The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ June 7, 2015 The Navigator El Navegante St. Brendan the Navigator Catholic Church Cumming, GA Go… Baptize… Teach… Vayan… Bauticen… Enseñen… I will take the cup of salvation, and call on the name of the Lord. f • Holy Father’s Prayer Intentions for June: Universal: That immigrants and refugees may find welcome and respect in the countries to which they come. Evangelization: That the personal encounter with Jesus may arouse in many young people the desire to offer their own lives in priesthood or consecrated life. • Mass Etiquette: During Mass, if you pass in front of the altar or tabernacle, bow reverently. Please be quiet while in church. Once you enter the doors to the main worship space it is not the time or place to visit with those around you. If you must talk do so as quietly and briefly as possible. Remember that your conversation might be disturbing someone who is in prayer. • St. Brendan’s Preschool still has some openings for the 2015 – 2016 school year. Information is available on our website or call 770-205-7969, ext. 19. • Father’s Day Novena cards are available in the Narthex. Pastoral Staff Rev. Fr. Matthew VanSmoorenburg, L.C., Pastor... Rev. Fr. Juan Guerra, L.C., Parochial Vicar ........... Rev. Fr. Patrick Langan, L.C., Parochial Vicar …… Rev. Fr. Jason Brooks, L.C, Parochial Vicar…….... Rev. Mr. Roger Fraser, Deacon ............................ Rev. Mr. Luis Carlos Lorza, Deacon ……………… Rev. Mr. Ed Rubio, Deacon .................................. MASS SCHEDULE [email protected], ext. 42 [email protected], ext. 12 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected], ext. 43 [email protected] How Do I? Register at the parish? Visit or pick up a “Welcome” packet in the Narthex. Receive personalized offertory envelopes? Elba Banderas at [email protected] or ext. 10. Make arrangements for a wedding? Contact Fr. Juan, ext. 12 at least six months before an anticipated wedding date. Contact someone about my interest to become Catholic? Don Conklin, [email protected] or ext. 40. Contact a Priest in a Sacramental Emergency? Phone 678-224-8448, 24 hours a day. Arrange for Communion to the sick or homebound? Call the parish office at 770-205-7969. Arrange to have my child baptized? Sandy Spera, ext 27 (English), Deacon Luis Carlos Lorza, ext. 43 (Spanish) Request Baptismal, Confirmation or Marriage certificate? Luisa Rubio, [email protected] or ext. 15. Place an announcement in the bulletin? Online form available at or contact Susan Shirley, [email protected], ext. 14. Receive information about an annulment? Deacon Roger Fraser, [email protected]. Reconnect with the Catholic Church? Don Conklin, [email protected] or ext. 40. Register my child/children for Religious Education? Stacy Applegate, [email protected] or ext. 33 (English), or Monica Plew, [email protected] or ext. 26 (Spanish) Make arrangements for a Funeral or Burial? Deacon Luis Carlos Lorza, [email protected] or ext. 43 or Lynne Sterritt, [email protected] or ext. 20. Schedule an appointment with a priest? Mary Ann Mallon, [email protected] or ext. 11. Request a Mass intention? Elba Banderas ext. 10. Reserve a meeting space at St. Brendan? Online form available at Volunteer in the parish? Opportunities are updated weekly and listed online at Seek counseling services for myself or my family? Holy Family Counseling Center, 678-993-8494 or Catholic Charities of Atlanta, 404-920-7725. Receive assistance from the St. Joseph’s Food Pantry? Open Wed. 4:30 – 6:30 pm in the Barn behind the Church or contact Barbara Gordon at [email protected], 404-431-9924. Seek emergency financial assistance? Good Samaritan Hotline: 770-205-2324; leave a message and expect a call back within 24 hours. Sign up for electronic giving? Look for the “online giving” link on our homepage at or Laura Myers, [email protected], ext. 21. Receive a tax receipt for donations? Laura Myers, [email protected], ext. 21. Find out about St. Brendan’s Preschool? Julie Lahey, [email protected], ext. 19. HORARIO DE MISAS Saturday Vigil: 5:00 pm & 7:00 pm (en Español) Sunday: 7:30 am, 9:00 am, 11:00 am, 1:00 pm (en Español), 5:00 pm Daily Mass Monday – Saturday: 8:30 am Tuesday, Thurs. & Fri.: 6:00 pm Wednesday: 7:00 pm (en Español) Rosary – after weekday am Mass The Chaplet of the Divine Mercy en Español Sundays at 12:30 pm Eucharistic Adoration in St. Sebastian Chapel Tuesday - 6:30 pm – Wednesday 6:45 pm Reconciliation Saturday: 9:00 a.m. until last person served and 3:30 - 4:45 pm Tuesday: 4:30 - 5:45 pm Wednesday: 5:30 - 6:45 pm English and en Español Please note: Mass times may vary on Holy Days. Check the Mass Intentions in this bulletin or the website calendar. Parish Office Hours: Oficina Parroquial: Mon – Thurs 9:00 am – 4:00 pm, Fri 9:00 am – 1:00 pm Maintenance Personnel Contact Info: Mac McKinney – 678-467-6490 Melvin Rogers – 404-313-2330 Alex Ayala – 770-500-9341 St. Brendan the Navigator Catholic Church 4633 Shiloh Road Cumming, GA 30040 Phone: 770-205-7969 Fax: 770-205-5040 WWW.STBRENDANSATL .COM Food Pantry Update Everyday Stewardship What else is there to give when one has already given away one's body and life? What more can one say or do to demonstrate love for another when all one has, has been given to another? This total giving of self to loved ones cannot be trumped by flowery words or material gifts that are fleeting. This is the ultimate in love. This is the love Jesus had for us on the way to his passion, at the institution of the holy Eucharist. This is the love he has for us daily in the celebration of the Mass on altars in every church, in every city, in every nation on earth. No one can give more. No one can ask for more. This is the true heart of Christian stewardship. If you take the time to gaze upon your God in the simplest of forms and begin to reflect on what has actually taken place with bread and wine becoming the presence of the divine, then you can begin to understand true humility, sacrifice, and love. And when you have the privilege to take that real presence into your body at the meal where you are an honored guest, you become one with the One who is the embodiment of stewardship. Then, you must ask the question of yourself, "How can I even begin to reflect the love that I have encountered at this feast?" The answer is that you can begin with the simple actions of the day: where will you go, whom will you meet, and in what work will you partake? Jesus Christ has shown that the greatest gift ever given can be disguised in this world as a piece of bread. By joining your body to his, he can now transform human hearts, not by grand acts, but by everyday acts, by everyday people practicing everyday stewardship. Tracy Earl Welliver, MTS © Liturgical Publications Inc. Contact: Barbara Gordon [email protected] As summer vacation time approaches please remember that the pantry does not take a vacation, and we need continued help and support during the summer months. A special request for: powdered milk and jelly (any kind) Garden Help Needed The Garden Ministry has one team coach to tend our garden each week. If you can lend an hour or two to work at the Garden, please contact one of our coaches for their work schedule. • Ann Marie Dusek (June 7-‐13) [email protected]; • Kristin McCabe (June 14-‐20) [email protected]; • Kathy Powell (June 21-‐27) [email protected]. High School Adoration and Bonfire The Wednesday night bonfires are back! We invite all high school teens to join us every Wednesday night during June and ending on July 8th. We will meet in the church at 8:00pm for adoration and then have a bonfire after! Have You Registered for Faith Formation Classes? Faith Formation fees for the 2015-‐16 year will increase after June 30th. Classes are filling up. Please submit your registration and payment to secure your spot and join us for another exciting year at St. Brendan's! Ministry Carnival Help Needed Our annual parish ministry carnival, where there is fun for all, will be held on Sunday, September 20th. Committee help is needed! If you would like to help with the silent auction, vendors, communications, setup logistics, or any of the many other tasks required, please contact Kelle Russo at [email protected], or 770-‐722-‐9181. Have You Signed Up for Kroger Rewards Yet? Kroger Stores are offering to share their Community Rewards program with St. Brendan’s. Once you have received a Kroger Plus card from any Kroger store, you can link your card number to our Parish ID number (58367) on line. When that link is established Kroger will provide a rebate to St. Brendan’s on a routine basis. To link your Kroger Plus card to St. Brendan’s log onto and follow the instructions to make the connection to our ID –58367. Any time you shop at Kroger simply present your Kroger Plus card for store savings and rewards for St. Brendan’s. All proceeds will go toward our Building Fund. Mass for Separated or Divorced Catholics Join us for Reconciliation, Stations of the Cross for Divorced Catholics, and a Mass for those who are suffering through the pain of separation or divorce on Friday, June 19, 2015, at 7:00 pm. For more information, contact [email protected]. "May we become islands of Mercy in the sea of indifference." Pope Francis Couples Celebrating 50th & 60th Anniversary in 2015 Archbishop Gregory would like to honor couples married in 1965 and 1955 with an invitation to a Golden/Diamond Wedding Anniversary Mass on Saturday October 3, 2015 at 12:00 noon at St. Brigid Catholic Church. RSVP at Shop Online? What if your everyday purchases could help St. Brendan’s Church? With Amazon Smile they can! Go to this link & sign in to your Amazon account: 58-‐2473782. You will be automatically linked with St. Brendan’s. A percentage of any shopping that you do will go directly to support our church. We recently received a payment of $49.13. Working together we should be able to help this number grow! Pastoral Council Elections Pastoral Council Elections are coming soon. Are you interested in becoming a member of the St. Brendan’s Pastoral Council? For more information about the Pastoral Council and the election process go to stewardship-‐and-‐administration /#Pastoral Council. Readings for the Week of June 7, 2015 Sunday: Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Next Sunday: Ex 24:3-8/Heb 9:11-15/Mk 14:12-16, 22-26 2 Cor 1:1-7/Mt 5:1-12 2 Cor 1:18-22/Mt 5:13-16 2 Cor 3:4-11/Mt 5:17-19 Acts 11:21b-26; 13:1-3/Mt 5:20-26 Hos 11:1, 3-4, 8c-9/Eph 3:8-12, 14-19/Jn 19:31-37 Immac. Heart: Is 61:9-11/Lk 2:41-51 Ez 17:22-24/2 Cor 5:6-10/Mk 4:26-34 PT Paid Position Open at St. Brendan’s St. Brendan’s is seeking a person fluent in English and Spanish to staff our reception desk for two weeks each month. This job-‐sharing position requires greeting the public (in person and via phone), representing the parish staff, answering questions, and utilizing various office software products. Proficiency in Microsoft Office is a must. This position will require someone with flexibility as it is part of a job-‐ sharing effort with our current staff. The person filling this position must be able to work weekends and weekdays, two weeks on and two weeks off, driven by parish needs. Days and hours are subject to change, but not to exceed 56 hours per month. There are no benefits with this paid position. Please send your resume to Laurie Johnson at [email protected] by June 19th. Next step in our Parish Plan/Facility Expansion Strategic It is with great excitement that we announce the appointment of the architectural firm, Smith Boland as our partners in the design and development of our plans for building expansion. One of the key deliverables from their effort with us will be renderings of the phased approach for the build-‐out. This effort will require numerous meetings and discussions with our clergy, staff and key members of our building committee (parishioners Kevin Morton and Dave Smith). The result will allow us to create phases of build-‐out, with a realistic cost basis that allows us to discuss in detail the funding needed to accomplish our goals. The phases will be prioritized based on our parish mission to “Go, Baptize and Teach”. Look for more information as things begin to “take shape”. Are you being called to serve as an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion? If so, please come to ExM training here at St. Brendan on Saturday, June 13th, from 12:00 - 3:00pm in the Church. Please contact Jim Sterritt with any questions at 678-575-5125 or register via email at [email protected]. Marriage Encounter Date Night World Wide Marriage Encountered Couples are invited to join our monthly WEDS date night for a marriage topic presentation and gathering to continue to enhance your marriage. Our meetings are the second Saturday of each month. The next gathering is June 13 at 7:00pm. For information on the meetings or the Marriage Encounter retreat, contact Jeff and Amy Hager 404-‐862-‐8895. Did y ou k no w…… … .. Our parish has nearly sixty active ministries that are run and supported by St. Brendan’s parishioners. This does not include preparation, support, or administration of any of the sacraments. This chart outlines the various categories of ministries and their count: • Liturgical and Worship = 10 • Adult Faith Formation = 6 • Youth Faith Formation = 5 • Spiritual M inistries = 8 • Helping and Healing = 6 • Parish Life = 9 • Outreach and Pastoral Care = 9 • Stewardship and Administration = 5 During a typical week there are about 175 hours of ministry meetings and gatherings held on campus, not including hours for Mass or any Sacraments. We are the vibrant parish we are due to all these ministries and the numerous volunteers, especially ministry leaders. It takes many hands to make them all run smoothly. Thank you to all our dedicated volunteers! Your offertory gifts make it possible to offer these ministries space, supplies, and support to function here at St. Brendan’s. If you would like to get involved or become more aware of the ministries that we have to offer, please pickup a Time and Talent Directory from the Narthex or contact Kelle Russo at [email protected]. Parish Stewardship of Treasure May-2015 3"May"15 10"May"15 17"May"15 24"May"15 31"May"15 Electronic9Giving9for9the9Month: Total: Offertory9Monthly9Budget: Overage9/9Shortage9for9the9period: Offertory9Actual9YTD: Offertory9Budget9YTD: Overage9/9Shortage9YTD: Last9Week's9Second9Collection: 9 Building(Fund $32,374.00 $27,613.00 $31,200.00 $23,420.00 $114,607.00 $128,000.00 ($13,393.00) $1,591,852.00 $1,504,000.00 $87,852.00 $4,149.00 ( 9 Building-Fund Current9Month9Contributions: electronic9giving9for9the9month Total9Building9Fund9Contributions: 9 9 $11,955.00 $11,955.00 Archbishop's-Annual-Appeal-Update-2015 Goal Outstanding9Pledges Payments9to9date 9 $132,000.00 $237,931.00 $121,648.00 9 MINISTRO EXTRAORDINARIO DE LA SAGRADA EUCARISTÍA ¡FELICIDADES A MARIELOS! En días pasados la Sra. Marielos Bond recibió el honor de ser Iniciada como nuevo miembro del Ministerio Steven. El Ministerio Steven asiste visitando, escuchando, hablando y orando con las personas en necesidad de este cuidado, con estricta confidencia. El Ministerio Steven ha estado activo en nuestra comunidad parroquial desde el año 1998, el cual atiende y asiste, en una forma personal, a todos aquellos que se encuentran sufriendo una crisis o una tragedia, siempre recordando que Dios nuestro Padre es quién cura. ¡Enhorabuena Marielos! Y que Dios Padre guíe tu servicio, con la seguridad de que Dios es quien trabaja por el bien de todos aquellos que le aman. VISITAS A LOS ENFERMOS ¿Usted o alguien que conoce necesita recibir comunión en casa o en el hospital? Para pedir que alguien le visite llame a Tania Montes al (404) 314-2932. GRUPO DE JÓVENES: FOGATAS DE VERANO Invitamos a todos los jóvenes estudiantes de High School a las noches de Fogata, todos los Miércoles de verano y hasta el 8 de Julio. La reunión inicia en la Iglesia con Adoración del Santísimo Sacramento y continúa con la Fogata. ¿Está usted llamado a servir como Ministro Extraordinario de la Sagrada Comunión? Si es así, por favor venga al entrenamiento para Ministros Extraordinarios (certificación en Inglés) aquí en la Iglesia de San Brendan el Sábado 13 de Junio, de las 12:00pm a las 3:00 pm. Si desea el entrenamiento en Español, la siguiente sesión es el 16 y 30 de Agosto de 2:00pm a 3:30pm. Si tiene alguna pregunta o se quiere registrar contacte a Jim Sterritt al (678) 575-5125 ó [email protected] FERIA DE MINISTERIOS 2015 Nuestra Feria Anual de Ministerios se llevará a cabo el Domingo 20 de Septiembre y el comité organizador esta buscando líderes voluntarios para llevar a cabo con éxito esta celebración. Interesados favor de llamar a Kelle Russo ó Mariana Loredo Loya al (770) 205-79-69 ext. 41 para mas información. OPORTUNIDAD DE TRABAJO MEDIO TIEMPO EN SAN BRENDAN San Brendan está buscando una persona con facilidad de expresión en Inglés y Español, para trabajar en la recepción por dos semanas al mes. La persona ideal tiene trato directo (en persona y vía telefónica) con el público, representa al personal y responde y da seguimiento a preguntas. El candidato a la posición debe tener un fuerte conocimiento de los programas Microsoft Office y estar disponible a aprender de otros programas utilizados en la iglesia. Este trabajo requiere flexibilidad para ser compartido con la persona que actualmente está encargada de la recepción. La persona ideal necesita estar disponible para trabajar tanto fines de semana, así como días durante la semana por dos semanas seguidas y descansando las otras dos, de acuerdo a las necesidades de la parroquia. Los días y las horas están expuestos a cambios, pero nunca más de 56 horas en un mes. Esta posición no tiene beneficios. Por favor envíe su hoja de vida-resume- a Laurie Johnson, Gerente Administrativo de la Parroquia a: [email protected] antes del 19 de Junio, 2015. PROGRAMA NUESTRA FAMILIA El Programa de Nuestra Familia invita a todas la damas de nuestra comunidad parroquial para que participen en el programa escolar 2015-2016. Ultimo día de regis-‐ tros es el 15 de Junio. Las clases inician el 24 de Agosto y continúan hasta el 13 de Mayo, 2016. Las clases incluyen Inglés, Habilidades Sociales y preparación del GED (para obtener su título de High School). Para más información por favor vea las formas de registro a la entrada de la Iglesia, ó llame a la Sra. Elba Banderas al (770) 205-7969. PRIMERO MI PAREJA Ministerio Matrimonial “Primero mi Pareja” le invita a participar en nuestro Grupo de Parejas, donde podemos revivir el entusiasmo de estar juntos. Próxima reunión es el Viernes, 14 de agosto de 7pm a 9pm Salón Social de San Brendan. Para más información llame al (678) 341-9631. o en el correo [email protected] Tenemos guardería de niños, llame y haga su reservación.
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