1955 South Telluride Street Aurora, Colorado 80013 303-750-2836 Attendance Line: 303-326-1654 Edward Snyder, Principal e-mail: [email protected] Mrachek Web Site: http://www.aps.k12.co.us/mrachek Mrachek Middle School will provide a safe and positive learning environment in which all students will learn the necessary skills to enter high school and graduate with the choice to go to college without remediation Dear Parents and Mrachek Community, It is hard to believe we are in the fourth quarter and the end of our school year is rapidly approaching. We have been on a journey to accelerate the learning of every Mrachek Middle School student every day. As we finish this school year we continue to provide rigorous instruction aligned to Colorado and Common Core Academic Standards. Our seventh and eighth grade students will have the opportunity to resume the Colorado CMASS Assessment from April 13th thru May 1st. Seventh grade students will take an assessment in social studies and our eighth grade students will be assessed in science. In addition all students will take part two of the literacy and math CMASS Assessment during April 27th thru May 22nd. Our Unified Improvement Plan is in place and we will use that as our guide as we continue to plan for the best rigorous instruction possible to offer all students. All students will continue to be offered a choice in the type of text and reading level to challenge each student in independent reading, as well as being offered a variety of genre to choose from as they grow as writers. Our math students continue to make gains with regard to assessment data to determine how they are developing their math understandings compared to the standards. Students have been exposed to inquiry-based instruction in science, and are developing science notebooks in all science classes to record their progress and journal their conceptual understandings. Students will continue to have a variety of choices for exploratory classes to strengthen their learning in other areas of interest. Our PBIS (Positive Behavior Intervention Support) implementation of VALOR coupled with our Equity in Learning imple- mentation continues to be the basis for improving the learning environment and climate at Mrachek. Students and teachers will continue to be provided training and opportunity to develop a skill set in repairing broken relationships, (restorative justice practices) and restoring those relationships to minimize the amount of time taken away from learning During the summer months we have many exciting things taking place at Mrachek. First, we will continue the school year for 100 students as we continue the Fifth Block Program that will run from May 26 through June 25, 2015. We are excited to offer this opportunity to students who may not have access to additional intervention strategies and programs during the regular school year. In addition we will offer our COMPASS After-School Program to an additional 96 students during the same duration as 5th block. We will have a new cafeteria space built inside the building by re-purposing the current artroom and old wood shop space that will be completed by the first day of the 2015-2016 school year. I want to thank you for your support and continued partnership as we begin another journey to accelerate the learning of every student every day and increase student achievement at Mrachek Middle School. Best Regards, Ed Snyder April 2015 Calendar March 12 March 13 March 18 March 19 March 20 March 23- 27 April 2 April 10 April 15 April 29 Marzo 12 Marzo 13 Spring Choir Concert, 6:30 pm 3rd Quarter Ends NO CLASSES – Teacher Workday Skate City Night, 6-10 pm 6th Grade VALOR Assembly, 3:15 pm PBiS Event, 4:00 – 5:45 pm 7th Grade VALOR Assembly, 3:15 pm 8th Grade VALOR Assembly, 3:15 pm Spring Break 8th Grade Panoramic & Group Pictures Cultural & Learning Fair, 6:30 – 8:00 pm Parent Coffee/PTSAO Meeting, 9:30 am Parent/Teacher Conferences, 4:30–8:15 pm PBiS Event, 4:00 – 5:30 pm Concierto de Primavera, 6:30 pm Termina 3er Cuartó del año NO HAY CLASES- Día de Trabajo para Maestros Noche de Patinar/Skate City 6-10 pm Marzo 18 Asamblea de VALOR, 6to grado, 3:15pm Evento de PBIS, 4:00-5:45pm Marzo 19 Asamblea de VALOR, 7mo grado, 3:15pm Marzo 20 Asamblea de VALOR, 8vo grado, 3:15pm Marzo 23- 27 Receso de Primavera Abril 2 Fotos panorámicas, del 8vo grado en grupo Feria Cultural y de Aprendizaje, 6:30 -8:00 pm Abril 10 Reunión y Café para Padres/PTSAO, 9:30 am Abril 15 Conferencias de Padres y Maestros, 4:30-8:15 pm Abril 29 Evento de PBIS, 4:00-5:30pm Coming Soon: APS Online Registration APS Centralized Admissions is introducing an online registration process that will shorten the time it takes to register students in Aurora Public Schools. Beginning April 17, parents and guardians will have access to online registration forms that they can complete on any computer. The online forms will be available in English and Spanish. After parents complete and print the online forms, they will go to the Centralized Admissions Office to verify their identification and address information. Centralized Admissions can also print the forms if a parent has the confirmation number received during the online registration process. The online registration link will be posted on the APS website at admissions.aurorak12.org beginning April 17. Registration for the 2015-16 school year runs from April 8 to May 29 to allow time for parents to complete the enrollment process prior to schools going on summer break. Parents can continue to register their children at the Centralized Admissions office after May 29, although they may need to wait until the end of July to complete the enrollment process at schools. The APS Centralized Admissions Office is located at 1075 Peoria Street and is open Monday through Friday, 7:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. If you have questions, please call Centralized Admissions at 303-326-2200. Próximamente: Formularios de inscripción de APS en línea La Oficina Central de Admisiones de las Escuelas Públicas de Aurora está introduciendo un proceso de inscripción en línea, el cual reducirá el tiempo necesario para inscribir a estudiantes en APS. Comenzando el 17 de abril, los padres y tutores tendrán acceso a los formularios de inscripción en línea que podrán rellenar en cualquier computadora. Los formularios en línea estarán disponibles en inglés y español. Después de que los padres hayan completado e imprimido los formularios en línea, irán a la Oficina Central de Admisiones para verificar su identificación y su información de domicilio. La Oficina Central de Admisiones también puede imprimir los formularios si el padre/tutor tiene el número de confirmación que se proporciona durante el proceso de inscripción en línea. El enlace para la registración en línea estará disponible comenzando el 17 de abril en el sitio web de APS en admissions.aurorak12.org. Las inscripciones para el año escolar 2015-16 son del 8 de Abril al 29 de mayo para permitirles a los padres tiempo de completar el proceso de inscripción continued on next page * antes de que los estudiantes salgan al receso de verano. Los padres pueden seguir inscribiendo a sus hijos en la Oficina Central de Admisiones después del 29 de mayo, aunque es posible que se tengan que esperar hasta fines de julio para completar el proceso de inscripción en las escuelas. La Oficina Central de Admisiones de APS está ubicada en el 1075 Peoria Street y está abierta de lunes a viernes de 7:30 am – 4:00 pm. Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor llame a la Oficina Central de Admisiones al 303-326-2200. Fifth Block Offered May 2015 Aurora Public Schools offers a voluntary Fifth Block of Instruction for students who have shown academic growth during the school year and who could benefit most from additional learning time in math and literacy. Priority is given to students who are not proficient in both literacy and math, both unsatisfactory and partially proficient. Invitations will be offered to incoming second through incoming tenth graders who are not yet proficient but demonstrate evidence of growth. Fifth Block also includes incoming fourth graders who are low proficient in reading and incoming sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth and tenth graders who are low proficient in math. Students must have had continuous enrollment in APS for at least one year (March to March) consistent attendance and overall good behavior. Fifth Block is provided to students at no additional cost to parents. Students are generally taught in their own schools using district curriculum. Class size is set at a 25 to 1 ratio. The regular school year runs from August 5, 2014 – May 20, 2015. The Fifth Block of Instruction will be offered from May 26, 2015 to June 26, 2015 for the 2014-15 school year. School staff will notify parents of eligible students from March 3, 2015 to April 3, 2015, and parents must return signed contracts to accept participation of their child in Fifth Block no later than April 10, 2015. Transportation, breakfast/lunch and nursing services will be available to students. There will be no need to reapply for free or reduced lunch. For more information about Fifth Block of Instruction, please visit fifthblock.aurorak12.org. La Quinta Sesión de Instrucción (Fifth Block) empieza en mayo de 2015 Las Escuelas Públicas de Aurora ofrecen una Quinta Sesión de Instrucción voluntaria para los estudiantes que han demostrado un crecimiento académico durante el año escolar y que podrían beneficiarse de tiempo adicional de aprendizaje en matemáticas y alfabetización. Se da prioridad a los estudiantes que no son proficientes en ambas materias de alfabetización y matemáticas, ya sea que tengan un nivel de progreso insatisfactorio y parcialmente competente. Las invitaciones serán ofrecidas a estudiantes entrando desde el segundo al décimo grado que todavía no son proficientes pero demuestran evidencia de crecimiento. La Quinta Sesión también incluye estudiantes entrando al cuarto grado que están bajos en el dominio de la lectura y a los estudiantes entrando al sexto, séptimo, octavo, noveno y décimo grado que están en un nivel bajo de proficiencia en matemáticas. Los estudiantes deben haber tenido inscripción continua en APS, por lo menos un año (de marzo a marzo), una asistencia constante y buen comportamiento. La Quinta Sesión se proporciona a los estudiantes sin costo adicional para los padres. Generalmente, se les enseña a los estudiantes en sus propias escuelas utilizando el plan de estudios del distrito. El tamaño de la clase se encuentra en una proporción de 25 a 1. El año escolar regular es del 5 de agosto de 2014 hasta el 20 de mayo de 2015. La Quinta Sesión de Instrucción se ofrecerá desde el 26 de mayo de 2015 hasta el 26 de junio de 2015 para el año escolar 2014-15. El personal escolar notificará a los padres de los estudiantes elegibles empezando el 3 de marzo de 2015 al 3 de abril de 2015, y los padres deben devolver los contratos firmados para aceptar la participación de su hijo en la Quinta Sesión a más tardar el 10 de abril de 2015. Habrá servicios de transporte, desayuno/almuerzo y de enfermería disponibles para los estudiantes. No habrá necesidad de volver a aplicar para el almuerzo gratuito o a precio reducido. Para obtener más información acerca de la Quinta Sesión de Instrucción, por favor visite fifthblock.aurorak12.org. Do you have a NEW PHONE NUMBER and/or a CHANGE OF ADDRESS? Note from Garrett Washington, Dean of Students It is important to notify the school anytime you have a phone number change so we have current information in case of an emergency at the school. If you have a new number, contact Christine Jensen, Registrar/Records Clerk at cajensen@ aps.k12.co.us or by calling the school, 303-326-2000, ext. 25423. It is NOT necessary for you to go to the central admissions office for phone number changes. Welcome back to a wintery season. Parents, as we begin our testing season, please remember to dress your child for the weather. Hats, gloves and scarfs are acceptable. Parents of sixth grade students, remember your child does not have a locker. There are hooks and/or coat racks in each of the classrooms on the mobile campus. If the temperature is below what the district has set for inappropriate temperatures, the students will come inside in the morning before school and during lunch recess. If you have a new address you MUST visit the Aurora Public Schools central admissions office with the proper documentation to complete the address change. For information regarding the hours of the central admissions office, visit the website at http://admissions.aurorak12.org/ . This website contains helpful information explaining what documentation is needed to complete a change of address and provides necessary forms for changes. Keep in mind that if address changes are not completed in a timely manner it may affect your child’s enrollment for the next school year. Moving? Is there a move in your near future? If you move and the student will no longer be attending Mrachek it is imperative that you complete the necessary withdrawal. If you notify us a few days in advance of the students last day we will send the necessary form home with your son or daughter. If you have any questions, contact Christine Jensen, Registrar/Records Clerk at [email protected] or by calling the school, 303-3262000, ext. 25423 Yearbooks Purchase a Yearbook; it is a great way to remember all your friends & memories for years to come. Pick up an order form in the main office. Yearbooks are only $25.00 See Mrs. Montgomery in the main office to order your 2014 – 2015 Yearbook. Parents, please refrain from dropping off your child in the parking lot. The safety of all students is important and driving through the parking lot in the morning and afternoon place the safety of your child and other students at risk. If school is delayed or canceled, the district will make a formal announcement and the information can be found on the district and school websites, the local news channel and via a telephone call. On another note, parents, be mindful of your child’s activity at home and on the internet. Many students are spending a lot of time on social media websites. Stay warm and get lots of rest. A Note from Ms. Minor Please encourage your student to establish good habits of being present and on time to all their classes throughout the day. Students who are late in the morning or leave early miss valuable instruction that prepares them for high school. If you are receiving calls regarding your students attendance you may call the schools attendance line for additional information or access Parent Portal on the school website. If your student must miss school please call the attendance line at 303-326-1654. Please give your students first and last name, your name, relationship to the student and the reason your student will be out. You can check your child’s current grades, homework and attendance in Infinite Campus. You can also find teachers email addresses and imperative information. If you have not done so please contact Mrachek at 303-750-2836 and sign up for Infinite Campus Parent Portal. Aurora Public Schools now has an app available in iTunes and for android. Download the APS app today and get up to the minute information on APS, notifications from your student’s schools, access to Parent Portal, menus, news stories and more. As always our school website Mrachek.aurorak12.org is a site that provides school information and much more, explore some of the articles today! Counselors Corner From the Nurse Mrachek will host a cultural fair from 6:00 to 8:00 PM in April. As one of the many exciting opportunities, you will have a chance to meet some of the Community Ambassadors from the Denver Nuggets. The outstanding group of former players and coaches who will join us that evening includes: Mark Randal, former player and Assistant/ Player Development Coach; Walter Davis, over his first ten seasons, Davis averaged over 20 PPG six times, and earned trips to six NBA All-Star Games. From: Tri County Health Department: The immunization Clinic in Aurora will be undergoing construction from March 17 through the first week of May. During this time, we will continue to hold Immunization services. However, we will be in a temporary space that is much smaller and less efficient. This will possibly necessitate us to limit the number of children we can see at each clinic day. Come and spend some time with these wonderful visitors from our fabulous Denver Nugget’s organization. Hear what they have to share about the value of education and its link to success not only in sport, but in all of life! Also, for the March Shots for Tots and Teens clinic (March 14, 2015), our nursing staff will be smaller than usual. So, again, there may be a need to limit the number of children we can accommodate. Individual Career and Academic Plans (ICAPs) This letter contains important information about Individual Career and Academic Plans (ICAPs). Every 6th through 12th grade student in Aurora Public Schools will complete an ICAP. Parents and families play an important role in helping children plan for and reach their postsecondary goals. We plan to do everything possible to make the impact of these situations as minimal as possible. What is ICAP? Our district has decided to refocus our attention on ICAPs. We want to make this plan available to every student beginning in the 6th grade. ICAP is an individualized plan that may be developed by students with input from their parents or guardians, in collaboration with school counselors and educators. The ICAP will help students: • establish personalized academic and career goals • explore postsecondary career and educational opportunities • align course work and curriculum • apply to postsecondary institutions • secure financial aid, and ultimately • enter the workforce or school. From: John Douglas, MD Executive Director Tri-County Health Department Why are we writing families now? During this school year, counselors meet with 6th, 7th and 8th grade students to renew their commitment to and ownership of their ICAPs. We will explore interests, careers, colleges, scholarships and more. Many of these activities will be introduced to your student(s) at school, with the guidance of their school counselor, English, social studies teachers. How and when will we get started? Students will re-establish their log-in information on the Naviance website using their school identification number, which is used throughout school so that students will continue to have access to online tools and resources and so that they can receive notices from their counselors and teachers. Parents may also have their own access to the system. We strongly encourage you, as your child’s primary adult role model, to be part of this process with your student(s). What if I have questions? Please do not hesitate to contact your student’s school counselor if you have questions. Additionally, you can email us or find me us upcoming parent/teacher/student conferences in April. Sincerely, Marie Maccioli Carol Gianfrancisco Counselors Mrachek Middle School Christie Hage, RN BSN Tri county Health Department Nurse Program Coordinator Our Administration is very concerned about the risk of measles in our community in light of the current and expanding measles outbreak, which has already impacted Colorado with one case occurring following an exposure in Disneyland. Measles is extremely contagious and can cause serious illness including hospitalization, pneumonia, or brain infection, especially among those persons with weakened immune systems. We are requesting that you check your child’s immunizations record to assure your child has received two doses of MMR (Measles, Mumps, and Rubella) vaccine. Vaccination is the only way to protect yourself from infection. Ninety percent of people who are not immune to measles and come in contact with a measles case will become sick and then spread the illness to others. If you have questions or concerns about the measles or the MMR vaccine, or you would like the health department to review your child’s vaccine record in the Colorado Immunization Information Registry to see if they have received the vaccine, please contact the Tri-County Health Department Immunization Program at 303-451-0123. Vaccines are also available at the health department for people who do not have insurance or whose health insurance does not cover vaccines, or for families on Medicaid continued on next page * and CHP+ Insurance. Information about clinic opportunities, locations, and times is located at http://co.tricountyhealth.civicplus/DocumentCenter/View/46. From Your School Nurse I would like to express my gratitude to all of the parents that responded quickly to get their child’s immunizations brought up to date. Mrachek was 97% compliant when Health Services ran the statistics for the local news. Congratulations! The school health office continues to be vigilant as new students arrive on campus parents are notified if their student is in need of further immunizations. Brenda Cappel RN, BSN, NCSN School Nurse Book Fair Compass April 13 – 17, 2015 Mark your calendar for our Family Event where the whole family can join in the fun. For more information visit the website at http://bookfairs.scholastic.com/homepage/mrachekknights Mrachek Middle School WHEN: April 13 – 17, 2015 WHERE: Teacher’s Lounge SCHEDULE/OPENING HOURS: Monday, April 13, 9:00 am – 4:00 pm Tuesday, April 14, 9:00 am – 4:00 pm Wednesday, April 15, 10:00 am – 4:00 pm Family Night, 4:30 pm – 8:00 pm Thursday, April 16, 9:00 am – 4:00 pm Friday, April 17, 9:00 am – 4:00 pm PAYMENT METHODS: • Cash • Check • Master Card, VISA, American Express, Discover Access the Online Fair from: April 6 – 24, 2015 at www. onlinebookfairs.scholastic.com • Send wish lists to family and friends • Browse an expanded book selection – all ages through adult • All online orders ship free to the school Session 3 March 2–May 9 • 4–5:30pm • Homework Club: 5:30–6pm Monday/Wednesday classes • KidsTek (computer class) • Chopped (cooking class) • And the Grammy Goes To… (Reading) • Mrachek Young Inventors (STEM) • Soccer Tuesday/Thursday classes • Art • KidsTek (computer class) • Chopped (cooking class) • Martial Arts • Lego Robots (STEM) • Night at the Oscars (Reading) Wednesday/Friday • COMPASS Crew • Spring Fling Crafting Tuesday Only • Drama Club Wednesday/Friday • Dance 2 live – Hip Hop all styles Thursday Only • Energy Saving Superheroes Students are required to stay from 4 to 6pm. Students will work on homework or read a book from 5:30 to 6:00 pm. Please support the program by reminding students to bring their homework or a book to read and to attend all classes until the session is over. Attendance is very important. If you have any questions please contact Rosa Pérez, at 303326-2150. Team Work Makes Mrachek Middle School a Great School! ¡El Trabajo En Equipo Hace De La Escuela Mrachek Una Gran Escuela! YOU ARE INVITED! Mrachek invites all of you to our parent informational morning coffees. You are very important in our school and in your children’s education. This special time is made for you parents; please mark your calendars! At 9:30 a.m. our dates are: ¡USTED ESTA INVITADO! La escuela secundaria Mrachek le invita cordialmente a nuestros cafés informativos para padres. Usted es muy importante en nuestra escuela y en la educación de sus niños. Este evento esta diseñado especialmente para usted. ¡Por favor marque su calendario! A las 9:30 a.m. y nuestras fechas son: April 10, 2015 May 8, 2015 abril 10, 2015 mayo 8, 2015 Mrachek Middle School Brotherhood (MMSB) Brotherhood Kick-Off Brotherhood Gathering Brotherhood Annual Chat n’ Chew Breakfast Mrachek Middle School Brotherhood (MMSB) had its 2014-2015 kick off on Tuesday November 4, 2015 in the Commons. Over 100 members and their families attended. MMSB participated in several engaging opportunities: The Boys to Men Workshop and Conference at the CU Health Science Center and the RACE: Are We So different? exhibit at the History of Colorado Center. In addition, community stakeholders visited with our young men and provided conversation and dialogue that offered words of wisdom and hope for our young men. Also, a prominent area basketball coach and director spoke to our members. “Coach Hobson” provided excellent advice and skills for making future decisions. MMSB was also honored to have lunch with one of the nation’s successful African-American Professors. Dr. Yemi Stembridge, from New York University, spent the day with the young men discussing goal setting and the importance of education. Future field trips and community events are being planned for the spring. Parent and community participation are welcomed. Upon returning from Spring Break, we anticipate celebrating Fun Saturday and participating in the Mrachek Cultural and Learning Fair. Dates for the events will soon follow. Our young men have been faithful and committed to participating in this year’s activities. Also, MMSB men are doing an outstanding job with their grades and work effort. MMSB is committed to instilling a sense of leadership and community purpose in all of its members. Our sponsors are committed to supporting the mission to empower young men of color by maintaining good grades, valor, and respect and to reach their fullest potential. We are excited beyond measure about the improvement in our young men’s behavior, academic and social growth. Please call 303.750.2836 X45464, if you have any questions. Mrachek Middle School Brotherhood Sponsors: Ms. Y. Bess Ms. S. McConnell Mr. L King Mr. K Miles Mr. C Evangelist Edward W. Snyder, Principal Dr. Elnora Buzek, Assistant Principal Colin Hynes, Assistant Principal Jennifer Minor, Dean of Students Garrett Washington, Dean of Students Mrachek Middle School JulieMarie A. Shepherd, President Cathy Wildman, Vice President Mary W. Lewis, Secretary Dan Jorgensen, Treasurer Barbara Yamrick, Director Amber Drevon, Director Eric Nelson, Director Mrachek Administration Aurora Public Schools 80 Airport Boulevard Aurora, Colorado 80011-9314 Board of Education Non Profit Org. U.S. postage paid Aurora Public Schools
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