SPANISH MINISTRY 164 166 ONGOING BIBLE STUDIES 168 SHORT-TERM BIBLE STUDIES 170 WOMEN’S BIBLE STUDIES 172 KIDS RESOURCES 174 BIBLES > 165 SPANISH MINISTRY ongoing Bible Studies PREESCOLARES ESTUDIOS BÍBLICOS PARA LA VIDA | ADULTOS VERANO 2015 MANUAL PARA EL LÍDER ESTUDIOS BÍBLICOS PARA LA VIDA | JÓVENES GRADOS 1-6 PRIMAVERA 2015 MANUAL PARA EL LÍDER PRIMAVERA 2015 | MANUAL PARA EL LÍDER VERANO 2015 | MANUAL PARA EL LÍDER TRABAJANDO DURO LLEGA LA ESPERANZA PRIMAVERA 2015 PROPÓSITO: INVIRTIENDO EN EL REINO DE DIOS PRESCHOOL (Ages 1-5) Activity Pages 005075103 $2.40 Order one per student Leader Guide 005075101 $6.25 Order one per student Leader Pack 005075089 $23.95 Order one per class KIDS (Grades 1-6) Grades 1-3 Activity Pages 005149499 $2.40 Order one per student Grades 4-6 Activity Pages 005149511 $2.40 Order one per student Leader Guide 005075100 $6.25 Order one per leader Leader Pack 005075087 $21.95 Order one per class VERANO 2015 KIDS DÉ ENTRADA A LA ESPERANZA MÁS QUE UNA CONVICCIÓN: EXPLOREMOS EL CARÁCTER DE DIOS FE RESISTENTE: CÓMO PERMANECER FIRMES EN MEDIO DEL SUFRIMIENTO DIOS ES… NO SIEMPRE ES FÁCIL… SPANISH BIBLE STUDIES FOR EVERY AGE Estudios Bíblicos para la Vida® focuses on practical applications based on biblical principles. Every church member, from babies to adults, will be studying the same biblical topics at the same time. These Bible studies will assist churches in meeting great needs in today’s culture—to help individuals know Christ, live in community, and impact the world around them—using the following objectives: connecting the unconnected, strengthening families, and discipling people with wisdom. These resources for all ages are attention-grabbing and easy to use. Ongoing Bible Studies help churches connect people with Christ and meet each person’s spiritual needs by applying the Bible to daily life. By addressing real-life issues, these studies help reach people who are not attending any church. This material is ideal for all small-group ministries wherever they meet, whether at Sunday School, in Life Groups on Sunday morning, or cell groups that meet during the week. New format for Ongoing Bible Studies for Sunday School or Life Groups! • Same Bible concept for all ages • Practical life lessons • Easy-to-use lesson plans and Bible commentaries • Greater depth in each lesson ADULTS Personal Study Guide Order one per adult 005075116 $2.40 Leader Guide Order one per leader 005075126 $6.25 Leader Kit Order one per class 005075090 $17.95 STUDENTS Personal Study Guide Order one per student 005266985 $2.40 Leader Guide Order one per student 005267025 $6.25 Leader Pack free at FOR MORE INFORMATION ON LIFEWAY’S SPANISH RESOURCES PLEASE CALL 1.800.257.7744 OR VISIT LIFEWAY.COM/ESPANOL > 166 Many resources are available as video and audio downloads at SPANISH MINISTRY short-term bible studies MASTERLIFE: A BIBLICAL PROCESS FOR GROWING DISCIPLES MasterLife is a sequential process using small groups for growing disciples. The program aids in recognizing and accepting the Lordship of Christ in the believer’s life. It helps by developing and practicing six biblical disciplines while at the same time helping the participants to grow in Christlikeness. The package is made up of four volumes (six weeks each) that are designed to bring a deeper level of knowledge, commitment, and service to the believer’s walk with Christ. This is a resource that can be used to plan a year’s spiritual development for the participants. Ideal for any group size as well as for individual study. VIDA DISCIPULAR 1: LA CRUZ DEL DISCÍPULO (MASTERLIFE 1: THE DISCIPLE’S CROSS) Avery T. Willis, Jr. Vida discipular 1: La cruz del discípulo ( MasterLife 1: The Disciple’s Cross) helps disciples experience life in Christ through the practice of six biblical disciplines: spending time with the Master, living in the Word, praying in faith, fellowshipping with believers, witnessing to the world, and ministering to others. (6 sessions) Bible Study Book 001133355 $10.99 1.800.458.2772 VIDA DISCIPULAR 2: LA PERSONALIDAD DEL DISCÍPULO (MASTERLIFE 2: THE DISCIPLE’S PERSONALITY) Avery T. Willis, Jr. Vida discipular 2: La personalidad del discípulo (MasterLife 2: The Disciple’s Personality) helps disciples experience life in the Spirit and gain victory in their personal lives. Weekly topics include: doing God’s will, renewing the mind, mastering the emotions, presenting the body, and being filled with the Spirit. Disciples will also learn how to share their personal testimony. (6 sessions) Bible Study Book 001133356 $10.99 LIFEWAY CHRISTIAN STORES VIDA DISCIPULAR 3: LA VICTORIA DEL DISCÍPULO (MASTERLIFE 3: THE DISCIPLE’S VICTORY) Avery T. Willis, Jr. Vida discipular 3: La victoria del discípulo (MasterLife 3: The Disciple’s Victory) helps Christians gain victory over the world, the flesh, and the devil. These goals will be achieved as believers develop their prayer lives and gain skills in using God’s Word. A prayer retreat follows this study in which disciples experience God directing their future. (6 sessions) VIDA DISCIPULAR 4: LA MISIÓN DEL DISCÍPULO (MASTERLIFE 4: THE DISCIPLE’S MISSION) Avery T. Willis, Jr. Vida discipular 4: La misión del discípulo (MasterLife 4: The Disciple’s Mission) will help believers join God’s mission to make disciples by identifying their stage of spiritual growth and their role in ministry. (6 sessions) Bible Study Book 001133358 $10.99 Bible Study Book 001133357 $10.99 LIFEWAY.COM 167 SPANISH MINISTRY short-term bible studies DIOS MI EXPERIENCIA CON NEW EN EL HO GAR MI EXPERIENCIA CON DIOS EN EL HOGAR: UN ESTUIDIO BÍBLICO PARA PADRES (EXPERIENCING GOD AT HOME: A BIBLE STUDY FOR PARENTS) Tom and Richard Blackaby A small-group Bible study that helps believers become better parents. Based on the Seven Realities of Experiencing God, this study will help participants live out God’s Word at home. Each week participants will have an opportunity to learn how to parent using biblical principles and what God expects from every parent. Experience God in your home and be prepared for what God will do in your family! (8 sessions and one optional) Bible Study Book 005716639 $11.99 Blackaby Y Blackaby FOR MORE INFORMATION ON SPANISH SHORT-TERM RESOURCES PLEASE VISIT LIFEWAY.COM/DISCIPULADO UN ESTUDIO BÍBLICO para PADRES TOM y RICHARD B L AC K A BY > Cómo conocer y hacer la voluntad de Dios Mi experiencia con Cómo conocer y hacer la voluntad de Dios Edición para niños mayores (Grados 4 al 6) Cómo conocer y hacer la voluntad de Dios Edición para niños mayores (Grados 4 al 6) Dios Edición pa r a jóv enes HENRY T. BL ACK ABY & CL AUDE V. K ING Henry T. Blackaby y Mikey Thomas Oldham MI EXPERIENCIA CON DIOS: EDICIÓN PARA NIÑOS MAYORES (EXPERIENCING GOD: KIDS EDITION) Henry T. Blackaby & Mikey T. Oldham Help kids understand how they can know and do God’s will throughout their life experiences. For each of the nine sessions, the workbook includes four pages with activities and written material for instruction. One of the pages is to be taken home each week with an assignment for the following week. (9 sessions) Kid’s Learner Guide 001134080 $5.99 Kid’s Leader Guide (PDF Version) 005725135 $9.99 168 MI EXPERIENCIA CON DIOS: EDICIÓN PARA JOVENES (EXPERIENCING GOD: STUDENT EDITION) Henry T. Blackaby & Claude V. King Adapted from the best-selling adult study, students learn to hear when God is speaking, find out where God is working so they can join Him, and experience God doing only what He can do. (9 sessions) Student Edition, Revised Bible Study Book 005407138 $11.99 Youth Edition Leader Guide available for free atñol. MI EXPERIENCIA CON DIOS (EXPERIENCING GOD) Henry T. Blackaby & Claude V. King A detailed study designed for individual study or for use in small groups. It will help develop an intimate relationship with God and adjust character and behavior to agree with God’s will. (12 sessions) Adult Edition, Revised Bible Study Book 001133338 $11.99 Adult Leader Guide available for free atñol. Many resources are available as video and audio downloads at SPANISH MINISTRY short-term bible studies io rimoLInGRO t a MRA DE PE NEW 4-SESIONES ESTUDIO BÍBLICO ESTUDIO BÍBLICO EL NIÑO DE VOLUNTAD FIRME EL NIÑO DE VOLUNTAD FIRME (THE STRONG-WILLED CHILD) EL DR. JAMES DOBSON NIÑO DE VOLUNTAD FIRME DESDE EL NACIMIENTO HASTA LA ADOLESCENCIA DR. JAMES DOBSON . PH.D ERO io s D UERR DO G n el pl a n d e R A N LEO n d o se g ú FUE V iv ie Dr. James Dobson The Strong-Willed Child by Dr. James Dobson contains a personal study experience and leader helps for this four-session parenting Bible study experience. Who’s in charge at your house? Does childish or deviant behavior abound? Dr. Dobson helps you understand the difference between irresponsibility in children—because children can’t carry excessive adult levels of responsibility yet—and willful defiance; why children push boundaries and their inherent nature; and compliant versus defiant children. (4 sessions) EL DESAFÍO DEL AMOR (THE LOVE DARE BIBLE STUDY) Michael Catt, Stephen Kendrick, and Alex Kendrick El Desafío del Amor: Estudio bíblico is a marriage-centered Bible study experience for individuals and couples. Eight small-group sessions are based around one or more movie clips from the motion picture Fireproof. It utilizes activities that create community, provide opportunities to dialog about married life, and apply God’s Word. (8 sessions) 4-SESIONES ESTUDIO BÍBLICO DARE TO DISCIPLINE BIBLE STUDY ATRÉVETE A DISCIPLINAR (DARE TO DISCIPLINE) DR. JAMES DOBSON ATRÉVETE A DISCIPLINAR ESTUDIO BÍBLICO RESPUESTAS A LAS PREGUNTAS MÁS DIFÍCILES DR. JAMES DOBSON Dr. James Dobson Dare to Discipline by Dr. James Dobson contains a personal study experience and leader helps for this four-session parenting Bible study experience. This parenting expert knows discipline—dispensed by parents with conviction and courage, and in an environment of pure love—works. Help for parents of children and teens is on the way in this practical study that addresses boundaries, motivating without anger, actions and consequences, and respect and being worthy of it. (4 sessions) Bible Study Book 005257233 $8.99 DVD Teaching Clips 005256945 $11.99 LIFEWAY OFFERS YOU SPANISH BIBLE STUDIES FOR ONGOING, SHORT-TERM, AND CHRISTIAN LIVING. > Bible Study Book 005751482 $6.99 Leader Kit 005751481 $19.99 1.800.458.2772 LIFEWAY CHRISTIAN STORES Leonardo Guerrero Matrimonio fuera de peligro: Viviendo según el plan de Dios helps couples enjoy married life. Included are additional chapters for marriage counselors and a leader’s guide for cells or small groups. Some of the topics covered include love, intimacy, communication, abuse, and the danger of pornography in a marriage. Author Leonardo Guerrero is also a pastor, professor, and Christian counselor. (6 sessions) Bible Study Book 005474633 $11.99 Bible Study Book 005751480 $6.99 Leader Kit 005751479 $19.99 NEW MATRIMONIO FUERA DE PELIGRO (MARRIAGE OUT OF DANGER) LIFEWAY.COM 169 SPANISH MINISTRY WOMEN’S BIBLE STUDIES ESTUDIO BÍBLICO DE 9 SESIONES Si alguna vez ha tenido dudas, ha sentido tentaciones, pérdidas o angustia por los problemas familiares, únase a Beth Moore en este viaje para conocer al rey David, el hombre que buscaba tener un corazón conforme al de Dios. Un recurso para Crecer HIJOS DEL DÍA: 1 & 2 TESALONICENSES (CHILDREN OF THE DAY: 1 & 2 THESSALONIANS) Beth Moore Beth Moore invites you to learn how the adversities in life can serve to strengthen your faith in Christ. Also, discover the importance of standing firm and living according to Scripture so that nothing can interfere with your intimate relationship with God. This study will motivate you to be brave and bold for the Lord so that the name of Christ can be exalted above all circumstances. (8 sessions) SANTIAGO (JAMES) DAVID (DAVID) Beth Moore Santiago: Truinfa la misericordia is a Bible study based on the Book of James. Beth Moore shows how James motivates his readers to examine the implications of their faith. Interesting topics like joy, hardship, faith, wisdom, the tongue, humility, prayer, and much more will be explored. (8 sessions) Beth Moore David: Un hombre conforme al corazón de Dios is a compelling Bible study on the life of David. Participants will explore how David’s life proves that God will never give up on you. This study is for those who have ever experienced doubts, temptations, losses, or personal inconsistencies. (10 sessions) Bible Study Book 005474632 $14.99 Bible Study Book 005371607 $16.99 Bible Study Book 005643505 $15.99 9ghYf NEW 69H< ACCF9 ESTER (ESTHER) Beth Moore Esther risked her own destruction as she faced the most influential people of the empire. The Old Testament story of Esther is a profile in courage and contains many modern parallels for today’s Christian. This study is not about having Esther’s destiny. It’s about realizing that God has a destiny for each of us, and we must have the courage Esther had. This is an interactive study with daily personal assignments and weekly group sessions. The Leader Guide is free at (10 sessions) Bible Study Book 005168047 $16.99 DANIEL: VIDAS DE INTEGRIDAD, PALABRAS DE PROFECIA (DANIEL: LIVES OF INTEGRITY, WORDS OF PROPHECY) Beth Moore This study is in two parts. The first part (Daniel 1-6), with an emphasis on lives of integrity, examines the life of Daniel. The second part of the study (Daniel 7-12) explores prophecies from the time of Daniel through the second coming of Christ. The Leader Guide is free at (12 sessions) Bible Study Book 005035135 $16.99 DVD Leader Pack 005030524 $120.00 SUSURROS DE ESPERANZA (WHISPERS OF HOPE) Beth Moore Scripture tells us to pray without ceasing, but how in the world do we do that? In fact, do we even know how to pray? Where do we start? Best-selling author Beth Moore addresses these practical and pervasive matters in Whispers of Hope by walking readers through an easy-to-remember and apply method of prayer, coupled with 70 daily devotionals. Whispers of Hope teaches the manifestation process of powerful word-saturated prayer in response to a daily Bible reading. (10 sessions) Paperback Book 005707641 $9.99 170 Many resources are available as video and audio downloads at SPANISH MINISTRY WOMEN’S BIBLE STUDIES GE DEÓ N DIOS PUEDE USAR SU DEBILIDAD “But you, when you pray, go into your inner room, close your door and pray to your Father who is in secret, and your Father who sees what is done in secret will reward you.” ¿Se siente abrumado? ¿Intimidado? ¿Inexperto? ¿Insuficiente? ¿Demasiado viejo? ¿Demasiado joven? ¿Invisible? ¿Temeroso? La historia de Gedeón envuelve mucho más que un vellón mojado y una batalla ganada con 300 soldados. En realidad su épica historia nos cuenta transformó en triunfo. Si alguna vez a luchado con sus inseguridades o ha tenido problemas aceptando sus limitaciones, este estudio le ayudará a ver cómo Dios puede usar su debilidad para descubrir Su fortaleza. Sí, Gedeón puede atestiguar que la debilidad es un regalo. Únase a Priscilla en este estudio bíblico que le abrirá los ojos a una nueva perspectiva acerca de usted, de Dios y … GEDEÓN. P R I SC I LLA SH I R E R de su lucha con su propia debilidad, y el Único y Verdadero Dios que la Estudio bíblico 5 SESIONES P R AY E R I S A P O W E R F U L W E A P O N . NEW m at the w 6:6 Estudio bíblico Priscilla Shirer Gedeón: Su debilidad, la fortaleza de Dios teaches that the story of Gideon’s life is more than just 300 soldiers War Room Bibleastudy is based on five scriptural lessons defeating large army. Gideon’s life and is inspiring movie clips where Tony and it all – great jobs, a an example ofElizabeth God’sJordan loveseemingly for Hishave people beautiful daughter, their dream home. But appearances can be deceiving. In despite their weaknesses. Through reality, their marriage has become a war zone and their daughter is collateral this study learn how doubt, fear, and damage. But with the help of Miss Clara, an older, wiser woman, Elizabeth discovers she cancan start be fighting for her family instead of against weakness great opportunities to them. With her newly energized faith, Elizabeth’s real enemy doesn’t have a prayer. experience the power of God in your life. (7 sessions) S ession topic s inc lude: Cuarto de guerra GEDEÓN (GIDEON) Dea ling w it h S pir it ua l Luk e wa r m ne s s Chr is t ia n A cco un ta bil it y r a sping 005558740 G r a c e a nd t he $12.99 G o spe l Bible StudyGBook E ngag ing in S pir it ua l Wa r fa r e Tr us t ing G od in Pr ay e r RELIGION/Christian Life/Inspirational 978-1-4300-4035-4 $7.99 USD 51299 PRISCILLA SHIRER sted no puede escapar a las PRISCILLA SHIRER Nos aturden, nos zarandean y nos obligan a cambiar. Usted no puede escapar a las interrupciones de la vida, pero puede cambiar su perspectiva sobre ellas. Profundice en el estudio de Jonás y descubra que lo que usted ve como una interrupción puede ser de verdad una invitación divina a una vida mucho más grande y significativa que lo que puede imaginar. JONÁS interrupciones de la vida S t e p he n K e n d r i c k Y A l e x K e n d r i c k 9 780805 496659 CUARTO DE GUERRA: ESTUDIO BÍBLICO (WAR ROOM BIBLE STUDY) JONÁS Stephen Kendrick and Alex Kendrick War Room Bible Study is based on movie clips by the same title. Tony and Elizabeth Jordan seemingly have it all–great jobs, a beautiful daughter, their dream home. But appearances can be deceiving. In reality, their marriage has become a war zone and their daughter is suffering collateral damage. But with a wise woman’s help, Elizabeth discovers that she can start fighting for her family instead of against them. These resources will help God’s people seek the Lord in prayer and lay a foundation that emphasizes prayer to achieve God’s will in one’s life and home. (5 sessions) Cómo navegar por una vida interrumpida JONÁS (JONAH) Priscilla Shirer Jonás: Cómo navegar por una vida interrumpida provides answers on what to do when God interrupts our lives. Priscilla Shirer redefines interruption and shows that interruption is actually God’s invitation to do something beyond our wildest dreams. When Jonah was willing to allow God to interrupt his life, the result was revival for an entire city. (7 sessions) Bible Study Book 005769381 $7.99 DVD Leader Kit 005769382 $24.99 WATCH BETH MOORE’S LIVING PROOF LIVE SIMULCAST ON 9/12/15 WITH SPANISH TRANSLATION ON LIFEWAY.COM/BETHMOOREENVIVO Bible Study Book 005189408 $12.99 > 1.800.458.2772 LIFEWAY CHRISTIAN STORES LIFEWAY.COM 171 SPANISH MINISTRY KIDS resources I’m A ChrIstIAn Now what? You have made the most important decision in your life—to ask Jesus to be your Savior and Lord. Now that you are a Christian, what's next? You need to grow in your relationship with God. As you grow, you will learn more about who He is and what He has done for you. This is your personal journal filled with exciting devotionals and cool activities to help walk you through the big questions kids like you ask: Volumen 4 ` What Is a Quiet Time? Why Should I Study My Bible? ` What is Prayer? How Do I Pray? ` Who Is God? ` What About People Who Believe Different Things? La vida cristiana ` How Do I Tell My Friends About Jesus? 90 DAY DEVOTIONAL JOURNAL FOR KIDS Iglesia para Niños Congratulations! I'M A CHRISTIAN, NOW WHAT? NEW You’ll have fun learning and growing closer to God at the same time! Note to PareNts: Thank you for the spiritual foundations you are building into your child. This personal journal contains 15 weeks of devotions, games, activities, Bible book facts, sermon notes pages, and much more. Share the experience with your child, but let her explore on her own. By spending time reading the Bible and focused activities, as well as engaging in faith-building conversations, your child will grow in her relationship with God and other Christians. LifeWay Press® Nashville, TN 37234 SOY CRISTIANO ¿AHORA QUÉ? (I’M A CHRISTIAN, NOW WHAT?) Spanish Edition This edition contains 90 days of devotionals, games, activities, information about the books of the Bible, space for note-taking, and much more. This resource has been designed especially for new Christians between the ages of 6 to 12 years old, their parents, and kids ministry leaders. Spending time reading the Bible, engaging in learning activities, and having conversations that help deepen their faith, children will grow in their relationship with God. Volume 1 005561246 $6.99 Volume 2 005620935 $6.99 “¡Ahora soy cristiano!” Quizás estas palabras sean semejantes a las que utilizaste cuando te convertiste en creyente. Cuando aceptaste a Cristo como tu Salvador, hiciste la decisión más importante de tu vida. Este manual te ayudará a entender lo que significa ser cristiano. Utiliza el manual tú mismo o pídeles a tus padres que te ayuden. Aprenderás el significado de las palabras que usan los cristianos, escribirás tu testimonio personal y harás una “Caja de recuerdos”. A la vez, aprenderás lo que significa el bautismo y la Cena del Señor, la iglesia, la oración, el estudio bíblico y cómo puedes hablarles a otros de Jesús. IGLESIA PARA NINOS (CHURCH FOR KIDS) Spanish Edition Iglesia para niños provides everything you need to have a dynamic worship service that is full of fun and Bible lessons that will impact the lives of kids. This resource includes a Leader Guide, Leader Pack, and Activity Guides. Files for this resource are in PDF and RTF formats making them easy to open, print, and customize to your needs. (26 sessions) 93850_IACNLrnrSP_CP1-4.indd 1 Volume 1 Volume 2 Volume 3 Volume 4 005647223 $29.99 005647224 $29.99 005727079 $29.99 005727080 $29.99 FOR MORE INFORMATION ON SPANISH RESOURCES FOR KIDS PLEASE VISIT LIFEWAY.COM/NINOS > 172 1/9/13 10:18 AM ¡AHORA SOY CRISTIANO! (I’M A CHRISTIAN NOW!) Spanish Edition Help children understand the decision they have made and what it means to live a Christian life. This resource explains the importance of baptism, the significance of the Lord’s Supper, and more. Includes step-by-step instructions for leading a class for children (grades 1-6) who have accepted Jesus Christ as Savior. Each of the four sessions is designed to complement and expand on the weekly topics featured in the corresponding self-study Learner Guide. Plus, it includes reusable teaching aids, discussion starters, and activity ideas that will challenge kids to think about and apply what they’ve learned. A great follow-up to your Vacation Bible School or other children’s outreach. (4 sessions) Learner Guide 001248520 $4.99 Leader Guide 001248524 $8.99 Many resources are available as video and audio downloads at SPANISH MINISTRY KIDS resources COMING OCTOBER 2015! NEW BIBLIA LÉEMELA (READ-TO-ME TODDLERS BIBLE) Spanish Edition The Read-to-Me Toddlers Bible is a padded hardcover board book with a plastic carrying handle. It features 20 well-known Bible stories that focus on God and His love and promises for us through Jesus. Simply told and beautifully illustrated, this will be a favorite among toddlers and young readers who will love to carry around their own Bible. Ages babies-4. Hardcover Book 005530633 $12.99 BIBLIA LÉEMELA (RVR 1960 READ-TO-ME BIBLE) Spanish Edition RVR 1960 Read-to-Me Bible is an ideal edition for parents, grandparents, and teachers who enjoy reading to their children. Updated with an all-new cover design and dozens of new full-color illustrations, this Bible also features these helps: how to use the Bible, 44 standout favorite children’s Bible stories, exclusive section on guiding a child’s spiritual development, presentation page, plan of salvation, favorite Scripture readings, key Bible verses, and thoughts. LA GRAN HISTORIA INTERACTIVA: LIBRO DE HISTORIAS BIBLICAS (BIG PICTURE INTERACTIVE STORYBOOK) Give kids the big picture of God’s story with this innovative, interactive Bible storybook. It includes 145 stories with new four-color illustrations, a “Christ Connection” feature showing kids how God’s plan for salvation through Jesus appears throughout the Bible, and a free augmented reality app that brings the art and story remarkably to life both visually (in 3D) and audibly. Hardcover Book 005752710 $14.99 FOR SPANISH VBS RESOURCES PLEASE VISIT LIFEWAY.COM/EBV. Hardcover Book 005465259 $17.99 > 1.800.458.2772 LIFEWAY CHRISTIAN STORES LIFEWAY.COM 173 SPANISH MINISTRY bibles BIBLIA DEL PESCADOR (FISHER OF MEN BIBLE) Spanish Edition The Biblia del pescador is a unique edition of the RVR 1960 Bible translation containing a 23-page index that enables readers to easily locate the perfect passage of Scripture for almost any situation. Featuring notes and commentary from beloved evangelist Luís Ángel Díaz-Pabón, the index is divided into six main themes: evangelism, apologetics, counseling, Christian doctrine, church (small groups), and devotion. Biblia del pescador is an incredibly helpful resource for the layperson, and scholars will appreciate the additional emphasis Pastor Díaz-Pabón puts on establishing a solid theological foundation. Pictured left: NTV Leather Touch 005666583 $29.99 Pictured above: NTV High End Leather Touch 005666584 $39.99 Also available: NEW RVR 1960 Paperback 005498062 $14.99 RVR 1960 Hardcover 005593197 $19.99 RVR 1960 Chocolate Imitation Leather 005603449 $29.99 RVR 1960 Mahogany Imitation Leather 005498053 $39.99 NTV Paperback 005666580 $14.99 NEW NTV Hardcover 005666581 $19.99 FOR INFORMATION ON ALL OF OUR SPANISH BIBLES PLEASE VISIT LIFEWAY.COM/BIBLIAS > 174 Many resources are available as video and audio downloads at SPANISH MINISTRY bibles BIBLIA DE ESTUDIO DE APOLOGÉTICA (THE APOLOGETICS STUDY BIBLE) Spanish Edition Real questions. Straight answers. Stronger faith. Biblia de estudio de apologética helps today’s Christians better understand, defend, and proclaim their beliefs in this age of increasing moral and spiritual relativism. More than 100 key questions and articles placed throughout the volume about faith and science prompt a rewarding study experience at every reading. Hardcover Book 005191905 $39.99 Black Imitation Leather 005191943 $57.99 RVR 1960 BIBLIA DE ESTUDIO HOLMAN (RVR 1960 HOLMAN STUDY BIBLE) DICCIONARIO BÍBLICO ILUSTRADO HOLMAN (HOLMAN ILLUSTRATED BIBLE DICTIONARY) Spanish Edition Now available in Spanish, the popular Holman Illustrated Bible Dictionary is designed for those who need information quickly and those who want in-depth treatment of hundreds of topics. Through its full-color photographs, illustrations, and charts, this exceptional reference tool brings readers right into the world of the Bible and enables them to better understand God’s Word. Spanish Edition The RVR 1960 Bible translation has been the most trusted Spanish Bible translation for over 50 years, giving this study Bible a strong foundation a high level of biblical scholarship. This makes it one of the main tools Christians should have in order to advance their biblical knowledge and to defend and proclaim their beliefs. This Bible is recommended for all ages and for every student of the Bible. It can be used from the pulpit, in a small-group study, and for personal study. Some of its main features include 15,000 study notes, 140 photos, over 60 timelines, 55 maps, a concordance, 20 articles and essays, 15 charts, and helpful word studies of Hebrew and Greek words. Hardcover Book 005402290 $39.99 Chocolate/Terracotta Imitation Leather 005402292 $54.99 VISIT OUR SPANISH TRAINING WEBSITE FOR MINISTRY LEADERS AT LIFEWAY.COM/CAPACITACION Hardcover Book 005508929 $37.99 > 1.800.458.2772 LIFEWAY CHRISTIAN STORES LIFEWAY.COM 175
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