Vision Statement: We are a welcoming community of believers, committed to serving God, equipping parishioners to be intentional disciples who spread His love to those around us. Mission Statement: Praise God, Love People, Equip Parishioners to Transform our Community Office Location: 408 S. Spring St Beaver Dam, WI 53916 Office Hours: Monday -Thursday 8 AM-3:30 PM Fri. 8 AM-12 PM Telephone: (920) 887-2082 Fax: (920) 885-7602 Church Site: 511 S. Spring St. The Bookstore Hours Located In Mission Hall Sunday 9 AM-12PM Liturgies Weekend Saturday 4:30 PM Sunday 8:00 AM, 10:00 AM & 12:00 PM (Spanish) Weekday Monday and Wednesday-Friday 8:00 AM Tuesday: 6:30 PM Parish School ~ 920-885-5558 Preschool-8th grade 503 S. Spring St. Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time July 19, 2015 1 A Message from Kristin As you may have read, several weeks ago, Fr. Mike renamed my position from Director of Lifelong Faith Formation to Director of Evangelization. This position was renamed to more closely align with the Archdiocesan Synod goals of “evangelization”, “stewardship”, and “Catholic Identity”. It also ties in well with the mission of our church – both the church at large and our own local church. I will continue to run K-7 faith formation along with elements of adult formation (small faith sharing groups, RCIA, and educational programs), but will also weave aspects of evangelization into parish life. Jesus tells us, “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations” ~Mt 28:19. Have we ever thought about what that really means today? Pope Francis has! He writes from his Gospel of Joy, #20: “In our day Jesus’ command to ‘go and make disciples’ echoes in the changing scenarios and ever new challenges to the Church’s mission of evangelization, and all of us are called to take part in this new missionary ‘going forth’ As a cradle Catholic, it is easy for me to take for granted some of the very things that define us. I attended public and private school, participated in ministries, and did my “Sunday obligation”. I grew up around church, and volunteered so I could meet people within the community. Like most churches, the community enrollment was much larger than the amount of people that joined leadership and/or committee work. Essentially, a parish of 1500 families was run by 150-200 dedicated volunteers and all volunteers were involved in committees or programs. And the group of 150-250 rotated from ministry to ministry. We felt comfortable working with those we knew! But what about the remaining 1000 families or the Catholics who left our walls but still remain in town? Mass is certainly the most important aspect of our Catholic faith, but what can we do to make that community personal, welcoming, and engaged? How can we get the “neighborhood” to start talking about all the great things we are doing and then maybe someday enter our doors? Through evangelization and stewardship, we can build relationships centered on Christ. In parish life, who we connect to makes all the difference when feeling part of a community and sometimes that means changing the way we typically see ministry. It involves creating a mission culture based on the mission of Jesus, where everyone in the community is on fire with their faith and ready to share with their friends and family. Once that happens, committees and leadership get new ideas, membership increases, and the word spreads! We have some great programs and leadership here at our parish! Some of them are well established and some, like stewardship and evangelization, are recently taking off. My role at our parish will be to help establish a ministry of intentional discipleship and in the process help people connect to other parishioners in parish life. Practically speaking, I will be looking for parishioners to help spread the good news! If you are currently involved in a ministry (ies), you would be a great candidate to help mentor new families or those beginning to request a sacrament. All it takes is a smile, a phone call, and a personal encounter to make someone feel at home! Would you consider joining us and if so, please contact my office at 887-2082, ext. 111. The second part of my position is to build our small faith group community. This means that we will be creating more small groups where people can share their personal experience of Jesus within their lives, and can take their knowledge of the faith from “head to heart”. It’s really a beautiful process which I am excited to be part of! When we start using the model of Jesus (going from “seeker” – those seeking to know more, to “disciple” – those following Jesus, to “apostle” – those acting from their relationship with Jesus), we can create awesome things. Our parish will be a parish where people have made a connection with the person of Jesus, beyond sitting in the pew, and connect with other parishioners. It’s a parish where we can visibly see the fruits of joining a community, one fully based on what Jesus intended. So, why not, “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations”? If you enjoy getting other people excited about their faith and their relationship with Jesus, please let me know. It all started with 12 for Jesus and that will be no different today! I look forward to sharing more Jesus with you and to building new relationships within our community! Sincerely in Christ, Kristin Adsit 2 St. Katharine Drexel Parish La Mensaje de Kristin Como usted pudo haber leído, hace varias semanas, el P. Mike renombró mi posición de Directora de Formación Permanente de la fe a Directora de Evangelización. Esta posición fue renombrada para alinear más estrechamente con los objetivos de la Arquidiócesis sinodales de "evangelización", "administración" y "La identidad católica". También relaciona bien con la misión de nuestra iglesia - tanto la iglesia en general y nuestra propia iglesia local. Voy a seguir para ejecutar K-7 formación en la fe, junto con elementos de la formación de adultos (grupos pequeños que comparten la fe, RCIA, y programas educativos), sino también a tejer los aspectos de la evangelización en la vida parroquial. Jesús nos dice: "Id, pues, y haced discípulos a todas las naciones" ~ Mt 28:19. ¿Alguna vez hemos pensado en lo que realmente significa hoy? Papa Francisco lo ha hecho! Escribe desde su Evangelio de la alegría, # 20: "En nuestros días Jesus 'comando para que, vayan y hagan ecos discípulos en los escenarios cambiantes y cada vez nuevos desafíos a la misión evangelizadora de la Iglesia, y todos nosotros estamos llamados a participar en este nuevo misionero 'saliendo adelante' Como cuna católica, es fácil para mí tomar por sentado algunas de las mismas cosas que nos definen. Asistí a la escuela pública y la privada, participé en los ministerios, e hice mi "precepto dominical". Crecí alrededor de la iglesia, y ofrecí para que yo pudiera conocer gente dentro de la comunidad. Como la mayoría de las iglesias, la matrícula de la comunidad era mucho mayor que la cantidad de gente que se unió a la dirección y / o comité de trabajo. En esencia, una parroquia de 1.500 familias estaba dirigido por 150-200 voluntarios dedicados y todos los voluntarios participaron en comités o programas. Y el grupo de 150-250 gira desde el ministerio a ministerio. Nos sentimos cómodos trabajando con aquellos que conocíamos! Pero ¿qué pasa con las 1.000 familias restantes o los católicos que salieron de nuestras paredes, pero aún permanecen en la ciudad? Misa es, sin duda, el aspecto más importante de nuestra fe católica, pero ¿qué podemos hacer para hacer que la comunidad personal, dando la bienvenida, y comprometidos? ¿Cómo podemos conseguir el "barrio" comienze a hablar de todas las grandes cosas que estamos haciendo y luego tal vez algún día entrar en nuestras puertas? A través de la evangelización y de la administración, podemos construir relaciones centradas en Cristo. En la vida de la parroquia, que nos conectamos a hace toda la diferencia cuando se sienten parte de una comunidad ya veces eso significa cambiar la forma en que normalmente vemos al ministerio. Se trata de crear una cultura de la misión basada en la misión de Jesús, donde todos en la comunidad están en llamas con su fe y dispuestos a compartir con sus amigos y familiares. Una vez que eso ocurra, los comités y liderazgo obtienen nuevas ideas, los aumentos de membresía, y la palabra se propaga! Tenemos algunos grandes programas y liderazgo aquí en nuestra parroquia! Algunos de ellos están bien establecidos y algunos, como la administración y la evangelización, están tomando poco apagado. Mi papel en nuestra parroquia será para ayudar a establecer un ministerio de discipulado intencional y en el proceso de ayudar a las personas se conectan a otros feligreses en la vida parroquial. En términos prácticos, voy a buscar para los feligreses ayuden a difundir la buena noticia! Si usted está involucrado actualmente en un ministerio (s), que sería un gran candidato para ayudar a ser mentor de nuevas familias o aquellos que comienzan a solicitar un sacramento. Todo lo que toma es una sonrisa, una llamada telefónica, y un encuentro personal para hacer que alguien se sienta como en casa! ¿Usted consideraría unirse a nosotros y si es así, por favor póngase en contacto con mi oficina al 887-2082, ext. 111 La segunda parte de mi posición es construir nuestro pequeño grupo de fe. Esto significa que vamos a crear grupos más pequeños donde la gente puede compartir su experiencia personal de Jesús en sus vidas, y podemos tomar su conocimiento de la fe de "la cabeza al corazón". Es realmente un hermoso proceso que estoy emocionada de ser parte! Cuando empezamos a utilizar el modelo de Jesús (que va de "buscador" - aquellos que buscan saber más, a "discípulo" - los que siguen a Jesús, al "apóstol" - aquellos que actúan de su relación con Jesús), podemos crear cosas impresionantes. Nuestra parroquia será una parroquia donde la gente ha hecho una conexión con la persona de Jesús, más allá de que se sienta en el banco, y conectarse con otros feligreses. Es una parroquia donde podemos ver visiblemente los frutos de unirse a una comunidad, una totalmente basado en lo que pretende Jesús. Así que, por qué no, "Id, pues, y haced discípulos a todas las naciones"? Si te gusta hacer que otras personas entusiasmadas con su fe y su relación con Jesús, por favor hágamelo saber. Todo comenzó con 12 para Jesús y que no será diferente hoy! Espero poder compartir más a Jesús con usted y con la construcción de nuevas relaciones dentro de nuestra comunidad! Sinceramente en Cristo, Kristin Adsit Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time July 19, 2015 3 Our worship site is at 511 S. Spring St. Masses and Mass Intentions MONDAY: July 20 St. Apollinaris 8:00am†Suzanne Ryan Biggs TUESDAY: July 21 St. Lawrence of Brindisi 6:30pm Mass W119 Cty Hwy A—RANDOLPH (please bring a chair) †Isabelle Budde WEDNESDAY: July 22 St. Mary Magdalene 8:00am †James “Joe” Novak THURSDAY: July 23 St. Bridget 8:00am †Marilyn Neuman FRIDAY: July 24 St. Sharbel Makhluf 8:00am †Ryan Pautsch SATURDAY: July 25 St. James 9:30am Confessions 4:30pm †Robert Kraemer SUNDAY: July 26 Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 8:00am The parishioners of St. Katharine Drexel Parish 10:00am †Ray and Suzanne Ryan Biggs 12:00pm Spanish Mass Prayer & Worship Prepare * Participate * DEVOTIONS Reflect * Mother of Perpetual Help Tuesdays 4 :00 PM Nombres de personas responsables de la Comunidad Hispana en la Parroquia de Santa Katarina Drexel: Rosary Monday through Friday one-half hour before Mass Platicas Bautismales de 0 a 7 años de edad (primer Domingo de cada Mes) Hortencia García 920-344-0726 Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament Held every third THURSDAY of each month. Adoration begins after morning Mass. Benediction is at 2:00 PM. Exposition will also be held on every Friday from 7-8pm (not held on a 5th Friday). Formación de Catequesis (1-5 grado) Rosalia Villalba 920-318-0511 920-887-2082 ext. 108 Programa del grupo de post-comunión y Consejo Parroquial (6-10 grado) Fr. Erick 920-887-2082 ext 105 Platicas para adultos que no han recibido ningún Sacramento de 18 años en adelante Kristin 920-887-2082 ext. 111 Platicas para las quinceañeras Parish Center 920-887-2082 Confirmación (11 grado) Kristin Adsit 920-887-2082/ext 111 Lectores Marvella Puga 920-392-2296 Ministros de Eucaristia y Adoración Abdón Díaz 262-617-1089 Ministro de Hospitalidad Omar Ramírez 920-318-9415 Responsable de los Acólitos Carlos Puga 920-392-2296 Responsable de la Sacristia Ana Bell Moreno 920-356-0170 Solanus Casey Prayer In honor of this Franciscan friar from Wisconsin who is being considered for sainthood, we gather the first Fridays of the month at 2:00 in church for midday and healing prayer. Whether you wish to be anointed or simply pray for others you are welcome to this time of prayer. SACRAMENTS Baptism Baptism preparation classes are held on the second Sunday of each month. Please contact Kristin at 920-887-2082 or at [email protected] for baptismal preparation arrangements. Adoración Todos los Viernes de las 7-8pm Confessions Every Saturday: 9:30am in church Readings for July 20-26 Monday: Ex 14:5-18/Mt 12:38-42 Tuesday: Ex 14:21--15:1/Mt 12:46-50 Wednesday: Ex 16:1-5, 9-15/Jn 20:1-2, 11-18 Thursday: Ex 19:1-2, 9-11, 16-20b/Mt 13:10-17 Friday: Ex 20:1-17/Mt 13:18-23 Saturday: 2 Cor 4:7-15/Mt 20:20-28 Sunday: 2 Kgs 4:42-44/Eph 4:1-6/Jn 6:1-15 4 St. Katharine Drexel Parish Marriage Please contact the Parish Center at least six months before the date of the wedding. Anointing If you know of family members and/or friends who need to be anointed please call the Parish Center to schedule a visit with a priest. Prayer Network Ministry: Please call Pat Yagodinski at 920-885-6884 to have a name added to our network. The Tri-Parishes of Dodge County & St. Katharine Drexel Parish Summer Youth Retreat Saturday, July 25th Beginning @ 10 AM @ St. Columbkille Parish What is God asking of You Middle school and high school students; join us for a great day of prayer; worship music; inspirational presentations; volleyball and other activities, and end the day with us as Mass!! There will be roast beef provided for lunch so RSVP ASAP to: Tony Crescio: [email protected] 920-887-2082 ext. 114 Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time July 19, 2015 5 Evangalization Come join us as a mentor for our young people! We are currently looking for aides for the following grades: 1,3, 5 and 7. Aides are responsible for attendance and assisting the main lesson. We are also looking for catechists/mentors for the following: Sacrament preparation and grade 5. Please contact Kristin for more information about these rewarding ministries. 887-2082, ext. 111 VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL begins on July 26 at the Parish Center. Forms are available through the office or through contacting Margaret Sadoski: (920) 326-3290 UPDATES FOR CATECHESIS (RELIGIOUS EDUCATION) REGISTRATION MATERIALS will be handled through one registration form. Packets were mailed last week. Extra forms are at the Parish Center. ALL grades K-10 will begin at 6:30pm and conclude by 7:30pm for regular sessions on Wednesday nights. Grades K-7 will meet in the cafeteria and grades 8-adult will meet in the Parish Center. We will continue to meet, on average twice a month. Sacrament Catch Up: All adults, teens, and children who fall outside of grades 2-3, should inquire about preparation through the Evangelization Office. Please contact Kristin at 887-2082, ext. 111. Are you NEW to this program? Please leave your name and address with the evangelization office or e-mail [email protected] with your request. We can’t wait to meet you! 6 St. Katharine Drexel Parish Youth & Young Adult Ministry Peace be with You, Today’s world floods our senses with countless voices, all claiming to be the bearer of truth. This is not unique to our culture, false prophets and bad shepherds have always existed. Jeremiah warns us of this in this week’s first reading, telling us that because the people have had bad shepherds, they have been scattered and are fearful. This is the result of poor shepherding, division and fear, and it is exactly the opposite of what we see from the Good Shepherd. In today’s responsorial psalm, we heard Psalm 23, with it’s beautiful message of being led to a place of rest and repose by our God. Likewise, in the Gospel for today, we see Jesus call his apostles together to come off with him and “rest awhile.” Moreover, we see how people were coming to be with Jesus in that place of rest in great numbers, why? Because, as the gospel tell us, they were like sheep without a shepherd. Just like us at times, they had no idea who to listen to, and yet in Jesus they recognized a Good Shepherd, and this naturally attracted them to him. We have one shepherd, and only his message can lead us to a place of peace in our lives regardless of what the world tries to fill our senses with. It is the message of the Good Shepherd which we will be sharing at our upcoming Y outh Retreat Day at St. Columbkille Parish, next Saturday, the 25th! MS & HS students, come and join us in this “deserted place” and “rest awhile” with our Shepherd. Hear His truth, so that you may be a much needed instrument of His peace in our world! Young Adults ages 20-30– work is underway to begin a program for this age group, and I would like nothing more than to have your input on this. This is your program! Help me run it in a way that you will get the most out of it! I look forward to hearing from you! Your Servant in Christ, Tony Crescio Parish Stewardship LITURGICAL MINISTER SCHEDULE July 25/26 4:30pm 8:00am 10:00am Servers Madelyn Adsit Gabrielle Rennhack Gavin Bohlig Emily Schliesman Katie Kaufmann Will Kaufmann Caleb Frey Alexander Braker Katelyn Braker Lectors Marge Jorgensen Elaine Mullin Greg Douthwaite Cantors Tanya Sue/Arthur Marilyn/Tanya Ministers of Hospitality Dave Kleindl Marge Zehren Jerry Zehren Rita Kleindl Javier Garcia Greg Armstrong James Multhauf Erik Bohlig Aaron Kraintz Austin Bahsynski John Kreuziger David Straseske Brett Rechek JoDee Rechek Hunter Rechek Alice Mattson Katie Pappone The July, Tuesday evening Masses will be taking place in our community. We ask you to join us at these locations for the following dates: * July 21: W119 Cty Hwy A—RANDOLPH *July 28: The Cromheecke Residence: 94 W Water St.* *Please bring a chair for Mass and a dish to pass if you wish* (contact the Parish Center for questions/details) Sign up now for the Run/Walk/Bike! Sign up now to participate in the run/walk/bike that is being offered as part of the festival this year. This is a great opportunity to spend your Sunday afternoon being fit and active. The family can even join along! Registration forms are at the back of church, at the parish center or can be printed off from the website. The early registration deadline is August 14th. This guarantees you a tshirt and a cheaper price. Have questions? Contact Stacy Schmitt at ext. 109. More festival details can be found on page 9 of this bulletin. July 12 Collection Budget Collection 27,189 $ 17,788 Offertory 1,220 1,827 28,409 $ 19,615 Total Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time What is SCRIP? It is gift certificates/cards for businesses where you shop. You purchase cards and pay us the cash or check and we make a percentage . Then you go shopping paying with the face value of the cardsyou purchased from us. It’s that easy! Back to School Bonus July 18-31 The Childrens Place 14% Cabela’s 14% Gap/Old Navy 16% iTunes 10% Example Sale: $50 Rechek’s (Grocery $2.50 profit) $25 Shopko (Retail $1.00 profit) $25 Kwik Trip (Gas $2.50 profit) $25 Culver’s (Restaurant $2.50 profit) $125 per Week=$8.50 Profit (average profit earns about 4%) Think YOU can’t make a difference? $8.50 x 52 weeks = $442 Profit per Year X 1200 Households =$530,400.00 PROFIT What are YOU waiting for? Please remember all Scrip orders are due at the Scrip Office by 9:30AM on Mondays. We only order once per week. Scrip Purchases: Office is open on Fridays 8AM-9:30AM for walk-in purchases. You may also pur chase scrip in the back of church after Mass on the weekend. Scrip Volunteers for 7/25 & 7/26 4:30pm Ar mstr ong, Cr ombie & L. Budde 8am Schleisman, McCar thy & Miller 10am Tr atar , Wells & Kaufman [email protected] Knights of Columbus Tool Room If you are in need of a tool and don’t have one at home for that special project, contact Jerry at 344-6894 to see if they have that specific tool you are looking for. You can check the tool out for use and bring it back when you are done! July 19, 2015 7 All volunteers are required to take the Safeguarding class. Next session at SKDP is SEPTEMBER 10, 2015 @ 6:30PM in School Cafeteria. Register online at ONLINE REGISTRATION REQUIRED! IMPORTANT DATES FOR 2015-2016 8/31/15 9/1/15 9/10/15 10/1/15 10/2/15 10/23/15 10/30/15 11/26 & 27/15 12/17/15 12/24/15 to 1/4/16 1/18/16 2/15/16 3/21 to 3/25/16 6/2/16 6/3/16 School begins First full day of classes Safeguarding Session Evening Conferences Daytime Conferences Local Ed Convention / No Classes Sustaining the Mission / No Classes Thanksgiving Break Christmas Concert Christmas Break (Classes resume 1/4/16) In-Service (no classes) In-Service (no classes) Spring Break / Holy Week Graduation Field Day, Last Day A detailed calendar will be presented at the opening of the school year. 8 St. Katharine Drexel Parish Parish News and Notes.. Caring Hearts has a place for you! We have people that would like a visit from someone in the parish. If you are interested in making visits, please call Alice Matson 920-210-9376 for details. If you know of someone who would benefit from a visit from a fellow parishioner please call Alice and let her know! Gracefully Aging St. Katharine Drexel is offering a “Gracefully Aging” exercise program through the summer. This type of exercise is geared for the actively aging population with the use of chairs, resistance bands, weights and balance activities. A nyone can join and it is FREE! Classes run every Monday from 9:00am-9:30am in the REC. (There will be no class on Monday, July 27). After exercise, there will be time for coffee and fellowship if you want to stay. Please contact Stacy Schmitt, Parish Nurse to sign up or for more details. SAVE THE DATE AUGUST 30, 2015!! Plan on joining your parish family on August 30th for St. Katharine Drexel Parish Festival! Outdoor Bi-lingual Mass * Breakfast * Run/Walk/BIKE * * Pie/Cheesecake sale * Kids games & the entertaining “Bounce House” * Golf ball toss competition * Youth Activities * Brats & Burgers * Beer Garden Live entertainment featuring the band “Quest” ~There’ll be something for everyone ~ Thank you for your years of ministry! We would like to thank Fred “Fritz” Stange for his more than 60 years of ministry as a Minister of Hospitality! You can help a family send their children to SKDS to receive a Catholic education. Families sacrifice to send their children to our parish school because they desire a Catholic education. Can you give $10, $100, $1000? Or perhaps you are so blessed that you can contribute even more. Whatever you give will be a gift to our students. Write a check to SKDS. On the memo line write Tuition Assistance Fund. We have *Great Kids *Great Curriculum *Great Teachers *Great School If any of you would be interested in becoming involved in this ministry, please contact Tanya Diggins at 887-2082, ext 110. Help a family put a little great in their lives. Questions? Call 920-885-5558 Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time July 19, 2015 9 BACK TO SCHOOL ROUND-UP ¡DE VUELTA A LA ESCUELA REDONDEO The annual Back to School round up will be taking place after all Masses on the dates listed below. Please plan ahead and add extra school supplies to your list. The list of the most needed items is included on this page. Thank you for keeping in mind those of our community who are in need of these items. Thanks for sharing, thanks for caring! El anual "Back To School" redada se llevará a cabo después de las misas del fin de semana del 25 y 26 de Julio. Por favor, planear material escolar adicional a su lista. Futures boletines tendrán una lista con detalle de los utiles necesarios. Gracias por mantener esta necesidad en mente! Gracias por compartir, Gracias por cuidar! ~Human Concerns Committee Fechas de Recolección: Sabado, Julio 25 y Domingo 26 Collection Dates: Saturday, July 25 and Sunday, July 26 Mochilas grandes y medianas Binders de 2”-3” Large-medium backpacks Sharpies negros 2”-3” binders Marcadores lavables Lápices de color Black Sharpies Botellas y palitos de pegamento Washable markers Tijeras Colored pencils Plumas– azul, negro, y rojo Glue sticks and bottles 3x5 tarjetas de index Scissors Calculadoras científicas Pens –blue, black, and red (Texas instrument) 3x5 index cards Sacapuntas Scientific Calculators Libretas Carpetas Pencil sharpeners Cosas de hygiene Notebooks Folders Grooming items; soap, shampoo, (jabon,shampoo, desodorante etc.) Reloj de alarma Nuevos calsetines/ calzones (todos tamaños) Tapetito de Descanso para Kindergarten (Texas instrument) deodorant, toothbrushes, toothpaste, etc. Alarm Clocks New socks/underwear (all sizes) 10 St. Katharine Drexel Parish All numbers are 920-887-2082 unless noted: ***all emails are last name, first initial followed by Fr. Michael J. Erwin...ext. 102 unless otherwise noted*** Cell phone - emergency only 262-206-6987…………[email protected] Parish Nurse Stacy Schmitt…….……..ext 109 Fr. Erick Cassiano…ext 105 [email protected] Scrip Office ……………..ext 106 Deacon Ed Cody…… 920-382-2315 [email protected] Director of Administrative Services Jennifer Crombie…...ext 101 Director of Evangelization Krisin Adsit…………...ext 111 Director of Youth & Young Adult Ministry Anthony Crescio…..ext 114 Director of Music and Liturgy Tanya Diggins…………ext 110 Administrative Assistant Barbara Heinzen………ext 100 Bilingual Secretary Claudia Ramirez……….ext 104 Sacristan Coletta Cody………...920-382-4033 [email protected] Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Take a look at our website! www.stkatharinedrexelbd. org For website submission call the office or email: webmasterSKDP@archmil. org Parish Council Chair: Mark Roedl 920-887-1612…………[email protected] Trustee: Chris Brooks………920-928-3471 [email protected] Trustee: Marge Jorgensen…920-887-7412 [email protected] Cans for Kids—a trailer is parked at the Parish Center as a location for you to deposit aluminum cans. We will recycle these cans for cash and use the profits to be deposited in Cemeteries: St. Peter: Roger Mattson…….920-887-3566 our school endowment program. Pitch-In for St. Patrick: Margaret Bennett..920-887-1515 a good cause! St. Michael: Rochelle Pufahl..920-887-1375 Parish School ~ 920-885-5558 Preschool-8th grade 503 S. Spring St. Principal/Administrator Barbara M. Haase [email protected] Latas para Niños-un remolque está estacionado en el Centro Parroquial para depositar las latas de aluminio. Vamos a reciclar estas latas por dinero en efectivo y utilizar las ganancias para ser depositados en nuestro programa de dotación de la escuela. Vamos a trabajar para una buena causa! July 19, 2015 11
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