTPGEFWFMPQNFOU 1SPUPDPMTGPSBEWBODFEXPVOEDBSF t4DJFOUJGJD4PDJFUJFTBOE*OEVTUSZ )PXUPMJOLGPSNFEJDBMEFWFMPQNFOU #BMBODFCFUXFFO&UIJDTBOE%FWFMPQNFOU t1SPUPDPMTGPSEJBHOPTJT t7BSJDPTFWFJOTSFDVSSFODF/FXDPODFQUT 3FPQFOJOHPSSFDVSSFODF *NQPSUBODFPG"OHJPHFOFTJTJOWBSJDPTFWFJOTSFDVSSFODF tPerforating Venous System. Importance in the development of CVI. DEEP VENOUS THROMBOSIS AND PULMONARY THROMBO-EMBOLISM t%75"/%15&JOUIFXPSME t5IFSBQFVUJDCFIBWJPVSJO-BUJO"NFSJDB MEDICAL EDUCATION IN PHLEBOLOGY t/FXUFDIOPMPHJFTBTPCTUBDMFTGPSTVSHJDBMMFBSOJOH t%FWFMPQNFOUPG$BSFFSTJO-BUJO"NFSJDB t*NQPSUBODFPG1IMFCPMPHZ8IBUEPFTBQIMFCPMPHJTUIBWFUP LOPXUPEBZ LIMITS OF PHLEBOLOGY AND APPLIED KINESIOLOGY t7BTDVMBS3FIBCJMJUBUJPO t/POWBTDVMBS3FIBCJMJUBUJPO t3FIBCJMJUBUJPOPGJNQVMTFQVNQT ECHOGUIDED PROCEDURES: ECHODOPPLER: Basic, Intermediate and Advanced Modules. BIOSECURITY for the usage of laser, RF, IPL. ADVANCED WOUND HEALING. Interactive management. DIABETIC FOOT. Stage by stage management. TRANSDERMIC LASER in vascular pathology. INTERACTIVE MESOTHERAPY. Body and face. NEW TRENDS IN BODY AESTHETICS /0/JOWBTJWF MARKETING IN PHLEBOLOGY IMAGES IN MEDICINE MANUAL LYMPHATIC DRAINAGE COMPRESSIVE THERAPY BASED ON EVIDENCE t.VMUJMBZFSCBOEBHFTVQQFSMJNCTMPXFSMJNCTBOETQFDJBMBSFBT t5BQQJOHMJOGPUBQJOHBMHPUBQQJOHVMDVTUBQQJOH . Endovascular Laser t8BWF-FOHIUT$VSSFOUFYQFSJFODF t0DDMVTJPOJOEFYBOEBEWFSTFFGGFDUT t$POUBDUGJCSFT1BTUPSQSFTFOU t'FNPSBMTBQIFOPVTKVODUJPO4IPPUJOHTJUF t$PTUo#FOFGJU)PXDBOJOGMVFODFUIFSBQFVUJDEFDJTJØO Oscar Hugo Bottini, MD 1SFTJEFOUPG*9$POHSFTTPG-BUJO American Venous Forum and 97*$POHSFTTPG"SHFOUJOJBO$PMMFHF of Venous and Lymphatic Surgery CHRONIC VENOUS INSUFFICIENCY VASCULAR DIAGNOSIS t"OBUPNZBQQMJFEUPWFOPVTQBUIPMPHZ tTU$FOUVSZ/FXUFDIOPMPHJFTOFXBQQMJDBUJPOT t&DIPEPQQMFS$5/.3*764 t$FOUFSTGPS%JBHOPTJTJO"SHFOUJOB2VBMJUZDPOUSPM PRESENT AND FUTURE IN C.V.I. /FX5FDIOPMPHJFT&74"TUFBN "$"4BGFPO .BSLFUJOH and Outcomes. Alvaro Orrego, MD President of Latin American Venous Forum. t'0".)PXUPNBLFJUNPSFTUBCMF 'VUVSFSFTFBSDI t5IFDOJRVFTBQQMJFEUP'0".5ZQFTPGDBUIFUFST Radiofrequency t$POUSJCVUJPOTPGPVUDPNFTXJUI$MPVTVSF'BTUJO-BUJO America and the world. t3BEJPGSFRVFODZBOE-BTFS$PTUoCFOFGJUBOBMZTJT Echosclerosis t*OEJDBUJPOT0VUDPNFT-JNJUBUJPOT t$PNQFUFODFPSDPNQMFNFOUXJUI5IFSNBMPCMJUFSBUJPOMBTFS3' HANDS ON COURSES III COURSE AADI ON TRAINING FOR SURGICAL ASSISTANTS IN ENDOVASCULAR PROCEDURES. COMUNITY TALKS -ZNQIFEFNB}T/BUJPOBM%BZ
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