March 2015 Woodside High School Newsletter March/April Events For a full listing of Woodside High events, visit the website at Testing Season is Here! Sunday, March 1 FAFSA/Cal Grant Deadline Spring is the season of April showers and May flowers and, of course, TESTING! Some of these tests are the usual ones (CAHSEE in March, AP exams in May, and finals in June) and some are new to students and new to campus (new state exams in April). Some are old school and taken with pencil, paper, and bubbling in. Some are new school and taken entirely on computer by logging in and scrolling and clicking. You get the point. Monday, March 2 Deadline for April Communicat Tuesday, March 3 PTSA Meeting 6 pm, Library Wednesday, March 5 Music Booster Meeting 7 pm, Music Room March into College for Juniors and Parents 7 pm, Library Thursday, March 5 ELAC Meeting 6:30 pm , Library Winter Sports Awards Night 7pm PAC Monday, March 9 SSC/SDMC 4 to 6 pm, MUR Conf. Rm. Tuesday, March 10 WHS Foundation Meeting 7 pm, Library Wednesday, March 11 March into College for Juniors and Parents 7 pm, Library Dear Woodside High School Families, (Friday, 13) 8 pm, PAC (Saturday, 14) 8 pm, PAC (Sunday, 15) 2pm, PAC Musical (Continued on page 2) Diane Burbank Our approach to testing is to provide students with an optimal testing environment. A calm proctor, a well-lighted room, a snack and water, and working technology provide a setting where students can comfortably concentrate. We want to promote a feeling that a student can do his/her best – and that’s all we ask. At WHS, we take results of tests seriously and make changes based on those scores. For instance, students not passing the CAHSEE their first time around as a sophomore puts in action a system of support that includes courses and tutoring. Students scoring really high on a particular section or question of a test has teachers celebrating and fine-tuning instruction in other sections. Students who are not scoring a passing grade on the Advanced Placement exam has staff examining pre-requisites, student readiness and support, text books, and instructor preparation. In this first effort at the spring’s newest state tests on the Common Core standards, we will look at results school wide. We’re always looking to improve the student experience and the student performance. In fact, those are our two school goals: 1. Thursday, March 12 Fashion Show Meeting 7pm, Wildcat Room Friday, March 13 Deadline for 4/18 ACT Registration From Principal 2. Improve the student experience by building a spirited school community based on Quaglia’s 8 Conditions of Student Success. Improve student performance by closing the achievement gap through the focus on teaching and literacy strategies. Adentro encontrara traducción al español las noticias de la administración de WHS So, as your student prepares, or even complains, about a test, encourage him/her to give a best effort because Woodside High School is working to provide the best campus based on those results. It’ll be a great spring to be a Wildcat! Communicat is published as a courtesy of the Woodside High School Parent Teacher Student Association (PTSA) (Continued from page 1) Tuesday, March 17 Junior Parent Meeting 7 pm Senior Parent Meeting 7 pm Wednesday, March 18 March into College for Juniors and Parents 7 pm, Library Athletic Boosters Meeting 7 pm, MUR Conf. Room Thursday, March 19 WHSF Auction Meeting 7 pm, Wildcat Room Musical 20-21 8pm, PAC Tuesday, March 24 Freshman Parent Meeting 7pm Sophomore Parent Meeting 7pm Wednesday, March 26 March into College for Juniors and Parents 7 pm, Library Drama Boosters Meeting 7pm, Wildcat Room Spring Blood Drive Monday, March 30 Cesar Chavez Day No School Wednesday, Apr. 1 Music Booster Meeting 7 pm, Music Room Friday, Apr. 3 3rd Quarter Grades Mailed Saturday, Apr. 11 WHS Foundation Spring Auction 5:30 pm, Palo Alto Hills Golf and Country Club Monday, Apr. 13 SSC/SDMC 4-6 pm, MUR conf. Room Tuesday, Apr. 14 WHS Foundation Meeting 6 pm, Library Thursday, Apr. 16 Music Showcase 7 pm, PAC ¡La temporada de exámenes está aquí! Estimadas familias de Woodside High School, la primavera es un tiempo de lluvias en abril y flores en mayo; y por supuesto EXÁMENES! Algunos de esos exámenes son los de siempre From Principal (CAHSEE en marzo, AP en mayo y exámenes finales en junio) y algunos son nuevos para los estudiantes y Diane Burbank nuevos (nuevos exámenes del estado en abril) en la ecsvsdvscuela. Algunos son como los tiempos de antes que se toman con lápiz papel y llenando circulitos. Otros son nuevos y se toman en la computadora, buscando y presionando. Creo que ustedes se pueden dar una idea. Nuestra forma de dar los exámenes es dándoles a los estudiantes un lugar ideal para tomar el examen. Un vigilante tranquilo, un salón con suficiente luz, un bocadillo y agua, y tecnología que funciona; todo esto provee un lugar donde los estudiantes se pueden concentrar cómodamente. Queremos que ellos tengan lo necesario para sentir que pueden lograr su mejor capacidad - y es lo único que pedimos. En WHS, tomamos los resultados de los exámenes muy enserio, y hacemos los cambios necesarios basados en en esas calificaciones. Por ejemplo, los estudiantes que no pasan el CAHSEE la primera vez cuando son Sophomores pone en acción un sus tema de apoyo que incluye cursos y tutoría. Los estudiantes que sacan calificaciones muy altas en alguna sección o pregunta en particular, hace que los maestros no sólo celebren, sino también hacen cambios a sus instrucciones. Los estudiantes que no pasan en los exámenes de clases avanzadas, hace que los maestros examinen los requisitos, las habilidades de los estudiantes, la ayuda, los libros y asta la preparación de cada instrucción. Para prepararnos para esta primavera, para el nuevo examen de los estándares Common Core, vemos los resultados de toda la escuela. Siempre estamos viendo como podemos mejorar la experiencia de los estudiantes. Esos son dos de nuestras metas: 1. Mejorar la experiencia estudiantil al construir una comunidad con mucho espíritu basada en las 8 condiciones de Quaglia para el éxito estudiantil. 2. mejorar el desempeño estudiantil al cerrar el hueco de los logros al enfocarnos en la enseñanza y estrategias de alfabetización. Mientras su hijo/a se prepara, o hasta se queja acerca de los exámenes, anime los a que den su mejor esfuerzo porque Woodside High School esta trabajando para proveer la mejor escuela basada en los resultados. Será una buena primavera siendo un Wildcat! (Continued on page 9) 2 March 2015 Communicat Good Bye CST’s (almost – 10th grade students will take the NCLB Life Science CST in April). Hello Common Core Assessments. Adiós CST's (ya casi - estudiantes del 10mo grado tomarán el NCLB en ciencias de vida CST en abril) Hola Evaluaciónes Common Core. The Common Core State Standards: A Guide for Parents and Students Los estándares de Common Core estatales: Una guía para los estudiantes y alumnos What are the Common Core State Standards? From Instructional Vice Principal Diane Mazzei National Standards A roadmap of goals for students’ learning What is Different? Fewer standards Clearer expectations Deeper, more rigorous thinking Features of the Common Core Standards All students College and Career Ready by 11th grade Internationally Benchmarked Assessments enco urage higher levels of thinking Que son las Evaluaciónes Common Core Estatales? Estándares Nacionales Un mapa con metas para el aprendizaje estudiantil ¿Cuál es la diferencia? Menos Estándares Expectativas más Claras Pensamiento más Profundo, más Riguroso Características de los Estándares Common Core Todos los estudiantes listos para el 11vo grado, para los Colegios y Carreras Referencia Internacional Evaluaciones aumentan niveles más altos de pensar What Subjects are Affected? New content standards for English, Math, and English Language Development New Anchor Standards for literacy in Social Studies, Science and Career/Technical Education How will Students Be Assessed? th th Local exams in 9 and 10 grade Two National exams in Eleventh grade (testing April 8-12 at WHS) Mathematics English (includes Literacy Standards) Computer-based Multiple choice plus written response Performance tasks – real-world problems Will replace the CST assessments Sub Directora de Instruccion Diane Mazzei ¿Qué materias son Afectadas? Nuevos estándares contenido en Inglés, Matemáticas y el Desarrollo del Lenguaje Inglés Nuevos Estándares para la literatura en Ciencias Sociales, Ciencias Naturales /Educación en Tecnología ¿Como seran evaluados los estudiantes? Exámenes locales en el 9no y 10mo grado Dos exámenes Nacionales en el 11vo grado (exámenes en WHS del 8-12 de abril) Matemáticas Inglés (incluyendo estándares de literatura) Basado en Computación Respuestas escritas con múltiples opciones Realizar tareas- problemas del verdadero mundo Remplazara las evaluaciones CST Partnership between Council of Chief State School Officers and National Governors’ Association in 2010 ¿Cómo se Desarrollaron los Estándares? Associationin 2010 Una asociación entre el Concilio del Oficial encargado de las escuelas del estado y la Asociación de Gobernantes del Estado 2010 WHS Big Read 2015: The WHS staff, students, and administrators are in the process of selecting the Big Read Novels for 2015. La Gran Lectura del 2015: El personal de WHS, los estudiantes y la administración están en el proceso de seleccionar los libros para La Gran Lectura del 2015. How Were the Standards Developed? March 2015 Communicat 3 Registro de Otoño y la Escuela Fall Registration & Summer School “MARCH INTO COLLEGE” de Verano "MARCHA HACIA EL COLEGIO" From the Guidance Office De la oficina de Consegeria Una serie de talleres para ayudar a los Juniors y sus familias con el proceso de la universidad EVERY WEDNESDAY Starting March 4th Francisco Negri [email protected] (x40090) TODOS LOS MIÉRCOLES empezando el 4 de marzo 7-8:30PM - Library Elaine Dessus [email protected] (x40092) 7-8:30PM – biblioteca A series of workshops in March to help prepare Juniors and their families for the college process. Don’t miss it!! FALL 2015-2016 REGISTRATION Last month your student should have brought home next year’s registration information. If you have not already done so, please review the recommended course schedule with your student and return any requests to change courses to the Guidance Office no later than April 3rd, 2015. Please contact your student’s counselor if you did not receive this information. Sharlett Downing [email protected] (x40093) Vickie Green [email protected] (x40091) Sara Grace Vann [email protected] (x40094) Katrina Rubenstein [email protected] (x40001) Main Office (x45329) ¡¡No se lo pierdan!! REGISTRACIÓN DE OTOÑO 2015-2016 El mes pasado se mandó a casa con su hijo/a la información de registra acción para el próximo año escolar. Si todavía no lo hacen, por favor revisen los cursos recomendados y regrecenlo a la oficina de guía con cualquier cambio a los cursos que quieran, A más tardar 3 de abril del 2015. Favor contacte al consejero de su hijo/a si no ha recibido esta información. SUMMER SCHOOL ESCUELA DE VERANO Summer school will be offered at Woodside high school this year. Sessions will be held Monday – Friday from 8am – 1:30 pm. La escuela de verano será ofrecida en Woodside High School esté año. Las sesiones serán de lunes -viernes de las 8am – 1:30 pm. First Session: June 15 – July 2 Primera Sesión: Junio 15 – Julio 2 Second Session: July 6 – July 23 Segunda Sesión: Julio 6 – Julio 23 Students are deemed eligible for summer school by counselors using the strict guideline criteria set by the district. A notation will be made on the registration material that went home with your student if your student was recommended. Los estudiantes que califican para clases de verano son elegidos por los consejeros, siguiendo un criterios muy estrictos proveídos por el distrito escolar. Si es que su hijo fue recomendado para las clases de verano, se incluyó una nota en las formas que se mandaron a casa. The fall schedule of classes will be automatically adjusted after the successful completion of summer school courses. Las clases que tomarán el próximo otoño serán ajustadas automáticamente después de terminar exitosamente las clases de verano. THIRD QUARTER ENDS MARCH 20th. HAPPY SPRINGTIME!! 4 EL TERCER CUARTO TERMINA EL 20 DE MARZO. ¡ FELIZ PRIMAVERA! March 2015 Communicat March 2015 Communicat 5 Prom WHS Junior/Senior Prom will be on Saturday May 2 8pm-11:30pm at the historic Regency Ballroom building in San Francisco. Tickets will go on sale in April. Please note that all ticket sales take place in D7 during lunch and after school. Tickets are never sold at the event. In order to purchase a ticket the student must be either a junior or senior (underclassmen can attend as a guest of an upperclassman), off the No Privileges list, and have no fines. Tickets will be $80 with PAL, $90 without. Tickets will be sold from April 6-17, 2015. Tickets will NOT be sold after April 17. Students can pay with Cash, Money Orders, or Credit Cards. Checks are NOT accepted. Please note that there will be a Powder Puff Mark your calendars for April 10 to see the WHS Powder Puff game. The game will consist of female students taking the field for a game of flag football and the boys on the sideline cheering them on. Proceeds from this event will support the Student Body Fund which supports all student activities on campus as well as athletics. Tickets will be $5. Yearbook The deadline to order your 2015 yearbook is MARCH 20. The 2015 WHS yearbook is $80 with PAL and $90 without. Orders can be placed in D-5 or online at Please note that online purchases will be $90. Last year the school sold out of yearbooks. To guarantee that you get one, please make sure to order it NOW. After March 20th, any remaining yearbooks will be sold for $100. Volunteers Needed for Career Fair - March 20th - Please Sign Up: We are now recruiting volunteers for The Sequoia Union High School District Career Fair. The Career Fair is a fun learning event for Academy students from Carlmont, Menlo-Atherton, Sequoia, and Woodside High Schools to practice important career skills with volunteers. This year's Career Fair will be Friday March 20, 2015 from 9am to 2:00pm at Cañada College, 4200 Farm Hill Boulevard, Redwood City, CA 94061. We need approximately 160 volunteers from many career backgrounds to fill Mock Interviewer volunteer positions. Please fill out our Volunteer Registration Form, linked from the event website, in order to participate. The Mock Interviewer portion of the event will run from approximately 10:40am to 1:15pm, and will be divided into three rotations. Volunteers may register for one, two or all three rotations. We ask that Volunteers arrive at least 15 minutes before their scheduled rotation. The primary purpose of the Career Fair is to act as a capstone learning experience for students who have prepared for the event by writing a personal resume, practicing job interview skills, and learning about proper business etiquette. To see a past Career Fair in action, please see the excellent Career Fair Highlight Video made by one of our former students which in linked off of the event website. To learn more details about the Career Fair, please visit our FAQ, also located on the event website. The event website and volunteer registration form can be found at: Regards, Faith Mrs. Velschow Mentor Coordinator CHS & WHS 650-464-1162 (cell/text) 6 March 2015 Communicat March 2015 Communicat 7 Raising a Resilient Teenager in a Stressed Out Society By Deborah Sloss, LCSW Site Director, JLS Middle School As parents, we remember the joy of holding our newborn child in our arms, and the powerful drive to provide for their needs and keep them safe. As they became toddlers and began to explore the world, we tried to ensure a safe environment where they could grow. We baby proofed our homes, bought safety-rated toys appropriate for their age, and then smiled tolerantly as they took all the pots and pans out of the cabinet and happily banged on them, impressed with themselves for their power and ingenuity. We watch them expand their horizons and develop new skills, all the while being aware that with each new step comes new risks and new dangers. They run excitedly chasing a new discovery, only to trip and fall. But amazingly, they get themselves up and try again; building confidence, overcoming frustration and developing inner strength. We marvel at their resiliency and determination. As they begin school, they enter a period of life where their focus shifts from parents being the center of their lives to negotiating the complex world of interactions with peers, teachers and other adults. We help them do homework, give them hugs when another child hurts their feelings, cheer for them at soccer and basketball games. We read stories, tuck them in at night and watch them sleep, all the while feeling thankful that they successfully navigated yet another day in an increasingly complex world. Fast forward to the teenage years. Now we are spending hours at the mall while they try to find the perfect pair of faded jeans and plead with us to buy electronics, and other accessories so they can “keep up appearances” as they head off to school the next day. Why then, do our teens often express feeling stressed out and dissatisfied? Do we chalk it up to teenage hormones, or is there something more going on? In her book, The Price of Privilege, psychologist Madeleine Levine describes a disturbing trend among the teens she sees in her psychotherapy practice. Despite being raised in an affluent environment, with many material goods, these teens are unhappy. They “describe ‘being at loose ends’ or ‘missing something inside” and feeling “too pressured, misunderstood, anxious, angry, sad and empty”. Levine continues, “…they don’t seem to know themselves very well. They lack the practical skills for navigating out in the world…” Levine, The Price of Privilege, p 5 Levine believes that the young people she sees in therapy are failing to develop a strong, confident sense of self. Instead of looking within themselves to define their own values and priorities, they are externally motivated to please parents and teachers. Instead of focusing on who they are, they focus on what they achieve through school and extra-curricular activities As a child, I remember spending hours sitting on the swing in my parent’s backyard, looking at the grass under my feet and pondering the meaning of life. Today’s youth are not given the time and space for daydreaming, fantasizing, or reflecting. Such times are critical in thinking about interests, values, skills and talents that help clarify how we see our place in the world. According to Levine, “Parents pressure their children to be outstanding while neglecting the process by which outstanding children are formed.” Levine, p 65 While seeming to “have it all”, many teens today have an underdeveloped sense of self that as adults we know is so important to function successfully in the greater society. (Continued on page 9) 8 March 2015 Communicat (Continued from page 8) Author Wendy Mogel (The Blessing of a B Minus), also provides another useful perspective on how our teenagers are getting waylaid. Mogel states: “It is good for adolescents to be bored, lonely, disappointed, frustrated, unhappy…When we intervene to prevent the pain of tough situations, we create a reflex: Whenever a child feels sadness or confusion, frustration or disappointment, she believes she cannot survive the feeling…If teenagers don’t have the opportunity to recognize their bad feelings or problems and learn to manage them, they go off to college and seek out quick, reliable methods to make the pain disappear.” Mogel, Blessing of a B Minus, p 97 Mogel goes on to suggest that parents employ the following strategies to help struggling teens build internal strength and resilience: Wait it Out: An overly anxious response on the part of parents sends the message to teens that they can’t handle distress, confusion and poor choices. Normalize Setbacks: Talk to your teen about times things don’t work out for you as planned and how you deal with these situations. Be Empathetic, Not Entangled: Be curious and kind but not alarmed. Encourage Them to Advocate for Themselves: Many issues can be resolved by talking directly to teachers and other adults in their lives. Demonstrate Confidence in Your Teen’s Problem -Solving Skills: Give your teen the opportunity to demonstrate resourcefulness in handling problems. When They Create Problems, Let Them Experience the Consequences: When we deprive kids of freedom in an attempt to “keep them safe” they miss opportunities to learn to use good judgment. It is through such experiences that young people develop the ability to tolerate frustration, delay gratification, and regulate their own internal state. They are able to create an internal psychological “safe haven” that provides a retreat when they need to think things through and take care of themselves. According to psychologist Erik Erikson, the developmental task of adolescence is to successfully navigate the developmental phase of Identity vs Role Confusion. During this period, teens ponder the roles they will play in the adult world. It is during this stage that adolescents will re-examine their identity and try to find out exactly who they are. Mastery of this phase results in a successful transition from childhood to adulthood. Failure to establish a sense of identity can lead to role confusion. It was Erikson who coined the term identity crisis. Young people with a healthy sense of self feel more in control of their lives and demonstrate an ability to act in their best interest. They have a budding identity, with hobbies and interests they feel passionate about; they value and accept themselves for who they are. How can we, as parents, help our children to develop a healthy sense of self? We can remind ourselves, and them, that we support their growth and development by not always jumping in to protect them and solve their problems. We can foster their exploration of who they are. We can support them as they grow into strong, self-confident young adults by being available and ready to listen, by providing guidance, and by believing in their decision-making ability and in their capacity to figure things out. (Continued from page 2) Saturday, April 18 ACT Testing April 20-24 Spring Break No School Monday, Apr. 27 SSC/SDMC 4-6pm, MUR Conf Room AP Parent Night 7pm, PAC Tuesday, Apr. 28 Senior Parent Mtg. 7 pm Junior Parent Mtg. 7 pm March 2015 Communicat Wednesday, Apr. 29 Drama Boosters Mtg. 7 pm, Wildcat Room Tuesday, Apr. 29 Freshman Parent Mtg. 7pm Sophomore Parent Mtg. 7pm 9 Music Boosters Thank you to everyone who came to the music department’s dinner concert on February 27th! All the groups performed and put on a great show and a good time was had by everyone. The theme was “Under the Big Top” so it was circus time, the Gym was transformed into a big top and the food took us right to the circus. Dessert was cupcakes and the display was wonderful and took people back to being a child at the circus. There was also a drawing with a lot of great prizes, so we’d like to give a big Woodside Wildcat THANK YOU to everyone bought tickets and to the businesses and individuals who donated the prizes! This was good start for our groups as they prepare for their Spring Tour to Southern California in April. There will be more information in the next edition of the Communicat. PTSA Weekly Update The best way to keep up with everything happening at Woodside High School is the PTSA Weekly Update. To subscribe, just go to To read past editions, go to http:// Drama Boosters I can’t believe it’s March and the Spring Musical is here! You do NOT want to miss this production of the Pulitzer Prize winning play “How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying”. Come and see your friends put their hearts and souls into their roles: Emil, Rachel, Robert, Ben, Jessica, Mariah, Samantha, Spencer, Jake, Austin, Chris, Athena, Leo and MORE. There are 51 of your classmates and friends in the play and there will be huge chorus supported scenes, with lots of songs and dances. So, mark you calendars for March 13 -14 and 20 – 21 at 8:00pm and March 15 at 2:00pm. We can also still use your support. Tell your family and friends for a great night (or afternoon) out, come and see the show. For tickets go to Also, if you’re a baker and want to support the Drama Boosters you can volunteer to provide some goodies for the concession stand during each performance. This would be a great help. We also sell packaged items, like drinks, chips, and the like. If you can donate these items, that would, of course, also be a great help! Did you know that the Drama Booster Club gives a couple of scholarships to graduating seniors each year? You could help support this great cause and be a part of this tradition. Drama Boosters gets all proceeds from concessions. If we have to buy what we sell, we don’t make as much, so please donate what you can. Contact me directly for more information. It’s been a great year with the Talent Show and the production of “Every Family Has One” in the Fall. Now we’re ready for the Spring Musical and the Drama Class production in May. We owe so much to so many. I want to take this opportunity to thank Barry Woodruff for the tireless dedication he gives to the WHS drama program. Of course, many thanks to Karen Peterson for her commitment to the program and the students. There are many others, too, Kim, Ruthie, Don, Karen, Tom, Donna, Lori, Jill, Linda, Debra, Nicole, Nick, Eric, and many more. As soon as I start to mention names, I know I will leave one or two out. Thanks to all who have participated for making this a fantastic year! Jim Larkin – Drama Booster President [email protected] 10 March 2015 Communicat March 2015 Communicat 11 WHS Foundation Spring Auction 2015 Get out your black, orange, and white and prepare for the Annual Woodside High School Foundation Auction! This year’s event is being held at the Palo Alto Hills Country Club on Saturday April 11 and includes silent auction, live auction, dinner, and more! Heads or Tails is Back! Join us at the event for the second annual “Heads or Tails” game that takes place right before the live auction. This year the grand prize will be half the jackpot (up to $1,000) in CASH awarded to the last person standing. Purchase your game necklaces at $25 per strand at the event to play. The Online Auction kicks off on April 4th at 9AM and runs through April 9th at 8PM with a new opportunity First-Bid-Frenzy! First Bid Frenzy: Be the first to bid on any item in our online auction and be entered to win a gold iPad Mini 3 with 64G! The more first bids you make online increases your chances to win! Bidding starts at 9AM on April 4th, so warm your fingers up to fly across your keyboard or tablet for your chance to win! Last year’s sold out event made over $200,000 for our Woodside High School students! Help make this year’s event provide even more to our kids! Early Bird tickets are $100 save you $50 off the $150 price until March 2 at auction.html This event has limited seating – so get your ticket early to hold your seat! Class of 2017 PARENT MEETING Join us at our next sophomore parent meeting on Tuesday, February 24, at 7:00pm at Café La Tartine. 2017 SAFE & SOBER GRAD NIGHT Give NOW to support your student’s Safe & Sober Grad Night. You can send a check to Woodside High School at Woodside High School, 199 Churchill Avenue, RWC, CA 94062 with “Class of 2017” in the memo section of your check. You can also easily donate directly via Use your existing PayPal account or just go to the website to easily pay with your credit or debit card. To donate, go to, click the "Send" tab at the top, enter our email address: [email protected], the amount you want to send, and follow the prompts from there. Please note that a donation made via your bank goes farther than using a credit card, which gets a cut from the proceeds. Questions? Email [email protected]. 12 Proven FundraisingSimple & Free Please go to ! Remember you can split your eScrip between up to 3 organizations. If you have not gone to eScrip to update your account to include our PTSA, please do so. If you had your support at an elementary school and all your kids are now in high school, it is especially important to update! Group Name: Woodside High School PTSA Group ID: 137612196 March 2015 Communicat March 2015 Communicat 13 14 March 2015 Communicat March 2015 Communicat 15
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