Saint Louis Catholic Community 7270 SW 120th Street•Pinecrest, FL 33156•Church/School: 305-238-7562•FAX: 305-238-6844 • [email protected] • [email protected] Director of Religious Education Mrs. Jeannie Modroño BAPTISMS (Infants - 5 yrs. old) In English the 1st, 2nd, 3rd & 4th Sunday when there is a 5th Sunday. Please call the Office TWO months in advance. Monday-Friday 9:00 AM - 8:00 PM Pray for the Sick Conchita Acosta Aloma Ahkin Pablo Arevalo Mary Arnold Isabel Avila Alejandro Baldelomar Marcio Baltodano Tom Becker Nora Bendheim Verónica Bermúdez Jeannette Bernard Giana Brendeke Milka Brown Joyce Bryan Robert Bryan Jerry Byrne Joanne Calfo Margaret Caruso Keith Chin Sandra Chung Michael Connor Cici Culverhouse Mary Frances Degen Luis DeVarona Xioriliz Diaz Lorraine Ditzel Iris Echevarria Vincent Evans Mary Alice Fleming Eddie Fung Bertina Garcia Ralphy Garcia Bill Gerrard Mary Glynn Michelle P. Green Daisy Guerrero Dorothy Haiduven Alyse Hernández Floriana Hernández Salvador Hernández Andrés Hidalgo Norman Hinton F MATRIMONY Please contact the parish office at least six months prior to the proposed date. PARISH OFFICE HOURS Coordinator of Ministries & Music Ms. Cecelia Columbro Hora Santa -Tercer jueves de cada mes en la Capilla a las 7:30 PM. RECONCILIATION (Confessions) Saturday:3:30 - 4:30 PM 7:30 - 8:30 PM Anytime by appointment Director of Youth Ministry Mr. Mark Witkowski Director of Music Mr. Juan Salazar Matrimonio - Favor de llamar a la Oficina con SEIS meses de anticipación. i am f St.Loui s, K ly o Saturday Lidia Hoadleg James Houck Carole Howard Aida Jackson Irene Johnson Matthew Joseph Mary Kilcoyne Gerry Knowlan Robert Kopp Steven Kowallis Pat Krupczak Joseph Kuethe Helen Labime Gene LaNeve Jorge Lavarga Evelyn López Manolito López Isabel Luperón Kelly Lyden-Flores Dan Millott Adelina Muzaurieta Harrison Margulies Matthew Martin William Martinez 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM William Mayer Jane McKeon Luis Magallanes Vivian Malave Wendy McLendon Reinaldo Meléndez Angela Mitchell Isabella Morales Francisco Morejon Leonardo Moreno James Morris Michael Mulsford Luis Munilla Dana Munsey Tomas Noto Rodney Oziemski Val Peremenis Jim Petee Sebastian PierJeamot Javier Piñeda David Pritchard Ronald Puhl Shawn Rice Bryce Richardson rance School Principal Mr. Edward Garcia Misa en Español Los domingos - 8:15 AM, 7:15 PM Los miercoles - 7:00 PM Bautismos - En Español el último domingo del mes. Favor de llamar a la oficina con DOS meses de anticipación. of F Administrator of the Mission of St. Augusitine of Hippo Rev. Fr. Pedro Toledo Deacons Rev. Dr. James Dugard Rev. Mr. John Green Rev. Mr. Thomas Hanlon Rev. Mr. George Labelle Rev. Mr. Alex Lam Rev. Mr. Vincent McInerney Rev. Mr. John Peremenis Rev. Mr. Jeff Reyes Rev. Mr. José Villena Rev. Mr. Bob Yglesias Sunday:(English) 5:30 PM (Sat. Vigil) 7:00, 9:30, 11:00 AM 12:30, 5:30 PM (Español) 8:15 AM, 7:15 PM 6:30 AM Monday - Friday English 8:30 AM Monday - Saturday English 7:30 PM Miércoles – Español rish Vicar Emeritus (Retired) Rev. Fr. Michael Kish PASTORAL HISPANA The Pa Parochial Vicars Rev. Fr. Michael Garcia Rev. Fr. Fredy Yara HOLY EUCHARIST (MASS) g in n PASTORAL STAFF Pastor Rev. Fr. Paul Vuturo Pi nec rest, Flori da Remember the Departed Maria Julia Justo Alicia Torrero de Tinoco Octavio Aristizaba Remberto Rodríguez Rolando Rodríguez Clara Romero Graciela Rosas Armando Otero Josephine Sánchez Joseph Santella Jimmy Sarandis Douglas Sharpe Sylvia Sharpe John Shubeck Eleanor Simons Colin Smith Pita James Smith Ernest Steinhilber,III Sebastian Tomala Isah Marie Tomas Aurora Van de Water Pedro Verastegui Concepción Villaborres Aisha Wade Peter White Giancarlo Zamora Nick Zwatney Please remember to contact the Parish Office when it is appropriate to remove a name from this list or they will be removed after two months. To provide the Eucharist at home for ill parish members or family, call Pedro Valentin at 305-251-7335 or the parish office at 305-238-7562. Si estas enfermo o impedido de asistir a la Misa y deseas recibir la Comunión en tu casa, puedes comunicarte con Adriana Morales, 305-969-0960. Ministry to The Sick ENRIQUE IGNACIO ALAMO son of Carlos & Carolina Alamo NICOLAS ESTEBAN CASAL son of Francisco & Ines Casal LUNA BELEN DOMINGO daughter of Juan & Maria Domingo FELIPE SIXTO VALENCIA son of Andres & rommy Valencia ANIBAL RUBIO son of Marino & Aurelia Rubio Baptisms Cursillo Retreat for Men & Women The Cursillo movement of the Archdiocese of Miami is pleased to announce that their next Cursillo weekends will take place at the Cursillo house directly south of Christ the King church. The dates for the weekends are as follows: Men’s weekend November 12-15 and Women’s weekend December 10-13. For information and applications, please contact Dave Christopherson at 305-989-3444. Wills & Trusts "Why is having your estate in order one of the biggest gifts you can give your family? Please join us on Saturday, November 7, 2015 at 9 AM in the Lecture Hall for a seminar on Wills and Trust and basic estate planning hosted by professional advisors who are St. Louis parishioners." Humanities Ministry Thanksgiving Project The Humanities Ministry is accepting Monetary donations for our 2015-Thanksgiving Project. If you would like to donate, we will be in the Rotunda after all the Masses October 24&25 / October 31 & November 1 4 Columbiettes collection for Miami VA Healthcare Homeless Veterans Call: 305-279-5737 or 305-588-9271 Information about VA’s programs for Homeless Veterans, at-risk Veterans and their Families is available at Hygiene Items Shampoo / Conditioner Soap (Bar or Shower Gel) Lotion / Sun Screen Hand Sanitizer / Chap Stick Tooth Paste / Brush Mouthwash / Floss Foot Powder / Deodorant Razor /Shave Gel/Cream Nail Clippers /Combs Laundry detergent (individual size) Camillus Casserole Project Clothing/Other Items T-shirts (new in package) men/women Socks (new in package) men/women Flip Flops Reading Glasses /Sun Glasses Rain Gear /Poncho /umbrella Flashlights Small Can Openers Fanny packs Safety Whistles Wallets Mulch Drive Saturday, November 14Th Boy Scouts of America - Troop 840 Baked Chicken due for drop off November 4th Time to get that yard in shape!!. Join us in ourE-mail [email protected] for a mulch form in the circular driveway from 7 AM - 9 AM & 5 PM - 6:30 PM Someone will be there to accept your frozen Baked Chicken casserole. Please mark the lid of the casserole with the name of the food and your name as well. Contact: June England 305-235-7257 [email protected] for question and /or pans. Go to camillus-casserole-project/ to download the recipe. One Church One Family ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!JOIN!our!Team!! !STL Class of 2016! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!as!we!SUPPORT!! ! Please join us for our musical and spiritually fulfilling Annual Thanksgiving Interfaith Community Service Wednesday, November 18th at 7:00 PM at Temple Judea Participating Communities: Reason'to'Run'5K Saturday,'November'7,'2015 7am!–!Registra+on!|!8am!–!5K!Run/Walk!Begins!|!8:00;10:30! –!Family!Area!Opens 'Deering'Estate'at'Cutler';!16701!S.W.!72nd!Avenue,! PalmeHo!Bay,!Florida! Bet Breira Samu-El Or Olom Bet Shira Congregation Coral Gables Congregational United Church of Christ Riviera Presbyterian Church Saint Louis Catholic Church Temple Beth Am! ! Thanks for your Pledges I want to thank all the wonderful individuals and families who returned a Stewardship of Treasure Pledge Card during our Annual Stewardship Renewal. Many thanks to all the wonderful individuals and families who have been offering their financial sacrifices to God for so many years. God Bless you all, for all you do for the Lord and the Parish family of St. Louis. With great Love and affection. Father Paul Abaunza, Leo & Gladys Abreu, Armando & Lourdes Abreu, Daniel & Martha Agostini, Matthew & Mildred Ahern, Frances Aime, Nicole Albert, Robert & Donna Alberto, Juan & Josefa Albis, Samuel & Alessandra Alexander, Audrey Alfonso, Gustavo & Lourdes Alvarado, Lillian Alvarez, Felix & Martha Alvarez, Ibrahim & Lourdes Alzate, María D. Antonelli, Mark & Debbie Arbesu, Nury Arbucias, Felix & Verónica Arias, Tony & Marcella Armstrong, Craig & Karla Astudillo, Alex & Belén Azuela, Leonel & Emma Baca, Andersen & Anny Baca, Isabel Baldelomar, Alejandro & Matilde Ball, Chris & Cheri Baltodano, Viola Barba, Verónica Barnes, Jeff & Marie Barranco, Orlando & Triny Barreras, Zoriada Barroso, Fernando & Nurya Barton, James & Norma Battle, Suzanne Bauta, Juan & Natalie Beckler, Judith Belisario, Neuman & Esperanza Benitez, Carlos & Dolores Benitez, Ivonne Benitez, Víctor & Miriam Berenguer, Juan & Bonnie Berumen, Rubén & Eileen Biddulph, Terry Blahnik, Stephen & Kim Blanck, Cynthia Bleakly, Chris & Inés Blumenthal, Judy Bott, Paul & Helen Boyle, Mark & Mary Bravo, Cesar & María Brendecke, Teo & Esperanza Bricker, Ken & Anna Brodsky, Elizabeth Brown, Robert & Cynthia Bryan, Robert & Jean Buckhalt, Russell & Esperanza Bueres, Ted & Frances Thanks for your Pledges I want to thank all the wonderful individuals and families who returned a Stewardship of Treasure Pledge Card during our Annual Stewardship Renewal. Many thanks to all the wonderful individuals and families who have been offering their financial sacrifices to God for so many years. God Bless you all, for all you do for the Lord and the Parish family of St. Louis. With great Love and affection. Father Paul Buitrago, Efren & Monica Burrows, James & Hoa Bustamante, Jorge & Dora Buzone, Tony & Liz Buzzella, James & Isabel Callejo, José & Karen Camelo, Pablo & Constanza Caraccia, Nora Caram, Lázara Cardenal, Julio & Sandra Cardenas, Daniel & Vilmarie Cardenas, Olinto & Anabelky Carrasco, Angel & Nadelia Carrasquillo, Olveen & Judy Carson, Pilar Caruso, Mark & Debbie Casanova, Marcos & Yolma Cassini, Charles & Mary Ellen Castell, María Cavada, Antonio & Margarita Ceballos, José & Melba Cervantes, Alexandra Cesarano, Dorothy Cesarano, Teresa Cetta, Karl & Susana Chamorro, Arturo & Rosario Charur, Carlos & María Chin, Winston & Jacqueline Chipana, Toribia Leal Chirinos, Dolly Chong, Patrick & Nicole Chrycy, Kathy Chuy, Felipe & Marta Cilli, Joseph & Camille Clarck, Curtis & Lourdes Colicetto, Antonio & Nathy Collada, Manuel & Rebeca Columbro, Cecelia Columbro, Miriam Condon, Rosalyn Connell, Erica Consuegra, Roger & Marbel Cortez, Sergio & Verónica Costley, Kathy Couch, Charles & María Criado, Emilio & Patricia Crippa, Luciano & Raquel Cruz, Marcella Cue, José & Yakelin Curtis, Tim & Martha Dabdoub, Jalil & Diane Davidson, Tom & Laura De Abreu, Juan & Carmen De Fede, Salvatore De Ferrari, Michael & Sue De Leon, Alfredo & Janeth De Poorter, Bud & Jane Del Boca, Adrian Delaney, Alec & Letty Delfin, Cheryl DeLuca, James & Deborah DeRosimo, John & Lisa Desbiens, Bob & Pat Diaz, Alba Diaz, Ena Diaz, Jesús & Enna Dick, Philip & Cristina Donna, Elio & Marta Dugard, James & Nelly Dunning, Susan Duret, Fred & Carline Dylewski, Mark & Jennifer Ehler, Kim Elder, George & Ana Elliott, Marcella Emmett, Frederick & Isabella England, Peter & June Ennis, Dan & Janice Espinosa, Francisco & Lucinda Esquen, Alberto & Elsa Estanziola, Felix & Patricia Eusebe, Marie Evans, Alex & Sylvia Evans, William & Patricia Falco, Christopher & Laura Fedele, Peter & Claire Féito, José Fenaughty, Mark & Astrid Feria, Nury Fernández, Alby & Jennifer Fernández, Julio & Miriam Ferreyra, Raúl & Clara Figarola, María Figueroa, Pedro & Jeanny Flores, Alejandrina Florez, Luis & Haydee Fluxa, Víctor & Mariel Frawley, John & Joan French, Norman & Marie Friedlander, Bob & Anita Frometa, Rafael & Cristina Garcia, Mauricio & Mónica Furney, Susan García-Pages, Lucille García, Carlos & Sandra García, Frank & Mirna García, José & María García, Roberto & Jo Ann Garza, Santiago & María Gavila, Susan Gay, Martha González, Tomie Gerónimo, Ralph & Lorraine Gerrard, Bill & Pat Gibson, David & Kathleen Gilbert, John & Colleen Giroux, James & Valerie Girten, Fred & Esther Godoy, Roberto & Leticia Gomez, Ralph & Cynthia Gonzalez, Diana Gonzalez, Fernando & Cecilia Gonzalez, José Luis Gonzlaez, Nilton & Elcira Grammes, Wayne & Linda Green, John Greene, Gloria Grossman, David & Karen Guerra, Jesse & Joanna Guerra, Misael & Barbara Gunter, Greg & Annette Gurdian, Oscar & Adriana Gutierrez, Jaime & María Gutierrez, Mercedes Gutierrez, William & Elena Gutshall, Wayne & Myrna Guyamier, Ray & Lucette Hacker, Bill & Alice Hagley, Rosalind Hamel, David & Mary Hardy, Jack & Tessie Hart, Michael & Helen Hechevarria, Teresa Hefferman, Gerald & Rosalie Heim, John Hermijo, José & María Hernandez, Andrew & Angela Hernandez, Jorge & Ann Hernandez, Rafael & Ileana Herrera, Luis & Mónica Herrera, Ricardo & Anely Hickey, Mary Lu Himes, Dan & Teresa Ho Sang, Wayne & Zona Ho Tai, Florine Hunt, Joe & Allison Hussey, Edward & Sofía Icaza, Alejo & Charmaine Idarraga, Luis & Yenny Inga, Lucila Jabado, Mohamad & Laura Jacobi, George & Viviana Jarro, Carlos & Carolyn Jasinski, Michael & Winsome Jelke, Bill & Ely Jeréz, Tatiana Jesurum, Ivar & Deborah Jimenez, Luis & María Johnson, Ghislaine Johnson, Robert Johnston, Rob & Joanne Jones, Kenyon & Sahada Joseph, Gregory & Nancy Joya-Lobaton, Oriele Juarez, Alfredo Jubis, Oscar & Magda Kaldahl, Scott & Carolyn Kauffamn, Julie Kelleher, Kevin & Dolores Kern, Jim & Pat King, James & Mary Kish, Michael Rev. Kissane, Gene & Andreina Kolodziejczak, Paul Kopp, Ingeborg Krogh, Bernard & María Kurz, Hal & Patricia La Neve, Gene & Nathaly Lamadriz, Cristina Lang, Timothy & María Lara, Víctor & Blanca Lau, Miguel & Rosa Lauture, Raquel Laviña, Richard Lee, Harry & Beverly Lee, Lex & Marissa Leite, Raphael & Erica Leong, Danny & Judy Leschhorn, Carmen Liddel, Scott & Leonila Litchenstein, Enrique & Ana Llanes, Armando & María Loffredo, Tony & Anny Londoño, Fernando & Lysbeth Lópes, Caetano & Fatima López, Cynthia López, George & Theresa López, Hector & Martha López, Juan & Allison López, Tom & Kiki Loys, Raúl & Liane Lucas, Albert & Michelle Luwanag, Lillian Lynch, Allen & Zulma Lynch, Winnifred Lynne, Michael & Marioli Lyons, Ann Lyons, Nancy MacDonald, Stuart & Martha Maggio, Dominic & Mary Maghak, Clement & Najla Magtira, Marjorie Maldonado, Xavier & Christina Mangialetto, Carol Manning, Ronald & Mercy Maronto, John & Rosemarie Marrero, Alex & Flora Marrou, Jaime & Milagros Gracias por sus ofertas de donación Quiero agradecer a todos los individuos y familias que respondieron con su Tarjeta de Oferta de Donación durante la Renovación Anual de Stewardship. Muchos de ustedes se me acercaron para depositar su tarjeta de Oferta de Donación en la Canasta de Stewardship y me dijeron que era muy bonito y emotivo. Por supuesto, mil gracias a todos los que siempre nos han apoyado a través de los años con mucho sacrificio. Que Dios les bendiga siempre por todo lo que hacen por el Señor y por la Familia Parroquia de St. Louis. Con gran amor y afecto. Padre Paul Martin, Brian & Martha Martin, Jim & Victoria Martinez-Varela, Carlos & Mabel Martinez, Almanzor & María Martinez, Henry & Jeanne Martinez, Melvin & Clarissa Martinez, Myrtha Mas, Ramon & Lisa Matos, Irma Matos, Ivan Matos, Ramon & Stella Matsumoto, Ted & Sylvia Mattox, Joselyn Mc Carthy, Jim & Sandy McAvoy, Lloyd McCaffery, Joan McDermott, Mike & Nitza McDonald, James & Susan McDonald, John & Gina McInerney, Vince, & Evelyn McKee, Nancy McKeever, Michael & Iris McNamara, Russell & Margrith Medina, John & Susan Medrano, Sonia Mendez, Carlos & Carmen Mendez, Juan & Isabel Menzies, Ana Merino, Natalia Micali, John & Laura Miller, James & Holly Miller, Joyce Mion, Hugo & Adriana Mirabal, Tony & Lina Miret, Humberto & Lynda Modroño, Manny & Jeannie Molina, Cesar & Jacqueline Monge, Rosalva Montalvo, Tomas & Yolanda Monteagudo, Luis Montero, Faustino Morales, Mauricio & Cristina Moravec, Michelle Moreyra, Raúl & Alicia Munilla, Juan & Laura Muñiz, Carlos & Alicia Muñoz, Alex & Adriana Murillo, Carmen & Ana Murphy, Mike & Jenny Namoff, Karen Nguyen, Thang & Gina Noguera, Amalia Nonez, Jacque & Michele Norena, Oscar & Martha Noto, Thomas & Dorotea Olloquin, Juan & Gloria Oria, Jorge & Rosa Ortíz, Irvin & Elisa Osterbeger, David & Mary Otruba, Richard & Jacqueline Padrón, Sylvia Page, Ray & Dolmari Palacio, Ed & Susan Palacio, Jose & Luz Palaszewski, Dan & Pat Pantín, Sara Papili, Angelo & Stephany Parson, Bryan & Theresa Pascual, Luis & Cristina Pastor, Carlos Paternostro, Jose & Cristina Patino, Francisco & Carmen Paz, Thomas & Ana Pazos, Mary Jean Pedrique, Fridel Peloquin, André Peña, Leonardo & Gloria Perantoni, Scott & Michelle Perdomo, Luis & Julie Perez, Armando & Sandra Perez, Bert & Olga Perez, Enrique & Michelle Perez, Lucia Perez, Mariía Perez, Peter & Marina Perez, Rodolfo & Vivian Perinot, Nestor & Kristina Pernia, David Perruc, John & Oly Phelan, Lawrence & Ann Marie Pherson, James & Mary Phillips, Bohn & Jennifer Poozhikunnel, Joseph & Anita Porro, Francisco & Karen Powel, Thomas & Mary Jane Prahl, William & Cecilia Price-Young Bernadette Proulx, Margaret Quinn, Kenneth & Betty Ravinet, Alfredo & Nicole Redondo, José & Vickie Reeves, George & Rosa Rembisz, Ronald Remos, Alejandro & María Reyneri, Nelson & Josefina Rezek, Michael & Michele Rhugnanan, David & Anna Richardson, William & María Riera, Javier & Mona Rivabem, Fernando & Liset Rivas, Nelly Robleto, Frank & Beatriz Rodriguez, Felipe & Ana Rodriguez, Frank & María Rodriguez, Gabriela Rodriguez, Guillermo Rodriguez, Luis & Irmina Rodriguez, Manuel & Suzanne Rodriguez, Pablo & Gladys Rodriguez, Ricardo & Caridad Rodriguez, Uven & Gloria Rojas, Yeimy Romero, Roxana Rosso, Jorge Rottler, Donald & Ada Rowan, Michael & Patricia Rubio, Marco & Jeanette Ruiz, Roberto & Ana Rutherford, Mary Saenz, Sergio & Cristina Salamo, Nicolas & María Salazar, Juan & María Salnave, Jacques & Altagracia Sanchez, Lucito & Joane Sanchez, Pablo & Rita Sanchez, Rafael & Nancy Santella, Joe & Peggy Schneider, Janet Schry, Donald & Alicia Schwarte, Gisa Schweitzer, Gregory & Kimberly Schwinghammer, Gregor & Norma Schwitalla, James & Michelle Schwitalla, Mary Lou Scott, Joseph & Annabelle Scott, Joseph & Clare Seda, Jorge & Marta Sidoti, Rae Sihuy, Saúl & María Silva, Millie Siman, Humberto & Zeenat Sitko, Susan Skidmore, Ellen Skinner, Ron & Brenda Smith, Carlos & María Smith, Martha Smutny, Stephen & Judy Solorzano, Lourdes Solorzano, William & Cristina Solovick, Christine Sothan, Carolyn Soto, Uriel & Karla Springer, Carole Stanham, John & Ana Strickland, Richard & Margaret Suris, José & Hilda Sutton, Claxton & Deborah Tabak, Jeremy & Marjorie Tejada, Barbara Tenn, Roy & Carol Thompson, Mary Tinoco, Carlos & Marlin Tinoco, Ivan & Rosa Tirado, Felix& Mildred Toledo, Daniel & Raysa Tomecko, Kathleen Tomonto, Bob & Anne Tomonto, Charles & Elsa Tomonto, Irene Torres, Eileen Trombino, Roger & Joann Turner, Corinne Uhorchak, Michael & Lourdes Urraga, Candido Vamos, David & Patrice Van DeWater, Tom & Jeanette Varela, Luis & Nora Varon, Libia Vega, Zeine Velasco, Francisco & María Velazquez, Karine Vescovacci, Milton & Beatriz Vidal, Ernesto & Marta Viera, Gustavo & Daivisi Vilchez, Angela Vilomar, Gus & Annette Wadsworth, María Waldo, John Walker, Gary & Mayela Welch, Greg & Jackie Weltman, Monica Wild, Wolfgang & Melinda Wilson, Michael & Lisbeth Witkowski, Mark Woodburn, Troy & Anique Wright, Carole Wright, William & Mercedes Yap, Andrew & Diahana Yglesias, Bob & Barbara Young, Ed & Arlene Zaldivar, Carlos & Maryann Zaldivar, Richard & Ana Zavala, Max & Ana Zedan, Manny & Karla Ziemba-Reilly, Lois Zinn, Nora Stay Connected With Us! Mass Intentions, Saints and Readings for the Week Intenciones de la Misa, Santos y Lecturas para la Semana Sunday/domingo All Saints Nov. 1st Rv 7: 2-4, 9-14; 1 Jn 3: 1-3; Mt 5: 1-12 7:00 am Mass for Life/Respect Life Ministry + Bob Lynch/Julie Kauffman 8:15 am Nelly L. de Carrillo - Special Intention 9:30 am + Marie Kirby/Esther Kirby 11:00 am St. Louis Parish Family/Parish Priests + Peter Cates/Tom & Kiki Lopez 12:30 pm + Souls in Purgatory 5:30 pm + The Torok Family/Geise Family 7:15 pm Marcio Baltodano/Loving Family + Maria Julia Zaph/Loving Family Monday/lunes All Souls Day Nov. 2nd Wis 3: 1-9; Rom 5:5-11; Jn 6: 37-40 6:30 am + All Souls Novena + All Souls Novena 8:30 am + All Souls Novena + All Souls Novena Thursday/jueves Nov. 5th Rom 14: 7-12; Lk 15: 1-10 6:30 am + All Souls Novena + All Souls Novena 8:30 am + All Souls Novena + All Souls Novena Friday/viernes Nov, 6th Rom 15: 14-21; Lk 16: 1-8 6:30 am + All Souls Novena + All Souls Novena 8:30 am + All Souls Novena + All Souls Novena Saturday/sábado Nov. 7th Rom 16: 3-9, 16, 22-27; Lk 16: 9-15 8:30 am + All Souls Novena + All Souls Novena 5:30 pm + All Souls Novena + All Souls Novena Tuesday/martes St. Martin de Porres, religous Nov. 3rd Rom 12: 5-16; Lk 14: 15-24 6:30 am + All Souls Novena + All Souls Novena 8:30 am + All Souls Novena + All Souls Novena Sunday/domingo Thirty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time Nov. 8th 1 Kgs17: 10-16; Heb 9: 24-28; Mc 12: 38-44 7:00 am + All Souls Novena + All Souls Novena 8:15 am + All Souls Novena + All Souls Novena 9:30 am + All Souls Novena Wednesday/miércoles St. Charles Borromeo, bishop + All Souls Novena Nov. 4th Rom 13: 8-10; Lk 14: 25-33 11:00 am + All Souls Novena 6:30 am + All Souls Novena + All Souls Novena + All Souls Novena 12:30 pm + All Souls Novena 8:30 am + All Souls Novena + All Souls Novena + All Souls Novena 5:30 pm + All Souls Novena 7:30 pm + All Souls Novena + All Souls Novena + All Souls Novena 7:15 pm + All Souls Novena + All Souls Novena MASS ALTAR SERVERS LECTORS VOCATION CHALICE* 5:30 pm Simans Cassini/Gonzalez Stephen Porter (786-837-4117) 7:00 am Fuentes Lopez/Martinez Lourdes Manning (305-245-4423) 8:15 am -- Silva/Baca -9:30 am Martin/Seda Carlton/Pino Bob & Pat Desbiens (305-251-8988) 11:00 am Alvarez/Kurz Tirado/Icaza Lauren Chue-Sang (305-233-9494) 12:30 pm Jimenez/Leong Loffredo/Waddell Milagros Marrou (305-234-2729) 5:30 pm Benavides/Christian Youth Miriam Columbro (786-430-0302) 7:15 pm -- Sevcec/Rodriguez Oriele Joya-Lobaton (786-488-4298) *These are the persons in charge of the scheduling of the Vocation Chalice for the respective Mass. Please call them. Midnight Musings / Pensamientos de Media Noche Saints and Shepherds Santos y Pastores On our clergy retreat with other priests of the Archdiocese this past week, Passionist Father Melvin Shorter developed the theme of priests being shepherds following the example of Christ. He said he was reflecting on a frequently heard theme that Pope Francis likes to address. The President flies on Air Force One. The Pope flies on “Shepherd One,” an American Airlines Boeing 777 with the papal seal on the side of the plane. The FAA approved the call sign “Shepherd One” for the recent papal trip. “Shepherd One” serves as a fitting plane for this pope who tries to represent the shepherding of Jesus world wide. When addressing the American bishops on his recent trip to the United States, the Pope encouraged their work as humble shepherds, shaping a Church that “attracts men and women through the attractive light and warmth of love.” He urged them to promote “a culture of encounter,” avoiding “harsh and divisive language” but rather encouraging authentic dialogue as they confront the “challenging issues of our time.” On the first Holy Thursday after his election as pope, he encouraged priests to live as servant shepherds: “This I ask you: be shepherds, with the ‘smell of the sheep’, make it real, as shepherds among your flock, fishers of men, …able to put out [into the deep] in the name of the Lord and cast our nets. It is not a bad thing that reality itself forces us to ‘put out into the deep’, where what we are by grace is clearly seen as pure grace, …and the nets which overflow with fish are those cast solely in the name of the One in whom we have put our trust: Jesus.” Yet that same Jesus does incredible shepherding and fishing more than just through popes, bishops and priests. The readings for this Sunday’s Feast of All Saints challenge us to live as reflections of the love of God in the world: “See what love the Father has bestowed on us that we may be called children of God. Yet so we are” (I John 3:1). The beatitudes in Mathew’s gospel (5:1-12) repeat the theme of living as children of God, making peace, showing mercy, and hungering for righteousness. When we all live that vision, we all shepherd each other and Christ can touch people’s hearts through our kindness and compassion. Bishops and priests may lead as shepherds, but every Christian can share in the mutual shepherding that is church life. Spouses can shepherd each other. Parents influence their children. Friends affect friends for the better. All of our ministries function as signs of the Good Shepherd Jesus. People shepherd, they lead and guide each other, in so many ways: our ministries to the sick and needy, our education and formation programs for children, youth and adults, our prayer meetings, retreats, and liturgies. Our whole parish strives to let the Good Shepherd reach others through us. We are grateful that he shares such responsibilities with us. We are the way Jesus wants to reach the world. He has no Plan B. En nuestro retiro de cleros esta pasada semana, junto a otros sacerdotes de la Arquidiócesis, el sacerdote Pasionista, el Padre Melvin Shorter desarrolló el tema de sacerdotes como pastores siguiendo el ejemplo de Cristo. El dijo que era una reflexión sobre una frase frecuentemente escuchada en labios del Papa Francisco. El Presidente viaja en “Fuerza Áerea Uno”. El Papa viaja en “Pastor Uno,” un avión de American Airlines Boing 777 con el sello papal a un lado del avión. La FAA aprovó el sello “Pastor Uno” para el reciénte viaje del Papa. “Pastor Uno” sirve prefectamente para éste Papa que trata de representar el pastoreamiento de Jesús en el mundo entero. Cuando el Papa se dirigió a los Obispos americanos en su reciente visita a los Estado Unidos, el Papa les animó en su labor como humildes pastores, formando una Iglesia que “atrae a hombres y mujeres a través de la atractiva luz y el calor del amor.” Él les pide que promuevan “el encuentro cultural,” evitando “el lenguaje duro y divisivo” sino estimulando el auténtico diálogo al tiempo que confrontan los “retos de nuestro tiempo.” En el primer Jueves Santo después de su elección como Papa, él animó a los sacerdotes a vivir una vida de pastores siervos: “Esto les pido: sean pastores, que ‘huelan a ovejas’, sean reales, como el pastor entre su rebaño, el pescador de hombres, ...capaz tirar [en lo profundo] las redes en nombre del Señor. No esta mal que la realidad misma nos fuerza a ‘profundizar’, lo que somos por la gracia de Dios; que es claramente visto como pura gracia, ...y las redes sobrecargadas de peces son sólo las que tiramos en nombre de Aquél en quien hemos puesto nuestra confianza: Jesús.” Aún así ese mismo Jesús hizo pastoreos increibles y pescó mucho más que a través de Papas, obispos y sacerdotes. “Miren qué amor tan grande nos ha mostrado el Padre: que nos llamamos hijos de Dios y realmente lo somos” (1 Juan 3:1). Las beatitudes en el evangelio de Mateo (5: 1-12) repite el tema de vivir como hijos de Dios, haciendo la paz, mostrando misericordia, anhelando justicia. Cuando todos vivamos esa visión, y todos nos pastoremos los unos a los otros y que Cristo pueda tocar el corazón de las personas a través de nuestro amor y compasión. Obispos y sacerdotes pueden ser los guías como pastores, pero cada Cristiano puede compartir el pastoreo mutuo que es la vida de la Iglesia. Los esposos pueden pastorearse mutuamente. Los padre pueden influenciar a sus hijos. Los amigos pueden impactar a sus amigos para bien. Todas nuestras funciones ministeriales son signos del Buen Pastor Jesús. Las personas pastorean, dirijen y se guían los unos a los otros, en tantas maneras: nuestros ministerios a los enfermos y necesitados, nuestra educación y formación para niños, jóvenes y adultos, nuestros grupos de oración, retiros, litúrgias. Toda la parroquia hace todo lo posible para dejar que el Buen Pastor llegue a otros a través de nosotros. Estamos muy agradecidos que Él comparta con nosotros esa responsabilidad. Somos el camino que Jesús quiere para llegar a todo el mundo. No hay plan B. Yours in Christ, Suyos en Cristo,
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