VÉÜÑâá V{Ü|áà| Vtà{ÉÄ|v V{âÜv{ Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston 9900 Stella Link Rd. Houston, TX 77025 713 667 0497 ph 713 668 4742 fax www.corpuschrisƟchurchhouston.org Administered by the Blessed Sacrament CongregaƟon Parish Mission Statement Embracing the Eucharist as the source and summit of our lives, we are a Catholic community commiƩed to peace, jusƟce and unity through worship, service, educaƟon and fellowship. CLERGY/CLERO Fr. Tom Smithson, SSS 713 667 0497 x 112 Pastor/Parroco Fr. Robert Chabot, SSS 713 667 0497 x 314 Parochial Vicar/Vicar Parroquial Fr. Sekar, SSS 713 667 0497 Parochial Vicar/Vicar Parroquial MASS SCHEDULE/HORARIO DE MISA Saturday/Sábado 8:00 am 5:00 pm (Sunday Vigil) Sunday/Domingo 9:00 am, 11:00 am 1:30 pm (Español) Monday/Lunes 8:00 am, 7:00 pm Tues.—Fri./Martes - Viernes 8:00 am Holy Days/Dias de Fiesta - See the bulle n/Se anuncia en el bole n Liturgy of the Hours/Liturgia de las Hora - Mon. - Thursday 7:40 am Confession / Confesiones - Saturday/Sábado - 3:30 – 4:30 pm AdoraƟon before Blessed Sacrament—Mon., Wed., Fri., 9:00—4:00 Sacramental PreparaƟon Please call the Parish Office to schedule an interview for Bap sm, First Penance, First Communion and Confirma on. Sacrament of Marriage Please call the Parish Office to schedule an ini al interview at least 6 months in advance of the wedding. The Wedding Guidelines are available by contac ng the Parish Office, 713 667 0497. FEAST OF ALL SAINTS November 1, 2015 Definición de Nuestra Misión Acogiendo la EucarisƟa como la fuente y cima en nuestras vidas, somos una comunidad Católica, compromeƟda a la paz, la jusƟcia, y la unidad a través de el culto, servicio, educación y fraternidad. PASTORAL STAFF— PERSONEL Stella Rivera, Secretary 713 667 0497 x 110 Beverly Svoboda, Pastoral Associate 713 667 0497 x 116 Joe Patrick, Director, Music & Liturgy 713 667 0497 x 117 Claudia Sereno, Dir. Of Religious Ed. 713 667 0497 x 115 Bertha Brophy, Business Mgr. 713 667 0497 x 113 Connie Rodriguez, Office Assistant 713 667 0497 x 118 Jose Mar nez, Maintenance 713 667 0497 MINISTERIO HISPANO Leonor Cas llo, Directora 713 838 9350 Martha Mar nez, Directora, Coro 713 667 0497 CORPUS CHRISTI CATHOLIC SCHOOL Mazie McCoy, Ed.,D. Principal 713 664 3351 x 210 www.corpuschristichurchhouston.org PARISH NEWS ALL SOULS DAY MEMORIAL MASS & RECEPTION Monday, November 2, 7:00 pm All members of the parish are invited to join with us as we gather on the Feast of All Souls, Monday, November 2 to remember our deceased loved ones. In a special way, we will recall the members of our parish who died this past year, along with our family and friends who passed away in the past year. The Memorial Mass will begin at 7:00 pm. A reception, hosted by the Bereavement Ministry, will be held in Prefontaine Hall after Mass. You are encouraged to join us as we remember them in prayer and reflect upon our memories, our beloved dead. May they rest in the peace of Christ. And may those who grieve for them find comfort and solace through the prayers and friendship of our Corpus Christi Catholic Community. Wedding Anniversary Jubilee Mass Celebrations The 2015 Wedding Anniversary Jubilee Masses honoring couples celebrating their Golden (50th) or silver (25th) Anniversaries of Marriage in the Catholic Church will be held on: ♦ Golden - 50 Years of Marriage Sunday, December 20, 2015 ♦ Silver—25 years of Marriage Sunday, November 29, 2015 Each ceremony will take place at the Co-Cathedral of the Sacred Heart at 3:00pm on the designated Sunday. Whether or not a couple attends the ceremony, they are eligible to receive a special recognition. Couples wishing to participate must register on line by visiting www.familylifeministryhouston.org. Please fill out all the information requested and make sure that the name of each couple is typed exactly as they wish them to appear on their recognition. The deadline for registrations vary; we encourage you to read all the information attentively. Registration will not be processed if the information about the Catholic Wedding cannot be verified and/or if the fee of $25 dollars per couple is not received, financial help is available. Each couple will be able to bring a maximum of 6 family members or friends to the Mass. GRATEFUL FOR GOD’S BLESSINGS, WE OFFER OUR GIFTS OF TIME, TALENT & TREASURE October 25 ,2015 Offertory Capital Improvements $12,080 $ 4,529 Second Collection Nov. 1 MRI Fund Nov. 8 Blessed Sacrament Education Fund Thank you for being generous stewards of our parish! Page 2 SEAFARERS COLLECTION – LAST CALL The Council of Catholic Women invite you to support their annual Seafarers Project by making a cash donation. Funds contributed are used to purchase toiletries and small gift items to fill the shoe boxes. The shoe boxes will also contain hand crocheted scarves and caps knitted by the CCW Knitting Club. To make a donation via cash or check, please use the envelopes available in the vestibule. Your support is very much appreciated by the CCW and the seafarers, men and women, JOIN THE PARISH EMAIL LIST! Add your name to the parish email list so that you can receive news, information and volunteer opportunities via email! News about our parish is communicated as needed. To be included, please send your name and email address to: [email protected] View our parish website at www.corpuschristichurchhouston.org CORPUS CHRISTI BOOK CLUB NEWS “THE TRUE AMERICAN MURDER AND MERCY IN TEXAS” This is the title of a book which tells a true story – the story of Mark Stroman, a native Texan and Raisuddin Bhuiyan, a Muslim immigrant from Bangladesh. The Corpus Christi Book Club selected the story for discussion at our October meeting. Members talked over the intriguing question: who is the true American in the story, Mark Stroman or Raisuddin Bhuiyan? Just who is a true American anyway? Answering this question spurred a variety of answers, none of which truly answered the question. Our selection for November is: “My Sisters the Saints” by Colleen Carroll Campbell. The Corpus Christi Book Club meeting is planned for Monday, November 9. Those who like to read and review books are encouraged to join us! We gather at 1:30 pm in the parish office. Marriage Encounter Weekends Do you live the beatitudes in your marriage? Sign up today to attend one of the upcoming Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekends November 6-8, 2015 or February 12-14, 2016. Register early to reserve a spot. Contact Brian & Tina Little at 281-773-4014 for more information, or go online to houstonme.org. FOR OUR BELOVED DEAD, WE PRAY... Kimmo Brizzee Michele Ramon May their souls and all the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen. www.corpuschristichurchhouston.org RELIGIOUS EDUCATION AROUND THE ARCHDIOCESE ♦ St. Pius X High School will host an Open House on Thursday, November 5. All middle school students and their parents/guardians are cordially invited to this exciting program that starts at 7:00 p.m. in the Auditorium – come early for good parking. You will meet the faculty and staff, see students in action, and tour the school. We Believe your story starts here! ♦ St. Catherine’s Montessori, formerly known as Dominican Montessori, will be celebrating its 50th anniversary during the 2016-2017 school year. We are looking for former students, parents, faculty and staff members to join us for the special events we have planned! You can fill out a form on our website, stcathmont.org, e-mail your contact information to Rachel Wamp at [email protected] or call (713) 665-2195. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION IMPORTANT DATES • Sunday, Nov. 8, 10:15 am - Confirmation parent mtg., PH (This meeting is for 10th gr./Year 2 Confirmationparents only! Please be on time. This includes parents of 10th grade students who attend private and public schools. • Sunday, Nov. 8, 3:00 pm - First Reconciliation parent/student mtg., PH. This is the second of two classes parents and students are required to attend. • Saturday, December 5, 10:00 am - The Sacrament of Reconciliation will be celebrated on Saturday, Dec. 5, 10:00am in the Church. Prior to this day, students will participate in an interview, demonstrating understanding and will to celebrate the sacrament and be able to recite their prayers, before celebrating the Sacrament of Reconciliation. PARISH CALENDAR Sunday, Nov. 1, 10:15 am - Sacred and Safe CCE Parent Meeting, PreK – 10th gr., PH • Monday, Nov. 2, 7:00 pm - All Souls Day Memorial Mass & Reception • Saturday, Nov. 7, 9:00 am - CCW Shoebox Project for Seafarer Center, PH, Volunteers welcome! • Sunday, Nov. 8, 10:15 am - Confirmation parent mtg., PH (This meeting is for 10th gr./Year 2 Confirmation parents only! Please be on time.) • Sunday, Nov. 8, 11:45 am - Spanish CCE Parent mtg, PH • Sunday, Nov. 8, 3:00 pm - First Reconciliation parent/ student mtg., PH • Monday, Nov. 9, 1:30 pm - Corpus Christi Book Club, Ofc. • Thursday, Nov. 12, 7:00 pm - Associates Holy Hour, all welcome to attend • Thurs., Nov. 12, 6:30 pm - CCS Open House, PH, Rooms • Saturday, Nov. 14, 8:30 am - Blanket Drive, Church • Saturday, Nov. 14, 9:00 am - Keeping the Promise Alive (Spanish), Café & PH • • • COMING EVENTS – NOVEMBER 2015 Sunday, November 22, 4:00 pm—Thanksgiving Prayer Service. Hosted by the member congregations of Braes Interfaith Ministries. This years’ service will be held at Westbury United Methodist Church; Fr. Tom Smithson, SSS, will preach. Wednesday, November 25, 6:45 pm – Thanksgiving Vigil Mass and Agape Meal. All are invited to enjoy a potluck dinner after the Vigil Mass. The parish will provide the entrée. Bring a side dish, salad or dessert to share that would serve 8 – 10 people. Page 3 NATIONAL VOCATION AWARENESS WEEK NOVEMBER 1—7. 2015 Pray! Invite! Encourage! Affirm! Vocations! There are vocations... ...which manifest themselves. They must be fostered. ... which are not conscious of themselves. They must be awakened. ... which do not dare manifest themselves. They must be found and encouraged. ... which are in fear of being lost. They must be reassured. ... which meet with opposition. They must be strengthened. ... which are paralyzed by poverty. They must be helped financially. Look around you. How many men and women in your parishes are caring and compassionate individuals who are good listeners, articulate speakers, and loving enthusiastic Catholics? How many of these special, gifted people have ever been invited to consider becoming a priest, sister, brother, permanent deacon, or full-time lay minister? Statistics show that 80% of the 18-30 year olds in the United States and Canada have never been asked to consider a Church Vocation. Pray! Invite! Encourage! Affirm! Vocations! www.corpuschristichurchhouston.org Page 4 MINISTERIO HISPANO VIRTUS—RENOVANDO VIVA LA PROMESA SABADO 14 DE NOVIEMBRE, 9:00 AM Si usted tomó el primer taller antes del 2009, es requisito necesario renovar su compromiso para continuar en su ministerio, asistiendo al taller “Renovando la Promesa Viva”, que se va a ofrecer Dios mediante el sábado 14 de Nov. de 9:00 – 10:30 am. Los registros se hacen en línea. Si usted necesita ayuda. por favor, llame inmediatamente a la oficina. Connie Rodríguez, 713-667-0497 713-838-9350. Como voluntario o miembro de algún ministerio actual de la parroquia, es obligatorio haber tomado el taller VIRTUS “Protegiendo a los Niños de Dios,” como lo requiere la Arquidiócesis. • • • • • • • • CALENDARIO PARROQUIAL Lunes 2 de Nov. 7:00 pm - Día de los Muertos, Misa Memorial Sábado 7 de Nov. 9: 00 pm - Proyecto de Cajas de Zapatos para Marineros Dom 8 de Nov. 12:00 pm - Reunión de Padres de Familia Domingo 8 de Nov. 10:00 pm - Reunión de Confirmación para Padres (de jóvenes en su 2º año de preparación) Jueves 12 de Nov. 7:00 pm - Hora Santa, Asociados del Santísimo Sacramento –Inglés Jueves 12 de Nov. 6:30 pm - Open House, visitando la Escuela Parroquial Corpus Christi Sábado 14 de Nov., 9:00 am - VIRTUS “Manteniendo viva la Promesas”, Salón Parroquial Sábado 21 de Noviembre, 7:00 pm - Vigilia de Cristo Rey EDUCACION RELIGIOSA FECHAS IMPORTANTES DIA DE LOS MUERTOS MISA MEMORIAL & RECEPCION Lunes 2 de Noviembre, 7:00 pm Todos los miembros de la parroquia somos invitados a unirnos en la celebración de el Día de los Muertos, el lunes 2 de noviembre recordando a nuestros queridos seres fallecidos. De una manera especial se van a nombrar los miembros de nuestra parroquia quienes fallecieron el año pasado, en conjunto con nuestros familiares y amigos que murieron el año pasado. La Misa Memorial es a las 7:00 pm. Una sencilla recepción será ofrecida por el Ministerio de Difuntos al terminar la Misa. Todos somos exhortados a reunirnos como miembros recordándoles en oración y reviviendo sus memorias de nuestros seres queridos ya fallecidos. Que descansen en la paz de Cristo. Y quienes estan sufriendo en duelo encuentren consuelo y resignación a través de las oraciones y fraternidad de nuestra Comunidad Católica de Corpus Christi. PREPARACION PARA EL SACRAMENTO DEL MATRIMONIO – Hemos iniciado el proceso de preparación para las parejas que han respondido al llamado para bendecir su unión con el Sacramento del Matrimonio. Pedimos oraciones por todos ellos para que Dios les ayude con su gracia durante este tiempo de formación. RETIRO ACTS PARA MUJERES – Parroquia de San Vicente de Paúl, Nov. 12-15, 2015 – Le invitamos a participar de un fin de semana extraordinario donde experimentaremos el amor de Dios durante 3 días de convivencia. Será una oportunidad para renovación espiritual. Información con Sabina Varela al 713501-6037. SEA UN FELIGRES BIEN INFORMADO – Incluya su nombre a la lista parroquial de email para que usted pueda recibir noticias, información y oportunidades de voluntariado a través de correo electrónico. Para incluir su nombre por favor envíe su dirección electrónica a [email protected] ♦ Domingo 8 de Noviembre, 10:00 AM Reunión de Confirmación para padres (esta reunión es únicamente para los padres de jóvenes que están en su segundo año de preparacion ♦ Domingo 8 de Noviembre - Reunión de Padres de Familia - Presentación ofrecida por Elsa Aguilera, Asociada de la Oficina Arquidiocesana de Vida Familiar. Es muy importante que los padres asistan de una manera especial a esta reunión, es un tema de interés para despertar la conciencia de cómo prevenir y evitar crisis en las familias. FORMACION DE ADULTOS – ESTUDIO BIBLICO – Se va a ofrecer un estudio sobre la Biblia los domingos de 10:15 – 11: 15 am en el Centro Eymard. Todos son bienvenidos a participar en este curso. PROXIMOS BAUTISMOS - Los padres de familia de nuestra comunidad que desean bautizar a sus hijos en la próxima fecha que será el 31 de enero del 2016. Favor de llamar a la oficina para hacer su cita y venir a registrarse con los documentos requeridos y poder asistir a la preparación del sábado 23 de enero. Los registros se pueden hacer desde ahora mismo. www.corpuschristichurchhouston.org November 2—8, 2015 Monday, November 2 All Souls Day 8:00 am Deceased parishioners, family & friends 7:00 pm Deceased parishioners, family & friends Tuesday, November 3 St. Martin de Porres 8:00 am Maria Nguyen-Thi-Ty + Page 5 READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Wis 3:1-9; Ps 23:1-6; Rom 5:5-11 or 6:3-9; Jn 6:37-40 Tuesday: Rom 12:5-16b; Ps 131:1bcde-3; Lk 14:15-24 Wednesday: Rom 13:8-10; Ps 112:1b-2, 4-5, 9; Lk 14:25-33 Thursday: Rom 14:7-12; Ps 27:1bcde, 4, 13-14; Lk 15:1-10 Friday: Rom 15:14-21; Ps 98:1-4; Lk 16:1-8 Saturday: Rom 16:3-9, 16, 22-27; Ps 145:2-5, 10-11; Lk 16:9-15 Sunday: 1 Kgs 17:10-16; Ps 146:7-10; Heb 9:24-28; Mk 12:38-44 [41-44] Wednesday, November 4 St. Charles Borromeo 8:00 am All Souls Thursday, November 5 8:00 am Mary & Thao Nguyen Friday, November 6 8:00 am Richard Leon Burkhart + Saturday, November 7 8:00 am Martina Arzu + 5:00 pm Glen Paul Thomas + Sunday, November 8 9:00 am Maria Lang Nguyen + 11:00 am People of the Parish 1:30 pm Deceased members of Legion of Mary LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA Lunes: Sab 3:1-9; Sal 23 (2):1-6; Rom 5:5-11 o 6:3-9; Jn 6:37-40 Martes: Rom 12:5-16b; Sal 131 (130):1bcde-3; Lc 14:15-24 Miércoles: Rom 13:8-10; Sal 112 (111):1b-2, 4-5, 9; Lc 14:25-33 Jueves: Rom 14:7-12; Sal 27 (26):1bcde, 4, 13-14; Lc 15:1-10 Viernes: Rom 15:14-21; Sal 98 (97):1-4; Lc 16:1-8 Sábado: Rom 16:3-9, 16, 22-27; Sal 145 (144):2-5, 10-11; Lc 16:9-15 Domingo: 1 Re 17:10-16; Sal 146 (145):7-10; Heb 9:24-28; Mc 12:38-44 [41-44]
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