ST. MARK THE EVANGELIST CATHOLIC COMMUNITY ST. MARK THE EVANGELIST 1201 Alma Dr., Plano, TX 75075 (Parish) 1105 West 15th St., Plano TX 75075 (Office) Church: 972-423-5600 Fax: 972-423-5024 Office Hours: Monday - Thursday 9AM-4PM; Friday 9AM-12PM CLERGY Fr. Clifford G. Smith, Pastor • Fr. Jack Hopka, Parochial Vicar • Fr. Henry Erazo, Parochial Vicar Deacon Shawn French • Deacon Ed Putonti • Deacon Federico Marquez • Deacon Dominic T. Hoang ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF: 972-423-5600 PARISH MANAGER: Melissa Humason • PASTOR’S ASSISTANT/OFFICE MANAGER: Cathie Seibold • SAFE ENVIRONMENT: Linda Sartor ASSISTANT TO PAROCHIAL VICAR: Veronica Fonseca • CONTRIBUTIONS & REGISTRAR: Nadya Collard ACCOUNTING ADMINISTRATOR: Stan Reuber • COMMUNICATION SPECIALIST: Adriana Brady • FACILITIES: Joe Walter YOUTH MINISTRY: 972-578-9583 DIRECTOR: Linda Watts HS & YOUNG ADULT COORDINATOR: Matthew Cantrell MIDDLE SCHOOL COORDINATOR: Mario Beltran SPECIAL PROGRAMS COORDINATOR: Megan McQuaid ADMIN. ASSIST: Cristina Ochoa FAMILY & ADULT MINISTRY COUNSELING SERVICES: 972-424-5794 ST. MARK CATHOLIC SCHOOL: 972-578-0610 PRESCHOOL PRINCIPAL: Patricia Opon COORDINATOR: Toni Jobes 972-423-7926 CO-DIRECTORS: George & Judy Clark PROGRAM COORDINATOR: Marcela Solis PROGRAM COORDINATOR: Rosie Hernández ADMIN. ASSIST: Delma Brennan FUNERAL MINISTRY & PRE-PLANNING 972-424-5794 Rosie Hernández PARISH ORGANIZATIONS GRUPOS PARROQUIALES FAITH FORMATION: 972-423-4715 DIRECTOR RCIA, ADULT & ELEMENTARY FAITH FORMATION: Debbie Betz RICA & AFF (Spanish) Coordinator: Ruth Sanchez (Bilingual) FF COORDINATOR: Peggy Theis FF Ministry Assistant: Sandra Lopez CHOIRS & MUSIC: 972-423-6041 Coordinator: Kenton Kravig ADMIN. ASSIST: Christine Carrington CATHOLIC ORGANIZATIONS ORGANIZACIONES CATÓLICAS Adult Community: Candy Butcher 972-578-9293 Altar Servers: Kathi & Parker Thompson 972-965-0563 Christ Renews His Parish: 972-424-5794 Communion to Home Bound: Parish Office 972-423-5600 Communion Ministers: Mary Jane Heiting 972-664-0188 Compassionate Ministry: 972-424-5794 ENDOW: Family & Adult Ministry 972-424-5794 Eucharistic Adoration: Kathy Keenan 972-596-8550 Fuente de Vida: Pedro García 214-536-4039 Liturgy Coordinator: Marilou Hernandez 972-985-0732 Lectors: Jack Carlisle 972-549-0740 Habitat for Humanity: Frank J. McElligott 972-867-8516 Military Support Group: Andy & Ellen Ray 972-345-4336 Mom’s Group: Kristin Hyman 314-601-2934 Mujer a Mujer: Viviana Olmos 214-809-4538 Nursery Coordinator: Erin Minor 469-585-6215 Pastoral Council: Julius Chambers 972-881-7015 Pro-Life: JoAnn Murray 972-442-1127 Provida Ministry: Silvia Caballero 972-916-8345 Renovación Carismática Católica: Evelyn Colón 214-636-0282 Rosario Biblico: Olivia Rojas 972-985-0051 Rosario Tradicional: Pilar de la Torre 214-745-9831 Rosary Group: Lore Profaizer 972-424-7326 Rosary Makers: Margaret Woollett 214-808-8277 Ushers: Sandy Ptacek 972-424-6507 We Care Ministry: Martha Bernatis 214-914-4670 Women of St. Mark: Linda Sartor 972-965-2159 American Heritage Girls: Elizabeth Muzyka 469-855-2001 Boy Scouts: Joe Schichl 469-463-7959 Catholic Daughters: Diane Filibeck 214-801-8329 Cenacle: Josephine 972-867-2192, Marguerite 972-424-9779 Cenáculo de Divina Misericordia: Juanita Palma 214-676-4740 Columbian Squires: 214-693-1457 Cub Scouts: John Petroff 469-408-0895 Cursillos: Edel Yolaina Escobar 214-284-0767 Encuentro Matrimonial: Juan and Sandra Salazar 469-386-2434 Families of Nazareth: Miles & Claudine Humphries 972-423-8834 Knights of Columbus #6065: 469-450-6651 Ladies Auxiliary: Mary Ann Schumacher-972-727-3923 Schoenstatt Mother’s Group Rosary: Jo Ann Scamardo 817-368-6024 Marriage Encounter: Ed & Ann Cabrera 972-977-5884, 972-571-8930 Movimiento Familiar Cristiano: Araceli & Raul Ramirez 972-662-7708 Homeschooling: Janet Moos 972-213-6437 St. Mark Home & School Assn: Ashley Ternan 214-502-1217 St. Mark School Advisory Council: Gilberto Aguilar St. Vincent De Paul: 972-423-1877 Talleres de Oración y Vida: Lupita Bautista 469-831-3700 That Man is You: Bryan Quarles 972-359-0185 BULLETIN DEADLINE IS WEDNESDAY 12:00 PM (11 DAYS BEFORE PUBLICATION) PLEASE SUBMIT ENTRIES TO [email protected] SACRAMENT INFORMATION / CELEBRACIÓN DE LOS SACRAMENTOS BAPTISM: English classes are held the 1st Saturday of each month from 9:30 to 12:30 PM. Call the Family & Adult Ministry Office for registration form. CLASSES MAY BE TAKEN BEFORE THE BABY IS BORN. Baptisms are held the 2nd and 4th Saturday at 3:45 in English. RECONCILATION: Wednesdays: 6:30-8PM; & Fridays: 4:30-5:15 PM Saturdays: 3:30-5PM, also by appointment. MARRIAGE: Contact the Family & Adult Ministry Office at least 6 months prior to the wedding date. ANOINTING OF THE SICK: 1st and 3rd Saturdays of the month at 8AM Mass or call the parish office and request a priest. VOCATIONS & CONSECRATED LIFE: Call Fr. Edwin Leonard (214-379-2860) BAUTISMO: Para niños menores de 7 años las pláticas pre-bautismales son el 3er sábado de cada mes. Es requisito inscribirse en la oficina del Ministerio de Familias y Adultos. Los bautizos son el 2º y 4º sábado del mes. Para niños de 7 años o mayores llame a la oficina de Formación de Fe. CONFESIONES: Viernes a las 4:30-5:15PM y sábados: 3:30-5PM. MATRIMONIO: Favor de llamar a la oficina del Ministerio de Familias y Adultos para hacer una cita. Se requieren 6 meses de anticipación. UNCIÓN DE LOS ENFERMOS: 1° y 3er sábado del mes en la Misa de las 8AM en Ingles, último miércoles del mes en la misa de las 7:30PM en español o llame a la oficina. ORDENES SAGRADAS y LA VIDA CONSAGRADA: Llame al P. Edwin Leonard (214-379-2860) 1 20 DE SEPTIEMBRE DEL 2015 SEPTEMBER 20, 2015 MASS INTENTIONS & DAILY BIBLE READINGS Saturday - Sábado (9/19) Sunday - Domingo (9/20) 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time Wis 2:12, 17-20 Ps 54 Jas 3:16—4:3 Mk 9:30-37 Monday - Lunes (9/21) St Matthew, Apostle Eph 4:1-7, 11-13; Ps 19; Mt 9:9-13 Twenty-Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time Today’s second reading warns that a heart consumed with avarice and envy leads to jealousy, strife, conflicts, and disputes. A giving heart, in contrast, can sing instead with the psalmist, “Freely will I offer you sacrifice; I will praise your name, O Lord, for its goodness.” 8:00 AM Frank Van Horn 5:30 PM Florence Trenkle 7:00 PM Joshua Fonseca 7:30 AM 9:00 AM 10:30 AM 12:00 PM 1:30 PM 3:00 PM 4:30 PM 6:00 PM C. Allen Baker Mr. & Mrs. Lauterbach People of St. Mark Roy Chaney Jose J. Villalobos Sophia Brown Joseph Tournal Family Bessie Capp SAFE ENVIRONMENT PLEASE DO NOT BRING CHILDREN John Paul II Family of Faith 6:30 AM Peter Nguyen and Kim Thanh 8:30 AM Anna Hamel Tuesday - Martes (9/22) Ezr 6:7-8, 12b, 14-20; Ps 122; Lk 8:19-21 6:30 AM Peter Nguyen and Kim Thanh 8:30 AM Clara Krusac Wednesday - Miércoles (9/23) St Pius of Pietrelcina, Priest Ezr 9:5-9; Tb 131; Lk 9:1-6 6:30 AM Peter Nguyen and Kim Thanh 8:30 AM Dominic Lai 7:30 PM Ricardo Montes de Oca Thursday - Jueves (9/24) Hg 1:1-8; Ps 149; Lk 9:7-9 6:30 AM Dominic Lai 8:30 AM Edward Lang Friday - Viernes (9/25) Hg 2:1-9; Ps 43; Lk 9:18-22 6:30 AM Lt. Col. Edward Meskunas 8:30 AM Robert Rivera 5:30 PM Kim Do Saturday - Sábado (9/26) Sts Cosmas and Damian, Zec 2:5-9, 14-15a; Jer 31; Lk 9:43b-45 STEWARDSHIP Saturday, September 12 at 10AM Tuesday, October 13 at 7PM New Members, We welcome you to share our life, worship and mission. Register online at or ask an usher for a registration form. Membership and Registration Updates Have you recently had a new addition (or additions) to your family? Have you recently married or changed your marital status? Have you moved and changed your address and phone number? We'd like to hear from you! It is important to update your membership records at St. Mark. Please email Nadya Collard at [email protected] or call 972-423-5600 X 258 with any recent changes. St. Vincent de Paul Society SVDP Food Pantry is in need of the following items : Mac and Cheese, Spaghetti, Spaghetti Sauce, Boxed/bagged pasta, canned tuna Place items in donation box located in the Narthex. Pick up of large items can be arranged by calling SVDP at 972-423-1877 8:00 AM Adam Ginther 5:30 PM Florence Trenkle 7:00 PM Mary Jane Gill PRAY FOR THE SICK AND SUFFERING OF OUR PARISH OREMOS POR LOS ENFEMOS DE LA PARROQUIA The beautiful altar flowers gracing our sanctuary this week are in loving memory of Clara Krusac and are donated by Paul and Carolyn Krusac. Please call the Parish Office to add or remove someone from the list. Names will be listed for four weeks. Josefina Aguilar; Judy Ahr; Payton Ahr; Robert Ahr; Carmen Arias; Elvia Arias; Evelia Arias; Patrick Basurto; Maria B. Bustelo; Michael Coleman; Erika Duran; Joan Eddy; Joyce Graham; Christy Graves; Barbara Harrison; Roger Harvey; Jerry Heckman; Maria Mae Hernandez; Elvia Ibarra; Howard Johnson; John Kearney; Shane Kearney; Margaret Kelley; Dale Koehn; Paul Krusac; Ellie Leonard; Millie Leonard; Bob Martin; Marguerite Mehrtens; Tom Moore; Myrna Martinez; Ann Myers; David Myers; Walter Pac; Bibi Philips; Edward Phillips; Helda Picon; Marcia Pulliam; Joan Rivera; Ray Rivera; Eduardo Rodriguez; Patricia Rodriguez; Larry Skinner; Stephen Sounders; Stephanie Statton; Lucille Steckler; Patty Stratman; Jeanette Sullivan; Susana Villa García; Mark Weiler Do you have old photos or newspaper clippings about St. Mark? Please share them with us so we can include them in our 50th anniversary materials. E-mail them to [email protected] or bring them by the parish office. 2 ST. MARK THE EVANGELIST CATHOLIC COMMUNITY FAMILY & ADULT MINISTRY - COUNSELING SERVICES Knights’ Corner MINISTERIOS DE ADULTOS Y FAMILIA - SERVICIOS DE CONSEJERIA 972-424-5794 Council 6065 Assembly 2266 Knight of the Month Congratulations to Bob Knode who was named Knight of the Month for September, 2015. Bob was selected for this honor because of his recently accepting the position of Financial Secretary of the Council and for all of his work behind the scenes in keeping the Council in good standing with the Supreme Office. CHRIST RENEWS HIS PARISH Women Jan 16-17, 2016 Men Oct 17-18, 2015 Weekend retreat provides an atmosphere for individual growth through prayer, inspiring presentations, and personal reflection. It is also an opportunity to share with others in the parish about the joys and challenges of living a Christian lifestyle in our family life, at work, with friends, and in society. Please call Family & Adult Ministry at 972-424-5794 for information . Family of the Month Congratulations to the John Patterson family, who was named Family of the Month for September, 2015. John and his wife Rose have been instrumental in the success of our Bingo Knights since the inception of those events. John is one of the Inside Guards of our Council and is deeply involved with our blood drive. Rose is highly involved with the Ladies Auxiliary and, in addition, John, Rose and their two daughters, Amanda and Laura, are ushers. Endow is a 10 week Catholic educational program that brings women together to discover their God-given dignity and to understand their role in humanizing and transforming society. St. Mark Parish offers this Fall “Discover your Dignity-Part 1”. The group meets Wednesday mornings from 10am-12pm in the St. Mark Smyth Pastoral Building in Room 208-Upper Room. Please contact Chris Keith (214)708-3702 for information. Papal Visit to the United States, September 22 - 27 EWTN will provide live coverage of the Holy Father’s Masses, national addresses and the World Meeting of Families in Philadelphia. EWTN will be there every step of the way so you don’t miss a moment! Visit for more information, up to date schedules and online streaming. NEW DAY GRIEF SUPPORT GROUP begins on September 23 and meets for 9 consecutive Wednesday, 7PM – 8:30PM, St. Mark Parish Center, 1105 W. 15th St. New Day is for anyone who has lost a loved one to death. Participants work through the tasks of grief in an atmosphere of caring and understanding. Cost: $20 (workbook). Registration required. Call 972-424-5794.”I will turn their mourning into joy, I will comfort them, and give them gladness for sorrow.” Jeremiah 31:13 St. Mark Parish Library The Knights of Columbus Council at St. Mark donated $500 to the St. Mark Parish library for use in purchasing new media for parish use. All parishioners are invited to visit the library which is located in the Smith Pastoral Center (Room 105). Supporting Love Is Our Mission: The Family Fully Alive Family of Nazareth – The purpose of the meeting is to share different experiences of faith and to discover God's presence in our lives. The meetings, led by the animators, consist of prayer, readings, and faith sharing. Meetings Include: spiritual direction on the topic, Catechism reference, scripture passage, sharing questions and guidelines. Will you come and join us? Meetings are on Tuesdays from 9:30-10:30AM; Symth Pastoral Bldg, Room 209 West Wing #4. Contact Claudine at 214-2369916 or [email protected] . Pope Francis will be at the WORLD MEETING of FAMILIES in Philadelphia on September 26 and 27 supporting its mission. This meeting, held every three years, begins on September 22. Even if we are not able to go to Philadelphia in September, we can support the mission, which is Love Is Our Mission: The Family Fully Alive. At St. Mark we will support this mission during regular adoration times: 7-9 PM Tuesday September 22, and 9 AM Friday September 25 (exposition immediately after the 8:30 Mass in the main Sanctuary) to 7:30 AM, Saturday, September 26. Special family prayers will be available during these times and you are encouraged to spend time praying for families and the Pope’s intentions. Job Opportunities Family & Adult Ministry Part-Time Ministry Program Coordinator Position The Family and Adult Ministry department has a 20 hour a week Ministry Program Coordinator position open. Ministry experience required. Must be fluent in English and Spanish. Send resumes to [email protected]. For more information, contact Family & Adult Ministry Office at 972-424-5794. Ministers of Holy Communion Needed! There will be a training class for new Communion Ministers on Monday, Sept. 21st at 6:30PM in the church. Help at the 4:30 and 6PM Masses is greatly needed. 3 20 DE SEPTIEMBRE DEL 2015 SEPTEMBER 20, 2015 EN ESPAÑOL ELEMENTARY FAITH FORMATION / FORMACION DE FE: 972-423-4715 Administración Vigésimo Quinto Domingo en el Tiempo Ordinario La segunda lectura de hoy advierte que un corazón consumido con la avaricia y la envidia conduce a los celos, a la contienda, los conflictos y las disputas. Un corazón generoso, en contraste, puede cantar en lugar con el Salmista, “Libremente te ofreceré sacrificio; alabaré Tu nombre, O Señor, por su bondad.” Guarde Las Fechas(s) para Dos Reuniones Importantes Reunión # 1 - Primera Reunión de Reconciliación para padres y niños matriculados en Segundo Grado o Sacramentos Especiales segundo año (Escuela y Parroquia). Ministerio de Familia y Adultos Martes, 6 de octubre en español de 6:30-8PM en la iglesia (Sesión del domingo a las 10:30AM y la sesión del miércoles) CRISTO RENUEVA SU PARROQUIA Mujeres Feb 6-7, 2016 Hombres Oct 10-11, 2015 Martes, 13 de octubre en español de 6:30-8PM en la Iglesia (Sesión del domingo a la 1:15PM) El retiro provee un ambiente para crecimiento individual por medio de la oración, presentaciones conmovedoras, y reflexión personal. También es una oportunidad para compartir con otros en la parroquia sus alegrías y desafíos de vivir una vida Cristiana en su vida familiar, en el trabajo, con amigos, y en la sociedad. Para información llame a la oficina Ministerio de Familia y Adultos al 972-424-5794. Si no puede asistir a la sesión en español en la noche designada por favor asista a la otra sesión. Reunión # 2 - Primera Reunión de Reconciliación para padres y niños matriculados en Segundo Grado o Sacramentos Especiales año 2 (Escuela y Parroquia) Jueves 3 de noviembre en español de 6: 30-8PM en la Iglesia DE MUJER A MUJER El Movimiento Católico de Búsqueda para una madurez Cristiana Una serie de enriquecimiento de fe para mujeres de todas edades. Sesiones se realizarían los sábados empezando el 19 de Septiembre hasta el 21 de Noviembre desde las 3 PM a 5 PM en la biblioteca #105 en el Salón “Smyth Patoral Center”. Costo es $25. Para inscribirse por favor llame a Viviana Olmos 214-8094538. ¡Te Invita a Ti! Di sí al llamado que Dios tiene especialmente para ti. Ven a experimentar el amor de Jesús y descubre la Evangelización de joven a joven. Octubre 2-4, 2015 Camp Compass 8200 E. Mckinney St, Denton, TX 76208 Caballeros de Colón Para más información sobre las actividades de los Caballeros de Colón, llame a Armando Guerra al 214-272-3537, Jose Romero al 214-499-2660 o Lucas Gonzalez al 972-669-3023. Informes: Gemma: 214-245-8789; Mario: 469-328-8177 Fernanda: 214-283-9502 Retiro Católico para jóvenes de 18-30 años, no divorciados y sin hijos. ESCUELA DE FORMACIÓN PARA ADULTOS Apoyando a El amor es Nuestra Misión: La Familia Totalmente Viva Se ofrecerá Nuevo Testamento – presentado por Padre Henry Erazo para todas las personas de 18 años en adelante que desean conocer más su fe, los bautizados que quieran responder a su compromiso cristiano. También, evangelizadores, catequistas, coordinadores de catequesis o movimientos apostólicos, ministros extraordinarios de la comunión, lectores, acomodadores, jóvenes integrantes de los grupos parroquiales o de algún movimiento eclesial, etc. El Papa Francisco estará en el Encuentro Mundial de Familias en Filadelfia el 26 de septiembre y 27 en apoyo a su misión. Este encuentro, que se celebra cada tres años, comienza el 22 de septiembre. Aunque no podamos ir a Filadelfia en septiembre, aun podemos apoyar la misión, que es El amor es nuestra misión: La familia totalmente viva. En St. Mark vamos a apoyar esta misión durante los tiempos de adoración: 7-9PM el martes, 22 de septiembre y 9 AM el viernes 25 de septiembre (exposición inmediatamente después de la misa de las 8:30AM en el santuario principal ) hasta las 7:30 AM, el sábado, septiembre 26. Oraciones especiales para familias estarán disponibles en estos tiempos y les pedimos que dediquen tiempo para orar por las familias y por las intenciones del Papa. Cuando: 29 de septiembre al 1 de diciembre (10 semanas) Horario: martes de 7 - 9 PM Dónde: Centro Pastoral de St. Mark en el Great Room Costo: $30 Para poder asistir o para más información: llame a Ruth Sanchez al 972-423-4715 x225 o [email protected] 4 ST. MARK THE EVANGELIST CATHOLIC COMMUNITY The Catholic Church's Teaching on Marriage and BRING THE FAMILY Same Sex Orientation in Light of Natural Law Smart Tips for Keeping Kids Safe Presented by Dr. Christopher Wolfe, Univ. of Dallas Professor of With Officer Christopher Bianez Politics, Author and Researcher on Constitutional Law, Marriage and the Family, and American Political Thought Thursday, October 15, 2015 – St. Mark Parish Center 1105 W. 15th Street (northwest corner of 15th and Alma) Saturday, Sept. 26, 6:30 PM St. Mark Parish Center, McGivney Hall 1105 W. 15th St., 6:30PM Hotdogs, Chips, Lemonade and Cookies 7:00PM Presentation by Officer Bianez (under an hour) Buffet dinner begins at 6:30PM, $5 per person Speaker-7:15PM Free Program sponsored by the Women of St. Mark and St. Mark Family Life Ministry RSVP-Call to give number of family members coming for food count: 972-424-5794 RSVP: [email protected] or [email protected] With RSVP you may pay at the door or send check to Dale Heidenreich, 2830 Biscayne Dr., Plano, TX.75075 The St. Mark Julian of Norwich – A Mystic for Today PEOPLE CAMPAIGN Saturday, October 3, 2015 from 9:30AM to 3PM at St Monica Catholic Church Featuring Fr William Meninger, OCSO Presented by Contemplative Outreach of Dallas / Fort Worth We’re not asking for money. We’re asking for people who will give their time. Sign up after Masses during Stewardship September and help us raise 500 volunteers! Register online at Call 972-722-6029 or email [email protected] for information. $40 advance registration is due on September 25. Bring a bag lunch; morning refreshments & bottled water included. Julian of Norwich has been called by Thomas Merton "the greatest English theologian". In her "Revelations of Divine Love", written in the 14th century, Julian speaks to a 21st-century audience. She speaks of the feminine in God, the existence of hell, the wrath of God, the Trinity and many other aspects of the Christian faith in a way that, 600 years later, is still on the cutting edge of Christian development. Fr William is a Trappist monk residing at St. Benedicts Monastery in Snowmass, CO. He is the author of many books, including the Process of Forgiveness and The Loving Search for God. He teaches worldwide on Forgiveness, the Enneagram, Sacred Scriptures and Contemplative Prayer. Volunteer Spotlight: Pete and Brenda Kinsella Pete and Brenda have been St. Mark parishioners since 1973. They are the proud parents and grandparents of four daughters and four grandchildren. They were recruited by George and Judy Clark, the Family and Adult Ministry directors, to assist with baptisms. Both Pete and Brenda volunteer in the ministry office on Wednesday and with baptism class registrations on Saturday mornings. Pete also helps set up the baptism classroom on Friday afternoon. Prior to volunteering in this Ministry, Pete was a lector for almost 8 years and both taught family catechism classes. Brenda recently joined the Women of St. Mark and is very happy with the friends she’s made and the activities she’s been a part of because of this group. When asked why they serve, Brenda remembers her years as an office manager for Plano ISD and how appreciative she was of the people that volunteered at the schools and "Because it feels great to give back to our parish!" Saturday, October 3 at 7PM McGivney Hall We invite you to Join us for Diva Night! This is a night for Ladies only. We will have speakers, snacks and raffles! Raffle proceeds will be donated to the church to help offset the St. Mark Mom’s group childcare expenses. Tickets can be purchased from St. Mark Mom's group members or from the Family and Adult Ministry office at the church! Tickets are just $10 and include 5 raffle tickets to place on any item you choose and a fun photo! 5 20 DE SEPTIEMBRE DEL 2015 SEPTEMBER 20, 2015 ELEMENTARY FAITH FORMATION 972-423-4715 Youth & Young Adult Ministries Ministerio de Jóvenes y Jóvenes adultos 972-578-9583 [email protected] New Office Hours: Mon.-Thurs. 9AM-4PM Fri. 9AM-12PM. With the start of a new school year we would like to begin to offer Children’s Liturgy of the Word during 10:30 Mass. Children’s Liturgy of the Word is designed for 3 year olds – 2nd graders (young children who have not received First Communion.) What is CLOW? What does it entail? The children are dismissed from Mass before the First Reading (for about 20 minutes), two adult facilitators escort them to the ‘Brides Room’, read the Sunday Readings out of the Children’s Lectionary (they are hearing the same ‘stories’ that the adults are hearing, only on a child’s level.) The adults and children discuss these stories, maybe do a quick activity, and then return to Mass after the Prayers of the Faithful. Doesn’t this sound like a great idea? It is a great idea, and great ideas need help to get going and be successful. With 8 to 10 committed facilitators this Ministry may only be on your calendar once a month! Obviously this is an invitation for facilitators! If you would like more information please call the FF office and visit with Peggy or email [email protected]. Urgent Need! Adult small group leaders or aides Grades 7-12 Sundays 10:15 am-11:45 am 1:15-2:45 pm Wednesdays 7-8:30 pm Please contact Linda Watts at [email protected] as soon as possible Our weekly sessions begin on 9-20 and 9-23. SAVE THE DATE(S) Revel 12 and Fiat are starting soon! Meeting #1 - First Reconciliation Meeting for parents and children registered in Second Grade or Special Sacraments Year 2 (School and Parish) Beginning September 20th in the Great Room from 6-7:30 PM, we will kick off this new program for all High School students Post and Pre Confirmation. This event does not count towards Confirmation credits and there is no registration fee. All High School Students are invited to grow as men and women of God and experience this exciting encounter with Christ and the Church! Contact the Youth Ministry Department with questions or to register. Mon. Oct. 5, 2015 English 6:30-8:00 pm Church Tues. Oct. 6, 2015 Spanish 6:30-8:00 pm (10:30 Sunday session and Wednesday Session) Church Tues. Oct. 13, 2015 (1:15 Sunday Session) Church Spanish 6:30-8:00 pm If you cannot attend the Spanish session on your designated evening please attend the other Spanish session. Meeting #2 – First Reconciliation Meeting for parents and children registered in Second Grade or Special Sacraments Year 2 (School and Parish) Mon. Oct. 26, 2015 English 6:30-8:00 pm Church THAT MAN IS YOU Friday Morning Men’s Breakfast Group Begins in September 6AM – 7:30AM That Man is You! Is a 26 week interactive men’s program combining the best research from science with the teachings of the Catholic faith and the wisdom of the saints to develop the vision of a man fully alive. By honestly addressing the pressures and temptations that men face in our modern culture. The Man is You! Sees to form men who will be capable of transforming homes and society. Location: St. Mark Smyth Pastoral Center Upper Room #208 1100 West 15th St., Plano, TX 75023 Thurs. Nov. 3, 2015 Spanish 6:30-8:00 pm Church Facebook: St. Mark Catholic Church – Plano,TX St. Mark Catholic School – Plano,TX Stmarkplanoyouthministry Instagram: Stmarkyouth Twitter: StMEvangeLion Pinterest: stmarkplano 6 ST. MARK THE EVANGELIST CATHOLIC COMMUNITY 1201 Alma Dr, Plano, TX 75075 972.578.0610 To everyone who gave to St. Mark Catholic School during North Texas Giving Day on September 17, our entire school community says, Your contribution went even further thanks to the matching funds offered during this one-day, online giving event, and helped make a high-quality, faith-filled Catholic education possible for our students. Saturday, September 26, 2015 John Paul II High School - Plano, TX The “Hike for Life” is a family friendly event held once a year around Texas to promote a culture of life and raise awareness of the dignity of all human life, from conception to natural death. Funds raised will help area Pregnancy Resource Centers to continue their mission of Helping Women and Saving Babies! Pope Francis has declared that the Universal Catholic Church will observe a Jubilee Year of Mercy from Dec. 8, 2015, to Nov. 20, 2016. Please be part of the Hike for Life. It’s Easy! Enjoy music, refreshments and hot dogs served by the Knights of Columbus. Special guest speakers and clergy will be on hand. Join fellow parishioners and surrounding churches and parishes. Your participation helps save lives! Location: 900 Coit Road. Plano, Texas (Enter on Plano Pkwy.) 8 AM Registration begins 8:30 AM Opening speakers / Special guest 9 AM Hike begins Course: 5K hike on JP II Campus (6 laps/3.1 mile approx.) We will offer various activities and events for families throughout the Year of Mercy and in anticipation of our first event, we are collecting the following items to be used in our Blessing Bags: Travel-size toiletries (if you have same brands of shampoo, conditioner, soap, and lotion, please place them in a sandwich size ziplock bag), toothbrush, toothpaste, floss, small bar of soap, hand sanitizer, deodorant, shampoo, conditioner, small comb or brush, chapstick, band-aids, baby wipes and new socks (for men and women). Register NOW or sponsor a hiker at: Students: It is also possible to earn Service Hours. Also, try the awesome “Prolife Knowledge Quest!” Items can be placed in the bin in the church Narthex. Questions? Contact Debbie Betz at 972-423-4715, ext. 232. Proudly supported by the Knights of Columbus & Parish Respect Life Ministries 7 20 DE SEPTIEMBRE DEL 2015 SEPTEMBER 20, 2015 In honor of St. Mark’s upcoming 50th Anniversary celebration we periodically feature parish ministries in the bulletin. En honor al 50 aniversario de St. Mark presentaremos periódicamente información sobre nuestros ministerios en el boletín. Adoración Adoration La adoración al Santísimo Sacramento durante veinticuatro horas en los primeros viernes de mes comenzó en St. Mark hace muchos años atrás. Cerca de 1990 varias personas, incluyendo a Adele Hayes, rogaron que se les permitiera preparar un horario con nombres de personas que cubrieran las 24 horas y tener la adoración todos los viernes. Dee Christon fue la coordinadora. Ella formó un pequeño comité que incluía a Glen y Carol Karle y Pete y Jane Adame. Estos la ayudaban a llamar a personas para asegurarse que durante las 24 horas siempre alguien estuviese presente con el Santísimo. Lucy Lunto se unió al grupo y cuidaba que las personas acompañaran al Señor durante la noche. A finales de 2011, después de muchos años de excelente servicio, Dee se retiró de la coordinación de la adoración y el P. Cliff nombró un nuevo coordinador. Siguiendo un sistema utilizado en otras parroquias, ahora se ha establecido que diferentes agrupaciones tomen la responsabilidad de acompañar al Señor y que no esté solo. Cada grupo escoge el estilo de oración durante su hora. Esta información aparece en una libreta colocada en el podio a la entrada de la capilla. Casi siempre hay alrededor de 10 o más personas en un momento dado durante la adoración. En 2012 se comenzaron dos horas adicionales de adoración los jueves al atardecer (7PM). En adición, hay adoración antes de las misas de la mañana durante la semana. Cuando se le preguntó a P. Cliff el valor de la adoración para la parroquia, él dijo que “La Adoración Eucarística nos recuerda que la eucaristía es el foco central de nuestra fe y de nuestra comunidad de fe. Es la eucaristía la que hace a la Iglesia la cumbre y fuente de nuestra relación con Dios”. En la adoración oramos ante la presencia real de Jesucristo. Ver y estar con Cristo presente en el Santísimo Sacramento dirige nuestras oraciones y estas oraciones fortalecen la parroquia. Orar frente al Santísimo Sacramento es una experiencia inspiradora. Por favor, únase a nosotros en esta experiencia. Twenty-four hour adoration began at St. Mark on first Fridays many years ago. Around 1990 several people including Adele Hayes begged to be allowed to try to fill hours so that they could have twenty-four hour adoration every Friday. Dee Christon was the coordinator and she had a small committee including Glenn and Carol Karle and Pete and Jane Adame who helped to call people to ensure that there was someone with the exposed Blessed Sacrament during all of the 24 hours. Lucy Lunto joined in and ensured that people were with the Lord overnight. At the end of 2011, Dee retired from coordinating Adoration after many years of wonderful service and Fr. Cliff appointed a new coordinator. Following a system used in other parishes, there are now established groups taking responsibility for making sure Jesus is not alone. Each group chooses the kind of prayer during their hour and this information is listed in a notebook on the podium outside the chapel. There are often 10 or more people giving praise and glory to the Lord at any given time during Adoration. In 2012 we started two additional hours of Adoration every Tuesday evening. In addition, there is Adoration before the morning masses during the week. When asked about the value of Adoration to the Parish, Father Cliff said, “Eucharistic Adoration reminds us that the Eucharist is the center point of our Faith and of our Faith Community. It is the Eucharist that makes the Church the summit and font of our relationship with God.” At Adoration we pray in the real presence of Jesus Christ. Seeing and being with Christ present in the Blessed Sacrament guides our prayer and these prayers strengthen our Parish. Praying before the Blessed Sacrament is an inspiring experience. Join us, please. Pope Francis LIVE at Klyde Warren Park Dallas area residents can now be part of the historic visit of Pope Francis to the United States. A special Pope in the Park LIVE viewing event is planned in Klyde Warren Park in downtown Dallas. The Cathedral of Guadalupe in the Dallas Arts District will host a LIVE simulcast of the popular Pope’s closing Mass in the United States on Sunday, September 27th from 2 to 5PM. All are invited to watch Pope Francis LIVE on big screens in the park as he celebrates Mass and delivers the homily (sermon) at the historic World Meeting of Families (WMOF). The Klyde Warren Park event will begin with a bilingual Praise and Worship concert at 2 PM followed by the LIVE simulcast of the Papal Mass in Philadelphia at 3PM and will conclude with a special Blessing of Families imparted by Dallas Bishop Kevin J. Farrell at 5PM. All are invited to bring their lawn chairs and blankets to be part of the festive afternoon. Participants are encouraged to wear white or yellow in honor of the Pope. Schedule of Events: 2PM Praise and Worship Concert 3PM LIVE simulcast of the Papal Mass in Philadelphia 5PM Special blessing of families given by Bishop Kevin J. Farrell This special event is free to the public and is sponsored by the Catholic Foundation and the Jethsuby Fund. 8 ST. MARK THE EVANGELIST CATHOLIC COMMUNITY Festival de Otoño de St. Mark St. Mark Fall Festival Fecha del evento: Sábado, 31 de octubre Event Date: October 31, Saturday ¡El festival incluirá la carrera de 5K “All Souls”, Feria de Artesanía, Torneo de Baloncesto, deliciosas comidas, juegos, pista de obstáculos, rifas y mucho más! Festival will include All Souls 5K Run, Craft Fair, 3 on 3 Basketball Tournament, delicious foods, games, climbing wall, obstacle course, raffle and more! Estamos aceptando donaciones. Hay cubos de donación en el Narthex y la oficina parroquial. Donaciones necesarias: peluches, libros, juguetes pequeños, dulces, varitas de burbujas, y “glow sticks” Donation bucket is in Bethany Narthex and parish office. Needed items: stuffed animals, books, small toys, candy, bubble wands, glow sticks Contact Claudine Humphries, Festival Chair: 214-236-9916; [email protected] Para más información contacte a Claudine Humphries, 214-236-9916; [email protected] More information on Search “Fall Festival” and Facebook page!! ¡Tenemos mas información en el sitio web bajo “Fall Festival” y en Facebook! 9
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