970-926-2821 The Catholic Communities of St. Clare of Assisi/Sta. Clara de Asis & St. Mary’s/Sta. Maria www.stclareparish.com December 20, 2015 St. Clare of Assisi St. Mary’s Church 31622 US Hwy.6 Edwards, CO 81632 P. O. Box 1390 Edwards, CO 81632 215 Capitol Street, Eagle, CO 81631 P. O. Box 1390 Edwards, CO 81632 Beaver Creek Chapel 33 Elk Track Beaver Creek, CO 81620 P. O. Box 1390 Edwards, CO 81632 WEEKEND MASS SCHEDULE SATURDAY, DECEMBER 19 8:00am Mass (Celebrated only on 4:30pm 7:00pm the First Saturday of the Month Mass (Joyce Vanderheiden) Spanish Mass (Pray for World Leaders) SUNDAY, DECEMBER 20 8:30am Mass (Students & Teachers) 8:30am Mass (Pray for World Leaders) 10:30am Bilingual Mass (Pray for Alienated Catholics) 12:30pm Spanish Mass 5:30pm Mass (Pope Francis) LOCATION Beaver Creek Chapel Beaver Creek Chapel St. Mary’s St. Clare’s St. Mary’s St. Mary’s St. Clare’s Beaver Creek Chapel WEEKDAY MASSES MONDAY, DECEMBER 21 7:00am NO Mass 8:00am Mass ( William Rudek) Pastor/Párroco www.stclareparish.com Fr. James Baird [email protected] Parochial Vicar Rev. Jude Geilenkirchen 970-376-5260 [email protected] Rev. Gerardo Puga 720-404-3991 Rev. Tomasz Strzebonski 720-316-8262 PARISH & BUSINESS OFFICE/OFICINA P.O. 1390 Edwards, CO 81632 970-926-2821 Fax: 970-926-1089 Parish Business Mrs. Marilyn Brock x103 [email protected] Development Director Mrs. Gina Demarest [email protected] Parish Office/Wedding Coordinator Ms. Kathy Fagan x107 [email protected] ST. CLARE OF ASSISI CATHOLIC SCHOOL Principal Sr. Marirose Rudek R.S.M. Administrative Assistant Mrs. Ginny Cassano 970-926-8980 x 1 [email protected] RELIGIOUS EDUCATION OFFICE/CENTRO DE EDUCACION RELIGIOSA P.O. 792 Eagle, CO 81631 Fax: 970-328-6494 245 Capitol St. Eagle, CO 81631 Office: 970-328-1133 Religious Education/Hispanic Ministry Mr. Gelasio Velasco 970-328-3003 970-328-1133 [email protected] Hispanic Ministry/Ministerio Hispano Ms. Carmen Fragozo 970-688-1490 [email protected] St. Mary’s Preschool/Escolar Sta.Maria Mrs. Agnes Harakal-(Director) 970-328-5699 [email protected] Director of Music Ministry Mrs. Carleen Sweet 970-331-4211 [email protected] Catholic Charities 970-949-0405 Megan McGee Bonta St. Clare Chapel Beaver Creek Chapel TUESDAY, DECEMBER 22 7:00am NO Mass 8:00am Mass (Religious Orders) 5:30pm Mass (Pray for Missionaries) Beaver Creek Chapel St. Clare School St. Mary’s WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 23 8:00am Mass (Rev. John Gibbons) 8:15am NO Children’s Mass Beaver Creek Chapel St. Clare School MASS SCHEDULED FOR CHRISTMAS EVE, CHRISTMAS DAY AND NEW YEARS ARE INCLUDED INSIDE THIS WEEKEND’S BULLETIN PARISH MEMBERSHIP If you live here full or part time or are visiting with us this weekend in our parish we welcome you and hope that you enjoy your time here with us. If you would like to receive information about becoming a full or part-time parishioner forms are on our website at www.stclareparish.com. Registration forms are also available at the parish office or email : [email protected]. If you have moved, changed your phone number, email or mailing address please update our office. December 20, 2015 4rd Sunday of Advent Fourth Sunday of Advent Sometimes we just have to live between memory and hope. When Mary asked, “How can this be?” the angel Gabriel appealed to her memory. Certainly Mary remembered the great miracle stories in the scriptures, but Gabriel had another surprise. “Look!” said Gabriel. “You know your elderly, childless cousin Elizabeth? She’s pregnant! See? And God who is mighty is doing something even greater right now. Are you in?” “I’m all in,” said Mary. Then―and don’t miss this―the angel left her. There is no evidence that the angel ever visited Mary again. Not when she was an unmarried, pregnant girl about to give birth in an over-booked Bethlehem. Not when the prophet Simeon told her that a sword would pierce her heart. Not even, oh God, at the foot of the cross. Not even then. Have you chosen to remember, even in the dreadest times, God’s nearness to you in the past? Elizabeth’s words to Mary are for you too: Blessed are you who BELIEVE that the promise of the Lord will be fulfilled. In what ways do you live between memory and hope? Kathy McGovern ©2015 www.thestoryandyou.com PRAYER FOR CHRISTMAS Lord, on Christmas Day, in the midst of the joy of our celebrations, help us to recall what is truly important about this day. In the midst of opening presents, help us to remember the love that each gift represents. In the midst of Christmas dinner, help us to remember that you are the source of all life. In the midst of family gatherings, help us to remember that you are the fullness of all joy. And in the midst of Christmas Mass, help us remember the supreme act of love, sacrifice, and humility that we celebrate on this Christmas Day when your son came as a helpless, unknown baby and grew to be the life and light of the world. AMEN PLEASE SAY HELLO TO OUR PARISH PRIESTS WHO WILL BE CELEBRATING MASSES IN OUR CATHOLIC PARISHES OF THE VALLEY Pastor Rev. James Baird Parochial Vicar Rev. Gerardo Puga Parochial Vicar Rev. Jude Geilenkirchen Parochial Vicar Rev. Tomasz Strzebonski A SPECIAL THANK YOU The Salvation Army is extremely grateful to all the parishioners who donated gifts and gift cards for teenagers this year for Christmas gifts. Our parish was extremely generous in their giving as we met our challenge of helping over 50 teenagers. Thanks also, to those parishioners who helped with the Holiday Cabin sponsored by the Salvation Army. Your kindness helped many children and families in the Valley. 2015 ANNUAL CHRISTMAS CONCERT with Pat Hamilton and Peter Vavra Tuesday, December 22nd Beaver Creek Chapel 7:30pm. Please join the community for this very popular annual Pat Hamilton and Peter Vavra concert. Donations at the door of $25 are gratefully accepted. All proceeds support the local Salvation Army. PLEASE NOTE NO 7:00 A.M. MASSES AT SCHOOL CHAPEL There will be NO 7:00am Masses at St. Clare school chapel during Christmas school break from Monday, December 21st through Friday January 1st. Masses will resume on Monday January 4th, 2016 ALL MASS TIMES ARE AVAILABLE ON THE Please go to the parish website for all our scheduled Masses for Christmas and New Year’s at www.stclareparish.com. ST. PATRICK MASSES All Masses for Christmas and New Years at the Vail Chapel, Four Seasons and Minturn are available at www.stpatrickminturn.com Please Pray for all of those who are in need of and have requested our prayers especially: Those in our prayers: Louis Atencio, Ron Nolte, The Dodrill Family, Jack Nolte, Laura Castro, Juana Chavez, Mary Hosa, Jerry Schmit, Mikayla Bergren, Pat Gooch, Dick & Barbara Heatherton, Shari Ball, Julia Boggs, Tanner Haberman, Richard Maine, Jodi Pals, Alice Cassidy, Joe Moschetto family of Scott Ward, Gertrude Rieckhoff, Amanda Painter, Duke Fehringer, Rob Galvin, Joanna Estrada, Stephanie Olmsted Flannigan, John Sieve, Claire McAvoy Please pray for the repose of the souls of our faithful departed Christina Nolte, Gladys Hamilton, Brian Olmsted, Jim Sullivan, Domenico Fresquez, Ray Romano Marguerite Fagan To include names, for Mass intentions or Mass Cards please call the parish office at 970-926-1070 St. Clare & St. Mary’s Parish Activities Sunday 8:00 am 8:30 am Rosary St. Mary's Coffee & Donuts St. Mary’s (second Sunday of the month after Mass) Coffee Social after Mass St. Clare’s 9:15am Monday 5:30-6:30pm Blessed Sacrament Adoration St. Mary’s Tuesday 6:00 pm Choir Practice for Sunday 8:30am Mass St. Mary’s 7:00pm St. Mary’s Parish Council St. Mary’s (meets second Tuesday of the Month) Wednesday 6:15am Men’s Prayer Group St. Mary’s 6:00pm Choir Practice for 10:30am Mass St. Mary’s 7:00 pm Knights of Columbus St. Mary’s (First Wed. of every Month) MONTHLY 2nd Tuesday 7pm 2nd Saturday 9am Parish Council St. Mary’s Baptismal Prep Class St. Mary’s YEAR OF MERCY HAS BEEN ANNOUNCED To follow Pope Francis as we proceed in the Jubilee Year of Mercy, please go to the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops at www.usccb.org to find prayers and daily updates. WEEKLY READINGS Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Vigil: Night: Dawn: Day: Is Saturday: Next Sunday: Sg 2:8-14 or Zep 3:14-18a/Lk 1:39-45 1 Sm 1:24-28/1 Sm 2:1, 4-8/Lk 1:46-56 Mal 3:1-4, 23-24/Ps 25:4-5, 8-10, 14/Lk 1:57-66 Lk 1:67-79 Is 62:1-5/Ps 89:4-5, 16-17, 27, 29/Acts 13:16-17, 22-25/ Mt 1:1-25 or 1:18-25 Is 9:1-6/Ps 96:1-3, 11-13/Ti 2:11-14/Lk 2:1-14 Is 62:11-12/Ps 97:1, 6, 11-12/Ti 3:4-7/Lk 2:15-20 52:7-10/Ps 98:1-6/Heb 1:1-6/Jn 1:1-18 or 1:1-5, 9-14 Acts 6:8-10; 7:54-59/Ps 31:3-4, 6, 8, 16-17/Mt 10:17-22 1 Sm 1:20-22, 24-28 or Sir 3:2-6, 12-14/Ps 84:2-3, 5-6 When Elizabeth heard Mary's greeting, the infant leaped in her womb, and Elizabeth, filled with the Holy Spirit, cried out in a loud voice and said, "Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb." Lk 1:41-42 CHRISTMAS MASS SCHEDULE Thursday, 12/24 Christmas Eve 4:00pm Children’s Mass 4:30pm Mass 5:00pm Family Mass 6:00pm Mass 7:00pm Spanish Mass 9:30pm Spanish Mass 12:00am Midnight Mass Friday, 12/25 Christmas Day 8:30am Mass 8:30am Mass 10:30am Bilingual Mass 12:30pm Spanish Mass 1:00 pm Mass 5:30pm Mass Saturday, December 26 4:30pm Mass 7:00pm Spanish Mass Sunday, December 27 8:30am Mass 8:30am Mass 10:30am Bilingual Mass 12:30pm Spanish Mass 5:30pm Mass St. Clare Edwards Vilar Center Beaver Creek St. Mary’s Eagle Vilar Center Beaver Creek St. Mary’s Eagle St. Clare Edwards Beaver Creek Chapel St. Clare Edwards St. Mary’s Eagle St. Mary’s Eagle St. Clare Edwards Beaver Creek Chapel Beaver Creek Chapel Beaver Creek Chapel St. Mary’s Eagle St. Clare Edwards St. Mary's Eagle St. Mary's Eagle St. Clare Edwards Beaver Creek Chapel NEW YEAR’S MASSES Thursday, December 31 New Year’s Eve PARISH SUPPORT WEEKEND OF December 13, 2015 Beaver Creek St. Mary’s St. Clare’s St. Mary’s St. Mary’s St. Clare’s Beaver Creek Sat. 4:30pm Sat. 7:00pm Sun. 8:30am Sun. 8:30am Sun. 10:30am Sun. 12:30pm Sun. 5:30pm Our Lady of Guadalupe 2476.00 1475.00 1789.00 2306.00 998.00 1395.00 921.00 1113.00 $12,471.00 We are most grateful for your generous support towards all of our parish ministries. 4:30pm 5:30pm 7:00pm 9:00am 9:00am 12:30pm 12:30pm Mass Bilingual Mass Spanish Mass Beaver Creek Chapel St. Mary’s Eagle St. Clare Edwards Friday, January 1 New Year’s Day Bilingual Mass St. Mary’s Eagle Mass St. Clare Edwards Mass Beaver Creek Chapel Spanish Mass St. Clare Edwards END OF YEAR GIVING The Catholic Parishes of the Valley welcomes your year end tax deductible financial donations through planned giving opportunities, bequests, gifts of cash or life insurance, stocks and bonds or mutual funds. Parishioners who would like more information please contact the parish development director, Gina Demarest at 970-376-3135. C ar M inisterio H ispano PARROQUI AS Santa Clara y Santa M aría D i g “Ci A C” i M aría se dejó guiar por la f e. Sin cert ezas humanas, Domingo 20 de Diciembre, 2015 supo acoger conf iadament e la palabra de D ios. Vicarios para las M isas en Español: Rev. Jude Geilenkirchen (P. Tadeo): (970)376-5260 L ucas 1, 26-38. Rev. Gerardo Puga ………………: (720)404-3991 Las Posadas Las Posadas En la Parroquia Santa María Parroquia Santa Clara de Asís A par tir del 16 al 23 de Diciembre. Hora: 7:00 p.m. Contamos con tu asistencia! Del 17 al 23 de Diciembre a las 7:00 p.m. Las dirigirán los servidores de los siguientes ministerios: Grupo de Oración …………………….Dic. 17 Grupo Juvenil …………………….…..Dic. 18 Coro ……………………….………...Dic. 19 MFCC ………………………….…….Dic. 20 Monaguillos ………………………..….Dic. 21 Ministros de la Sagrada Comunión y Lectores ………………...….Dic. 22 Catequistas ……….....………..…………………………..…...Dic. 23 El día 23 además de la posadita, tendremos la representación de una pastorela LAS POSADAS son un medio para preparar con por parte del Grupo Juvenil los Asisis y musical por los niños de la Catequesis. Todos están invitados a participar de esta hermosa y significativa tradición. alegría y oración nuestro corazón para la venida de Los esperamos; Jesucristo, y para recordar y vivir los momentos que no falten! pasaron José y María antes del Nacimiento de Jesús. ADORACI ON NOCTURNA Adoración al Santísimo Sacramento en el Altar en Sta. María, Eagle Hombres se reúnen en el segundo Sábado de cada mes después de la Misa de 7:00 p.m. Mujeres se reúnen el tercer Sábado de Cada mes, después de la Misa de 7:00 p.m. Para Información comunicarse con José Avilés: (970) 390-3583. ORACI ON CARI SM ATI CA Santa Clara de Asís, Edwards Los Miércoles a las 7:00 p.m. Coordinador: Juan Luna. Sub-Coordinadora: Socorrito Márquez. Santa María, Eagle M OVI M I ENTO FAM I LI AR CRI STI ANO CATOLI CO. Contactar a: Antonio Pérez (970)401-0586 & Luz Bacca (970)401-2995 Los Viernes a las 7:30 p.m. Coordinador: María Saldaña Presidentes del M.F.C.C. Coro para misa de Bodas y XV Añeras Para infor mación comunicarse con Margarita (970)470-0680 Gelasio (970)328-3003 SACERDOTES EN NUESTRA COM UNI DADPARROQUI AL: M I SAS DE NAVI DAD JUEVES 24 DE DI CI EM BRE: Santa María: 7:00 pm. Español Santa Clara de Asís: 9:30 pm. Español. Párroco: Vicario : Vicario: Vicario: Reverendo James Baird Reverendo Gerardo Puga Reverendo Geilenkirchen Reverendo Tomasz Strzebonski De parte de nuestro Párroco Jim, Padre Gerardo, Padre Tadeo y Padre Tomass, ofrecen sinceros agradecimientos a todas las personas que con amor trabajaron para hacer posible la fiesta de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe en las Parroquias Santa Clara de Asís y Santa María. Gracias a los que donaron los alimentos para compartir; los que donaron su tiempo, tesoro y talento. Di os l os bendi ga y a sus fami l ias. VI ERNES 25 DE DI CI EM BRE: Santa María: 10:30 pm. Bilingüe. Santa Clara de Asís: 12:30 pm. Español. C O N F E SI O N E S EN SANTA CLARA DE ASÍS, EDW ARDS Todos los Viernes de 5:30 a 6:30 pm. EN SANTA MARÍA, EAGLE Todos los Sábados de 6:00 a 7:00 pm . “Acercarme Señor a la confesión sacramental, después de un examen de conciencia, revisando cómo estoy cumpliendo la voluntad de Dios”. ST. CLARE OF ASSISI CATHOLIC SCHOOL December 20, 2015 “Celebrating 16 years of Catholic Education in the Vail Valley” Accredited by North Central Association through 2015 EXTRAORDINARY JUBILEE OF MERCY December 8, 2015-November 20, 2016 December 8th began a Jubilee for Mercy. We celebrate in union with the whole Church, the Merciful Love of the Father and seek to share that Mercy with others. In the announcement for this year Pope Francis wrote: “Jesus Christ is the face of the Father’s mercy . . .. We need constantly to contemplate the mystery of mercy. It is a wellspring of joy, serenity, and peace. Our salvation depends on it. Mercy: the word reveals the very mystery of the Most Holy Trinity. Mercy: the ultimate and supreme act by which God comes to meet us. Mercy: the fundamental law that dwells in the heart of every person who looks sincerely into the eyes of his brothers and sisters on the path of life. Mercy: the bridge that connects God and man, opening our hearts to the hope of being loved forever despite our sinfulness.” You can find the full text at: http://www.im.va/content/gdm/en/giubileo/ bolla.html Saint Clare’s Teacher Wish List ~~~~~~~~ The following list reflects the needs of our teachers and school. If you are able to help with the purchase of one of these items, please contact our Development Director, Gina Demarest. We greatly appreciate your support! School Laminator . . . . . . . $1800.00 Materials for lesson plans and Orton Gillingham materials for Reading Specialist . . . . . $500.00 Books to continue expansion of Reading Resource Room $1,000.00 Book Rack for Art Room . . . . . $300.00 Donations can be sent to: St. Clare c/o Development 31622 US Hwy 6 Edwards, CO 81632 For more information please contact Gina Demarest Director of Development (970)376-3135 [email protected] Help St. Clare continue to grow! Your end of year charitable donation helps St. Clare to grow and continue to be an integral part of our community. Your belief in Catholic education fosters new growth and strengthens the roots of Our Catholic faith. Donate today. Watch us grow! Please contact Gina Demarest, Director of Development (970)376-3135 [email protected] Non-Discrimination Statement St. Clare of Assisi School is under the jurisdiction of the Archbishop of Denver and the direction of the Secretariat of Schools for the Archdiocese of Denver. St. Clare does not discriminate on the basis of gender in its admission policy, treatment of students, or employment practices. St. Clare does not discriminate against students of any race, color, national or ethnic origin and admits everyone to the rights, privileges, programs and activities made available to all students. St. Clare does not discriminate in its education policies, its admission policies, its scholarship and loan programs or its athletic and other administered programs. “Oh Come Let Us Adore Him!” Congratulations to all the St. Clare Students, Sister Mary Andrea, Miss Emily Deiner, Mrs. Dore Marott, Dr. Elizabeth Labinski, Mrs. Julie Wright, Mrs. Ellen Imhoff and Mrs. Atlanta Meynier! Your Christmas Pageant was a great success! Thank you all for your time and talents. It was truly a great gift that honored our Lord! Eucharistic Adoration Wednesdays 12 noon—3pm St. Clare School Chapel To Sign up, please contact: Sister Marirose Rudek 970-926-8980 or [email protected] Catholic Schools: Communities of Faith, Knowledge and Service The Catholic communities of St. Clare of Assisi and St. Mary’s have been blessed with the establishment of two exceptional schools for the youth of our Catholic faith and greater community. St. Mary’s Preschool and St. Clare of Assisi Catholic School are integral parts of our Eagle Valley community. It is because of the generosity of our Catholic community that we are able to continue to provide an exceptional Christ centered education for our students with a quality curriculum including extras such as music, art and technology while maintaining affordable tuition rates. There are many ways YOU can help Catholic Education thrive! Volunteer to read with our students, teach an enrichment program, save your Box Tops, donate your used books or office supplies. The list is endless! We have several funds including our Tuition Assistance Fund, General School Fund and Teacher Wish List in which your contribution can make a difference! Our children are our future. Let us work together to help them grow in knowledge and faith! Questions? Suggestions? Please contact Gina Demarest, Director of Development (970)376-3135 * [email protected] Please mail donation to: St. Clare of Assisi Catholic School c/o Development 31622 Hwy. 6 Edwards, Colorado 81632 Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6 WE ARE COLLECTING BOX TOPS AND LABELS FOR EDUCATION You can find box tops on products you regularly purchase including Ziplock, General Mills cereals, Land O Lakes, Yoplait, and Hefty to name a few. Labels can be found on Campbells products. Please save your Box Tops and bring to the school or drop in the offertory. Every little bit adds up! Donate your labels to St. Clare or St. Mary’s Preschool. St. Clare’s Annual Mardi Gras Raffle YES!!!! It’s that time of year! The students of St. Clare will be selling raffle tickets to help raise money for their favorite school. 1st Prize: $5,000.00 CASH 2nd Prize: 2 Nights in a 2 bedroom Suite– Westin Riverfront Value: $2,000.00 (restrictions may apply) 3rd Prize: Mountain Peddler (Pope) Bike Value $1500 4th Prize: Alpengold Studios– 14K gold/sterling silver necklace “Intermediate Diamond Run”- Value $725.00 5th Prize: BC Generation/ Vail Generation Gift Certificate-Value $250.00 Raffle drawing will be held February 6, 2016 at St. Clare’s Mardi Gras Ball. You do not need to be present to win, however, the Mardi Gras Ball is a great way to spend an evening in support of Catholic Education! Mardi Gras Ball Sponsorship opportunities are available! All proceeds from the ball support St. Clare of Assisi Catholic School and Vail Christian High School. Proceeds from the Mardi Gras Raffle support St. Clare’s General Fund! For more information please contact Gina Demarest at [email protected] or (970) 926-8980. www.scavchsmardigrasball.org
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