OUR LADY OF THE HILLS CATHOLIC CHURCH 120 Marydale Lane Columbia, SC 29210 Parish Office–772-7400 Fax –798-8030 E-Mail [email protected] Website: ourladyofthehillssc.org STAFF REV. PETER SOUSA C.Ss.R Pastor –Ext. 1 DIOCESE OF CHARLESTON Our Lady of the Hills Catholic Church st November 1 /Noviembre 1 st ALL SAINTS DAY / DIA DE TODOS LOS SANTOS [email protected] Medical Emergency – 803-772-7490 REV. JOHN MURRAY C.Ss.R Parochial Vicar [email protected] REV. GUSTAVO CORREDOR Parochial Vicar - Ext. 3 Cell 803-394-6773 [email protected] SISTER CHRISTINA MURPHY, SNDdeN Pastoral Associate – Ext. 2 [email protected] DEACON CHUCK DIRUSSO 794-3388 or [email protected] DEACON DENNIS JONES 808-7196 DEACON STEVE BURDICK 798-8296 MASS SCHEDULE Saturday, (Vigil) 5:30 PM Sunday, 8AM, 10AM & 12NOON Spanish Mass –3:30 P.M. RECONCILIATION Saturday, 4pm or by appointment ST.VINCENT DE PAUL Community Assistance - 465-1644 JACKIE BRACE Director of Religious Education - ext. 13 [email protected] ELIZABETH HUDACKO Youth Minister - Ext. 4 [email protected] GLORIA CAZALLIS Secretary Religious Ed- Ext.114 [email protected] & [email protected] PEGGY WILLIAMS Parish Secretary - Ext. 5 [email protected] MARIANNE MELTON Bookkeeper - Ext. 7 [email protected] OLGA MOULY Parish Bi-Lingual Assistant 772-7400 Ext 6 [email protected] JUAN MARMOLEJO Facilities Manager – Ext. 8 [email protected] Mission Statement Our Lady of the Hills Roman Catholic Church is inspired by the Holy Spirit and formed by the Gospel, under the patronage of Mary, the Mother of Jesus. Our mission is to preach and teach the Gospel of Jesus Christ. As one family under God, the Father, we welcome all who come to us and are particularly mindful of those in need. Welcome ~ We welcome all newcomers to our parish family and request that you see an Usher after mass for a registration packet or call the Parish Office. Please stop by the Hospitality Table after Mass if you have any questions concerning the Parish. Sacramental Information Baptism - You must call the parish office to register for a Baptism Class. This must be done one month prior to the scheduled class. Call the Parish Office for more information. Marriage - You must contact the Parish Office at least six months prior to wedding. Anointing of the Sick If you find yourself or a loved one as a patient in a hospital and are in need of the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick, please call the office during business hours as soon as possible. Please do not wait until your loved one is in critical condition. There can be unavoidable delays in a priest getting to the hospital immediately. Also, if you plan on entering the hospital for a particular procedure, you may receive the Sacrament of the Anointing, prior to admission, by making contact with the parish office. Catholic Inquiry No previous experience necessary. Contact Debbie Heizer, Inquiry Coordinator or Deacon Steve Burdick at the Parish Office at 772-7400. Discover the Catholic Church! Change of Status/ Cambio de Estatus If you have a change in your family information (i.e. new address, new phone # or leaving the parish) please notify the Parish Office. Cambio de Estatus - Si usted tiene un cambio en su información de la familia; es decir, nueva dirección, nuevo número de teléfono o dejando la Parroquia, po favo notifique a la oficina Parroquial 772-7400 Ext. 3 Attention Young Adults!! Interested in finding out what is available in our Diocese-go to these web sites http://sccatholic.org/young-adultministry http://catholicyoungadultsofsc.com Since each of us is given unique gifts to serve, finding an opportunity to apply our gifts, heart, abilities, and experiences in the church is important. MINISTRY CORNER - we remain in need of: Cantors-please contact Mickey [email protected], Ushers-please contact Dennis Sheahan at [email protected] or 261-3282, Ministers of the Eucharist-please contact Maria Bernhagen [email protected], Adult Altar Servers-please contact Maria Bernhagen, Altar Servers – please contact Gloria Cazallis - [email protected] Choir – Saturday @ 5:30 please contact Debbie Bernhagen @ 750-7146 or [email protected] / for the 10am Choir please contact Erin Burdick @ (803) 237-2833, Nursery Workers – Contact Pam Baxley @ 732-8985, Altar Committee Members – Contact Pat Reiland 781-3371, Lectors – Contact Randi Olafson @ 803732-4884 or [email protected]. November 1, 2015 Dear Friends, A common day for commemorating All Saints began during the persecution of Diocletian when the number of martyrs became so great that a separate day could not be assigned to each. But the Church, feeling that every martyr should be venerated, appointed a common day for all. This feast which began in Antioch spread to other cities and churches. Gregory III (731-741) consecrated a chapel in the Basilica of St. Peter to all the saints and fixed the anniversary for 1 November. Later Gregory IV (827-844) extended the celebration on 1 November to the entire Church.1 It is appropriate that we should remember and honor those individuals who have gone before us who modeled a life of sacrifice and holiness, and in some cases martyrdom, for it is God himself through sacred Scripture that calls them blessed. One of the dictionary’s primary meanings of the word “blessed” is to be “held in reverence,” or as one Greek word study states it “to praise and celebrate with praises.” We see in the Scripture readings several words and phrases that describe and define the people whom we commemorate on All Saints Day. ● In the first reading the Apostle John describes them as martyrs; “a great multitude which no man could number, from every nation, from all tribes and peoples and tongues, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, … who have come out of the great tribulation; they have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb.” ● The Psalmist describes them as people of holiness; “He who has clean hands and a pure heart, who does not lift up his soul to what is false, and does not swear deceitfully. He will receive blessing from the LORD, and vindication from the God of his salvation. Such is the generation of those who seek him, who seek the face of the God of Jacob.” ● St. John includes us, ordinary Christians who are changed into Jesus’ image; “See what love the Father has given us, that we should be called children of God; … it does not yet appear what we shall be, but we know that when he appears we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is.” It is helpful to keep in mind that to be an ordinary Christian does not mean to be a nominal, lukewarm Christian but a vibrant Christian who lives his life in Christ, and one in whom Christ lives. Here is how the early Christians are described by one Apostolic Father, “They dwell in their own fatherlands, but as if sojourners in them; they share all things as citizens, and suffer all things as strangers. Every foreign country is their fatherland, and every fatherland is a foreign country. They marry as [do] all men, they bear children, but they do not expose their offspring. They offer free hospitality, but guard their purity. Their lot is cast ‘in the flesh,’ but they do not live ‘after the flesh.’ They pass their time upon the earth, but they have their citizenship in heaven. They obey the appointed laws, and they surpass the laws in their own lives. They love all men and are persecuted by all men. They are unknown and they are condemned. They are put to death and they gain life.”2 As we commemorate those who have gone before us, may our prayer be that of the early Christian, Eusebius, “Pray for me, that God will give me both inward and outward strength so that I may not only be called a Christian but found to be one … .” Let us remember to pray for all of our deceased loved ones and at the same time ask them to pray for us, so we can all be together rejoicing in God’s heavenly kingdom forever. God bless you and your loved ones through the intercession of Mary our Mother and all the holy saints! Your brother in Christ Father John Queridos amigos, Un día común para la conmemoración de todos los Santos se inició durante la persecución de Diocleciano cuando el número de los mártires llegó a ser tan grande que no podían asignar un día separado para cada uno. Pero la Iglesia, sintiendo que cada mártir debía ser venerado, nombro un día común para todos. Esta fiesta que comenzó en Antioquia se extendió a otras ciudades e Iglesias. Gregorio III (731-741) consagró una capilla en la Basílica de San Pedro a todos los Santos y fijo el aniversario para el 1º. de noviembre. Más tarde Gregorio IV (827-844) extendió la celebración el 1 de noviembre a toda la Iglesia. Es apropiado que debamos recordar y honrar a quienes se han ido antes de nosotros, que han sido modelo de vida en sacrificio y santidad, y en algunos casos martirio , pues es Dios mismo quien a través de la Sagrada Escritura los llama bienaventurados. Uno de los significados principales en el diccionario de la palabra "bienaventurados" es "celebrar en reverencia", o como una sola palabra griega afirma " alabar y celebrar con alabanzas. Vemos en las lecturas de las escrituras, varias palabras y frases que describen y definen a quienes conmemoramos en el día de todos los Santos. ● En la primera lectura el apóstol Juan los describe como mártires; "una gran multitud que ningún hombre podía contar, de todas las naciones, de todas las tribus y pueblos y lenguas, de pie delante del trono y antes del cordero,... que han salido de la gran tribulación; han lavado sus ropas y las han hecho blancas en la sangre del cordero.” ● El salmista los describe como personas de santidad; "El que tiene las manos limpias y un corazón puro, que no levante su alma a lo que es falso y no jure falsamente. Él recibirá bendición del Señor y la vindicación de Dios de su salvación. Tal es la generación de los que le buscan, que buscan el rostro del Dios de Jacob". ● San Juan nos incluye, cristianos comunes que cambian a imagen de Jesús; "Ver lo que el amor del Padre nos ha dado, que seamos llamados hijos de Dios; ... no aparece todavía lo que seremos, pero sabemos que cuando él aparezca seremos como él, porque le veremos como él es." Es útil tener en mente que para ser un cristiano ordinario no significa ser un cristiano nominal, un cristiano tibio pero un cristiano vibrante que vive su vida en Cristo y uno en el cual Cristo vive. Aquí es cómo los primeros cristianos se describen por un padre apostólico, "Ellos habitan en sus propias patrias, pero como residentes en ellas; comparten todas las cosas como ciudadanos y sufren todas las cosas como extraños. Cada país extranjero es su patria, y cada patria es un país extranjero. Se casan como [hacen] todos los hombres, llevan los niños, pero no exponen a sus hijos. Ellos ofrecen hospitalidad libre, pero guardan su pureza. Su suerte está echada 'en la carne', pero no viven ‘según 'la carne’. Pasan su tiempo en la tierra, pero tienen su ciudadanía en el cielo. Obedecen las leyes designadas, y sobrepasan las leyes en sus propias vidas. Aman a todos los hombres y son perseguidos por todos los hombres. Son desconocidos y son condenados. Ellos se ponen a la muerte y ganan la vida”. Al conmemorar los que nos han precedido, nuestra oración sea del cristiano temprano, Eusebio, "oren por mí, que Dios me dará fuerza hacia adentro y afuera para que pueda no sólo ser llamado cristiano pero encontrado para ser uno...." Recordemos orar por todos nuestros seres queridos difuntos y al mismo tiempo les pedimos que oren por nosotros, por lo que podemos todos juntos ser regocijados en el reino celestial de Dios para siempre. Dios los bendiga a ustedes y a sus seres queridos a través de la intercesión de María nuestra madre y de todos los Santos! Su hermano en Cristo, Padre John COMMUNITY BUILDING ATTENTION PARENTS – ALL CHILDREN MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY A RESPONSIBLE ADULT ON THE CHURCH GROUNDS. ATENCIÓN PADRES SUPERVISION NIÑOS - LOS NIÑOS DEBEN ESTAR ACOMPAÑADOS POR UN ADULTO RESPONSABLE. Any family who has flood damage and is in need of help-please contact he parish office 772-7400. Our next meeting will be on Tuesday, Nov. 3rd, 2015 at 10:00 AM in the Church Nursery. Please contact Ashley Bender @ 447-2555 with any questions. Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion Workshop There will be a MANDATORY Workshop for ALL Ministers of Holy Communion (this includes those who only take Communion to the hospitals and the homebound) on. Our make-up workshop will be held on Tuesday, Nov. 3rd in the Church at 7pm. Father Peter will be talking to us about the different aspects of the Eucharist and then we will go over the changes and nuts and bolts of the ministry. Has anyone been thinking or praying about joining this ministry but were not sure if it was for them? Please come the workshop and listen to what Father has to say and it might just encourage you join your fellow Catholics in this most sacred ministry. If you have any questions please call either Marsha Sansonetti, 731-2097 or Maria Bernhagen, 772-2725. Coffee & Doughnuts Schedule: NOVEMBER 1ST – KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS NOVEMBER 8TH – OLH MEN’S GROUP Anyone interested in hosting please contact the Parish Office or Joe Kennedy @ 803-414-1076. FORMED – You have been given unlimited access to the best eBooks, talks, and videos in the church today. Visit Formed.org to claim your free content. Log in using Parish code 4DB6ZH. FORMED – te Han dado “los mejores libros” libros electrónicos, charles y videos en la Iglesia de hoy. Visita formed.org para reclamar su contendido libre. Entrar usando su código parroquia 4DB6ZH "It's Not Too Late to Join Us"2015-2016 INQUIRY CLASS - Are you a non-Catholic who has been coming to Mass? Do you have Catholic friends who have intrigued you with their talk about being Catholic? Have you had a little voice in the back of your mind urging you to learn more about Catholicism? Then our Inquiry Class is for you. You will learn more about the Catholic Church and what you need to do to join if you decide that this is the next step in your journey of faith. Call Debbie Heizer, Inquiry Coordinator (917-0353) or Deacon Steve Burdick, RCIA Coordinator, at the Parish office (772-7400) to find out more about these classes. Pecan Sale The OLH Women’s Group will once again be selling Golden Kernel Pecans at the annual craft and bake sale to be held on the weekend of Nov. 21 & 22. The pecans will arrive in time for your Thanksgiving and Christmas baking. They make great gifts, too! The proceeds from the sale of the pecans, as well as from the craft and bake sale, will be used to award the youth scholarship(s) for a graduating senior(s) from our parish. Thank you in advance for supporting this very important cause! PRAYER AND WORSHIP During the month of November we are called in a special way “to remember our brothers and sisters who have gone to their rest.”(Eucharistic Prayer II) Please return your All Souls envelopes as soon as possible so the name can be written in our Book of Remembrance. Please PRINT. We will have a special Mass of remembrance for those who have died this past year on November 2nd, at 7pm. The Knights of Columbus Council 6892 will sponsor its annual Memorial Mass on Monday, November 16, at 7pm, honoring those Knights who passed away during the last business year. All parishioners are invited and encouraged to attend. Knights being remembered are Herbert P. Hunt, Louis P. Bello, Francis E. LaRoque, Stanley J. Waligora, Jr., Alan H. Shaw, Dante H. Tomasini, Jr., and Jose J. Rodriguez. Sunday Evening - Grades 5th – 12 begin at 6:30 PM & end at 8:00 PM. Wednesday evening - Grades K/5 – 5th begin at 6:15 PM & end at 7:30 PM. If you have any questions for grades K5 - 8th please call Jackie Brace, 772-7400 or e-mail [email protected] Grades 9 – 12, contact Elizabeth Hudacko, 772-7400. Our Lady of the Hills is committed to the protection of children. Here are important numbers: Diocesan Victim Assistance Minister ~ 800-921-8122 / Diocesan Office of Child Protection Services ~ 843- 853-2130 ext. 206. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION NEWS: Classes have begun. Class begins at 6:15 pm. Class lists will be on all the classroom doors. Kindergarten and Grade 1 are on the bottom floor of the Family Life Center. All other grades are upstairs in the Family Life Center. All students need to be walked to their classrooms and picked up in their classrooms. Children will only be released to an adult. Sunday Evening Class begin at 6:30 pm. Please drop off students at the Atrium of the Family Life Center. Grades 4 through Grade 8 are to be picked up in the carpool line by the doors of the Family Life Center. Confirmation students and youth group are to be picked up downstairs. Reminder: The best way to teach your child patience and understanding is by practicing and modeling that behavior yourself. 10 Minutes in the carpool line can be spent praying for your child (or for patience). No new registrations will be accepted on Wednesday or Sunday evenings. It’s that time of the year again! ALTAR SERVER TRAINING. What a wonderful way for children to serve God through this special and important ministry! If you feel a personal calling to service please join us. 5th Grade Sunday class will attend during Religious Ed There will be a 2nd class on Sunday, 11/1, 6:30 – 8:00pmfor those students interested in a commitment to serving. All interested students who have made their 1st Communion and are in 5th through 11th grade are invited to attend. Come see if this is a part of your “Time, Talent & Treasure”. Call Gloria Cazallis @ 772-7400 ext 114 to with questions or email [email protected] _______________________________________________________ Es tiempo ahora otra vez! ENTRENAMIENTO SERVIDORES DEL ALTAR Que maravillosa forma para los niños y jóvenes de servir a Dios a través de este especial e importante ministerio! Si tú sientes un llamado personal para dar servicio, La clase del domingo 5to grado asistirá durante Educación Religiosa Habrá una segunda clase el domingo 1º de noviembre de 6:30 – 8:00pm Para los estudiantes interesados en un compromiso de servir. Todos los estudiantes interesados que hayan hecho su 1ra. Comunión Y que actualmente cursan los grados 5 al 11 son invitados a asistir. Ven a ver si esto es parte de tu “Tiempo, Talento & Tesoro”. Llama a Gloria Cazallis 772-7400 ext. 114 o para preguntas su correo electrónico es [email protected] Saints Class Saints Class meets each Thursday in the Family Life Center Library from 2:00PM - 3:30PM. Classes are solely for mature Catholic adults who wish to learn more about Catholic Saints, their lives and struggles. We discuss how to apply lessons from their lives to our own and many related issues. No book is required for the class. Questions? Please contact Rachel Godwin. Email: [email protected] Telephone: (803) 7509777 - please leave a message if there is no immediate answer. Wednesday Scripture Study at 2:00PM in the Family Life Center Library these sessions usually last 1-1½ hours. We are studying the Acts of the Apostles. Questions? Please feel free to contact me, Deacon Chuck, at 794-3388 or e-mail me at [email protected] Damos la bienvenida a todos los recién llegados a nuestra familia Parroquial. Si desea registrarse y recibir inscripción, po favor llamar a la oficina Parroquial ó preguntarle a un acomodador antes o después de misa. Las personas que deseen tener a la Virgen Peregrina en su hogar, contactar A Mariela Almaraz (803) 528-5952. Las familias interesadas en participar en el docenario en honor a la Virgen de Guadalupe, el cual iniciara el 30 de noviembre, favor de ponerse en contacto con Mariela Almaraz en la misa del domingo 15 de noviembre, mayores informes 803 528 5952. Grupo Jóvenes Adultos (Español) e 18 años en adelante -Se reúnen los Sábado de 4:00PM a 7:00 PM Para más información contactar a: Ivan Flores 803-446-5622. RECONCILIACION/CONFESIONES Ingles: Sábado de 4-5PM o con cita Español: Domingo a las 245PM o con cita, Jueves a las 7:30PM (sujeto a disponibilidad), por favor revise el calendario publicado en la puerta de la reconciliación Los retiros del Vin`edo de Raquel ofrecen un ambiente confidencial, de apoyo y sin juzgar, donde las mujeres y los hombres pueden expresar los sentimientos que han tenido despues de un aborto, para iniciar el proceso de sanacion. Nuestro pro`ximo retiro en carolina del sur es para aquellas personas que hablan español, el 4-6 de diciembre en Rock Hill. Para mas informacio`n, pueden comunicarse con Sara al 803-627-1209. Vicaria Columbia St. John Neumann Coordinador clases: José Fernández 803 736 3046 El programa le ofrece instructores de conocimiento teológico, de esta manera se conoce y fortalece su fe cristiano-católica. El costo para cada tema es de $20. Vide En Cristo - Lunes: Nov. 2 #3/Nov. 16 #4 – 7pm -9pm Más información: Ana Hidalgo 803-750-0065, supervisora diocesana de formación en la fe para hispanos. Visite la página web: www.sccatholic.org –Ministerio hispano – Escuela de la Fe. NOTICIAS DE EDUCACIÓN RELIGIOSA: BAUTIZOS Contactar a la oficina Parroquial para inscribirse en una clase de bautismo un mes antes de la clase programada, las clases son en el OLOH Salon Ministerio juvenil de 6:30 PM a 9 PM: Noviembre 13, llamar a la oficina para mayor información Olga Mouly 772-7400 x 3 RIMERA COMUNION Para información contactar a Jackie Brace Ph: 803.772.7400 - Ext. 113 e-mail: [email protected] CONFIRMACION Para información contactar a Elizabeth Hudacko Ph: 803.772.7400 - Ext. 4 e-mail: [email protected] MATRIMONIOS Debe comunicarse a la oficina Parroquial al menos (6) seis meses antes de la boda e inscribirse a las clases pre-matrimoniales. Las clases son: Salon Ministero juvenil - 6:30 PM a 9:00 PM – Oct. 30, Nov. 20. Para mayor información comunicarse con Jose David Morales (803)760-3320. GRUPO RICA Todos los adultos que deseen y estén interesados en recibir los sacramentos de bautizo, comunión y confirmación, contactar a Ligia Rios al 803.318.4063 ó Elvira Pérez al 803.479.9432. UNCION DE LOS ENFERMOS Si usted tiene un ser querido que se encuentra como paciente en un hospital y está en necesidad del sacramento de la Unción de lo s Enfermos, por favor llame a la oficina de la Parroquia lo antes posible. Además, si usted tiene que estar en el hospital para un procedimiento particular, puede recibir el Sacramento de la Unción antes de su hospitalización. Las clases comienzan esta semana el Miércoles 16 de septiembre, para los grados K5, hasta el grado 5. Las clases comienzan a las 6:15 pm. Las listas de clases estarán en las puertas de los salones. Kinder y 1º Grado están en el primer nivel. Todos los otros grados estarán en el 2º nivel del Edificio Parroquial Un adulto debe de caminar con el estudiante al salon correspondiente y también debe de ser un adulto quien lo recupere del salon. No se permitirá que los alumnos salgan de su clase al terminar si un adulto no va por ellos. Las clases de la tarde del domingo comienzan el domingo 20 de septiembre para los grados 4B confirmación Grupo Juvenil. La clase comienza a las 6:30 pm. Por favor, dejar a los estudiantes en el Atrio del Edificio Parroquia. Grados 4 a grado 8 deberan ser recuperaclas en la línea de transporte colectivo por las puertas del Edificio Parroquial . Estudiantes de confirmación y el grupo de jóvenes han de ser recuperados en la planta baja. Recordatorio: La mejor manera de enseñar a su hijo la paciencia y la comprensión es que usted lo practique y sea un modelo de comportamiento. Si tiene que esperar 10 minutos en la línea de autos, usted puede ponerse a orar y sobre todo tener consideración, cortesía y paciencia, al usted comportarse de esta manera le estará dando un gran ejemplo a sus hijos. No se aceptarán inscripciones los miércoles o domingos por la noche, cuando se esten impartiendo las clases. Si usted tiene alguna pregunta por favor llame a Jackie al 803-772-7400 ext 113 o por e-mail [email protected]. SPECIAL INTERESTS Do you live the beatitudes in your marriage? The next Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekends are Feb. 26-28th in Myrtle Beach SC and Feb. 5-7th in Asheville, NC. Please apply early. For more information, go to scmarriagematters.org or call 803-810-9602. AARP SMART DRIVER CLASS - at Shepherd's Center of St. Andrews. Wednesday, November 4, 10:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. COST: $ 15.00 (AARP members) $ 20.00 (nonmembers) Registration: Sign up at the Center OR CONTACT: Linda Connor at 772-1181 OR [email protected] room of the Family Life Center. WANT MORE JOY? Come discover Joy in the Spirit! Join us Tuesday evenings in the church from 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm. We sing, pray, listen, learn, and enjoy drawing closer to Christ through unleashing the gifts of the Holy Spirit received in Baptism and Confirmation. Come as you are, and see what God has in store for you! If you have questions or need more information, please contact John Killilea at (803)201-7900 or [email protected]. Come find Joy! Our service on Tuesday Nov. 3rd will be in the Atrium of the Family Life Center. CELEBRATE A HOLY HOUR! UNA HORA SEMANAL ANTE EL SANTISMO! EUCHARISTIC ADORATION EVERY THURSDAY FOLLOWING THE 12:15 HOLY MASS UNTIL REPOSITION ON FRIDAY AT 12 NOON Puede venir a cualquier hora las 24 horas que está expuesto el Santisimo. Questions: [email protected] or call 803-661-1079. Since September of 2008 Our Lady of the Hills Parish has been Graced with Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. We are in need of more parishioners to sign up to spend one hour every week with Jesus, truly present in the Eucharist. Please sign up to CELEBRATE A HOLY HOUR!! EUCHARISTIC ADORATION EVERY THURSDAY FOLLOWING THE 12:15 HOLY MASS UNTIL FRIDAY AT 11:45 AM Questions: [email protected] call 803-661-1079 Rosary-for the Holy Souls will be recited at St. Patrick Cemetery. off of North Main Street on Mason Rd, on Saturday November 7th at 10:00am. Pray For Peace If you have a family member or friend serving in the military, please see the bulletin board in the Narthex and provide a picture so we can keep them in our prayers. Details are on the board. Everyone, please pray daily for our service men and women and their families. Vespers Service on Thursday, Nov.5th, beginning in the church at 5:00 PM. Please join us for this prayer service which will last to approximately 6:15 PM. The Sunday10 am choir has resumed singing and is need of choir members. If you feel called to serve the lord by giving of your time and your talent by joining this group please call Erin at (803) 237-2833. Practice time is at 6:30 pm every Thursday in the choir STEWARDSHIP We appreciate everyone who can increase their giving levels. Giving is joyful and makes your soul smile. PARISH SUPPORT LAST WEEK YEAR TO DATE Budget Amount Needed $20,123.00 $342,091.00 Amt. Received 10/25 $17,714.00 $328,840.00 Variance ($ 2,409.00) ($ 13,251.00) Total number of registered households….……….......1542 Children’s Stewardship……......................................$2.00 St. Vincent De Paul …………………………..$200.00 One of the simplest ways to make a future gift to Our Lady of the Hills is through your will. Please call the Parish Office for details on how to make arrangements. Dear Parishioners of OLOH, With the idea of making it easier and more convenient to contribute to our Church the parish Finance Council has arranged to set up E-giving for those who may be interested. You may access the form from our website by clicking on Egiving on the homepage. If you have questions please contact Marianne at 772-7400 or [email protected]. Thank you. NEXT WEEK’S SECOND COLLECTION WILL BE FOR THE SOLIDARITY FUND FOR THE CHURCH IN AFRICA All Saints Day is a day on which we thank God for giving ordinary men and women a share in His holiness and Heavenly glory as a reward for their Faith. In fact, we celebrate the feast of each canonized saint on a particular day of the year. But there are countless other saints and martyrs, men, women and children united with God in Heavenly glory, whose feasts we do not celebrate. Among these would be our own parents and grandparents, brothers and sisters who were heroic women and men of Faith. All Saints' Day is intended to honor their memory. Hence, today's feast can be called the feast of the Unknown Saint, in line with the tradition of the “Unknown Soldier.” According to Pope Urban IV, All Saints' Day is also intended to supply any deficiencies in our celebration of saints' feasts during the year. In addition, the feast is observed to teach us to honor the saints, both by imitating their lives and by seeking their intercession for us before Christ, the only mediator between God and man (I Tim. 2:5). Today, the Church reminds us that God's call for holiness is universal, that all of us are called to live in His love and to make His love real in the lives of those around us. Holiness is related to the word wholesomeness. We show holiness when we live lives of integrity and truth, that is, wholesome and integrated lives in which we are close to others while being close to God. THIS WEEK AT OLH Monday, Nov. 2nd 1:00PM – Threads of Love – FLC Library 6:30PM – OLH Women’s Grp – FLC Atrium Tuesday, Nov. 3rd 10:00AM – Playgroup – Church Nursery 6:30PM – Knights Officers Mtg – FLC Classroom 6:30PM – Sp. Ministry – FLC 6:30PM – Catholics Coming Home – FLC Library 7:00PM – Joy in the Spirit – Atrium 7:00PM – EM Workshop – Church Wednesday, Nov. 4th 2:00PM – Adult Scrip. Study – FLC Library 6:15PM – Religious Ed - Grades K-5th All Classrooms 6:15PM – Scrip. Study – Ministry Room 6:15PM – Spanish RICA – Church 7:00PM – Legion of Mary – FLC Library 7:00PM – Joyful Noise – FLC Choir Room Thursday, Nov. 5th 12:45PM – Adoration Begins – Church 2:00PM – Saints Class – FLC Library 5:00PM – Vespers – Church Friday, Nov. 6th Adoration Continues 9:00AM - Homeschool Co-op – FLC Classrooms & Gym Saturday, Nov. 7th 8:30AM –3rd Order Franciscans – FLC Library 4:00PM – Sp. Young Adults – FLC Ministry Room 6:30PM – Knights of Columbus Veteran’s Dinner – FLC Gym Sunday, November 8th 9:00AM – Scripture Study – FLC Library 10:00AM – R.C.I. A. – FLC Ministry Room 1:30PM – Spanish Choir – Church 6:30PM – Religious Ed – All Classrooms 630PM – Altar Server Training - Church 6:30PM – Scrip. Study – FLC Ministry Room St. Vincent de Paul will once again be distributing food boxes to members of our community this Thanksgiving. If you know of a family or individual in need, please call the St. Vincent de Paul Community Assistance Line at Christ Central ~ Thanks for your continued support with much needed clothing and other supplies for the homeless in our community. Donations of new or used clothing in clean condition may be placed in the white chest located in the Church Narthex. Tax donation receipts are also available in the chest. FOOD FOR THE POOR – There is a new donation container located in the Narthex for non-perishable food donations. These donations will be distributed to the less fortunate in the Columbia area. We would appreciate your support. * * * BLOOD DRIVE RESULTS * * * The Knights of Columbus would like to Thank Everyone who supported the recent Parish Blood Drive & Pancake Breakfast this past Sunday October 25. Forty (40) Donors contributed blood and the Breakfast was well attended with great comradery. Again, thank you for donating. This Blood Drive brought the total Donations to 2050 Pints since the start of the Blood Drives in August 2003. Congratulations OLH Parish. Mark your calendars; the next Blood Drive is Sunday, January 10, 2016. USC nursing students are hosting a OUTREACH 1644. If anyone knows of an OLH family or someone in need please notify Peggy in the church office, so they can be added to the Giving Tree. Your generous support is greatly appreciated! - OLH Women's Group 465- Leave a message and a member of SVDP will call for more information. Thank you for your continued support of this ministry. San Vincent de Paul estará de nuevo distribuyendo canastas de comida para los miembros de nuestra comunidad para el día de acción de gracias. Si usted conoce a alguna familia o a alguna persona en necesidad, favor de ponerse en contacto con Olga Mouly al 772-7400 a fin de proporcionar su información y que sea transmitida a San Vincent de Paul. Gracias por continuar ayudando en este ministerio. Baby Shower for Birthright clients, and teen Moms from the Nurturing Center and local area high schools. Various donations are needed: baby lotion, baby wipes, diapers, crib sheets, onesies, sleepers, diaper ointment, baby wash. The Baby Shower is scheduled for Friday, Dec. 4th 1:00 – 3:00 p.m. at the Birthright office located at 1405 Gregg Street. These are much needed items for Mom and baby, more importantly; they convey a message of hope. To make a donation or obtain more information contact Hank Chardos at (803) 543-8144 or via email [email protected] November Natural Family Planning Sessions Are you looking to manage your fertility naturally and safely? Are you looking for a family planning system that actually helps to bond your marriage and is morally acceptable? Are you looking for a solution to infertility and women's health issues? Learn about the Creighton Model FertilityCare System and NaProTechnology. Couples can plan and space their children effectively with ease using modern natural methods of family planning. Modern natural methods of family planning are effective to avoid pregnancy as any other method of family planning, respects life from the moment of conception, and is a healthy alternative for healthconscious women. Creighton Model FertilityCare Services featuring NaProTechnology also offer couples who are experiencing infertility the hope of achieving pregnancy while following the teachings of the church. Below are a few upcoming introductory sessions: November 5 - St. Joseph (Columbia) registration required - 7:00pm November 6 - Our Lady of the Hills (Columbia) registration required, childcare available - 10:15am November 12 - St. Joseph (Columbia) registration required 7:00pm November 12 - St. Francis Hospital - eastside Room 301 (Greenville) - 7:00pm November 14 - St. Andrew (Myrtle Beach) registration required - 10:00am November 16 - St. Mary Magdalene (Simpsonville) - 7:00pm November 19 - St. Anthony (Greenville) - 7:00pm November 20 - Catholic Charities (1427 Pickens, Columbia) 5:30pm Don't see your parish or location? Want more information or need to register? Please contact Kelli Ball, Diocesan NFP Coordinator, at [email protected] or 803-807-0158. 3rd Marian Eucharistic Conference Our Featured speakers will focus on seeking to anchor ourselves to the two pillars of the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist and the Blessed Virgin Mary. Special Note: The first class relic of Pope St. John Paul ll will be displayed. Featured Speakers: Fr. Frank Pavone, Priests for Life.; Fr. Wade Menezes, CPM, The Fathers of Mercy; Fr. Joseph Wolfe, MFVA, EWTN; Tim Staples, Catholic Answers General Admission: $50, Youth: $25 All are required to register by Nov. 7 by mail. Saturday and Sunday lunches are included. No registration at the door. Where: St. Joseph's Catholic School, Greenville, SC Schedule: Saturday, Nov. 14 Doors open - 7:30 a.m. Mass - 8:30 a.m. Conference talks, lunch, Confessions / Meet & Greet the Speakers, Book Signing - 5:40 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 15 Doors open - 7:50 a.m. Mass - 8:30 a.m.Conference talks, lunch, Confessions Meet & Greet the Speakers - 3:40 p.m. For more information, call(864)354-7160 or go to www.meconferencesc.net Please remember in prayer – Kathy Lopiccolo Ammermann,Francisco Aragon, Manuel Ard, Chistine Arehart, Edward Arvalo, Joe Audet, David Barranco, Hogo Bass, Monique Beddengfield, Fred Berby, John Berg II, Noah Berg, Barbara Berch, Johnny Boone, Germaine Bost, Susan Bowers, Jerry Broughton, Sharon Brown, Debra Bytnar, Ann Campbell, Ellen Campbell, Charlotte Cardenas, Logan Cardosi, Bill & Anna Coracy, Judy Case, Laura Church, Jimmy Clark, Kathryn Clark, Bruce Cole, Jim Connelly, Shannon Connolly, Sonja Corley, Pat Coval, Amy Cox, Cameron Dadger, Diane Del Tova, Tara Dempsey-Robinson, Deacon Chuck, Dusty Cryer, Susan Dietrich, Heather Dorn, Kathryn Doucett, Avilis Dowd, Rita Dowd, Brenda Downs, John Duffy, Larry Echerer, Daphne Ellis, Darl Evans, Dan Everhart, Nancy Esposito, Camille Farrell, Maureen Floyd, Bernadine Fontaine, Brendan Fontaine, Jerry Fortin, Sandra Gaines, Sheila Gallagher, Michael Gibson, Betsy Gilkeson, Barbara Glenn, Rachel Godwin, Dave Goodwin, Ben Greer, Jay Griffin, Harlen Grillot, Madeline Gross, Tita Guzman, Doug Haley, Scottie Hallbick, Tim Hancock, Park Haney, Vida Herald, William Heath, Loretta Hebert, Randy Hodge, Harold Hoffman Jr., Ann Holland, Justin Hooks, Margie & Jim Horosko, Rose Marie Howells, Daniel Hudacko, Robert Imker, Dorothy Irwin, Larry Janczak, John Wily Jeffcoat, Lorenzo Johnson, Kimberly Johnston, Raymond June, Lynn Keller, Rick Kelly, Hal Kennedy, Eileen Kircher, Cal Kitay, Leah Klevgard, Shawn Knox, Edward Kriner, Richard Ksenzakovic, Frank LaCastro, Daniel Lane, Jr., Antonio Lazaro, Kristin Lesesne, Chris Libert, Floyd Lipe, Jay Lopiccolo, Jacqueline Lucas, George Lusk, Barbara MacCallum, Gretchen Mader, Raymond J. Malejko, Kenneth Maloney, Louis Martin, Maggie Mackaben, Mildred McCormack, David McDonald, Melissa Martin, Eunice Matthews, Sandy McCloud, Irene McCollam, Marge McCollam, Carol McDonald, Carol McEvoy, Kathy McNeal, Jack McRedmond, Carol Meitus, Buddy Meyers, Tom Mitchell, Joan Miller, Linda Miller, Andrea Miranda, Victor Montoya, Donald Montjoy, David Morris, Pierre Mouly, Kim Munch, Gary Murphy, Marlene Murphy, Loretta Narewski, Sherri Nilsson, Jane Obie, John O’Brien, Patricia O’Hara, Richard Olsen, Becky Opachan, Margaret O’Shea, Kevin Paschal, Joan Patrick, Bessie Pellitier, Phyllis Peterson, Eileen Petransky, Charles Petrino, Cathy Pharo, Marie Pitt, Rocky Pocock, Anthony Portigiana, John Post, Michael Privette, Doris Prosser, Sally & Placido Prujillo, Pat & Lynn Reiland, Jerry Reuss, Patty Richards, Tara Dempsey Robinson, Norbert Rohling, Ernest Rouse, Jr., Stella Ruiz, George Sandland, Donald Scagliola, Charles Schaffer, Greg Schoning, Cindy Shuford, Aaron Shuford, Lauren Shunkwiler, Macy Rose Shunkwiler, Brigette Schutzman, Rosemary Scopel, Harry Seigel, Dan Sease, Daniel Seay, Alan Shealy, Steve Shepard, Courtney Sigleton, Connie Slezak, Max Snyder, Cooper Andrew Soltes, Sam Spade, Sue Spinuzza, Nicholas Sprenkel, Jennifer Brucker St. Jean, Jennifer Strudwick, Donald Stuart, Faye Taylor, Molly Taylor, Dean Summers, Rita Thiel, Diane Thornton, Lynn Connor-Toppings, Virgil Treece, Joseph Tyler, Eva Tyson, Lemar Underdown, Tova Urborg, Bob Valwa, Victoria Vinzami, Joyce Vitiello, John Watts, Ann Watts, Donna Weiss, Bill Wells, Juanita Wharten, Nancy Waller, Paul Williams, Cory Williamson, Amanda Wilson, Chris Wilson, Kenneth Witcraft, Paul Womak, Trudy Woodcock, Mason Wright, Pat Yerema. Mass Intentions –With two priests at OLOH celebrating the English Masses, we will continue to have one announced intention for each scheduled Mass. If one of the priests concelebrates he is able to offer Mass for another intention. Since the announced, scheduled intentions extend into 2016, if you would like a Mass offered sooner that would be unannounced, unpublished and celebrated at no particular date, for example for a deceased loved one whose family lives out of state or for healing for someone who is ill, please call the office. MASS INTENTIONS & SCRIPTURE READINGS/ LECTURAS Y EVANGELIO DEL DIA Date Sat., Oct., 31 Sun., Nov. 1 Scripture Reading Time Rom 11:1-2a, 11-12, 25-29 Lk 14:1,7-11 Rv 7:2-4,9-14 1Jn 3:1-3 Mt 5:1-12a “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ Mon., Nov., 2 Wis 3:1-9 rom 5:5-11 Jn 6:37-40 Tues., Nov., 3 Wed., Nov., 4 Thur., Nov., 5 Fri., Nov., 6 Sat., Nov., 7 Rom 12:5-16b Lk 14:15-24 Rom 13:8-10 Lk 14:25-33 Rom 14:7-12 Lk 15:1-10 Rom 15:14-21 Lk 16:1-8 Rom 16:3-9,16,22-27 Lk 16:9-15 1Kgs 17:10-16 Heb 9:24-28 Mk 12:38-44 Sun., Nov., 8 “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ 5:30PM 8:00AM 10:00AM 12Noon 3:30PM 5:15PM 12:15PM 7:00PM 6:00PM 12:15PM Intention Requested by Trudy Scribellito + Our Lady Queen of Angels Secular Franciscan Fraternity Irene & Nicholas Leone + Daniel Lehman + FTP Chris Cancienne Audrey M. Binet, OFS Ron & Rachel Godwin Julie Cox Deaceased Members of Legion of Mary Pat Everhart + Ethel Van Pelt + Legion Joan Reedy Corbett Family 12:15PM Rev. Frederick Suggs + Hollands 12:15PM 9:00AM 5:30PM 8:00AM 10:00AM 12Noon 3:30PM 5:15PM In Honor of Pat Williams Intentions of Aaron Train Special Int. of Debbie Bernhagen George W. McKinney Jr. + Int. of Robert Klouse Catherine & Jame Hayes + For the Parish Basil McHarris+ Fr. Dave Gram Ron & Rachel Godwin Jim & Darlene Sparrow Gloria Kathy Modzelewski Canning Family SERVING IN MINISTRY NOV. 7TH & 8TH PRESIDER MUSIC 5:30PM Sat. Father John Joyful Noise 8AM Father Peter 10AM Father John 12Noon MASS/ LECTOR ALTAR SERVERS EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS OF HOLY COMMUNION Matt & Laura Church Nathan Bragg, Eric Mistoler, Jenna Scavarda Deacon Jones, Connie & Mike Mancari, Peggy & John Slominski, Karen Kays, Tony Scribellito Jeff Hall Revon Landreneau, Andrew Flanagan Organ Leo Cardosi Peter Allen, Betsy Allen, Josie Clark Father John Organ 3:30PM Sp. Mass Father Gustavo Sp. Choir Ron & Rachel Godwin Romualdo Haro, Betty Jimenez, Edgar Breton Nina Frattaroli, Maria Frattaroli, Nikki Frattaroli Itzel Martinez, Melissa Perez, Valeria Luna Deacon Jones, Al Sadowski, Ruth Coffas, Rusty Dragoon, Chris Stockholm Deacon Burdick, Phil Samek, John Bender, Steve Lee, Maureen Taylor, Paul Hudacko, Daniel Ostergaard Deacon Burdick, Annie Gibson, Dave Brangan, Denise & David Angel, Deanie Tourville, Bonnie Harwick Luis Rodriguez, Mateo Aranda, Yesenia Lozano, Sebastian Naranjo, Ramiro Muñiz, Sarahi Escobedo, Teresa Santana, Brenda Gonzalez, Felipe Mar Jr. 5:15PM Father Peter Piano Jenny Colin Faith Hudacko, Christian Braswell, Ana Valeria Mouly, Laura Rubio SERVICE Organ Randi Olsen, Marsha Sansonetti, Sandra Gonzalez, Yolanda Reyes, Selena Ruiz ~ November 2015 ~ Sun 1 8, 10, & 12NOON – MASS 3:30PM – SP MASS 5:15PM – BI-LINGUAL 9:00AM - SHARING SUN READINGS 10:00AM - RCIA 1:30PM - SP CHOIR 6:30PM – CONF, MIDDLE SCHOOL, SR. HIGH 6:30PM – ALTAR SERVER TRAINING LITTLE ROCK SCRIP ST. 8 8, 10, & 12NOON – MASS 3:30PM – SP MASS 5:15PM – BI-LINGUAL 9:00AM - SHARING SUN READINGS 10:00AM - RCIA 1:30PM - SP CHOIR 6:30PM – CONF, MIDDLE SCHOOL, SR. HIGH 6:30PM – ALTAR SERVER TRAINING LITTLE ROCK SCRIP ST 15 8, 10, & 12NOON – MASS 3:30PM – SP MASS 5:15PM – BI-LINGUAL 9:00AM - SHARING SUN READINGS 10:00AM - RCIA 1:30PM - SP CHOIR 2PM – K OF C SQUIRES 6:30PM – CONF, MIDDLE SCHOOL, SR. HIGH 6:30PM – ALTAR SERVER TRAINING LITTLE ROCK SCRIP ST Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 6 ADORATION 7 9AM – MASS 3 6:00PM – MASS 4 12:15PM – MASS 5 12:15PM – MASS 12:15PM – MASS 1PM – J.O.Y. GROUP 7PM – MASS BI-LINGUAL 6:30PM – OLH WOMEN’S GRP. 6:30PM – K OF C OFFICERS MTG 6:30PM – SPANISH MINISTRY 6:30PM – CATHOLICS RETURNING 7:00PM – JOY IN THE SPIRIT –ATRIUM 7PM – EM WORKSHOP 2:00PM – SCRIPTURE STUDY 6:15PM – SPANISH RCIA 6:15PM – REL ED 6:15PM – SCRIPTURE STUDY 7:00PM – LEGION OF MARY 7:00PM – JOYFUL NOISE 12:45PM – CONTINUES 12:15PM – MASS ADORATION 2:00PM – SAINTS CL. 9:30PM – HOMESCHOOL 5:00PM – VESPERS 7:00PM- SUN 10AM CHOIR 9 12:15PM – MASS 10 11 12:15PM – MASS 12 12:15PM – MASS 13 ADORATION 2 ALL SOULS DAY 6:30 PM – K/ C BUS MTG 6:30PM – LADIES AUX K OF C 6:00PM – MASS 6:30PM – SPANISH MINISTRY 6:30PM – CATHOLICS RETURNING 7:00PM – JOY IN THE SPIRIT 7PM – K OF C 16 12:15PM – MASS 17 6:00PM – MASS 7PM – K OF C MEMORIAL MASS 10AM – SP. MTG 6:45PM – CWS CHRISTMAS MTG 6:30PM – SPANISH MINISTRY 6:30PM – CATHOLICS RETURNING 7:00PM – JOY IN THE SPIRIT 7PM – ST. VINCENT DE PAUL 2:00PM – SCRIPTURE STUDY 6:15PM – SPANISH RCIA 6:15PM – REL ED 6:15PM – SCRIPTURE STUDY 6:15PM - REL. ED. SP. PARENT MTG 7:00PM – LEGION OF MARY 7:00PM – JOYFUL NOISE 12:45PM – ADORATION 2:00PM – SAINTS CL. 5:00PM – VESPERS 7PM- SUN 10AM CHOIR 7PM- BAPTISM CLASS CONTINUES 12:15PM – MASS 9:30PM – HOMESCHOOL 6:30PM – WEDDING REHEARSAL 7PM – SP. BAPTISM 9AM -3RD ORDER FRAN. 9AM – SP. EMS 9AM – CURSILLO MTG 4PM – CONFESSIONS 5:30PM – MASS 6:30PM – VETERANS DINNER 14 9AM – CURSILLO 2PM – MIE SANDWICH MINISTRY 2PM – WEDDING 3PM –ROSARY MAKERS 4PM – CONFESSIONS 5:30PM – MASS THANKSGIVING BAGS DISTRIBUTED ALL MASSES GIVING TREE IN NARTHEX 18 12:15PM – MASS 19 12:15PM – MASS 20 ADORATION 2:00PM – SCRIPTURE STUDY 6:15PM – SPANISH RCIA 6:15PM – REL ED 6:15PM – SCRIPTURE STUDY 6:15PM - REL. ED. PARENT MTG 7:00PM – LEGION OF MARY 7:00PM – JOYFUL NOISE 12:45PM – ADORATION 2:00PM – SAINTS CL 3PM – GRIEF SUPPORT 5:00PM – VESPERS 7PM – PASTORAL COUNCIL 7PM- SUN 10AM CHOIR 7PM – GRIEF SUPPORT CURIA 12:15PM – MASS DEACON TRAINING 9:30PM – HOMESCHOOL 2PM – WEDDING 6:30PM – WEDDING REHEARSAL RETURN 7PM – SP MARRIAGE THANKSGIVING BAGS 7PM – MEN’S GROUP ALL MASSES 25 12:15PM – MASS 26 NO MASS 27 NO MASS 28 PARISH OFFICES CLOSED PARISH OFFICES CLOSED PARISH CENTER CLOSED CONTINUES 21 9AM – LEGION 4PM – CONFESSIONS 5:30PM – MASS OLH WOMENS GROUP CRAFT & BAKE SALE ALL MASSES 22 8, 10, & 12NOON – MASS 3:30PM – SP MASS 5:15PM – BI-LINGUAL DEACON TRAINING 9:00AM - SHARING SUN READINGS 10:00AM - RCIA 1:30PM - SP CHOIR 6:30PM – CONF, MIDDLE SCHOOL, SR. HIGH 6:30PM – ALTAR SERVER TRAINING LITTLE ROCK SCRIP S 23 12:15PM – MASS 24 29 8, 10, & 12NOON – 30 12:15PM – MASS Notes: Thanksgiving bags will be distributed on the 14th/15th and are to be returned on the 21st/22nd. Please note the Giving Tree goes up on the 14th and the gifts are due back on the 6th of December. MASS 3:30PM – SP MASS 5:15PM – BI-LINGUAL 10:00AM - RCIA 1:30PM - SP CHOIR 1PM – THREADS OF LOVE 7PM – LEGION OF MARY PARISH OFFICE THANKSGIVING BOX CLOSES AT NOON NO RELIGIOUS ED DISTRIBUTION 7PM – BI-LINGUAL THANKSGIVING MASS 4PM – CONFESSIONS 5:30PM – MASS Our Lady Of The Hills Wedding Anniversaries November, 2015 Below are our fellow parishioners who will celebrate their wedding anniversary on the date listed. If you see a friend or acquaintance listed here, send them a card or give them a call to offer your congratulations. Share with them their celebration of the holy sacrament of matrimony and offer them your prayers and best wishes. May the love of Christ continue to bless each couple as they live their sacrament to the glory of God and one another. Mr. & Mrs. John & Catherine Connolly 11/3 Mr. & Mrs. Kevin & Lisa Mistoler 11/16 Mr. & Mrs. Doug & Gretchen Mader 11/3 Mr. & Mrs. James & Nadine Robinson 11/16 Mr. & Mrs. Clyde & Meghan Woods 11/3 Mr. & Mrs. James & Stephanie Hall 11/18 Mr. & Mrs. Larry & Janice Guster 11/4 Mr. & Mrs. Tim & Sarah Eades 11/21 Mr. & Mrs. Juan & Alondra Marmolejo 11/4 Mr. & Mrs. Raymond & Roberta Malejko 11/21 Mr. & Mrs. Neil & Michelle McDowell, Jr. 11/4 Mr. & Mrs. Vito & Gina Cosola 11/22 Mr. & Mrs. Lee & Emily Sitnik 11/4 Mr. & Mrs. Nicolas & Kelita Cupertino 11/22 Mr. & Mrs. Robert & Helen Geyer 11/5 Mr. & Mrs. William & Antonia Torres 11/22 Mr. & Mrs. Daniel & Nikki Gilbert 11/6 Mr. & Mrs. John Thivierge & Janette Capaci 11/23 Mr. & Mrs. Louis & Virginia Riga 11/6 Mr. & Mrs. Skeet & Aimee Crouch 11/24 Mr. & Mrs. Ron & Rachel Godwin 11/7 Mr. & Mrs. Henry & Rita Dowd 11/24 Mr. & Mrs. Weston & Marian Shirley 11/7 Mr. & Mrs. Christopher & Christine Jenkins 11/24 Mr. & Mrs. Patrick & Wynee Rich 11/8 Mr. & Mrs. Patrick & Joyce Lauterbach 11/24 Mr. & Mrs. Tyson & Cheryl Bragg 11/9 Mr. & Mrs. Kevin & Jennifer Quinn 11/24 Mr. & Mrs. James & Joan Jedlicka 11/9 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas & Carolyn Skiro 11/24 Mr. & Mrs. Eric & Kelly Neiser 11/10 Mr. & Mrs. Mark & Chris Gray 11/25 Mr. & Mrs. Keith & Gina Summer 11/10 Mr. & Mrs. Vernal Gary & Anne Holland 11/25 Mr. & Mrs. James & Cynthia Sawyer-Smith 11/11 Mr. & Mrs. David & Marian Owen 11/25 Mr. & Mrs. Mani & Maria Chettiar 11/12 Mr. & Mrs Scott & Mary Alexander 11/26 Mr. & Mrs. David & Cheryl Lew 11/12 Mr. & Mrs. John & Trudi Bartow 11/26 Mr. & Mrs. Jorge & Jaqueline Toro 11/12 Mr. & Mrs. Ken & Kitty Fasching 11/26 Mr. & Mrs. Michael & Tracy Halliday 11/14 Mr. & Mrs. Tim & Joan Weaver 11/27 Mr. & Mrs. Ben & Sharon Schwanda 11/14 Mr. & Mrs David & Janet Wiman 11/27 Mr. & Mrs. Tom & Pat Coval 11/15 Mr. & Mrs. Phillip & Angela Douda 11/29 Mr. & Mrs. Leonard H. & Paula Mistoler 11/30 If you are interested in how to make your great marriage more spectacular, please contact go to scmarriagematters.org or call 803-810-9602. If you’re considering marriage and would like information on Engaged Encounter, give us a call. If we inadvertently left your names out or you wish to make some correction to the listing, please call us.The Peace of Christ be with all our fellow parishioners on their anniversary and all the other days of the year!
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