B WE ARE PRIVILEGED AND HONORED TO WELCOME YOU AT AYA2014! ES UN PRIVILEGIO Y UN HONOR DAROS LA BIENVENIDA EN AYA2014! 102 ACADEMIC TRACK FORO ACADÉMICO COMMUNITY TRACK FORO COMUNIDAD LEGAL TRACK FORO LEGAL OTHER CONTENTS OTROS CONTENIDOS FILM FORUM CINE FORUM WORKSHOPS TALLERES EVENTS EVENTOS SPEAKERS PONENTES COMMUNITY TRACK FORO COMUNIDAD LEGAL TRACK FORO LEGAL PRIMARY TRACK FORO PRINCIPAL OTHER CONTENTS OTROS CONTENIDOS 12 32 46 60 72 77 82 94 SPEAKERS PONENTES FILM FORUM CINE FORUM 9 WELCOME PRESENTACIÓN WORKSHOPS TALLERES 2-4 TIMETABLE PROGRAMACIÓN ACADEMIC TRACK FORO ACADÉMICO PRIMARY TRACK FORO PRINCIPAL INDEX ÍNDICE EVENTS EVENTOS 2014 2014 TIMETABLE PROGRAMACIÓN TIMETABLE THURSDAY 25 ROOM 1 ROOM 2 ROOM 3 FRIDAY 26 ROOM 4 8.30H Registration 8.30H 09:30 Welcome 09:30 10 10:30 11 Ibiza, vanguard island 10 Opening conference Ayahuasca and western therapy 10:30 Coffee Break 11:30 Vine of the soul 12 12:30 Primary track Ayahuasca: ethnobotany 13 Legal Track I Ayahuasca: volver al ser Lunch Time 15:30 Primary track Uses of ayahuasca: indigenous Legal Track II 14 The path of the sun Ambi 15:30 Icaros Aya awakenings 16 16:30 17 Coffee Break Neurons to nirvana 18 19 19:30 Social Sciences Indigenous uses Primary track Uses of Ayahuasca: Religious Academic Track Phenomenology, Psychology and Public Health I Lunch Time Primary track Ayahuasca: Scientific Research Community Track II 17 17:30 18:30 13 Academic Track Social Sciences Internationalitzation 13:30 14 16:30 12:30 ROOM 2 Coffee Break 12 Other Contents Books presentation I 13:30 16 Primary track Uses of Ayahuasca: Personal Development 11 11:30 4 ROOM 1 Primary track Uses of ayahuasca: clinical Community Track I 17:30 The shaman, last apprentice film + book II presentation Cognition factor 18 18:30 19 19:30 Coffee Break Primary track Challenges of the Globalitzation: Law, Policy & Human Rights Community Track III 2014 FRIDAY 26 ROOM 3 Other Contents Projects I Huicholes, Los últimos Guardianes Del Peyote 12 Other Contents Workshop + Other Projects II 18 18:30 19 19:30 13 Academic Track Biomedicine Other contents Books IV Short Experiences The Jungle Prescription Lunch Time 14 Shamans of the amazon 16 Other contents Books III 16:30 Las rutas del yagé 17 Primary track Challenges of the Globalitzation: Sustainability Academic Track Phenomenology, Psychology and Public Health II Medicina Viaje de ida OTHER CONTENTS OTROS CONTENIDOS Lunch Time Medicinas ancestrales The shaman and ayahuasca 17:30 17 17:30 12:30 Primary track Challenges of the Globalitzation: Ethics & Safety El poder ancestra la ayahuasca y la mitología shuar 13:30 16 16:20 Coffee Break 11:30 LEGAL TRACK FORO LEGAL Coffee Break 13:30 15:30 10:30 Other contents projects III Community Track IV 11 13 14 10 Primary track Perspective of Gender: Role of Woman in the World of Ayahuasca ACADEMIC TRACK FORO ACADÉMICO Living With Spirits El espejo del espiritu 09:30 FILM FORUM CINE FORUM 12:30 ROOM 4 Coffee Break The sacred Science Other contents Multimedia Solo Show La medicina del sonido Ayaruna Coffee Break 17:30 18 18:30 19 19:30 Primary track Ayahuasca: Philosophical Aspects of the Experience Academic Track Social Sciences Religious Uses Iceers Aya Documentary Work in progress Tonkiri + Other contents projects IV WORKSHOPS TALLERES 12 ROOM 3 COMMUNITY TRACK FORO COMUNIDAD Curanderos 11 11:30 ROOM 2 8.30H 10 10:15 ROOM 1 Social Sciences Other Uses EVENTS EVENTOS 09:30 SATURDAY 27 ROOM 4 8.30H PRIMARY TRACK FORO PRINCIPAL SPEAKERS PONENTES TIMETABLE PROGRAMACIÓN 5 2014 TIMETABLE PROGRAMACIÓN PROGRAMACIÓN JUEVES 25 SALA 1 SALA 2 SALA 3 VIERNES 26 SALA 4 8.30H Inscripciones 8.30H 09:30 Sesión de bienvenida 09:30 10 Ibiza, Isla de vanguardia 10 10:30 11 Conferencia Inaugural La ayahuasca y la terapia occidental 10:30 12:30 13 11:30 Vine of the soul 12 Foro Principal Ayahuasca: etnobotánica Foro Legal I Ayahuasca: volver al ser Otros contenidos Libros I Comida 15:30 Foro Principal Usos de la ayahuasca: Indígena Foro Legal II 13 The path of the sun Ambi Pausa Café Foro Principal Usos de la ayahuasca: Religioso Foro Académico Fenomenología, psicología y salud pública I Icaros Aya awakenings Comida 15:30 16 16:30 Pausa Café Neurons to nirvana 18 19:30 Ciencias Sociales Usos Indígenas Foro Principal Ayahuasca: Investigación Científica Foro Comunidad II 17 17:30 19 12:30 14 17 18:30 Foro Académico Ciencias Sociales Internacionalización 13:30 14 16:30 SALA 2 12 13:30 16 Foro Principal Usos de la ayahuasca: Desarrollo Personal 11 Pausa Café 11:30 6 SALA 1 Foro Principal Usos de la ayahuasca: Clínico Foro Comunidad I 17:30 The shaman, last apprentice Película + Libros II Cognition factor 18 18:30 19 19:30 Pausa Café Foro Principal Desafíos de la globalización: Leyes, Políticas y derechos humanos Foro Comunidad II 2014 VIERNES 26 SALA 3 Pausa Café Huicholes, Los Ultimos Guardianes Del Peyote Otros contenidos Taller + Proyectos II 18 18:30 19 19:30 Foro Principal Desafíos de la globalización: Ética y Seguridad Foro Académico Biomedicina El poder ancestral la ayahuasca y la mitología shuar Otros contenidos Libros IV Short Experiences The Jungle Prescription Comida 14 Shamans of the amazon 15:30 Otros contenidos Libros III 16 Las rutas del yagé 16:30 Foro Principal Desafíos de la globalización: Sostenibilidad Foro Académico Fenomenología, psicología y salud pública II Medicina Medicinas ancestrales Viaje de ida The shaman and ayahuasca OTHER CONTENTS OTROS CONTENIDOS Comida 17 17 17:30 13 Otros contenidos Proyectos III Foro Comunidad IV 13:30 16 16:20 12:30 El espejo del espiritu Pausa Café 11:30 12 13:30 15:30 10:30 11 13 14 10 ACADEMIC TRACK FORO ACADÉMICO Otros contenidos Proyectos I Foro Principal Perspectiva de género: Rol de la mujer en el mundo ayahuasquero COMMUNITY TRACK FORO COMUNIDAD Living With Spirits 09:30 FILM FORUM CINE FORUM 12:30 SALA 4 Pausa Café The sacred Science Otros contenidos Multimedia Solo Show La medicina del sonido Ayaruna Pausa Café 17:30 18 18:30 19 Foro Principal Ayahuasca: Aspectos filosóficos de la experiencia Foro Académico Ciencias Sociales Uso Religioso Iceers Aya Documentary Work In Progress Tonkiri Otros contenidos Proyectos IV WORKSHOPS TALLERES 12 SALA 3 LEGAL TRACK FORO LEGAL Curanderos 11 11:30 SALA 2 8.30H 10 10:15 SALA 1 Ciencias Sociales Otros Usos EVENTS EVENTOS 09:30 SÁBADO 27 SALA 4 8.30H PRIMARY TRACK FORO PRINCIPAL SPEAKERS PONENTES TIMETABLE PROGRAMACIÓN 19:30 7 2014 8 ADVERTISING PUBLICIDAD 2014 ADVERTISING PUBLICIDAD 9 2014 ADVERTISING PUBLICIDAD 2014 WELCOME PRESENTACIÓN WELCOME PRESENTACIÓN AYA2014 EMBRACING THE CHALLENGES OF THE GLOBALIZATION OF AYAHUASCA AYA2014 ABRAZANDO LOS DESAFÍOS DE LA GLOBALIZACIÓN DE LA AYAHUASCA. Hearty welcome! From ICEERS to each and every one of you, proudly representing over 50 nationalities altogether, from nearby and far away planetary reaches, giving birth to this historic World Ayahuasca Conference 2014 here on the vibrant island of Ibiza. En nombre de ICEERS, deseo daros de corazón una bienvenida a todos y a cada uno de vosotros, ya que provenís de los más diversos confines para reunirnos aquí, en la vibrante isla de Ibiza. Juntos, estamos creando esta histórica Conferencia Mundial de Ayahuasca 2014, que está representada orgullosamente por más de 50 naciones. Joining AYA2014 indicates a special sociocultural experience, incentive and vision, obviously implied, by the very expenditure and sacrifice necessary for your presence here, to honor our topic. Please be sure to share your experience, state your truths, and graciously contribute your wisdom, whatever your role and its variation, and whether others agree or disagree. The extensive formal presentations, workshops and films, while praiseworthy, are nonetheless a starting point and incitement of a deeper level of conference design and intent. AYA2014 is collectively designed for the profounder learning, new ideas, perspective, and expertise, as well as enhanced networking, galvanized participation and true friendship, that comes when people freely exchange. Accordingly, AYA2014 asks you to say and do your piece. Ayahuasca is emerging on the global stage by leaps and bounds. There is no doubt that scientific research into Ayahuasca and its botanical, psychological and neuro-scientific dimensions are expanding rapidly—some of those cutting-edge advances will be presented here in the following days. At this moment in time, there is a growing awareness about the important therapeutic and developmental returns of Ayahuasca. The tendency is to vision Ayahuasca as increasingly successful in its people-serving and humanistic bestowment. And to view the supporters of its responsible utilization, including all of us here at AYA2014, as being in tandem on a winning trend of education and advocacy with national and international institutions and governments, progressively building the reach of Ayahuasca as a boon to humanity and civilization. Unirse a AYA2014 implica poseer una motivación, una experiencia y un enfoque sociocultural especial, además de realizar el sacrificio necesario para llegar hasta aquí para honrar nuestro tema. Quiero animarte a que compartas tu experiencia, sosteniendo tus convicciones y contribuyas amablemente con tu sabiduría, sea cual sea tu rol aquí, e independientemente de que estés de acuerdo o en desacuerdo con la de otros. La gran cantidad de presentaciones formales, talleres y películas, aunque encomiable, no es más que el punto de partida para ahondar en el propósito para el que fue concebida AYA2014: lograr una experiencia y aprendizaje profundos que generen nuevas ideas y perspectivas. Deseamos potenciar las redes de colaboración, la participación electrizante y la verdadera amistad que nace cuando se produce un intercambio libre entre personas. Por ello, AYA2014 te invita a que encajes tu pieza en este puzzle colectivo. La ayahuasca y las prácticas asociadas a ella están avanzando en el escenario global a pasos agigantados. No cabe duda de que la investigación científica de la ayahuasca en sus dimensiones botánica, psicológica y neurocientífica está creciendo rápidamente – algunos de estos avances de vanguardia se presentarán en esta Conferencia durante los próximos días. En este momento se está produciendo una creciente toma de conciencia acerca de la valiosa aportación que ofrece la ayahuasca para el desarrollo personal y terapéutico. La tendencia actual es reconocer que la ayahuasca tiene un importante valor para el servicio y el desarrollo humano. Los que creen en su utilización responsable, incluyén11 2014 The afore-stated progressive slant is not untrue, but it is one-sided, thus naïve, unless balanced by a comprehension of the mounting adverse, counter-productive forces threatening the vitality and forward march of the Ayahuasca initiative, as well as the hopes and dedication of sponsors and supporters. The rapid popularization and upsurge of Ayahuasca use is increasingly plagued by opportunistic, unethical, ignorant, and harmful practices. Reports of unfit practice, fraud and harm of seekers are continuous, on the rise, and affecting indigenous tradition and respect. A vast international population of seekers remains seriously unprotected. One important causative factor is that Ayahuasca practice abides, unlike medicine and most every profession, no code of ethics—no clear, instructive morality and canon of integrity, of right and wrong conduct, nor any enforcement strategy of such principles, to the detriment of both the practitioner and the public. And there is no doubt that international regulatory bodies, national and legal authorities, mass media, and academic and public figures are increasingly focused on the course of Ayahuasca as it penetrates further into modern society. But we are far from helpless for a constructive interdisciplinary, international, cross-cultural regulation of therapeutic and growth-of-wellness practice involving the use of Ayahuasca. By way of stimulation from various organizations and persons, all present here at AYA2014, ICEERS dug deeply into the issue of Ayahuasca’s rising ethical enigma. We took a lead from Hippocrates, who seems to have faced analogous trials in his era. The Hippocratic Oath, the most famous document in all of medicine, reverentially endures (in original or derivative forms) in the oath taken worldwide upon graduation of medical school. Following this model, we formulated the Hippocratic-Ibiza Psychoactive Practitioners Oath composed of 13 principles and a liberal, efficient system of global application and enforcement, all to be programmatically presented to AYA2014 for its supportive review, enhancement, and ultimate adoption. Another serious matter is the tidal wave of arrest and prosecution endured by Ayahuasca practitioners that has made its way throughout various regions worldwide, and in particular Europe, since 2009. Practitioners have been increasingly targeted by harsh law enforcement, railing against supposed drug-trafficking and clandestine witchery endangering public health, often based on hazy, contradictory law. ICEERS has been assisting defendants in various countries in getting legal defense and providing information for strategy. The AYA2014 Legal Track is distinguished and informatively optimistic on the complex intermix of safety, benefit, public policy, law, ethics and professionalism requiring effective interlacing and refining in the interest of a sorely lacking international grand strategy for no-holds-barred drug policy reform. The unequivocal intention of AYA2014 is for the formation of the Ibiza Expert Committee for Regularization of Psychoactives, self-dedicated and organized for the purpose of strategizing a consummate, multi-faceted international cam12 PRIMARY TRACK FORO PRINCIPAL donos a todos los que estamos aquí, en AYA2014, junto a cada vez más instituciones y gobiernos, formamos un tándem ganador, entre educación e impulso socio-político, que está consolidando el valor que tiene la ayahuasca en beneficio de la civilización humana. Esta tendencia constituye un progreso innegable, pero sería parcial, y por lo tanto ingenuo, no reconocer que también existen otras fuerzas contraproducentes o adversas que pueden amenazar la vitalidad y la trayectoria de la ayahuasca, así como las esperanzas y dedicación de todas las personas que contribuyen a ella. La rápida popularización y aumento del uso de ayahuasca está plagado cada vez más de prácticas irresponsables, oportunistas, inmorales e ignorantes. Las noticias sobre prácticas inapropiadas, fraudulentas y dañinas son continuas, y van en aumento, faltando el respeto a la tradición indígena. De esta forma, una gran parte de la población internacional que busca tener una experiencia con ayahuasca queda seriamente desprotegida. Un factor causal importante es que la práctica con ayahuasca, a diferencia de la medicina y casi todas las profesiones, carece de un código ético claro, de una moral instructora o un canon de integridad de buena y mala conducta. Tampoco existe una estrategia de aplicación de dichos principios, en detrimento tanto del profesional como del público. Y no cabe duda de que los organismos internacionales de regulación, las autoridades nacionales y legales, los medios de comunicación y las figuras académicas y públicas observan con atención la creciente presencia de la ayahuasca en la sociedad moderna. Pero no estamos indefensos para construir una regulación internacional, transcultural e interdisciplinar sobre el uso terapéutico y de crecimiento personal que beneficie a aquellos que usan ayahuasca. Muchos de los presentes, aquí en AYA2014, han estimulado a ICEERS para profundizar en el desafío de los aspectos éticos relacionados con la ayahuasca. Por este motivo, hemos tomado como referente a Hipócrates, quien parece haber enfrentado retos similares en su época. El juramento hipocrático, el documento más famoso de la medicina, ya sea en sus formas originales o derivadas, perdura como compromiso de los licenciados en medicina de todo el mundo. Siguiendo este modelo, hemos formulado el Juramento Hipocrático-Ibiza para Facilitadores de Psicoactivos. Está compuesto por 13 principios y un liberal y eficiente sistema de aplicación y ejecución global que se presentará en la programación de AYA2014 para vuestra revisión constructiva, mejora y su adopción final. Otro grave asunto es la ola de detenciones y los procesamientos a que están sometidos los que trabajan con Ayahuasca en varias regiones del mundo, particularmente en Europa. Desde 2009, muchas personas han sido víctimas de los ataques de la aplicación de una ley cada vez más dura que, aludiendo a un supuesto narcotráfico y brujería clandestina que pone en peligro la salud pública, se ha basado a menudo en una legislación confusa y contradictoria. ICEERS ha estado ayudando a varios acusados de diferentes países del mundo en este tipo de causas, aportando información para crear estrategias legales para su defensa. 2014 paign aimed at rightful, justified, regulated, professionally managed use of psychoactive plants for individual, social and civilizational benefit. If all of us fully utilize the opportunity of having an international audience of this scope in the same space for the coming days, we can turn this gathering into a pivotal moment in the history of Ayahuasca. Without the support of our private donors, sponsors, scientific committee, NGO partners, mentors, volunteers, all the organizations and people who have helped to promote the event, and the investment of all of you who have come from near, far, and very far to Ibiza, this event would have never have been possible. I greatly thank all of you and wish you a fruitful and enriching AYA2014 experience! Very truly yours, Benjamin De Loenen Founder & Executive Director ICEERS PRESENTATION PRESENTACIÓN La mesa legal de AYA2014 se distingue por aportar información optimista sobre la compleja relación entre seguridad, beneficio social, políticas públicas, derecho, ética y profesionalidad que requiere ser tratada y refinada con habilidad, con el fin de desarrollar una estrategia internacional para la reforma de las políticas de drogas. La intención inequívoca de AYA2014 es favorecer la formación del Ibiza Expert Committee for Regularization of Psychoactives. Este Comité estará dedicado a la formulación de una estrategia para el desarrollo de una campaña multifacética internacional enfocada a promover el uso constructivo, profesional y regularizado de las plantas psicoactivas para el beneficio individual y comunitario. Si todos nosotros aprovechamos al máximo la oportunidad de tener una audiencia internacional de esta envergadura durante los próximos días, podemos convertir esta reunión en un evento crucial en la historia de la ayahuasca. Sin el apoyo de nuestros donantes privados, patrocinadores, del comité científico, ONG’s asociadas, mentores, voluntarios, todas las organizaciones y personas que han ayudado a promover el congreso, y la inversión de todos los que habéis venido desde cerca, lejos y muy lejos hasta Ibiza, este evento nunca hubiera sido posible. ¡Quiero daros las gracias y desearos que AYA2014 sea una experiencia enriquecedora y fructífera para todos! Sinceramente, Benjamin De Loenen Founder & Executive Director ICEERS 13 SPEAKERS PONENTES 2014 Nacida en Junio de 1956 en Enschede, Holanda. A la edad de 23 años se interesó por la cultura oriental y viajó sola a la India, donde terminó en Poona y se convirtió en un sannyasin de Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh, más tarde conocido como Osho. Durante 6 años estuvo muy involucrada con las meditaciones de Osho y su comunidad en Holanda, la India y también en los EE.UU.. En 1993 se puso en contacto con la comunidad de Santo Daime en Mapia, Brasil y a su vez conoció a Geraldine Fijneman con quien comenzó el Santo Daime en los Países Bajos. Ella es parte de la Ceu da Santa María, una iglesia del Santo Daime conformada exclusivamente por mujeres. Amanda Feilding es la directora de la Fundación Beckley (Reino Unido). Estudió religiones comparadas y misticismo en Oxford y más tarde hizo una extensa investigación sobre psicología, fisiología y los estados alterados de conciencia. En 1998, fundó la Fundación Beckley para realizar investigación pionera en el campo de la conciencia humana y ayudar a lograr una reforma global en el campo de las políticas de drogas mediante la creación de políticas basadas en la evidencia, orientadas a la salud, que reconozcan los derechos humanos y la libertad cognitiva. El Programa Científico de la Fundación investiga la meditación, la neurofisiología y la farmacología de las sustancias psicoactivas con el fin de comprender mejor cómo funcionan dichos alcaloides e identificar sus posibles aplicaciones terapéuticas. 15 ACADEMIC TRACK FORO ACADÉMICO Aline Mast was born in the 21 of june 1956 in Enschede, Holland. At the age of 23 she became interested in Asian culture and travelled by herself to India where she ended up in Poona and became a sannyasini (renunciant) with from Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh, later known as Osho. During 6 years she was very involved with Osho’s meditations and communities in Holland, India and also in the USA. In 1993 she got in touch with the a Santo Daime branch community in Mapia, Brazil and around this time she met Geraldine Fijneman with whom she started Santo Daime in The Netherlands. She is part of the Ceu da Santa Maria, a Santo Daime church with exclusively female members. Amanda Feilding is the director of the Beckley Foundation, UK. She studied comparative religions and mysticism at Oxford and later did extensive research into psychology, physiology, and altered states of consciousness. In 1998, she founded The Beckley Foundation to do pioneering research in the fields of human consciousness and to help bring about global drug policy reform by creating evidencebased, health-oriented policies which recognize human rights and cognitive liberty. The Foundation’s Scientific Program investigates meditation and the neurophysiology and pharmacology of psychoactive substances in order to better understand how these compunds work and to identify their potential therapeutic applications. COMMUNITY TRACK FORO COMUNIDAD Santo Daime, Netherlands Santo Daime, Holanda LEGAL TRACK FORO LEGAL Estudió criminología y derecho penal en la Universidad de Leiden y el Instituto Willem Pompe de Derecho Penal en Utrecht. Obtuvo su doctorado en Derecho con el estudio “Revolución y Justicia Penal: El experimento cubano” (CEDLA, 1987). Ha estado ejerciendo como abogada penalista en Amsterdam desde 1982. Defendió la iglesia holandesa del Santo Daime en dos procedimientos penales y ha estado al cargo de muchos casos relacionados con los llamados “hongos mágicos”. Ha publicado sobre varios temas relacionados con los derechos fundamentales en los procedimientos penales y sobre el decurso de la “guerra contra las drogas.” ALINE MAST OTHER CONTENTS OTROS CONTENIDOS Adéle Van Der Plas lectured in criminology and criminal law at the University of Leiden and the Willem Pompe Institute for Criminal Law in Utrecht. She obtained her doctorate in law with the study “Revolution and Criminal Justice: The Cuban Experiment” (CEDLA, 1987). She has been practicing as a criminal lawyer in Amsterdam since 1982. She defended the Dutch Santo Daime churches in two criminal procedures and handled many so-called “magic mushroom” cases. She has published on several topics related to fundamental rights in criminal procedures and the ongoing “war on drugs.” Founder and Director Beckley Foundation, UK Fundadora y Directora de la Beckley Foundation, UK FILM FORUM CINE FORUM Juris Doctor, Netherlands Dra. en Derecho, Holanda WORKSHOPS TALLERES AMANDA FEILDING EVENTS EVENTOS ADÉLE VAN DER PLAS PRIMARY TRACK FORO PRINCIPAL SPEAKERS PONENTES SPEAKERS PONENTES 2014 SPEAKERS PONENTES ANDREW DAWSON ANTONIO ESCOHOTADO Dr. in Religion, UK Dr. en Religión, UK Andrew Dawson is Senior Lecturer in Religion at the Department of Politics, Philosophy and Religion of Lancaster University, UK. He obtained his doctorate at Oxford University and has degrees in social science and religious studies from the US and other UK institutions. Andrew’s principal research interest concerns the interface of religion and late-modern society which he examines mainly in the contexts of Brazil, Europe and North America. Andrew Dawson es profesor titular de Religión en el Departamento de Política, Filosofía y Religión de la Universidad de Lancaster, Reino Unido. Obtuvo su doctorado en la Universidad de Oxford y tiene grados en ciencias sociales y estudios religiosos de otras instituciones del Reino Unido y EE.UU.. El interés principal de investigación de Andrew se refiere a la interfaz de la religión y la sociedad post-moderna que examina principalmente en los contextos de Brasil, Europa y América del Norte. Centrándose principalmente en la religión del Santo Daime, que ha trabajado mucho en la internacionalización de la religiosidad y la ayahuasca. 16 Philosopher, Spain Filósofo, España ANJA LOIZAGA-VELDER Dr. in Medical Psychology, Mexico Dra. en Psicología Médica, México Anja Loizaga-Velder is a psychologist and psychotherapist who specializes in humanistic and transpersonal psychology, the study of consciousness, music therapy and ethno-psychotherapy. She has studied and worked with traditional healers in Mexico and Peru for more than twenty years. She received a degree in Clinical Psychology (Dipl.-Psych.) and is director of research at Nierika Psychotherapy Institute in Mexico. Psicóloga y psicoterapeuta especializada en psicología humanista y transpersonal, en el estudio de la consciencia, músicoterapia y etnopsicoterapia. Ha estudiado y colaborado con médicos tradicionales en México y Perú durante más de veinte años. Recibió el título de Psicóloga Clínica (Dipl.-Psych.) por la universidad Koblenz-Landau (Alemania) y su doctorado en psicología medica en la Universidad Heidelberg, Alemania. Anja es directora de investigación y psicoterapia del Instituto Nierika en México. Antonio Escohotado Espinosa (Madrid, 1941) is a prominent essayist and university professor whose work has been mainly directed to the fields of law, philosophy and sociology, and who has been recognized for his research on drugs. He is named among the 70 greatest thinkers gathered in the ‘Dictionary of Thinkers of the Twentieth Century’. Apart from the many fields of knowledge he has explored, he is known outside of the academic world for promoting the drug policy reform. He has written several works about this topic, such as his book The General History of drugs (1983). In Ibiza came it to run the club “Amnesia”, which later became one of the most famous clubs in the world. Escohotado Antonio Espinosa (Madrid, 1941) es un prominente ensayista y profesor universitario cuyo trabajo ha sido dirigido principalmente a los campos del derecho, la filosofía y la sociología, y ha ganado notoriedad por su investigación sobre drogas. Está entre los 70 pensadores recogidos en el diccionario de pensadores del siglo XX. Aparte de los muchos campos del conocimiento que ha explorado, es conocido fuera del mundo académico por promover la reforma de las políticas de drogas. Ha escrito varias obras sobre este tema, como su libro “Historia general de las drogas” (1983). En Ibiza llegó a regentar el club “Amnesia”, que después se convirtió en una de las discotecas más famosas del mundo. 2014 Beatriz Caiuby Labate posee un Doctorado en Antropología Social de la Universidad Estatal de Campinas (UNICAMP), Brasil. Sus principales áreas de interés incluyen el estudio de sustancias psicoactivas, políticas de drogas, chamanismo, rituales y religión. Actualmente es Profesora-Investigadora Invitada en el Programa de Política de Drogas en el Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas (CIDE) en Aguascalientes, México. Es, a la vez, Investigadora Asociada en el Instituto de Psicología Médica en la Universidad de Heidelberg, co-fundadora del Núcleo de Estudios Interdisciplinarios sobre Psicoactivos (NEIP), y editora de su sitio (http://www.neip. info). Es autora, co-autora, y co-editora de doce libros, un journal de edición especial y distintos artículos con sistema de dictaminación autónoma. Pertenece al Sistema Nacional de Investigadores Mexicano (SIN), nivel I. Bruce Parry (nacido el 17 de marzo de 1969, en Hythe, Hampshire, Inglaterra) es un premiado documentalista, escritor, defensor de los derechos de los indígenas, explorador y ex oficial de los “Royal Marines”. Emplea un estilo etnográfico y una forma de observación participante en sus documentales. Su serie documental para la BBC titulada “Tribu, Amazonas y Ártico” se ha ocupado de plasmar ambientes extremos, pueblos indígenas remotos y las cuestiones importantes de actualidad. Benjamin De Loenen estudió comunicación audiovisual en los Países Bajos, donde se graduó con honores como director de cine y editor por medio del documental “Ibogaíne-Rite of Passage” (2004), que él dirigió y produjo. Se convirtió, a nivel internacional, en un activo orador público sobre la iboga y, finalmente, fundó en Holanda en 2009 el Centro Internacional para Educación, Investigación y Servicios sobre los Etnobotáncios (ICEERS, por sus siglas en inglés). ICEERS tiene actualmente una oficina en Barcelona y otra en Montevideo, y desarrolla su actividad en el campo de la investigación científica con ayahuasca, iboga y cannabis, y también con actividades de reforma de políticas de drogas, actividades educativas en un sentido amplio y servicios relacionados con la reducción de riesgos, asistencia jurídica, entre otros. 17 ACADEMIC TRACK FORO ACADÉMICO Bruce Parry (born 17 March 1969, in Hythe, Hampshire, England) is an award-winning documentarian, author, indigenous rights advocate, explorer, trek leader and former Royal Marines commando officer. He employs an ethnographic style and a form of participant observation for his documentaries. His documentary series for the BBC entitled Tribe, Amazon, and Arctic have shown extreme environments, remote indigenous peoples, and important issues being faced. Benjamin De Loenen studied audiovisual media in The Netherlands, where he graduated with honors as film director and editor in his Masters with his documentary ‘Ibogaine-Rite of Passage’ (2004), which he directed and produced. He became active as a public speaker about iboga internationally and eventually founded the International Center for Ethnobotanical Education, Research & Service (ICEERS) in 2009 in The Netherlands. ICEERS currently has an office in Barcelona, Spain and Montevideo, Uruguay, and is involved in scientific research into ayahuasca, iboga and cannabis, policy reform activities, educational activities and services related to risk reduction, legal support, etc. COMMUNITY TRACK FORO COMUNIDAD Filmmaker, UK Cineasta, UK LEGAL TRACK FORO LEGAL BRUCE PARRY OTHER CONTENTS OTROS CONTENIDOS Beatriz Caiuby Labate has a Ph.D. in Social Anthropology from the State University of Campinas (UNICAMP), Brazil. Her main areas of interest are the study of psychoactive substances, drug policy, shamanism, ritual, and religion. She is Visiting Professor at the Drug Policy Program of the Center for Economic Research and Education (CIDE) in Aguascalientes, Mexico. She is also Research Associate at the Institute of Medical Psychology, Heidelberg University, co-founder of the Nucleus for Interdisciplinary Studies of Psychoactives (NEIP), and editor of NEIP’s website (http://www. neip.info). She is author, co-author, and co-editor of twelve books, one special-edition journal, and several peer-reviewed articles. Founder and Executive Director ICEERS, Belgium Fundador y Director Ejecutivo ICEERS, Bélgica FILM FORUM CINE FORUM Dr. in Anthropology, Brazil Dra. en Antropología, Brasil WORKSHOPS TALLERES BEN DE LOENEN EVENTS EVENTOS BEATRIZ CAIUBY LABATE PRIMARY TRACK FORO PRINCIPAL SPEAKERS PONENTES SPEAKERS PONENTES 2014 SPEAKERS PONENTES CARMEN VICENTE Medicine Woman, Ecuador Mujer Medicina Carmen Viecente is a medicine woman from of the border between Ecuador and Peru, and carriesthe sacred art of the Altars and Guardian of the Sacred Fire of Itzachilatlan. For 50 years she has been advocating for the autonomy of traditional practices and teachings of the Andes. She has worked with people in the Amazon, street dwellers and the prison population of Quito, Ecuador. Her current work is focused on women, youth in urban areas and research on the role of gender relations, with activity in several countries such as Chile, Argentina, Ecuador, Peru, Brazil, Colombia, United States, Spain, Portugal, Canada, Germany, Israel, Netherlands and England. Mujer medicina de la frontera entre Ecuador y Perú, es portadora del arte sagrado de los Altares y Guardiana del Fuego Sagrado de Itzachilatlan. Desde hace 50 años aboga por la autonomía de prácticas y enseñanzas tradicionales de los Andes. Ha trabajado con pueblos de la Amazonia, habitantes de la calle y población de cárceles de Quito, Ecuador. Su labor actual está enfocada en mujeres, en jóvenes de áreas urbanas y en investigaciones sobre el rol y las relaciones de género, con actividad en varios países como Chile, Argentina, Ecuador, Perú, Brasil, Colombia, Estados Unidos, España, Portugal, Canadá, Alemania, Israel, Holanda e Inglaterra. CLANCY CAVNAR Dr. in Clinical Psychology, USA Dra. en Psicología Clínica, EE.UU. Clancy Cavnar is currently completing her postdoctoral hours in clinical psychology at the Marin Treatment Center, a methadone clinic in San Rafael, California. In 2011, she received a doctorate in clinical psychology (PsyD) from John F. Kennedy University in Pleasant Hill, California, with a dissertation on gay and lesbian people’s experiences with ayahuasca. She attended New College of the University of South Florida and completed an undergraduate degree in liberal arts in 1982. She attended the San Francisco Art Institute and graduated with a Master of Fine Art in painting in 1985. In 1993, she received a certificate in substance abuse counseling from the extension program of the University of California at Berkeley and, in 1997, she graduated with a master’s in counseling from San Francisco State University. In that same year, she got in touch with the Santo Daime in the USA, and has traveled several times to Brazil since then. She is Research Associate of the Nucleus for Interdisciplinary Studies of Psychoactives (NEIP), and co-editor, with Beatriz Caiuby Labate, of three books: The Therapeutic Use of Ayahuasca (Springer, 2014); Prohibition, Religious Freedom, and Human Rights: Regulating Traditional Drug Use (Springer, 2014) and Ayahuasca Shamanism in the Amazon and Beyond (Oxford University Press, 2014). Actualmente está completando su post-doctorado en psicología clínica en el Centro de Tratamiento de Marin, una clínica de metadona en San 18 Rafael, California. En 2011, recibió un doctorado en psicología clínica (PsyD) de la Universidad John F. Kennedy en Pleasant Hill, California, con una disertación sobre las experiencias de gays y lesbianas. Asistió a New College de la Universidad del Sur de Florida y completó una licenciatura en artes liberales en 1982. En 1985, estudió en el Instituto de Arte de San Francisco graduándose en Bellas Artes con una Maestría en pintura. En 1993, recibió un certificado en cuanto al fondo asesoramiento sobre el abuso del programa de extensión de la Universidad de California en Berkeley y, en 1997, se graduó con una maestría en consejería de la Universidad Estatal de San Francisco. En ese mismo año, se puso en contacto con el Santo Daime en los EE.UU., y ha viajado varias veces a Brasil desde entonces. Ella es Investigadora Asociada del Núcleo de Estudios Interdisciplinarios de psicoactivos (NEIP), co-editora de tres libros con Beatriz Caiuby Labate:: El Uso Terapéutico de Ayahuasca (Springer, 2014); Prohibición, la libertad religiosa y los derechos humanos: La regulación tradicional del Consumo de Drogas (Springer, 2014) y Chamanismo Ayahuasca en el Amazonas y más allá (Oxford University Press, 2014). 2014 El doctor Claudio Naranjo (Valparaíso, Chile, 1932) lleva cuarenta años desarrollando la sabiduría del eneagrama y ha creado la Psicología de los Eneatipos. Como discípulo y sucesor de Fritz Perls, se ha convertido en un referente mundial de la terapia Gestalt. Profesor en Berkeley, se le considera un pionero de la psicología transpersonal que integra la psicoterapia y la espiritualidad. Fruto de este amplio aprendizaje, ha desarrollado el Programa SAT, un proceso de autoconocimiento por el que han pasado miles de personas. Recientemente, ha sido creada en Barcelona la Fundación Claudio Naranjo. Naranjo es psiquiatra, educador y pionero en la integración de herramientas que expanden la conciencia y en el trabajo experimental-terapéutico con ayahuasca. Psicóloga Clínica de la Universidad de Valparaíso, Chile, y Máster en Psicología Clínica de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, especialista en psicoterapia de orientación humanista transpersonal, con formación en hipnoterapia ericksoniana, análisis existencial e interpretación de sueños desde la perspectiva junguiana. Ha realizado su trabajo personal con la ayahuasca dentro del contexto de la medicina tradicional amazónica junto con retiros de dieta con plantas maestras bajo la guía de curanderos del Amazonas peruano. Como resultado de este aprendizaje se ha dedicado al acompañamiento psicoterapéutico en la integración de la experiencia con ayahuasca dentro de un contexto clínico de auto-conocimiento y desarrollo personal. Desde el año pasado se ha integrado en el equipo terapéutico del Centro Takiwasi en Peru, donde actualmente desempeña un cargo como coordinadora clínica del tratamiento de adicciones, que combina el uso tradicional de la medicina amazónica con la psicoterapia occidental. Daniela Peluso es antropóloga sociocultural que ha trabajado en las últimas dos décadas en las tierras bajas de América del Sur, sobre todo con las comunidades de Perú y Bolivia. Ha participado activamente en diversos acontecimientos locales en temas relacionados con la salud, el género, la urbanización indígena y derechos sobre la tierra y trabaja en estrecha colaboración con las organizaciones indígenas y locales. Sus publicaciones se centran principalmente en las ontologías indígenas, la urbanización, la violencia y la relación. Recibió su doctorado en 2003 en la Universidad de Columbia y es profesora titular de Antropología Social en la Universidad de Kent. ACADEMIC TRACK FORO ACADÉMICO Danae Saenz is a clinical psychologist at the University of Valparaíso, Chile and Master in Clinical Psychology at the Pontificia Universidad Catolica of Chile. She is a specialist in psychotherapy oriented towards the humanist transpersonal model. She was trained in Ericksonian hypnotherapy, existential analysis and dream interpretation from a Jungian perspective. She has extensive experience with ayahuasca in a traditional amazonian context, along with ‘dietas’ with ‘master plants’ under the guidance of Amazonian shamans. Daniela Peluso is a socio-cultural anthropologist who has worked over the last two decades in Lowland South America, mostly with communities in Peru and Bolivia. She has been actively involved in various local efforts on issues relating to health, gender, indigenous urbanization and land-rights and works in close collaboration with indigenous and local organizations. Her publications focus mostly on indigenous ontologies, urbanization, violence and relatedness. She received her PhD in 2003 from Columbia University and is a Senior Lecturer in Social Anthropology at the University of Kent. COMMUNITY TRACK FORO COMUNIDAD Clinical Psychologist, Chile Psicóloga Clínica LEGAL TRACK FORO LEGAL DANAE SAENZ WORKSHOPS TALLERES Dr. Claudio Naranjo (Valparaiso, Chile, 1932) has spent forty years developing the wisdom of the Enneagram and created the Psychology of Enneatypes. As a protege and successor of Fritz Perls, he has become a world leader in Gestalt therapy. Professor at Berkeley, he is considered a pioneer of transpersonal psychology and an integrator of the fields of psychotherapy and spirituality. As a result of this extensive education, he developed the SAT Program, a process of self-exploration through which thousands of people have passed. More recently he created the Claudio Naranjo Foundation in Barcelona. Naranjo is a psychiatrist, educator and pioneer in integrating the use of consciousness-expanding tools, including ayahuasca, into his experimental-therapeutic work. Dr. in Social Anthropology, UK Dra. en Antropología Social, UK EVENTS EVENTOS Psychiatrist, Chile Psiquiatra OTHER CONTENTS OTROS CONTENIDOS DANIELA PELUSO FILM FORUM CINE FORUM CLAUDIO NARANJO PRIMARY TRACK FORO PRINCIPAL SPEAKERS PONENTES SPEAKERS PONENTES 19 2014 SPEAKERS PONENTES DENNIS MCKENNA DRAULIO BARROS DE ARAUJO Dr. in Ethnobotany, USA Dr. en Etnobotánica, EE.UU. Dennis McKenna’s professional and personal interests are focused on the interdisciplinary study of ethnopharmacology and plant hallucinogens. He received his doctorate in 1984 from the University of British Columbia, where his doctoral research focused on ethnopharmacological investigations of the botany, chemistry, and pharmacology of ayahuasca and oo-koo-he, two orally-active tryptamine-based hallucinogens used by indigenous peoples in the Northwest Amazon. Los intereses profesionales y personales de Dennis McKenna se centran en el estudio interdisciplinario de la etnofarmacología y los vegetales alucinógenos. Recibió su doctorado en 1984 en la Universidad de Columbia Británica, donde su investigación doctoral se centró en las investigaciones etnofarmacológicas de la botánica, la química y la farmacología de la ayahuasca y oo-koo-he, dos alucinógenos triptaminicos activos oralmente utilizados por los pueblos indígenas en el noroeste del Amazonas. El Dr. McKenna recibió becas de investigación post-doctoral en el Laboratorio de Farmacología Clínica, Instituto Nacional de Salud Mental, y en el Departamento de Neurología de la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad de Stanford. Él es uno de los miembros fundadores del Instituto de Investigación Heffter y es miembro del consejo consultivo de varias organizaciones sin fines de lucro en el ámbito de las herramientas etnobotánicas. 20 Dr. in Medical Physics, Brazil Dr. en Física Médica, Brasil DIEGO DE LAS CASAS Lawyer, Spain Abogado, España Diego De Las Casas is a lawyer practicing in the city of Madrid and one of the founding members of the Spanish association called Plantaforma - For the Defense of Ayahuasca. He has led a number of criminal court cases related to ayahuasca in Spain. Abogado ejerciendo en la ciudad de Madrid, es uno de los miembros fundadores de la Plantaforma Para la Defensa de la Ayahuasca y ha intervenido como abogado defensor en varios procedimientos penales relacionados con la ayahuasca en España. Draulio Barros De Araujo of a professor in neuroimaging at the Brain Institute, Natal, Brazil. In the last years his research focused on using functional neuroimaging methods (EEG and fMRI) for the investigation of the cognitive aspects and neural substrates of the Ayahuasca experience. Profesor en el campo de la neuro-imagen en el Instituto del Cerebro, Natal, Brasil. En los últimos años su investigación se ha centrado en el uso de métodos de neuro-imagen funcional (fMRI y EEG) para la investigación de los aspectos cognitivos y sustratos neurales de la experiencia con Ayahuasca. 2014 Consultor en el ámbito de la colaboración con más de quince años de experiencia en la resolución de conflictos internacionales y experiencia en facilitación y mediación. Duncan parte de la idea de que el conflicto es una oportunidad que surge de las infinitas y diversas expresiones de las necesidades humanas comunes. Con este enfoque, se afirma que todos los conflictos o las conversaciones complejas, son una oportunidad para profundizar en las relaciones y mejorar el mundo en que vivimos. Tiene un amplio conocimiento de una gran variedad de estrategias, herramientas y tecnologías para ayudar a las personas y grupos de diferentes tamaños a tener conversaciones de colaboración que son transformadoras, productivas y coherentes. En este papel, él se esfuerza por construir un mundo que produzca e integre la sabiduría de todas las culturas y perspectivas individuales. Licenciada en Medicina y Cirugía. Es especialista en Pediatría y Radio-diagnostico. Especialista en Homeopatía por la Escuela de México y por la Escuela de Homeopatía Europea. Su relación con la ayahuasca es a través del Santo Daime: 1ª Coordinadora (“Comandante”) en Cataluña, durante 5 años. Perteneciente al directorio del la 1ª Asociacion de Daimistas en Cataluña. Formó parte de la organización del 1er Encuentro Europeo de Asociaciones Daimistas que tuvo lugar en Girona. Presidenta de la Asociación Europea del Daime (Cefluris) durante dos años. Durante 13 años ha realizado estancias anuales en Mapiá, el núcleo amazónico del Sto Daime profundizando en su conocimiento y ejerciendo de médico voluntario en su pequeño hospital. Formación no reglada en Psicoterapia Gestáltica ligada a Claudio Naranjo. Es Fundador y Director Ejecutivo de la Drug Policy Alliance, la organización líder en los EE.UU. que promueve alternativas a la guerra contra las drogas. Se doctoró en Harvard y fue profesor de la Universidad de Princeton durante siete años. Ethan juega un papel clave como asesor en políticas de drogas de George Soros y otros filántropos, así como de alcaldes, gobernadores, legisladores estatales y federales de los EE.UU. a los presidentes y ministros del gabinete fuera de la EE.UU. La DPA ha jugado un papel fundamental en la mayoría de las campañas legislativas en los EE.UU. en temas que van desde la cannabis medicinal y la legalización del cannabis, a la reforma penitenciaria, la reducción de daños, el tratamiento farmacológico y la reforma de las leyes de confiscación de activos. ACADEMIC TRACK FORO ACADÉMICO Esther Martínez has a Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery, and is aspecialist in pediatrics and radio-diagnosis, as well as homeopathy. Her relationship with ayahuasca through Santo Daime: 1st Coordinator ( “Commander”)in Catalonia (Spain), for 5 years; belongs to the directory of the 1st Association of Members of Santo Daime Church in Catalonia; organizer of the 1st European Meeting of Associations of Members of Santo Daime Church, held in Girona; president of the European Association of Daime (Cefluris) for two years. For 13 years she has made annual trips to Mapia, Brazil with Santo Daime, practicing as a volunteer physician in their small hospital. Her informal training in Gestalt Psychotherapy is linked to Claudio Naranjo. COMMUNITY TRACK FORO COMUNIDAD Medical Doctor, Spain Médico, España Ethan Nadelmann is the founder and executive director of the Drug Policy Alliance, the leading organization in the United States promoting alternatives to the war on drugs. He received his Ph.D. from Harvard and taught at Princeton University for seven years. Ethan plays a key role as drug policy advisor to George Soros and other philanthropists as well as elected officials ranging from mayors, governors and state and federal legislators in the U.S. to presidents and cabinet ministers outside the U.S. He and his colleagues have played pivotal roles in most major legislative and ballot initiative campaigns in the United States on issues ranging from medical marijuana and marijuana legalization to prison reform, harm reduction, drug treatment and reform of asset forfeiture laws. LEGAL TRACK FORO LEGAL ESTHER MARTÍNEZ OTHER CONTENTS OTROS CONTENIDOS Duncan Autrey is a collaboration consultant with over fifteen years of international conflict resolution and facilitation experience. He approaches the idea of conflict from a belief that it is an opportunity that arises from the infinitely diverse expressions of common human needs. With this approach, he asserts that every conflict or complex conversation, large or small, is an opportunity to deepen our relationships and improve the world we all live in. He has extensive knowledge of a wide variety of strategies, tools and technologies for helping individuals and groups of all sizes have collaborative conversations that are transformative, productive and coherent. In this role, he strives to build towards a world that elicits and integrates the wisdom of all cultures and individual perspectives. Director Drug Policy Alliance, USADirector Drug Policy Alliance, EE.UU. EVENTS EVENTOS Consultant, USA Consultor, EE.UU. FILM FORUM CINE FORUM ETHAN NADELMANN WORKSHOPS TALLERES DUNCAN AUTREY PRIMARY TRACK FORO PRINCIPAL SPEAKERS PONENTES SPEAKERS PONENTES 21 2014 SPEAKERS PONENTES FERNANDO SÁNCHEZ DRAGÓ GABOR MATÉ Writer, Spain Escritor, España Fernando Sánchez has a degree in Romanic Philology and Modern Languages, and is Doctor in Letters at the University of Madrid. He has conducted, presented, written and collaborated on numerous television and radio programs, national and foreign newspapers and different media. He has received numerous awards for his work. His focus of work includes spirituality, the development of consciousness, philosophy, religion and literature. As a result of his opposition activities against the Franco dictatorship, he spent 16 months in prison and remained in exile for seven years. He wrote the prologue to the book ‘Ayahuasca’ of Alex Polari (1994). Es licenciado en Filología Románica y Lenguas Modernas, y es Doctor en Letras de la Universidad de Madrid. Ha dirigido, presentado, escrito y colaborado en numerosos programas de televisión y radio, periódicos nacionales y extranjeros. Ha sido premiado en múltiples ocasiones por su trabajo. Su campo de estudio incluye la espiritualidad, el desarrollo de la conciencia, la filosofía, la religión y la literatura. Como resultado de sus actividades de oposición contra la dictadura franquista, pasó 16 meses en prisión y permaneció en el exilio durante siete años. Escribió el prólogo del libro ‘Ayahuasca’ de Alex Polari (1994). 22 Videoconference Vídeo-conferencia Medical Doctor, Canada Médico, Canadá GLENN SHEPARD Dr. in Ethnobotany, Brazil Dr. en Etnobotánica, Brasil Glenn Shepard is an ethnobotanist, medical anthropologist and film maker now working at the Goeldi Museum in Brazil. He has written on topics ranging from shamanism to human ecology to indigenous modernity. He made several films including the Emmy-Award-winning “Spirits of the Rainforest.” He is currently working on a book entitled “Sorcery and the Senses.” Antropólogo médico etnobotánico y cineasta que ahora trabaja en el Museo Goeldi en Brasil. Ha escrito sobre temas que van desde el chamanismo a la ecología humana de la modernidad indígena. Ha hecho varias películas, entre ellas la ganadora del premio Emmy “Espíritus de la selva”. Actualmente está trabajando en un libro titulado “Brujería y los Sentidos.” Gabor Maté M.D. is a physician and best-selling author whose books have been published in twenty languages internationally. His interests include child development, the mindbody unity in health and illness, and the treatment of addictions. As a speaker he regularly addresses professional and lay audiences throughout North America. He is the recipient of a number of awards, including a Simon Fraser University Outstanding Alumnus Award and an honourary degree from the University of Northern British Columbia. His most recent book, In The Realm of Hungry Ghosts: Close Encounters With Addiction, won the Hubert Evans Prize for literary nonfiction. He is Adjunct Professor in the Faculty of Criminology, Simon Fraser University. Gabor Maté MD es médico y autor de diversos libros que han sido publicados en más de veinte idiomas. Sus intereses incluyen el desarrollo infantil, la unidad mente-cuerpo en la salud y la enfermedad, y el tratamiento de las adicciones. Como orador se dirige regularmente a profesionales y también al público general en toda América del Norte. Ha sido premiado en diversas ocasiones, incluyendo el Premio al Alumno Sobresaliente de la Universidad Simon Fraser y un grado honorario de la Universidad de Columbia Británica del Norte. Su libro más reciente, “In The Realm of Hungry Ghosts: Close Encounters With Addiction” (En el reino de los fantasmas hambrientos: encuentros cercanos con la adicción), ganó el Premio Hubert Evans de literatura de no ficción. Es profesor adjunto de la Facultad de Criminología, Universidad Simon Fraser. 2014 Fue el principal demandante y estratega legal en la exitosa acción legal de União do Vegetal para asegurar su derecho al uso religioso del sacramento en los Estados Unidos. También participó en las negociaciones detalladas con la Drug Enforcement Administration (las autoridades de control de drogas en los Estados Unidos) en relación con los protocolos para el gobierno de licencia de importación, almacenamiento y distribución para el uso ritual del té. También fue la primera persona fuera de Brasil al que se le confirió el grado de Mestre de la religión UDV. Film maker, Researcher, Spain Cineasta, Investigador, España Jerónimo Mazarrasa is a documentary filmmaker, independent researcher, and interaction designer with extensive knowledge of the world of Ayahuasca. In the past decade he has produced, written and directed two documentaries about ayahuasca. The first about the Brazilian Ayahuasca churches, the second about the use of Ayahuasca in the treatment of drug addiction. He has traveled extensively through South America, researching a broad range of Ayahuasca practices, and has lectured internationally on Ayahuasca tourism and the appropriation of indigenous knowledge. He keeps a blog, curates a page of ayahuasca related news, and is currently preparing a book about his experiences. He currently serves as secretary of the ICEERS Foundation. Es realizador de documentales, investigador independiente y diseñador de interacción con un amplio conocimiento del mundo de la ayahuasca. Durante la última década ha producido, escrito y dirigido dos documentales sobre la ayahuasca: El primero, sobre las iglesias ayahuasqueras de Brasil; el segundo, sobre el uso de la ayahuasca en el tratamiento de las drogodependencias. Ha viajado extensamente por Sur América, investigando un amplio abanico de prácticas relacionadas con la ayahuasca y ha dado conferencias internacionales sobre el turismo ayahuasquero y la apropiación del conocimiento indígena. Mantiene un blog y una página de noticias sobre la ayahuasca y actualmente está preparando un libro sobre sus experiencias. Actualmente es Secretario de la fundación ICEERS. Nació en 1949, en los EEUU. Químico orgánico y especialista en la etnofarmacognosia chamánica. Alumno de los investigadores pioneros en el tema: Albert Hofmann (descubridor de la LSD y la psilocibina), Richard Evans Schultes (padre de la etnobotánica chamánica) y R. Gordon Wasson (redescubridor moderno de los hongos psilocíbicos y de la importancia del chamanismo). Es activo como conferenciante en muchos países y ha organizado unos veinte seminarios y conferencias sobre la enteognosia. Ha publicado numerosos artículos científicos y trece libros. Actualmente se radica en el sureste de México, donde se dedica a cultivar e investigar las plantas visionarias. Vive de manera autónoma (con su propio sistema hidroeléctrico) en el Rancho Xochiatl de 30 hectáreas en el bosque de niebla de la Sierra Madre Oriental. 23 ACADEMIC TRACK FORO ACADÉMICO JERÓNIMO MAZARRASA COMMUNITY TRACK FORO COMUNIDAD Jonathan Ott was born in 1949 in the U.S. He is an chemist and specialist in shamanic ethnopharmacognosis. A student of the pioneering researchers in the field: Albert Hofmann (discoverer of LSD and psilocybin), Richard Evans Schultes (father shamanic ethnobotany) and R. Gordon Wasson (psilocybian modern discoverer of fungi and the importance of shamanism), he is active as a speaker in many countries and has organized some twenty seminars and conferences on enteognosia. He has published numerous scientific articles and thirteen books. He currently lives off-the-grid in Rancho Xochiatl, Mexico, 30 hectares in the cloud forest of the Sierra Madre Oriental mountains, where he is dedicated to cultivating and investigating visionary plants. LEGAL TRACK FORO LEGAL Jeffrey Bronfman was the lead plaintiff and legal strategist in the União Do Vegetal’s successful legal action to secure its right to the religious use of it’s sacrament in the United States. He also participated in the detailed negotiations with the Drug Enforcement Administration (the drug control authorities in the United States) regarding the protocols for the government licensed importation, storage and distribution for the ritual use of the tea. OTHER CONTENTS OTROS CONTENIDOS Ethnobotanist, USA Etnobotánico, EE.UU. FILM FORUM CINE FORUM Mestre UDV, USA Mestre UDV, EE.UU. WORKSHOPS TALLERES JONATHAN OTT EVENTS EVENTOS JEFFREY BRONFMAN PRIMARY TRACK FORO PRINCIPAL SPEAKERS PONENTES SPEAKERS PONENTES 2014 SPEAKERS PONENTES JOSEP Mª FABREGAS JORDI RIBA Dr. in Pharmacology, Spain Dr. en Farmacología, España Jordi Riba received his PhD in Pharmacology in 2003, at the Autonomous University of Barcelona, with a thesis on the human pharmacology of ayahuasca. He is Associate Professor of Pharmacology at the UAB and Associate Researcher of the Sant Pau Hospital in Barcelona, where he has conducted a series of clinical studies with Ayahuasca, which have assessed its phamacokinetics and pharmacodynamics, including alkaloid disposition, subjective effects and electroencephalography and neuroimaging measures of acute ayahuasca administration. The results have been published in scientific journals such as Psychopharmacology and The Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics. He is currently the lead researcher of a study assessing the effects of longterm ayahuasca use. Obtuvo su doctorado en Farmacología en 2003, en la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, con una tesis acerca de la farmacología en humanos de la ayahuasca. Es profesor asociado de farmacología en la UAB e investigador asociado del Hospital de Sant Pau en Barcelona, donde ha llevado a cabo varios estudios con ayahuasca en los que se ha determinado su farmacocinética y farmacodinámica, incluyendo la disposición de los alcaloides, los efectos subjetivos y medidas de encefalografía y neuroimagen de la administración aguda de ayahuasca. Los resultados han sido publicados en revistas como Psychopharmacology y The Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics. Actualmente, es el investigador principal de un estudio que investiga los efectos a largo plazo de la ayahuasca. 24 Psychiatrist, Spain Psiquiatra, España JOSÉ CARLOS BOUSO Dr. in Pharmacology, Spain Dr. en Farmacología, España José Carlos Bouso is a clinical psychologist with a PhD in Pharmacology. He has studied the long-term effects of substances such as cannabis, cocaine and ayahuasca, as well as studying of acute effects of different drugs of natural and synthetic origin. He has also done research on the therapeutic uses of MDMA (ecstasy). He is currently Director of Scientific Projects at the ICEERS Foundation where conducts studies on the longterm effects of ayahuasca, medical cannabis properties and potential anti-addictive benefits of ibogaine. José Carlos Bouso es Psicólogo Clínico y doctor en Farmacología. Ha realizado estudios sobre los efectos a largo plazo de sustancias como el cannabis, la cocaína y la ayahuasca, así como estudios de efectos agudos de diferentes drogas de origen natural y sintético. También ha realizado estudios sobre los usos terapéuticos de la MDMA (éxtasis). Actualmente es Director de Proyectos Científicos de la Fundación ICEERS donde realiza estudios científicos sobre efectos a largo plazo de la ayahuasca, beneficios médicos del cannabis y el potencial anti-adictivo de la ibogaína. Josep María Fàbregas began his career in Paris Marmottande Hospital, where he worked with Professor Claude Olievenstein. Later he moved to New York. After several years of professional experience, he founded CITA (Center for Research and Treatment of Addiction) in 1981 with the objective to develop a professional therapeutic community model, which has now been in operation for 32 years. In Brazil he started IDEAA, an addiction treatment center in the Brazilian Amazon that used ayahuasca as a treatment tool. He has been involved with several observational studies on ayahuasca. Inició su carrera profesional en el Hospital Marmottande París, donde trabaja con el Profesor Claude Olievenstein. Posteriormente se traslada a Nueva York y, tras varios años de experiencia profesional, en 1981 funda CITA (Centro de Investigación y Tratamiento de las Adicciones) con el objetivo de desarrollar un modelo de comunidad terapéutica profesional, el cual lleva 32 años en funcionamiento. En Brasil fundó IDEAA, un centro de tratamiento de las adicciones en la Amazonia donde se utilizó ayahuasca como herramienta terapéutica. Ha estado involucrado en varios estudios observacionales con ayahuasca. 2014 Nació en Barcelona en 1955. Licenciado en Geografía e Historia y Doctor en Antropología cultural por la Universitat de Barcelona (UB). También cursó estudios superiores de Psicología, Música y Arte dramático. Especialista en Antropología cognitiva, Etnomusicología, Etnopsicología, Chamanismos, Estados de consciencia expandida y en Antropología de la vejez. Ha realizado estudios de campo en el Kurdistán turco, en el Magreb marroquí, en Catalunya y, desde 1991 hasta 2009, en la Alta Amazonia ecuatoriana. Ha sido profesor permanente en la Universidad de Salamanca y en la de Barcelona. Es fundador y director de la Societat d’Etnopsicologia Aplicada (Sd’EA) y preside la Fundación Josep Mª Fericgla. Joshua Wickerham is chief advisor to the Ethnobotanical Stewardship Council, a nonprofit devoted to assuring the safety and sustainability of traditional medicinal plants and bringing benefits to communities who work with them. Joshua specializes in designing and implementing transparent and credible international governance systems that balance economic growth with social and environmental sustainability. He works with governments, corporations, and nonprofits, offering clients research and advisory services such as stakeholder engagement, sustainability strategy design, organizational governance, and related services. Fundador de Ethnobotanical Stewardship Council (ESC), que trabaja para transformar la vida, asegurando la sostenibilidad y el uso seguro de las plantas tradicionales. Durante más de una década, Joshua ha trabajado en todo el mundo con el fin de diseñar e implementar sistemas transparentes y participativos de gobernanza internacional que equilibren la prosperidad económica con la sostenibilidad social y ambiental. Joshua tiene una licenciatura de la Universidad de Michigan y una maestría en relaciones internacionales por la Universidad de California, San Diego. En su tiempo libre, Joshua se ocupa de un micro jardín urbano en su casa en Tailandia y explora la etnobotánica histórica china. Periodista con más de 30 años de experiencia en grandes medios de comunicación (El Caso, Panorama, Interviu, El Mundo, etc). Ha estado en más de 60 países y colabora con numerosas ONG y organizaciones medioambientales. Ha recibido varios premios de reconocimiento por sus reportajes en defensa de los Derechos Humanos. Su relación con el “mundo ayahuasquero” comenzó a finales de la década de los 80 durante un viaje a la selva amazónica Brasileña donde contactó con una de las iglesias sincréticas brasileñas. Tras pasar largas temporadas allí, a su vuelta a España fundó junto a otros compañeros/as la Iglesia Española del Santo Daime, Ceflurise, registrada legalmente en el Ministerio de Justicia, de la que es actualmente vicepresidente. ACADEMIC TRACK FORO ACADÉMICO COMMUNITY TRACK FORO COMUNIDAD Expert in Sustainability, USA Experto en Sostenibilidad, EE.UU. Juan Carlos De La Cal is a journalistworking for large media companies for almost 30 years (El Caso, Panorama, Interviu, El Mundo, etc.). He has traveled to over 60 countries and collaborated with various NGOs and environmental organizations. He has received various awards for his media reports for the defense of human rights. His relation with ayahuasca started at the end of the 1980’s during a trip to the Brazilian Amazon, where became familiar with the syncretic churches. He later founded, along with his colleagues, the Spanish Santo Daime church Ceflurise, legally registered in the Ministry of Justice. He is currently vice-president. LEGAL TRACK FORO LEGAL JOSHUA WICKERHAM OTHER CONTENTS OTROS CONTENIDOS Josep María Fericgla was born in Barcelona in 1955. He has a BA in Geography and History and a Ph.D. in cultural anthropology from the University of Barcelona. He also attended advanced studies in Psychology, Music and Dramatic Art. He is a specialist in Cognitive Anthropology, Ethnomusicology, Ethnopsychology, shamanism, states of expanded consciousness and Anthropology of aging. He has conducted field studies in Turkish Kurdistan, in the Moroccan Maghreb, Catalonia, Spain and from 1991 to 2009 in the Upper Amazon of Ecuador. He has been a tenured professor at the University of Salamanca and in Barcelona. He is the founder and director of the Applied Societat d’Ethnopsychology (Sd’EA) and chairs the Josep Mª Fericgla Foundation. Journalist, Spain Periodista, España EVENTS EVENTOS Dr. in Anthropology, Spain Dr. en Antropología, España FILM FORUM CINE FORUM JUAN CARLOS DE LA CAL WORKSHOPS TALLERES JOSEP Mª FERICGLA PRIMARY TRACK FORO PRINCIPAL SPEAKERS PONENTES SPEAKERS PONENTES 25 2014 SPEAKERS PONENTES JUAN GONZÁLEZ SIMONNEAU Psychologist, Ethnobotanist, Spain Psicólogo, Etnobotánico, España Juan González Simonneau has a degree in psychology and a diploma in education. He specializes in ethnobotanicals and is founder and president of the “Asociación Sábila” for the protection, study and development of healing plants. Licenciado en Psicología. Diplomado en Pedagogía. Etnobotánico. Fundador y presidente de la “Asociación Sábila”, para la protección, estudio y desarrollo de las Plantas Curativas. LUIS EDUARDO LUNA Dr. in Comparative Religion, Brazil Dr. en Religiones Comparadas, Brasil LEON DE SOUZA LOBO Drug Policy Coordinatior SENAD, Brazil Coordinador de Políticas de Drogas SENAD, Brasil Leon Garcia is a Brazilian psychiatrist and PhD in Public Health. He presently holds the position of director of drug policy coordination at the National Secretariat on Drug Policy (SENAD) from the Brazilian Ministry of Justice. Together with civil society organizations, SENAD has led the efforts that regulated and gave legal status to the ritual use of Ayahuasca in Brazil in the year 2000. León García es psiquiatra y Doctor en Salud Pública. Actualmente ocupa el cargo de director de coordinación de políticas de drogas en la Secretaría Nacional de Políticas sobre Drogas (SENAD) del Ministerio de Justicia de Brasil. Junto con organizaciones de la sociedad civil, la SENAD lideró, en el año 2000, el proceso para regular y dar estatus legal al uso ritual de la ayahuasca en Brasil. 26 Luis Eduardo Luna holds a Ph.D. from the Department of Comparative Religion Stockholm University and an honorary doctoral degree from St. Lawrence, Canton, New York. He retired in 2011 from the Department of Modern Language and Communication at the Hanken School of Economics, Helsinki. He was an Assistant Professor in Anthropology (1994-1998) at the Department of Anthropology of Santa Catarina Federal University (UFSC) in Florianópolis, Brazil. Dr. Luna is the author of Vegetalismo: Shamanism among the Mestizo Population of the Peruvian Amazon (1986), and co-author with Slawek Wojtowicz, Rick Strassman and Ede Frecska of Inner Paths to Outer Space: Journeys Through Psychedelics and Other Spiritual Technologies (2008). Dr. Luna is the Director of the Research Center for the Study of Psychointegrator Plants, Visionary Art and Consciousness, Florianópolis, Brazil. Licenciado en Filosofía y Letras por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, tiene un Máster Interdisciplinar de la Universidad de Oslo, es Doctor en Religiones Comparadas de la Universidad de Estocolmo y Doctor Honoris Causa de la Universidad de St. Lawrence, Canton, Estado de Nueva York. Es autor de Vegetalismo: Shamanism Among the Mestizo Population of the Peruvian Amazon (1986), y co-autor con Rick Strassman, Slawek Wojtowicz y Ede Frecska de Inner Paths to Outer Space: Journeys to Alien Worlds through Psychedelics and Other Spiritual Technologies (2008). Luis Eduardo Luna es Director del Centro de Pesquisa sobre Plantas Psicointegradoras, Arte Visionário e Consciencia, Florianópolis, Brasil. 2014 Maria Carvalho, from Porto, Portugal, started as a junior research assistant in projects that studied the most problematic aspects of drug use. For her Masters research and PhD studies, she developed an interest in drug use by youth populations in recreational settings. As a lecturer in the field of Psychology at the Universidad Catolica in Porto she became particularly interested in teaching her students about the evolution the human act of altering consciousness has suffered, from a historically and culturally integrated practice to a “social problem” in modern societies. Maria currently serves the board of directors of the ICEERS Foundation as Vice-President and is coordinator of the harm-reduction project Kosmicare, psychological support service, at Boom Festival, Portugal. N. Wahid Azal, BA.S, MA, LLB, is an independent scholar specializing in Islamicate esoteric and occult texts, practices and movements. He is the founder and present Grand Shaykh of the Fatimiya Sufi Order which incorporates Haoma as a sacrament of its works. He lives in Berlin, Germany. Licenciado en Derecho, es un investigador independiente especializado en el mundo islámico y sus textos, prácticas y movimientos esotéricos. Él es el fundador y actual Gran Shaykh de la Orden Sufi Fatimiya que incorpora Haoma como sacramento en sus trabajos. Vive en Berlín, Alemania. ACADEMIC TRACK FORO ACADÉMICO Psychologist, Portugal Psicóloga, Portugal FILM FORUM CINE FORUM Empezó como asistente de investigación junior en proyectos que estudiaban los aspectos más problemáticos del consumo de drogas. En su investigación de Máster y estudios de doctorado, desarrolló su interés por el uso de drogas en la población de jóvenes en contextos de ocio. Como profesora de psicología de la Universidad Católica de Porto se interesó particularmente en enseñar a sus alumnos la evolución que el acto de alterar la consciencia ha tenido, desde una práctica social y culturalmente integrada hasta convertirse en un problema y una oportunidad en las sociedades modernas. María actualmente es Vice-Presidenta del Patronato de la Fundación ICEERS y es coordinadora del proyecto de reducción de daños ‘Kosmicare’, servicio de apoyo psicológico en el Boom Festival, Portugal. WORKSHOPS TALLERES Nacido en Madrid, España, en 1965. Licenciado en Psicología Clínica por la Universidad de Pádua (Italia). Master en Psicoterapia Humanista Integrativa por la Universidad de Middlesex (Londres, Reino Unido). Desde 1998 investiga el uso de ayahuasca como práctica de crecimiento psicoespiritual. En 2003 participa en la creación de IDEEA (Instituto de Etnopsicología Amazónica Aplicada) en Amazonas, Brasil, un centro dedicado al tratamiento de adicciones combinando una práctica intensiva de yoga y meditación con sesiones de ayahuasca. Ha publicado su investigación sobre el uso terapéutico de ayahuasca por occidentales (“Efectos subjetivos de tomas de ayahuasca en contexto occidental urbano” en Cartografías de la Experiencia Enteogénica. 2006. Ed. Amargord, Madrid). MARIA CARMO CARVALHO EVENTS EVENTOS Manuel Villaescusa was born in Madrid, Spain, in 1965. Holds a degree in Clinical Psychology from Padova University (Italy) and a MSc in Humanistic Integrative Psychotherapy from Middlesex University (London, UK). Since 1998 he researchs the use of ayahuasca, an amazonian visionary brew, as a practice for psychospiritual growth. In 2003 he worked at Ideaa (Institute of Applied Amazonian Ethnopsychology) in Amazonas, Brasil, a center dedicated to the treatment of addictions combining an intensive practice of yoga and meditation with ayahuasca sessions. He has published his research on the therapeutic use of ayahuasca by westerners (“Efectos subjetivos de tomas de ayahuasca en contexto occidental urbano” en Cartografías de la Experiencia Enteogénica. 2006. Ed. Amargord, Madrid). Specialist in Sufism, Germany Especialista en Sufismo, Alemania OTHER CONTENTS OTROS CONTENIDOS Psychologist, Spain Psicólogo, España COMMUNITY TRACK FORO COMUNIDAD N. WAHID AZAL LEGAL TRACK FORO LEGAL MANUEL VILLAESCUSA PRIMARY TRACK FORO PRINCIPAL SPEAKERS PONENTES SPEAKERS PONENTES 27 2014 SPEAKERS PONENTES PAULO CESAR RIBEIRO BARBOSA RAFAEL SANCHES Dr. in Medical Sciences, Brazil Dr. en Ciencias Médicas, Brasil Paulo Cesar Ribeiro Barbosa is a professor of Science Methods and Mental Health at Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz (Brazil). He obtained his degree in Social Sciences at the Universidade de São Paulo (USP) (Brazil) in 1992. Since 2001 he has worked on a variety of projects involving psychiatric, psychological, neurocognitive, social and cultural assessments of ayahuasca users within Brazilian and North-American urban contexts. Profesor de Métodos de la Ciencia y de Salud Mental en la Universidad Estatal de Santa Cruz (Brasil). Obtuvo su licenciatura en Ciencias Sociales de la Universidad de São Paulo (USP) (Brasil) en 1992. Desde 2001 ha trabajado en una variedad de proyectos que incluyen evaluaciones psiquiátricas, psicológicas, neurocognitivas, sociales y culturales de los usuarios de ayahuasca en contextos urbanos brasileños y norteamericanos. 28 Medical Doctor, Brazil Médico, Brasil RAFAEL GUIMARAES DOS SANTOS Dr. in Pharmacology, Brazil Dr. en Farmacología, Brasil In his M.Sc. in Psychology, Rafael Guimarães dos Santos investigated the acute effects of ayahuasca on psychometric measures of anxiety, panic, and hopelessness in Santo Daime members. In his Ph.D. thesis in Pharmacology, directed by Dr. Jordi Riba, he compared the acute subjective and physiological effects of ayahuasca with those produced by d-amphetamine, and also investigated the pharmacology of two repeated doses of ayahuasca. Rafael has published two papers critically analyzing the reported cases of adverse events and fatalities related to ayahuasca. He is a member of ICEERS’Advisory Board. En sus estudio de Máster en psicología investigó los efectos agudos de la ayahuasca en medidas psicométricas de ansiedad, pánico y desesperanza en miembros del Santo Daime. En su tesis doctoral en Farmacología, dirigida por el Dr. Jordi Riba, comparó los efectos subjetivos y fisiológicos agudos de la ayahuasca con los producidos por la d-anfetamina, y también investigó la farmacología de dos dosis repetidas de ayahuasca. Actualmente realiza su Pos-doctorado en el Departamento de Neurociencias y Ciencias del Comportamiento, Facultad de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto, Universidad de São Paulo, investigando los posible efectos terapéuticos de la ayahuasca en pacientes con trastorno de ansiedad social. Rafael ha publicado dos papers en los que analiza de forma crítica los casos reportados de eventos adversos y mortalidad relacionados con la ayahuasca. Es miembro del Consejo Asesor de ICEERS. Rafael Sanches has a doctorate in mental health from the University of São Paulo (USP). He is an attending physician, Hospital das Clinicas, Faculty of Medicine of Ribeirão Preto USP (HC-FMRP-USP). He has a PostDoc from the Universtitat Autónoma de Barcelona and works as outpatient coordinator of personality disorders, HC-FMRP-USP. He conducted research with single doses of ayahuasca in patients with depression. The objective was the observation of the anti-depressant effects of ayahuasca as well as neuroimaging abnormalities. Doctorado en Salud Mental de la Universidad de São Paulo (USP). Médico Asistente, Hospital de Clínicas de la Facultad de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto - USP (HC-FMRP-USP). Post-Doc Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona. Coordinador Ambulatorio de Trastornos de la Personalidad, HC-FMRPUSP. Fue investigador en un estudio con dosis única de ayahuasca en pacientes con depresión. El objetivo fue la observación de su efecto antidepresivo y las alteraciones de neuroimagen. 2014 Facilitator-Artist, Netherlands Artista-Facilitador, Holanda Rini Hartman is an artist and founder of Ayahuasca.nl who has been involved with the Santo Daime since 1996. In 2006 he started a legal registered offspring of the Santo Daime in the Netherlands. Together with Norberto Jurasek from Brazil they facilitate contemporary religious/ spiritual ceremonies with elements of the Santo Daime, Umbanda and therapeutic bodywork in the Netherlands and in their mother church in Brazil. Artista y fundador de Ayahuasca.nl que ha colaborado con el Santo Daime desde 1996. En 2006 comenzó una base legal registrada del Santo Daime en los Países Bajos. Junto con Norberto Jurasek de Brasil facilitan ceremonias religiosas/espirituales contemporáneas con elementos del Santo Daime, Umbanda y de trabajo corporal terapéutico en los Países Bajos y en su iglesia madre en Brasil. Rick Doblin, Ph.D., es fundador y director ejecutivo de la Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies. Se doctoró en Políticas Públicas por la Escuela de Gobierno Kennedy de Harvard, donde escribió su tesis doctoral sobre la regulación de los usos médicos de los psicodélicos y la marihuana. Rick estudió con el Dr. Stanislav Grof y fue uno de los primeros en ser certificado como facilitador de Respiración Holotrópica. Su objetivo profesional es ayudar a desarrollar contextos legales para los usos beneficiosos de los psicodélicos y la marihuana, principalmente como medicamentos de prescripción, y también para el crecimiento personal de las personas sanas, y espera que, con el paso del tiempo, pueda convertirse en un terapeuta psicodélico con licencia legal. EVENTS EVENTOS Es Doctora en Medicina, formada académicamente en Psiquiatría y psicoterapia psicoanalítica, en Niñez, Adolescencia, Juventud y exclusión social, y en Problemas Vinculados al Consumo de Sustancias Adictivas y Aspectos Conexos. Entre 1988 y 1992 fue Asistente del Departamento de Toxicología de la Facultad de Medicina y coordinadora de la Policlínica de Uso Problemático de Drogas. A lo largo de su carrera ha hecho contribuciones en capacitación, prevención, tratamiento y reducción de daños, incluyendo desarrollos teóricos y metodológicos innovadores con énfasis en cuestiones éticas, lo que le valieran el reconocimiento regional e internacional. Es asesora de la Secretaría Nacional de Drogas de Uruguay en la reforma de la política pública de drogas y del Vice-Ministro de Salud, y Directora Clínica de ICEERS. RINI HARTMAN ACADEMIC TRACK FORO ACADÉMICO Rick Doblin is founder and executive director of the Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies. He received his doctorate in Public Policy from Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government, where he wrote his dissertation on the regulation of the medical uses of psychedelics and marijuana. Rick studied with Dr. Stanislav Grof and was among the first to be certified as a Holotropic Breathwork practitioner. His professional goal is to help develop legal contexts for the beneficial uses of psychedelics and marijuana, primarily as prescription medicines but also for personal growth for otherwise healthy people, and eventually to become a legally licensed psychedelic therapist. COMMUNITY TRACK FORO COMUNIDAD Raquel Peyraube is a medical doctor trained in psychiatry and psychoanalytic psychotherapy, in children, adolescents, marginalized populations and in problems related to addictive substance use. Between 1988 and 1992 she was Assistent of the Toxicology Department and coordinator of its Policlinic for Problematic Drug Use. In the course of her career she has contributed to the training, prevention, treatment and harm reduction, developing innovative methodologies with focus on ethical aspects, leading her to be recognized regionally and internationally, with projects in Switzerland and Brazil. She is advisor of the National Secretariat on Drugs of Uruguay in the drug policy reform, of the Vice-Minister of Public Health, and Clinical Director of ICEERS. LEGAL TRACK FORO LEGAL Dr. in Public Policy, USA Dr. en Política Pública, EE.UU. OTHER CONTENTS OTROS CONTENIDOS Medical Doctor, Uruguay Doctora en Medicina, Uruguay FILM FORUM CINE FORUM RICK DOBLIN WORKSHOPS TALLERES RAQUEL PEYRAUBE PRIMARY TRACK FORO PRINCIPAL SPEAKERS PONENTES SPEAKERS PONENTES 29 2014 SPEAKERS PONENTES RODRIGO GONZÁLO SOTO Lawyer, Chile Abogado Rodrigo Gonzálo Soto graduated as a lawyer at the University of Chile and currently has a practice in Santiago de Chile. He specializes in criminal and civil cases and successfully defended the trial brought before the Fourth Court of Criminal Trial against the shaman Rumi, accused of drug trafficking in relation to their activities of organizing ayahuasca ceremonies. Not only was an acquittal obtained, but the beneficial effects of ayahuasca on the participants who testified in court were also recognized. Abogado de la Universidad de Chile, con práctica en Santiago de Chile, litigante en materias penales y civiles. Defendió con éxito el juicio oral llevado ante el Cuarto Tribunal de Juicio Oral en lo Penal de Santiago en contra del chamán Rumi, por supuesto tráfico en drogas que la Fiscalía imputó en relación a las ceremonias de ayahuasca celebradas por los acusados, en el que no sólo se obtuvo la absolución de los acusados, sino que además se reconoció los efectos benéficos que el tratamiento con ayahuasca había reportado para muchos de los asistentes. 30 ROLDAN ROJAS RODRIGO VÉLEZ Executive Secretary CONSEP, Ecuador Secretario Ejecutivo CONSEP, Ecuador Rodrigo Vélez has been the Executive Secretary of the National Council for the Control of Narcotic and Psychotropic Substances (CONSEP) of Ecuador. He studied Economics at the Catholic University of Santiago de Guayaquil, and has a degree in Economics, Business Administration Faculty of the University of Northridge, California, USA. Its responsibilities are strategic, administrative, technical, operational and financial planning CONSEP. He also works closely with the Presidency and his administration for the development of the National Drug Policy Team. Rodrigo Vélez es, desde 2010, el Secretario Ejecutivo del Consejo Nacional de Control de Sustancias Estupefacientes y Psicotrópicas (CONSEP), de Ecuador. Estudió Economía en la Universidad Católica Santiago de Guayaquil, y tiene una licenciatura en Economía, Administración de Empresas de la Facultad de la Universidad de Northridge, California, EE.UU. Sus atribuciones son la planificación estratégica, administrativa, técnica, operativa y financiera del CONSEP. Además, trabaja en estrecha colaboración con la Presidencia y su equipo administrativo para el desarrollo de la Política Nacional de Drogas. Director Foundation Amazonía Viva, Perú Director Fundación Amazonía Viva Roldan Rojas is an expert in Cooperation and Conservation of Communitarian Forests in the Peruvian Amazon. Executive Director of the Foundation Amazonía Viva, dedicated to the Conservation and Reforestation of the Amazon. He is responsible for the project REDD+ Biocorredor Martín Sagrado (Conservation of 300,000 hectares), where the communities are planting Ayahuasca in an agro-forestal model and in the Botanical Garden of Santa Rosa to guarantee its sustainability as an ancestral medicine, protect its adequate environment and the biodiversity of the Amazon. He was the first President of the National Advisory Committee for the management of protected national areas in Peru and has experience in the conservation of the World, Natural and Cultural Heritage UNESCO National Park of Rio Abiseo (PNRA). Experto en Cooperativismo y Conservación de Bosques Comunitarios en la Amazonía peruana. Es Director Ejecutivo de la Fundación Amazonía Viva con la Misión de Conservación y Reforestación comunitaria en la Amazonía peruana. Es responsable del proyecto del proyecto REDD+ Biocorredor Martín Sagrado (Conservación de 300,000 hectáreas), donde las comunidades están sembrando Ayahuasca en modelos agroforestales, en el Jardín Botánico de Santa Rosa para garantizar su sostenibilidad como medicina ancestral, proteger su ambiente adecuado y la biodiversidad de los bosques de la Amazonía. Roldán fue el primer Presidente del Consejo Nacional de Comités de Gestión de Áreas Naturales Protegidas por el Estado del Perú. 2014 Franklin Columba was born in the community of Rumiloma of the Rural Parish of Guangopolo in the Canton Quito, Province of Pichincha, of the Nation Quitus, called Ecuador. At age 13 he discovered and began to study the principles and values of ancestral medicine and therapy. He suffered persecution by the authorities as they accused them of being ‘witch doctors’, but thanks to the teachings of their elders they to managed to overcome this obstacle. He is currently president of the Foundation of Taitas and Mamas Yachaks of Ecuador “FUTMYE”, an organization recognized by the Ministry of Culture. Sia Kaxinawa is a Huni Kuin, born in Fortaleza, in the headwaters of the Jordan River, in the State of Acre, Brazil. He is a founder of União das Nações Indígenas (UNI/AC) and ASKARJ, organizations dedicated to the struggle of the peoples of the rainforest and the indigenous rights movement and he coordinated the Organization of Indigenous Peoples of Juruá Valley. In 1996, aged 32, he assumed the leadership of the Huni Kuin of the Upper Jordan and Tarauacá as shaneibu. In January 2005, he was elected vice-mayor of Jordan, Acre. He is co-founder and permanent member of the International Human Rights Council (IHRC) as well as of Forefront International Council Leader’s. Él es un Huni Kuin, nacido en Fortaleza, en las cabeceras del río Jordán, Estado de Acre, Brasil. Fundador de União das Nações Indígenas (UNI/AC) y ASKARJ, organizaciones dedicadas a la lucha de los pueblos de la selva tropical y el movimiento por los derechos indígenas. Coordinó la Organización de Pueblos Indígenas del Valle del Juruá. En 1996, a los 32 años, asumió el liderazgo de los Huni Kuin del Jordán superior y Tarauacá, como shaneibu. En enero de 2005, fue elegido vice-alcalde de Jordán, Acre. Co-fundador y miembro permanente del Consejo Internacional de los Derechos Humanos (CIDH). Nacido en la comunidad de Rumiloma de la Parroquia Rural de Guangopolo del Cantón Quito, Provincia de Pichincha, de la Gran Nación Quitus, llamada Ecuador. Desde mis 13 años de edad conocí y sigo aprendiendo sobre los principios y valores de la Medicina y Terapias Ancestrales. Sufrió persecuciones por parte de las autoridades, acusándolos de “brujos y hechiceros”, pero gracias a las enseñanzas de sus abuelos lograron superarlo. Presidente de la Fundación Taitas y Mamas Yachaks del Ecuador “FUTMYE”, organización reconocida por el Ministerio de Cultura. WORKSHOPS TALLERES Chief of Kaxinawa, Brazil Líder Kaxinawa, Brasil EVENTS EVENTOS Doctora en Antropología Social por la Universidad de Brasilia (UnB), Brasil, donde actualmente es investigadora asociada al Núcleo de Estudios de Género y Violencia. Ha desarrollado investigaciones etnográficas sobre el género y la violencia, el patrimonio cultural, y la cultura popular. Sus intereses más recientes incluyen las religiones brasileñas, la religión y la esfera pública, y la religión y la salud mental. Ha publicado artículos sobre trance mediúmnico dentro de las religiones de la ayahuasca en Brasil. SIA KAXINAWA ACADEMIC TRACK FORO ACADÉMICO Rosa Virgínia Melo has a Ph.D in Social Anthropology from the University of Brasília (UnB), Brazil, where she is currently a member of the Gender and Violence Research Group. She has developed ethnographic research on gender and violence, cultural heritage, and popular culture. Her most recent interests include Brazilian religions, religion and the public sphere, and religion and mental health. She has published articles on mediumistic trance within the Brazilian ayahuasca religions. COMMUNITY TRACK FORO COMUNIDAD Healer, Ecuador Curandero LEGAL TRACK FORO LEGAL Dr. in Social Anthropology, Brazil Dra. en Antropología Social, Brasil OTHER CONTENTS OTROS CONTENIDOS TAITA FRANKLIN COLUMBA FILM FORUM CINE FORUM ROSA VIRGÍNIA MELO PRIMARY TRACK FORO PRINCIPAL SPEAKERS PONENTES SPEAKERS PONENTES 31 2014 SPEAKERS PONENTES ción de técnicas innovadoras por parte de horticultores orgánicos a pequeña escala y las interacciones entre humanos y bacterias. Ella ha hablado en la Whitechapel Gallery sobre la ecología urbana de los residuos de los alimentos, y en su tiempo libre colabora con la radio comunitaria local. TAITA JUAN BAUTISTA AGREDA Healer, Colombia Curandero, Colombia Juan Bautista Agreda is a traditional healer from Sibundoy, Putumayo (Colombia). He has been working with traditional medicine for over 25 years and has extensive knowledge about amazonian medicinal plants. He has had the opportunity to exchange knowledge with many elders from North, Central and South America. Chamán tradicional de Sibundoy, Putumayo (Colombia). Lleva trabajando con la medicina tradicional desde hace 25 años y tiene un amplio conocimiento sobre las plantas medicinales amazónicas. Ha tenido la oportunidad de intercambiar conocimiento con muchos abuelos del Norte, Centro y Sudamérica y es heredero de los conocimientos de su padre Taita Martin Agreda. ELLEN PERCIVAL Researcher, UK Investigadora, UK Ellen Percival is research co-ordinator for the Ethnobotanical Stewardship Council (ESC), and the primary author of the ESC’s new Ayahuasca Health Guide, which aims to provide an open-source, accessible and easy to use guide to ayahuasca and health, as well as clear, implementable steps towards improving safety and accountability. She holds a BSc in Anthropology from University College London, where she studied biological anthropology and the anthropology of consciousness, amongst other topics, and a Level 3 in Sustainable Horticulture. Her interests include ethnobotany, the use of innovative techniques by small scale organic horticulturalists and human-bacteria interactions. She has spoken at the Whitechapel Gallery on the urban ecology of waste food, and in her spare time she is a contributor to local community radio. Ellen Percival es coordinadora de los proyectos de investigación del Consejo para la Sostenibilidad Etnobotanica (ESC), y la autora principal de la nueva Guía de Salud sobre Ayahuasca del ESC. Este texto tiene como objetivo proporcionar un código abierto, accesible y fácil de usar sobre la ayahuasca y la salud, así como también, pasos realizables hacia la mejora de la seguridad y la responsabilidad. Ellen obtuvo una licenciatura en Antropología por la University College de Londres, donde estudió antropología biológica y antropología de la conciencia, entre otros temas, y está en posesión de un nivel 3 en Horticultura Sostenible. Sus intereses incluyen la etnobotánica, la utiliza- 32 2014 ADVERTISING PUBLICIDAD PRIMARY TRACK FORO PRINCIPAL PRIMARY TRACK FORO PRINCIPAL BENJAMIN DE LOENEN Founder and Director ICEERS Fundador y Director ICEERS Founder and Director Beckley Foundation, UK Fundadora y Directora de la Beckley Foundation LEON DE SOUZA LOBO Thursday 25, 9:30h Room 1 Jueves 25, 9:30h Sala 1 RODRIGO VÉLEZ FILM FORUM CINE FORUM Executive Secretary CONSEP, Ecuador Secretario Ejecutivo CONSEP, Ecuador BEATRIZ CAIUBY LABATE Dr. in Anthropology, Brazil Dra. en Antropología, Brasil WORKSHOPS TALLERES En la sesión de bienvenida, los organizadores, los principales patrocinadores y figuras de reconocida relevancia, contextualizarán la celebración de este singular evento, explicarán la importancia del mismo, los objetivos y logros que se persiguen y presentarán los diferentes debates y actividades programadas. Drug Policy Coordinatior SENAD, Brazil Coordinador de Políticas de Drogas SENAD, Brasil ANTONIO ESCOHOTADO Philosopher, Spain Filósofo, España CLAUDIO NARANJO EVENTS EVENTOS During the welcome session the organizers, main sponsors and special guests will contextualize this singular event, explain its importance, its objectives and goals, and will present the different debates and planned activities. LEGAL TRACK FORO LEGAL AMANDA FEILDING OTHER CONTENTS OTROS CONTENIDOS WELCOME SESSION SESIÓN DE BIENVENIDA COMMUNITY TRACK FORO COMUNIDAD ACADEMIC TRACK FORO ACADÉMICO PRIMARY TRACK FORO PRINCIPAL SPEAKERS PONENTES 2014 Psychiatrist, Chile Psiquiatra 35 2014 USES OF AYAHUASCA: INDIGENOUS USOS DE LA AYAHUASCA: INDÍGENA PRIMARY TRACK FORO PRINCIPAL TAITA JUAN BAUTISTA AGREDA Healer, Colombia Curandero, Colombia SIA KAXINAWA Chief of Kaxinawa, Brazil Líder Kaxinawa, Brasil TAITA FRANKLIN COLUMBA For centuries, indigenous societies have mastered ayahuasca in ritualistic settings as a medicine, to heal the individual, as well as a tool for the coherence and survival of the community. In this session respected healers from Colombia, Ecuador and Brazil will participate in an interactive dialogue, providing a deeper insight into their traditional practices. Durante siglos, las sociedades indígenas han tenido relación con la ayahuasca. La han usado en contextos rituales como herramienta para afrontar los conflictos y asegurar la supervivencia de la comunidad. También la han usado como medicina, para curar a las personas. En esta sesión, respetados curanderos de Colombia, Ecuador y Brasil participarán en un diálogo interactivo, proporcionando una visión más profunda sobre sus cosmovisiones y prácticas tradicionales. 36 Healer, Ecuador Curandero, Ecuador MODERATOR/ MODERADOR: BRUCE PARRY Filmmaker, UK Cineasta, UK Thursday 25, 15:30h Room 1 Jueves 25, 15:30h Sala 1 PRIMARY TRACK FORO PRINCIPAL ROSA VIRGÍNIA MELO Dr. in Social Anthropology, Brazil Dra. en Antropología Social, Brasil ANDREW DAWSON LEGAL TRACK FORO LEGAL Dr. in Religion, UK Dr. en Religión, UK RINI HARTMAN JUAN CARLOS DE LA CAL Journalist, Spain Periodista, España N. WAHID AZAL FILM FORUM CINE FORUM Specialist in Sufism, Germany Especialista en Sufismo, Alemania MODERATOR / MODERADORA: ESTHER MARTÍNEZ Medical Doctor, Spain Médico, España WORKSHOPS TALLERES En nuestros días el uso de ayahuasca como sacramento se puede encontrar en diversas partes del planeta. No sólo las iglesias tradicionales brasileñas como Santo Daime, Uniao do Vegetal y Barquinha se han extendido por todo el mundo, también lo han hecho los nuevos sincretismos y grupos religiosos que han comenzado a utilizar la ayahuasca en algunos países de Europa. Esta sesión se centra en el uso religioso de la ayahuasca bajo diferentes perspectivas, tanto a partir de una mirada antropológica, como desde un punto de vista práctico y personal. Facilitator-Artist, NetherlandS Artista-Facilitador, Holanda Friday 26, 12h Room 1 Viernes 26, 12h Sala 1 EVENTS EVENTOS Nowadays the use of ayahuasca as a religious sacrament can be found in most parts of the world. Not only have the traditional Brazilian churches like Santo Daime, União do Vegetal and Barquinha spread worldwide, but new religious groups have started to use ayahuasca in some countries in Europe. This session focuses on the religious use of ayahuasca from an anthropological as well as a practical point of view in the form of a moderated dialogue/debate. OTHER CONTENTS OTROS CONTENIDOS USES OF AYAHUASCA: RELIGIOUS USOS DE LA AYAHUASCA: RELIGIOSO COMMUNITY TRACK FORO COMUNIDAD ACADEMIC TRACK FORO ACADÉMICO PRIMARY TRACK FORO PRINCIPAL SPEAKERS PONENTES 2014 37 2014 USES OF AYAHUASCA: CLINICAL USOS DE LA AYAHUASCA: CLÍNICO Ayahuasca has gained popularity as a tool in the treatment of addiction, depression, PTSD, and other aliments. Although the scientific evidence is very limited, scientific evidence, there is a growing body of anecdotal reports about the clinical potential of ayahuasca. In this session different professionals who work with ayahuasca in clinical practice will share their insights and experience, discuss cases, the difficulties and limitations they have observed, and how they see the future of ayahuasca in this type of practice. La Ayahuasca ha ido ganando popularidad como herramienta en el tratamiento de las adicciones, la depresión, el trastorno de estrés postraumático, etc. A pesar de que existen pruebas científicas muy limitadas, hay un creciente número de informes anecdóticos sobre el potencial clínico de la ayahuasca. En esta sesión, diferentes profesionales que han trabajado con la ayahuasca en la práctica clínica compartirán sus conocimientos y experiencias, discutirán casos, dificultades y limitaciones que han observado y su visión sobre el futuro de la ayahuasca en este ámbito. 38 PRIMARY TRACK FORO PRINCIPAL GABOR MATÉ Video conference Vídeo-conferencia Medical Doctor, Canada Médico, Canadá RAFAEL SANCHES Medical Doctor, Brazil Médico, Brasil JOSEP Mª FABREGAS Psychiatrist, Spain Psiquiatra, España ANJA LOIZAGA-VELDER Dr. in Medical Psychology, Mexico Dra. en Psicología Médica, México MODERATOR / MODERADOR: RAFAEL GUIMARAES DOS SANTOS Dr. in Pharmacology, Brazil Dr. en Farmacología, Brasil Thursday 25, 18:00h Room 1 Jueves 25, 18:00h Sala 1 2014 CLAUDIO NARANJO Psychiatrist, Chile Psiquiatra JOSEP Mª FERICGLA DANAE SAENZ MANUEL VILLAESCUSA Psychologist, Spain Psicólogo, España LUIS EDUARDO LUNA Dr. in Comparative Religion, Brasil Dr. en Religión Comparativa, Brasil MODERATOR / MODERADORA: MARIA CARMO CARVALHO WORKSHOPS TALLERES La Ayahuasca no sólo se utiliza como medicina o sacramento, más y más personas la utilizan para facilitar su desarrollo personal a través de la naturaleza introspectiva inherente a la experiencia. Muchos grupos y centros esparcidos por todo el mundo estudian e utilizan la ayahuasca con este fin en contextos rituales diversos. Los participantes en esta sesión compartirán sus experiencias y observaciones derivados del trabajo con la ayahuasca en estos entornos. Clinical Psychologist, Chile Psicóloga Clínica Psychologist, Portugal Psicóloga Friday 26, 09:30h Room 1 Viernes 26, 09:30h Sala 1 EVENTS EVENTOS Ayahuasca is not only used as a medicine or sacrament, more and more people are seeking ayahuasca to facilitate their personal development through the introspective nature of the experience. Many groups and centers around the world offer ayahuasca for this purpose, in ritualistic contexts of different kinds. The participants in this session will share their experiences and observations in working with ayahuasca in these settings. OTHER CONTENTS OTROS CONTENIDOS LEGAL TRACK FORO LEGAL Dr. in Anthropology, Spain Dr. en Antropología, España FILM FORUM CINE FORUM USES OF AYAHUASCA: PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT USOS DE LA AYAHUASCA: DESARROLLO PERSONAL COMMUNITY TRACK FORO COMUNIDAD ACADEMIC TRACK FORO ACADÉMICO PRIMARY TRACK FORO PRINCIPAL SPEAKERS PONENTES PRIMARY TRACK FORO PRINCIPAL 39 2014 AYAHUASCA: ETHNOBOTANY AYAHUASCA: ETNOBOTÁNICA PRIMARY TRACK FORO PRINCIPAL JONATHAN OTT Ethnobotanist, USA Etnobotánico, EE.UU. GLENN SHEPARD Dr. in Ethnobotany, Brazil Dr. en Etnobotánica, Brasil JUAN GONZÁLEZ SIMONNEAU The presentations of this session will explore the ethnobotanical aspects of ayahuasca preparations, their admixture plants and other related botanical species used in the Amazon basin, as well as European plants with similar properties. Las presentaciones de esta sesión profundizarán en los aspectos etnobotánicos de las preparaciones de la ayahuasca y de otras plantas que se añaden a la mezcla. También de otras especies botánicas relacionadas utilizadas en la cuenca del Amazonas así como plantas europeas con propiedades similares. Psychologist, Ethnobotanist, Spain Psicólogo, Etnobotánico, España MODERATOR / MODERADOR: JORDI RIBA Dr. in Pharmacology, Spain Dr. en Farmacología, España Thursday 25, 12:00h Room 1 Jueves 25, 12:00h Sala 1 40 2014 PAULO CESAR RIBEIRO BARBOSA Dr. in Medical Sciences, Brazil Dr. en Ciencias Médicas, Brasil JORDI RIBA LEGAL TRACK FORO LEGAL Dr. in Pharmacology, Spain Dr. en Farmacología, España DRAULIO BARROS DE ARAUJO Dr. in Medical Physics, Brazil Dr. en Física Médica, Brasil OTHER CONTENTS OTROS CONTENIDOS Session sponsored by Beckley Foundation Sesión patrocinada por Beckley Foundation JOSÉ CARLOS BOUSO This session features presentations by leading researchers in the field of ayahuasca who will present new, unpublished data from their clinical studies in Brazil and Spain. Dr. in Pharmacology, Spain Dr. en Farmacología, España Esta sesión cuenta con presentaciones de los principales investigadores en el campo de la ayahuasca que presentarán nuevos datos no publicados de sus estudios clínicos en Brasil y España. MODERATOR / MODERADORA: AMANDA FEILDING WORKSHOPS TALLERES Founder and Director Beckley Foundation, UK Fundadora y Directora de la Beckley Foundation FILM FORUM CINE FORUM AYAHUASCA: SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH AYAHUASCA: INVESTIGACIÓN CIENTÍFICA COMMUNITY TRACK FORO COMUNIDAD ACADEMIC TRACK FORO ACADÉMICO PRIMARY TRACK FORO PRINCIPAL SPEAKERS PONENTES PRIMARY TRACK FORO PRINCIPAL EVENTS EVENTOS Friday 26, 15:30h Room 1 Viernes 26, 15:30h Sala 1 41 2014 CHALLENGES OF THE GLOBALIZATION: LAW, POLICY & HUMAN RIGHTS DESAFÍOS DE LA GLOBALIZACIÓN: LEYES, POLÍTICAS Y DERECHOS HUMANOS PRIMARY TRACK FORO PRINCIPAL ADÉLE VAN DER PLAS Juris Doctor, Netherlands Dra. en Derecho, Holanda RODRIGO GONZÁLO SOTO Lawyer, Chile Abogado DIEGO DE LAS CASAS Lawyer, Spain Abogado, España JEFFREY BRONFMAN Mestre UDV, USA Mestre UDV, EE.UU. BEATRIZ CAIUBY LABATE While according to the INCB: “No plants containing DMT, nor concoctions made with these plants are currently under international control” and most countries lack specific laws that outlaw ayahuasca, during the last few years a wave of repression has lead to a significant number of arrests for the importation and use of ayahuasca. This session hosts experts in this field who were elemental in the defense of these cases. Mientras que de acuerdo con la JIFE: “No hay plantas que contengan DMT ni brebajes hechos con estas plantas que estén actualmente bajo control internacional” y la mayoría de países carecen de leyes específicas que prohiban la ayahuasca, durante los últimos años, una ola de represión ha conllevado el arresto de personas por importación y/o uso de ayahuasca. Esta sesión acoge a personas expertas involucradas en la defensa de dichos casos. 42 Dr. in Anthropology, Brazil Dra. en Antropología, Brasil SPECIAL GUEST & MODERATOR INVITADO ESPECIAL Y MODERADOR: ETHAN NADELMANN Director Drug Policy Alliance, USA Director Drug Policy Alliance, EE.UU. Friday 26, 18:00h Room 1 Viernes 26, 18:00h Sala 1 PRIMARY TRACK FORO PRINCIPAL JERÓNIMO MAZARRASA LEGAL TRACK FORO LEGAL Filmmaker, Researcher, Spain Cineasta, Investigador, España DUNCAN AUTREY OTHER CONTENTS OTROS CONTENIDOS Collaboration consultant, USA Consultor en el ámbito de la Colaboración, EE.UU. ELLEN PERCIVAL Researcher ESC, UK Investigadora ESC, UK MODERATOR / MODERADORA: RAQUEL PEYRAUBE FILM FORUM CINE FORUM Con la expansión de una práctica no regulada como el consumo de ayahuasca, las cuestiones relacionadas con la ética y la seguridad han sido motivo de conflicto en el pasado, dando lugar a sufrimiento personal, a la atención negativa de los medios de comunicación y a respuestas represivas de los gobiernos. Esta sesión será un diálogo sobre estos incidentes, los riesgos asociados al uso de la ayahuasca, sobre aspectos éticos relacionados y cómo pueden ser minimizados, etc. Dr. in Pharmacology, Brazil Dr. en Farmacología, Brasil Medical Doctor, Uruguay Doctora en Medicina Saturday 27, 12:00h Room 1 Sábado 27, 12:00h Sala 1 WORKSHOPS TALLERES With the expansion of an unregulated practice like ayahuasca, issues related to ethics and safety have come up on numerous occasions in the past, which has led to personal suffering, negative media attention and repressive government responses. This session will dialogue and debate about these incidents, the risks involved in ayahuasca use, how they can be minimized, ethical aspects, and so on. RAFAEL GUIMARAES DOS SANTOS EVENTS EVENTOS CHALLENGES OF THE GLOBALIZATION: ETHICS & SAFETY DESAFÍOS DE LA GLOBALIZACIÓN: ÉTICA Y SEGURIDAD COMMUNITY TRACK FORO COMUNIDAD ACADEMIC TRACK FORO ACADÉMICO PRIMARY TRACK FORO PRINCIPAL SPEAKERS PONENTES 2014 43 2014 CHALLENGES OF THE GLOBALIZATION: SUSTAINABILITY DESAFÍOS DE LA GLOBALIZACIÓN: SOSTENIBILIDAD The botanical resources of ayahuasca have under pressure because of the growing demand and ayahuasca tourism. Some initiatives for the protection of these plant species exist, but the reality shows that this issue needs more attention. This session will share the results of a scoping study implemented by the Ethnobotanical Stewardship Council about the impact of ayahuasca tourism on the sustainability of ayahuasca and insights and experiences regarding stimulating the biodiversity and cultivation of ayahuasca. Los recursos botánicos relacionados son la ayahuasca están bajo presión debido a la creciente demanda y el llamado “turismo ayahuasquero”. Existen algunas iniciativas para la protección de estas especies vegetales, pero la realidad nos muestra que este problema necesita más atención. En esta sesión se compartirán los resultados de un estudio implementado por el Ethnobotanical Stewardship Council (ESC) sobre el impacto del “turismo ayahuasquero” en la sostenibilidad de la ayahuasca y se compartirán diversos puntos de vista y experiencias sobre la estimulación de la biodiversidad y el cultivo de la ayahuasca. 44 PRIMARY TRACK FORO PRINCIPAL JOSHUA WICKERHAM Expert in Sustainability, USA Experto en Sostenibilidad, EE.UU. DENNIS MCKENNA Dr. in Ethnobotany, USA Dr. en Etnobotánica, EE.UU. ROLDAN ROJAS Director Foundation Amazonía Viva, Perú Director Fundación Amazonía Viva MODERATOR / MODERADOR: RICK DOBLIN Dr. in Public Policy, USA Dr. en Política Pública, EE.UU. Saturday 27, 15:30h Room 1 Sábado 27, 15:30h Sala 1 2014 Dr. in Social Anthropology, UK Dra. en Antropología Social ALINE MAST OTHER CONTENTS OTROS CONTENIDOS Santo Daime Amsterdam, Netherlands Holanda LEGAL TRACK FORO LEGAL DANIELA PELUSO CLANCY CAVNAR Dr. in Clinical Psychology, USA Dra. en Psicología Clínica, EE.UU. MODERATOR / MODERADORA: BEATRIZ CAIUBY LABATE FILM FORUM CINE FORUM Históricamente, tanto en las prácticas como en los discursos relacionados con la ayahuasca la mujer ha quedado relegada a un segundo lugar. El sexismo, la discriminación o los prejuicios son elementos demasiado comunes en un campo en el que, habitualmente, se predica la bondad espiritual a la vez que se reproducen o incluso promueven estereotipos tradicionales sobre los distintos roles de género. Medicine Woman, Ecuador Mujer Medicina Dr. in Anthropology, Brazil Dra. en Antropología, Brasil Saturday 27, 09:30h Room 1 Sábado 27, 09:30h Sala 1 WORKSHOPS TALLERES Historically, both in practices and discourses related to ayahuasca, women have been relegated to second place. Sexism, discrimination or prejudice are increasingly common elements in a field which usually promotes tolerance, equality, and spiritual growth, while, continuing to perpetuate traditional gender stereotypes. CARMEN VICENTE EVENTS EVENTOS PERSPECTIVE OF GENDER: ROLE OF WOMEN IN THE WORLD OF AYAHUASCA PERSPECTIVA DE GÉNERO: ROL DE LA MUJER EN EL MUNDO AYAHUASQUERO COMMUNITY TRACK FORO COMUNIDAD ACADEMIC TRACK FORO ACADÉMICO PRIMARY TRACK FORO PRINCIPAL SPEAKERS PONENTES PRIMARY TRACK FORO PRINCIPAL 45 2014 AYAHUASCA: PHILOSOPHICAL ASPECTS OF THE EXPERIENCE AYAHUASCA: ASPECTOS FILOSÓFICOS DE LA EXPERIENCIA The ayahuasca experience can have profound implications for those who undertake it for personal growth, therapeutic processes, self-exploration, mystical states, and so forth. Clearly, an important aspect is the transformation of the relationship between the individual and the nature of reality. This is an issue with deep philosophical significance, and this panel will explore this field. La experiencia con ayahuasca puede tener muchas implicaciones en las personas que la atraviesan: de crecimiento personal, terapéuticas, de autoexploración, de estados místicos, etc. Sin duda, un aspecto importante es la transformación de la relación del iniciado con respecto a la naturaleza de la realidad, esto es, una transformación filosófica profunda. Esta mesa tratará explorar este campo. 46 PRIMARY TRACK FORO PRINCIPAL ANTONIO ESCOHOTADO Philosopher, Spain Filósofo, España JONATHAN OTT Ethnobotanist, USA Etnobotánico, EE.UU. FERNANDO SÁNCHEZ DRAGÓ Writer, Spain Escritor, España MODERATOR / MODERADOR: JOSÉ CARLOS BOUSO Dr. in Pharmacology, Spain Dr. en Farmacología, España Saturday 27, 18:00h Room 1 Sábado 27, 18:00h Sala 1 2014 ADVERTISING PUBLICIDAD ACADEMIC TRACK FORO ACADÉMICO 2014 Friday 26, 09:30h Room 2 Viernes 26, 09:30h Sala 2 This presentation offers critical sociological and philosophical reflections on ayahuasca and other psychedelics as objects of scientific research in medicine and health. It situates 21st century scientific inquiry on ayahuasca in the broader context of how early modern European social trends and intellectual pursuits translated into new forms of empiricism and experimental philosophy, but later evolved into a form of dogmatism that convenienced the political suppression of academic inquiry into psychedelics. Applying ideas from the field of science and technology studies (STS), we consider how ayahuasca’s myriad ontological representations in the 21st century—for example, plant teacher, traditional medicine, religious sacrament, material commodity, cognitive tool, illicit drug—influence our understandings of it as an object of inquiry. We then explore epistemological issues related to ayahuasca studies, including how the indigenous and mestizo concept of “plant teacher” or the more instrumental notion of psychedelics as “cognitive tools” may impact understandings of knowledge. This leads to questions about whether scientists engaged in ayahuasca research should be expected to have personal experiences with the brew, and how these may be perceived to help or hinder the objectivity of their pursuits. We conclude with some brief reflections on the politics of psychedelic research and impediments to academic knowledge production in the field of psychedelic studies. 49 PRIMARY TRACK FORO PRINCIPAL ACADEMIC TRACK FORO ACADÉMICO COMMUNITY TRACK FORO COMUNIDAD Visiting Professor, Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas, Mexico LEGAL TRACK FORO LEGAL BEATRIZ C. LABATE OTHER CONTENTS OTROS CONTENIDOS SOCIAL SCIENCES: INTERNATIONALIZATION CIENCIAS SOCIALES: INTERNACIONALIZACIÓN This study is, in part, a response to the return to a holistic vision of the human being with many modern therapeutic practices taking direct inspiration from ancient techniques employed by traditional communities for the purposes of individual and collective health as opposed to the fragmented and often unilateral vision of modern medicine. Objectives: To investigate the motives and relevant representations of Ayahuasca among young people from a westernized culture (Cali, Colombia). It was necessary to determine and categorise the ideas, beliefs and myths that make up their social representations of Ayahuasca with a view to finding their relationship to physical and psychological health. Method: An integral, qualitative and descriptive study by means of a semi-structured interview of 10 subjects between 18 and 25 all of whom had been drinking Ayahuasca for more than 4 years with Cofan shamans. The design of the study was such as to allow for the search and retrieval of incidences and characteristics across categories and comparisons were drawn between theoretical concepts and an overall theoretical framework (Social Representation Theory). Results: In most of the young people interviewed there appeared to have taken place indicators of personal growth through the process of drinking Ayahuasca in a shamanic setting, especially relating to the search and discovery of a personal spirituality. Conclusions: Among the most common social representations held by the subjects was its consideration as a medicinal plant on a physical, emotional, psychological and spiritual level as well as the fundamental importance of all aspects of the Ayahuasca ceremony. FILM FORUM CINE FORUM (Presenter), Adjunct Professor, University of British Columbia, Canada NEIL WHITE BA Social Sciences, University of Leeds, England, Semillas Cofan, Barcelona WORKSHOPS TALLERES KENNETH W. TUPPER SOCIAL REPRESENTATIONS ABOUT YAGE IN A GROUP OF YOUNG PEOPLE FROM CALI, COLOMBIA EVENTS EVENTOS AYAHUASCA, PSYCHEDELIC STUDIES AND HEALTH SCIENCES: THE POLITICS OF KNOWLEDGE AND INQUIRY INTO AN AMAZONIAN PLANT BREW SPEAKERS PONENTES ACADEMIC TRACK FORO ACADÉMICO 2014 Despite the fact that this phenomenon is relatively new in the western context, the social representations developed through the drinking of Ayahuasca have caused deeply rooted ideas, beliefs and myths in the daily lives of the subjects. Ayahuasca is a means by which the subjects have found self-understanding, something which they were unable to find in western culture. ACADEMIC TRACK FORO ACADÉMICO PERSONAL WELLBEING AND THE GOOD MOTHER OF NATURE: AYAHUASCA SPIRITUALITY IN AUSTRALIA ALEX K. GEARIN BRISBANE PhD Candidate in Anthropology, University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia Embodying types of metropolitan and industrialised consciousness, ayahuasca drinkers in Australia approach their practice as a means of gaining ‘natural intelligence’ and organic wellbeing on the level of spirituality. These notions of intelligence and wellbeing permeate narrative accounts of ayahuasca visions and are associated to diverse types of individual healing and cultural critique. Based on recent ethnographic fieldwork in Australian ayahuasca circles, this paper explores ways in which ayahuasca visions couple with discourse on anthropogenic ecological crisis and natural alienation to mediate personalised understandings of sickness, emotional and social instability, and diverse moral vicissitudes. Distinctions of ‘nature’ and ‘culture’ in this context are shown to underlie morally charged perceptions of personal and social conduct. By contrast, concepts of ‘nature’ and ‘culture’ in the anthropology of indigenous Amazonia have undergone radical revision in recent decades to the extent that some researchers are urging the abandonment of the distinction all together. This paper imports nuances of nature-culture theory in Amazonian anthropology and demonstrates ways in which the reimagining of ayahuasca in Australian society involves the modern idea of nature as separate and wounded. This idea is linked to specific political and scientific discourse of industrialised states and is shown to provide the vision by which Australian ayahuasca drinkers work to overcome social alienation and heal diverse aspects of their moral lives. 50 YAJÉ, PATRIMONIALIZACIÓN Y POLÍTICAS CULTURALES EN COLOMBIA ALHENA CAICEDO-FERNÁNDEZ PhD, Profesora Asistente Departamento de Antropología, Universidad de los Andes, Colombia En Colombia el consumo ritual de yajé se ha diseminado en distintas ciudades del país durante los últimos veinte años. Actualmente, el tema cobra relevancia nacional e internacional de cara a los casos de muertes reportadas durante ceremonias de yajé. Pese a su expansión entre consumidores urbanos nacionales y extranjeros, el yajé es actualmente reconocido como referente simbólico de los pueblos amazónicos colombianos, y su consumo se encuentra amparado por la legitimidad que le da el reconocimiento constitucional a la diversidad étnica y cultural de la nación. No obstante, de darse, su reconocimiento formal como Patrimonio entraría en contradicción con su actual ritmo de expansión. Esta ponencia explora el panorama legal del yajé en Colombia, los vacíos que existen en términos legales, algunos de los recursos que se han adelantado para convertirlo en patrimonio, y los pros y contras de las iniciativas de regulación. 2014 SILVIA LIBERTAD VACA Friday 26, 09:30h Room 2 Viernes 26, 09:30h Sala 2 ELVIRA AGUIRRE BURNEO Doctora en Orientación, Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia, Madrid, Directora del Área Socio-Humanística de la Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja Esta investigación parte del interés por conocer y comprender el papel que puede llegar a jugar un enteógeno como la ayahuasca en el desarrollo humano, dentro de un contexto como es el ritual. En las últimas décadas algunos autores como Schultes, Wasson y Hoffman, han puesto en evidencia que el uso de sustancias enteogénicas ha sido un elemento importante en la constitución de la mayoría de las culturas y en la potenciación del desarrollo humano. El objetivo general es el de documentar el ritual de la ayahuasca en la provincia de Zamora en Ecuador. Los objetivos específicos son: conocer el uso y consumo de la ayahuasca en la zona de Zamora Chinchipe; detectar la necesidad de transmitir el ritual antes de que sea olvidado; establecer y difundir cómo es el ritual de forma documental (video) y a través de artículos científicos; analizar el uso ancestral por parte de la población nativa; diseñar propuestas para su mantenimiento de esta tradición; analizar su utilización y cuál es su función dentro de la cultura de los shuar. Utilizaremos una práctica de recogida de datos como es la observación participante. En este caso vamos a ayudarles a que mantengan sus tradiciones grabadas y documentadas antes de que la globalización haga que pueda desaparecer ERIKA MESQUIT Doctora en Antropología Social, IFAC, Acre, Brasil El perspectivismo se refiere a la concepción de que el mundo está poblado por agentes distintos de los seres humanos. La relación de los indígenas con los fenómenos atmosféricos también es una relación entre las perspectivas, tienden a considerar los relámpagos, los truenos, lluvias entidades de su cosmología. Esa relación depende de quién o qué esto se dice, pero siempre se caracteriza por una relación asimétrica en la que los chamanes hacen un gran papel buscan la equidad entre los mundos: el mundo de la Tierra y los mundos espirituales. Es contradictorio pensar en la búsqueda del equilibrio en un mundo que está en desequilibrio, pero esa es la razón por que los chamanes son puentes entre los mundos. Siendo así, los “dueños de los tiempos” interfieren en la vida de los Ashaninka. La intermediación entre sheripiaris (chamanes) y los ”dueños de los tiempos” también se produce a través de la utilización de Kamarampi (ayahuasca) que hace de este vehículo puente entre los dos mundos. Los fenómenos meteorológicos son de gran importancia en la vida cotidiana de los Ashaninka, la búsqueda de explicaciones para los cambios son demasiados importantes también. Así que les presento es como los sheripiari están utilizando esta fuente de conocimientos e información en la búsqueda de la comprensión de los cambios en el clima y, por supuesto, en las relaciones con los propietarios de estos fenómenos y el mundo de la vida dentro de su cultura Ashaninka. PRIMARY TRACK FORO PRINCIPAL EVENTS EVENTOS SOCIAL SCIENCES: INDIGENOUS USES CIENCIAS SOCIALES: USOS INDÍGENAS Doctora en Orientación, Diagnóstico e Intervención Psicopedagógica, Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja & María ACADEMIC TRACK FORO ACADÉMICO EL PERSPECTIVISMO ASHANINKA, AYAHUASCA Y “DUEÑOS DE EL CLIMA”(BRASIL) COMMUNITY TRACK FORO COMUNIDAD Doctor en Antropología Social por la Universidad de Granada, Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja, Ecuador; LEGAL TRACK FORO LEGAL (PRESENTER) OTHER CONTENTS OTROS CONTENIDOS ISIDRO MARÍN GUTIÉRREZ FILM FORUM CINE FORUM el ritual tal y como hoy lo conocemos. Las futuras líneas de investigación serán las de documentar rituales ancestrales de consumo de enteógenos en todo el territorio ecuatoriano. WORKSHOPS TALLERES EL RITUAL DE LA AYAHUASCA EN LA REGIÓN DE ZAMORA CHINCHIPE (ECUADOR) SPEAKERS PONENTES ACADEMIC TRACK FORO ACADÉMICO 51 2014 ACADEMIC TRACK FORO ACADÉMICO MYSTERY SCHOOL IN HYPERSPACE: DMT, ELECTRONICA AND REMIXTICISM THE BOTANICAL IDENTITY OF THE SOMA/ HAOMA PLANT MATTHEW CLARK GRAHAM ST JOHN PhD, Australia SOCIAL SCIENCES: OTHER USES CIENCIAS SOCIALES: OTROS USOS Saturday 27, 18:00h Room 2 Sábado 27, 18:00h Sala 2 52 This presentation illustrates how the sonic mythography and visionary artistry of our times has been cultivated with the assistance of DMT. I focus specifically on the influence of DMT on psychedelic electronic music and culture, using vocal and visual samples. The story begins with a gift Terence McKenna bestowed upon key figures in the early Goatrance development, which inspired a transnational techno-mystical movement with distinct music aesthetics and festival culture. I explore how DMT consciousness has infiltrated psychedelic trance, where the remixtical artifice of electronic music production and the sampling of entheogens affect mystical experiences. The works of Shpongle, Alex Grey and other artists are investigated as multi-mediations of the gnostic payload of hyperspatial transit. I discuss the DMT blend changa – a so called “smokeable ayahuasca” – and its influence in Australia and elsewhere. Finally I offer insights on how the use of DMT has become an increasingly popular route into the mystical experience. Post-Doctoral Research Associate, SOAS (affiliate) The Vedas, which were composed between approximately 1,500 BCE and 800 BCE, are texts comprising invocatory hymns and mantras that are recited during rituals performed by priests (Brahmans) in South Asia. The oldest of the four Vedas is the Rg Veda, in which many of the mantras are dedicated to soma, which is described both as an intoxicating plant and as a deity. The same plant/deity (haoma) is also revered in Zoroastrian religion. The botanical identity of the soma/haoma plant has long puzzled scholars; dozens of propositions have been made in the last 250 years. Currently, three of the alternative propositions are generally endorsed by various academics. In 1968 the famous mycophile Gordon Wasson suggested that soma was the fly agaric mushroom, amanita muscaria. However, textual descriptions of soma in the Vedas largely undermine this theory. In 1989 Flattery and Schwarz proposed peganum harmala. Then, in a well-reasoned article also published in 1989, the German Indologist Harry Falk revived an old theory and presented considerable evidence that soma was the ephedra plant. In this paper I revisit the issue of the botanical identity of soma/ haoma and suggest, alternatively, that soma may have not been a single plant, but a combination of plants producing a form of ayahuasca (or ’anahuasca’). 2014 PRIMARY TRACK FORO PRINCIPAL ACADEMIC TRACK FORO ACADÉMICO COMMUNITY TRACK FORO COMUNIDAD LEGAL TRACK FORO LEGAL Saturday 27, 18:00h Room 2 Sábado 27, 18:00h Sala 2 In this paper I present an analysis of the narratives of alterity with the plurality of the sacred practices of ayahuasca and its correlations and implications with the phenomenon of the sacred, called entheogen, in the construction of the processes of consciousness expansion, and how the sacred is constituted and flows in each individual in the interaction of therapeutic processes. Also, it points out the process of urbanization of ayahuasca outside their original context and their various uses: mental , spiritual and physical. To do so, it shows an analysis of the narratives in the practice of ayahuasca restricted to three regions: the “Vale do Pati” Chapada Diamantina – BA; community leaders and production of ayahuasca, in Manaus – Amazonas (psychiatry clinic); and finally, in the metropolis of São Paulo with people who are outside of a religious context considered the “neoayahuasqueiros.” The analysis is based on three important points: before experiencing the plant; during rituals under the immediate effect of it, and as a remembrance of the experience. The analysis of the three moments of the same person shows the transformation, theoretically a positive transformation. In short, I seek to indicate that a previous worldview based on one’s tradition and culture is changed by new assumptions of self, understood as an experience that allows one’s to reflect on the existential consciousness of oneself. OTHER CONTENTS OTROS CONTENIDOS SOCIAL SCIENCES: RELIGIOUS USES CIENCIAS SOCIALES: USOS RELIGIOSOS Esta presentación tiene como objetivo reflexionar sobre algunos aspectos relacionados con la forma en que los miembros del grupo conocido como “União do Vegetal” (UDV), han aprovechado el conocimiento doctrinal común a esa vertiente religiosa ayahuasca. Para esto abordaremos los aspectos relacionales que ocurren entre estos individuos y sus vivencias sonoras dentro del ritual. El 8 de mayo de 2007, el maestro del recuerdo José Luís Oliveira ofició la implantación de la UDV en Portugal. Provisionalmente el nombre del grupo se define como “Distribuição Autorizada do Vegetal” (DAV-Lisboa). Actualmente los rituales tienen lugar en un edificio situado en una zona bohemia de la ciudad, el barrio de “Alfama”, conocido por sus varias casas de fado. En este escenario, universos dispares, – que supuestamente tienden a repelerse, a pesar de estar separados por paredes e intenciones -, se integran por medio de la escucha. Durante el ritual, uno de los sentidos que se aguza constantemente es el de la audición, y en este acto el oído es atraído y direccionado al entendimiento de los contenidos doctrinarios. En este bies, a través de la metodología fenomenológica y de la perspectiva teórica de la etnomusicología, este trabajo busca comprender de qué manera subjetiva la performance de la escucha media la aprensión de los conocimientos singulares del grupo. Para hacer una mirada analítica del acto de escuchar, tomo prestados conceptos como Paisaje Sonora definido por Schafer con el fin de auxiliarme en la revisión de este proceso. Por lo tanto, intento revisar la función del participante dentro del ritual, ya sea como receptor, como co-autor de la performance auditiva. PhD in Sciences of Religions, Federal University of Paraíba, Paraíba, Brazil FILM FORUM CINE FORUM Candidata a Doctorado en Etnomusicología, Universidad de Aveiro, Aveiro, Portugal SUELMA SOUZA MORAES WORKSHOPS TALLERES PATRÍCIA PAULA LIMA NARRATIVES OF ALTERITY WITH THE PLURALITY OF THE SACRED RITES OF AYAHUASCA EVENTS EVENTOS RELIGIÓN DE LOS SENTIMIENTOS: CONTEXTUALIZACIÓN Y REFLEXIÓN SOBRE EL DESEMPEÑO DE LA ESCUCHA SPEAKERS PONENTES ACADEMIC TRACK FORO ACADÉMICO 53 2014 ACADEMIC TRACK FORO ACADÉMICO A PHILOSOPHICAL GROUNDING FOR AYAHUASCA AS A SPIRITUAL TECHNIQUE PIETER STOKKINK Master in Social Philosophy & Ethics University of Amsterdam, OPEN Foundation PHENOMENOLOGY, PSYCHOLOGY AND PUBLIC HEALTH I FENOMENOLOGÍA, PSICOLOGÍA Y SALUD PÚBLICA I Friday 26, 12:00h Room 2 Viernes 26, 12:00h Sala 2 54 Phenomenological research has concentrated on the way psychedelic experiences in general and ayahuasca experiences in particular were experienced by a subject. Researchers focused on the content of the experience and the thoughts, ideas and/ or emotions that were revealed in it. While this approach is tremendously important and insightful, it is only part of what comprises a full philosophical analysis of ayahuasca. In this paper, I will open up a new domain based on the work of Michel Foucault: the use of ayahuasca as a spiritual technique. When we analyse the way ayahuasca transforms us, we must take into account the way it is integrated in our day to day life as a practice by which we intentionally let ourselves be transformed. This practice has four characteristics: It is transformative, it has a relation to truth, it requires courage and it is ongoing. By analysing the use of ayahuasca in this framework, we can embed it more easily into our lives. Instead of it being a singular peak-experience, ayahuasca becomes a force that continuously aids us in the transformation of ourselves and moreover of the society around us. It helps us question the three factors that constitute our identity: our own subjectivity (our separateness), the power structures in society that form and steer this subjectivity in a certain direction and the ‘truth’ spoken about our subjectivity in science and/or religion. SEARCHING TOOLS TO CONFRONT DEATH DÉBORA GONZÁLEZ (Presenter), Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona (UAB), Spain MARÍA CARVALHO Universidad Católica de Portuguesa Porto (UCP), Portugal MARC AIXALÁ International Center for Ethnobotanical Education, Research and Service (ICEERS), Spain JORDI CANTILLO Instituto de Investigación Hospital del Mar-IMIM Parc de Salut Mar, Spain Introduction: Grief is a universal experience of the fragmentation of identity caused by the the loss of an emotional bond that affects humans in a multidimensional way. So far, the influence of ayahuasca on this process has not been explored. Method: We designed an online survey to analyze the influence of ayahuasca on the dimensions that are affected by the grieving process (n=45) and performed a qualitative analysis of the experiences of the participants (n=30). Results: Ayahuasca influences primarily the acceptance of loss, the understanding of past events, a greater appreciation for the relationship and the integration of transcendent dimension in their lives. Likewise, most recurrent themes are the establishing contact with, and saying farewell to the deceased. Conclusions: In all participants the ayahuasca has had a key role and positive influence on the process of grief. Future research will need to contrast these results in prospective clinical studies. 2014 Nucleus for Interdisciplinary Studies of Psychoactives (NEIP), Brazil ANJA LOIZAGA VELDER Director of Psychotherapy and Research, Nierika. A.C., Mexico TELMO RONZANI Professor, Department of Psychology, Federal University of Juiz de Fora (UFJF) Brazil JACQUES MABIT Executive President, Takiwasi Center Peru DÉBORA GONZÁLEZ Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB), Spain Ayahuasca has been identified as having therapeutic potential for the treatment of addiction and other mental health challenges such as depression and trauma-related disorders. While long-standing indigenous knowledge, anecdotal evidence and several preliminary observational studies consistently point in this direction more research is needed with more rigourous methods and diverse therapeutic settings and cultural contexts. This presentation will outline the rationale for and design of M.Sc. in Anthropology, Graduate Program on Anthropology, Federal University of Pernambuco; ALEXSANDRO MEDEIROS DO NASCIMENTO Ph.D. in Cognitive Psychology, Graduate Program on Cognitive Psychology, Federal University of Pernambuco PRIMARY TRACK FORO PRINCIPAL SPEAKERS PONENTES WAGNER LINS LIRA ACADEMIC TRACK FORO ACADÉMICO Ph.D. in Cognitive Psychology, Departament of Psychology, Faculdade Vale do Ipojuca/DeVry COMMUNITY TRACK FORO COMUNIDAD MARCELO MERCANTE RODRIGUES LEGAL TRACK FORO LEGAL Scientific Coordinator, Takiwasi Center Peru LYSIA RACHEL MOREIRA BASÍLIO ANTONIO ROAZZI Ph.D. in Developmental Psychology, Graduate Program on Cognitive Psychology, Federal University of Pernambuco Ayahuasca is a ritual drink with psychoactive effects used in some Brazilian religions. By its action on the serotonergic system, involved in many psychopathologies, studies pointed out several possibilities of its therapeutic use, particularly in mental illnesses such as drug abuse and depression. The aim of this study was to investigate the impact of continued use of ayahuasca on mental health of religious ayahuasqueros. We applied questionnaires to members of three different ayahuasca religions to verify the occurrence of symptoms related to stress, anxiety, depression, hopelessness, and alcohol and tobacco uses. We also investigated the expression of self-consciousness, 55 OTHER CONTENTS OTROS CONTENIDOS FERNANDO MENDIVE JOSÉ ARTURO COSTA ESCOBAR Ph.D. in Cognitive Psychology, Grupo de Estudos sobre Álcool e outras Drogas, Federal University of Pernambuco FILM FORUM CINE FORUM Scientist Emeritus/Professor Centre for Addiction and Mental Health/University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada EFFECTS OF THE PSYCHOACTIVE SACRAMENTAL DRINK AYAHUASCA IN THE MENTAL HEALTH OF RELIGIOUS MEMBERS WORKSHOPS TALLERES BRIAN RUSH a multi-country, multi-site program of research known as the Ayahuasca Treatment Outcome Project. The presentation will discuss key principles, legal, ethical and methodological challenges identified to date in project planning and implementation – for example, the rationale to focus on addictions; the appropriateness and feasibility of identifying the “active ingredients” of an integrated approach that combines shamanic and psychotherapeutic approaches; bio-ethical issues in site selection related to both energetic and physical safety; choice of outcomes to monitor over time. This presentation will also briefly outline the pros and cons of alternative and potentially complementary approaches to the study of the therapeutic benefits of ayahuasca – traditional clinical research with controlled designs, health services research in more naturalistic settings, realist evaluation and indigenous-culture based evaluation. The aim will be to stimulate reflection and discussion of these alternative approaches and the potential for reconciliation and synergy. We will draw upon the experience of ATOP and conclude with an update on current status of funding proposals under development and review for 2014-15 for project sites in Peru, Mexico, Brazil, Argentina and Uruguay. EVENTS EVENTOS EVALUATING THE EFFECTIVENESS OF AYAHUASCA IN THE TREATMENT OF ADDICTIONS: THE AYAHUASCA TREATMENT OUTCOME PROJECT (ATOP) ACADEMIC TRACK FORO ACADÉMICO 2014 social abilities and mechanisms of visual perception. Results showed that ayahuasqueros presented uses of alcohol and tobacco below those observed in national epidemiological studies. No significant pathological frame was observed in the sample analyzed, nor deleterious effects on visual perception and social abilities. The self-rumination was positively correlated with psychopathological indices and self-reflection was the predominant mode of self-consciousness functioning with higher values. In conclusion, the results suggest that the ritual use of ayahuasca does not promote mental health problems, and self-rumination act as mediating factor of psychopathology. It was not possible demonstrate the positive effects observed derived from continuous use of ayahuasca. Socio-cultural variables that should influence the mechanisms related to wellbeing and mental health has to be isolated in future ayahuasca studies. Self-consciousness mechanisms such as reflection and rumination have to be investigated in ayahuasca users to define how they contribute to improving resilience that could explain positive mental health states. ACADEMIC TRACK FORO ACADÉMICO AYAHUASCA, SELF-CONSCIOUSNESS AND PSYCHOLOGICAL WELL-BEING: ASTUDY ABOUT RELIGIOUS (IN) CONGRUENCE ANTONIO ROAZZI Ph.D. on Developmental Psychology, Graduate Program on Cognitive Psychology, Federal University of Pernambuco FRANCISCO SANTOS PEREIRA M.Sc. on Cognitive Psychology, Graduate Program on Cognitive Psychology, Federal University of Pernambuco ALEXSANDRO MEDEIROS DO NASCIMENTO Ph.D. on Cognitive Psychology, Graduate Program on Cognitive Psychology, Federal University of Pernambuco JOSÉ ARTURO COSTA ESCOBAR Ph.D. on Cognitive Psychology, Grupo de Estudos sobre Álcool e outras Drogas, Federal University of Pernambuco ANTONIO ROAZZI Ph.D. on Developmental Psychology, Graduate Program on Cognitive Psychology, Federal University of Pernambuco Ayahuasca is a psychoactive tea used in ritual and religious contexts. Studies suggest its possible use for therapeutic purposes, as in the treatment of depression and drug abuse, etc. This is ex-post-facto study which investigated the use of psychoactive ayahuasca in religious context has an effect on the mind, in order to provide higher levels of selfreflective self-consciousness, and psychological and spiritual well-being. Thus, we mapped the relationships between the processes related to the self as self-consciousness and the psychological and spiritual well-being in the dependence of religious congruence of the distinct groups (ayahuasca drinkers, traditional evangelical Baptists and non-religious people 56 non-users of ayahuasca). Participants in the study people were over 18 years of age. Psychometric scales used to measure the constructs of interest were Situational Self-Awareness Scale, Religious Congruence Scale, Global Religiosity Scale, Subjective Happiness Scale and Spiritual Well-Being Scale, and a social-demographic. The generated data received quantitative treatment procedures of psychometrics and factor analysis, aided by examination of the interrelationships among variables with the Spearman correlation coefficient. Results showed satisfactory psychometric properties, factorial structure was replicate as found in the original studies with excellent reliability by Cronbach’s alpha. The UDV group showed significant levels of self-consciousness (reflection), and psychological well-being. The Baptists had a positive correlation with the religious congruence and agnostics showed no significant levels of self-consciousness or well-being. In conclusion, the study corroborated the literature, in addition, demonstrated a close relationship between religiosity and well-being. Ayahuasca is presented here as an important tool in the investigation of consciousness mechanisms. 2014 FENOMENOLOGÍA, PSICOLOGÍA Y SALUD PÚBLICA II Saturday 27, 15:30h Room 2 Sábado 27, 15:30h Sala 2 ACADEMIC TRACK FORO ACADÉMICO Introduction: This study investigates Norwegian and Swedish participants in a four-night ayahuasca ceremony in Sweden on the accounts of their motivation for participation; their mystical experiences during the ceremony and self reported experienced effects of the ceremony. To the best of our knowledge this is the first study examining Scandinavian participants in an ayahuasca ceremony. Methods: A form is used for collecting demographic information about the participants. To assess participants’ motivation a short questionnaire is constructed. In order to examine participants’ experienced immediate effects three different methods are used: 1) a 100-item version of the Mystical Experience Questionnaire (Pahnke 1963) called the States of Consciousness Questionnaire (Griffiths et al. 2006); 2) narratives are solicited from the participants and analyzed using The Empirical Phenomenological Psychological Method (Gunnar Karlsson, 1995); 3) a short questionnaire asking additional questions. Results: Data collection starts March 28 and results will be available for presentation at the conference. COMMUNITY TRACK FORO COMUNIDAD The principal context of drinking Ayahuasca is during shamanic rituals and for few decades in religious or psychotherapeutic celebrations, and also throughout the world by some private groups more or less organized, rarely with the agreement of the laws of the countries. Some studies show statistically significant improvement of quality of life when using Ayahuasca-assisted therapy or Ayahuasca rituals, such as reduction of addictive behaviors. Except during some studies with specific groups of patients, it is difficult to appreciate the number and the profiles of people who consume or have consumed Ayahuasca. The main difficulty can be explained with the context of the illegality of drinking Ayahuasca, especially in Europe. Furthermore, the lack of control and follow-up of these patients and the absence of regulation procedures regarding the multiplicity of celebrations, can generate some inappropriate behaviors and reactions that could potentially be serious with adverse impact for the patients and also from the point of view of the legislator. The aim of this study is to gather the profiles of Europeans people who have already consumed Ayahuasca: who they are, why they drink this beverage, and what benefits they could expect. A large-scale online survey sent to Europeans people that attend or have attended Ayahuasca groups, without distinction. Currently under review. RUNE ANDREAS EIKELAND MSc Neuroscience, University of Bergen LEGAL TRACK FORO LEGAL Osteopath DO, Post Gradued Diploma in Anatomy and in Clinical Anatomy PHENOMENOLOGY, PSYCHOLOGY AND PUBLIC HEALTH II WORKSHOPS TALLERES LAURENT FABRE MA Anthropology EVENTS EVENTOS Osteopath DO, Master in Human and Social Sciences, Post Gradued Diploma in Anatomy and in Clinical Posturology KAROLINE SANDNES OLSEN OTHER CONTENTS OTROS CONTENIDOS GUILLAUME KRIEF PRIMARY TRACK FORO PRINCIPAL AYAHUASCA CEREMONY PARTICIPANTS IN SCANDINAVIA: MOTIVATION AND EFFECTS FILM FORUM CINE FORUM LARGE-SCALE SURVEY OF AYAHUASCA CONSUMPTION IN EUROPE: OVERVIEW AND PERSPECTIVES SPEAKERS PONENTES ACADEMIC TRACK FORO ACADÉMICO 57 2014 THE VIEW OF LIFE INFLUENCES OF AYAHUASCA EXPERIENCES JAAKKO LAVONIUS Master in Humanities, Helsinki University The Master’s thesis The View of Life Influences of Ayahuasca Experiences is based on the material collected through in-depth interviews and questionnaires during a field study period in the Peruvian Amazon. The approach of the study is principally phenomenological, aiming to find out 1) What kinds of motives the informants have to participate in the ayahuasca ceremonies? 2) How they feel they have benefitted from participating the ceremonies? 3) How the experiences have influenced their spirituality? 4) What kinds of influences on the informants’ worldviews have the experiences created? 5) What common similarities can be found between different people’s ayahuasca experiences? 6) How the ayahuasca experiences can be compared to Abraham Maslow’s theoretical models of peak experience and self-actualization? The descriptions of the ayahuasca experiences and the changes on the world-views of the informants provoked by them were compared to the results of other related investigations and to Maslow’s theoretical models by the methods of systematical analysis. The study is also partly epistemological research, as it explores a method of knowledge acquisition and formation that the informants feel they are applying. The study points out that the ayahuasca experiences have had a significant impact on the world-view of the experiencers, and on their relation to spirituality. According to the informants, however, spirituality is only one part of the range of being human. In many replies, becoming a complete human and an authentic self was sensed to be a central goal. In this process spirituality seemed to have a significant role. Many informants also reported on the positive effects that ayahuasca had on their health, and 58 ACADEMIC TRACK FORO ACADÉMICO in different psychological and physiological healing processes. Comparing the results and outcomes of the research with other related research results, their similarities are considerable. The ayahuasca experiences have had a central role in the process of self-actualization of the individuals, comparable with the Maslow’s concept of peak experience’s significance as a part of his theory of selfactualization, located at the top of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, which in Maslow’s later theory formulation gains selftranscendent qualities. The central conclusion of the study is that these motives of self-actualization and selftranscendence, as guiding factors of a person’s life, seemed to gain a long-lasting or permanent role in the informants’ life. HALLUCINOGEN RATING SCALE (HRS) – A BRAZILIAN VERSION: TRANSLATION AND CROSS-CULTURAL ADAPTATION SUELY MIZUMOTO M.A. in Psychology, Federal University of São Paulo (UNIFESP), Brazil DARTIU XAVIER DA SILVEIRA Medical School, Federal University of São Paulo (UNIFESP), Brazil PAULO CÉSAR RIBEIRO BARBOSA State University of Santa Cruz, Brazil RICK J STRASSMAN Department of Psychiatry, University of New Mexico School of Medicine, Cottonwood Research Foundation, USA Background: There is a growing scientific interest in the effects of hallucinogens in general and the religious use of psychoactive brew ayahuasca in Brazil in particular. However, there is not yet a standard instrument used in Brazil to evaluate the effects of hallucinogens. The Hallucinogen Rating Scale (HRS) is a questionnaire widely used in the U.S. and Europe to evaluate the effects of several psychoactive substances, including hallucinogens. Objective: To translate and adapt the HRS to Brazilian Portuguese. Method: We followed three steps: 1) the authors of the article translated the HRS into Portuguese, in order to establish an initial version; 2) two independent translators back-translated this version into English; 3) a revision committee produced a final version of the Brazilian Portuguese version. This final version was developed comparing the initial translations and backtranslations, through a dialogic process with the author of the instrument. Results: A final Portuguese version of the HRS, following the guidelines for semantic and conceptual equivalence between English and Portuguese to describe hallucinogen-induced subjective states. Discussion: A Brazilian version of the HRS – an instrument widely used throughout the world to quantify effects of psychoactive drugs – provides a sensitive instrument for evaluation of the effects of hallucinogenic substances in Brazil. Also, the statistical analysis is in progress, consequently there is the possibility to present some of the preliminary data regarding the psychometric validation at the time of the Congress. 2014 COMMUNITY TRACK FORO COMUNIDAD Saturday 27, 12:00h Room 2 Sábado 27, 12:00h Sala 2 LEGAL TRACK FORO LEGAL BIOMEDICINE BIOMEDICINA In this talk, results obtained from laboratory biomedical research done in Brazil in the last three years will be presented. Experienced ayahuasca users (12 males, 8 females) drank ”Hoasca” (donated by União do Vegetal UDV) in a laboratory setting. All procedures were approved by the Committee for Ethical Research of UNIFESP. Concentration of main active principles was estimated by gas chromatography (GC-NPD) and were as follows (mg/ ml): DMT 0.16, Harmine 1.37, Tetrahydroharmine 0.97. The chosen dose was (mg/kg): DMT 0.70, Harmine 4.48, Tetrahydrohramine 3.60. Electroencephalogram (EEG) recordings (Brain Vision actiCHamp, 64 channels, 2 kHz) were performed during three consecutive hours while the subjects remained quiet, eyes-closed, in resting-state condition. Blood and saliva samples were collected every 25 minutes to measure ayahusca’s active principles and metabolites, and cortisol, respectively. Results have shown significant decreases in spectral power, after 50 minutes from ingestion, in delta (1-4 Hz), theta (4-8 Hz), alfa (8-13 Hz) and beta (13-30 Hz) bands in parietal electrodes bilaterally (P5, P6, P7 and P8). After 100 minutes, increases in slow-gamma (30-50 hz) and fast-gamma (50-100 Hz) were detected at the same parietal electrodes. Analysis of blood and saliva samples are underway, and correlations between EEG and these variables will also be shown. The current results, their relations to previous ayahuasca research using EEG and their implications to the understanding of the mechanism of action of ayahuasca will be done. EVENTS EVENTOS The presentation summarizes the linguistic markers that indicate the level of integration of ayahuasca experiences. Eleven European participants were followed for the period of 1 year, during which they participated in 3-5 ayahuasca rituals and a follow up period of 6 months. Follow up reports were gathered every 6-8 weeks in group setting completed by individual closing interviews. Independent clinical psychologists distinguished the participants who integrated the experience by the end of the one year period from those who failed to do so. The subgroups of ‘integrated’ and ‘not integrated’ were then determined and the follow-up reports of the groups analyzed by a quantitative narrative method (NarrCat) developed by the Hungarian Scientific Academy and the University of Pécs. The NarrCat focuses on linguistic specifics such as the rate of emotional vs cognitive words, passivity vs activity, I vs we reference, the style and tense of narration etc. A Regressive Imagination Dictionary was also used as part of the analysis focusing on psychological qualities such as drive, moral, restrictions, abstraction, defense etc. The linguistic patterns of the two subgroups revealed by the analysis were compared. The overall aim of the analysis is to discover psychological factors that support the integration of ayahuasca experiences allowing therapists to better understand the process of integration and develop tools for its facilitation. OTHER CONTENTS OTROS CONTENIDOS PhD, Federal University of São Paulo and Instituto Plantando Consciência, São Paulo, Brazil MSc Transpersonal Psychology, PhD Candidate, University of Pécs FILM FORUM CINE FORUM EDUARDO EKMAN SCHENBERG PETRA BOKOR ACADEMIC TRACK FORO ACADÉMICO PRIMARY TRACK FORO PRINCIPAL PHYSIOLOGICAL EFFECTS OF AYAHUASCA ON THE HUMAN BRAIN WORKSHOPS TALLERES LINGUISTIC MARKERS OF THE LEVEL OF INTEGRATION OF AYAHUASCA EXPERIENCES SPEAKERS PONENTES ACADEMIC TRACK FORO ACADÉMICO 59 2014 THE ENTROPIC BRAIN ROBIN CARHART-HARRIS ACADEMIC TRACK FORO ACADÉMICO primary states such as REM sleep and early psychosis and comparing these with non-primary states such as normal waking consciousness and the anaesthetised state. PostDoc, Imperial College London EDE FRECSKA AMANDA FEILDING Beckley Foundation Entropy is a dimensionless quantity that is used for measuring uncertainty about the state of a system but it can also imply physical qualities, where high entropy is synonymous with high disorder. Entropy is applied here in the context of states of consciousness and their associated neural dynamics, with a particular focus on the psychedelic state. The psychedelic state is considered an exemplar of a primitive or primary state of consciousness that preceded the development of modern, adult, human, normal waking consciousness. Based on neuroimaging data with psilocybin, a classic psychedelic drug, it is argued that the defining feature of ‘primary states’ is elevated entropy in certain aspects of brain function, such as the repertoire of functional connectivity motifs that form and fragment across time. It is noted that elevated entropy in this sense, is a characteristic of systems exhibiting ‘self-organised criticality’, i.e., a property of systems that gravitate towards a ‘critical’ point in a transition zone between order and disorder in which certain phenomena such as power-law scaling appear. This implies that entropy is suppressed in normal waking consciousness, meaning that the brain operates just below criticality. It is argued that this entropy suppression furnishes consciousness with a constrained quality and associated metacognitive functions, including reality-testing and self-awareness. It is also proposed that entry into primary states depends on a collapse of the normally highly organised activity within the default-mode network (DMN) and a decoupling between the DMN and the medial temporal lobes (which are normally significantly coupled). These hypotheses can be tested by examining brain activity and associated cognition in other candidate 60 THE POSSIBLE ROLE OF THE ENDOHALLUCINOGEN DIMETHYLTRYPTAMINE IN TISSUE REGENERATION AYAHUASCA & BRAIN CHANGE: FROM PHARMACOLOGY TO PSYCHOLOGY M.D., Ph.D, University of Debrecen ATTILA SZABO Ph.D., Department of Immunology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Debrecen SAM GANDY, PHD CANDIDATE James Hutton Institute A look at how ayahuasca affects the brain in terms of pharmacological activity, on different receptor sites, differing brain regions, how it affects brain waves, and importantly how it may influence neuroplasticity and neurogenesis, and the implications this could have for depression and addiction. While looking at this zoomed in perspective, the zoomed out perspective looking at human personality change will be linked to this and also be examined…what implications does ayahuasca use have for people and society at large, via an examination of all levels it imparts effects, to the very micro to the very macro in scale. PETRA BOKOR MSc Transpersonal Psychology, PhD Candidate, University of Pécs N,N-dimethyltryptamine (DMT) is classified as a naturally occurring serotonergic hallucinogen of plant origin. It has also been found in animal tissues and regarded as an endogenous trace amine transmitter. The vast majority of research on DMT has targeted its psychotropic properties with less focus on its effects beyond the nervous system. The recent discovery that DMT is an endogenous ligand of the sigma-1 receptor may shed light on yet undiscovered physiological mechanisms of DMT activity and reveal some of its putative biological functions. A threestep active uptake process of DMT from peripheral sources to neurons underscores a presumed physiological significance of this endogenous hallucinogen. In the presentation, we will overview the literature on the effects of sigma-1 receptor ligands on cellular bioenergetics, the role of serotonin, and serotonergic analogues in immunoregulation and the data regarding gene expression of the DMT synthesizing enzyme indolethylamine-N-methyltransferase in carcinogenesis. We conclude that the function of DMT may extend central nervous activity and involve a more universal role in cellular protective mechanisms. The assumed role of DMT in cell protection, regeneration, and immunity helps understanding why ayahuasca has been used traditionally in healing ceremonials among the indigenous and mestizo cultures of the Amazon Basin. 2014 SPEAKERS PONENTES PRIMARY TRACK FORO PRINCIPAL ACADEMIC TRACK FORO ACADÉMICO COMMUNITY TRACK FORO COMUNIDAD Despite numerous published scientific papers and anecdotal reports indicating the presence of DMT in a wide variety of plants, there is much ambiguity, contradiction, and speculation regarding the actual chemical composition of many of these plants. Discussions of indigenous preparations, which include DMT-containing plants, often treat the phytochemistry of the β-carboline-containing plants as fairly uniform. However, new examinations of these plants, utilizing modern analytical techniques, have shown them to contain a variety of compounds in differing ratios. The DMT-Nexus has carried out unique chromatography and mass spectrometry analyses of specimens reported to contain DMT and β-carbolines, from both novel and previously examined species complexes. Thus far, we have tested species within the Acacia, Phalaris, Psychotria, Banisteriopsis and related genera, as well as Mimosa tenuiflora and Diplopterys cabrerana. This research has elucidated questions and hypotheses regarding: indigenous botanical preparations; identities of plants found in the global market of entheogenic vendors; and the phytochemistry of plants that ethnobotanical researchers encounter in their own geographic regions. Key results from our ongoing inquiries show that neither Tetrapterys methystica nor Alicia anisopetala contain harmala alkaloids, despite being used in similar manners to Banisteriopsis caapi. Additionally, our analyses of Diplopterys cabrerana have not demonstrated the presence of 5-MeO-DMT, despite numerous anecdotal claims that this plant induces subjectively similar effects to 5-MeO-DMT. Similarly, our analyses of Banisteriopsis muricata leaves have not detected the pres- Healing, trance-inducing herbs and practices are not limited to primeval cultures only. Western society has since antiquity had many many of its own, although mostly hidden in occultism due to a long period of persecution of witchcraft. Presentation deals with one of them, being a relative to ayahuasca through sharing same harmala alkaloids. The plant “Moly” was Hermes’s gift to Odysseus (Homer) as an aid in rescuing his sailors from Circe’s spell. She presumptively turned them into pigs, which is merely a parable for the hedonistic imbalance of excessive eating and drinking. This herb has nowadays been identified as Syrian rue (Peganum harmala). The plant will be evaluated from a historical point of view through a review of scientific literature. Its botany will be presented as well, especially how to ensure oneself an independent source of fresh, potent, stabile, safe and beneficial spring of spiritual health and well being. Due to the fact that DMT present in ayahuasca is an internationally banned substance, recognizing easily accessible alternatives, replacements or additives to ayahuasca might turn out to be a crucial point in order to preserve the light of the soul’s freedom from darkness of blind collectivism. LEGAL TRACK FORO LEGAL The DMT-Nexus Ph.D., OMI Institute for Anthropological Medicine OTHER CONTENTS OTROS CONTENIDOS DAVID NICKLES B.A ROMAN PAŠKULIN, M.D. FILM FORUM CINE FORUM The DMT-Nexus MOLY: ANCIENT AYAHUASCA RELATIVE WORKSHOPS TALLERES RAPH BORGES M.A, ence DMT, despite hypotheses by notable ethnobotanists to the contrary. The significance of this research is that it presents the merging of traditional ethnobotanical knowledge into contemporary scientific contexts, while expanding our phytochemical knowledgebase. Through botanical and chemical analyses, we are beginning to correlate plants identified in formal botanical contexts and their chemical constituents with their indigenous classifications and uses. We are also working towards identifying plants with alkaloid profiles analogous to traditional entheogens. EVENTS EVENTOS VINES AND MINDS: PHYTOCHEMICAL ANALYSIS FROM THE DMT-NEXUS ACADEMIC TRACK FORO ACADÉMICO 61 COMMUNITY TRACK FORO COMUNIDAD 2014 MARK WAKING LIGHT This interactive session is an open invitation to share practical tips and techniques for navigating the realms of spiritual experience. Just as a good night’s sleep and an empty stomach help to prepare us for receiving the power of sacred plants, certain qualities of attention and intention can be naturally conducive to opening ourselves to the grace and healing they may offer. As studied by Western psychology, psychedelic experience has most often been viewed in terms of set and setting, the internal state of mind and the external state of the environment, usually determined at the onset of the experience. However, this approach does not really address the actual challenge of deeply engaging with the experience under whatever conditions it is taking place. Illustrated through visionary art and poetry, this session presents a selection of practical techniques drawn from hypnotic, shamanic, yogic, and ÉRIKA FERNANDES-PINTO Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) & Benki Piyãko Ashaninka, APIWTXA Association, Brazil In the colonization process of the Brazilian territory, hundreds of indigenous peoples have been exterminated and many of those who survived have gone through slavery and forced cultural disruption. In the fight for recovery of indigenous identities in Brazil, by the recognition of their territorial rights and by the construction of a different model of economic and social development, the rescue of traditional knowledge and ancestral spirituality has emerged as fundamental. This work aims at reporting the importance of shamanic rituals using ayahuasca in the emerging processes of indigenous consciousness 63 PRIMARY TRACK FORO PRINCIPAL ACADEMIC TRACK FORO ACADÉMICO COMMUNITY TRACK FORO COMUNIDAD LEGAL TRACK FORO LEGAL NAVIGATING SPIRITUAL EXPERIENCE OTHER CONTENTS OTROS CONTENIDOS Thursday 25, 18:00h Room 2 Jueves 25, 18:00h Sala 2 ‘YORENKA ASHAKA’ ASHANINKA´S TRADITION AND SHAMANIC KNOWLEDGE SUPPORTING THE REBIRTH OF INDIGENOUS CONSCIENCES IN BRAZILIAN AMAZON FILM FORUM CINE FORUM COMMUNITY I COMUNIDAD I As a writer and stand-up comic who has been writing jokes for 30 years, my journeys with the medicine have been, among other things, hysterically funny. It is as though the spirit of Ayahuasca has been accessing the library of my knowledge of jokes and joke writing and using that on me. I was so surprised that she was as funny as my award-winning comedy friends. My presentation will be fun for the conference -part straight stand-up comedy about what I have learned in my ayahuasca journeys and part presentation about her ability to “speak the language” of funny. I have nothing but reverence and awe for la medicina and her ability to speak to all of us. WORKSHOPS TALLERES VANDA MIKOLOSKI Artist tantric practices. In this discussion, the audience is welcome to contribute the insight of their own spiritual practice. Topics briefly discussed may include: using mantras and mudras, words and gestures for directing energy; using breath and concentration for focusing attention inwards or outwards; imprinting with mementos, music, and visualization for reconnecting with past journeys; recognizing fear as the sheer intensity of aliveness present here; transmuting the euphoria of rapture into the stillness of bliss; entering union through letting go, surrender, and embrace. This session is based on Mark Waking Light’s over twenty years experience of working with transpersonal trance, induced both with and without sacred plants. Mark Waking Light is the founder of the Jam of a Lifetime, an ayahuasca ceremony celebrating the creative spirit through sacred music from across the world. EVENTS EVENTOS THE COMEDY OF AYAHUASCA SPEAKERS PONENTES COMMUNITY TRACK FORO COMUNIDAD 2014 and recovering cultural elements in the Acre State, on the border of Brazil with Peru. In this region, the action of spiritual leaders of the Ashaninka Kampa River Amonia People – which has an ancient culture on the use of ayahuasca – among other indigenous peoples, has generated processes of rescue of indigenous cultures and their sacred values, from the construction of shamanic alliances, consecration of sacred sites and ceremonial centers, realization of cultural festivals and formation of networks for communication and exchange of experiences. These initiatives also strengthen ecological awareness, reflecting on conservation and environmental recovery of various areas. Through the use of ayahuasca and the recognition of the sacred dimension of nature, these people transform their history, serving as an example for other traditional peoples and convey a message of hope for a better future for all humanity. LIVING WITH DRUGS: 10 WISE LESSONS GIVEN BY AYAHUASCA TO AN ECOLOGICAL APPROACH ON PSYCHOACTIVES ISABELA LARA OLIVEIRA PhD in History and Postdoctoral Degree on Social Psychology, University of Brasília, Brazil Humankind has always used psychoactive substances. The drive for mind-altering substances is part of natural human needs. Even though, since the 14/15th century, drug use have been progressively demonized and proscribed all over the world. The consequences of this “World War on Drugs” were devastating: increasing drug abuse, addiction and crime, dissolution of native knowledge and many other psychological and social problems. Nevertheless, during the 20th century, Ayahuasca use has spread from the Amazon to the world through shamans and Brazilian religions and is presenting whit a humankind a new safe, and healthful approach to drug use. What lessons can Ayahuasca use teach us? How can these lessons 64 COMMUNITY TRACK FORO COMUNIDAD help us toward a new paradigm on drugs? This presentation will discuss some important concepts and review successful experiences with Ayahuasca that are helping contemporary society to build a harmonious co-existence with drugs. Some wise lessons learned with Ayahuasca: 1. Respect to nature, native knowledge and diversity; 2. Include culture and its practices as an essential part of defining and regulating drug use; 3. It is possible to have a healthy drug use; 4. Drugs can successfully treat drug addiction; 5. Drugs can help us understand and deal with multidimensional aspects of reality; 6. Reconnection with nature, increased sense of brotherhood and perception of interconnection of life; 7. A new successful regulation for drugs is possible and needs to be built with drug users; 8. Drugs can help building sustainable ecological communities; 9. The importance of informal social regulations on drug use; 10. Openness of mind and heart to change. THE COSMIC SERPENT MEETS THE RAINBOW SERPENT: EXPLORATIONS INTO AYAHUASCA USE AS A CATALYST TO ENHANCED ACCESS TO TRANSPERSONAL DOMAINS AND ITS RELATION TO REAWAKENING KNOWLEDGE OF NATIVE SCIENCE VICTORIA SINCLAIR Master, Personal Development Foundation and Middlesex University Introduction: An overview of findings of research looking at the correlaton between insights gained from ayahuasca use and concepts of consciousness, nature and spirituality found in Australian (ab)Original Native Science and IKS (Indigenous Knowledge Systems). Bob Randal, an Original Elder explains that Kanyini, the 4 dimensions of Original life are made up of Tjukrrpa – Creation Period/Dreamtime, Kururipa – Spirit, soul, psyche, Walytja – Family Worship, and Ngura -Land, home, space, Mother (including pre-birth communication). All of existence is based in totemistic systems – time is absolute- there is no linear time (in common to the beliefs of many African tribes).If plant medicines like ayahuasca are capable of taking us back to a more intrinsically connected state surely there may be a tangible link to be made between Australian Original viewpoints of consciousness, nature and spirituality and those of persons who take ayahuasca. Methods: This qualitiative study has gained its main body of data through coding interviews using Grounded Theory principles with participants in the Americas, Europe and Australia comprising a cross-section of ‘novices’, long term users, prominent entheogenists and practitioners made between late 2013 and mid 2014. The dissection points have been concepts of time, matter, space, relation to nature and land, death, family and the spirit world This has then be applied to a study of Original consciousness and spirituality amongst groups of Original elders and custodians of the ancient ‘lore’ during 5 monthsof ethnographic field work in Australia. Results: Fieldwork is still underway but already findings show that ayahuasca use broadens worldviews and transpersonal domains in a way similar to the “ways of seeing” of Original cultures. There is also evidence that ayahuasca use can assist Original people to re-engage with the Dreaming and toalleviate cultural trauma. Ayahuasca has proved to be beneficial to users in awakening relationship to nature, cosmovision and spirituality, and to alleviate cultural and body traumas for not just non-indigenous groups but also for Origine groups. Possible Derived Lines of Research: Future interdisciplinary works to deepen engagement with Native Science in the fields of postcolonial studies and transpersonal ecopsychology. Further study on the benefits of working with ayahuasca in cases of collective cultural trauma for both non-indigenous and Original groups. 2014 Friday 26,15:30h Room 2 Viernes 26, 15:30h Sala 2 Por este motivo, Marcelo y Fátima adquirieron de forma privada una parcela de 260.000 metros cuadrados en la ciudad de Sete Barras, Brasil. El lugar, fue escogido por su clima muy similar al de la selva amazónica y está totalmente dedicado al cultivo. Allí se lleva actualmente a cabo el cultivo de 2000 lianas de Jagube y 650 plantas de Rainhas. De los cuales 380 Jagubes se equiparon con sistema de riego por goteo, y el resto crecen de forma natural en el bosque. Esta plantación tiene como objetivo satisfacer las necesidades de nuestra iglesia y las iglesias de nuestros contactos europeos y brasileños. Pretende igualmente inspirar y ayudar a otras pequeñas plantaciones con semillas e informaciones técnicas. PRIMARY TRACK FORO PRINCIPAL FILM FORUM CINE FORUM COMMUNITY II COMUNIDAD II WORKSHOPS TALLERES Healing with and learning from ”Master Plants” is a cornerstone of Shipibo ayahuasca shamanism. This talk reports on the use of dietas and other traditional Shipibo practices in urban North America including discovering and dieting Master Plants native or local to California. As stewarded by practitioners trained in the Shipibo shamanic tradition, using methods adapted from the native jungles of Peru, dieters have experienced physical, mental, and spiritual healing, clearing, alignment, transformation, and expansion. Specific results experienced by dieters across short-term and long-term timeframes include relief of physical conditions such as asthma, reproductive disorders, and clinical depression. Dieters have also experienced results that are less easy to characterize clinically including increased happiness, resolution of spiritual crises, and improved cognition. Results and examples are drawn from 46 dietas held over a period of five years by 21 individuals ranging in length from 28 days to a year. In working with traditional dietas and ayahuasca practices, a body of folk knowledge has been gathered, which has informed our ongoing adaptation and cultivation of traditional practices for contemporary communities. Our results offer many possible directions and access points for further exploration. A través de un estudio analizamos que el consumo anual de gasóleo destinado al transporte del Jagube desde la selva amazónica con destino a San Paulo como suministro de materia prima para la elaboración del Daime, se eleva a más de 60.000 litros cada año. A esto se le añade el costo de la destrucción de la flora nativa. EVENTS EVENTOS Sitaramaya, Light of the Vine, Amazon Convergence ACADEMIC TRACK FORO ACADÉMICO Fundação Casa de Cura Mestre Irineu & Laci Scander, Fundação Casa de Cura Mestre Irineu COMMUNITY TRACK FORO COMUNIDAD MARCELO NUNES VALLADÃO LEGAL TRACK FORO LEGAL SUSTENTABILIDAD Y MEDIO AMBIENTE OTHER CONTENTS OTROS CONTENIDOS DIETAS WITH MASTER PLANTS IN SHIPIBO AYAHUASCA SHAMANISM, A NORTH AMERICAN URBAN FIELD REPORT SPEAKERS PONENTES COMMUNITY TRACK FORO COMUNIDAD 65 2014 COPAL Y PALO SANTO, A ESTUDIO ISRAEL SALES COMMUNITY TRACK FORO COMUNIDAD LA AYAHUASCA Y EL CHAMANISMO MODERNO AYAHUASCA AND THE HOMELESS NELSON ORTIZ RODRÍGUEZ WILSON GONZAGA Consultor Ambiental, Copalosanto, España Chaman, La Primavera Centro de Ayahuasca Plantearé la forma más adecuada de consumir estas resinas y maderas tan vinculadas al diseño ceremonial de nuestra querida abuela ayahuasca. Tengo material de calidad para ofrecer una presentación fluida, certera y visionaria, a la par de reveladora por el contenido de pruebas y estudios, que después de muchos años llevo haciendo en el sector de consumo. Hablaré de las verdades del Palo Santo, de sus derivados y de como ha de ser usado y conservado. También ofrecer información novedosa en referente a las nuevas formas de consumo (responsable y ético) del novedoso Aceite del Fruto y no del tronco (ramas) de Bursera Graveolens (Palo Santo). Dispongo de una presentación limpia (keynote) y me avala el amor a mi trabajo, que desde hace más de 10 años llevo desarrollando en todo tipo de comunidades, centros y demás espacios para el desarrollo interno. Nelson Ortiz Rodríguez es un chamán no indio con formación occidental y reconocimiento de la Gobernación Nacional Indígena OLIC de Colombia. A través de ocho años de trabajo con Ayahuasca y otras plantas sagradas ha logrado integrar de una forma sinérgica al chamanismo tradicional indígena con las tradiciones filosóficas y espirituales de oriente y occidente, ofreciendo una visión filosófica, pragmática e incluyente. A las ceremonias han llegado personas en búsqueda de salud física y espiritual, entre otras personas con graves problemas personales como la drogadicción. A veces estas personas tienen dificultades en adaptarse a la idiosincrasia y a la tradición indígena, la tradición moderna chamánica ofrece una puerta más amplia y una visión más integral para estas personas. Las ceremonias son un lugar ecléctico en que hay espacio para diferentes estilos de vida, convicciones y religiones. Se trabaja desde la luz y cada participante se conecta con las tradiciones con que más afinidad tenga. Existen muchos casos de éxito por presentar de personas que han cambiado su vida por completo después del contacto con la medicina, sea por algunas ceremonias para un tema muy específico o un proceso más largo que lleva a la transcendencia espiritual. Concluyendo, el chamanismo moderno es una integración de diferentes tradiciones, proveyendo un acceso más amplio a la curación integral del cuerpo y el alma. Hace una diferencia al nivel individual, permitiendo un desarrollo personal y espiritual, y pueda llegar a hacer una diferencia al nivel colectivo también. 66 M.D, Psychiatrist, Director of the Hermes Institute for Human Transformation, Business Consultant, Manaus, Brazil It is important to say that currently Brazilian law permits the use of ayahuasca, as long as it is part of a ritual with religious purposes. I got to know Ayahuasca 32 years ago. As a person, I felt enchanted by it, as a psychiatrist, I realized I had found a powerful tool. I sought, in Hermetic Science, the light at the end of the tunnel and there it was. The second Hermetic Principle, the principle of correspondence, says: “As above, so below; as below, so above.” This hermetic truth is the theoretical basis for all our work with drug users, in particular for the work reported here. Let’s imagine the musical scale. For all we know, it consists of only seven notes. But the question is: are there really only these seven notes? The most obvious answer would be “Yes!” However, within a theoretically infinite range, we know we can only perceive those frequencies our human ear allows us to. But there are several Cs and various Bs. Based on this principle we realized that transcendence is the same “note” as drunkenness only an octave above. The drunk and the transcendent, the drugged and the magician live at the same address. Nevertheless, while one inhabits the basement of the building, sharing his home with rats and cockroaches, the other lives on the top floor with a beautiful view of the sea. If we assume that this is true, and I am convinced that it is, then our job is to create an elevator that takes us from the basement to the penthouse. This lift exists, and it is called Ayahuasca. 2014 SPEAKERS PONENTES PRIMARY TRACK FORO PRINCIPAL ACADEMIC TRACK FORO ACADÉMICO COMMUNITY TRACK FORO COMUNIDAD Apoyados por la Asociación Naciones Unidas Venezuela y bajo un marco institucional internacional estamos llevando a cabo este proyecto de las Giras Ancestrales de Medicina Tradicional Indígena por varias naciones. A través de redes de aliados hemos organizado numerosas terapias ancestrales, de la mano de médicos tradicionales indígenas y experimentados chamanes apegados a los usos tradicionales y rituales de la cosmovisión indígena. La experiencia ha sido sumamente exitosa, existiendo numerosos pacientes satisfechos y testimonios fidedignos que demuestran la positiva adaptación de diferentes personas sin distinción alguna de raza, color, sexo, idioma, religión, opinión política o de cualquier otra índole, origen nacional o social, posición económica, naci- LEGAL TRACK FORO LEGAL Las tradiciones mitogónicas ancestrales de la ayahuasca se genealogizan en un transcurso geo-gráfico que va del noreste amazónico, en la región del Vaupés, hacia el sur y suroccidente amazónico, en las regiones del Amazonas y del Putumayo, y hacia la región de la Orinoquia. En este transcurso se gesta un tejido mitogónico en el que una tradición mítico-chamanista de una región tiene continuidad y al mismo tiempo transformación en la de la otra región, para configurar las prácticas ritualísticas de un chamanismo ancestral diseminado a la manera de una gigantesca Liana del Ver que se manifiesta como el Cordón Umbilical del Universo. En la exposición se hará referencia a estas tradiciones míticas, los rituales y sus prácticas chamanísticas. OTHER CONTENTS OTROS CONTENIDOS Licenciado en Administración de Desastres/Gestión de Riesgo, Asociación Naciones Unidas Venezuela FILM FORUM CINE FORUM ANDRES MARTINEZ Antropólogo de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Director de la Fundación de Investigaciones Chamanistas miento o cualquier otra condición; a este tipo de terapias ancestrales, que constituyen un intercambio cultural y un estudio con base empírica y apoyo real para fomentarlas como Derecho Humano Inalienable. Promover dentro de la sociedad global las terapias ancestrales de los pueblos originarios como parte de un sistema primario en salud no solo es una propuesta viable, accesible y natural – producto de los conocimientos milenarios -, sino una alternativa inserta en el desarrollo sostenible. Integrar y apoyar diversas propuestas de estudio e investigación que coadyuven a la real aceptación y posterior apoyo intergubernamental a estas importantísimas practicas tradicionales que permitan brindar mayores posibilidades de alcanzar un mejor nivel de vida a la sociedad en general. WORKSHOPS TALLERES WILLIAM TORRES CARVAJAL GIRAS ANCESTRALES DE MEDICINA TRADICIONAL INDÍGENA EVENTS EVENTOS LIANA DEL VER CORDÓN DEL UNIVERSO COMMUNITY TRACK FORO COMUNIDAD 2014 COMMUNITY TRACK FORO COMUNIDAD ANALYSIS OF THE MATERIAL AND IMMATERIAL ELEMENTS IN THE HEALING PLACES: THE CASE OF MAYANTUYACU IN PERUVIAN AMAZON FOREST TANIA RE COMMUNITY III COMUNIDAD III Friday 26, 18:00h Room 2 Viernes 26, 18:00h Sala 2 68 Psychologist/Medical Anthropologist, Unesco Chair Anthropology of Health – Biosphere and Systems of Care at the University of Genoa. CERFIT: Regional Tuscany Centre for Phytoteraphy Right from the most distant prehistoric sites of care and healing were identified for a particular energy and environmental shape. The sensitivity towards nature, plants, rocks, exposure to light or in the dark of night shelters , areas of plant growth, it was always a crucial aspect in the identification and selection of suitable topos energy to medical care. The place is already a part of the therapy. Somehow the emergence of modern medicine and the indifferent localization of the sites linked to the planning of care therapies and the undifferentiated urbanization, has in fact neglected, apart from a few isolated cases, this aspect of the cultures of health. In this historical moment in which western medicine and ethnomedicine are trying ethnomedicine a common approach to medical science by exchanging knowledge and experiences, there is space to bring greater awareness to the relationship between the care, the environment and ancient knowledge. The research project involves a multidisciplinary team of anthropologists, physicists, chemists, ethnobotanical, architects and medical doctors and its primary objective is the analysis of places of healing and the processes that have in place. In particular, in it was analyzed Mayantuyacu, a healing center located in the Peruvian Amazon where the ancient art of healing ashanika is set. Mayantuyacu is situated on the bank of a river with thermal water at 100 ° flowing in the middle of the forest. Around the central Maloca, where here is communal living, were built to accommodate malocas other people who come to Mayantuyacu to know and to seek treatment from knowing millennial ashanika and properties of thousands of plants including plants teacher. We analyzed the following elements: water, music (icaros), teacher plants, ceremonial architectures (malocas) involved during the healing ceremonies and their impact on different species (plants, animals and humans). Particularly we analysed the following elements: 1. Architecture; 2.Water; 3. Music; 4. Teaching Plants. The co-presence of several areas ensures the necessary dialogue between knowledge to fully preserve the tangible and intangibleheritage and acquiring knowledge about ancient healing processes and innovative consciousness aspects involved in them. 2014 Yoga and Tai Chi Teacher, Ayurvedic Consultant, Votanotherapist, Art Teacher, Yogardenia Introduction: The use of ayahuasca by people who: 1. practice yoga, and/ or 2. express through tantric art or visionary art, (in relation with others who do not use ayahuasca) has a positive influence in both the level and intensity of health benefits from yoga, and/or the level of inspiration and joy in their art work, and vice versa: the practice of yoga and/or of expressing through tantric-visionary art (in relation with other non indigenous ayahuasca users) has a very positive effect on how the practitioner will experience ayahuasca, with more chances for an easier acceptance of ayahuasca in the body, an overall positive and joyful feeling about the session and a much better understanding of his/her bodily signals through the session and areas who need care in the physical, emotional or spiritual level, and often very profound visions and guidelines related with his/her artwork. Methods: My own analysis of the relation of the energies of yoga, visionary art and ayahuasca use, based on my own experiences as well as on the experiences of fellow artists-yogis-ayahuascueros who accompanied me in the Amazonian jungle and in some holistic healing ceremonies in UK, and the collective data from a simple questionnaire that where given to some of my students and friends back home (my organization “Yogardenia”, in Greece). Each one of 69 SPEAKERS PONENTES COMMUNITY TRACK FORO COMUNIDAD I recently spent 8 months drinking ayahuasca, attending workshops (designed to help integrate the content of the experiences) and assisting Silvia Polivoy in Brazil with the facilitation of ceremonies. The teachings I received seemed consistent and logical. Here I provide a summary: ayahuasca and other plants harbor ʻsacred molecules ready for sentient/ intelligent animal forms to discover when a certain level of wisdom/ knowledge/evolution has been attained; shamans are guardians of the knowledge of such plants; Surrender is the key to success with ayahuasca which mirrors the correct approach (trust in the higher self) to waking life; cleasing the human instrument both physically and psychologically will then be possible; ayahuasca controls and constructs a unique environment specifically designed for each users needs; Personal lessons about waking reality and the psychological imprint examination process then ensue. In the same way, physical reality is controlled by your higher self/over soul. Follow feelings and not logical thinking. The over soul sends a signal which the brain demodulates and projects out onto the field of consciousness which collapses the wave function creating a specific experience desired by the higher self. The human imagination can be used to birth new forms of intelligence. Symbiosis/co-operation between dissimilar forms of con- GEORGIOS KARGELLIS LEGAL TRACK FORO LEGAL Spirit Vine Retreat Participant & Silvia Polivoy, Spirit Vine Coordinator OTHER CONTENTS OTROS CONTENIDOS ANDREW WELCH (PRESENTER) PRIMARY TRACK FORO PRINCIPAL AYAHUASCA, YOGA AND TANTRIC ART: IN THE HOUSE OF SACRED SCIENCES ACADEMIC TRACK FORO ACADÉMICO AYAHUASCA INSIGHTS: MODUS OPERANDI? FILM FORUM CINE FORUM Introduction: Fertile areas for the scientific study of ayahuasca have opened up recently due to advances in neuroimaging, psychological models and methodologies, and new perspectives from the growing field of mindfulness studies. Traditional taboos and recommendations which have guided indigenous ayahuasca use for centuries are studied in detail by anthropologists; but their effect (or otherwise) have not been tested in the vast majority of biomedical research projects. Why, for example, when many shamans consider moon phase and menstrual cycle to be important, have none of the neuroimaging and EEG studies to date attempted to correlate these factors with amplitude or site of action in the brain, or standardized methodologies with respect to them? Why, when sexual dietas and other dietas are almost ubiquitous in the indigenous world, do psychological researchers not investigate whether there is any therapeutic advantage in observing dietas, or collect data on sexual activity in the days before ayahuasca ingestion? Methods: By studying the scientific investigation of novel and exotic therapies in the 19th century, and drawing parallels with current lab and clinical practice, we can begin to make sense of some of the blind spots in today’s scientific methods of inquiry. This presentation considers the tools of analysis employed by doctors studying traditional Chinese herbalism in Australia, and the framework of understanding with which the members of the Royal Society investigated Mesmeric amputation in Europe. Conclusions: There are taboos in the jungle, which may or may not be mere superstitions, and taboos in the academy around legitimizing superstition. There are also technical difficulties involved in studying complex sets of factors. sciousness in our system of reality is now available. Zoe7 who wrote Into the Void and Back from the Void assisted in my analysis during the initial experiences. Silvia Polivoy guides my spiritual analysis of self during insight integration. Instrument cleansing is her specialty. Her background in psychology has been invaluable during this period. WORKSHOPS TALLERES DANNY DISKIN M.Sc Life Sciences with History and Philosophy of Science and Medicine, Santo Daime UK, Interfaith Alliance UK Researchers might profit from giving serious consideration to taboos and limitations, both of the cultural matrix of the target of their studies, and also of their own methods of investigation. We also might learn from traditional lore in devising therapies for disorders such as PTSD and depression which clinical medicine treats with limited success. EVENTS EVENTOS TABOO: FROM THE JUNGLE TO THE CLINIC COMMUNITY TRACK FORO COMUNIDAD 2014 the participants belongs to one of the following groups: 1.yoga practitioner, and/or artist, non ayahuasca user; 2. yoga practitioner, and/or artist, ayahuasca user; 3. ayahuasca user, non yoga practitioner, non artist. Finally, art works influenced by ayahuasca visions, and art works with no such influence, from the same artists, were shown to people in the meditation class, and their comments are discussed. Results: There is influence of ayahuasca on how a person interact with/ understands the practice of yoga, and the practice of yoga can affect both body and spirit on how to receive ayahuasca and to ”absorb” what ayahuasca has to offer. There is influence of ayahuasca on tantra (or visionary) artists, and the practice of such arts has influence on the ayahuasca experience. There is noticeable difference of the level of effectiveness on our emotions between artworks inspired by ayahuasca, and artworks non inspired by ayahuasca, done by the same artist and of the same category. Conclusions: The use of ayahuasca combined with practicing yoga and tantric art becomes a more profound method for healing and opening of the interior door. 70 COMMUNITY TRACK FORO COMUNIDAD AYAHUASCA ANALOGUES OF AUSTRALIA AYAHUASCA CEREMONIES FOR THE TREATMENT OF MANIC DEPRESSION? VIMAL DARPAN BA (Hons), Living Heart Foundation My particular interest and area of research has been the experiential investigation of various Acacia species (Acacia Phlebophylla, Acumenata, Obtusifolia and others) which proliferate within and are native to the Australian continent. I have been working extensively with these plants, along with Peganum Harmala to create a unique analogue decoction which aficionados here in Australia refer to as Somacacia. I have been involved in this unofficial research program for 17 years during which time I have accumulated a wealth of knowledge and personal experience. My presentation would consist of the introduction of these remarkable trees as Nature’s natural laboratories and their possible unique role in ancient Mystery Schools as well as within indigenous Aboriginal Dreamtime consciousness. I was initially introduced to Ayahuasca by the late Terence McKenna. Yatra Silvera de Barbosa, my next mentor, introduced me to the preparation and usage of Jurema. I then met Don Jose Campos who trained me in the traditional usage of Ayahuasca by undertaking a series of Dietas in the Peruvian jungle. I also spent some years in close association with Carioca (Brasil) who acted as an inspiration and guide in regard to the use of sacred music within the context of Ayahuasca. SOUTHERN CROSS PhD Candidate, Psychiatry Dept, Flinders University of South Australia People with manic depression are severely impacted -often driven to suicide- yet are amongst the most creative thinkers. Psychiatric pharmaceutical drugs usually prescribed for this condition may prevent the extremes of mood swings, but notoriously numb creative and spiritual consciousness. Creative people often reject these drugs -preferring to keep their creative spirit, even at the expense of periodic misery. I will present relatively unknown empirical research into the fundamental mechanism of mood swings, which is demonstrated to be modulations in the rate of phosphor-inositide cycling within neurons. Although there is plenty of evidence supporting ayahuasca’s efficacy for the treatment of unipolar depression, very little is written about ayahuasca for bipolar/manic depression. There is some concern that MAOIs in ayahuasca vine destabilize people prone to mania, and some ceremony facilitators disallow them from participating. In my personal experience, ayahuasca (taken in healing ceremonial context) is a mood-stabilizing medicine which alleviates depression without inducing mania. In contrast, harmala-alkaloid MAOI plants taken without DMT induces mania. Therefore I believe that DMT has a stabilizing influence on the brain chemistry of mood swings. I offer my personal history of life-threatening and treatment-resistant “bipolar disorder type 2”, involving 17 psychiatric pharmaceutical prescriptions with corresponding side-effects... followed by a successful healing journey through ayahuasca ceremonies. Given that ayahuasca enhances creativity, I am conducting quantitative and qualitative research to determine whether ayahuasca ceremonies could be a more appropriate treatment for creative people with manic depression than currently-available psychiatric pharmaceuticals. 2014 Saturday 27, 09:30h Room 2 Sábado 27, 09:30h Sala 2 SUPPORTING 71 PRIMARY TRACK FORO PRINCIPAL ACADEMIC TRACK FORO ACADÉMICO As the most recent vector for the distribution of ayahuasca on this planet, human consciousness is the often unstated third ingredient in the mixture that is ayahuasca. Drawing on my recent book, Darwin’s Pharmacy (University of Washington Press, 2011) this talk will briefly explore the strengths and weaknesses of he biochemical, cultural and evolutionary explanations for the phenomenon of ayahuasca experience in human consciousness and its proliferation across the planet in the 21st century. While entheogenic researchers have long found the reductionist model of chemical structure and function inadequate to the dynamism, contingency and variety of entheogenic experience, no schematic framework has emerged to robustly replace the ”set and setting” model of Leary et. al. Pointing to the role of entheogenic plants in human courtship and sexual selection, Darwin’s Pharmacy offers an evolutionary model for comprehending human consciousness as an effect of plant evolution: consciousness as the differential gradient of attention for selecting and diversifying plant genomes based on modeled thermodynamic outcomes. Could consciousness, and its alteration, be well modeled as a biotechnological prosthesis of a plant intelligence? This talk will close with a gedankenexperiment that asks us to conceptualize ayahuasca as a plant intelligence exploring the space of its own genome via human consciousness, while human consciousness explores the space of all possible thought through its alliance with ayahuasca. The therapeutic benefits of ayahuasca have gained significant attention over the past decade. This has resulted in the development of centers dedicated to ayahuasca-assisted therapies and the emergent international expansion of ayahuasca at large. This presentation will discuss the therapeutic potential of interdisciplinary approaches that validate the traditional indigenous context of ayahuasca in combination with adjunct therapies that draw upon other bodies of knowledge, within traditional, complementary, and alternative medicine (TCAM). On a global level there is a tremendous need for better access to mental health services and more efficacious treatments. With this, there is a great opportunity to draw upon the collective resources of all TCAM systems and the latest advancements of what truly defines health and human potential. Drawing upon case studies of treatments facilitated within an interdisciplinary context at Posada Natura Retreat Center in Costa Rica and also treatments facilitated within a traditional indigenous context in Sibundoy, Colombia, this presentation will discuss considerations, challenges, and promising areas for future research and therapeutic exploration. Holistic healing approaches that include ayahuasca and other interdisciplinary adjunct therapies represent a larger movement towards a different type of health-care service. This new system embodies a more feminine approach of healing that honors the multidimensionality of our human experience and connection to nature. With the expansion of ayahuasca and the emergence of ayahuasca healing centers that use adjunct therapies, there is a great need and an opportunity to understand the utility of these services from multiple perspectives. COMMUNITY TRACK FORO COMUNIDAD COMMUNITY IV COMUNIDAD IV Liberal Arts Research Professor – English, Information Technology, Penn State University LEGAL TRACK FORO LEGAL RICHARD DOYLE OTHER CONTENTS OTROS CONTENIDOS BA in Human Biology Stanford University, Posada Natura Retreat Center, Costa Rica FILM FORUM CINE FORUM CELINA M. DE LEON WORKSHOPS TALLERES THE NEW FRONTIER OF AYAHUASCA HEALING CENTERS EVENTS EVENTOS CONSCIOUSNESS, A BIOTECHNOLOGY INVENTED BY PLANTS?: THE PLANT INTELLIGENCE PARADIGM FOR AYAHUASCA SPEAKERS PONENTES COMMUNITY TRACK FORO COMUNIDAD 2014 THE MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS HEALING JOURNEY WITH TRANSPERSONAL THERAPY COMMUNITY TRACK FORO COMUNIDAD VISION QUEST: COMMUNITY LIFE IN CONNECTION WITH SACRED PLANTS DR. DARIO GIUFFRIDA LUCILLE VILLASEÑOR-CARON M.S.W. Candidate, Carleton University School of Social Work This thesis is an autoethnography that provides a thick description, analysis and reflection of my personal Multiple Sclerosis healing journey, supported by a transpersonal modality based on an ancient shamanic wisdom of the Amazon. Since Ayahuasca is a spiritual botanical mixture that has been used for centuries by indigenous peoples in the Amazonian region for healing rituals and medicinal purposes, I chose to explore this transpersonal therapeutic modality as a means of supporting my healing through a facilitated process of individuation. The transpersonal process supported a transcendence of the mind and in connecting with my spiritual nature as a means of healing the mind-body connection of dis-ease by moving closer towards my authentic Self. The transpersonal benefits facilitated by Ayahuasca showed to be a liberating process that allowed me to heal and to be a more efficient social worker as I experienced an increased awareness of the interconnectedness of the personal healing process and that of humanity and Mother Earth. The overall intent of sharing my experience is particularly aimed at inspiring and providing hope to others living with the uncertainty of this dis-ease within the normative biomedical healthcare model, to realize that they too can reclaim their voice, empower themselves and heal by embarking on their personal healing journey. 72 Psychologist, Associacion Fuoco Sacro (Italy) - Sacred Fire of Itzachilatlan The Vision Quest (VQ) is an experience and a possibility of community life in connection with sacred plants. Our ancestors taught women and men who choose to walk carrying a sacred plant in their altar, to learn to fast, to abstain from eating and drinking and to be in silence, and thus find their own vision through direct observation and listening. During the VQ there are daily moments and spaces for ceremonies with sacred plants, Temazcals (sweat lodges) and the arts acompanying these ancient traditions: cultivation, preparation and use of the plants; building sacred geometry altars and learning to sing healing chants. During their VQ time, people up in the mountain fast and keep silent while receiving instructions for their own growth directly from the plants and the whole of nature. People who stay at the camp support the vision questers and have an opportunity to receive instructions from the leaders of the tradition who accompany us during the VQ. We have had more than 100 participants in the first two years of VQ in Italy, families from all over Europe heterogeneous in their lives, dreams and occupations. The number of participants is increasing, testifying that people are finding what they are looking for here in this place. The Vision Quest design is what we are taking care of and what we want to describe. The VQ is one ceremony lasting two weeks where people have a life experience that could be reproduced, in its original design, all over the world, providing health and wellbeing, also clarity on how to use our grandmother Ayahuasca and all other sacred plants. Our aim is to create a permanent community. AYAHUASCA IN A GLOBAL AND MULTICULTURAL CONTEXT: A MODEL FOR UNDERSTANDING DIFFERENT USE PATTERNS OF THE CONCOCTION MARIANNE KASPERSEN Specialist in Clinical Psychology, Norwegian Centre for Consciousness Studies & Halvard Hårklau, Biochemist, Norwegian Centre for Consciousness Studies Aim: This presentation aims at highlighting the Ayahuasca phenomenon by using a model that may capture the variety of Ayahuasca uses in a meaningful way. The lack of ability of mainstream as well as specialized medical culture in the Western World to comprehend the Ayahuasca phenomenon seem to justify the need for a comprehensive model that includes, but transcends, a purely biomedical and materialistic understanding. Method: A model is proposed that accounts for four different, but interrelated paradigmatic views on psychotropic substances. The biomedical perspective is included as one perspective among three others. The Ayahuasca phenomenon within the framework of this model will be discussed. The concepts of ´set´ and ´setting´ are used to denote how effects are moderated in different kinds of Ayahuasca use. Predictions: Firstly, it is predicted that the model may suggest an integrated understanding that transcends any isolated perspective. The second prediction states that the model may distinctively differentiate between different forms of Ayahuasca use, weather they exhibit ritualistic or non-ritualistic forms. It is suggested that Ayahuasca use may exhibit a different profile from other psychedelics as well as from other substances. Implications for future research: The model may have social, psychotherapeutic and legal implications. The model may provide a more differentiated understanding of the 2014 SPEAKERS PONENTES bia and Nepal met. He wrote several books, including a book on Ayahuasca, in cooperation with ethnobotanist Christan Raetsch and art historian Claudia Mueller-Ebeling. PRIMARY TRACK FORO PRINCIPAL Ayahuasca phenomenon as a global social phenomenon, it may provide a better language for discussing therapeutic potentials, and it may ease the judicial aspects of legal Ayahuasca cases, by introducing a more differentiated language for its discussion. COMMUNITY TRACK FORO COMUNIDAD ACADEMIC TRACK FORO ACADÉMICO SERIOUS DRINKING, THE ACADEMY OF FEAR ARNO ADELAARS COMMUNITY TRACK FORO COMUNIDAD Bachelor in Journalism, Independent researcher and writer in the field of psychedelic plants and drugs, Co-founder of Psychoactivity.eu EVENTS EVENTOS WORKSHOPS TALLERES FILM FORUM CINE FORUM OTHER CONTENTS OTROS CONTENIDOS LEGAL TRACK FORO LEGAL In the same period as the Conquista started roughly 500 years ago almost all shamanic traditions in Europe were eradicated. Hardly any old wisdom survived. When it did survive it was in a diluted form. Pure shamanic knowledge can nowadays only be found in isolated areas, in the far away corners of the earth. As an indigenous medicine man recently observed about Europe: “There is no culture left here, the only thing Europeans have is Mother Earth”. Re-introducing shamanic knowledge into our modern society is of vital importance to our survival as a species. This will be a talk about ayahuasca as a discipline, as a path in life. Ayahuasca as an Academy of Fear. Fear is an effective survival technique. Fear can also be a hindrance to live a good life. How confronting fear helps to become your true self. With a 15 year background in the discipline of Jodo, traditional Japanese Stickfighting, some similarities with a career in ‘Serious Drinking’ are striking. Arno Adelaars works since 1998 as a facilitator. Since 2007 he is initiated as a shaman in the Colombian tradition of Kajuyali Tsamani. He was one of the organizers of the Psychoactivity Ayahuasca Conference in Amsterdam in 2003, and the Tiger Meets the Jaguar Seminars in Nepal in 2009 and 2012, where shamanic traditions of Colom- 73 LEGAL TRACK FORO LEGAL 2014 PRIMARY TRACK FORO PRINCIPAL ACADEMIC TRACK FORO ACADÉMICO COMMUNITY TRACK FORO COMUNIDAD While cannabis is currently spearheading a new course in addressing drug policy worldwide, other psychoactive plants, such as ayahuasca, have fallen prey to the intolerance and repression promoted by the United Nations’ International Narcotics Control Board (INCB). An alarming increase in legal prosecution related to its use and importation has been observed in several countries. In Spain, especially, the scope of legal incidents shows that a true law fare was initiated around 2010. While scientific research and anthropological studies have contributed to a better understanding of ayahuasca’s context of use and it’s psychological and physiological effects, including its risks and therapeutic potentials, unethical practices, romanticization, or commercial opportunism has led too often to adverse situations and harm. Dealing sensitively and efficiently with the serious challenges related to public policy, law, safety, and ethics-all of which are inter-related -is essential to safeguard a constructive future for this ethnobotanical brew in modern society. This presentation shares the vision and experience of the International Center for Ethnobotanical Education, Research & Service (ICEERS), a charitable NGO founded in 2009 in the Netherlands, with offices in Barcelona and Uruguay, that works to VIRIDIS: AN INTERNATIONAL PLATFORM FOR RESEARCH AND POLICY REFORM ELI SHEINER MSc Candidate,Division of Transcultural Psychiatry, McGill University & Timothy Nest, MSc Candidate at Division of Transcultural Psychiatry, McGill University, Canada Despite its proven safety, its value as a therapeutic and spiritual tool, and its immense history of use, Ayahuasca and other plant medicines remain the target of prohibition due in great part to a poorly founded and stigmatizing association with illegal drugs, and drugs of abuse. Viridis is a registered non-profit which serves the end of policy reform for therapeutic and spiritual practices involving plantbased medicines. It is a collaborative platform for effective distribution of knowledge and resources surrounding policy and ethical issues. Churches and other groups seeking decriminalization of spiritual practices can apply through Viridis for representation on our website, where upon acceptance, they will be eligible for funding from international donors sympathetic to their legal struggle. Here we introduce Viridis, it’s short 75 LEGAL TRACK FORO LEGAL Master’s Degree in Drug Addiction University of Barcelona, International Center for Ethnobotanical Education, Research and Service (ICEERS), Barcelona OTHER CONTENTS OTROS CONTENIDOS Thursday 25, 12:00h Room 2 Jueves 25, 12:00h Sala 2 ÒSCAR PARÉS FRANQUERO FILM FORUM CINE FORUM LEGAL I LEGAL I WORKSHOPS TALLERES BENJAMIN DE LOENEN (PRESENTER) Masters in Audiovisual Media Utrecht School of Arts, The Netherlands, International Center for Ethnobotanical Education, Research and Service (ICEERS), Barcelona address the obstacles that prevent ayahuasca from finding its place as a psychotherapeutic accelerant and personal development tool in modern times. The activities of our multidisciplinary team will be outlined, such as: support in legal defense (in Chile, Mexico, Europe, and with the INCB), public education and scientific debate (e.g., a report of the state of art of the biomedical literature on ayahuasca, and the Ibiza 2014 World Ayahuasca Conference), risk reduction (e.g., dissemination of practical information for those seeking an experience, and personalized educational services) and psychological support in cases of adverse events. EVENTS EVENTOS A CLIMATE FOR CHANGE: ICEERS AND THE CHALLENGES OF THE GLOBALIZATION OF AYAHUASCA SPEAKERS PONENTES LEGAL TRACK FORO LEGAL 2014 and long-term goals, and present preliminary findings from our international survey of Ayahuasca use. The survey employs World Health Orgainization promoted assays for analysing past trauma, anxiety, and addiction, as well as established Psychiatric measures and classic measures of mystical experience in order to probe the depths of international use of - and benefits related to - Ayahuasca, it’s commensurability with social and mental health, and it’s potential for treating substance abuse and buffering against relapse. This research helps to offer a clearer picture of the scale, variety, social benefits and potential pitfalls of Ayahuasca consumption worldwide. http:// virid.is COGNITIVE FREEDOM AND DRUG POLICY REFORM JONAS DI GREGORIO Degree in Philosophy University of Rome, co-founder of Libertà Cognitiva Association, Italy This presentation aims at presenting:1. what is cognitive freedom; 2. how cognitive freedom has been restricted in the past, for example with the Index Librorum, the list of forbidden books that was not allowed to read, print or possess, and how it is restricted today, with the list of scheduled substances; 3. why restrictions of cognitive freedom are so difficult to be recognized compared with other form of individual freedom; 4. what kind of argumentation can be raised in the public debate to spread awareness about the legal restriction to entheogenic exploration. The presentation will also focus: on the work that has been done by the Center of Cognitive Liberty& Ethics (CCLE), in particular by Richard Glen Boire, who produced very effective and valuable arguments about this subject; on how the new discoveries in the field of neuro-technologies are raising interest in the academic world creating a new field of research called 76 LEGAL TRACK FORO LEGAL ”neuro-ethics”, that might potentially contribute to the recognition of the use of Ayahuasca and other psychedelic compounds. While for the general public the use of Ayahuasca can be the better understood as a therapeutical tool or as part of a religious activity, from a more general point of view it’s necessary to understand that both therapeutical and religious freedom are consequences of cognitive freedom and a full understanding of its implications can’t be underestimated if we want to contribute to a radical and effective drug policy reform. AYAHUASCA IN THE ENGLISH COURTS: LEGAL ENTANGLEMENTS WITH THE JUNGLE VINE CHARLOTTE WALSH, LLB, MPHIL School of Law, University of Leicester, England This paper considers the somewhat hazy legal status of ayahuasca in England through a consideration of relevant international provisions, domestic legislation and case law, drawing parallels with other psychedelic substances. The central issue is that whilst DMT is scheduled as a Class A drug under the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971, the plants that are combined to constitute ayahuasca are not. It also explores whether prosecutions for drinking ayahuasca could be considered to be a breach of human rights: namely, the rights to religious freedom, to self-medicate, and to freedom of thought, also known as cognitive liberty. These rights are ostensibly protected under the European Convention on Human Rights through the Article 8 right to privacy and the Article 9 right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion. LEGAL UNCERTAINTY: AYAHUASCA IN THE BRITISH COURTS JONATHAN HOBBS Graduate of Imperial College London, University College London and Cambridge University Introduction: The current legal situation of ayahuasca in the UK is almost impenetrable, especially in light of recent court cases and appeals. Unlike in other European countries such as Spain, Switzerland and the Netherlands, its exact status is impossible to determine with any precision, even with reference to existing case law and legislation. Methods and Results: The research involves a close study of both reported and unreported proceedings in the British courts regarding ayahuasca and other plant psychedelics. It includes the discussion of a variety of legal texts as well as addition information gleaned from personal communication with defendants, lawyers and other actors in several relevant cases. Results: By examining all these sources, I aim to clarify why the legality of ayahuasca is so difficult to pinpoint in the UK as well as the reflexive implications of this complexity on determining the outcome of future cases. Conclusions and Possible Derived Lines of Research: Despite binding judgements from the appellate courts, recent events mean that the uncertainty is still no closer to any meaningful resolution. This paper identifies the most important legal points in the current debate. In this way, I am able to identify troubling trends in the strategies used in plant psychedelic prosecutions, as well as give a realistic summary of the challenges to both ayahuasca users and jurisprudence scholars. 2014 Thursday 25, 15:30h Room 2 Jueves 25, 15:30h Sala 2 77 PRIMARY TRACK FORO PRINCIPAL ACADEMIC TRACK FORO ACADÉMICO COMMUNITY TRACK FORO COMUNIDAD In many cases, the criminal proceedings have been closed. Other cases have gone to trial, with the person having to face the State Prosecutor’s demand of three to six years’ imprisonment. We will make an analysis and evaluation of these judicial decisions and, in particular, of the judgements that define the legal status of Ayahuasca in Spain. LEGAL II LEGAL II LEGAL TRACK FORO LEGAL In the last few years in Spain there have been a large number of arrests of people accused of an “offence against public health” for importing Ayahuasca by mail or courier or carrying it when crossing the Spanish border and being intercepted at the airport. A mediados del año 2011 en el valle de Punilla, Córdoba Argentina se realizó un brutal allanamiento policial a una Ceremonia Tradicional de Ayahuasca. Se hicieron presentes alrededor de 50 policías de distintos departamentos y brutalmente interrumpieron, rompieron una ancestral labor terapéutica. Lo que se construía desde hacía tiempo de manera conjunta a los tratamientos de personas dolientes, que se encuentran enclavadas en la desdicha posmodernista, fue roto. Pacientes dependientes a sustancias altamente tóxicas quedaron sin acceso a una posibilidad de reconstrucción de su vida. Durante el allanamiento policial hubo maltrato físico y psicológico sobre varios de los presentes. Se quedaron 5 horas, se llevaron una botella de Ayahuasca y nadie fué detenido. A las 48hs de lo acontecido estábamos en un centenar de medios gráficos, radiales, televisivos y webs. La versión difundida de lo sucedido fue completamente descontextuada, altamente amarillista y revista por una mirada policial, xenófoba y altamente dañina. Nuestro desconcierto e inestabilidad en el momento de lo sucedido hizo que busquemos asesoramiento legal. En un primer momento nos recomendaron no difundir ni defendernos en los medios. Transcurrido un mes recibí la imputación de Suministro a título oneroso de estupefacientes. La causa judicial avanzó un poco al principio pero luego quedo parada. Mi labor terapéutica en el campo de las Plantas Maestras se ha visto interrumpida hasta el día de hoy. Actualmente me encuentro en la encrucijada de esperar varios años a que la causa judicial se archive y apagar mi labor o bien reactivarla con todo lo que ello implica. Ambas situaciones tienen riesgos e incertidumbres. Más para unos y menos para otros. En el año 2013 estalló un escándalo mediático en el epicentro de la policía de drogas OTHER CONTENTS OTROS CONTENIDOS Lic. en Psicología, Argentina Attorney in Barcelona graduated from the University of Barcelona, specializing in drug trafficking offences FILM FORUM CINE FORUM GERÓNIMO TEJEDOR ARVIGO LUEGO ROBERTO CASTRO RODRÍGUEZ WORKSHOPS TALLERES LA DISRUPCIÓN DE LO CEREMONIAL, LO COERCITIVO EN LA SALUD (LECTURA) EVENTS EVENTOS RECENT JUDGEMENTS ON AYAHUASCA WITHIN THE SPANISH CRIMINAL JURISDICTION SPEAKERS PONENTES LEGAL TRACK FORO LEGAL 2014 de Córdoba, La Narcopolicia. Fueron removidos varios funcionarios y los mas altos mandos de la fuerza. Varios se encuentran hoy procesados dentro de la cárcel. La realidad me mostró en carne que aquel que se forma concienzudamente y de manera seria en el estudio de la etnomedicina ingresa en un campo donde el desamparo es un rey sin capa ni espada y la clandestinidad un acecho diario. LIBERTAD DE CONSCIENCIA, LIBERTAD DE CULTO Y SALUD PÚBLICA. EL CASO DE LAS IGLESIAS AYAHUASQUERAS JAVIER ESTEBAN Dr. Derecho- Máster en Psicoanálisis La relación entre ebriedad, estados modificados de consciencia y cultos es tan antigua como la misma religión. El empleo eucarístico de algunas sustancias ha sobrevivido en culturas amerindias, dando lugar a fenómenos de sincretismo religioso con las iglesias colonizadoras, que ahora retornan a sus respectivas metrópolis. La existencia de estos cultos sincréticos y su reaparición en Occidente plantea cuestiones morales y legales universales que ya han sido resueltas en otros ordenamientos. Estos mismos cultos han recibido protección constitucional por parte de la Corte Suprema de los Estados Unidos, país pionero en la lucha contra las drogas. Otros países como Brasil u Holanda han establecido acuerdos que permiten a estas iglesias realizar los sacramentos con ayahuasca. La petición de protección constitucional se está realizando en estos momentos en Francia, Portugal y el Reino Unido. La cuestión que nos convoca forma parte de un actual debate global sobre la libertad de conciencia, la libertad religiosa y la salud pública. Por primera vez en España, desde la aprobación de la Constitución de 1978, dos entidades religiosas legalmente constituidas se enfrentan con una continuada serie de actos administrativos y jurídicos que impiden la realiza78 LEGAL TRACK FORO LEGAL ción de su liturgia. La causa de estos impedimentos y prohibiciones reside en el uso que estas iglesias hacen del brebaje alucinógeno alegal llamado ayahuasca, empleado como vehículo de aproximación a la divinidad en sus sacramentos. Estos hechos suponen un verdadero reto para nuestro ordenamiento y para nuestras autoridades, que reaccionan impidiendo el uso de este preparado, invocando para ello la necesidad de proteger la salud pública. En esta investigación trataremos de aclarar si el derecho de libertad religiosa y la libertad de consciencia debe prevalecer sobre un posible riesgo para la salud de los participantes en estos cultos, y si este riesgo puede ser considerado, desde la hermenéutica constitucional y el Derecho Penal, un riesgo para el orden público. LEGAL STATUS OF RELIGIOUS USE AYAHUASCA: HOW TO CONTINUE TO DEFEAT GOVERNMENT PERSECUTION ROY S. HABER J.D., Roy S. Haber PC Attorney at Law In 2008, a federal district court in the United States issued the first and only permanent injunction ever in the United States ordering the Attorney General of the United States to cease ”prohibiting the Santo Daime from importation, storage, distribution and use of the Daime Tea for religious ceremonies.” Roy Haber will discuss his representing the Santo Daime for 15 years and how he navigated this case to victory. He is currently representing several of the more prominent Peruvian Shamans and American maestros in an attempt to protect their ”churches” from government intrusion. Dennis Mckenna, Luis Eduard Luna and others who are present here are part of the team that defeated the United States despite its vast resources. The Ayahusca Conference 2014 Agenda reveals presentations by experts in ethnobotany, anthropology, pharmacology, drug policy and psychiatry to name a few. Haber will discuss how best to use the existing science to prevail in Court. The governments’ scientific and drug policy presentations were flawed. Why then is it not free in more places. Briefly discuss the Inquisition as the cause of its being illegal which led to drug control laws and huge agencies and institutions that spend billions of dollars on the war on drugs. We have cracked open the DEA’s illusory justifications for continuing the myth that the Mother Plant is dangerous to public health. My job has been to make this all very real to an Anglo judge with myopic views on religion. We have learned how to expose the bad guys unreliable scientific opinions and emphasize the righteousness of this cause.Will discuss the Religious Freedom Restoration act that puts the burden on the government to prove that the tea is likely to cause public health risks. Discuss how to use the correct rhetoric when providing scientific opinions about the Mother plant. Discuss acceptable risk. Risk is very important to scientific human health studies. Will focus on how experts should discuss the absence of risk data of any short of long term ill health effects. Will discuss up to the minute activities going on with the DEA and where the agency seems to be placing its emphasis and current strategy. There is a new legal paradigm that we are developing which transmutes science, law, and religion into a weapon for elevating the spiritual and human condition on the planet. SUBSTANCE SCHEDULING PIEN METAAL Please check : www.aya2014.com/foro-legal AYAHUASCA AND THE DRUG POLICY REFORM MOVEMENT ETHAN NADELMANN Please check: www.aya2014.com/foro-legal OTHER CONTENTS OTROS CONTENIDOS 2014 OTHER CONTENTS OTROS CONTENIDOS BOOKS I LIBROS I BOOKS LIBROS BOOKS I LIBROS I Thursday 25, 12h Room 4 Jueves 25, 12h Sala 4 Thursday 25, 12h Room 4 Jueves 25, 12h Sala 4 SANTO DAIME: LA HISTÓRIA DEL RENASCIMIENTO DEL ESPÍRITU SANO EN LA AYAHUASCA BUFO ALVARIUS. EL SAPO DEL AMANECER. LA HISTORIA DR. OCTAVIO RETTIG HINOJOSA ISABELA OLIVEIRA El libro describe la historia de la formación de la religión Santo Daime, la más antigua de las religiones “ayahuasqueras” brasileñas. Trae las descripción de los rituales y hace una presentación de la historia de vida de su fundador el Maestro Raimundo Irineu Serra. Además hace un análisis de como se desarrollo el cambio de significado de la Ayahuasca desde una bebida indígena a un sacramento eucarístico cristiano por medio de las memorias de los seguidores más antiguos de la religión. El libro es el resultado de una investigación de doctorado en Historia. Con más de 15 años de experiencia con las Plantas y Medicinas Sagradas y desde hace más de 7 años con la Medicina del Sapo Bufo Alvarius, y en los que ha dado más de 3,500 sesiones de aplicación (en los últimos 2 años se han captado más de 700 testimonios firmados de personas a quienes esta experiencia ha ayudado a mejorar su calidad de vida de diversas e insospechadas formas) , el Internacionalmente reconocido Dr. Octavio Rettig Hinojosa (Médico Cirujano con especialidad en Adicciones), quien esta autorizado y es el portavoz del mensaje de los consejos de ancianos de las comunidades indígenas del norte de México, y también ha sido encomendado por las tribus Seri y Yaqui para comunicar su mensaje y esparcir sus tradiciones y entendimiento. El Dr. Rettig ha tratado serios casos de adicción a drogas sintéticas fuertes como lo es la metanfetamina (cristal), y la cocaína base (crack), consiguiendo altas tasas de éxito en sus pacientes, brindándoles una nueva forma de entendimiento de la vida y del mundo en donde vivimos. Las terapias del Dr. Rettig contienen cantos ancestrales de sanación con los cuales la experiencia con la medicina del Bufo Alvarius consigue resultados aún más poderosos. El recibir la medicina sagrada del Bufo Alvarius, es motivo de celebración para reconocer, explorar y ampliar la visión de nosotros mismos y del mundo. Para los sanadores tradicionales del chamanismo en todo el planeta, estas moléculas químicas, estos neurotransmisores presentes en las plantas y algunos animales son el medio por el cual Gaia, la Tierra, nuestra 80 2014 REBEKAH SHAMAN The Shaman’s Last Apprentice is the true story of an English woman’s apprenticeship with an old, traditional Ayahuasquero shaman. A vision summons Rebekah from the mountains of Machu Picchu and leads her to a little village hidden away on a tributary of the Amazon River. There she becomes the Shaman’s last apprentice, learns the ancient wisdom of the powerful plant Ayahuasca, reconnects to the natural flow of nature, and discovers the truth about herself. This book contains ancient wisdoms and messages of hope from this sacred place, and this sacred medicine, for these times of instability and change. BOOKS IV LIBROS IV Saturday 27, 12h Room 4 Sábado 27, 12h Sala 4 AYAHUASCA SHAMANISM IN THE AMAZON AND BEYOND BEATRIZ LABATE CLANCY CAVNAR Presentation with the presence of Beatriz Labate, Clancy Cavnar, Daniela Peluso, Glenn Shepard and Alhena Caicedo. SPEAKERS PONENTES PRIMARY TRACK FORO PRINCIPAL ACADEMIC TRACK FORO ACADÉMICO COMMUNITY TRACK FORO COMUNIDAD Me propusieron esnifar un raya, como un rama que se estiraba, era heroína y yo no sabía nada de nada [...] Esto comenzaba en 1984. Esta es la historia de un renacimiento. La batalla personal e íntima de Giovanna Valls contra la adicción más terrible, mostrada a través de las cartas que escribía y recibía y de su diario durante el largo período de recuperación que comenzó en 2004. Y en cada una de sus páginas, podemos sentir el aliento profundo y ver la mirada siempre limpia y clara de una mujer que, conocedora de los abismos más oscuros, lucha contra sus propios demonios, los vence y renace para acotar la vida con una sonrisa que nos invita a compartir con ella los frutos sabrosos de su victoria. Giovanna viajó a Brasil para tratar su proceso de adicción con el uso de la ayahuasca. LEGAL TRACK FORO LEGAL GIOVANNA VALLS OTHER CONTENTS OTROS CONTENIDOS THE SHAMAN’S LAST APPRENTICE AFERRADA A LA VIDA FILM FORUM CINE FORUM Thursday 25, 18h Room 4 Jueves 25, 18h Sala 4 Friday 26, 16h Room 4 Viernes 26, 16h Sala 4 This book discusses how Amerindian epistemology and ontology related to certain indigenous shamanic rituals of the Amazon spread to Western societies, and how indigenous, mestizo, and cosmopolitan cultures have dialogued with and transformed these forest traditions. The collection also focuses on how shamanic rituals have been spreading and developing in post-traditional urban contexts throughout the world. Special attention is given to ayahuasca, a psychoactive drink usually composed of two plants, the vine Banisteriopsis caapi and leaves of the Psychotria viridis bush. Ayahuasca use has spread beyond its Amazonian origin and instigated a variety of legal and cultural responses in the countries it has spread to. The chapters in this book address some of the ways these responses have influenced ritual design and performance in traditional and non-traditional contexts. The book analyzes how displaced indigenous people and rubber tappers are engaged in creative reinvention of rituals, and how these rituals help build ethnic alliances and cultural and political strategies for their marginalized position. It also explores modernity’s fascination with “tradition” and the “other.” This phenomenon is directly tied to important classic and contemporary issues in anthropology. One of them is the elationship between the expansion of ecotourism and ethnic tourism, recent indigenous cultural revivals, and the emergence of new ethnic identities. Another focus of this book is on trends in the commodification of indigenous cultures in post-colonial contexts, and the combination of shamanism with a network of health and spiritually related services. Finally, the book addresses the topic of identity hybridization in global societies. The previously unpublished ethnographies and analysis collected in these chapters will add to the understanding of the role of ritual in mediating the encounter between indigenous traditions and modern societies. WORKSHOPS TALLERES BOOKS II LIBROS II BOOKS III LIBROS III EVENTS EVENTOS madre colectiva, se comunica con nosotros. Todos estos neurotransmisores tienen un equivalente en nuestro cuerpo. Lo increíble del Sapito, es que tiene la concentración correcta y las enzimas necesarias para la metilación de la o-metil-bufotenina en 5-MeODMT, de fácil y rápida absorción, que además permite la manipulación de todo el conjunto de moléculas para jugar con ellas y llevarnos a estados de conciencia especial y dirigir, con las dosis adecuadas, la apertura de nuevos portales dimensionales en nuestras vidas, sirviendo además de sanación para nuestra especie. Son meditaciones profundas a través de la conexión con la alteración máxima de la razón y la capacidad de elevar la conciencia humana hacia estados de alternación de la mente. No existe un psicodélico más poderoso que el 5-MeO-DMT. Y como decía Terence McKenna, si existe, no quiero saber al respecto. OTHER CONTENTS OTROS CONTENIDOS 81 2014 OTHER CONTENTS OTROS CONTENIDOS PROJECTS I PROYECTOS I Friday 26, 9:30h Room 4 Viernes 26, 9:30h Sala 4 PARA MI, PARA TI, PLANTAR Y RECOGER SHIRA KALEV & NARA CARVALHO PROJECTS WORKSHOPS El proyecto “Plantar e Colher” esta concebido por un pequeño grupo de personas, asociadas por la misma necesidad y el mismo objetivo. Plantar para más adelante recoger. El objetivo es plantar, banisteriopsis caapi y psychotria viridis, las plantas que dan origen a la conocida bebida Ayahuasca. Esta bebida, de origen sudamericano, más concretamente, de la Amazonia, es conocida mundialmente por su poder de apertura de la conciencia, de curaciones y de experiencias enteogenas enriquecedoras, desde hace 8000 años. El proyecto nace de una donación, hecha por parte de uno de los integrantes del grupo. Un terreno agroflorestal en el corazón de la “mata atlântica”, ecosistema perfecto para el crecimiento de estas plantas. Así supliendo la necesidad de preservar y que perduren estas plantas medicinales sagradas. THE UDV TODAY CRISTINA PATRIOTA CARMEN TUCKER The Centro Espírita Beneficente União Do Vegetal (UDV) is the largest international religious organization that uses the sacred tea, Hoasca (or ayahuasca) within it’s rituals. Centered in Brasil, with more than 17,000 members (with additional groups now organized in 7 countries including Spain and The United States) the UDV has been at the forefront of the movement recognizing the value of the tea internationally. Two representative leaders from the church’s 82 headquarters in Brasil and the United States will summarize the work of the organization in alignment with the central themes of the conference: Ethics and Safety, Sustainability, Scientific Research, and The Role Of Women in the World of Ayahuasca. WHY RESEARCH PSYCHEDELICS? BY OPEN STICHTING, AMSTERDAM PIETER STOKKINK Since 2007, the OPEN Foundation has been working on spreading psychedelic research in the Netherlands. In this talk, one of the initiators and current board members will focus on why such research is vital in furthering acceptance of psychedelics as a possible treatment for a wide range of diseases and as a legitimate spiritual path. Such an acceptance, or integration, will change both science itself and society as a whole. PROJECTS II PROYECTOS II Friday 26, 12h Room 4 Viernes 26, 12h Sala 4 ¿EXISTE ALGÚN SENTIDO INDIVIDUAL TRANSCULTURAL DE LAS VISIONES DE AYAHUASCA QUE PUEDE SER ANALIZADO EN TÉRMINOS CIENTÍFICOS? JOSEP Mª FERICGLA Con frecuencia, hay personas que me narran las visiones que han tenido bajo el efecto de la ayahuasca y me muestran su interés en comprenderlas. O, simplemente, en saber si es que tienen o puede dárseles algún sentido, además de la experiencia propiamente dicha. Algunas visiones tienen carga emocional y otra no, algunas corresponden claramente a una vivencia arquetípica 2014 PLANTAFORMA PARA LA DEFENSA DE LA AYAHUASCA (PDA), ESPAÑA IGNACIO CANO DIEGO DE LAS CASAS PROJECTS IV PROYECTOS IV Saturday 27, 18h Room 4 Sábado 27, 18h Sala 4 JERÓNIMO MAZARRASA RAQUEL MORA MANUEL VILLAESCUSA ROBERTO CASTRO JOSÉ CARLOS BOUSO La situación legal de la ayahuasca en España y en Europa es incierta, ya que si bien la JIFE afirma que la ayahuasca no está fiscalizada internacionalmente, al mismo tiempo se están produciendo numerosas detenciones debido a que suele contender DMT, sustancia THE AYAHUASCA DIALOGUES. FROM THE ETHNOBOTANICAL STEWARDSHIP COUNCIL (ESC) JOSHUA WICKERHAM ELLEN PERCIVAL JONATHAN THOMPSON MERA GINETTA PACELLA Este taller va enfocado a la liberación de nuestro animal interior para vivir una vida más plena y acorde a lo que deseamos y sentimos desde nuestro más profundo ser. Mediante el reconocimiento y la integración de las emociones genuinas, te proponemos un trabajo que invitará a la entrega y a la renuncia del control, a un dejarse fluir para liberarse de tensiones, bloqueos emocionales, físicos y mentales que nos impiden disfrutar plenamente de los placeres de la vida, para llegar así a un estado de placidez dejando atrás el sufrimiento. Centrar nuestro ser en la propia experiencia del aquí y ahora de una forma activa a la vez que receptiva, logra que la mente alcance otras estados de conciencia. El trabajo que se propone es la renuncia al control de la “pequeña mente” y es un proceso espiritual, en tanto la persona se abandona a la espontaneidad y llega a ser ella misma. Taller de 2 horas, mínimo 30 pax. Una vez empezado no se podrá entrar en la sala. 83 SPEAKERS PONENTES PRIMARY TRACK FORO PRINCIPAL ACADEMIC TRACK FORO ACADÉMICO COMMUNITY TRACK FORO COMUNIDAD LA LIBERACIÓN DEL DESEO Y LA DIMENSIÓN DIONISÍACA DE VIDA LEGAL TRACK FORO LEGAL Friday 26, 12h Room 4 Viernes 26, 12h Sala 4 OTHER CONTENTS OTROS CONTENIDOS Saturday 27, 09:30h Room 4 Sábado 27, 09:30h Sala 4 WORKSHOP TALLER FILM FORUM CINE FORUM PROJECTS III PROYECTOS III This session will be a discussion of the report “The Ayahuasca Dialogues: Progress and prospects toward safer and more sustainable Ayahuasca” from the Ethnobotanical Stewardship Council (ESC). This is the ESC’s first major public report. Join the ESC team and other stakeholders for a 20 minute summary of this report’s major points to get an in-depth overview the Ayahuasca Dialogues. Then join other conference attendees for small group discussions about the report and the Ayahuasca Dialogues and have your chance to offer feedback to help improve the final draft of the report. Presentations will be in English, but small group discussions will be in Spanish and English. WORKSHOPS TALLERES Para realizar un esfuerzo en la dirección de comprender el fenómeno de la imaginería generada por la ayahuasca, hay dos factores clave: i) el imaginario del propio sujeto, y ii) el campo que crea el propio grupo que comparte la experiencia en un espacio y tiempo determinados. En ambos casos, la persona es objeto y sujeto a la vez de la experiencia y se trata de factores clave que se deben gestionar al dirigir una sesión de ayahuasca. fiscalizada en la Lista I del Convenio de Sustancias Psicotrópicas de 1971. Esta situación de incertidumbre legal se ve agravada por posibles malos usos de la ayahuasca. Si bien numerosos trabajos científicos corroboran la seguridad terapéutica y los beneficios para la salud de esta bebida, su uso inadecuado puede provocar una alarma social que lleve a las autoridades a prohibir su utilización. Desde la Plantaforma consideramos que la mejor defensa de la ayahuasca consiste en promover que quienes trabajan con ella lo hagan de una forma respetuosa, procurando el bienestar de sus semejantes y no sirviéndose de ella para beneficio propio. Así, en el año 2009 la Plantaforma, tras nueves meses de trabajo, saca a la luz su Código Ético, que es la piedra angular de su actividad. Al mismo tiempo consideramos que la defensa de la ayahuasca pasa por defender el derecho a usarla amparándose en el derecho a la libertad religiosa, y en el derecho de los pueblos indígenas a practicar sus tradiciones allá donde sus miembros se encuentren. El ámbito de actuación de la Plantaforma es el Estado Español, pero creemos necesario que la defensa del buen uso de la ayahuasca, y la defensa de estos derechos fundamentales debe plantearse igualmente a nivel europeo, por lo que proponemos que se inicien los trabajos para constituir una Plantaforma Europea para la Defensa de la Ayahuasca. EVENTS EVENTOS y otras son meros mecanismos narcisistas de defensa del propio sujeto que le impiden desvelar algo real de su mundo interno profundo. Algunas visiones se refieren solo al sujeto presente y otras a su pasado biográfico, incluso tal vez transpersonal o familiar. Otras visiones tienen correspondencia en varias culturas; otras, en cambio, hay que entenderlas dentro de propio patrón cultural del sujeto inspirado; y aun hay otra calidad de imaginería que se refiere al grupo que un momento específico comparte la experiencia. OTHER CONTENTS OTROS CONTENIDOS FILM FORUM CINE FORUM 2014 Entre la selección hay varios documentales nuevos que estrenarán oficialmente en la conferencia, con la presencia del director y en algunos casos de los protagonistas de la película. Duración 50 min Idioma Español Subtítulos Inglés Director Jerónimo Mazarrasa Duration 50 min Language English Year 2011 ayahuasca.flavors.me Año 2013/14 ayahuasca.nidra.tv Friday 26, 16:20h Room 3 Viernes 26, 16:20h Sala 3 Thursday 25, 13:00h Room 3 Jueves 25, 13:00h Sala 3 COMMUNITY TRACK FORO COMUNIDAD LEGAL TRACK FORO LEGAL Director Fabiola Simonetti & Coto Cañas OTHER CONTENTS OTROS CONTENIDOS Durante la World Ayahuasca Conference 2014 se proyectará una selección de largometrajes y cortometrajes sobre el mundo de la ayahuasca. Hemos recibido más de 30 propuestas de todo el mundo que tratan con diferentes aspectos de la ayahuasca: usos indígenas, aspectos de medio ambiente, viajes de curación de personas y sus experiencias, relatos personales, documentos etnográficos, ciencia, etc. The Jungle Prescription tells of ayahuasca, a visionary Amazonian brew of indigenous origin and its encounter with the West, as played out through the story of two doctors. The first, Dr. J. Mabit, runs a legendary detox centre deep in the Peruvian jungle, in partnership with indigenous healers. The second, Dr. Gabor Maté, is risking his reputation trying to establish a similar program in Canada. FILM FORUM CINE FORUM Among the selection there are several new documentaries that will officially premier at the conference, with the presence of the director and in some cases also some of the characters of the films. Tres intrépidos personajes toman asiento en una avión hacia la selva iquiteña con el fin de encontrarse con la magia de la Ayahuasca. Desde los confines mágicos de la selva peruana; arriba de las casas balsas que flotan en el vaivén de la crecida amazónica; entremedio de la selva voraz que pareciera atragantar con su verde incandescente... nos adentramos en un viaje para tratar de mostrar con imágenes lo que no se puede mostrar. Introduction by the director Presentación del director WORKSHOPS TALLERES During the World Ayahuasca Conference 2014 we will be screening a selection of feature length documentaries and shorts about ayahuasca. We received over 30 submissions from around the whole world that deal with different aspects of the subject matter: traditional indigenous uses, environmental aspects, healing journeys of people who are followed through their experiences, personal accounts, ethnographic documents, science, etc. THE JUNGLE PRESCRIPTION Introduction by the director Presentación del director EVENTS EVENTOS FILM FORUM CINE FORUM AYAHUASCA, VOLVER AL SER ACADEMIC TRACK FORO ACADÉMICO PRIMARY TRACK FORO PRINCIPAL SPEAKERS PONENTES FILM FORUM CINE FORUM 85 2014 HUICHOLES, LOS ÚLTIMOS GUARDIANES DEL PEYOTE The urgent story of the mystical Wixarika People, the Huicholes: one of the last pre-Hispanic alive cultures in Latin America. Their struggle against the Mexican government and multinational mining corporations to preserve Wirikuta, their most sacred territory and home of the famous peyote cactus. The mining activities of the Canadian companies that got the concessions in 2010 to prospect this protected area, rich in silver, gold and other minerals, are seen by the Wixarika and their supporters as a great menace for the delicate biodiversity of this unique ecosystem, listed by the UNESCO as World Cultural and Natural Heritage. An unequal and controversial fight from today that triggers the global debate between ancient cultural values, the exploitation of nature and the inevitable development of the peoples. Director Hernán Vilchez Duration 120 min FILM FORUM CINE FORUM NEURONS TO NIRVANA Through interviews with leading psychologists and scientists, Neurons to Nirvana explores the history of four powerful psychedelic substances (LSD, Psilocybin, MDMA and Ayahuasca) and their previously established medicinal potential. Strictly focusing on the science and medicinal properties of these drugs, Neurons to Nirvana looks into why our society has created such a social and political bias against even allowing research to continue the exploration of any possible positive effects they can present in treating some of today’s most challenging afflictions. Director Oliver Hockenhull Duration 85 min Language English Year 2014 Year 2014 Friday 26, 12:00h Room 3 Viernes 26, 12:00h Sala 3 86 AYA: Awakenings is a documentary journey into the world and visions of Amazonian shamanism, adapted from the cult book ‘Aya: a Shamanic Odyssey’ by Rak Razam. As Razam sets out to document the booming business of Amazonian shamanism in the 21st century, he quickly finds himself caught up in a culture clash between the old world and the new. Braving a gringo trail of the soul, he uncovers a movement of ‘spiritual tourists’ coming from the West for a direct experience of the multi-dimensional reality shamanism connects one to. Director Tim Parish Duration 90 min Language English Year 2014 aya-awakenings.com neuronstonirvana.tumblr.com Language Spanish Subtitles English AYA AWAKENINGS Thursday 25, 18:00h Room 3 Jueves 25, 18:00h Sala 3 Introduction by the director Presentación del director Thursday 25, 16:00h Room 4 Jueves 25, 16:00h Sala 4 2014 To seek a cure for Parkinson’s Disease and experience the transformational effects of Ayahuasca, filmmaker Michael Wiese went to the home of Don Jose Campos, an internationally known Peruvian curandero. Shot in the Amazonian river towns of Pulcallpa and Iquitos, this film takes us into the world of Don Jose and includes the last filmed interview with renowned visionary painter and former shaman Pablo Amaringo. Director Juan Diego Sanchez Acila Director Michael Wiese “The Sacred Science” follows eight people from all different walks of life, with varying physical and psychological ailments, as they embark on a one-month healing journey into the heart of the Amazon jungle. Working with traditional Shamanic healers, each participant takes an active role in his or her own recovery process - and using a combination of plant medicine and intense spiritual ceremonies and exercises, the barriers between physical health and mental well-being are blurred and eventually eliminated altogether. Duración 28 min Duration 72 minutes Director Nick Polizzi Idioma Español & Inga Language English/Spanish Duration 77 min Subtítulos Español Subtitles No Language Spanish Year 2010 Year 2011 divineartsmedia.com thesacredscience.com Saturday 27, 16:00h Room 4 Sábado 27, 16:00h Sala 4 Saturday 27, 16:00h Room 3 Sábado 27, 16:00h Sala 3 FILM FORUM CINE FORUM WORKSHOPS TALLERES EVENTS EVENTOS Thursday 25, 15:30h Room 4 Jueves 25, 15:30h Sala 4 COMMUNITY TRACK FORO COMUNIDAD A finales del año 2011 llegó a tierras antioqueñas, Henrry Danilo Muchavisoy, un jóven nativo del piedemonte amazónico, con un legado ancestral, fruto de su formación como médico tradicional indígena. En el transcurrir de dos años como habitante de un territorio occidentalizado, Henrry ha tenido la oportunidad de compartir su visión de la vida por medio de la música, el manejo de la planta sagrada del Yagé... LEGAL TRACK FORO LEGAL THE SACRED SCIENCE OTHER CONTENTS OTROS CONTENIDOS THE SHAMAN & AYAHUASCA AMBI, MEDICINA PARA EL ALMA ACADEMIC TRACK FORO ACADÉMICO PRIMARY TRACK FORO PRINCIPAL SPEAKERS PONENTES FILM FORUM CINE FORUM 87 2014 SHAMANS OF THE AMAZON Shamans of the Amazon is a personal account of Film-maker Dean Jefferys returning to the Amazon with his partner and one year old daughter. They journey deep into the heart of the Ecuadorian rainforest to meet two Amazon Shamans, to learn about and experience the ancient ayahuasca ritual. The film will also show how this hallucinogenic ritual is being adapted and used in western cultures. FILM FORUM CINE FORUM ICAROS CURANDEROS Ícaros explora el universo espiritual del pueblo shipibo que habita a orillas del río Ucayali, uno de los principales afluentes de la Amazonía Peruana. El joven Mokan Rono emprende su camino en el ancestral conocimiento de la ayahuasca, guiado por un sabio chamán y por su madre, maestra curandera. Based on a series of interviews filmed in the region of Nariño in southern Colombia, Curanderos attempts to answer central questions regarding ayahuasca Shamanism. Two Colombian Shamans, a British explorer, and a German scientist offer their visions of this astonishing form of medicine, based on the use of a psychoactive brew. Director Georgina Barreiro Director Dean Jefferys Duración 71 min Duration 52 min Idioma Español Language English and Spanish Año 2014 Subtitles English facebook.com/icaroslapelicula Year 2001 shamansoftheamazon.com Director Victor Guillon & Julien Mauranne Duration 30 min Language English/Spanish Subtitles English Year 2011 curanderos-lefilm.com Thursday 25, 16h Room 3 Jueves 25, 16h Sala 3 Friday 26, 09:30h Room 3 Viernes 26, 09:30h Sala 3 Friday 26, 15:30h Room 4 Viernes 26, 15:30h Sala 4 88 Introduction by the director Presentación del director 2014 PRIMARY TRACK FORO PRINCIPAL SPEAKERS PONENTES FILM FORUM CINE FORUM Year 2010 vineofthesoul.com Director Marcelo Rossi Duración 17:20 min Thursday 25, 12:00h Room 3 Jueves 25, 12:00h Sala 3 Idioma Español Subtítulos Español Año 2014 Director Michael Wiese ACADEMIC TRACK FORO ACADÉMICO COMMUNITY TRACK FORO COMUNIDAD LEGAL TRACK FORO LEGAL Language English and shares his extraordinary experience in this video diary-style documentary film Duration 60 min Language English Year 2012 shop.mwp.com/products/living-with-spirits-10-days-in-the-jungle-withayahuasca OTHER CONTENTS OTROS CONTENIDOS Duration 52 min Tentado por su profesión se lleva consigo un reducido equipo de filmación, para intentar (si la experiencia lo permitía) registrar sus vivencias y poder transmitirle a las personas que sienten pasión, interés científico, búsqueda espiritual o simplemente curiosidad sobre el tema, que es esto de “tomar Ayahuasca”. Those brave enough to drink ayahuasca will meet spirits and have visions of other worlds and realms. Peruvian shaman use this visionary plant brew as part of a dieta -a retreat in the jungle- where they receive insights on healing. Through the auspices of Peruvian shaman Don José Campos, filmmaker Michael Wiese undertakes a 10-day dieta FILM FORUM CINE FORUM Director Richard Meech Un director de documentales, luego de realizar tomas en su país de origen, Argentina, decide viajar hacia la ciudad de Iquitos en Perú, considerada por los investigadores y científicos como “la meca” de la Ayahuasca. Como parte de un proceso de curación profundo iniciado cuatro meses antes, y comprendiendo que el efecto producido por la Ayahuasca en su estado natural, puede significar un mayor conocimiento y beneficio para su persona, parte, solo hacia la selva. LIVING WITH SPIRITS Friday 26, 10:15h Room 3 Viernes 26, 10:15h Sala 3 Introduction by the director Presentación del director WORKSHOPS TALLERES On a quest for spiritual awakening and healing, a naturopathic doctor and an accountant join others in the Amazon to drink a hallucinogenic brew called ayahuasca or ‘Vine of the Soul’. Their dramatic encounters with the sacred medicine offer new insights into the nature of faith and self-healing through a heightened state of consciousness. MEDICINAS ANCESTRALES espantapajarosweb.com.ar EVENTS EVENTOS VINE OF SOUL Saturday 27, 15:30h Room 4 Sábado 27, 15:30h Sala 4 89 2014 LA MEDICINA DEL SONIDO A very personal yet universal journey. This film shares with you the intimacy of an Ayahuasca ceremony in Ibiza. Artists, musicians and practitioners speak of their experiences and their commitment to break down fears and lead ones experience through this intense journey, intercut with scenes from the ceremony itself and the undeniable vibration of sight, sound and spirituality. FILM FORUM CINE FORUM VIAJE DE IDA Acompanhamos a jornada de um grupo de pessoas na floresta amazônica Boliviana que decidem adentrar o caminho da consciência humana, pelo universo das plantas sagradas e da sabedoria ancestral. Uma narrativa que levanta questões como a convivência, cuidados com a terra, saúde e cura, ética, e os mistérios da busca humana. LAS RUTAS DEL YAGÉ La voz de un abuelo que narra el encuentro entre el hombre indígena y una planta sagrada nos sumerge en los principios de la tradición del Yagé. Un recorrido documental desde la selva hasta las ciudades de los andes colombianos que muestra el intercambio entre la práctica de curación indígena y la sociedad urbana que abre nuevas rutas a los médicos tradicionales del Putumayo. Director Giulio Tarantino Director Nicole Roitberg, Pedro Rio (er Saba), Enrico Campos Director Alex López Guevara Duration 23 min Duration 43 min Duración 54 min Language Spanish Language Inglês e Espanhol Año 2008 Subtitles English Subtitles: Inglês e Espanhol facebook.com/lasrutasdelyage Year 2014 Year 2006 florestadosunicornios.com.br Friday 26, 18:00h Room 4 Viernes 26, 18:00h Sala 4 Friday 26, 18:00h Room 3 Viernes 26, 18:00h Sala 3 Introduction by the director Presentación del director 90 Friday 26, 16:30h Room 4 Viernes 26, 16:30h Sala 4 2014 Language English Year 2009 Thursday 25, 19:00h Room 4 Jueves 25, 19:00h Sala 4 Idioma Español Año 2007 Friday 26, 18:30h Room 4 Viernes 26, 18:30h Sala 4 Director João Meirinhos COMMUNITY TRACK FORO COMUNIDAD LEGAL TRACK FORO LEGAL Duración 68 min OTHER CONTENTS OTROS CONTENIDOS Duration 63 min Director Eloi Ysàs The Mirror of the Spirit’ primarily follows the life of an old shaman from Puerto Maldonado, an accidental tourist and a recovering drug addict seeking healing. They are like tributaries of the same river converging towards this ancient medicine for different personal reasons. In Pucallpa we stay with the Shipibo-Conibo people at a community along the Ucayali River. And, in Iquitos, we are welcomed at an holistic healing center mostly run and visited by foreigners. Starting out as an anthropological investigation, this chronological quest shows examples of mestizo, indigenous and western shamanic practices. It did not seek to document those already experts on the subject, but to give an unfiltered voice to others that came along its observational path of discovery; to better understand the mysteries of plant medicine, the business behind fake healers and the cultural mimetic relationship between Amazonian natives and spiritual tourists. FILM FORUM CINE FORUM Director Mike Kawitzky Los cuadros y relatos de las visiones y realidades de la cosmogonía amazónica y religiosa del pintor Don Pablo Amaringo te guían sutilmente en esta obra donde compartes el espacio y el tiempo con distintos maestros conocedores del lenguaje de las plantas de la Amazonía, para muchos la farmacia del mundo. EL ESPEJO DEL ESPÍRITU Duration 87 min Language Spanish & English WORKSHOPS TALLERES Are we evolving as a species or are we going extinct? What is consciousness? Is G-d a myth? Can science and spirituality learn to co-exist? What happens when you die? Cognition Factor stitches quick-paced conversations with Terence Mckenna into a plot to save the world, along with brother Dennis Mckenna, and Ralph Abraham, Rupert Sheldrake, Ralph Metzner, Alex Grey, and twenty more of the top thinkers of our times. AYARUNA, EL ESPÍRITU DE LAS PLANTAS AMAZÓNICAS World Premiere at AYA2014 Saturday 27,09:30h Room 3 Sábado 27, 09:30h Sala 3 EVENTS EVENTOS COGNITION FACTOR ACADEMIC TRACK FORO ACADÉMICO PRIMARY TRACK FORO PRINCIPAL SPEAKERS PONENTES FILM FORUM CINE FORUM Introduction by the director Presentación del director 91 2014 FILM FORUM CINE FORUM EL PODER ANCESTRAL DE LA AYAHUASCA Y LA MITOLOGÍA SHUAR THE PATH OF THE SUN AYAHUASCA NATURE’S GREATEST GIFT Debido a que el Shuar ha sido un pueblo eminentemente guerrero y además porque antiguamente tenían la costumbre de hacer después de sus guerras, el rito de la reducción de la cabeza de sus enemigos, conocido como Tsantsa a fin de poder preservarla como trofeo de guerra; han sido generalmente conocidos en forma despectiva como Jíbaros o salvajes; denominación que rechazan por su contenido etnocéntrico y racista; por ello reivindican su derecho a autodenominarse como Shuar que significa, gente, persona o gente verdadera. Entre las fiestas que adoptaron de sus ancestros y que aun practican en la mayoría de sus comunidades shuar, podemos señalar la Fiesta del Ayahuasca que por lo general lo celebran en enero con la caminata a las cascadas y montañas sagradas. En esta fiesta el uwishin manipula fuerzas espirituales que intervienen en procesos de curación, amor, cacería y siembra. En la sociedad Shuar, el uwishin, es quien a la vez de poseer importantes conocimientos del mundo mítico espiritual, maneja las concepciones de salud-enfermedad. Entre los Shuar existen dos tipos de shamanes: los tsuakratin (que curan) y los wawekratin (que causan daño o enfermedades). The second half of the shamanic documentary series The path of the sun and explores the benefits of the medicinal plant ayahuasca. Many topics are discussed by leading experts including ayahuasca’s benefits as a tool for personal growth, exploration of the supernatural and the field of psychotherapy as a powerful medicine for healing (including discussions about the the use of ayahuasca for the treatment of depression, anxiety, sleep disorders, phobias, PTSD, drug and alcohol addiction), the burgeoning ayahuasca tourism industry and the dangers of travel to third world countries and the Amazon, the “dieta” or ayahuasca diet, curanderos, ayhuasqueros and shaman, the ayahuasca experience, the ayahuasca ceremony, the ritual and ceremony, how the brew is made, Icaros and more. Directora Mónica Hinojosa Becerra Idioma: Español Duration 60 min Language English, Spanish, Quechua Year 2014 Saturday 27,12:30h Room 3 Sábado 27, 12:30h Sala 3 92 A narrative documentary focusing on the story of Rebekah Shaman, who in 1997 followed a vision she received from a Shaman calling her to the Amazon, where she found and studied intensively with a powerful Ayahuasquero. Now she tells of her unique story working with the Shaman and Ayahuasca to connect with Mother Earth. Director Alexander Ward Duration 33 min Language English Year 2013 alexanderward.co.uk rebekahshaman.com Director Seti Gershberg thepathofthesun.com Introduction by the director Presentación del director THE LAST SHAMAN’S APPRENTICE Thursday 25, 15:30h Room 3 Jueves 25, 15:30h Sala 3 Thursday 25, 18:00h Room 4 Jueves 25, 18:00h Sala 4 Introduction by the director Presentación del director 2014 Language English, Spanish and Cree Subtitles English & Spanish Year 2014 Director Marcelo Schenberg Saturday 27, 18:00h Room 4 Sábado 27, 18:00h Sala 4 This presentation is a pre-premier of work-in-progress, presented by the director Benjamin De Loenen, with Q&A with the main characters Rumi, his lawyer Rodrigo and Danae. Year 2014 Director Benjamin de Loenen Duration 10 min. Idioma Español Language English/Español Subtítulos Inglés Subtitles Español Duración 90 min. plantandoconsciencia.org/medicina Saturday 27, 15:30h Room 3 Sábado 27, 15:00h Sala 3 COMMUNITY TRACK FORO COMUNIDAD Duration 45 min LEGAL TRACK FORO LEGAL Director Jim Sanders and André Clément In 2009 the Chilean Police Department violently raided an Ayahuasca Ritual in the center Manto Wasi in Santiago de Chile. The public prosecutor was on on personal mission to eradicate everything related to this mind-altering concoction - a long legal battle started... Rumi and Danae, accused for endangering public health and drug trafficking, decided to fight for justice, demonstrating that ayahuasca is a valid therapeutic tool. Their struggle to overcome the heavy accusations by the media and justice system and the social stigma around ayahuasca is visualized in this heart-stirring documentary... OTHER CONTENTS OTROS CONTENIDOS Throughout millennia, human kind has nurtured an animated relationship with the Cosmos, mediated by shamanic practices worldwide. Cosmos and Earth have slowly been separated from us, objectified to give room for progress to unfold. Now, as science and technology achieve never imagined levels of sophistication, they unexpectedly encounter their shadows, as perspectives for times to come seem to become increasingly pessimistic. Following the forgotten route of ancient wisdom that has been guarded by descendents of these traditions, combined with the rigorous approach of scholars and practicing scientists, Medicina is bound to shatter deep-seated ideas on health, illness and, ultimately, the very meaning of life. FILM FORUM CINE FORUM Tonkiri is a documentary series about the life, work and travels of Ashaninkan elder and healer Juan Flores as he leaves the Amazon to share his knowledge about medicinal plants with the world. ICEERS AYAHUASCA DOCUMENTARY - WORK IN PROGRESS WORKSHOPS TALLERES MEDICINA Saturday 27, 18:00h Room 3 Sábado 27, 18:00h Sala 3 Introduction by the director Presentación del director EVENTS EVENTOS TONKIRI - CHAPTER ONE ACADEMIC TRACK FORO ACADÉMICO PRIMARY TRACK FORO PRINCIPAL SPEAKERS PONENTES FILM FORUM CINE FORUM Pre-premiere with Q&A 93 2014 FILM FORUM CINE FORUM SHORT EXPERIENCE MAELSTROM CALLING THE OTHERS When a lonely young woman in London faces an ever growing loss of identity, the only thing she can cling onto are her melancholic devotion to her snake and plants. Unfortunately flora doesn’t talk back and her snake is radiating a mysterious glare as ever. Mysteriously her plant shows her that there is enlightenment to be found sipping through the cracks of consciousness. She decides to see how deep the rabbit hole goes and aligns back with her true self. A companion video to the recent EP by Anilah; this piece is intended as a meditation for soul ignition, third eye and heart activation, through metaphysical interpretation. The music and vocals were created first as an improvisation by Anilah. Then the audio was synchronized with a visual score including motion graphics and artwork by Simon Haiduk. Director Tom Geraedts Duration 06:34 min. Duration 07:44 Language music video – no words Language Non spoken Year 2012/13 Year 2013 simonhaiduk.com Director Simon Haiduk tomgeraedts.com Friday 26, 15:30h Room 3 Viernes 26, 15:30h Sala 3 Friday 26, 15:30h Room 3 Viernes 26, 15:30h Sala 3 94 2014 PRIMARY TRACK FORO PRINCIPAL SPEAKERS PONENTES FILM FORUM CINE FORUM Used since immemorial times to bring knowledge, wisdom and cure, it´s considered the great teacher of the forest - being highlighted as the main source of learning of the Jibóia Medicine, that reveals the amazonian cure misteries from the inside of this people´s cosmovision. The documentary seeks to portray also, through the testimonials of men and women, the Xinã Bena (the new age) - the moment lived nowadays by this society that seeks direct contact with their roots in the spirituality of their ancestors. ACADEMIC TRACK FORO ACADÉMICO A stream of digital sculptures and soundscapes that dynamically transmute between organic and circuit-like motifs / A constant flow of emerging and dissolving oceanic, futuristic, and mandala forms COMMUNITY TRACK FORO COMUNIDAD NIXI PAE is an artistic documentary short film project, about the cultural rescue of the Huni Kuï people from Amazon through the ritualistic use of Nixi Pae, sacramental beverage internationally known as ayahuasca. CELLULLAR CIRCUITRY COSMIC FLOWER UNFOLDING Director Ben Ridgway Duration 2:00 / 2:00 LEGAL TRACK FORO LEGAL NIXI PAE Language No words benridgway.wordpress.com Director Juliana Nabuco OTHER CONTENTS OTROS CONTENIDOS The movie is inspired in the cosmovision of the great Pajés (medicine men). Friday 26, 15:30h Room 3 Viernes 26, 15:30h Sala 3 FILM FORUM CINE FORUM Duration 15 minutes Language Hatxa Kuin WORKSHOPS TALLERES Subtitles Portuguese EVENTS EVENTOS Year 2012 Friday 26, 15:30h Room 3 Viernes 26, 15:30h Sala 3 95 WORKSHOPS TALLERES 2014 Holotropic Breathwork is a technique developed by Stanislav and Christina Grof that induces an altered state of consciousness in which we can access deep psychological material such as personal biographical content, repressed trauma and memories, elements from perinatal states and our birth process, as well as transpersonal and mystical experiences. These experiences can catalyze psychotherapeutic processes and facilitate healing. La Respiración Holotrópica es una técnica creada por Stanislav Grof y su esposa Christina Grof, que induce un estado alterado de conciencia que nos permite acceder a material psicológico profundo, como contenidos de nuestra biografía personal, recuerdos traumáticos reprimidos, estados perinatales, nuestro proceso de nacimiento y experiencias transpersonales o místicas. Estas experiencias pueden catalizar procesos psicoterapéuticos y facilitar la sanación. El acceso a este estado no ordinario de consciencia se consigue mediante el uso de la respiración acelerada, una selección particular de música evocativa y un contexto seguro apoyado por facilitadores formados en la técnica. El dibujo de mandalas y el compartir en grupo son elementos de integración importantes en el desarrollo del taller. Unlike traditional shamanic rituals, Holotropic Breathwork was developed by Stanislav Grof relatively recently, based on his knowledge and experience as a psychoanalyst and his extensive work with LSD is psychotherapy, as well as being inspired by more ancestral methods from spiritual and shamanic traditions. A diferencia de los rituales tradicionales chamánicos, la Respiración Holotrópica fue desarrollado por Grof recientemente, basándose en su conocimiento y experiencia como psicoanalista, su trabajo extensivo con LSD en psicoterapia y su inspiración proveniente de métodos ancestrales de tradiciones espirituales y chamánicas. This Holotropic Breathwork Workshop is a great opportunity for people who are involved with, or have experience with ayahuasca, to learn about this more occidental approach of working with non-ordinary states of consciousness with its own set of tools, structure and group dynamics. The session starts with a theoretical introduction and personal and group preparatory work, followed by the breathing session and finishes with the integration of the experience. The workshop is a full day. Este taller de Respiración Holotrópica es una oportunidad para personas involucradas con la ayahuasca, de conocer de cerca esta aproximación más occidental al trabajo con estados no ordinarios de consciencia, que tiene su propias herramientas, estructura y dinámica de grupo. Este taller comienza con una introducción teórica, trabajo de preparación personal y en grupo, seguido de la sesión de respiración, para terminar con la integración de la experiencia. El taller es un día completo. Tuesday 23, La Nave Ibiza Martes 23, La Nave Ibiza EVENTS EVENTOS Access to this non-ordinary state of consciousness is achieved with fast breathing, a specific selection of evocative music and a safe and supportive setting provided by trained facilitators. Mandala drawing and group integration are also important elements during the workshop. COMMUNITY TRACK FORO COMUNIDAD Habrá además un amplio grupo de apoyo formado por facilitadores certificados y con experiencia. LEGAL TRACK FORO LEGAL There will be a group of support facilitators present, all of whom are certified and experienced in Holotropic Breathwork. Psicoterapeuta, facilitador de Respiración Holotrópica y formador del equipo de Grof Transpersonal Training. OTHER CONTENTS OTROS CONTENIDOS Psychologist and psychotherapist, Certified Holotropic Breathwork Facilitator and member of the Training Staff in Grof Transpersonal Training. MARC AIXALÁ FILM FORUM CINE FORUM MARC AIXALÁ RESPIRACIÓN HOLOTRÓPICA WORKSHOPS TALLERES HOLOTROPIC BREATHWORK ACADEMIC TRACK FORO ACADÉMICO PRIMARY TRACK FORO PRINCIPAL SPEAKERS PONENTES WORKSHOPS TALLERES 97 2014 STATE-OF-THE-ART MULTIMODAL PSYCHOTHERAPY TREATING INDIVIDUALS, COUPLES AND FAMILIES: PSYCHOACTIVES AS ROBUST PSYCHO-THERAPEUTIC ACCELERANTS AND ENHANCERS ARTHUR STEIN, PH.D Dr. Arthur Stein developed Comprehensive Family Therapy (D.A. Kirschner & S. Kirschner, Brunner/Mazel, NY, 1986), which takes on the family holistically, dealing with rearing and marital transactions, as well as members individually. All members and problems of the functional family are professionally engaged on a private practice footing. Advisory work with public agencies led to breathtaking challenge of tackling family dysfunction regionally. Dr. Stein developed Humanics, a transdisciplinary practice dealing with social districts holistically, every person, family and institution counting, and elementally, with the mentalities, human interactions and relations shaping the institutions, civil life and culture. Dr. Stein closed an extensive private practice to prove how communities may be problem-solved and quality of life effectively promoted. Psychoactives, for example, Ayahuasca, can be astonishingly beneficial and radically transformative for motivated, prepared, and subjectively open seekers. However, Ayahuasca is no panacea. No matter its soaring beauty, emotional galvanization, extensive insights and striking benefits, programmatic self-psychotherapy, entirely on one’s own, most often fails Ayahuasca’s (and other Psychoactives’) fullest potential — as is typically the case with psychoactives. Regarding not gaining full bounty of LSD, Leo Zeff (The Secret Chief) reported, “People will come to me who have already tripped…five hundred times on acid, others… three, four hundred times…they would be good candidates so I’d say, ‘Sure.’ Invariably these people have said, ‘I’ve never had an acid trip before in my life! This is the first time I’ve really had an acid trip’ (Leo Zeff, The Secret Chief).” WORKSHOPS TALLERES far from ordinary. Emotional growth is demanding and rarely easy, each step forward being hard-won, generally. Into this fray, Ayahuasca oftentimes first presents to uninitiated clinical workers as a miracle-like tool. (Think physicians’ historic, first time viewing of fungal penicillin slaying pneumonia, septicemia, diphtheria, syphilis, gonorrhea, meningitis, rheumatic fever, etc., all ravaging before the new agent.) Relational psychotherapy naturally stakes out Ayahuasca for its relevant powers (and sister Psychoactives, selectively, for theirs). What’s more, and conversely, Ayahuasca intrinsically supports communication and mental analysis. People commonly get together after a journey for catharsis, exchanging experiences and views. Hence, the two modalities patently, self-evidently go together positively, and professionally combining them is done universally. The combinatorial result can be strikingly exponential. Far from rare are savvy psychotherapy clients saying a particular psychoactive experience has been personally tantamount to years of standard treatment. The Secret Chief again: “I’ve had many people…who’ve come to me who have been in analysis for a long time. Some have been in analysis four times a week for eight to ten years continuously….However, there was always something that they never could get to. They have taken a trip and in one trip afterwards have said, ‘I got more out of that one day’s experience than I did in my whole eight or ten years or whatever of psychoanalysis.’” This workshop dedicates to the psychotherapy and full wellness-growth and empowerment of individuals, couples and families through mixed modality synthesis of verbal and psychoactive processes. The aim is clinical procedure that is synergistically efficient and effective. The workshop is open only to accredited psychologists, psychiatrists, social workers, and other vetted behavioral service workers. Likewise, verbal psychotherapy may catalyze far-reaching, even eye-popping results. But, such outcome is Wednesday 24, Sala Fisioquiros 98 2014 Los psicoactivos, como por ejemplo la ayahuasca, pueden ser altamente beneficiosos y radicalmente transformadores para aquellos buscadores receptivos, motivados y preparados. Sin embargo, la ayahuasca no es una panacea. No importa cuánta sobrecogedora belleza, galvanización emocional o benéfica introspección profunda haya experimentado un individuo: si sólo ha hecho la autopsicoterapia, sin la ayuda de un profesional, a menudo está desaprovechando el potencial completo que ofrece la ayahuasca. Como suele ser el caso con los psicoactivos, en lo que se refiere a no obtener la recompensa esperada del LSD, Leo Zeff (El Líder Secreto) declaraba: “Vino gente a mi consulta que ya había tenido... quinientos viajes de ácido, otros... tres o cuatrocientas veces... ellos eran buenos candidatos así que yo les dije, ‘Claro’. Invariablemente estas personas dijeron: ‘¡Nunca había tenido un viaje de ácido en mi vida! Esta es la primera vez que realmente he tenido un viaje de ácido.’” Este seminario de psicoterapia está dedicado al bienestar y el crecimiento completos para el empoderamiento de las personas, las parejas y las familias a través de una modalidad de síntesis mixta de los procesos verbales y psicoactivos. El objetivo es un procedimiento clínico que sea sinérgicamente eficaz. El seminario está abierto sólo a psicólogos acreditados, psiquiatras y trabajadores sociales experimentados en el área del comportamiento. COMMUNITY TRACK FORO COMUNIDAD LEGAL TRACK FORO LEGAL La psicoterapia relacional incorpora naturalmente la ayahuasca por su relevante potencial (así como a sus hermanos psicoactivos, usados selectivamente). De hecho, la ayahuasca es intrínsecamente compatible con la comunicación y el análisis mental. Es habitual que la gente se reúna después de un viaje para la catarsis y el intercambio de experiencias y puntos de vista. Por lo tanto, se hace patente que ambas modalidades se complementan de manera positiva y su uso profesional combinado está globalmente extendido. El resultado combinado puede ser llamativamente exponencial. No son raros los clientes habituados a la psicoterapia que afirman que una experiencia psicoactiva concreta les ha reportado el equivalente a años de tratamiento estándar. En este sentido, El Líder Secreto, decía: “He tenido mucha gente... que han venido a mí y se han estado analizando durante mucho tiempo, algunos hasta cuatro veces por semana durante ocho o diez años de forma continua... Sin embargo, siempre había algo que nunca podían alcanzar. Entonces han hecho un solo viaje y tras él me han dicho después: ‘He obtenido más de esta experiencia en un día de la que he logrado en ocho, diez años o los que sea de psicoanálisis.’” OTHER CONTENTS OTROS CONTENIDOS El Dr. Arthur Stein creador de la Terapia Familiar Comprensiva (D.A. Kirschner & S. Kirschner, Brunner/Mazel, NY, 1986), que concibe a la familia holísticamente al tratar tanto las interrelaciones entre crianza y vida matrimonial como a sus miembros individualmente. Su trabajo de consultor para diferentes organismos públicos le han conducido al reto formidable de integrar las disfunciones familiares en un marco regional. Para ello, el Dr. Stein desarrolló Humanics, una práctica interdisciplinar integradora que comprende el aspecto social específico en el que cada persona, familia e institución se desenvuelven, y en lo más elemental, con las mentalidades, interacciones humanas y relaciones que modelan las instituciones, la vida civil y la cultura. El Dr. Stein ha desarrollado una práctica privada extensiva para demostrar cómo las familias y comunidades pueden solucionar sus problemas y mejorar su calidad de vida de forma efectiva. FILM FORUM CINE FORUM DR. ARTHUR STEIN WORKSHOPS TALLERES LOS PSICOACTIVOS COMO ACELERADORES Y POTENCIADORES DEL PROCESO PSICOTERAPÉUTICO Asimismo, la psicoterapia verbal puede catalizar más allá de los resultados visibles. Pero la afluencia de contenidos no es lo más habitual, ya que generalmente demanda un esfuerzo sostenido para alcanzar un crecimiento emocional. En esta lucha, la ayahuasca suele presentarse a los trabajadores clínicos no iniciados como un herramienta milagrosa (piénsese en el histórico primer impacto que produjo entre los médicos la introducción de la penicilina fúngica para derrotar a la neumonía, la septicemia, la difteria, la sífilis, la gonorrea, la meningitis, la fiebre reumática, etc, que eran devastadoras antes del mencionado antibiótico). EVENTS EVENTOS PSICOTERÁPIA MULTIMODAL DE VANGUARDIATRATANDO A INDIVIDUOS, PAREJAS Y FAMILIAS: ACADEMIC TRACK FORO ACADÉMICO PRIMARY TRACK FORO PRINCIPAL SPEAKERS PONENTES WORKSHOPS TALLERES Miércoles 24, Sala Fisioquiros 99 2014 BEYOND PSYCHEDELIC DREAMS AND WAR ON DRUGS: PROBLEM-SOLVING AND POTENTIATING THE HUMAN INFRASTRUCTURE ARTHUR STEIN, PH.D Society shows the necessary astuteness and organizational savvy to go to the moon, build powerful computers, replace the human heart, among myriad astounding achievements. However, solving everyday, common problems such as unemployment, welfare, family breakdown, slums, crime infested neighborhoods, carnage of drugs, or failure of education and school dropout has proven bewilderingly problematic. Why is this the case? Are aforementioned challenges beyond human capability, or is it that people really don’t care, or do care, but don’t try? Or, have hidden, nefarious economic and political power elites conspired successfully to maintain toxic conditions for perverse private advantage? Obviously, the countless sums spent over decades in untold fruitless flailing show people seriously have cared, and do care, and do want some dignified, minimal sustenance, health and opportunity for all children and adults. How does one understand failure to solve persisting social dilemmas in view of society’s extraordinary capacity to problem solve in other domains? Rather than going the way of blaming economic or political cabals, one might answer very differently, on other grounds. The alternate, really quite simple explanation is that a universal existential minimal would be common doing today, as well as solutions of other communal predicament, if reigning experts did have knowledge of the theory, organization and practice needed to have achieved their aim. Human nature rejects failure, in favor of success, abides notice, rather than inconspicuousness. So, for example, if in 1996, then, President Bill Clinton, or any from his political accessories, really knew how to “end welfare as we know it,” Clinton naturally would have done so, earning the personal recognition attendant his leadership and paramount achievement. 100 WORKSHOPS TALLERES Stemming from contribution of Comprehensive Family Therapy (D.A. Kirschner, Bruner/Mazel, NY, 1986) and senior clinical practice, Dr. Stein was in role of advising public agencies jurisdictionally advocating and assisting family life. Tackling family problems, regionally, forces attention to profuse, serious and unmitigated family dysfunction. Equally salient are multiple, unsettling contextual, societal letdowns, alluded to above, which families, try, as they may, often just cannot surmount. Out of this troubling ado, Humanics, transdisciplinary practice approaching social districts both holistically and elementally, was born. Humanics harnesses the universal urge for social progress. It approaches regional behavioral dysfunction holistically, at individual, family, institutional and community levels. As state-of-the-art extension of current social organization and science, Humanics targets the full gradient of social functionality, from urban and rural districts appalling disordered or backward to those affluent, aiming conspicuously at full health and wellness of individuals, families and communities. Challenge of triumphant social welfare breaks logically into the following topics, the agenda of the workshop: - Philosophy and motivation for effective welfare strategy - Structure of the social domain, including overlooked dimensions - Scientifically determining societal optimality, and blueprinting community design - How existing social organization can be powerfully enhanced for welfare and progress - The scientific transdisciplinary process of problem-solving social regions: an approach simultaneously holistic – every person, every family, every institution counting; and elemental – dealing with the human relationships and interactions that shape and constitute the focal region’s families, institutions and society - Coping with governmental and institutional hierarchy and the pyramidal structure of authority - Methods and stages of financing - Scientific measurement and accountability September 28th-29th, Sala Fisioquiros 2014 Obviamente, las incontables sumas de dinero gastadas durante décadas en innumerables recursos infructuosos muestran que a día de hoy, continúan existiendo personas que luchan por una vida digna, un sustento mínimo, salud u oportunidades para todos los niños y adultos. ¿Cómo se entiende el fracaso persistente para resolver problemas sociales teniendo en cuenta la extraordinaria capacidad de la sociedad para resolver problemas en otros ámbitos? En lugar de culpar a las élites económicas y políticas, como en el ejemplo del fracaso social para lograr un sustento mínimo para todas las personas, este autor respondería de manera diferente, con otra base. La explicación alternativa y realmente simple es que el mínimo sustento sería posible de forma universal, así como la solución de otras muchas situaciones que vivimos hoy, si los expertos que gobiernan tuvieran un buen conocimiento sobre la teoría, la organización y la práctica para lograr sus objetivos. La naturaleza humana rechaza el fracaso, en favor del éxito, buscando aquello detectable en lugar de aquello que pasa inadvertido. Si, por ejemplo, en 1996, el presidente Bill Clinton, o cualquiera de sus compañeros de partido, hubieran sabido realmente como instaurar el bienestar tal y como lo conocemos ahora, natural- El reto de lograr el éxito en el bienestar social se desglosa lógicamente en el seminario, cuyo programa incluye los siguientes temas: - Filosofía y motivación para una estrategia de bienestar eficaz. - Estructura del ámbito social, incluidas las dimensiones pasadas por alto. - Optimización social científicamente determinante y plan de acción en el diseño comunitario. - Cómo la organización social existente se puede reforzar poderosamente para el bienestar y el progreso. - El proceso científico interdisciplinario para la resolución de problemas en las áreas sociales: una aproximación holística simultánea – cada persona, cada familia, cada institución cuentan y son elementales – para tratar con las relaciones humanas e interacciones que dan forma y constituyen sus familias, instituciones y la sociedad misma. - Hacer frente a la jerarquía gubernamental e institucional y a la estructura de autoridad piramidal. - Métodos y etapas de la financiación. - Medición científica y rendición de cuentas. 28 y 29 septiembre, Sala Fisioquiros 101 COMMUNITY TRACK FORO COMUNIDAD LEGAL TRACK FORO LEGAL ¿Por qué ocurre esto? Acaso son desafíos que van más allá de la capacidad humana, o es que a la gente realmente no les importa, o se preocupan pero no los tratan? Es que, de forma oculta, las nefastas élites del poder económico y político conspiran con éxito para mantener este tipo de condiciones tóxicas de las que ellos están sacando alguna perversa ventaja? Humanics incorpora y pone de relieve la urgencia global de un progreso social. Se aproxima al comportamiento disfuncional de forma holística y regional, a nivel individual, familiar, institucional y comunitario. Como una extensión vanguardista de la actual organización social y científica, Humanics se dirige al rango completo de funcionalidad social, desde los distritos urbanos y rurales con terribles desórdenes hasta los barrios ricos que aspiran ostensiblemente a la plena salud y al bienestar de sus comunidades. OTHER CONTENTS OTROS CONTENIDOS La sociedad ha demostrado la astucia necesaria y la experiencia como organización para ir a la luna, construir potentes ordenadores, o transplantar un corazón humano, entre un sin fin de innumerables logros. Sin embargo, la solución de todos los días, los problemas comunes, tales como el desempleo, el bienestar, la desintegración familiar, los tugurios, los barrios infestados de crímenes, las muertes a causa de las drogas o el abandono escolar continúan siendo asombrosamente problemáticos. FILM FORUM CINE FORUM DR. ARTHUR STEIN Proveniente de su contribución como creador de la Terapia Familiar Comprensiva (D.A. Kirschner & S. Kirschner, Brunner/Mazel, NY, 1986) y su extensiva práctica clínica, el Dr. Stein ha asesorado a los organismos públicos que jurisdiccionalmente incentivan y asisten la vida familiar. Abordar los problemas familiares desde un enfoque regional obliga a prestar atención a las disfunciones familiares graves. Igualmente importantes son las múltiples e inquietantes decepciones sociales aludidas anteriormete, que las familias tratan de superar sin éxito la mayoría de las veces. Desde este preocupante escenario nació Humanics, una práctica transdisciplinar que se aproxima a los distritos sociales tanto de forma holística como específica. WORKSHOPS TALLERES RESOLVIENDO CONFLICTOS Y POTENCIANDO LA INFRAESTRUCTURA HUMANA mente que Clinton lo hubiera hecho, ganando el reconocimiento personal a su liderazgo y habiendo conseguido un logro de suma importancia. EVENTS EVENTOS MÁS ALLÁ DEL SUEÑO PSICODÉLICO Y LA GUERRA CONTRA LAS DROGAS: ACADEMIC TRACK FORO ACADÉMICO PRIMARY TRACK FORO PRINCIPAL SPEAKERS PONENTES WORKSHOPS TALLERES 2014 MUSIC IN PERSONAL, SPIRITUAL & CREATIVE DEVELOPMENT JOEL OLIVER Musician, music therapist. joelolive.com CARME BONAFONT WORKSHOPS TALLERES LA MÚSICA EN EL DESARROLLO PERSONAL, ESPIRITUAL Y CREATIVO JOEL OLIVER Músico, musicoterapeuta. joelolive.com CARME BONAFONT Musician, sound therapist. facebook.com/carmen. bonafontrojan Músico, terapéuta de sonido. facebook.com/carmen. bonafontrojano The archaic instruments in the musical journey of human history have always created a connection to the roots of our existence in the womb, as well as to those of the numerous cultures on this planet and humanity as a whole. Music can provide a model for conscious awareness of internal processes. Los instrumentos arcaicos en el viaje sonoro crean una conexión con las raíces de nuestra existencia en el vientre materno, pero también en las raíces de la humanidad como globalidad (o conjunto). Esto nos permite un modelo de conciencia a través de un Conocimiento Consciente del Proceso Interno. It is known that the experience of altered states of consciousness through music can lead to further exploration of the self and can help find a way to dissolve the ego and the barriers of the mind, releasing emotional and mental blockages. Es sabido que la experiencia de los estados alterados de la conciencia mediante la música pueden llevar a una mayor exploración de uno mismo y pueden ayudar a encontrar la manera de liberar el ego y disolver estados limitados de la mente, evitando y resolviendo atascos mentales. In this workshop we will work mainly on a practical level, followed by discussion and integration, while also offering a theoretical approach of the foundation of therapy with archaic instruments. We will use the voice as a vibrational tool and instrument and experience the vibration of the instruments in the body. This workshop is open to all kinds of people, musicians or not, therapists, artists and above all people with an interest in the healing power of music and sound. Bring your instruments and your desire to make music with you! Wednesday, 24. La Nave Ibiza 102 Trabajaremos sobretodo a nivel práctico con posterior charla-integración. También se ofrecera un enfoque teórico de los fundamentos de la terapia con los instrumentos arcaicos. Utilizaremos la voz como herramienta e instrumento a nivel vibracional, y experimentaremos los instrumentos vibracionales en el cuerpo. Abierto a todo tipo de personas, músicos o no, terapeutas, artistas y sobretodo personas con inquietudes entorno al poder curativo de la música y el sonido. ¡Trae tus instrumentos, y las ganas de hacer música en grupo! Miércoles 24, La Nave Ibiza 2014 This method is for everyone looking for personal development through the voice. For those who want to improve their voice and communication, either for personal curiosity or professional reasons. Those who have or want to start a personal improvement process, those who follow an inner path, and people who just want to feel better with themselves. Thanks to the ‘Wilfart Method’, wich uses the voice as an accurate proof of our respiratory, psychological and energetic behavior. Our Breath is crucial, there is no Voice without Breath. How: Going in search of our true voice through vocal, body and breathing exercises, in a concrete and accurate way, gaining access in an efficient and enduring way to the center of gravity of our body, our belly-centre, balancing the blocked energy in the high part of our body. This way, we manage to release our tensions that prevent a free and real expression, facilitating consciousness and self-confidence. Working individually with a supportive group, which serves as a witness and invigorates the process. September, 23rd & 24th, Ibiza Cantante en Ceremonias y profesora de canto “Todos tenemos una gran y bella voz, pero esta permanece en un cuerpo que no ha sabido o no ha podido desarrollarse en su total verticalidad, en la geometría armónica que nos pertenece como a seres vivos.” Un método al alcance de todos para la búsqueda y desarrollo personal a través de la voz. Para las personas que quieran mejorar su voz y comunicación ya sea por inquietud personal o por necesidad profesional. Los que tienen o quieren empezar un proceso de crecimiento personal, los que siguen un camino interior, y los que sencillamente quieren sentirse mejor consigo mismos. Mediante: El ‘Método Wilfart’ que utiliza la voz como un testimonio preciso de nuestro comportamiento respiratorio, psicológico y energético. El Aliento es esencial y no hay Voz sin Aliento. Cómo: Yendo a la búsqueda de nuestra verdadera voz mediante ejercicios vocales, corporales y respiratorios de forma concreta y precisa, accediendo de una manera eficaz y perdurable al centro de gravedad de nuestro cuerpo, nuestro centro-vientre, haciendo vascular allí la energía bloqueada en la parte alta del cuerpo. De esta forma se consigue liberar todas las tensiones que impiden una expresión libre y real, facilitando a la persona una conciencia y una seguridad propia. Trabajando individualmente en presencia de un grupo que sirve de apoyo, de testimonio y dinamizace el proceso. COMMUNITY TRACK FORO COMUNIDAD “We all have a great and beautiful voice, however it remains in a body that does not know how to develop its verticality, the harmonic geometry that belongs to us as human beings.” ROMANA ALARCÓN LEGAL TRACK FORO LEGAL Ceremony singer and singing teacher Pneumofonista - alientoyvoz.es OTHER CONTENTS OTROS CONTENIDOS ROMANA ALARCON JON DEL VAS FILM FORUM CINE FORUM Pheumophonist - alientoyvoz.es WORKSHOPS TALLERES JON DEL VAS ANALIZAR, CONSTRUIR Y ARMONIZAR A TRAVÉS DE LA VOZ EVENTS EVENTOS ANALYZE, BUILD & HARMONIZE THROUGH THE VOICE ACADEMIC TRACK FORO ACADÉMICO PRIMARY TRACK FORO PRINCIPAL SPEAKERS PONENTES WORKSHOPS TALLERES 23 y 24 de septiembre, Ibiza 103 EVENTS EVENTOS 2014 This 3km route (level 2) starts at the parking of the Es vedra´s viewpoint, a beautiful rock formation next to the south coast of Ibiza. We will walk 600 meters upwards and we will start observing the island of Es Vedra and Es Vedranell. Then we climb to the Pirate’s tower, where we can enjoy the wonderful views. We continue uphill until we reach the peak of Pirate to then begin to descend towards the Spiral of consciousness. At this point we see the famous stone quarry of Sa Pedrera (Atlantis) on the side of the see, towards which we start heading. Then we descend 600 meters to reaching sea level, where again we can enjoy the beautiful views, while we explain the work and processes of the Phoenicians extracting stone of the quarry. Esta ruta (nivel 2) de 3 km comienza en el parking del mirador de Esvedra, una formación de rocas preciosa en la costa del sur de Ibiza. Seguiremos ascendiendo hasta llegar al pico del Pirata, empezaremos a descender hasta llegar a la Espiral de la conciencia. Llegado a este punto, podremos intuir dirección Mediterráneo, la famosa cantera Fenicia de Sa Pedrera (Atlantis), a la que nos dirigimos. Descenderemos 600 metros hasta llegar al mar, ahí podremos disfrutar de las vistas, mientras os explicamos el trabajo de los Fenicios para extraer la piedra. Guías: www.intothewild.es/en 23 september (afternoon), Ibiza EVENTS EVENT0S WORKSHOPS TALLERES FILM FORUM CINE FORUM OTHER CONTENTS OTROS CONTENIDOS Guides: www.intothewild.es/en Andaremos 600 metros y empezaremos a observar las islas de Es Vedrá y Es Vedranell. Ascenderemos hasta la Torre del Pirata, dónde podremos contemplar las maravillosas vistas. COMMUNITY TRACK FORO COMUNIDAD TREKKING LEGAL TRACK FORO LEGAL TREKKING ROUTE ACADEMIC TRACK FORO ACADÉMICO PRIMARY TRACK FORO PRINCIPAL SPEAKERS PONENTES SOCIAL EVENTS EVENTOS SOCIALES 23 de septiembre (tarde), Ibiza 105 2014 SOCIAL EVENTS EVENTOS SOCIALES KAYAK ROUTE RUTA EN KAYAK This is one of the most popular kayak routes in Ibiza. Most of the route goes through a beautiful natural reserve. The route starts in Cala Carbo, near the south cost of the island, where we will pass the famous Cala Truja and Cala d’ Hort, featuring the most spectacular sunset of the island with a beautiful scenery of Es Vedra. Esta es una de las rutas estrella de Kayak en Ibiza. La mayor parte la ruta discurre por una Reserva. Comenzamos la ruta en Cala Carbó, costearemos hacia el sur, dónde nos encontraremos con Cala Truja y la famosa Cala d´Hort, lugar donde se ven las puestas de sol más espectaculares de la isla por su paisaje y magnetismo. We cross Cap Blanc to reach Raco des Mataret where we can relax before or after going through Es Vedra. We continue the journey until the Punta de l’ Oliva, then pass through Vedranell and then Es Vedra. We approach Vedranell towards Punta des Enterrossais, then passing by s’Olleta until we reach Punta d’es Escullets. Cruzamos el Cap Blanc para llegar al Racó des Mataret, donde podemos descansar antes o después de nuestra travesía a Es Vedrá. Continuamos la travesía hasta la Punta de l´Oliva, desde aquí remaremos primero a Es Vedranell y luego a Es Vedrá. Es Vedranell lo tocamos en la Punta des Enterrossais, pasando posteriormente por s´Olleta hasta llegar a la Punta d´es Escullets. Guides: www.intothewild.es/en Guías: www.intothewild.es/en 24 september (morning), Ibiza 106 24 de septiembre (mañana), Ibiza 2014 ADVERTISING PUBLICIDAD 107 2014 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS AGRADECIMIENTOS We want to thank all of those who contributed their skills, time, financial support and dedication to the AYA2014 endeavor: Queremos dar las gracias a todas las personas que han colaborado con sus habilidades, tiempo, apoyo económico y dedicación a que AYA2014 sea posible: Scientific Advisory Committee: Comité Científico Asesor: Beatriz Caiuby Labate, Ph.D. Rafael Guimarães dos Santos, Ph.D. Jordi Riba, Ph.D. José Carlos Bouso, Ph.D. Supporters/Mentors: Mentores: Arthur Stein, Ph.D. Anton Bilton Uri Fruchtmann Raphael De Loenen Diana Dirickx Those who purchased a philanthropic and supporter ticket Our monthly contributors and ICEERS supporters ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS AGRADECIMIENTOS Sponsors and NGO partners: Patrocinadores y ONGs que apoyan: Beckley Foundation River Styx Foundation Drug Policy Alliance OPEN Foundation Ethnobotanical Stewardship Council MAPS Nierika AC Alianza Arkana Plantaforma Fundació Josep M- Fericgla Maya Ethnobotanicals All people and organizations that promoted the event: Las personas y organizaciones que promueven el evento: Asociación Eleusis Asociación para el Estudio de la Divulgación de la Medicina Psicodélica (AEDMP) Aroma Sagrado Amazon Convergence Ulises Perifèrics Librería Muscaria Botanical Dimensions Plantando Consciencia Energy Control Temple of the Way of Light Fuocco Sacro di Itzachilatlan Revista Cañamo Encuentros Eleusinos Neip EntheoScience CUPIHD Journal of Transpersonal Research Openmindtrips Copalosanto Azarius Conscious Ediciones La Llave Reset.me Breaking Convention Conference Todos los que compraron una entrada filantrópica y de apoyo AYA2014 Volunteers: Voluntarios/as: Nuestros donantes mensuales Eloi BlancRicard Faura Noel García Sabela Fondevila Iñaki Berazaluce Marta Cutchet Irene Pérez Paloma Colmenarejo Jaime Bernáldez Carles Valverde Carlos Vega Estefania Moreno Juan Pedro Daniel Isla Mario Fiorentino Xavi Ulises Lydia Cudney Susie Pearl Charles Shaw John Trautwein Leandro Reinaldo Samuel De Loenen Pau Carrasco Artists: Artistas: Joaquin Vila, Spain/España joaquinvila.com Luis Tamani, Perú facebook.com/tamani.luis Zia Zeff, France-Argentina zia-zeff.com Leila Habibi, Iran Othon, Greece/Grecia othonpanmuzik.com Josephine Hyde, USA/EE.UU. JosieHydeAyahuascaVisions.com Dj Nekken, Spain/España ICEERS Team: Equipo ICEERS: Joan Obiols Llandrich, MD Maria Carvalho Jerónimo Mazarrasa Margot Honselaar Benjamin De Loenen Òscar Parés José Carlos Bouso Raquel Peyraube Pep Cura Marc Aixalà Constanza Sánchez Alex Verdaguer Simona Adriani Demian Ruiz Joan Manel Vilaseca Duncan Autrey Miguel Castejón Dani Jiménez Eduardo Romero Débora González Sarita Wilkins ...and everyone who has collaborated with ICEERS in the past. ...y a todas las personas que han colaborado en ICEERS en el pasado. Integrating ethnobotanicals as therapeutic tools in contemporary society Do you believe in the therapeutic potential of psychoactive plants? We have some new exciting projects that need collaboration! Visit the main AYA2014 booth for info about ICEERS, books, films, art and more…
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