ST. CATHERINE OF ALEXANDRIA PARISH COMMUNITY Ministered by the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart (MSC) PASTORAL STAFF Rev. Gene Sabio, MSC, Pastor Rev. Art Mateo, MSC, Parochial Vicar Deacon John De Gano Ministry Center: 7005 Brockton Avenue Riverside, CA 92506 Church: 3680 Arlington Avenue Riverside, CA 92506 Parish Office: Fax: Rectory: School: Visit us online: 951.781.9855 951.781.3061 951.683.0800 951.684.1091 Confessions Saturday: 4:00-5:00 pm Daily Upon Request Sick Calls (during office hours): 951.781.9855 Sick Calls (after office hours): 951.683.0800 x 25 MASS SCHEDULE Saturday Vigil: 5:15 pm Sunday: 6:30 am 8:30 am 10:15 am 12:00 noon 1:45 pm 5:15 pm (Interpreted for Deaf) (Gospel Choir) (Español) (Life Teen) Daily: 8:00 am (Monday - Saturday) 5:30 pm (Monday - Friday, except from Memorial Day through Labor Day) Holy Days (except Christmas & New Year’s): Vigil at 5:30 pm; 8:00 am, 10:15 am, 7:00 pm 22 de marzo de 2015 Quinto Domingo de Cuaresma Novena to the Sacred Heart First Friday at 8:30 am Novena to the Immaculate Heart of Mary First Saturday at 8:30 am Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament First Friday after 8:00 am Mass until 8:00 am on Saturday PARISH VISION STATEMENT One God, One people in Christ, One community of love guided by the Holy Spirit to impact lives. Un Dios, Un pueblo en Cristo, Una comunidad de amor guiada por el Espíritu Santo para impactar vidas. WEEK AT A GLANCE PAGE 2 MASS INTENTIONS - INTENCIÓNES DE MISAS SUNDAY - DOMINGO 03/22 6:30 am Guadalupe Bayanena † 8:30 am John Santos † 10:15 am Florence Duncan † 12:00 noon Junius Rideaux † 1:45 pm Parishioners 5:15 pm Vern Stephens † MONDAY - LUNES 03/23 8:00 am Intentions of Grace Quiambao 5:30 pm John Uy † TUESDAY - MARTES 03/24 8:00 am Javier Gudino † 5:30 pm Ramona Estipona † WEDNESDAY - MIERCOLES 03/25 8:00 am Gloria Gutierrez † 5:30 pm Javier Gudino † THURSDAY - JUEVES 03/26 8:00 am Jo Scarano † 5:30 pm Intentions of Alex Ruiz FRIDAY - VIERNES 03/27 8:00 am John Santos † 5:30 pm Intentions of Cathie Becker SATURDAY - SABADO 03/28 8:00 am Leone Rife † 10:00 am At AFV— Carol Petersen † 5:15 pm Ramona Estipona † SUNDAY - DOMINGO 03/29 6:30 am Parishioners 8:30 am John Santos † 10:15 am Leone Rife † 12:00 noon Francis Xavier Levecki, Jr. † 1:45 pm Parishioners 5:15 pm Hilda Seba † † Symbolizes Soul of Deceased 72.9MHzWidebandAudioInputwith10.0dbis thefrequencyfortheFMRadiolisteningdevice. READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Dn13:1-9,15-17,19-30,33-62[41c-62]; Ps23:1-6;Jn8:1-11 Tuesday: Nm21:4-9;Ps102:2-3,16-21;Jn8:21-30 Wednesday:Is7:10-14;8:10;Ps40:7-11;Heb10:4-10; Lk1:26-38 Thursday: Gn17:3-9;Ps105:4-9:Jn8:51-59 Friday: Jer20:10-13;Ps18:2-7;Jn10:31-42 Saturday: Ez37:21-28;Jer31:10,11-13;Jn11:45-56 Sunday: Mk11:1-10orJn12:12-16(procession); Is50:4-7;Ps22:8-9,17-20,23-24; Phil2:6-11;Mk14:1—15:47[15:1-39] MARCH 22, 2015 L ITURGY C ORNER March22—FifthSundayofLent March23—StTuribiusofMogrovejo,Bishop March25—ANNUNCIATIONOFTHELORD DuringLentwewillimplementtwochangesduringtheLiturgyaspartofourcommunity’sobservanceofthisholyseason: 1.DuringthePenitentialRite(Iconfessto AlmightyGod…)andthroughtheKyrie, wewillallkneel. 2.AttheconclusionofMass,therecessional willbeinsilence. ***** OnPalmSunday,March28thwewillhaveformal entrance (Mass begins outside Church on the steps) atthe10:15amand5:15pmSundayMasses. Therewillbeasecondcollectionthis weekend,March21&22,tobene itthe MissionariesoftheSacredHeartandtheir effortsinpromotinghumanity,Spirituality oftheHeartandCatholicsocialteachings. Thankyouforyoursupport! FollowtheWayoftheHeart! TODAY’S READINGS FirstReading—Iwillmakeanewcovenant;Iwillwritemy lawupontheirhearts(Jeremiah31:31-34)orEzekiel37:12-14. Psalm—Createacleanheartinme,OGod(Psalm51)or Psalm130. SecondReading—Christlearnedobedienceandbecamethe sourceofeternalsalvation(Hebrews5:7-9)orRomans8:8-11. Gospel—Ifagrainofwheatfallstothegroundanddies,it producesmuchfruit(John12:20-33)orJohn11:1-45[3-7, 17,20-27,33b-45]. TheEnglishtranslationofthePsalmResponsesfromtheLectionaryforMass©1969,1981,1997, InternationalCommissiononEnglishintheLiturgyCorporation.Allrightsreserved. LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA Lunes: Dn13:1-9,15-17,19-30,33-62[41c-62]; Sal23(22):1-6;Jn8:1-11 Martes: Nm21:4-9;Sal102(101):2-3,16-21; Jn8:21-30 Mié rcoles:Is7:10-14;8:10;Sal40(39):7-11; Heb10:4-10;Lc1:26-38 Jueves: Gn17:3-9;Sal105(104):4-9:Jn8:51-59 Viernes: Jer20:10-13;Sal18(17):2-7;Jn10:31-42 Sá bado: Ez37:21-28;Jer31:10,11-13;Jn11:45-56 Domingo: Mc11:1-10oJn12:12-16(procesió n); Is50:4-7;Sal22(21):8-9,17-20,23-24; Fil2:6-11;Mc14:1—15:47[15:1-39] REFLECTIONS / STEWARDSHIP PAGE 3 MARCH 22, 2015 BrothersandSisters, In1979agroupoffoursisters(notreligious)knownasSisterSledgeintroducedthe musicworldtothesong“WeareFamily”.Thesongbeganwithwords“Wearefamily, allmysistersandme…”.Howeverthesongnotonlyspokeaboutthesisters,butalso aboutcommunity.ItcaughtonsowellthatthePittsburgPiratesbaseballteamadopteditasateamsongonthewaytotheWorldSeries. Ihavebeenthinkingforawhileaboutwritingonthetopicoffamily.Wehavebeen hearingalotaboutthecoming2015FamilySynodinOctober.LastmonthourBishop askedustoparticipateinanonlinequestionnairetheresultsofwhichwouldbereviewedduringtheSynod. ThenjustthispastweekIreadintheMarch15,2015issueofOurSundayVisitorthatCardinalAngeloAmato,prefectoftheCongregationfortheCausesofSaintsonMarch3madeastatementatagatheringdiscussingsaintsandfamilyholiness,thatBlessedLouisandZelieMartinwillbecanonizedattheVaticanduring thetimeframeoftheSynod.TheyaretheparentsofSt.TereseofLisieux.AlthoughthearticledidsayneithertheVaticanpressof icenorPopeFrancishascon irmedthis,theauthorfeltthatgiventhefocusofthe Synodsuchadevelopmentwould“makesense”.Theywouldbethe irstmarriedcoupletobecanonized jointlyinthehistoryoftheChurch. Sowhatdowemeanby“family”?MitchFinleywritingforCatholicUpdateanumberofyearsagosaidfamiliescomeinmanyshapesandsizes,butallaretruefamilies.Mostpeoplethinkoffamilyasthetraditional nuclearfamily-father,motherandchildren.Butthereareotherformsoffamilylife.Singlepeople (includingthosewhoarewidowed)stillbelongtotheirfamilyoforiginorextendedfamily.Notonlydo theyhaveafamilyoforigin,butalmostalwaystheyhaveanetworkofpersonalrelationshipsthat,forthem, serveasfamily.Marriedcoupleswhoarerecentlymarriedwhohavenochildrenyet,childlesscouplesand coupleswhosechildrenaregrownandgonearefamiliestoo.Singleparentsandtheirchildrenarefamilies ineverysenseoftheword. MostCatholicsbelievethemostbasicformofChristiancommunityistheparish,however,theSecondVaticanCouncilcallsthefamilythe“DomesticChurch”.InthebeginningofChristianity,“familieswhobecame believerswereislandsofChristianlifeinanunbelievingworld”(CCC1655),thesameistruetoday.ChristiansarecalledbyChristtolivetheirfaith irstofallbybeingfaithfultotheirmostsigni icanthumanrelationships.Formostofus,thismeansthe irstplaceweliveourfaithisinourformoffamilylife.“Weare Family”,allofus. IntheBlessingofFamily, Faithful Fiscal Year July 1, 2014 - June 30, 2015 Summary of Weekly Sunday Offering March 15, 2015 Actual Collection Budgeted Collection 2015 Diocesan Development Fund March 15, 2015 DDF Assessment 99,500 Less: Pledges Made Total Pledges shortfall 45,208 54,292 March 1st $ 21,181.96 $ 17,000.00 March 8th $ 14,007.62 $ 17,000.00 March 15th $ 18,073.19 $ 17,000.00 $ 647,796.85 Number of donors 647,000.00 Parishioners' participation % Actual Collection Budgeted Collection YTD Collection Overage Thank you for your support. $796.85 $ DDF Assessment 99,500 Less: Pledge payments received 26,304 Balance payable to the Diocese $ 73,196 237 8% Race to the Finish Line total collection = $6,953 Please support 2015 DDF. SOCIAL CONCERNS / COMMUNITY NEWS PAGE 4 MARCH 22, 2015 REFLEXIONES DEL PLATO DE ARROZ RICE BOWL REFLECTIONS CalltoFamily,Communityand LlamadoalaFamilia, Participation laComunidadylaParticipación Humanbeingsaresocialbynature. ElserhumanoessocialpornaturaWe,liketheearlydisciples,arecalledtocometogether leza.Nosotros,comolosprimerosdiscı́pulos,estamos asacommunitywhetherthatcommunityisourclassllamadosaunirnoscomounacomunidadyaseaque room,workplaceorfamily. esacomunidadesnuestrosaló ndeclases,lugardetra bajoolafamilia. Godmakescovenantswithgroupsofpeople—entire communities—andhekeepshispromises.Whatdoes HambredeunaCosechaSana:Unimosnuestro thissayaboutGod?Whatdoesthissayabouthowwe, ayunoensolidaridadconlaspersonasquepasanhamincommunity,relatetoGod? bre,yrecordamosenoració nlaimportanciadecon struirunacomunidadqueestá dispuestaaapoyaralos HungeringforaHealthyHarvest:Wejoinour má snecesitados. fastinginsolidaritywithpeoplewhogohungry,and werememberinprayertheimportanceofbuildinga “sussacrificiosdurantelaCuaresmacambianvidas” communitythatiswillingtosupportthosemostin need. “whatyougiveupforLentchangeslives” RemembertoreturnyourRiceBowlstheweekendofApril11&12—theFeastoftheDivineMercy NoolvidedeentregarelPlatodeArrozdeCRSelfindesemana11y12deabril—FiestadelaDivinaMisericordia LENTEN PETITIONS Doyouhavesomethinginyourlifeyouwantto giveuptoourLordthisLent?Istheresomething burdeningyou,thatyouneedtoturnoverto him?Istheresomethingyouwishtogivespecial thanksfor?InthebackofthechurchduringLent youwill indtwoLentenbanners.Writedownon asmallslipofpaperthatwithwhichonlyour Lordcanhelpandpinittothebannerwiththe straightpinssupplied.AtEasterVigil,allpetitionswillbeburnedintheEaster ire,sending themwiththesmoketoourLordtogetherwith thefaithofourcommunityinhisresurrection. VINCENTIAN CORNER IntheGospeltoday,Jesussays “Whoeverservesmemustfollowme,and whereIam,therealsowillmyservantbe. TheFatherwillhonorwhoeverservesme.” Whenwehelpthoseinneedwearetrulyfollowers ofJesus,servantofthepoor. Please bring a non-perishable food item to Mass with you on Palm Sunday. Your family or children may bring the items to the altar during the offering and place them in the baskets in front of the altar. You may also place your items in the silver bins at the rear and pa o side door of the Church. We are especially in need of peanut bu er, cereal and canned meats such as tuna and roast beef. These items go into the food bags which are distributed to St. Vincent de Paul clients. Thank you for your con nued generosity and support in serving needy families in our community. PRO-LIFE MINISTRY Youreyessawmysubstancebeing yetunformed.AndinYourbooktheyallwerewritten, thedaysfashionedforme,whenasyettherewere noneofthem.-Psalm139:16Humanbeings—God’stapestries. Each of us is a Masterpiece of God’s creation. PRAYER PARTNERS NEEDED ThisEasterVigil,StCatherinewillbeblessed withadultsandchildrenwhowillbeBaptized andreceivedintotheCatholicfaith.Thisperiodisatimeofprayerandintensepreparationforallofournewbrothersandsistersin Christ.Theyaskforyoursupportinprayerespeciallyasan individualprayerpartner.Inthebackofthechurchyou will indtheirpictures.Pleasespirituallyadoptoneof thesegoodpeoplebyprayingforthemthroughoutLentto theEasterVigil.Itmeansagreatdealtotheseindividualsifyoucanletthemknowthatyouareprayingfor them.Pleasesendnotesorcardstothepersonc/o RCIAhereatStCatherine’s.Youmayidentifyyourselfor remainananonymousprayerpartner. GodBlessyouforevangelizinginthisspecialway. ISAAC SOCIETY IfyouandyourfamilyhavetimetosharewiththeresidentsatChapmanConvalescentHospital,comejoinus fortheirIceCreamSocialandBingoonApril19that 2:00pm.Theylovetoseethechildren.We’llhave musicandservetreats!Formoreinformationcall Diana781-9855ext.18orWalter789-0186. COMMUNITY NEWS PAGE 5 MARCH 22, 2015 LENTEN SOUP SUPPER FRIDAY, MARCH 27TH ST. CATHERINE’S SEDE SEDER R DINNER Wednesday, April 1, 2015 at 6:00 pm AsourLordcelebratedhisLastSupper atPassoverwithhisDisciples,letusjoin togethertoenjoyourownPassovermeal,Seder DinneronWednesday,April1stintheParishHall. Wecelebratewiththesameprayers,traditions,remembrancesandsimilarfoodsofourJewishancestorsinfaith thatChristdid2,000yearsago.Themealis$20perperson includingdinner,dessert,wineorgrapejuiceandbeginsat 6:00pm.Pleasecalltheparishof icetomakereservations at951-781-9855. Congratulationstoournew ExtraordinaryMinistersofHolyCommunion! JOINUSFORANEVENINGOFSOUP (tomaintainyourFridayfast), PRAYERandFELLOWSHIPat 6:00pmintheParishHall. STATIONSOFTHECROSS areheldintheChurcheveryFriday duringLentat7:30pmfollowingthe SoupSupper. BennyAdona,PaulaCorricelli,RosarioHernandez, MargaretKoner,LiliaMunoz,DebbieThomas andRamonaZaring. LENTEN REGULATIONS ABSTINENCE from meat is to be observed on Good Friday, and ALL Fridays during Lent by Catholics 14 years of age and older. Feast of St. Joseph Italian Dinner TheKnightsofColumbushavetheirFeastof St.JosephItalianDinnerinourparishhallafter theVigilMasstonight,March21.Doorsopen at5:00pm,withdinnerofferedfrom6:00-7:00pm.Fiftyadmissionticketsarestillavailableatthedoorfor$15 each.Childrencanhavepizzafor$1aslice.Themain entreeofbakedlasagnawillbeservedwithItalian Sausage and peppers, and ice cream. The meal will be complemented by entertainment, opportunity drawings, prizes and fun. Riverside Council No. 1638 thanks businesses, St. Catherine of Alexandria Church, and patrons for their support of this charitable event. ST. CATHERINE STEPHEN MINISTERS ARE READY TO CARE Weallexperiencechallengesinlife.StephenMinistersgiveone-to-onecaretoindividuals whoarefacingawidevarietyofsituations,including divorce,separation,bereavement,unemployment, hospitalization,terminalillness,loneliness,being homebound,spiritualstruggles,andmore.Stephen MinistryisaCONFIDENTIALministry.Ifyouora lovedoneneedaStephenMinister,callStephen Leader,MaryLouCouchat733-2254. OUR LADY OF FATIMA PRAYER GROUP TheWorldApostolateofFatima,OurLady's BlueArmy,istheof icialvoiceoftheCatholicChurchontheapparitions,history,and spiritualityofFatima.JoinusMondays, 6:15-7:15pm,inthefamilychapeltotheleftofthe altar,tolearnhowyoucanchangetheworldandbring OurLady'speaceplantolife. FASTING is to be observed on Good Friday by Catholics 18 years of age, but not yet 59. Only one full meal may be taken. Two smaller meals are permitted to maintain strength according to one’s needs, but solid food between meals is not permitted. Y C L Ineveryageconsecratedmen andwomenmustcontinuetobe imagesofChristtheLord,fosteringthroughprayeraprofoundcommunionofmindwithhim. —PopeJohnPaulII,ApostolicExhortationVitaConsecrata,no.9 ARE YOU INTERESTED IN BECOMING A U.S. CITIZEN? Catholic Charities is hosting FREE CITIZENSHIP CLASSES Presented by David and Ana Wall Fridays March 13 to April 17 (no class on April 3-Good Friday) Next Class: MARCH 27, 2015 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm—5 Week Course St. Catherine of Alexandria Ministry Center 7005 Brockton Avenue, Riverside 951.781.9855 If you want to become a US Citizen, these classes will help to improve your language skills and to prepare you for the USCIS test and interview. Catholic Charities strives to give aspiring citizens the information, resources, and assistance they need to make their journey successful. DO NOT MISS THIS GREAT OPPORTUNITY! EDUCATION / FORMATION PAGE 6 MARCH 22, 2015 News from Our Parish School . . . Excellence in Education, Body, Mind & Spirit And Even More to Celebrate! The last few weeks I’ve been telling you of our outstanding students and their outstanding achievements in Mathematics (David Malig, First Place Medal at the Diocesan Academic Decathlon), Science (Nathan Mermilliod, who competed at both the State and National Championship levels for Science Fair), Language Arts (Caitlyn Ybanez who won the Diocesan Spelling Bee), and in Music (Michael Kendall and Jessica Ross received a superior ranking in the recent Ensemble Festival). We have had much to brag about academically, and we are very proud. And now for athletics: our A Boys Basketball Team retained their title as League Champions again! Three of our four basketball teams (as well as our fledgling junior soccer team) made the playoffs over the weekend, which is a remarkable achievement in itself. Our A boys (8th and 7th grades), however, fought hard all weekend and in the end won the tournament. That means that we have won League championship in A Level Boys Basketball the last three years straight! This was our “Three-peat”! We have a great sports program, and very dedicated athletes. We are very proud of our students, and very proud of our program, academically, musically, and athletically. If you would like to know more information about our program, please give me a call. I can arrange a tour and chance to be introduced to our outstanding children in our outstanding program. God bless us all this Lent! Yours in Christ, Rick Howick School Principal You may contact our school about anything of interest at (951) 684-1091 2015LENTENCOMMUNALPENANCEANDRECONCILIATIONSERVICES RiversideVicariateandRiversideMetropolitanArea AllServicesbeginat7:00pm Monday, March 23: St. Edward—417 West Grand Boulevard, Corona 92882 Monday, March 23: Queen of Angels—4824 Jones Avenue, Riverside 92505 Monday, March 23: Our Lady of Guadalupe Shrine—2858 Ninth Street, Riverside 92507 Tuesday, March 24: Our Lady of Perpetual Help—5250 Central Avenue, Riverside 92504 Tuesday, March 24: St. Andrew Kim—4750 Challen Avenue, Riverside 92503 Monday, March 30: St. Anthony—3074 Madison Street, Riverside 92504 Visit—Lenten Penance Services for addiƟonal locaƟons. BIBLE STUDY CATHOLIC 301 presents CATHOLICISM with Fr. Robert Barron Attendeveryweek(exceptholidays)untilJuneon Wednesdaysat9:30amorSundaysat7:00pm. InterestingandbeautifullypresentedDVDmaterial, aworkbookwithwrittencommentsandquestions,plusgroupdiscussion.AllCatholicsandnon -Catholicsover18welcome.Perfectattendance notrequired.Nopre-registration. ForinformationcallBeverlyat951-689-1710. WITH DR. BOB FERRETT P RESENTATIONS ON THE NEW TESTAMENT GOSPELS LUKE Thursdays,February12—April23(9sessions) Choose:2:00–4:00pmor7:00–9:00pm IntheSpiritualityRoomattheMinistryCenter. *NoclassonApril2-HolyWeek* BringyourBibleandjoinus! (Beforeeachsession,youareencouragedtoreadthechaptersthatwillbestudied) March26:TheParables Luke15:1-17:37 CallDr.Ferrettifyouhavequestionsat951-697-7733. FORMATION / PARISH LIFE PAGE 7 MARCH 22, 2015 You are cordially invited to THE 16TH ANNUAL BISHOP’S DINNER Saturday, April 11 — 5:00 pm to 10:00 pm Renaissance Esmeralda 44-400 Indian Wells Lane, Indian Wells, CA 92210 For information, please call Mission Advancement Office at 909-475-5444. Since our priests are religious MSC priests, they cannot afford the reservation. If you would like to sponsor our priests, it would be greatly appreciated! Call the Ministry Center at 781-9855 ext 23. Thank you! SACREDTRIDUUMSCHEDULE HolyThursday-April2 7:00pm BilingualMassoftheLord’sSupper EucharisticAdorationuntil12:00amintheHall. GoodFriday-April3 12:00noon EnglishService 3:00pm StationsoftheCross(ViaCrucis) 5:30pm EnglishService 7:30pm SpanishService HolySaturday-April4 8:00pm EasterVigilMass EasterSunday-April5 6:30am Mass-Church 8:30am Mass-Church 8:30am FamilyMass-Hall 10:15am Mass-Church 10:15am FamilyMass-Hall 12:00pm Mass-Church 1:30pm SpanishMass—Church No5:15p.m.MassonEasterSunday RCIA INQUIRY ThinkingaboutbecomingCatholic? BaptizedCatholicbutneverreceivedany othersacraments?CometoAdultInquiry toexploreandgetyourquestionsanswered. 2nd&4thTuesdaysofeachmonthat7:00pmor 2nd&4thSaturdaysofeachmonthat9:00aminthe MinistryCenter.Questions?CallMaryorMartyat 781-9855ext.29. NextMeetings:March24&28 Lance Wiseman Archie LaSalle 781.9855 ext. 14 684.1065 All HighHigh-SchoolSchool- Age Youth LIFE NIGHT, Sundays from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. after LIFE TEEN Mass LIFETEEN(highschoolageteen) Tonight, 3/22 — SocialNight!Joinusaswetransformthehallinto abiggameboardforfuntriviaandexcitingchallenges.LifeTeen SocialNightstartsat7:00pmintheParishHall. NextSunday,3/29—LifeNightattheParishHallfrom7:00pmto 8:30pm.Lookforwardtoseeingyou! RemembereverySundayisLIFENIGHTfrom7:00pmto8:30pm attheParishHallortheYouthHouse,6956NixonSt.AllHigh SchoolAgeYoutharewelcometocomeoverassoonastheLIFE TEENMassends. YOUTHSERVICEHOURS–Inneedofservicehours?TheLiturgy Of ice needs help with setting up the environment inside the church for Palm Sunday on Saturday, March 28, from 9:00 am to 11:00 am and again on Holy Saturday, April 4 from 9:00 am to noon. For other service opportunities, please contact Lance Wisemanat781-9855ext.14. YOUTH FUNDRAISER — THANK YOU to all who dined out with us on Wednesday, March 11th at ENZO’s Pizza & Pasta! Funds raisedwillhelptheyouthprogramsatSt.Catherine’s.Pleasecheck backforothergreatfundraisingevents! MIDDLESCHOOL THEEDGE–aMinistryforyouthinmiddleschool-Opento6thto 8thgradersinprivateorpublicschools.OurnextEdgesessionfor thisyearwillbeApril15,2015from6:30pmto7:45pmatthe YouthHouse. CONFIRMATIONNEWS 1stYearofCon irmation—Thenextmodulesforthisyearwillbe Sunday,April12th,from3:00pmto5:00pmorMonday,April 13th,from6:30pmto8:30pmintheParishHall. 2ndYearofCon irmation—All irstyearmake-upwork,mass andservicere lectionsheetsarepastdue!PleaseturninpaperworktoLanceasap. 3rdYearofConfirmation—InApril,wewillstartthefinalinterviewsforConfirmation.Ifyouhavenotsignedupforaninterview,pleasecontactLance.ALLpastyearworkisoverdueand maycauseadelayinreceivingyourSacramentofConfirmation. ATTENTION...ATTENTION..ATTENTION 3rdYearCandidates:Thereareonly7LifeNightsleftbefore Confirmation. Our Con irmation process is a three year program, starting in 9th grade,Con irmingin11thgrade;thisincludespublicoranyprivate schools.PleasecontactLanceWisemanwithanyquestions. Riverside Unified Community Input needed for LCAP Residents are being asked to attend one of five community engagement meetings currently taking place to address the needs of RUSD students as described in the Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP). "None of us can think we are exempt from concerns for the poor and for social justice." Money from the state is being passed down to the local (school district) level to better serve the educational needs of the communities. -Pope Francis, The Joy of the Gospel, 2013, Ch.4, #201 Come, learn how the district plans to address seven goals and give your input on the best way to keep our kids ‘safe, secure, healthy prepared, connected, with quality core curriculum and instruction and engaging our parents and community. March 26 OLPH Hosting Mass for Victims of Violence and their Families The two remaining LCAP sessions will be held from 6 – 8 p.m. at Arlington High School (March 18) and at King High School (March 26). Our Lady of Perpetual Help (OLPH) will serve as host for the Riverside Vicariate’s second liturgy for victims of violence, their family and friends. Your input is needed to make sure funding goes where it is most needed. The liturgy, presided over by Bishop Gerald R. Barnes, will begin at 7 p.m. and all who have lost a loved one are invited to attend and have the name of their loved one remembered during a special candle lighting ritual. Change -- end result of all true learning. Last year, St. Catherine hosted an ecumenical prayer service for the Riverside community. Both events are cosponsored by the Office of Restorative Justice for the Diocese of San Bernardino. SAVE THE DATE: April 23 Annual D.A.’s Prayer Vigil on April 23 The Riverside County District Attorney’s Office has announced its annual Victims’ Rights Candlelight Vigils for 2015. Vigils will take place at 7 p.m. in each of three regions: Palm Desert (April 21), Temecula (April 22) and Riverside (April 23). Immediately following the April 23 Vigil service, participants will be invited to walk from the front of the old County Courthouse (in downtown Riverside), to the D.A.’s Office for the dedication of the Memorial wall (from 8 – 9 p.m.). As a way to promote healing in the community, all are welcome to attend, remember and pray for the victims and their families and caregivers. For more information regarding any of the three scheduled Prayer Vigils, please call the D.A. Events phone line at (951) 955-9888. Atop Mt. Rubidoux 5 a.m. until ?? Join Deacon John as he looks for ‘Lost Sheep’ atop Mt. Rubidoux at the City’s annual Easter Sunrise Service on April 5, 2015. R emember to return your Catholic Relief Services (CRS)’Rice Bowls the weekend of April 11 – 12, 2015 – the Feast of the Divine Mercy. Please count your coins and write a check payable to CRS and drop it in the collection basket at church, or bring it by the Ministry Center offices during normal business hours. Prayer -- Fasting – Almsgiving "Any Church community, if it thinks it can comfortably go its own way without creative concern and effective cooperation in helping the poor to live with dignity and reaching out to everyone, will also risk breaking down," -- Pope Francis, The Joy of the Gospel, 2013, Ch.4, #207 LA BUENA PRENSA CENA DE SOPAS. “GRATIS” Se llevan a cabo en el salón parroquial cada Viernes durante la Cuaresma a las 6:00 pm. ESTACIONES DE LA CRUZ: Se llevan a cabo en la Iglesia cada viernes durante la Cuaresma a las 7:30 pm CENA SEDER Así como nuestro Señor celebró su última cena en la Pascua con sus discípulos, Unámonos también para disfrutar de nuestra propia cena de Pascua, La Cena de Seder será el miércoles 1 de abril en el Salón Parroquial. Celebraremos con las mismas oraciones, tradiciones, recuerdos y alimentos similares a los de nuestros antepasados judíos en la fe así como también Cristo lo hizo hace 2.000 años. El costo de la comida es de $ 20 por persona, incluyendo la cena, postre, vino o jugo de uva y comienza a las 6:00 pm. Para hacer reservaciones por favor llame a la oficina parroquial al (951) 781-9855. Encuentro Matrimonial Mundial: En la primera lectura que dice "Yo seré su Dios y ellos serán mi pueblo." Dios quiere ser invitado en su matrimonio. Los próximos Encuentro de Matrimonio Mundial se llevaran a cabo 24-26 de abril, 26-27 de junio, septiembre 25-27 y 13-15 de noviembre. Para inscribirse o para obtener más información, por favor, póngase en contacto con Robert o Denise Borruel al 951-520-7478 SE NECESITAN COMPAÑEROS DE ORACIÓN Esta Vigilia Pascua St. Catherine of Alexandria será bendecida con adultos y niños que serán bautizados y recibidos en la fe católica. Este período es un tiempo de oración e intensa preparación para todos nuestros nuevos hermanos y hermanas en Cristo. Te piden especialmente compañero individual de oración. En la parte posterior de la iglesia se encuentran sus fotografías. Por favor, adopte espiritualmente a una de estas buenas personas; orando por ellos a lo largo de la Cuaresma hasta la Vigilia de Pascua. Significa mucho para estas personas si puede hacerles saber que usted está orando por ellos. Por favor envíe notas o cartas a la persona a la atención de RCIA aquí en St. Catherine. Puedes identificarte o seguir siendo un compañero anónimo de oración. Dios los bendiga por evangelizar de esta manera tan especial. Oración a Jesús ¡Oh, mi Divino Salvador!, transforma me en ti mismo, Que mis manos sean las manos de Jesús, que mis ojos sean los ojos de Jesús, que mi lengua sea la lengua de Jesús; Concédeme que todos mis sentidos y todo mi cuerpo sólo sirvan para glorificarte. Pero, sobre todo, transforma mi alma y todas sus potencias: que mi memoria, mi voluntad y mi corazón, sean la memoria, la voluntad y el corazón de Jesús. Rezo para que destruyas en mí todo lo que no sea de ti. Concédeme que yo pueda vivir, pero en ti y para ti, y que pueda verdaderamente decir con San Pablo: "No vivo yo, es Cristo quien vive en mí" (Gálatas 2:20). San Juan Gabriel Perboyre. C.M. Lista y teléfonos de Grupos Parroquiales en Español Grupo de Oración Carismático, Amanda Robles 951-227-5890 Grupo Guadalupano, Esther Ruvalcaba 951-452-6180 Estudio Bíblico (En Español), Marco Martínez 951-655-0144 Grupo de Evangelización Ascecis, Alberto Macías 951-850-9606 Pequeñas Comunidades de Fe, María Lozano 951-314-7010 La Buena Prensa, Marco Martínez 951-655-0144 Respeto a la Vida / Pro-Vida: Tus ojos veían mí ser informe. En tu libro estaban escritos todos mis días, ya planeados, antes de llegar el primero (Salmo 139:16). Seres Humanos - tapices de Dios. Al Partir el Pan: “SE ACERCA LA HORA” 22 de Marzo de 2015: 5o Domingo de Cuaresma Ciclo B Lecturas: Jeremías 31, 31-34 / Salmo 51, 3-4, 12-15 / Hebreos 5, 7-9 / Juan 12, 20-33 Las lecturas de este domingo están llenas de expectativas. “Los días que vienen…”, dice el profeta Jeremías en la primera lectura. “La hora ha venido” dice Jesús en el Evangelio. La Nueva Alianza que Dios prometió a Jeremías se cumple en la “hora” de Jesús: en su muerte, resurrección, y ascensión a la derecha del Padre. Los profetas predijeron que con esta Nueva Alianza regresarían de todos los rincones de la tierra, las exiliadas tribus de Israel (cfr. Je Jesús profetizó también que su Pasión reuniría a los hijos dispersos de Dios (Jn 11,52). Sin embargo, en el Evangelio de este domingo Jesús promete que atraerá hacia Sí no sólo a los israelitas, sino a todos los hombres y mujeres (Jn 12, 32). 31, La Nueva Alianza es mucho más que una reivindicación política o nacional. Como cantamos en el salmo, es una restauración espiritual universal. En la “hora” de Jesús, los pecadores de todas la naciones pueden regresar al Padre para ser lavados de su culpa y recibir corazones nuevos para amarle y servirle. Jesús, al decir que será “levantado”, no está aludiendo solamente a su crucifixión ya próxima (cfr. Jn 3,14-15). Isaías usa la misma expresión para describir cómo el Mesías, después de sufrir por los pecados de Israel, sería levantado y grandemente exaltado (Is 52,2). En otra parte, el término se refiere a cómo los reyes serían elevados sobre sus súbditos (cfr. 1M 8,13). Jesús, durante su agonía, no oró para ser salvado. Más bien, según leemos en la epístola de este domingo, se ofreció a sí mismo al Padre en la cruz como súplica viviente. Por ello, Dios le dio potestad sobre el cielo y la tierra (Hch 2,33; Flp 2,9). A donde ha ido podemos seguirle, si nos dejamos guiar por Él. Seguir a Jesús significa odiar el pecado y el egoísmo presentes en nuestra vida. Quiere decir confiar en la voluntad del Padre: en la ley que Él ha escrito en nuestros corazones. La “hora” de Jesús continúa en la Eucaristía, donde unimos nuestros sacrificios al Suyo, entregando nuestras vidas a Dios como acto de reverencia y obediencia, confiando en que él nos elevará para que demos frutos de santidad. St. Paul Center for Biblical Theology: Scott Hahn, Ph.D. y Mons. José Gómez, Arzobispo de Los Ángeles Catecismo de la Iglesia Católica (CCC,607): Cristo se ofreció a su Padre por nuestros pecados Este deseo de aceptar el designio de amor redentor de su Padre anima toda la vida de Jesús (cf. Lc 12,50; 22, 15; Mt 16, 21-23) porque su Pasión redentora es la razón de ser de su Encarnación: "¡Padre líbrame de esta hora! Pero ¡si he llegado a esta hora para esto!" (Jn 12, 27). "El cáliz que me ha dado el Padre ¿no lo voy a beber?" (Jn 18, 11). Y todavía en la cruz antes de que "todo esté cumplido" (Jn 19, 30), dice: "Tengo sed" (Jn 19, 28). Preguntas para Compartir: 1. Para Jeremías: ¿En qué etapa de tu vida empezó Dios a escribir sus mandamientos en tu corazón? ¿Cómo te diste cuenta? 2. Para hebreos: ¿En qué área de tu vida se te dificulta el ser obediente a Dios? ¿De qué forma puedes mejorar en esa área? 3. Para Juan: Los griegos llegaron y dijeron, “Queremos ver a Jesús.” Si alguien te dijera lo mismo a ti hoy, ¿Qué les mostrarías? o ¿A quién les mostrarías? ¿Por qué? 4. Para Reflexión: ¿Cómo te está llamando Jesús a que seas un servidor más comprometido y obediente? ¿Cómo te aborreces a ti mismo en tu vida? “Temporadas de Fe” Oficina Evangelización y Formación de Fe para Adultos , Diócesis de San Bernardino LA VISIÓN DE LA PARROQUIA Un Dios, Un pueblo en Cristo, Una comunidad de amor guiada por el Espíritu Santo para impactar vidas.
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