JUNE 28, 2015 THIRTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME St. Joseph Church 7240 w. 57th St. Summit, Illinois 60501 Fr. Bob’s Briefs What is a shadow? A shadow is a dark area produced when something blocks a source of light. We are very familiar with shadows, particularly when looking at the moon. The shadow of the earth and the moon all converge when we have a lunar eclipse. During a lunar eclipse, the full moon passes through the earth’s shadow. The darkness covering the bright full moon is the earth’s shadow passing over the surface of the moon. During a lunar eclipse, the bright moon is darkened momentarily all because of the earth’s shadow. Grief can be likened to the shadows of a lunar eclipse. At the death of a loved one, the darkness of grief can cover our lives. The separation and feelings of pain and loss are like a shadow that covers over us physically, emotionally, and spiritually. In the gospel story today, we hear of weeping, sadness, and grief at the death of Jairus’ twelve year old daughter. Arriving at Jairus’s house, Jesus casts everyone out of the house, except for the parents of the girl and three of His disciples. While inside the home, Jesus raised Jairus’ daughter from the dead. Vasiliy Polenov beautifully depicts today’s story from the Gospel of Mark in his painting, The Raising of Jairus’ Daughter (1871). We see Jesus standing above the girl, holding her hand. Her mom is at the foot of the bed. Jairus is standing behind his wife, with his hands holding on to the corner of the wall. Peter, James, and John are seen standing in the doorway, witnessing the miracle. What makes Polenov’s painting so striking is his use of light and his contrast between light and darkness. Jesus, in the center, is bathed in light. His light radiates upon the girl. There is no darkness covering the girl. She is completely surrounded in light. In the first reading today, we hear from the Book of Wisdom, “God did not make death.” God is life. “He fashioned all things that they might have being. Death is but a shadow, a lack of life. Death has no part in God. The light emanating from Jesus symbolizes life; the life of God. The girl is bathed in God’s light, therefore, in God’s life. The shadow of death does not surround her, but is cast away. The light surrounding Jesus and the girl is very different compared to the darkness in the doorway. The doorway is very dark. Why? Remember that Jesus cast out everyone who was weeping and wailing outside. The darkness symbolizes grief and sorrow. In this painting, Polenov wonderfully depicts a spiritual principle that the shadow of grief should not cover the lives of believers for very long. Christ our life and light cast away death, sorrow, and grief. In a homily on this gospel, St. John Chrysostom says, “excessive grief is contrary to faith and reason and also full of peril. I recall past happiness, I think of those who left, I miss their company and affection. If you are grief stricken because of these things, you are being deceived, and not led by faith. For you should know that the Lord Who gave you that happiness is able to replace it in due time. Too much grief is wont to lead either to doubt [in God] or to ruinous blasphemy [of God]. The divine voice has spoken clearly; that he who believes in Christ and keeps his commandments, even if he be dead, shall live. They who have no hope are stricken with grief; but we who are the children of hope, we rejoice.” St. John Chrysostom says beautifully that “the Resurrection of Christ has dried our fountain of tears.” Yes, the shadow of grief covers each of us, but as a people of faith, that grief, like the shadow of a lunar eclipse, is momentary. Please pray for all people who are grieving the loss of loved one. Also, pray that God’s grace may touch every human heart and cast away the shadow of all hatred and violence around the world. May our God Mother Mary, Undoer of Knots, help us with her maternal care and St. Joseph pray for us. Vivat Jesus! Live Jesus! MASS INTENTIONS Monday, June 29 8:30 a.m. †Bill Kountis/Birthday/Wife Dee Kountis Father’s Day Novena Tuesday, June 30 8:30 a.m. Father’s Day Novena Wednesday, July 1 8:30 a.m. The Weekly Parish Budget Sunday Collection June 21, 2015 Building Fund June 21, 2015 $ 11,337.00 $ 8,374.21 $ 1,702.90 Thank you for your generosity! Gracias por tu generosidad! Bog zaplac za ofiary skladane na tace! COMMUNION MINISTERS †Rosita Narea/Terry & Esther Collins Thursday, July 2 8:30 a.m. NO MASS Friday, July 3 8:30 a.m. Vocations to the Priesthood EUCHARISTIC ADORATION FIRST FRIDAY OF THE MONTH 9 A.M. TO 7 P.M. IN THE CHAPEL Saturday, July 4 8:30 a.m. U.S. Veterans and Active Military 5:00 p.m. †Chester Filipiak/Chet Schafer †Grace Fosco/Family †Frank Kuncic/Wife Souls in Purgatory/B. Kuncic Sunday, July 5 7:30 a.m. †Margaret Powers Kurcz †Patrick Jude Kurcz †Joseph P. Kurcz †Deceased Members of the Gosiewski Family/ Sabatini Family 9:30 a.m. †Agnes Carey/Carey Family †Elmer Keller/Family & Friends †Joseph Leganski/14th Anniversary/Wife & Family Weekly Collection Report †Dorothy Zabran & Sandra Zabran/Cousins, Nieces & Nephews Christine, Cheryl & Michael 11:00 a.m. †Angel & Socorro Prieto, Juana Guzman, Maria Avalos/Family 12:30 p.m. St. Joseph Parishioners Saturday, July 4, 2015 5:00 PM. Deacon Ben, J. Bambera, G. Kujawa, L. Leen Sunday, July 5, 2015 7:30 AM Sr. Agatha, B. Koran, R. Kosowski, J. Stanislovatis 9:30 AM J. Sheehan, N. Wesolowski G. Zaja, P. Zaja 11:00 AM Silvia Alvarez, Angelica Jimenez, Ann K., Josefina Mejia *********************************************************** ALTAR SERVERS Saturday, July 4, 2015 5 :00 PM Sergio Garcia, Michael Meister Sunday, July 5, 2015 7:30 AM Angela Balderas, Sam Webb 9:30 AM Heidi Chacon, Sayuri Cruz, Crysalis Ruiz 11:00 AM Alexandra, Ardelle, Lupita and Marianna Garcia *********************************************************** LECTORS Saturday, July 4, 2015 5:00 PM J. Bambera Sunday, July 5, 2015 7:30 AM S. Vatch 9:30 AM S. Davis 11:00 AM Maria Garcia - First Reading Cynthia Duque - Second Reading ONCE A KNIGHT, ALWAYS A KNIGHT! St. Joseph School: A Community of Faith, Knowledge and Service. 708-458-2927 SAVE THE DATE: JUNE 30TH RELIGIOUS EDUCATION REGISTRATION Registration for the St. Joseph Religious Education Program will take place from 6 to 8 p.m. Tuesday, June 30 in the school hall, 5641 S. 73rd Ave., Summit. The tuition schedule, class schedule and all information will be available. If you are unable to attend and are interested in sending your children to the St. Joseph Religious Education program, please call the rectory office at 708-458-0501. APARTE LA FECHA: 30 DE JUNIO DEL 2015 Please remember to join us today, Sunday, from 9:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. for “Coffee, And…” Take the opportunity to talk with me and discover all the exciting things that are happening at St. Joseph School. If you are interested in a Catholic Education for your children, or know someone who is, this Sunday is a good opportunity to learn about our parish school. INSCRIPCIÓNES PARA EDUCACIÓN RELIGIOSA Las inscripciónes para el Programa de Educación Religiosa de San José se llevaran acabo de 6:00 p.m. a 8:00 p.m. el martes, 30 de junio en el salón de la escuela, situado en el 5641 S. 73 Ave., Summit. Toda información estará disponible tal como el costo por la matrícula y horario de clases. Si usted no puede asistir y está interesado en enviar a sus hijos al Program de Educación Religiosa de San José, favor de llamar a la oficina de la rectoría al 708-4580501. Many families feel the cost of a Catholic education may be prohibited. If cost is a concern please stop by and learn about our tuition assistance programs. CALENDAR MEETING The Calendar Meeting for the 2015—2016 school year is taking place Tuesday, June 30 from 7 to 8 p.m. in the Senior Center, 5641 S. 73rd Ave., Summit. Mr. Manetti will be representing all school organizations. If you have thought about a Catholic Education for your child this is an opportunity to take a look at St. Joseph and see what our program has to offer. H ON OR ROL L S Featuring St. Joseph Parishioners Congratulations to Vianni Bustos, Isabel Rocha and Peter Zaja for being named to the Honor Roll at De La Salle Institute for the fourth quarter! Congratulations to Leslye Guadian and Abigail Maloy for being named to the High Honor Roll and Nicole Muszynski and Katelynn Padilla for being named to the Honor Roll at Queen of Peace High School for the fourth quarter! Lynese McIntosh earned Honors recognition at Marist High School for her academic performance during the second semester. Congratulations! Madeline Cahue, Gabriela Suarez and Anthony Viviano were named to the A Honor Roll and Samuel Muniz was named to the B Honor Roll at Nazareth Academy. Congratulations to all! One of the programs the Archdiocese offers to new families is the Caritas Scholars program. This program provides needs based scholarship money to help offset the cost of tuition. The amount of the award can be as much as 55% of the stated tuition. Summer Office Hours – While the school office will officially close on June 30th, I do keep office hours during the month of July. I am usually available on Tuesday and Thursday from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. I will be on vacation from July 17 to July 24th. Thank you for your continued support. Have a great week. God Bless. Lawrence Manetti, Principal You’re A Winner! 52 Pick-Up News Victor Velazquez Ticket # 2081 Congratulations to this week’s $125 winner of the 52 PickUp Raffle. Tickets for 2015 are available. Come by and pick one up from the rectory or school office. Informes del Padre Bob Qué es una sombra? Una sombra es una zona oscura que se produce cuando algo bloquea una fuente de luz. Estamos muy familiarizados con las sombras, sobre todo cuando se ve en la luna. La sombra de la tierra y la luna cuando convergen tenemos un eclipse lunar. Durante un eclipse lunar, la luna llena pasa por la sombra de la tierra. La oscuridad que cubre la brillante luna llena, es la sombra que pasa de la tierra sobre la superficie de la luna. Durante un eclipse lunar, la luna brillante se oscurece momentáneamente todo por culpa de la sombra de la tierra. El dolor puede ser comparado a la sombra de un eclipse lunar. A la muerte de un ser querido, la oscuridad del dolor puede cubrir nuestras vidas. La separación y los sentimientos de dolor y la pérdida son como una sombra que nos cubre más física, emocional y espiritualmente. En la historia del evangelio de hoy, escuchamos de llanto, tristeza y dolor por la muerte de la hija de Jairo de doce años. Al llegar a la casa de Jairo, Jesús saca a todos fuera de la casa, a excepción de los padres de la niña y tres de sus discípulos. Si bien dentro de la casa, Jesús levantó a la hija de Jairo de entre los muertos. Vasiliy Polenov bellamente representa la historia de hoy del Evangelio de Marcos en su pintura, La resurrección de la hija de Jairo (1871). Vemos a Jesús que está parado junto a la muchacha, sosteniendo su mano. Su madre se encuentra al pie de la cama. Jairo está de pie detrás de su esposa, con sus manos aferrándose a la esquina de la pared. Pedro, Santiago y Juan se ven de pie en la puerta, dando testimonio del milagro. Lo que hace a la pintura de Polenov tan sorprendente, es la luz, su contraste entre ella y la oscuridad. Jesús, en el centro, está bañado por la luz. La luz se irradia sobre la chica. No hay oscuridad cubriéndola. Ella está completamente rodeada de luz. En la primera lectura de hoy, escuchamos del Libro de la Sabiduría, "Dios no hizo la muerte." Dios es vida. "Él formó todas las cosas que puedan tener bienestar. La muerte no es más que una sombra, una falta de vida. La muerte no tiene parte en Dios. La luz que emana de Jesús simboliza la vida; la vida de Dios. La chica “se baña en la luz de Dios”, por lo tanto, en la vida de Dios. La sombra de la muerte no la rodea, pero se ve a la distancia. La luz que rodea a Jesús y la chica es muy diferente en comparación con la oscuridad en la puerta. La puerta de entrada está muy oscura. ¿Por qué? Recuerde que Jesús echó afuera a todos los que estaban llorando y lamentándose. La oscuridad simboliza dolor y tristeza. En esta pintura, Polenov representa maravillosamente un principio espiritual, la sombra de la pena no debe abarcar la vida de los creyentes por mucho tiempo. Cristo, nuestra vida y luz arroja lejos la muerte, tristeza y el dolor. En una homilía sobre el Evangelio, San Juan Crisóstomo dice: "dolor excesivo es contrario a la fe y la razón y también lleno de peligros. Recuerdo el pasado feliz, pienso en los que se fueron, echo de menos su compañía y afecto. Si estamos desconsolada por estas cosas, estamos siendo engañados y no guiado por la fe. Porque debemos saber que el Señor quien nos dió esa felicidad es capaz de reemplazarla a su debido tiempo. Demasiado dolor puede conducir ya sea, a dudar [de Dios] o a la blasfemia ruinosa [de Dios]. La voz divina ha hablado con claridad; el que cree en Cristo y guarda sus mandamientos, aunque esté muerto, vivirá. Los que no tienen esperanza son afectados por el dolor; pero nosotros, que somos los hijos de la esperanza, nos regocijamos. "San Juan Crisóstomo dice bellamente que" la resurrección de Cristo ha secado nuestra fuente de lágrimas. "Sí, la sombra de dolor cubre a cada uno de nosotros, pero como gente de fe, ese dolor, como la sombra de un eclipse lunar, es momentáneo. Por favor oren por todas las personas que están en duelo de la pérdida de un ser querido. También, oren para que la gracia de Dios pueda tocar cada corazón humano y desechar la sombra de todo odio y violencia en todo el mundo. Que la Madre de Dios, María Desatadora de nudos, nos ayude con su cuidado maternal y San José ruegue por nosotros. Vivat Jesus! Viva Jesús! Z biurka Ks. Proboszcza Kiedy coś przesłoni źródło światła, powstaje cień. W czasie zaćmienia Księżyca, na przykład, zbiegają się ze sobą cień Ziemi i cień Księżyca. Księżyc w pełni przechodzi wtedy przez cień Ziemi. Mrok zakrywający Księżyc w pełni to cień Ziemi na powierzchni Księżyca. Uczucie żałoby można porównać do zaćmienia Księżyca. Kiedy umiera ktoś bliski, żałoba, ból i poczucie straty kładą się cieniem na naszym życiu – pod względem fizycznym, psychicznym i duchowym. Z dzisiejszej Ewangelii dowiadujemy się o smutku i żałobie, spowodowanych śmiercią dwunastoletniej córki Jaira. Kiedy Pan wszedł do jego domu, wyprosił stamtąd wszystkich, poza rodzicami dziewczynki oraz trzema Swoimi uczniami. Powyższy fragment z Ewangelii według św. Marka pięknie oddaje obraz pod tytułem: „Chrystus wskrzeszający córkę Jaira” (1871 rok), autorstwa rosyjskiego malarza Wasilija Polenowa. Widzimy, jak Jezus pochyla się nad dziewczynką, trzymając ją za rękę. Jej matka stoi w nogach łóżka. Za plecami żony stoi Jair, wsparty rękami o ścianę. Świadkami cudu są Piotr, Jakub i Jan, stojący w progu pokoju. Najbardziej uderzająca w dziele Polenowa jest manipulacja światłem oraz widoczny kontrast między światłem a cieniem. Znajdujący się w centrum Mesjasz skąpany jest w świetle. Emanujący z Niego blask oświetla dziewczynkę. Z dzisiejszego pierwszego czytania z Księgi Mądrości dowiadujemy się, że: „Śmierci Bóg nie uczynił”. On jest przecież Życiem. „Stworzył bowiem wszystko po to, aby było”. Śmierć jest zaledwie cieniem, brakiem życia i Pan nie ma w niej żadnego udziału. Światło Jezusa symbolizuje życie. Córka Jaira otoczona jest światłością życia. Cień śmierci nie ma do niej przystępu, zostaje przegnany. Na obrazie wyraźnie widać kontrast między świetlistą aurą, otaczającą Chrystusa i dziewczynkę, a mrokiem panującym w przejściu do pokoju. Pamiętajcie: mrok oznacza rozpacz i smutek, a Pan wyprosił płaczki i żałobników na zewnątrz. Obraz Polenowa jest cudownym dowodem na to, iż cień żałoby nie może zdominować życia wierzących. Chrystus, który jest naszym Światłem i Życiem, przegnał bowiem śmierć, żałobę i smutek. W homilii na ten temat, święty Jan Chryzostom stwierdza, iż nadmierna żałoba jest niebezpieczna; przeciwna wierze oraz rozsądkowi. Wspominamy minione szczęście. Myślimy o tych, którzy odeszli i tęsknimy za ich towarzystwem. Jeżeli ktoś z takiego powodu trwa w żałobie, nie postępuje jak wierzący, lecz oszukuje samego siebie. Trzeba pamiętać, iż Pan, który obdarował nas radością, może we właściwym czasie ją zastąpić. Przez nadmierną żałobę, można albo zwątpić w Boga, albo zacząć bluźnić przeciw Niemu. Pan przemówił jasno: ten, kto zachowuje Jego Przykazania i wierzy w Niego, choćby i umarł, żyć będzie. Ci, którzy nie mają nadziei, tkwią w żalu. Jednakże my, dzieci nadziei, my się radujemy. Owszem, cień żałoby może przesłonić nam życie. Ale my dobrze wiemy, że żałoba podobna jest do zaćmienia Księżyca – to jedynie chwilowe zjawisko. Módlmy się za wszystkich, będących teraz w żałobie po stracie bliskich. Módlmy się także za to, aby łaska Boża dotarła do wszystkich ludzi i przegnała cień nienawiści oraz przemocy na świecie. Święta Maryjo Rozwiązująca Węzły, miej nas zawsze w Swej opiece. Święty Józefie, módl się za nami. Vivat Jesus! Chwała Jezusowi! ARCHDIOCESE OF CHICAGO ___________________________________________________________________ 8 3 ARCHBISHOP QUIGLEY CENTER 5 NORTH RUSH STREET * CHICAGO, IL 60611-2030 * PHONE: 312-534-8230 * FAX: 312-534-6379 * [email protected] * OFFICE OF THE ARCHBISHOP Dear Friends, June 19, 2015 As I prepare to meet with Pope Francis in Rome and receive the pallium, my thoughts are with you and your children, asking God to keep them safe over these summer months. I also will be following closely some important developments related to our Catholic schools. They are a place of hope and learning and a beacon of safety in our communities. Our schools are also a key ministry of our Catholic faith. Our teachers not only instruct our students about math, science, history, technology, and literature, but also about our Catholic values: dignity of the human person from conception to natural death, care for the poor and vulnerable, participation in the family and community, care for God’s creation, the dignity of work, and solidarity as one human family. Their focus on academic excellence results in a graduation rate of 98 percent for our high school seniors. Of those graduating seniors, 95 percent go on to attend college. With this letter, I want to share with you important information about the Illinois Kids Campaign and ask your help in supporting it. The Illinois Kids Campaign is an initiative that seeks to increase funding for both private and public schools. The Catholic Conference of Illinois is a leading partner in the Illinois Kids Campaign, a diverse coalition of organizations working to advance education policy forward. In particular, we are working to ensure two provisions of significant importance to Catholic school parents and supporters of Catholic education are included in the final state budget. These provisions would: Increase the education expenses tax credit for school parents to $1,000 from the current $500. Create scholarships so more students can attend Catholic and other schools their parents believe are the best fit for their children. The goal of the Illinois Kids Campaign is to ensure that the mission of our schools remains vibrant and that more students have the opportunity of a Catholic education. We also want Catholic and other school parents to be reimbursed for more of their education expenses. That’s why the Illinois Kids Campaign is important. The Illinois Legislature is in its final weeks of session, and we need you to contact your state lawmakers now and urge them to support the Illinois Kids Campaign. Now is the time you can make a difference. More information about how to contact your state representatives can be found at www.ilcatholic.org, or you can call the Catholic Conference at 312-368-1066 for help. Wishing you every blessing, with kind regards I remain, Sincerely yours in Christ, Most Reverend Blasé J. Cupich Archbishop of Chicago IT’S TIME TO PACK UP ALL YOUR KNICK KNACKS! (AND UNWANTED CLOTHES, BOOKS, SHOES, TOYS, ETC.) LADIES OF THE ROSARY RUMMAGE SALE COMING UP JULY 17 AND JULY 18 As you look around the house at all the items you believe may be someone else’s treasure, keep in mind the Ladies of the Rosary Rummage Sale being held from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. Friday, July 17 and from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday, July 18 in Centennial Hall at St. Joseph School, 5641 S. 73rd Ave. ITEMS ARE BEING COLLECTED from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. and 6 to 7:30 p.m. Tuesday through Thursday, July 14 through July 16 in Centennial Hall. No large items, including furniture, TVs or computers, will be accepted. The Ladies of the Rosary are looking for clothes, accessories, jewelry, games, arts and crafts items, books, shoes, toys, puzzles, glasses, pots, pans, baskets, Christmas items and more. Proceeds from the sale will benefit the various parish ministries supported by the Ladies of the Rosary. For more information, call Josephine at 773-586-8147 ST. JOSEPH CATHOLIC CHURCH 7240 W. 57th Street Summit, IL 60501 (708) 458-0501 [email protected] stjosephparishsummit.org www.facebook.com/stjosephsummit CONGRATULATIONS TO THE ST. JOSEPH PARISH CARNIVAL GRAND RAFFLE WINNERS! 1ST PRIZE TONY CERVANTES 2ND PRIZE ANN RITACCO 3RD PRIZE LUPE DIAZ OFFICE HOURS 9:00 AM to 5:00 p.m. Monday - Friday THANK YOU FOR SUPPORTING ST. JOSEPH PARISH! RESTORATION CAPITAL CAMPAIGN To Fix the and Tuck Point our Parish Buildings Number of Parishioner Donors/Families: 324 Total Amount Pledged thus far: $285,506.87 Amount Collected thus far: $255,247.94 Pledges still to be collected: $ 30,260.93 PARISH STAFF Pastor: Rev. Robert Stuglik Weekend celebrant: Rev. Joseph Stobba, OSA Deacon Benedict Michalowski Parish Secretary/Bulletin Editor: Mrs. Joan Hadac Adult Choir Director/Organist: Mrs. Darlene Donarski Pianist/Organist: Mrs. Anna Dron Ray Polish Choir Director: Mr. Aleksander Jazowski SUNDAY MASSES Saturday: 5:00 PM ENGLISH Sunday: 7:30 AM, 9:30 AM. ENGLISH 11:00AM SPANISH 12:30 PM POLISH CONFESSIONS Saturday 3:30 PM - 4:30 PM Alicia Anderson Laura Behm Kimberly Boll Brittaney Boubin Helen Brave Robert Butler Miguel Castro Lucille Cavallone Dan Collins *Caroline and Robert Lalinsky Geri Lauer Mary Marcichow Sylvia Michalowski Anthony Montaneo Ed and Alice Nowak Leonardo Alexandros Peterson Patricia Diaz Mary DiGangi Alexander Druschitz Meg A. Radcliff Aurelia “Archie” Reinhardt Robert Erklin William Schaefer Sr. Scarlette Grace Swaekauski Irene Szarley Helen Frank James Heelan Rich S. Jandura Denise M. Jandura Chester and Virginia Janeczko Millie Jercha Ted Kuldanek Josephine Tipner Ricardo Varajas Pamela Wojdyla Therese Wonderlick *Most recently added WEEKDAY MASSES 8:30 AM Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday (8:30 AM Wednesday School Mass During School Year) Thursday—No Mass is Celebrated 8:30 AM Saturday ST. JOSEPH SCHOOL School Principal: Mr. Lawrence Manetti 5641 S. 73rd Ave. (708) 458 - 2927 stjosephschoolonline.blogspot.com www.facebook.com/groups/stjosephschoolonline www.stjosephsummit.com ST. JOSEPH RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Moderator: Mr. Jason Porod Assistant: Mrs. Penny Davis (708) 458-0501 H. SIENKIEWICZ POLISH SCHOOL 5641 S. 73rd Ave. 708-415-0458 MINISTERS OF CARE: If you are homebound, and would like to receive Holy Communion, please call the parish office to make arrangements. CHURCH NAME AND ADDRESS St. Joseph Church #512045 7240 W. 57th Street Summit, IL 60501 TELEPHONE 708 458-0501 CONTACT PERSON Joan Hadac EMAIL: [email protected] SOFTWARE MSPublisher 2010 Adobe Acrobat X Windows 8 TRANSMISSION TIME Thursday 9:45 SUNDAY DATE OF PUBLICATION May 31, 2015 NUMBER OF PAGES SENT 1 through 10 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS
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