The Catholic Communities of St. Clare of Assisi/Sta. Clara de Asis & St. Mary’s/Sta. Maria Rectory: 970-926-2821 St. Clare of Assisi St. Mary’s Church 31622 US HWY 6, Edwards, CO 81632 215 Capitol Street, Eagle, CO 81631 February 15, 2015 Beaver Creek Chapel 33 Elk Track Beaver Creek, CO 81620 WEEKEND MASS SCHEDULE SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 14 8:00am Mass (Celebrated only LOCATION Beaver Creek Chapel on the First Saturday of the Month 4:15pm Mass 7:00pm Spanish Mass SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 15 8:30am Mass 8:30am Mass 10:30am Bilingual Mass 12:30pm Spanish Mass 5:30pm Mass Pastor/Párroco Parochial Vicar PARISH RECTORY Msgr. Robert J. Kinkel Rectory: 970-926-2821 [email protected] Rev. Jude Geilenkirchen 970-376-5260 [email protected] P.O. 1390 Edwards, CO 81632 Phone: 970-926-2821 Fax: 970-926-5350 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION OFFICE/CENTRO DE EDUCACION RELIGIOSA P.O. 792 Eagle, CO 81631 Fax: 970-328-6494 245 Capitol St. Eagle, CO 81631 Office: 970-328-1133 Religious Education 970-328-1133 Mr. Gelasio Velasco 970-328-3003 [email protected] Hispanic Ministry/Ministerio Hispano Ms. Carmen Fragozo 970-970-688-1490 [email protected] PARISH & BUSINESS OFFICE/OFICINA P.O. 1390 Edwards, CO 81632 970-926-1070 Fax: 970-926-1089 Parish Business Mrs. Marilyn Brock 970-926-1085 [email protected] Development Director Mrs. Gina Demarest 970-376-3135 [email protected] Parish Office/Wedding Coordinator Ms. Kathy Fagan 970-926-1070 [email protected] SCHOOL OFFICE/OFICINA ESCOLAR P.O. 667, Edwards, CO 81632 Phone 970-926-8980 Fax: 970-926-8973 St. Clare’s Principal/Director de Sta.Clara Sr. Marirose Rudek 970-926-8980 x202 [email protected] School Admin Asst./Escolar Assistente del Adm. Mrs. Sue Huseby 970-926-8980 x201 [email protected] St. Mary’s Preschool/Escolar Sta.Maria Mrs. Agnes Harakal-(Director) 970-328-5699 Catholic Charities 970-949-0405 [email protected] Megan McGee Bonta WEEKDAY MASSES MONDAY, FEBRUARY 16 7:00am NO Mass 8:00am Mass TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 17 7:00am Mass 8:00am Mass (Jean Kathmann) 5:30pm Mass ASH WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 18 8:00am Mass 8:15am Children’s Mass 5:30pm Mass 7:00pm Word Service 7:00pm Mass Beaver Creek Chapel St. Mary’s St. Clare’s St. Mary’s St. Mary’s St. Clare’s Beaver Creek Chapel St. Clare Chapel Beaver Creek Chapel St. Clare Chapel Beaver Creek Chapel St. Mary’s Beaver Creek Chapel St. Clare St. Mary’s St. Mary’s St. Clare THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 19 7:00am Mass 8:00am Mass 5:30pm Mass 6:30pm Spanish Mass St. Clare Chapel Beaver Creek Chapel St. Mary’s St. Mary’s FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 20 7:00am Mass 8:00am Mass St. Clare Chapel Beaver Creek Chapel PARISH MEMBERSHIP If you live here full or part time or are visiting with us this weekend in our parish we welcome you and hope that you enjoy your time here with us. If you would like to receive information about becoming a full or part-time parishioner forms are on our website at Registration forms are also available at the parish office or email : [email protected]. If you have moved, changed your phone number, email or mailing address please update our office. February 15, 2015 Sixth Sunday in O rdinary Time PASTOR’S POTPOURRI – LENT IS UPON US AND SO IS OUR INTENTIONALITY ABOUT LENT Wednesday of this week is Ash Wednesday. And so, here we go again, entering into that season that calls us to prayer, fasting and almsgiving. A time of renewal. LENT is an Anglo/Saxon word that means “springtime”. How appropriate that we use this season as a time of growth. Lent is that one period each year where spiritual growth and development really gain momentum. Maybe it’s because we pray more frequently and more fervently…attending daily Mass, praying the Rosary daily, following the scriptures using the LITTLE BLACK BOOK and other special devotions that help our spiritual journey. Maybe it’s because we can be more mindful of the responsibility to give alms, to assist those who are disadvantaged. Maybe because we fast, surrendering our privileged options at the table each Friday, or perhaps for the whole 40 days. We may fast from other privileges , like limiting the time surrendered to amusements or distract ions to focus on relationships with our loved ones or with God. This is an important time in the year of grace as we join more closely with those who will be coming into the Church at Easter…those catechumens who will be baptized, confirmed and make their First Communion and become full partners with us at the Table of God’s Word and Eucharist. May our focus help us to renew our own covenant with the Lord, remembering our own baptism and the baptism of our children. May these coming days be fruitful as the Lord Jesus spent His time preparing for His ministry as he was tested for 40 Days and 40 nights and came out victorious. And may our “intentionality “ about Lent make us better Christians and better human beings. Msgr. Bob Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time In her fascinating new book on the American saints (When the Saints Came Marching In: Exploring the Frontiers of Grace in America; Liturgical Press 2015) author Kathy Coffey lingers lovingly on St. Marianne Cope, the Franciscan nun who, with six others sisters from her community in Syracuse, N.Y., warmly accepted the same invitation from the Hawaiian government which fifty other religious communities had turned down. I am not afraid of any disease, she wrote in 1883. Hence it would be my greatest delight to minister even to the abandoned lepers of Molokai. And so she did. She and her sisters cared for the dying St. Damien, assuring him that his work with those who had contracted the dread disease would continue after his death. She finally achieved real safety for the women and girls on the island by establishing schools and hospitals just for them. She brought games, and laughter, and fun. The most compelling thing about her for me is how beautiful she was, and how celebrated she is in Hawaii. A visitor to Molokai is immediately greeted by a large, framed photograph of this smiling, radiant Franciscan sister. Throughout the Hawaiian Islands (where her sisters still minister) her lovely face, shrouded in the white coif and wimple of the 19 th century habit, is celebrated on key chains, tins of macadamian nuts, and even beer mugs. She and her sisters are beloved, and the Hawaiians want the world to know about them. Jesus warned the man he cured of leprosy to tell no one. Instead, he broadcast it far and wide. When the love of Christ overshadows you, even the remotest parts of the Hawaiian Islands shout for joy. What ways have you found to reach out to modern-day lepers? Kathy McGovern ©2015 ADDITIONAL MASS TIMES The Sisters of Mercy will have Mass celebrated in the Convent Chapel in Gypsum on Saturday, February 21st and Saturday, February 28th at 9am. ALL ARE WELCOMED. The convent’s number is 970-524-0752. ASH WEDNESDAY SERVICES FEBRUARY 18, 2015 SECOND COLLECTION Sunday, February 22 8:00am 8:15am English Beaver Creek English St. Clare Children’s Mass, Edwards 5:30pm English St. Mary’s, Eagle 7:00pm Spanish Word Service St. Mary’s, Eagle 7:00pm Spanish St. Clare, Edwards STATIONS OF THE CROSS As a parish we will meditate on the suffering and death of our Lord by participating on Friday evening devotions at St. Mary’s with the Stations of the Cross. The Stations of the Cross will be held in both Spanish and English in St. Mary’s church. Stations will begin at 6:30pm Reconciliation will also take place. Black & Indian Missions Collection This collection provides religious support for evangelization programs among African Americans and Native Americans in 133 archdioceses and dioceses in the U.S. We will take up a collection at Beaver Creek Chapel and a portion of our tithe from St. Clare and St. Mary’s. Please Pray for all of those who are in need of and have requested our prayers especially: Those in our prayers: Amanda Painter, Susan Ginac, Pat Gooch, Andrea Kolaczkowski, Louis Atencio, Ron Nolte, Jodi Pals, Kai Kelly, John H. The Dodrill Family, Jack Nolte, Sheila Smith, Laura Castro, Annette Provensano, Ethan Schwartz, The Cassidy Family, Juana Chavez Marquez, Mary Hosa, Joe Moschetto, Mildred & Eugene Murphy Ken McAvoy Please pray for the repose of the souls of our faithful departed: Roberto Loera, Joe Cassidy, William Dunn To include names, for Mass Intentions or Mass Cards please call the parish office at 970-926-1070 or email [email protected] Sunday 8:00 am 8:30 am PARISH ACTIVITIES Rosary St. Mary's Coffee & Donuts St. Mary’s (second Sunday of the month after Mass) Coffee Social after Mass St. Clare’s 9:15am Monday 5:30-6:30pm Blessed Sacrament Adoration St. Mary’s Tuesday 6:00 pm Choir Practice for 8:30am Mass St. Mary’s 7:00pm St. Mary’s Parish Council St. Mary’s (meets second Tuesday of the Month) Wednesday 6:15am Men’s Prayer Group St. Mary’s 6:00pm Choir Practice for 10:30am Mass St. Mary’s 7:00 pm Knights of Columbus St. Mary’s (First Wed. of every Month Thursday 7pm Adult Bible Study St. Mary’s MONTHLY 1st Thursday 7pm Mother’s Group St. Mary’s 2nd Tuesday 7pm Parish Council St. Mary’s 2nd Thursday 6:30pm Baptismal Prep Class, St. Mary’s LENTEN PRAYER Loving God, During this sacred season of Lent, bring me closer to You. Prepare a place in my home and heart for silence and solitude, so that I may rediscover the grace of a prayer - full life. Help me fast from those things that threaten the well-being of my body and soul and remind me of the grace of simplicity. Enlarge my heart so that I give to those in need and in so doing rediscover the grace of gratitude and generosity. May this season be a grace filled time to rekindle my love for and faith in You. Amen. LENTEN PENANCE SERVICES Will be offered on: Thursday, March 5th at 7pm at St. Mary’s Thursday, March 12th at 7pm at St. Clare’s WEEKLY READINGS Monday: Gn 4:1-15, 25/Mk 8:11-13 Tuesday: Gn 6:5-8; 7:1-5, 10/Mk 8:14-21 Wednesday: Jl 2:12-18/2 Cor 5:20--6:2/Mt 6:1-6, 16-18 Thursday: Dt 30:15-20/Lk 9:22-25 Friday: Is 58:1-9a/Mt 9:14-15 Saturday: Is 58:9b-14/Lk 5:27-32 Next Sunday: Gn 9:8-15/1 Pt 3:18-22/Mk 1:12-15 A leper came to Jesus and kneeling down begged him and said, "If you wish, you can make me clean." Moved with pity, he stretched out his hand, touched him, and said to him, "I do will it. Be made clean." - Mk 1:40-41 LENTEN REGULATIONS ASH WEDNESDAY AND GOOD FRIDAY are days of strict fasting and abstinence. This means nothing is eaten between meals and meals are eaten without meat. Every Friday in Lent, as we remember the Lord’s death on the cross for us, we abstain from eating meat. This age-old practice puts us in a frame of mind to celebrate this penitential time in the Church’s Year of Grace. Fasting and abstinence are expected for those from 14 to 59 years of age. On Ash Wednesday, we hear the Lord’s instructions to us as we strive to grow closer to Him and to each other….prayer, fasting and almsgiving are the three pillars on which our Lenten Program are based. Blessings come to us by listening to the Lord and following Him from the desert to the glory of Easter! The Stations of the Cross will be on Friday’s during Lent at 6:30pm at St. Mary’s. The Sacrament of Reconciliation will be available from 6:30-7:30pm. The Little Black Books are available so that you may have practical help to your scripture reading and prayer through the 40 Days of Lent. LENT RICE BOWLS are available for you to place on your dining table and each day put some coins in it as you make a sacrifice for the hungry of the world. By giving up something that you would ordinarily eat or drink – you can put what you would have spent in this rice bowl. You are asked to return your rice bowl on Passion/Palm Sunday and the money will be sent to CATHOLIC RELIEF SERVICES to help in their world-wide effort of taking care of people around the world who have experienced a natural disaster or any other plight who are hungry and hurting. PARISH SUPPORT WEEKEND OF February 8, 2015 Beaver Creek St. Mary’s St. Clare’s St. Mary’s St. Mary’s Beaver Creek St. Clare’s Sat. Sat. Sun. Sun. Sun. Sun. Sun. 4:15pm 7:00pm 8:30am 8:30am 10:30am 5:30pm 12:30pm TOTAL 1199.00 1377.00 1855.00 2090.00 1565.00 1920.00 1695.00 $11,701.00 Any parishioners who wish to make their monthly offertory donations through electronic banking please contact the parish office at 970-926-1070. M inisterio H ispano PARROQUI AS Santa Clara y Santa M aria Domingo 15 de Febrero, 2015 El leproso sabía que Crist o lo amaba y por eso le pide su curación. I NFORM ACI ON I M PORTANTE CURSOS EN EL CENTRO SAN JUAN DI EGO M I ERCOLES DE CENI ZA Febrero 18 Santa Clara Edwards 7:00 pm Sta. Maria Eagle 7:00 pm. Servicio Penitencial de Cuaresma ALFONSO LARA | D I RECTOR OF PASTORAL SERVI CES 2830 Lawrence Street | Denver, CO 80205 CERTI FI CACI ÓN DE AGENTES DE PASTORAL Taller para Coros en el Centro San Juan Diego. Denver CO Fecha: 28 de febrero. Hora: 8:30am hasta las 4pm Sacramentos de I niciación (2da materi a del Bloque Litúrgico) Fechas: Sábado, 21 de Febrero de 2015 H ora: De 8:30AM a 1:00PM Lugar: Centro San Juan Diego, salón 211 M aestro: M sgr. Jorge De los Santos Sacramentos de Sanación y Servicio (3ra materi a del Bloque Litúrgico) Fechas: Sábado, 14 de M arzo de 2015 H ora: De 8:30AM a 1:00PM Lugar: Centro San Juan Diego, salón 211 M aestro: M sgr. Jorge De los Santos Oración y Espiritualidad (4ta materi a del Bloque Litúrgico) Fechas: Sábado, 28 de M arzo de 20154 H ora: De 8:30AM a 1:00PM Lugar: Centro San Juan Diego, salón 211 M aestro: M sgr. Jorge De los Santos Jueves 5 de M arzo, 7:00 pm Santa M aria, Eagle Jueves 12 de M arzo, 7:00 pm Santa Clara de A sis, Edwards RETI RO PARA QUI NCEAÑERAS Para celebrar la Misa de quinceañera este año es necesario que asistan al retiro el Sábado 28 de Febrero en el siguiente Horario: 9:00 am — 7:00 p.m. Lugar: Parroquia Santa Clara de Asis Edwards CO. Contactar a Carmen Fragozo al (970) 688 - 1490 ADORACI ON NOCTURNA Adoración al Santísimo Sacramento en el Altar en Sta. Maria. Hombres se reúnen en el segundo Sábado de cada mes después de la Misa de 7:00 p.m. Mujeres se reúnen el tercer Sábado de Cada mes, después de la Misa de 7:00 p.m. Para Información comunicarse con José Avilés: (970) 390-3583. ORACI ON CARI SM ATI CA Santa Clara de Asís, Edwards Los Miércoles a las 7:00 p.m. Santa Maria, Eagle Los Viernes a las 7:30 p.m. PROGRAM A DE EDUCACI ON RELI GI OSA SANTA CLARA DE ASI S & SANTA M ARI A M I SA DE PRI M ERAS COM UNI ONES SANTA M ARI A, EAGLE: PARA NI ÑOS DE SANTA M ARI A, EAGLE: Todos los Sábados de 6:00 a 7:00 p.m. Misa para Tercer Grado: Sábado 2 de Mayo a las 10:00 a.m. Ensayo de la Misa: Jueves 30 de Abril a las 7:00 p.m. Misa para Cuarto, Quinto, Sexto y Séptimo: Sábado 2 de Mayo. Hora: 1:00 p.m. Ensayo de la Misa: Viernes 1 de Mayo a las 7:00 p.m. RETI RO PARA NI ÑOS DE SANTA M ARI A : C O N F E SI O N E S SANTA CLARA DE ASI S, EDWARDS: Todos los Viernes de 5:30 a 6:30 p.m. I NFORM ACI ON SOBRE LOS BAUTI ZOS PROXI M OS PLATI CAS PRE-BAUTI SM ALES: Sábado 7 de Marzo a l as 6:00 p. m. Sta. Cl ara. Sábado 11 de Abril en Santa Clara de Asís, Edwards. M I SA DE PRI M ERAS COM UNI ONES PARA NI ÑOS DE SANTA CLARA DE ASI S, EDWARDS: Sábado 30 de Mayo a las 10:00 a.m. Ensayo de la Misa: Jueves 28 de Mayo a las 7:00 p.m. RETI RO PARA NI ÑOS DE SANTA CLARA DE ASI S: Sábado 16 de Mayo en Santa Clara de Asís, Edwards. PROXI MOS BAU TI ZOS: EN SANTA C LARA: Sábado 4 de Abri l en l a Vi gi l i a Pascual . Domi ngo 26 de Abri l a l as 2:00 p.m. CONTACTO PARA H ACER U NA CI TA PARA ENTREVI STA: D E BAU TI ZO: Carmen Edi th Fragozo (970) 688 - 1490 E- mai l : Karmenedi th9@ hotmai l .com PARA M AYOR I NFORM ACI ÓN, CONTACTAR: Gel asi o Vel asco: (970)328- 3003 / Carmen Fragozo (970)688 - 1490 AVI SO I M PORTANTE PARA JOVENES DE CONFI RM ACI ON: LA CEREMONIA DE CONFIRMACION REQUI SI TOS PARA PODER BAUTI ZAR: 1. Ll evar a l a entrevi sta fotocopi a del Acta de N aci mi ento del ni ño. 3. Fotocopi a del Acta de Matri moni o Catól i co de l os padri nos si son casados. 4. Si l os padri nos son sol teros, presentar fotocopi a del Certi fi cado de Confi rmaci ón. 5. Di recci ón y tel éfono de l os padres y padri nos. SERA EN LA SIGUIENTE FECHA: JUEVES 26 DE MARZO A LAS 7:00 P.M Ensayo de la Misa: Domingo 22 de Marzo a las 2:00 p.m. EN LA PARROQUIA SANTA CLARA DE ASIS, EDW ARDS NOTA: Para poder bauti zar, tanto l os padres como parti ci par de cuatro Mi sas domi ni cal es antes de l a (El Sacerdote les entregara una tarjetita padri nos deben fecha del Bauti zo; de asistencia después de cada Mi sa. Para mayor información, contactar: Gel asi o Vel asco: (970)328- 3003 / Carmen Fragozo (970)688 - 1490 LI TURGI A D E LA PALABRA D E H OY (Domingo 15 de Febrero, 2015) Felices V acaciones de I nvierno SEMANA DEL 16 AL 20 DE FEBRERO, 2015 PARA N I ÑOS Y ADULTOS DEL CATECI SMO Disfrutes de esta semana libre. Dios los bendiga y los esperamos en la semana del 23 al 27 de Febrero. PRIMERA LECTURA. Levítico 13, 1-2. 44-46. El leproso tendrá su morada fuera del campamento. SALMO RESPONSORIAL: 31. R/. Tú eres mi refugio, me rodeas de cantos de liberación. SEGUNDA LECTURA. 1Corintios 10, 31-11, 1. Seguid mi ejemplo, como yo sigo el de Cristo. EANGELIO: MARCOS 1, 40-45. La lepra se le quitó, y quedó limpio. ` ST. CLARE OF ASSISI CATHOLIC SCHOOL February 15, 2015 “Celebrating 15 years of Catholic Education in the Vail Valley” Accredited by North Central Association through 2015 St. Clare’s 7th and 8th Grade Girls Basketball Teams ha d a n a m a zing se a son! SU PER J OB 7 T H GRADE T EAM FOR BRI N GI N G H OM E T H E PEAK S LEAGU E CH AM PI ON SH I P T I T LE! Would you lik e t o show your support for Ca t holic e duc a t ion? Our Teacher Wish List reflects the current needs of our teachers and school. We gratefully accept a full or partial donation toward the following items: Jazz Lab Elective 6-8 grades: Jazz method books for beginning Jazz band $300.00 4th Grade: Guided reading materials $122.30 Science materials $152.18 Reading Specialist: Books to support reading programs for struggling readers $410.00 Reading Celebration Funds to celebrate summer reading $90.00 5th Grade: Science Materials (owl pellet kit) $109.89 St. Clare’s General School Fund T ha nk you a nd God Ble ss Y ou! Please mail donation to: St. Clare of Assisi Catholic School c/o Development 31622 Hwy. 6 Edwards, Colorado 81632 or contact Gina Demarest at (970)376-3135 * [email protected] Ash Wednesday Children’s Mass Ash Wednesday February 18th at 8:15am St. Clare of Assisi Catholic School Please join us for mass and enjoy the angelic voices of our children’s choir. Jesus, you place on my forehead the sign of my sister Death: Remember you are dust, and to dust you shall return. How not hear her wise advice? One day my life on earth will end; the limits on my years are set, though I know not the day or hour. Shall I be ready to go to meet you? Let this holy season be a time of grace for me and all this world. Teach us to number our days aright, that we may gain wisdom of heart. Amen. Euc ha rist ic Adora t ion We dne sda ys 1 2 noon—3 pm St . Cla re Sc hool Cha pe l T o Sign up, ple a se c ont a c t Sist e r M a rirose Rude k 9 7 0 -9 2 6 -8 9 8 0 or m rrude k @st c la re pa rish.c om Non-Discrim ina t ion Sta t em e nt St . Cla re of Assisi Sc hool is unde r t he jurisdic t ion of t he Arc hbishop of De nve r and the dire c tion of t he Se cret a ria t of Sc hools for t he Archdioc ese of De nver. St . Cla re does not discrim ina t e on the basis of ge nde r in its adm ission policy, tre at m e nt of st ude nt s, or employme nt prac t ice s. St . Clare does not discrim ina te a gainst st ude nts of a ny ra c e , c olor, na t iona l or e thnic origin a nd a dm it s e veryone t o t he right s, privilege s, program s a nd a ct ivit ie s ma de a va ila ble t o all st ude nts. St. Cla re doe s not discrimina te in it s e duca t ion polic ie s, it s a dm ission polic ies, it s sc hola rship and loa n program s or it s at hle t ic a nd ot her a dm inist ere d progra ms. MA RDI GRA S BA LL 2015 MARCH 7th • 5:00pm PA RK HYA TT, BEA VER CREEK Tickets are on sale at Or call (970)306-8556 $150.00 per person includes dinner and entertainment Proceeds from the Mardi Gras Ball support St. Clare of Assisi Catholic School and Vail Christian High School. Live Auction Not-So-Silent Auction Casino Dancing Y! A D O t T T sile n R r O u o P S U P a t io n s fo r o r e R U M YO g don e nt . W n v i e k O e e se SH r th at e nt ly r s fo d c ur r onso fo un e p r e s c a ll a b r d o n n a a g We c n ion a ll.or t ion ted i b a s s a uc t e m a r r r e ig in fo . I nt le a se 6 m a rd P 5 s ? 5 h e 8 c r .sc a v ) 306 t . Cla 0 w S 7 f w 9 o ( 3 5 or w t 1 t r 3 a o y 6 p e 7 p 7 0 )3 Ca us in su 9 ( a n t g o i a n t I t h.c om dona a re s s i a r m a e g p D n Yo u . c la r e maki Gina t s t s s c @ e t a l a re s c ont od B G d n gde m a Yo u k n a Th
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