OUR LADY OF THE LAKES CATHOLIC CHURCH 15801 N.W. 67th Avenue (305) 558-2202 (Office) Miami Lakes, FL 33014 (305) 558-2631 (Fax) www.ollnet.com (Website) Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time July 5, 2015 Sacramental Schedules Sunday Masses 5:00PM Vigil (English) 8:00AM (Español) 9:30AM (English) 11:00AM (English) 12:45PM (Español) 5:30PM (English) 7:00PM (Español) Daily Mass Monday - Saturday Monday - Saturday 7:00AM (Español) 8:30AM (English) Confessions Saturday 3:30PM - 4:30PM Baptisms Weddings Sunday 2:30PM All Months except July Arrange 6 weeks prior Arrange 9 - 12 months prior CLERGY & Staff General Information Rectory Hours Monday - Friday 8:00AM - 12:00PM / 1:00PM - 8:00PM Saturday 8:30AM - 12:00PM / 1:00PM - 3:30PM Sunday 8:30AM - 2:00PM Gift Shop Hours Monday - Friday 7:30AM - 4:30PM Saturday & Sunday Half Hour before & after each Mass Religious Education Classes Wednesday 4:15PM - 5:45PM & 7:00PM - 8:30PM Saturday 9:00AM - 10:30AM Very Rev. José Alvarez, V.F. Rev. Peter Lambert Pastor Parochial Vicar Rev. Mr. Roger Currier Rev. Mr. Carlos Ramírez Rev. Mr. Al Mindel Rev. Mr. Pablo Fernández Rev. Mr. Yamil Miranda Rev. Mr. Juan Gonzalez Mrs. Josefina Vázquez & Mrs. Rosa Diaz Religious Education Directress (Ext. 625) & Religious Education Assistant (Ext. 628) Mrs. Marlene Arca -Del Pozo Office Manager & Weddings (Ext. 637) Sr. Helene Kloss, OP Mr. David Shannon & Mr. John Prats Music Ministry Directors (Ext. 618 & 619) Mrs. Elsa Reus Community Relations & Alumni Director (Ext. 616) Mr. Christopher Vail Bookkeeper (Ext. 615) Mrs. Rosa Gangi & Mrs. Fay Stephens Gift Shop Managers (Ext. 671) OUR LADY OF THE LAKES CATHOLIC SCHOOL 6600 Miami Lakeway North Miami Lakes, FL 33014 (305) 362-5315 (Office) (305) 362-4573 (Fax) www.ollnet.com (Website) Mr. Ricardo Briz Principal Open Registration for 2015-2016 School Year A Catholic School committed to the Gospel PK 2 – 8th grade Free VPK Please call Adriana Davis in the Main Office at 305.362.5315 For more information about our school, you may visit our Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/OurLadyoftheLakesCatholicSchool Together, We Change Lives A heartfelt THANK YOU to everyone who made a commitment to the 2 0 1 5 A B C D . To date, 500 of our parish families have responded. However, we need the support of all members of O.L.L if we are to be successful in reaching our parish goal of $ 2 9 5,0 0 0. Now is the time to make a return to the Lord for all He has given us. Even a small gift can make a big difference in the lives of those in need. Juntos, transformamos vidas Un sincero agradecimiento a todos los que hicieron un compromiso con la Campaña de ABCD del 2015. Hasta la fecha 500 miembros de la parroquia han respondido. Sin embargo, necesitamos el apoyo de todos los miembros de O.L.L para tener éxito en alcanzar nuestra meta parroquial de $2 9 5,0 0 0. Ahora es el momento de retribuir al Señor por todo lo que Él nos ha dado. Una pequeña contribución puede representar una gran diferencia en las vidas de los más necesitados. Parish Goal 295,000.00 57% 294,787 Total Gifts 100% 125,525 Total Collected 168,897 Total Pending 43% Upcoming Events MATRIMONIO 2000 Ministerio en la Arquidiócesis de Miami Para la Convalidación de Matrimonios por la Iglesia Católica “Para Parejas Que No Han Recibido El Sacramento Del Matrimonio” El programa, Matrimonió 2000, es una preparación para matrimonios que llevan años de casados por lo civil y no han recibido el Sacramento del Matrimonio (Convalidacion). El programa es de un día de duración. Se realize en la Iglesia Catolica Saint Timothy de 8:15 a.m. a 5:30 p.m, y en él participan parejas de las distintas parroquias de la Diocesis de Miami. Haga su reservación llamado al 305-821-0002 o fax a 305-821-0772. Fechas del 2015: Domingo 19 de Julio PRE-BAPTISMAL CLASSES Pre-Baptismal Classes in English Thursday, August 20, 2015 Clases pre-Bautismal en español Jueves, 6 de agosto del 2015 Formoreinformation,pleasecontact: Jose ina Vazquez (ext. 625) - [email protected] Rosa Diaz (ext. 628) - [email protected] Notes & Thoughts Vocation Cup We thank the following families for hosting the Vocation Cup this past week: The Aneiros Family The Haber Family The Vocation Blessing Cup is a wonderful instrument of prayer and devotion for our parish families. The Cup reminds each host family that it is their responsibility to pray for and foster vocations to the priesthood and religious life. A family is asked to host the Vocation Cup for one week. It will travel from home to home as a sign of our total parish commitment to praying for vocations. Respect Life "Jesus said, 'Let the children come to me, and do not prevent them; for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these." -Matthew 19:14 Congratulations! to the following couple who was Married on Saturday, June 6, 2015 Lauren Perez & Maximilian Kenhan Ministries of our lady of the lakes Ministerios de nuestra señora de los Lagos M.O.M.S. Meetsevery1stMonday Women’s Club ofthemonthinthe OLL School Art Room ,at7:30pm. Men’s Emmaus / Hombres de Emaus Meetsonevery4thThursday ofthemonth, intheParish Hall at7:30 pm Women’s Emmaus/ Emaus para Mujeres English meetsThursdays at7:30PMintheschool,room#216. Contact:Odalys Ismail -305-926-6778 Español sereunenlosJueves alas7:30PMenelsalon#216 Contacto:Zaidis Enriquez - 305-297- 4271 EnglishmeetsThursdays at7:00PMintheSchoolLibrary Coordinator:Douglas Aguililla (561)702-8909 Español sereunenlosjuevesalas7:00PMenelSalondeArte (Escuela)Coordinador:Mario Garcia (305)439-5348 Respect Life Ministry Cursillos de Cristiandad Praystherosaryevery2ndFridayofthemonth@7pminthechapel Nosreunimostodoslosviernes alas8:pm enelsalon Contact:Mary Tate at 954-499-7624 parroquial.Paramasinformació nveanuestrapá ginadeinternetKnowsomeonewhoispregnantandneedshelp? http://cursillos.org) o contacte CallRespectLifeCenterat786‐452‐0266 Cesar Zuniga—786‐252‐9693 Sufferingfrompost‐abortionproblems? E-Mail: [email protected] CallProjectRachelat954‐981‐2922 English Bible Study Please join us in studying the Book of Isaiah beginning in September, Tues. @ 7:30 PM or Weds. @ 9:00 AM. Contact Susan O'Neill at 305 490-5992 Legion de Maria Busca tu santificación personal, mediante la Oración y el trabajo activo. La Virgen María nos espera los Lunes a las 7PM, en el Salón Parroquial. Acompáñenos en el rezo del Rosario los Domingos a las 6:30, en la Capilla. Informes: Gonzalo Guerrero Tel: 786 338 3325 Participa Del Grupo Bíblico Parroquial “EstudialaPalabrayformacomunidad” ReunionesViernes alas7:30pm enelsaló ndeartedelaescuela Fuente del Espíritu Santo UneteanosotrosenelGrupodeOració n: Reuniones:miércoles alas7:30pm enlacapillay enelsaló nparroquial Contacte:Rosa Maria & Fernando Maldonado (305)705-3398 Pastoral Care Team Life Teen & Edge As members of the Pastoral Care Team, we want to ensure that membersofourparishwhoareilland/ordyingreceivethespiritu‐ LIFE TEEN isamodelofyouthministryforsenior al,physical,socialandemotionalsupporttheyneed.Membersofour highteens,leadingthemclosertoChrist. teamarereadyandwillingtovisit,praywithandbringtheEucharist Mariano Rodriguez (mrodriguez@rtc‐cpa.com) toourparishionerswhoareill/homebound/ordying. If someone you know could use the services of our Care Team, TheEDGEisayouthministryforgrades6‐8. pleasecall305-558-2202 Arleem Fernandez ([email protected]) Sunday nights right after the 5:30 PM Life Teen Mass “Unbreakable” Weekly Couples Meetings Matrimonios en Amor y Fe Dating,EngagedorMarriedCouples(ChildcareIncluded) MeetsWednesdayat7:30pm attheOLLSchoolLibrary Contact:Lou & Madie Mendez 305-829-2073 Website:www.unbreakable412.com Facebook—Searchfor:Unbreakable412atOurLadyoftheLakes Teinvitamosaparticipardenuestrasreunionesmensuales todoslosultimosLunes decadames,enelsalon parroquialalas7:45pm. Paramasinformacionfavordellamar: Antonio y Cecilia Peralta 305‐772‐1361,786‐704‐7845. Linea de Oracion The St. Vincent de Paul Society Permítenos orar por ti Meetsonevery3rd Thursday ofthemonth, at7:00P.M.‐8:00P.M.intheParishHall(Center) Visituswhenyoucanorcalltheparishof ice. Llamealtelé fono305-834-2517 Ungrupodepersonasorará nportusnecesidadesanuestroDios. Week of July 5, 2015 Sunday Vigil 5:00pm Pro-Populo The Parish Community Sunday Español 8:00am †Antonio Quintana †Fernando Quintana 9:30am †Michael Brown †Paul Michaels 11:00am †Kira Riley Wickenden Español †Marjorie Kish 12:45pm †Lucila Velez †Jorge & Libardo Velez 5:30pm †Jane Rocchio †Charo Riera Español 7:00pm †Josefina Guzman de Arrojas †Ysrael Antonio Martinez Monday 7:00am †Emmanuel Kapetanakis †Eloisa Tome 8:30am †Manuel Arturo Hernandez Tuesday †Yolanda Andreu 7:00am †Phil Gangi †Alfredo Quintero 8:30am †Miguel Rodriguez The Sick of the Parish Wednesday 7:00am †Pedro Rodriguez †Francisco Perez 8:30am †Angela Gomez †Kathryn Strandell Thursday 7:00am†Martha Aguimbau †Guillermo Ortega Robleto 8:30am †Georgina Salum †Julie Mayo Friday 7:00 am †Yolanda Chao †Homero M. Miranda 8:30am †Anastacia Laguador †Rafael Hernandez Saturday 7:00am †Sara Nancy Delgado Los Enfermos de la Parroquia 8:30am †Gladys Fuste-Roig †Jose Ignacio Ramos Week of July 12, 2015 Sunday Vigil Sunday 5:00pm †Jorge Leon †Moises Sousa 8:00am †Jorge Arias †Ricardo Araujo 9:30am Pro-Populo The Parish Community 11:00am †Carmel A. Rendenna †Nelia & Celia Rodriguez 12:45pm †Pablo Perez †Maria Ovdulia Perez 5:30pm †Ramon Rivas †Maria Teresa Rivera 7:00pm †Enrique & Caridad Salazar †Amado Hernandez Pray for the sick Deacon Orlando Aguayo Fidel Andreu Laura Boyd Beatriz Brunnet Raquel Capmany Angela Casola Angela Cayon Maria Victoria Chirino Mary Churchill Ruth Connors Liliana Cortiza Elizabeth Diaz Joe Diaz Alexis Fari Lourdes Febles Lucas Fernandez Matilde Fernandez Estella Ferrer Eduardo Gonzalez Gloria Gonzalez Maria Gonzalez Olga Hernandez Sara Hernandez Dominga Jurado Eva Kirk Karl Kristiansen Carmen Larrua Alejandro Maldonado Marcia Marina Caridad Martinez Juan Martinez Anne Morin Marta Nuñez Reinaldo Olivencia Francisco Perez Rodolfo Perez Anita Pol Rafael Pol Christina Pons Rosa Roldan Mirta Rodriguez Ruben Rodriguez Tomas Rodriguez Guillermo Roges Denise Rosen Virginia Rush Daniela Saavedra Eileen Scurio Gene Scurio, Jr. Gene Scurio, Sr. Raquel Valdes Marta Vega Elena Wilenchik Brian Ysubido Pray for the Dead Amelia Cabrera Readings of the Week 06/28 Weekly Offering Mass Time Attendance Offertory Monday: Gn 28:10-22a; Ps 91:1-4, 14-15ab; Mt 9:18-26 Tuesday: Gn 32:23-33; Ps 17:1b, 2-3, 6-7ab, 8b, 15; Mt 9:32-38 5:00 pm Vigil 8:00am 9:30am Wednesday: Gn 41:55-57; 42:5-7a, 17-24a; Ps 33:2-3, 10-11, 18-19; Mt 10:1-7 11:00am 12:45pm 5:30pm Thursday: Gn 44:18-21, 23b-29; 45:1-5; Ps 105:16-21; Mt 10:7-15 Friday: Gn 46:1-7, 28-30; Ps 37:3-4, 18-19, 2728, 39-40; Mt 10:16-23 Saturday: Gn 49:29-32; 50:15-26a; Ps 105:1-4, 67; Mt 10:24-33 Sunday: Am 7:12-15; Ps 85:9-14; Eph 1:3-14 [1:3-10]; Mk 6:7-13 7:00pm Mail/Credit Card ______________________________________________________________________ Total Our Lady of the Lakes Announces Easy Giving Options Using your credit card for donations can save time and make your giving both automatic and convenient. Please visit our webpage www.ollnet.com and fill out the authorization form, giving Our Lady of the Lakes authorization to charge your credit card account each month. Please return the form to the Office or drop in the Collection Basket. Our Lady of the Lakes Parish Registration If you attend mass here at OLL, you are encouraged to register with us. Please stop by the Parish Office to fill out a simple registration form or register on our webpage www.ollnet.com. We urge you to get involved with our ministries and, as a stewardship parish, ask that you use your Offertory envelopes. If you are not both a registered and active member of our parish, Baptisms, Marriages, Sponsor certificates and other documents needed from the Church will take longer to obtain and, in some cases, not possible. You must be attending Mass regularly and be an active member of the parish. Bulletin Requests If you would like to publish an announcement in our parish bulletin, please send the information to [email protected]. All requests are subject to approval by Father Alvarez. Solicitud para el boletín Si desea publicar un anuncio en nuestro boletín de la parroquia, por favor envíe la información a [email protected]. Todas las solicitudes están sujetas a la aprobación del Padre Alvarez. Kravitz FLORIDA INTERNATIONAL LAND SURVEYORS, INC. D E N T A L Dentistry With A Woman’s Touch Emphasis on Cosmetic Dentistry In as little as 1-2 visits — painlessly you can be transformed!! • Elevation Certificate (New changes Flood Maps) VISTA MEMORIAL GARDENS & FUNERAL HOME Join Our PRE-NEED Program For More Information Call (305) 821-1421 14200 N.W. 57th Ave., Miami Lakes, Fla. 33014 • Mortgage & Property Survey 305-468-9650 Vincente Tome 5881 NW 151 Street #213 Miami Lakes 1. Laminates, Veneers Luminaires 2. Teeth Whitening - Zoom 3. Cosmetic Porcelain Crowns 4. 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Visitenos y vea por su cuenta! Tel: 678-622-7179 www.chowtimefl.com 15495 Eagle Nest Lane Suite 110 Miami Lakes, Fl. 33014 Ph: (305) 698-7566 www.littlesmilesdentalfl.com J&C Adult Day Care, Inc. 18505 N.W. 75 Place * Miami, FL 33015 305-698-3536 [email protected] Vicky Bakery 13925 NW 67 Ave., Miami Lakes 33014 Lic #9281 OVER 250 ITEMS DAILY 12375 Pembroke Road Pembroke Pines, FL 33025 ROBERT A. DEL CASTILLO, D.M.D., P.A. 01926.MVR AUTO MECHANIC Board Certified 100 NW 170th Street, Suite 206 North Miami Beach, FL 33169 Since 1966 Tel. 305-827-2223 DENTAL IMPLANTS • REGENERATIVE THERAPY MIAMI LAKES PERIODONTAL ASSOCIATES 7735 N.W. 146 STREET, SUITE 104 MIAMI LAKES, FLORIDA 33016 (305) 556-7010 (305) 556-7810 FAX (305) 231-3984 E-MAIL [email protected] If you’re worried about price, think about our name! 305-621-4690 Trimming • Topping • Shaping Transplanting • Removals • Sodding Mulch & Hedges • Fertilizing Rock & Plastic • Wedding Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise. Prices begin at $1045 per couple which includes all port fees and taxes. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 514133 Our Lady of the Lake Church (B) www.jspaluch.com an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-432-3240 Real Estate Attorney Closings • Title company Buyer / Seller Representation Residential & Commercial Le Ayudamos a Horrar Dinero! No importa el vehiculo que conduzca! Damaris Pereira, Esq. AJM Agencies Inc. Progressive Authorized Agent Parishioner Tel. 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Guy Brickman, CLU, ChFC, CASL WEIGHT LOSS MEDICAL CENTER “Under M.D. Supervision” • Nutritional Advice • Fat Burners • Genetic Testing • Lab Work FREE EVALUATION Bankruptcy, Foreclosure Loan Modification & Debt Relief Solutions 1275 West 47th Pl., Ste. 422 Hialeah, FL 33012 FREE CONSULTATION Call Us Today 305.820.0334 786.222.5992 [email protected] BECAUSE WE CARE ABOUT YOUR HEALTH!!! • Sport Nutrition • Weight Loss • Vitamins FREE CONSULTATION by Trained Specialist 18505 NW 75th Place, Unit 120, Miami, FL 33015 (Behind IHop) P. 305.829.5459 www.nhpstore.com 100% NATURAL [email protected] Offices located in Miami Lakes and Pembroke Pines Magaly Rubio (305) 821-0203, Home Office (305) 821-4700, ext 137, Bus. Dr. Alexander Montero, D.D.S. Email: [email protected] www.MagalyRubio.com 305-829-0100 • Cosmetic Bonding • Dentures & Partials • Extractions • Root Canals • Porcelain Veneers • Sedation Dentistry Crowns • Bridges • Inlays • Onlays Zoom Whitening • Invisalign • Implants Broker Associate • Fellow Parishioner Coldwell Banker Residential Real Estate www.Progressivedentaloffice.com 18600 NW 87 Ave., Miami, Suite 125 (NW corner 186 St & 87 Ave – Sedano Plaza) 514133 Our Lady of the Lake Church (A) www.jspaluch.com For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-432-3240
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