First Sunday of Advent November 29, 2015 We must be on guard for the Day which is to come when all will be fulfilled. As we await the coming of Christ, let us love one another, observing His covenant and decrees. Next Week’s Readings Bar 5:1-9 Ps 126:1-6 Phil 1:4-6, 8-11 Lk 3:1-6 Parish Staff Pastor ~ Rev. Ron Nelson Parochial Vicar ~ Rev. Edgar Rivera Pastoral Associate ~ Deacon Tom Altenhofen Deacon ~ Deacon Hans Mueller Business Manager ~ Laura Olguin Director of Outreach Ministry ~ Lilly Hagen Director of Music ~ David Phillips Director of Religious Ed. ~ Julie Rutledge-Sanchez Parish Secretary ~ Sally Ross Sacramental Registrar ~ Margaret Fleming LifeTeen Coordinator ~ Leslie Jones Lead Custodian ~ James DuChateau Assistant Custodian ~ Joe Crandall Mass Schedule Monday – Friday ~ 6:55 am & 12:15 pm Saturday ~ 8:00 am Sunday Vigil (Saturday evening) ~ 5:30 pm Sunday ~ 7:30 am, 9:00 am, 11:00 am 1:00 pm (Spanish), 5:30 pm LifeTeen National Holidays ~ 9:00 am Confessions 11:00 – noon ~ Wednesday & Friday 4:00 pm & 7:00 pm ~ Saturday The Advent Wreath Prayer What Is Advent? The season of Advent is the four weeks of waiting and preparing for the birth of Jesus on Christmas Day. The name comes from the Latin word “adventus,” which means “coming.” The prophet Isaiah tells of the hope of the Israelites, who waited for the coming (advent) of the Messiah; he dreams of a time when God’s rule will prevail. We believe that Jesus is the Messiah, and we celebrate His coming as a babe in Bethlehem. We also await the fulfillment of the divine plan – that is, Christ’s second coming at the end of time. During Advent we both look back (birth of Jesus) and look forward (second coming) while paying attention to the grace of the present. For centuries Catholics have lit the Advent wreath as part of their spiritual preparation for Christmas. The evergreen branches shaped into a circle represent everlasting life promised to us by Jesus. The lit candles remind us that Jesus came into the world to dispel darkness and radiate the light of Gods’ love. Say this prayer as you light each candle of your Advent wreath at mealtimes: The people that walked in darkness have seen a great light! (Is 9:1-2) Christmas Card Sale St. Mary teens are selling Christmas Cards after each Mass as a fundraiser for those going to the Steubenville San Diego Conference. The design of the Christmas Card is a beautiful picture of St. Mary’s very own manger scene. The cards will be sold in bags of 5 cards for $10 per bag. All proceeds go directly to those who are selling. Please direct your questions to Leslie Jones at 541-953-7823 or [email protected]. Advent Giving Tree The St. Vincent de Paul Advent Giving Tree is in the St. Mary Parish Center. Wrapped gifts WITH THE ORIGINAL TAG (wrapping paper preferred over gift bags) can be returned to the Parish Office – NO LATER THAN Monday, December 14th. You do not need to buy everything listed on the tag. They are just suggestions. Call 541-342-1139 with any questions. Servers Mass Intentions November 30 – December 6, 2015 November 30 – December 6, 2015 6:55 am Mon. - Fri. ~ Gary Lombardo 8:00 am Sat. ~ Gary Lombardo 12:15 pm Mon. – Fri. ~ Vicki Kelly Daily Morning Masses M ~ Intentions of the Wayne Hanson Family T ~ Placido Dacanay † W ~ Gladys Hammar † T ~ Intentions of Mary Ann & Pete MaGee F ~ Anna Kmec † S ~ DJM – Missionaries of Mercy Daily Afternoon Masses Sunday, December 6 5:30 pm Vigil ~ Dylan Hurlimann, Wyatt Hurlimann 7:30 am ~ Knights of Columbus 9:00 am ~ Angelina Falcon, Giancarlo Falcon, Luke Manning 11:00 am ~ Quinn O’Connell, Jack Sotelo, Tommy Sotelo 5:30 pm LifeTeen ~ Josefine Byun, Caleb Singleton, Zach Witt M ~ Tony Federice † T ~ Intentions of Bill & JoEllyne Howerton W ~ Intentions of the Wayne Hanson Family T ~ Intentions of Andrew Sanchez F ~ Intentions of Cederic & Monique Mallais Lectors November 29 – December 6, 2015 6:55 am Mon. – Fri. ~ Julie Copley 8:00 am Sat. ~ Julie Copley 12:15 pm Mon. – Fri. ~ Rosemary Montgomery Sunday Masses 5:30 pm Vigil ~ Intentions of David Montgomery 7:30 ~ Intentions of the Devereaux Family 9:00 ~ Kathy Freedman † 11:00 ~ Patricia Liljestrom † 1:00 ~ Salvador Baylon † 5:30 LifeTeen ~ For Parishioners Sunday, December 6 5:30 pm Vigil ~ Darrin Fleming, Joe Hoffman 7:30 am ~ Knights of Columbus 9:00 am ~ Ryan Helbling, Judy Hull 11:00 am ~ Cynthia Fellez, Francisco Garcia 5:30 pm LifeTeen ~ Scott Russi In Our Prayers Let us remember: …all those who are ill, including, Sr. Agnes Bachmeier, Marge Catha, Joseph Couture, Margaret Darland, Rick Dunham, Jerry Gordon, Judy Gough, Terry Ianora, Ginger Janisse, Jim Kinsman, Craig Leadon, Timothy Lewis, Scarlet Rudy Craig, Blaise Schaal, Leah Shepherd, John Sondag Mary Jane Valdez and Julie Woodworth …all those who have died, including, Betty Strutz, Herbert Rosenberg Dr. Ronald Schwerzler Turkey Drive Thank you, parishioners of St. Mary, for taking part in St. Vincent de Paul’s Turkey Drive. A freezer has been delivered to the church to store frozen turkeys and hams, one of which will be included in each of the 2,500 Holiday Food Boxes that will be distributed by St. Vincent de Paul volunteers in EugeneSpringfield prior to Christmas. We appreciate your help meeting this goal by bringing your donation of a frozen turkey and/or ham to weekly Masses or delivering it to St. Mary during business hours. The freezer will be in place through Sunday, December 6, 2015. To receive a Holiday Food Box, visit SVdP’s Social Service Office in person and request a ticket. The Social Service Office is located at 456 Hwy. 99, at Hwy 99 and Elmira Road. Hours are Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from 10:00am to 12:30 pm and 1:30 pm to 4:00 pm. Advent Penance Services Perpetual Adoration No Coverage Monday 2-3 am Thursday 8-9 am Monday 3-4 am Thursday 3-4 am Friday 7-8 am Friday 2-3 pm • • • • • Accompany Children • We ask that a parent, adult or older teen accompany children to the restrooms during Mass. Thank you. • • • Tuesday, December 1, 7:30 pm….St. Jude Wednesday, December 2, 7:00 pm….Newman Center Thursday, December 3, 7:00 pm….St. Paul Friday, December 4, 1:00 pm….St. Mary (Bi-lingual) Wednesday, December 9, 6:45 pm….St. Helen (Bi-lingual) Tuesday, December 15, 6:30 pm…St. Alice (Bi-lingual) Thursday, December 17, 6:45 pm…St. Peter Friday, December 18, 6:30 pm….St. Mary (Bi-lingual) Tuesday, December 22, 6:45 pm…St. Mark (Bi-lingual) Christmas Eve Calling all Angels, Shepherds and Israelites! Sign-ups for the children’s procession on Christmas Eve (4:30 Mass) will take place after the 9:00 and 11:00 Masses on Sunday, December 6, 2015. If you have a child, age 5-15, who cannot make it during these times, but is still interested in being involved, please email Christine Manning at: [email protected] “First 1000 Days” Campaign A Catholic Culture of Life Initiative Where All Are Welcomed and Loved With Mercy Day 259 ~ The developing baby in the womb, when exposed to lead,Christmas is at higher risk of being born prematurely Flowers and having low-weight at birth. The mother is at higher risk of a complicated pregnancy due to lead induced hypertension. This Christmas, the church will again be adorned with many poinsettias and wreaths. If you would like to sponsor Christmas flowers, please pick up an envelope at the entrance Walk of the Church. Return Jericho your envelope in the collection basket or Our Final Jericho Walk will be to the Church office before Decemberthe Beafter sure Christmas, to clearly December 26, 2015. Previously, we have fill out the front of the envelope with the name andbeen circlemaking the “in only one monthly circuit around Planned but memory (deceased)” or “honor of (living)”. TheParenthood, names will be this infinal willatentail eight. Wemonth. will once more process listed the walk bulletin the end of the Suggested behind the donation: $25image of Our Lady of Guadalupe, the patroness of the unborn, uniting our hearts in praying for her intercession in breaking down the walls of this culture of death and crushing the serpent’s head. We will complete our walk with a blast of trumpets as we wait in patient hope. For more information contact: [email protected] or call 541520-6787. Funding for Julie Woodworth The niece of one of our parishioners was one of the victims of the Roseburg shooting and was severely wounded. She has a long and expensive road to recovery. If you would like to contribute to help the family with expenses, you can contribute at any US Bank branch to a trust for the Julie Woodworth Donation Fund with no fee. Or you can contribute through at: which takes 8% of the donation. WEEKLY COLLECTION November 22, 2015 Offertory $11,389.24 Parish Pay 2,702.50 Misc. Income 230.80 Total $14,322.54 Budget $21,000.00 When we give to God, we are just taking our hands off what already belongs to Him. STRENGTHEN YOUR MARRIAGE The Beloved video series features acclaimed marriage experts who speak to the very heart of every husband and wife, and examine the day-to-day challenges of married life. There are two six-part video programs available to you in your home free of charge through our parish subscription to the FORMED program. Part 1 – Mystery and Meaning of Marriage. Part 2 – Living Marriage. Visit: St. Mary code: c248e Calendaring The new year is rapidly approaching. All events are being programmed into our scheduling calendar. Please call Sally, 541-342-1139, to confirm all scheduled events/activities at St. Mary’s facilities. This includes meetings, prayer groups, music practices, special events, classes, etc. Thank you. Advent Day Retreat Our Lady of Peace Retreat 3600 SW 170th Ave., Beaverton, OR Wednesday, December 2, 2015 Retreat Master: Fr. Vincent Kelber, OP Theme: “The Shoot of Jesse; the Incarnation of Christ” 9:00 am – 2:30 pm (doors open at 8:30 am) $40 per person, includes lunch To Register, visit or Call the Retreat House at 503-649-7127 or email [email protected] This week’s All Souls listing for the month of November includes: Ed Anheluk Bruce Boyd Shirlee Boyd A.J. Rosenthal Helen Rosenthal Marriage & Family Ministry Training Sunday, December 6, 2015 ~ St. Paul Parish 2:00 – 5:00 pm Relevant training for Ministry Leaders who serve marriages and families, either directly or indirectly. National Keynote Speaker Good Friday PrayerEvening & WorshipFish Dinner The Knights of Columbus begin serving soup at 4:30 pm Engaging will Workshops Practical steps for your Parish to serve marriage & family Information, online registration & more at: Immaculate Conception The Feast of the Immaculate Conception is on Tuesday, December 8, 2015. This is a Holy Day of Obligation. The Mass times are: 6:55 am 12:15 pm 5:30 pm 7:00 pm (Spanish) “An Out-of-the Box Christmas” The children of the parish will present a delightful Christmas musical entitled, “An Out-of-the-Box Christmas”, in the Parish Center on Saturday, December 19, 2015 at 4:00 pm and after the 5:30 pm Vigil Mass (6:45pm). Please take advantage of this wonderful opportunity to support our children in their musical endeavor. Religion in Literature The next Religion in Literature meeting will be on Thursday, December 10, 2015, at 7:00 pm in the Elizabeth Seton Room of the Parish Center. The book to be discussed is “Lila” by Marilynne Robinson. Bible Study Fr. Bryce will offer a Bible Study on “ Jesus; Priest, Prophet, King” on December 1, 8, and 15, 2015 at 10:30 am in the West Hall of the Parish Center. Raffle for Carmelite Sisters Twice a year the Carmelite Auxiliary has a fundraiser to support our dear Sisters at Carmel of Maria Regina. This year we will be selling tickets for a chance to win a seven piece, signed Kincade Christmas Village. The tickets will be sold for $1 and no donation is too small. The drawing will be on Sunday, December 6, 2015. Tickets can be purchased in the Parish Office. Rachel’s Vineyard Retreat For some, it may seem like their abortion is an event totally left in the past, yet vast evidence shows that abortion has long-lasting, life-altering affects in the lives of women and men who have experienced it. To feel, deal, and heal from abortion(s), attend a life-changing Rachel’s Vineyard Retreat. Contact Project Aurora for information about the April 8-10, 2016 retreat near Medford:541-942-2861 or email: [email protected]. Para Español llamada a Aracely: 541-621-7047. Christmas Flowers This Christmas, the church will again be adorned with many poinsettias and wreaths. If you would like to sponsor Christmas flowers or wreaths, please pick up an envelope at the entrance of the church. Return your envelope in the collection basket or to the Parish Office before December 21. Be sure to clearly fill out the front of the envelope with the name and circle the “in memory (deceased)” or “honor of (living)”. The names will be listed in the bulletin at the end of the month. Suggested donation: $25 Catholic Campaign for Human Development Thank you for your contributions to the collection for the Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD)! Your generous gifts will help CCHD end poverty in the United States through better education, improved housing, and economic development. Through CCHD and its beneficiaries, we demonstrate Catholic social teaching and carry out Jesus’ mission to “bring glad tidings to the poor…to proclaim liberty to captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to let the oppressed go free” (Luke 4:18). Catholic Community Services Help those in need during the holidays through Catholic Community Services. Donate warm clothes, shoes and socks at either of our two locations (1464 W. 6th in Eugene or 1025 G St. in Springfield). Take a ‘snowman’ ornament off the Giving Tree at Valley River Center, donate online to our utility assistance programs,, or volunteer when we give out Christmas treats on December rd 23 at both sites. Contact Sarah, Outreach Coordinator at 541-345-3628, ext. 330. Ducks Give Back St. Mary Conference of St. Vincent de Paul St. Mary Conference of Saint Vincent de Paul is in desperate need of men and women who are physically strong enough to visit the needy. Jesus taught us to love the poor and tend to their needs. We teach that we can see Jesus in the face of each precious child of God we visit. We never visit the poor alone, but in pairs of two. At our meetings, we study the word of God and the teachings of St. Vincent de Paul. We pray for those we have visited and our own members. We report on the visits we have made and where we are financially. This plea has become necessary because the majority of our present members, who have faithfully served for many years, are now older. Pray for us that God will bless us with new members. You will receive all the necessary training you will need to be effective Vincentians. For more information, call our president Ray Evans at 541968-7859 or just show up at our meetings on the first and third Tuesdays of the month at 5:30 pm in the St. Joseph room next to the Adoration Chapel. Join the University of Oregon men’s basketball team to raise money for St. Mary Catholic Church while cheering on the Ducks! For every ticket sold by referral from St. Mary Catholic Church for the Duck game vs. Stanford on Sunday, January 10, 2016 at 7:00 pm, St. Mary Catholic Church will receive $4 back. To get your tickets, call Ryan Lane at the University of Oregon Athletic Department at 541-346-8453. Theology on Tap We’re made for love, but if we expect the world to satisfy our deepest cravings, we’ll always hunger for more. How do you avoid counterfeit love? Join Drs. Benedict and Ellen McWhirter for discussion and discovery. The McWhirter’s hold doctorate degrees in Counseling and Psychology, they have been married for several years and have raised two daughters. They have been involved in marriage preparation programs and have a keen knowledge of the blessings of relationships built on Christ. Join other young adults on Thursday, December 3, 2015 at Glenwood Café, 1340 Alder Street. Call 541-343-7021 for more information. Página en Español Noviembre PÁGINA EN ESPA29, 2015 Información en Español Lunes, Martes y Viernes de 9:00 am 12:00 Apologética (Parte 7) (Es dar una Explicación Razonada de tu Fe) La Apologética cumple con la orden de San Pedro: “sigan adorando interiormente al Señor, a Cristo; y siempre estén dispuestos a dar una respuesta acertada al que les pide cuenta de su esperanza. Pero háganlo con sencillez y deferencia” (respeto) (1 Pe 3:15-16). La Eucaristía Los católicos mantienen que la Eucaristía es, literalmente el Cuerpo y la Sangre de Cristo. Virtualmente todas las denominaciones protestantes creen que Cristo está presente sólo simbólicamente en la Eucaristía. Dado que la doctrina de la Eucaristía es tan importante, y dado que nos divide de casi todos los protestantes, el católico debe insistir en incluir la Eucaristía en cualquier diálogo apologético, y debe estar preparado para discutir bien este tema. Con el fin de poder defender el fundamento de la Presencia Real de Cristo en la eucaristía, se deben leer y estudiar los siguientes pasajes bíblicos: Jn 6:48-59, Mt 26:26-28, Mc 14:22-24 Lc 22:17-20, 1 Cor10:14-17,1 Cor11:23-29 Debes ser capaz de guiar a un no-católico paso a paso. Se debe comenzar leyendo Jn 4:31-34 y Mt 16:5-12 los cuales presentan a Jesús hablando sobre la comida en una manera simbólica. Compara esta situación con la de Jn 6:51. Jesús dice que debemos comer su carne para vivir eternamente. En Jn 6:52, los judíos interpretan a Crisato literalmente. Jesús entonces repite, una y otra vez con el lenguaje más claro versículos 5356 que debemos comer su carne y beber su sangre para tener vida eterna. Información Importante Si asiste regularmente a la iglesia de Santa Maria y aún no está registrado, favor de pasar a la Oficina Parroquial durante las horas de oficina y regístrese. También avisenos si su teléfono o dirección ha cambiado. Requisitos para Primera Comunión † Ser miembro activo y estar registrado en la iglesia por lo menos 6 meses antes. † Su hijo/a debe asistir por lo menos 2 años a clases de catecismo. † Las inscripciones se llevarán a cabo al empezar el año escolar después de Misa con Rosa Zavala y después en la Oficina Parroquial Confesiones en Español Miércoles 2 de Diciembre 11:00 am a 12:00 pm Viernes 4 de Diciembre 4:00 a 5:00 y 7:00 a 8:00 pm Sábado 5 de Diciembre 4:00 a 5:00 y 7:00 a 8:00 pm Fe Familiar Preguntas para Compartir † Primer Domingo de Adviento † Lucas 21: 25-28, 34-36 En el Evangelio de hoy, Jesús les habla a sus discípulos acerca de los hechos que acontecerán en la tierra, de las señales prodigiosas y aterradoras. También les previene que se acerca la hora de su liberación. Les previene en contra de los vicios, la embriaguez y las preocupaciones de esta vida para que cuando esto llegue no los encuentre desprevenidos. Nadie sabe cuándo ni cómo será ¿Qué puedes hacer para estar preparado? ¿Cómo puedes ayudar a otros a estar preparados? Campaña “Primeros 1000 Días” Cultura de Iniciativa Católica de Vida Donde todos son acogidos y amados por la misericordia (Día 259) El bebé en desarrollo en el útero cuando se expone al plomo está en mayor riesgo de nacer prematuramente y con bajo peso al nacer. La madre está en mayor riesgo de un embarazo complicado por hipertensión causada por el plomo. La Caminata de Jericó Acompáñanos a la ½ hora de Apoyo a Pro-Vida en la caminata alrededor de Planned Parenthood en Glenwood. Cada caminata se llevara a cabo el último sábado de cada mes. Se llevará a cabo el sábado 26 de diciembre a la 1:00pm. La idea se tomo del pacto de Alianza en la Ciudad de Jericó. Para más detalles email o llamar a Doris Simpkins 541520-6787 [email protected] Matrimonios Si planea una boda aquí en Santa María, necesita hacer primero una cita con la secretaria y después el sacerdote para las Pláticas Pre-Matrimoniales en línea Requisitos para los Bautizos Antes de bautizar a su niño/a los PADRES necesitan: † Ser miembros activos y estar registrados en la iglesia por lo menos 6 meses antes del bautizo. † Registrarse para asistir a las pláticas Pre-Bautismales Los PADRINOS también deben haber asistido a las pláticas PreBautismales, y cumplir con lo siguiente: † Haber recibido los Sacramentos de Iniciación: Bautizo, Confesión, Primera Comunión y Confirmación. † Tener por lo menos 16 años de edad. † Ser miembros activos de la Iglesia Católica. † Si están casados deben ser casados por la Iglesia Católica. Pláticas Pre-Bautismales No habrá plática el mes de diciembre Necesita registrarse en la Oficina Parroquial. Favor de no traer niños pequeños a las pláticas ya que distraen la atención en las clases. Sunday, November 29 Monday, November 30 ST. ANDREW 6:55 † Mass 12:15 † Mass 6:30 ~ Religious Ed/Edge 6:55 † Mass 9:15 ~ DJM 10:30 ~ Bible Study 12:15 † Mass 5:30 ~ St. Mary Conf./SVdP 6:30 ~ Esperanza Music Practice 7:00 ~ RCIA Thursday, December 3 Friday, December 4 Saturday, December 5 FIRST SUNDAY OF ADVENT KC Breakfast Steubenville Christmas Card Sale 7:30 † Mass 9:00 † Mass/Children’s Liturgy 11:00 † Mass 1:00 † Misa 2:15 ~ Spanish Religious Ed. 5:30 † LifeTeen Mass ST. FRANCIS XAVIER 6:55 † Mass 12:15 † Mass 1:00 ~ Stations of the Cross (For Victims of Abortion) 3:30 ~ Christmas Play Rehearsal 5:30 ~ Choir Practice (9:00) 7:30 ~ LifeTeen Band Practice 8:00 ~ Esperanza Prayer Group Monday, December 7 Tuesday, December 1 Wednesday, December 2 6:55 † Mass 11:00 ~Reconciliation 12:15 † Mass 1:00 ~ Marian Prayer 6:00 ~ Choir Practice (11:00) 6:30 ~ Esperanza Music Practice Sunday, December 6 6:55 † Mass 10:00 ~ Prayer Shawl Meeting 11:00 ~Reconciliation 12:15 † Mass 1:00 ~ Advent Reconciliation Serv. 6:30 ~ La Esperanza 8:00 † Mass 9:00 ~ Word Apostolate of Fatima 9:00 ~ DJM 4:00 ~ Reconciliation 5:30 † Vigil Mass 6:30 ~ Esperanza Music Practice 7:00 ~ Reconciliation SECOND SUNDAY OF ADVENT Esperanza Breakfast Christmas Eve Costuming 7:30 † Mass 9:00 † Mass/Children’s Liturgy RCIA Rite of Acceptance 11:00 † Mass 12:00 ~ English Baptisms 1:00 † Misa 2:15 ~ Spanish Religious Ed. 5:30 † LifeTeen Mass 6:40 ~ LifeNight ST. AMBROSE 6:55 † Mass 12:15 † Mass 6:30 ~ Religious Ed/Edge THE IMMACULATE CONCEPTION OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY (Holy Day of Obligation) 6:55 † Holy Day Mass 10:30 ~ Bible Study 12:15 † Holy Day Mass 5:30 † Holy Day Mass 6:30 ~ Esperanza Music Practice 7:00 † Holy Day Mass (Spanish) Tuesday, December 8 Wednesday, December 9 Thursday, December 10 Friday, December 11 Saturday, December 12 Sunday, December 13 Monday, December 14 6:55 † Mass 11:00 ~Reconciliation 12:15 † Mass 6:00 † Guadalupe Mass OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE 6:00 ~ Las Mañanitas 8:00 † Bi-Lingual Mass 9:00 ~ Guadalupe Celebration 4:00 ~ Reconciliation 5:30 † Vigil Mass 6:30 ~ Esperanza Music Practice 7:00 ~ Reconciliation 6:55 † Mass 11:00 ~Reconciliation 12:15 † Mass 1:00 ~ Marian Prayer 6:00 ~ Choir Practice (11:00) 6:00 ~ Ministry of Healing Prayer 6:00 ~ Regnum Christi 6:30 ~ Confirmation Class 6:30 ~ Esperanza Music Practice THIRD SUNDAY OF ADVENT Coffee & Donuts 7:30 † Mass 9:00 † Mass/Children’s Liturgy 11:00 † Mass 1:00 † Misa 2:15 ~ Spanish Religious Ed. 5:30 † LifeTeen Mass 6:40 ~ LifeNight 6:55 † Mass 12:15 † Mass 3:30 ~ Christmas Play Rehearsal 5:30 ~ Choir Practice (9:00) 7:00 ~ Religion in Literature 7:30 ~ LifeTeen Band Practice 8:00 ~ Esperanza Prayer Group ST. JOHN OF THE CROSS 6:55 † Mass 12:15 † Mass 6:30 ~ Religious Ed/Edge
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