St. Philip Benizi Catholic Community 235 South Pine Drive, Fullerton, CA 92833-3294 Order of Friar Servants of Mary (Servites) Week of July 19, 2015 Behold, the days are coming, says the LORD, when I will raise up a righteous shoot to David. Sixteenth Sunday In Ordinary Time — Jeremiah 23:5a PARISH MISSION STATEMENT MISIÓN PARROQUIAL We, the Catholic Community of St Philip Benizi, enriched by our cultural diversity, recognize, accept, and respond to the call to live the Gospel Message of Jesus Christ. We are nourished through Word and Sacrament, energized through participation in various ministries and social gatherings, and compassionately serve our brothers and sisters in need. Nosotros, la Comunidad Católica de San Felipe Benizi, enriquecidos por nuestra diversidad cultural, reconocemos, aceptamos, y respondemos al llamado para vivir el Mensaje Evangélico de Nuestro Señor Jesucristo. Nos alimentamos con la Palabra de Dios y los sacramentos, nos energizamos a través de la participación en diversos ministerios y reuniones sociales, y con compasión servimos a nuestros hermanos y hermanas en necesidad. Mass Schedule Monday / Lunes – Saturday / Sábado: 8:30 a.m. (English) Tuesday & Thursday / Martes y Jueves: 6:30 p.m (Español) Sunday Eucharist Vigil Saturday / Sábado: 5:00 p.m. (English) Sunday/Domingo: 8:30 a.m. 10:30 a.m. (English) 12:30 p.m. (Español) 4:30 p.m. (Indonesian) (2nd & 4th Sunday) 6:30 p.m. (Español) Confessions (Confesiones): Saturday – Sábado: 3:30 p.m. ‐ 4:30 p.m. Pastor: Rev. Donald Siple, O.S.M. Parochial Vicar: Rev. David Gallegos, O.S.M. Vicar for Faith Forma on ‐ In Residence: Rev. Gerald Horan, O.S.M. Deacon: Richard Glaudini Deacon: Richard Doubledee Deacon: Philip Hardjadinata Deacon: Jose Antonio Luna Contact Us Parish Office: (714) 871‐3610 Fax (714) 871‐5827 E‐Mail: [email protected] Website: Faith Forma on Office: (714) 870‐0561 St. Vincent de Paul Office (714) 871‐9317 NEW PARISH OFFICE HOURS (NUEVO HORARIO DE OFICINA): Monday—Thursday (Lunes—Thursday): 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Now open during lunch. Friday (Viernes) : 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Saturday (Sábado): 9:00 am to 12:00 pm OFFICE IS CLOSED ON SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS. For your convenience we ask you to make an appointment when wishing to see one of the priests. Para su conveniencia le pedimos que haga una cita si desea ver a uno de los sacerdotes. July 19, 2015 St. Philip Benizi, O.S.M Catholic Community Parish Calendar Daily Readings Date Time Ministry/Loca on Mon July 20 5:30pm— Madres Cris anas—Room 1 7:00pm— Legion of Mary— Room 2 7:30pm— Grupo de Oracion—Library Tue July 21 9:00am— Agrupacion de Esposas Cris anas—Room 1 9:00am— English Bible Study—F.F. Room 7:00pm— Grupo de Oracion (Planning) ‐ Library 7:00pm— Inquiry — F.F. Room 7:00pm— Jovenes Para Cristo—Room 1 7:00pm— Spanish Bible Study—Library Wed July 22 9:30am— Overeaters Anonymous—Room 2 7:00pm— English Choir Prac ce— Church 7:00pm— JPC Choir Prac ce—(Un l Further No ce) 7:00pm— St Vincent De Paul Society Mee ng—Room 2 7:00pm— Youth Group—Youth Room 7:30pm— Grupo de Oracion—Library Thu July 23 9:00am— Small Faith Sharing Group—Room 2 6:30pm— Filipino Ministry Monthly Mee ng—Room 1 7:00pm— English Adult Sacrament—F.F. Room 7:00pm— Jovenes Para Cristo—Parish Hall & Room 2 7:00pm— Spanish Adult Sacrament—Library 7:00pm— Spanish Adult Choir—Church 7:00pm— Wedding Rehearsal—Church Fri July 24 6:00pm— Indonesian Community Recep on—P. Hall 7:00pm— Alanon—Library 7:00pm— Siervos de Maria —F.F. Room 7:30pm— Indonesian Community Memorial Mass—Church Sat July 25 3:30pm— Confessions—Church Sun July 26 10:30am— Spanish Choir Prac ce—Room 8 4:30pm— Indonesian Community—Church/P. Hall/Room 2 5:30pm— Spanish Choir Prac ce—Room 8 Pray for the Sick Coleen Patrice Tan, Gennie Ballard, Martha Susana Penilla, Claudia Minerva Penilla, Victor Hugo Penilla, Baby Andrea Sanchez, Elizabeth Sanchez, Debbie Reyes, Anita Cortez, Mary Reade, Tom Miller, Oscar Miranda, Jesus Rodriguez, Alicia Peregrina, Irene Sandoval, Erica Valdivia, Rosa Bareda, Ray Mauban Jr.. Yesenia Gomez, Pau James O’neil. Nicolas Seniw, Lisbeth Caroline Carranza If you would like to add your name, a family member or friend to our parish sick list please call the parish office at (714) 871‐3610. Names will be removed on a monthly basis. Thank you for your a en on in this ma er. Si le gustaría agregar su nombre, de un familiar enfermo, un amigo a nuestra lista de enfermos por favor de llamar a la oficina. Los nombre se borraran The Recently Deceased + Christopher Hoffman + Joe Pecsi + Arnold Paramo + Marie Jenks + John Roche + Roger Keir + Julie Chen + Lester Clavier + Maria Pimentel + Frieda Zuegelder + George Stutesman + George Davis + Jackie Hall Monday: Tuesday: Page 2 Ex 14:5-18; Ex 15:1bc-6; Mt 12:38-42 Ex 14:21 — 15:1; Ex 15:8-10, 12, 17; Mt 12:46-50 Ex 16:1-5, 9-15; Ps 78:18-19, 23-28; Jn 20:1-2, 11-18 Ex 19:1-2, 9-11, 16-20b; Dn 3:52-56; Mt 13:10-17 Ex 20:1-17; Ps 19:8-11; Mt 13:18-23 2 Cor 4:7-15; Ps 126:1bc-6; Mt 20:20-28 2 Kgs 4:42-44; Ps 145:10-11, 15-18; Eph 4:1-6; Jn 6:1-15 Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Sunday: Saints & Special Observances Sunday: Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time St. Apollinaris St. Lawrence of Brindisi St. Mary Magdalene St. Bridget St. Sharbel Makhlūf St. James Holy Week Mass Schedules Monday, July 20 8:30 a.m. + Art Harris Tuesday, July 21 8:30 a.m. Intention of John Lee Family 6:30 p.m. Intention of Familia Aguilar Wednesday, July 22 8:30 a.m. + Emma Correla Thursday, July 23 8:30 a.m. + Carmen Chavez 6:30 p.m. + Cristina Quiroz Friday, July 24 8:30 a.m. + Manuel Hidalgo 1:00 p.m. Wedding (Cesar Saldivas & Hilda Alonso) 7:30 p.m. Memorial Mass (Indonesian Fr. Adri) Saturday, July 25 8:30 a.m. + Carmen Fonacier 10:00 a.m. Quinceañeras (Elizabeth Barriga) 12:00 p.m. Quinceañeras (Vanessa Vanda) 12:00 p.m. Wedding (Ramon Ochoa & Evelyn Morelos) 5:00 p.m. Intention of Ann Haraksin Sunday, July 26 8:30 a.m. + Maria Panzera 10:30 a.m. + Winn Schoeman 12:30 p.m. For SPB Parishioners 4:30 p.m. (No Intention) 6:30 p.m. + Mario Reyes July 19, 2015 St. Philip Benizi, O.S.M Catholic Community CROSSWORD AND WORDSEARCH FUN WORDSEARCH Page 3 July November 19, 2015 2, 2014 St. St.Philip PhilipBenizi, Benizi,O.S.M O.S.MCatholic CatholicCommunity Community Page 4 Treasures from our Tradition When Catholicism encounters a culture, it tends to approach the culture with a measure of respect for its key customs, especially those touching family life. Around the world, these long established customs are often received into the liturgy, sometimes with a new level of interpretation. From Old Mexico, the custom of the lasso (“cord”) has migrated across borders, and is now firmly established in the marriage liturgy of Spanish speaking Catholics in the United States. It’s a large cord, sometimes resembling rosary beads, looped around the necks of the newlyweds in a figure eight shape. It is a great honor for a person, normally a godparent or close relative, to place the lasso around the shoulders of the couple, groom first. The lasso, a symbol of profound unity, remains in place throughout the liturgy until removed, usually by the priest. The bride keeps the lasso as a memento of the day, a sign of her ties of love to her husband in heart and home. The tender ministry of the godparent in this ceremony clearly links this sacrament of vocation with baptism. It’s not unusual to see the lasso made of fragrant orange blossoms, harking back to very ancient pre Christian rituals seeking the blessings of fertility and happiness. —Rev. James Field, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. Living God’s Word GOD’S WORD TODAY Today’s Gospel passage is one of the most moving in all of scripture. Even though most of us do not have experience as sheep farmers, we can nevertheless try to picture the metaphor used at the end of this Gospel reading. Jesus looks out on the crowd and is moved with pity for them, for they “were like sheep without a shepherd.” Apparently sheep are not the brightest of God’s creatures and are in constant need of their shepherd. One might wonder what the attitude of Christ would be today if he gazed on this world of ours. Would he be moved to pity because we, too, are like sheep without a shepherd? Let us pray that God’s word proclaimed this day will inspire us to cling to the Good Shepherd and listen to his teachings. The Lord is my shepherd; there is nothing I shall want. —(Psalm 23) When Jesus saw the vast crowd, his heart was moved with pity for them, and he began to teach them many things. —(Mark 6:30-34) MISSION God has created me to do some definite service. God has committed some work to me which has not been committed to another. I have a mission. — John Henry Newman GOD WITHIN God dwells in a secret and hidden way in all souls, in their very substance, for if God did not, they could not exist at all. — St John of the Cross From Saint Margaret Sunday Missal, copyright © J. S. Paluch Company CHRIST’S PRESENCE IN THE WORLD There’s a bit of a “missing link” in the first two sentences of today’s Gospel from Mark. In the first, the apostles return from having been sent out on mission two by two (“one who is sent” is the meaning of “apostle”). Their instructions were to preach repentance, drive out demons, and heal the sick in Jesus’ name. In the second sentence, Jesus tells them to come away with him and rest a while. It would be nice for us to imagine that, between those two sentences, a look of amazed gratitude and pleasure crossed the face of Jesus as he hears of the kingdom proclaimed in his name, and how they didn’t have to shake the dust off their feet anywhere. They deserved a rest! It might not be bad for us, when we gather together with Jesus as the apostles do today, to do this kind of debriefing, allowing the Lord to hear what we’ve sought to do in his name, our successes, our failures, our need to get away with him for a while to be fortified for further work in God’s name. For we, the baptized, are not only the flock of Jesus Christ; through water and the power of the Spirit we have also become the Body of Christ, the presence of the Shepherd for the life of the world. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. July 19, 2015 St. Philip Benizi, O.S.M Catholic Community Page 5 Tradiciones de Nuestra Fe El evangelista Mateo (14:21) recuenta que cuando Jesús multiplicó los panes, dio de comer a “unos cinco mil hombres, sin contar las mujeres y los niños”. Este pequeño detalle lo tiene sólo él. Mateo escribió su Evangelio para los cristianos de origen judío, por lo cual contiene muchos detalles que solamente reconocen aquellas personas de origen judío. Por ejemplo, el detalle acerca del número y la clasificación de personas que comieron del pan multiplicado. En aquella época, la religión judía sólo permitía la participación del varón. Las mujeres y los niños no contaban para el culto, ni en la toma de decisiones en la casa. Por lo tanto, al subrayar la presencia de las mujeres y los niños, Mateo indica que en la Iglesia o comunidad cristiana, las mujeres y los niños participan activamente. También ellos comen y reciben de la bondad de Jesús. Esto engrandece la maravilla del milagro, porque el número de personas que comieron se multiplica. Pero más importante aún, subraya la apertura de la comunidad nueva, instaurada por Jesús, la Iglesia, donde ni mujeres ni niños deben ser relegados. —Fray Gilberto Cavazos-Glz, OFM, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. LA PALABRA DE DIOS HOY El pasaje del Evangelio de hoy es uno de los más conmovedores de las Escrituras. Aunque la mayoría de nosotros no tiene experiencia de pastores, no obstante podemos tratar de ver la metáfora que se usa al final de este pasaje del Evangelio. Jesús ve la multitud y se compadece de ella, pues “andaban como ovejas sin pastor”. Las ovejas, aparentemente, no se cuentan entre las más inteligentes criaturas de Dios y tienen una necesidad constante de su pastor. Uno se pregunta cuál sería la actitud de Cristo hoy si clavara su mirada en este mundo nuestro. ¿Se compadecería porque también nosotros somos como ovejas sin pastor? Oremos para que la palabra de Dios que se proclama en el día de hoy nos inspire a anclarnos al Buen Pastor y a escuchar sus enseñanzas. Vivamos la Palabra El Señor es mi pastor, nada me falta. (Salmo 23 [22]). Cansados, Jesus y los apóstoles tratan de irse hacia un lugar retirado para descansar. (Marcos 6:30-34). MISION Dios me ha creado para rendirle un servicio definitivo. Me ha encomendado una tarea que no ha encomendado a otro. Yo tengo mi mision. — John Henry Newman DIOS DENTRO DE MI Dios esta de una forma secreta y escondida dentro de las paredes de nuestra alma; en su misma substancia, por que si no fuera asi, no podría existir del todo. — San Juan de la Cruz Traducido de Saint Margaret Sunday Missal derechos de autor © J. S. Paluch Company LA PRESENCIA DE CRISTO EN EL MUNDO Hay una cierta “conexión” que falta entre las dos primeras oraciones del Evangelio de hoy. En la primera los apóstoles regresan de la misión a la que habían sido enviados de dos en dos (“apóstol” en griego significa “enviado”). Habían sido enviados a predicar la conversión, a expulsar a los demonios, y a sanar a los enfermos en el nombre de Jesús. En la segunda oración, Jesús les dice que se vengan con él a un lugar solitario para descansar un poco. Nos gustaría pensar que, entre esas dos oraciones, una expresión de placer y gratitud cruzó el rostro de Jesús al oír como el Reino ha sido proclamado en su nombre, y como no tuvieron que sacudirse el polvo de los pies en ninguna parte. ¡Bien se merecían un descanso! A nosotros tampoco nos vendría mal, cuando nos juntamos alrededor de Jesús como los apóstoles en el Evangelio de hoy, que nos tomáramos un descanso, para que el Señor pueda escuchar lo que hemos hecho en su nombre –nuestros éxitos, nuestras decepciones, nuestra necesidad de “escaparnos” un rato con él para que nos fortalezca para seguir trabajando en el nombre de Dios. Ya que nosotros los bautizados no somos sólo el rebaño de Cristo; por el agua y el Espíritu hemos sido transformados en el Cuerpo mismo de Cristo, la presencia del pastor para dar vida al mundo. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. July 19, 2015 St. Philip Benizi, O.S.M Catholic Community FAITH FORMATION Page 6 FORMACION EN LA FE OFFICE NUMBER: 714 870-0561 Faith formation Office Summer Hours: Monday & Wednesday: 9:00 AM - 5:30 PM Tueday * Thursday: 11:30 AM– 7:00 PM Friday, Saturday & Sunday Closed Lunes y Miércoles: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM Martes y Jueves: 11:30 AM - 7:00 PM Viernes, Sábado y Domingo: Cerrado INCRIPCIONES PARA FORMACION EN LA FE We are currently registering returning and new students for faith formation classes that will begin this September! Registration ends July 30 so act now! Registered families of the parish will need to supply a copy of their children's’ baptismal certificate, a recent student picture and full tuition payment to complete the process. You may enroll your child in person by coming to the Faith Formation Office. ADULT SACRAMERNTAL PREPARTION Any adult (ages 18 and over) who was baptized and raised Catholic, but for whatever reason, missed being confirmed and/or receiving Eucharist, is invited to participate in a 22 week class which will prepare you to receive those sacraments. Classes are offered in the Winter and Summer. For the summer of 2015 classes will be Thursday evenings, July 9, from 7-9 pm .To register please call the office 714 870-0561. ******************************************** Deadline For Faith Formation Registration will be July 30,2015 De 2º a 6º Grado(Español) ¡Último Día 30 de Julio Ver Horario de oficina De Formacion en la Fe PREPARACION SACRAMENTAL PARA ADULTOS Si usted es mayor de 18 años de edad y aun no ha recibido el Sacramento de la Confirmación o la Eucaristía, esta es la oportunidad de recibirlas. Las clases empezarán el Jueves 9 de Julio y terminarán a finales de Diciembre. Necesita traer copia del fe de bautizo al momento de inscripción. Si gusta inscribirse, favor de llamar a la oficina de formación en la fe 714 870-0561 EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Come and pray before the Real Presence of Jesus Friday, August 7th and Saturday, August 8th (every first Friday and 8th of the Month (for vocation)) We raise our voices to the Lord to continue to bring us faithful priests, and to our Blessed Mother for our Servite clergy. Please sign the Adoration book at the church entrance when you will come to cover continual attendance. ALL are WELCOME to join the Blessed Sacrament Society for a brief get together in Room 3 after the Mass. July 19, 2015 St. Philip Benizi, O.S.M Catholic Community Page 7 Baptism For The Month of July Isabella Ariana Mostafa Michelle Sophia Gomez Alexa Adylene Leyva Aguilera WEDDINGS FOR THE MONTH OF JULY Michael R. Tobiassen & Vanessa Macias Matthew & Helena Barling Cesar Saldivar & Hilda Alonso Ramses Ochoa & Evelyn Morales Oscar Enrique & Sarah Vega A LIFELINE FOR TROUBLED MARRIAGE A Lifeline for Troubled Marriage – Retrouvaille (pronounced retro-vī) helps couples through difficult times in their marriages. It is designed to provide tools to help get your marriage back on track. You will have the opportunity to rediscover each other and examine your lives together in a new and positive way. This program has helped tens of thousands of couples experiencing marital difficulty at all levels including disillusionment and deep misery. For confidential information or to register for the September program beginning with a weekend on September 11, 2015 call (714) 306-6469 or email: [email protected] or visit the web site at LEGION OF MARY The Legion of Mary is the biggest Catholic lay group in the world. If you have a devotion to Mary or want to experience this, come and join us Monday’s at room #3. If you have questions, call Gary Micaletti, 714-323-2818 or Pat Concepcion 714-994-4236. En Español llama Cynthia 714-357-2313 July 19, 2015 St. Philip Benizi, O.S.M Catholic Community Page 8 EDITOR’s CORNER ... SVDP is Looking for New Members JUST A REMINDER … SUNDAYS COLOR: 7/19/15 7/26/15 GREEN GREEN SPECIAL REQUEST FROM YOUR EDITOR ... If you have some free me and you are interested in respond‐ ing to Jesus’ call to feed the hungry, clothe the naked, and shelter the homeless, please consider joining us. There are opportuni es to make food collec ons during the day and to make home visits/deliveries either during the day or in the evenings. For more informa on, contact Ed Curry at 714‐348‐0240 or via e‐mail at [email protected]. All news request for publication to our bulletin must … 1. All be sent to //[email protected]. 2. Be received before 11:00 am Tuesday (before Sunday). 3. Be precise (we have limited spaces). Please use our bulletin to advertise your business … Your advertisement will help your business, our parish and possibly get a colored bulletin in the future. For more info call or email your bulletin editor. Please DON’T drop the kneelers during Mass time. St Peregrine Lamp “2015” Our Lady of Sorrow Lamp “2015” This week the following lamps are dedicated to: This week the following lamps are dedicated to: Victor Alfonso Pineda Dolores “Lolly” Gonzales John Roche + CALENDAR AT A GLANCE August 8th and 9th – Mission Appeal by the Daughters of Mary, Mother of Mercy, DMMM August 15th – The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Not a Holy Day of Obligation this year) August 16th is “Backpack Sunday”. Children going back to school can bring their backpacks to the either the 10:30 or 12:30 Mass for a special blessing. August 15th and 16th is “Soda Sunday” weekend! We will be collecting your donations of bottled water and 12 oz. cans of soda for our Annual Parish Picnic after each Mass. August 23rd is the Feast of our Patron, St. Philip Benizi. There will be a Unity Mass at 11:00 a.m. followed by our Parish Annual Picnic. Please note that there will NOT be a 10:30 or 12:30 Mass on the 23rd. If you would like to volunteer to help with picnic preparations, please call Gloria in the Parish Office. Thank you. August 29th – Filipino Fundraiser Dance September 7th – Labor Day – Parish Office and the Faith Formation Office will be closed for the holiday. No Ministry meetings. July 19, 2015 St. Philip Benizi, O.S.M Catholic Community Pastoral Staff Devotions & Sacraments Pastor: Fr. Donald Siple, OSM Parochial Vicar: Fr. David Gallegos, O.S.M. Vicar for Faith Formation (Diocese of Orange) in residence Fr. Gerald Horan, O.S.M. Deacon: Dick Glaudini Deacon: Jose Antonio Luna Deacon: Richard Doubledee Deacon: Philip Hardjadinata Parish Business Manager: Marybell Bravo Parish Church & Ministries Coordinator: Gloria Wheeler Parish Office Receptionist: Maria Guevara Parish Office Assistant: Melissa De la Torre Parish Bulletin Editor: Marc Camba Hall / Maintenance Coordinator: Benito Gonzalez Faith Formation Director: Brother Arnaldo Sanchez, OSM Faith Formation Office Secretary: Marivel Alvarado Youth Minister: Martin Dinh Confirmation Coordinator: Joan Patten Stewardship: George & Debbie Kamer Pastoral Council: Fr. Donald M. Siple, OSM Finance Committee Chairperson: Ted Johnson Indonesian Community : Deacon Philip Hardjadinata Filipino Ministry President: Shirley Costales Presidente del Consejo Hispano: Felipe Segura Parish Music Administrator (English Liturgies): James Post Music Coordinators (Spanish Liturgies): Jose Luis Meza Altar Server Ministry: Deacon Richard and Deacon Tony Altar Server Schedules: Kyle Snyder and Eduardo Gonzales Lector Coordinator: Jim Duncan & Bertha Briones-Raygoza Wedding Coordinator: Lucy Aviña Womens Council President: Patty Hallmeyer Secular Order Servants of Mary: Paulette Martin, OSSM Comunidad Nuestra Sra de los Dolores: Patricia Segura, OSSM St. Vincent de Paul Society President: Ed Curry Marthas Coordinator: Eileen Chauvin / Sharon Pugh Jovenes Para Cristo: Gumaro Ledesma Grupo de Oracion: Samuel Garcia JUDY PATNO ✂ Page 9 DEVOTIONS / DEVOCIONES EXPOSITION OF BLESSED SACRAMENT ~ First Friday of the month and every Eighth of Each Month (For Vocations) after 8:30 a.m. Mass—6:00 p.m. EXPOSICION DE SANTICIMO SACRAMENTO ~ El primer Viernes del Mes y cada Día Ocho del Mes (Por Vocaciones) después de la misa de 8:30 a.m. a 6:00p.m. ST. PEREGRINE DEVOTION ~ First Saturday of the Month at 8:30 am Mass DEVOCION DE SAN PEREGRINO ~ Primer Sábado del Mes a las 8:30 am. SACRAMENTS/ SACRAMENTOS RECONCILIATION / CONFESSIONS ~ Saturday from 3:30pm to 4:30pm RECONCILIACION / CONFESIONES ~ Sábado de 3:30pm a 4:30pm BAPTISM ~ Celebrated in English the 3rd Sunday of the month at 3:00pm. Please call the Parish Office, a month before you wish to schedule your child’s baptism. Parents and Godparents must attend a Baptismal Preparation Class on the First Friday of the Month at 7:00 p.m. BAUTISMO~ Se celebran en Español el 2do Domingo de cada mes a las 2:00 p.m. Por favor de llamar la oficina parroquial, un mes antes del mes que le gustaría bautizar a su hijo/a. Padres y Padrinos necesitan asistir a una clase pre-bautismal el Primer Viernes del Mes a las 7:00 pm MARRIAGE ~ Couples planning to be married should contact a Priest or a Deacon at least six months before scheduling a date for their wedding. MATRIMONIO ~ Parejas planeando en casarse debe de contactar un Sacerdote o Diacono por lo menos 6 meses antes de la fecha en cual le gustaría llevar acabo su boda. Please Cut Out This “Thank You Ad” and Present It The Next Time You Patronize One of Our Advertisers Your ad Attorney at Law Personal Injury • Business Law 714-871-6655 Email: [email protected] Ad Page Thank you for advertising in our church bulletin. I am patronizing your business because of it! 350 E. Commonwealth Ave. Fullerton, CA 92832 Saint Margaret Sunday Missal al nion Persoyner Compa r u o through 2030 Y Pra Designed to be Readings • Reflections • Prayers In Stock & Ready to Order Today. CALL OR ORDER ONLINE. 800-566-6150 • $39.95 513461 St Philip Benizi Church (B) could be in this space! Becky Field-Areias Owner YOU CAN DO SOMETHING ABOUT SEX AND VIOLENCE ON TELEVISION AND ABOUT THE TRAFFIC IN PORNOGRAPHY for information on what you can do write: One Family Four Generations One Location For Over 85 Years Morality in Media, Inc. 1100 G Street NW, Suite 1030, Washington, DC 20005 (202) 393-7245 Professional Caring Staff Complete Funeral Services Pre-Planning Arrangements International Shipping Gary Field Benefits Assistance Becky Field-Areias, Se Habla Español Margie Hilgenfeld-Field 714-535-4105 120 East Broadway Anaheim, CA 92805 For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-231-0805 ESTATE PLANNING STARTING AT GRAND OPENING! Amy’s Amor Bridal $849 Includes Living Trust, Will, Advance Health Care Directive & Finance Power of Attorney Residential • Commercial • Industrial and Dress Boutique 8561 Whitaker Street, Buena Park OFF The Rack Prices Designer Brands For Less FREE CONSULTATION Timothy J. O’Connor, ESQ Serving Our Fellow Parishioners & Neighbors Attorney at Law Bridal • Quinceañeras • Prom First Communion Baptism • Party Dresses Buy • Sell • Refinance Lucia Dominguez, Realtor 1624 W. Katella, Orange Call (714) 264-1556 Serving You Proudly For Over 25 Years! Services: • Hydro Jetting • Drain Cleaning • Repairs • Repipes • Remodels • Pipe Scoping • Backflow Testing Established in 1989 714-994-1971 888-END-DRIP License #674077 (714) 288-9527 BRE01792365 MLO255546 Se Hablo Español 714-309-2881 By Appointment Only Dr. Emilio M. Sison Jr. Realtor/Notary/CRS/E-PRO DRE #01301369 Dentist 114 W. Commonwealth Ave. Fullerton, CA 714.870.8700 Take-Out ✦ Delivery ✦ Catering WWW.MOONWOKOC.COM $10 off $30 purchase with this coupon 2500 W. Lincoln Ave. #2 Anaheim, CA 92801 Tel. (714) 761-7062 Fax (714) 761-1470 Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise. Prices begin at $1045 per couple which includes all port fees and taxes. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. 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