542 Blue Heron Drive, Hallandale, FL 33009-5799 * (954) 458-1590 *
Monday - Friday
8:30 AM
9:00 AM
Saturday Vigil
4:00 PM
8:30, 10:00, 11:30 AM &
6:00 PM
1:00 PM Spanish
Holy Day Vigil
7:00 PM
Holy Day
8:30 AM & 6:00 PM English
7:00 PM Spanish
Rev. Daniel I. Kubala, Pastor
E-mail: [email protected]
Assisting Priests:
Rev. Msgr. Franklyn Casale, Fr. Jim Nero, OFM, Fr. Julio Estada, Fr. Robert Vallee, Fr. Jairo Tellez
BAPTISMS - Every Third Saturday at 10:00 AM. Call the
Parish Office for more information.
BAUTISMOS - En Español: Los Segundo y el Cuarto
Sábados del Mes a las 10:00 AM.
Parish e-mail: [email protected]
Pastoral Assistant: Rosario Bergouignan
[email protected]
Director of Religious Education: Barbara Woroniecki
[email protected]
Parish Secretary: Lois Montanarello
[email protected]
MARRIAGE - By appointment with the pastor. Please
make arrangements six months in advance.
CONFESSIONS - 3:00PM Saturday and by appointment.
If you have questions concerning the Catholic Faith, call
the Parish Office (954) 458-1590.
School. Two years of religious instruction required for
Sacramental Programs.
If you attend Mass here at St. Matthew, you are strongly
encouraged to register with us. Please stop by the Parish
Office to fill out the simple registration form OR download the form from, print it, fill
it out and place in the offertory basket on Sunday. We
urge you to get involved with our ministries and, as a
stewardship parish, ask that you use your Offertory envelopes.
Please notify the Parish Office when someone is
hospitalized or homebound and unable to attend
Mass, as the Priests and Eucharistic Ministers would
like to visit.
First Friday of every month during the 8:30 AM Mass
or by calling the Parish Office anytime.
Every Monday from 7:30 - 10:00 AM
Meets 9:30 AM every Tuesday in the
Parish Hall
Page Two
From the Pastor’s Heart and Desk:
~~~~ This Tuesday, December 8, is the Solemnity of
the Immaculate Conception. A Holy Day of Obligation. Catholics are obliged to attend Mass. The
Mass times are Vigil Mass, Monday, December 7 at 7:00
PM. Tuesday, December 8, 8:30 AM, 6:00 PM, and 7:00 PM
in Spanish. Under the title of the Immaculate Conception,
Our Blessed Mother is the Patroness of our country, the
United States of America and our Archdiocese of Miami.
On this day this year, is the beginning day of the Holy
Year of Mercy, proclaimed by Pope Francis. In order to
prepare ourselves for this Holy Year , we will have 24
Hours of Perpetual Adoration here at St. Matthew’s, beginning on Monday, December 7 after the 7:00 PM Mass and
ending before the 6:00 PM Mass on Tuesday, December 8.
How great it will be to keep our Church open. In order to
accomplish this, please sign up for an hour to spend with
our Eucharistic Lord, so that Our Lord will never be left
alone. Please consider making the commitment, you won’t
regret it. I am appealing to the men of the Parish to cover
those hours during the night. The intentions of our Adoration will be the success of the Holy Year and all the personal intentions of the Parishioners of St. Matthew’s.
~~~~ Many of you will remember Terry Anderson. He
was the journalist who was held as a hostage in Lebanon
along with others we don’t remember for 2,454 days! But
few know that he had been raised in the Catholic Church.
Even though he had not been a practicing Catholic for
years, however the Bible was given to him during his captivity. He said it came to him as a gift from heaven. He
read. He pondered his life. He had lots of time to ponder
his life. Too much time to ponder his life. He began a
litany of confession in his mind. He confessed that he had
hurt his first wife and daughter. He had made many mistakes. He had been a very arrogant person. He wasn’t
sure people liked him very much. He wasn’t sure he liked
himself very much. Later in the first year of his captivity
Anderson became aware of the fact that other hostages
were living next door. One was a priest. Father Lawrence
Jenco. He asked his captors if he could see the priest. “I
am a Catholic,” he told them. “I want to make a confession.” His wish was granted. Father Jenco came to his
room. They both took off their blindfolds. Anderson
hardly knew where to begin. It had been 25 years since
he had last made confession. Father Jenco was encouraging. Anderson began reciting to this priest the sins he had
been reflecting upon. There was much to confess. A bad
marriage. Chasing women. Drinking. Anderson found it
a very emotional experience. When he finished both he
and Father Jenco were in tears. Father Jenco then laid his
right hand upon Anderson’s head. “I absolve you in the
name of the Father…..” the priest proclaimed. Terry Anderson’s faith deepened immensely in his hostage years.
The moment of confession with Father Jenco, however,
was his first formal step back into the Church. Selfreflection had grown within him out of the darkness of his
hostage encounter. It was time to face the light. It was
time in his life for a turn around.
December 6, 2015
Del Escritorio y Corazón del Pastor:
~~~~ Este martes 8 de diciembre es la Solemnidad
de la Inmaculada Concepción. Un dia de obligación. Los católicos están obligados a asistir a
laMisa.El horario de las misas son : Misa de Vigilia, el
lunes 7 de diciembre a las 7.00 p.m., el martes 8 de diciembre : a las 8.30 a.m. y 6.00 p.m. en inglés y a las 7.00
p.m. en español. Bajo el título de la Inmaculada Concepción, nuestra bendida madre es la patrona de nuestro
País, los Estados Unidos y de nuestra Arquidiocesis. Ese
dia, este año es el comienzo del dia del año de la Misericordia, proclamado por el Papa Francisco. Para
prepararnos para el año Santo, tendremos 24 horas de
adoración perpetua aquí en St.Matthew, comenzando el
lunes 7 de diciembre después de la misa de 7.00 p.m. y
terminando el martes 8 de diciembre antes de la misa de
las 6.00 p.m.. Que bueno será tener nuestra Iglesia abierta. Para lograr esto, por favor escriba su nombre para
pasar una hora en adoración a nuestro Señor Eucarístico,
para que el Señor no esté solo ningún momento. Por favor considere comprometeerse, no se arrepentirá. Estoy
hablando con los hombres de la Parroquia para que cubran las horas de la noche. Las intenciones de nuestra
adoración será el éxito del año santo y de todas las intenciones personales de los feligreses de St. Matthew.
~~~~ Muchos de ustedes recordarán a Terry Anderson.El
fué el periodista que estuvo cautivo en Líbano junto con
otros que no recordamos, por 2,454 dias. Pocos saben que
fué criado en la Iglesia Católica, aunque no haya practicado la religión católica por años; sin embargo se le entregó una Biblia durante su cautiverio. El dijo que llegó a
él como un regalo del cielo. El la leyó y pensó en su vida,
tuvo mucho tiempo de reflexionar en su vida. Mucho tiempo de considerar su vida. Comenzó una letanía de confesiones en su mente. Confesó que trato mal a su primera
esposa e hija, cometió muchos errores, fué una persona
arrogante, no estaba seguro de gustar a mucha gente, no
estba seguro de gustarse a si mismo, más tarde en su
cautiverio él se dió cuenta de que otros presos vivían cerca de él, uno de ellos era un Sacerdote, el Padre Lawrence
Jenco. Pidió a los que lo apresaron si podía ver al Sacerdote. "soy católico " les dijo, "Quiero confesarme". Le concedieron el pedido. El Padr Jenco vino a su celda, ambos
se quitaron las vendas que llevaban. Anderson no sabia
como empezar, eran 25 años desde su última confesión.
El Sacerdote lo animó. Anderson empezó a contar sus
pecados en los que estuvo reflexionando. Había mucho
que confesar, un mal matrimonio, yendo detrás de las
mujeres, bebiendo, él tuvo una experiencia emocional,
cuando terminó ambos lloraron. El Padre Jenco puso su
mano derecha en la cabeza de Anderson. "Te absuelvo en
el nombre del Padre" dijo el Sacerdote. La fé de Anderson
se hizo más profunda en sus años de prisión. Este momento de confesión con el Padre Jenco, fue su primer
psao de volver a la Iglesia. La reflexión de si mismo creció
dentro de él desde la oscuridad de su cautiverio. Era tiempo de enfrentar la luz. Era tiempo en su vida de cambiar.
Page Three
The offertory collection for Sunday, November 22, 2015
was $11,925.50. God bless you for your support.
In Broward County some 157 homeless families call their
cars, overnight shelters or the streets home. We urgently
need landlords to answer the “call to mercy” and give
these children and their families the keys to a home.
Catholic Charities Rapid Re-Housing Ministry is here to
help homeless families with a hand up toward move-in
costs, deposits and rent for as long as six months. If you
have rental units, please add your name to our LANDLORD REGISTRY. Call Norman Embree at Catholic
Charities Rapid Re-Housing Ministry for the details
954-630-9793 or by email: [email protected]
Feast of the Immaculate
December 8, 2015
The Mass schedule for the feast day
is as follows:
Monday, December 7th - Vigil Mass
7:00 PM
Tuesday, December 8th - 8:30 AM & 6:00 PM English
7:00 PM Spanish
A Memo from the Archdiocese of Miami regarding
Planned Giving
If you own a paid up life insurance
policy that is no longer required
for its original purpose, you might
consider making it a gift to St. Matthew Parish. Contact
your financial advisor and ask about the tax advantages of such a gift.
Si usted posee un seguro de vida ya pagado que no es
necesario para sus fines originales, usted podría
considerar el donárselo a Parroquía de San Mateo
como un regalo. Póngase en contacto con su asesor y
pregúntele acerca de las ventajas fiscales de su
Next Weekend’s Special Collection
December 12th and 13th
Tens of thousands of senior sisters,
brothers, and religious order priests have
dedicated their lives to sharing their
faith. Generations of Catholics recall
with gratitude their work in Catholic schools, hospitals, and social service agencies. Yet years of ministering for little or no pay came at a price, and
now their religious communities lack adequate savings for retirement and eldercare. Your gift to the
Retirement Fund for Religious helps provide prescription medications, nursing care and more.
Please be as generous as your means allow.
Saturday, December 5, 2015
4:00 PM †Beatrice D’Amico by Patricia Scola
Sunday, December 6, 2015 Second Sunday of Advent
8:30AM People of St. Matthew
10:00AM †Nancy Brunton by her mother Mary
†Gene Lamb by Alice Lamb
†Joseph Cacko by his daughter Grace
11:30AM †Olga Jameson by the Luongo family
(L) For health of Kathy Ciprian & children, Matthew &
Anna by Grace Brukwicki
Per familia Frustaci, living & deceased by G. Frustaci
1:00 PM †Otto Mehrgut by Raquel Mehrgut
†Martin de Abreu by Ana Lozano
†Jesus Orlando Carrero by Milagros Vergaras
6:00PM People of St. Matthew
Monday, December 7, 2015
St. Ambrose, Bishop & Doctor of the Church
8:30 AM †Helena & Stanislaw Renski by Alejandra
†Anna Guiffre Re by Joseph Re
†Dominique Nguyen by Bob & Kathy Ladwig
7:00 PM For the intentions of all parishioners
Tuesday, December 8, 2015
The Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin
Mary (Patronal Feastday of the United States of
8:30AM To honor the Immaculate Conception by Irma
†Mrs. Angela Pinto by L.G.
For the intentions of John Sammon at his request
6:00 PM For the intentions of all parishioners
7:00 PM For the intentions of all parishioners
Wednesday, December 9, 2015
St. Juan Diego Cuauhtlatoatzin
8:30 AM †Mrs. Clarajane Hilbon by Debbie
†Deceased family & friends of L.G.
†Del Maria Fernando, Juan Juose Rafael & Blanca
Torres by Maria Figueroa & family
Thursday, December 10, 2015
8:30 AM †Bernice Wisniewski by her loving family
†Roscoe & Marie Smith by their family
†Matthew Zimney by the Ochoa family
Per familia Frustaci, living & deceased by G. Frustaci
Friday, December 11, 2015
St. Damasus I, Pope
8:30 AM †Kenneth P. Witham by Gladys Witham
†Richard Cox by Grace Brukwicki
For the intentions of John Sammon at his request
Saturday, December 12, 2015
Our Lady of Guadalupe
9:00 AM †Manuel Marques by his wife Victoria
CRAFTERS Mondays at 10AM in Rose Hall
ROSARYMAKERS Tuesdays at 11AM in Parish Hall
BINGO Wednesdays in Parish Hall, doors open at 10AM
and games begin at 11AM
SCRIPTURE STUDY (Eng) W ednesdays at 7P M in
Rose Hall
BIBLE CLASS (Span) W ednesdays at 7P M in P arish
Handling the Holiday Blues Coffee and Conversation - If you have experienced the loss of a loved one
and are grieving, learn tips for coping and gaining strength for a healthy holiday season.
Thursday, December 10th at 10AM meeting is here at St. Matthew in Parish Hall. Please RSVP 954-260-3500.