CURRICULUM VITAE Carmen Diana Deere Distinguished Professor Emerita of Latin American Studies and Food & Resource Economics University of Florida ADDRESS: Center for Latin American Studies 319 Grinter Hall P.O. Box 115530 University of Florida Gainesville, FL 32611-5530 TEL: (352) 273-4731 FAX: (352) 392-7682 EMAIL: [email protected] DATE/PLACE OF BIRTH: August 1, 1945, Carlsbad, New Mexico, USA EDUCATION: B.A. M.A. Ph.D. 1967 University of Colorado, Boulder (International Affairs/Economics, with honors) 1968 The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy (Development Studies) 1978 University of California, Berkeley (Agricultural Economics) AWARDS 1997 Chancellor's Medal recipient for outstanding research, teaching and service, University of Massachusetts, Amherst Book and Article Awards: 2006 2003 2002 2002 2002 2001 James A. Robertson Prize, Conference on Latin American History, for “Liberalism and Married Women’s Property Rights,” best article in HAHR in 2005 Bryce Wood Book Award, Latin American Studies Association, for Empowering Women Best Book Award, New England Council of Latin American Studies, for Empowering Women Best Book Award, Latino Literary Hall of Fame, History Division, for Empowering Women Best Book Award, Cuban Academy of Sciences, Social Science Division, for Historias Agrarias Best Book Award, University of Havana, for Historias Agrarias 1998 Joseph P. Criscenti Best Article Award, New England Council of Latin American Studies, for “Here Come the Yankees!” 1991 Best Book Award, New England Council of Latin American Studies, for Household and Class Relations Fellowships: 2000 1996 1992 1984 1981-82 1975-77 Fulbright-Hays Faculty Research Fellow, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Bacardi Family Eminent Scholar in Latin American Studies, University of Florida Faculty Research Fellow, Institute of Social Studies, The Hague Faculty Fellow, Kellogg Institute, University of Notre Dame Faculty Fellow, The Bunting Institute of Radcliffe College International Doctoral Research Fellowship for Latin America and the Caribbean, American Council of Learned Societies and Social Science Research Council 1975 Inter-American Foundation Doctoral Fellowship (declined) 1975 Woodrow Wilson Fellowship (declined, named Honorary Fellow) 1973-76 Ford Foundation Graduate Fellowship for Puerto Ricans 1967 Celia M. Howard Fellow at The Fletcher School (sponsored by the Business and Professional Women’s Federation) Research Grants: 2013-15 2012 2010-15 2009-11 2008 2006-07 2002-03 1998 1997-01 1997 1990-96 1990 1988-89 1986 UN Women, for the Gender Asset Gap project United Nations Foundation, for the Gender Asset Gap project The Vanguard Foundation, for the Gender Asset Gap project Foreign Ministry of The Netherlands, MDG3 Fund, for a comparative study of women and asset accumulation in Ecuador, Ghana and India (Gender Asset Gap project) The World Bank, for a study on improving data collection on gender and assets in Latin America The World Bank, for a study on measuring women’s assets in developing countries The World Bank, for a study of the impact of women’s land rights in Latin America The Rockefeller Foundation Study and Conference Center, Bellagio, Italy The Ford Foundation, for a comparative study of gender and land rights in Latin America and the dissemination of findings Graduate School of the University of Massachusetts, Amherst (faculty research grants also awarded in 1989 and 1984) The MacArthur Foundation, Population and Environment Programs, for a collaborative study on Agrarian Transformation in Bulgaria, China, Cuba, Hungary and the former Soviet Union IREX, travel grant to the Soviet Union The MacArthur Foundation and The Ford Foundation, for a collaborative study on Caribbean Development Alternatives American Philosophical Society, travel and research grant 2 1985 The Ford Foundation, seminar and pre-publication grant 1984-85 Joint Committee on Latin American Studies, Social Science Research Council, seminar and pre-publication grant 1982-83 Joint Committee on Latin American Studies, Social Science Research Council and the American Council of Learned Societies, Post-Doctoral Research Grant 1981 Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Society, Grant-in-Aid of Research 1978-80 International Labour Office, World Employment Programme Institutional Grants: 2014-16 2012-14 2009-12 2006-10 2006-08 2006-07 2004-06 1997-04 1992-00 Latin America Agribusiness Development Corporation to support research on Cuban Agriculture, UF Cuba Program Center for International Tropical Agriculture to support research on gender & climate change The MacArthur Foundation, for the development of a Master’s in Development Practice program in the Centers for Latin American and African Studies Department of Education, Title VI, National Resource Center and Foreign Language and Area Studies grants to the Florida Consortium of Latin American Studies The Tinker Foundation, field research grant to the UF Center for Latin American Studies The Ford Foundation, conference and publication grant to the UF Center for Latin American Studies The Ford Foundation, to International Association for Feminist Economics and Feminist Economics, for a special issue of the journal co-edited by Deere The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, to Latin American Studies Consortium of New England Department of Education, Title VI, National Resource Center and Foreign Language and Area Studies grants (Undergraduate, 2 cycles, Comprehensive, 1 cycle), to the Latin American Studies Consortium of New England POSITIONS HELD 2015Honorary Professor Emerita, FLACSO-Ecuador 2014 Invited Professor, Department of Sociology and Gender Studies, FLACSO-Ecuador 2011-15 Distinguished Professor, University of Florida 2009-10 Visiting Scholar, Gender and Culture Program, FLACSO-Ecuador 2004-11 Professor of Food and Resource Economics and Latin American Studies, University of Florida; affiliate appointments in the Center for Women’s Studies and Gender Research and in the School of Natural Resources and the Environment 2004-09 Director, Center for Latin American Studies, University of Florida 1986-04 Professor of Economics, University of Massachusetts, Amherst 3 1992-04 2004 2003 2003 2002 2000 1997 1991-95 1991 1988 1987 1986 1985 1984-85 1983 1981-85 1981 1980 1978 1977-86 Director of Latin American Studies, and the Center for Latin American, Caribbean and Latino Studies, University of Massachusetts, Amherst Consultant, United Nations Development Programme, Mission Leader to Brazil on Land Reform and Poverty Reduction Consultant, North South Institute and Canadian International Development Research Centre on scoping study on land issues Lecturer, graduate training course on Gender, Development and Democracy, Centro de Investigación Interdisciplinaria en Ciencias y Humanidades, National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), Mexico City Lecturer, graduate training course on Gender, Development and Democracy, Centro de Investigación Interdisciplinaria en Ciencias y Humanidades, UNAM; and Masters Program in Gender Studies, University of San Andrés, La Paz Visiting Fulbright-Hays Scholar, Institute of Philosophy and Social Sciences, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro Consultant to the Dutch Embassy and the Fundación Arias, San José, Costa Rica Visiting Researcher, Rural Studies Team, University of Havana Consultant, Women's Studies Program, Confederation of Central American Universities, San José, Costa Rica Lecturer, Center for Research for Feminine Action (CIPAF) and University of Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic Consultant, International Fund for Agricultural Development, Special Programming Mission to Ecuador Lecturer, graduate training course, University of Honduras (sponsored by CIPAF and UNDP) Visiting Associate Professor, Development Studies Program, University of California, Berkeley Consultant, CIPAF, Dominican Republic (research program on rural women funded by IDRC and SAREC) Consultant, The Ford Foundation, New York; Academic Coordinator and Lecturer, graduate training course on Research Methodologies for the Study of Rural Women, University of Santo Domingo and CIPAF Consultant, Rural Women Research Program, Center for the Study and Investigation of the Agrarian Reform, Ministry of Agricultural Development, Managua, Nicaragua (research program funded by The Ford Foundation) Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics and Development Studies Program, University of California, Berkeley Consultant: The Ford Foundation, New York Consultant: The Ford Foundation, New York; The Population Council, New York; and International Labour Office, Geneva Instructor, Assistant, and Associate Professor, Department of Economics, University of Massachusetts, Amherst 4 1976-78 1975-76 1975 1971-72 1969-71 1968-69 Collaborative Researcher, Colombian Rural Women Study, Colombian Association of Population Studies, Bogotá, Colombia (research program funded by The Ford Foundation, The Population Council, and The Rockefeller Foundation) Visiting Researcher, Socio-Economic Research Program, Cajamarca-La Libertad Pilot Project, Ministry of Agriculture, Cajamarca, Peru Associate (Lecturer), College of Natural Resources, University of California, Berkeley Assistant Program Economist, Agency for International Development, Brazilia, Brazil International Development Intern, Agency for International Development, Washington, D.C. and La Paz, Bolivia Economic Planner, International Division, First National City Bank, New York PUBLICATIONS Books: 2012 Feminist Economics, Special Issue on “Gender and International Migration,” guest edited with Lourdes Beneria and Naila Kabeer, Vol. 18 (2). 321 pp. 2011 Acumulación de activos: Una apuesta por la equidad, with Jackeline Contreras (Quito: FLACSO-Ecuador). 74 pp. 2009 The Rural Social Movements in Latin America: Organizing for Sustainable Livelihoods, edited with Frederick S. Royce (Gainesville: University Press of Florida). 356 pp. 2006 Feminist Economics, Special Issue on “Women and Wealth,” guest edited with Cheryl R. Doss, Vol. 12 (1&2). 322 pp. Republished as Women and the Distribution of Wealth, edited with Cheryl R. Doss (London and New York: Routledge, 2007). 310 pp. 2004 Land & Development in Latin America: Openings for Policy Research, with Stephen Baranyi and Manuel Morales (Ottawa: The North-South Institute and the International Development Research Centre). 82 pp. Spanish translation, Tierra y desarrollo en América Latina: Perspectivas para la investigación sobre políticas (Ottawa: The North-South Institute and the International Development Research Centre). 97 pp. 2001 Empowering Women: Land and Property Rights in Latin America, with Magdalena León (Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press). 486 pp. Spanish translation, Género, Propiedad y Empoderamiento: Tierra, Estado y Mercado en América Latina (Bogotá: Tercer Mundo and National University of Colombia, 2000; 2cd. ed., 5 Mexico City: PUEG/UNAM and FLACSO, 2002); Portuguese translation, O Empoderamento das Mulheres: Terra e Direitos de Propiedade na America Latina (Porto Alegre: Editora da Universidade, UFRGS, 2002). 501 pp. 1998 Guines, Santo Domingo and Majibacoa: sobre sus historias agrarias, with Niurka Pérez, Cary Torres, Myriam García and Ernel Gonzalez (Havana: Editorial de Ciencias Sociales). 442 pp. 1990 Household and Class Relations: Peasants and Landlords in Northern Peru (Berkeley: University of California Press). 368 pp. Expanded Spanish edition, Familia y Relaciones de Clase: El campesinado y los terratenientes en la sierra norte del Peru, 1900-1980 (Lima: Instituto de Estudios Peruanos, 1992). 414 pp. 1990 In the Shadows of the Sun: Caribbean Development Alternatives and US Policy, C.D. Deere, coordinator, with co-authors Peggy Antrobus, Lynn Bolles, Edwin Melendez, Peter Phillips, Marcia Rivera, and Helen Safa (Boulder: Westview Press). 246 pp. 1986 Transition and Development: Problems of Third World Socialism, edited with Richard Fagen and José Luis Coraggio (N.Y.: Monthly Review Press). 352 pp. Expanded Spanish collection, La Transición Dificil: El Desarollo de los Pequeños Paises Periféricos, edited with José Luis Coraggio (Mexico City: Siglo XXI, 1986); reprinted (Managua: Editorial Vanguardia, 1987). 408 pp. 1986 La Mujer y la Política Agraria en América Latina, edited with Magdalena León (Bogotá: Siglo XXI). 290 pp. English version, Rural Women and State Policy: Feminist Perspectives on Agricultural Development in Latin America, (Boulder: Westview Press, 1987). 282 pp. 1982 Women in Andean Agriculture: Peasant Production and Rural Wage Employment in Colombia and Peru, with Magdalena León de Leal (Geneva: International Labour Office). 172 pp. 1982 Debate Sobre la Mujer en América Latina y El Caribe: Discusión acerca de la Unidad Producción-Reproducción, Vol. I, La Realidad Colombiana; Vol. II, Las Trabajadoras del Agro; Vol. III, Sociedad, Subordinación y Femenismo; Magdalena León, ed., and C.D. Deere and Nohra Rey, editorial committee (Bogotá: Asociación Colombiana para el Estudio de la Población). 794 pp. 6 1980 Mujer y Capitalismo Agrario, Magdalena León de Leal, Director, and C.D. Deere, Collaborative Researcher, Colombian Rural Women Study (Bogotá: Asociación Colombiana para el Estudio de la Población). 295 pp. Journal Articles: 2015. “Who Decides over the Use of Remittances? A Gendered Analysis of Ecuador.” Latin American Research Review, with Gina Alvarado, accepted. 2015. “The Gender Asset and Wealth Gaps,” with Cheryl Doss, Abena D. Oduro and Hema Swaminatham. Development, Vol. 57 (3-4), forthcoming. 2015. “Gendered Perceptions of Land Ownership and Agricultural Decision-making in Ecuador,” with Jennifer Twyman and Pilar Useche. Land Economics, Vol. 91 (3): 479-500. 2015. “Women’s Wealth and Intimate Partner Violence: Insights from Ecuador and Ghana,” with Abena D. Oduro and Zachary Catanzarite. Feminist Economics, Vol. 21 (2): 1-29. 2014. “Género, estado civil y la acumulación de activos en el Ecuador: una mirada a la violencia patrimonial,” with Jackeline Contreras and Jennifer Twyman. Eutopía, No. 5: 93-119. 2014. “¿Quién toma las decisiones agrícolas? Mujeres propietarias en Ecuador,” with Jennifer Twyman. Agricultura, Sociedad y Desarollo, No. 11: 425-440. 2014. “Patrimonial Violence: A Study of Women’s Property Rights in Ecuador,” with Jackeline Contreras and Jennifer Twyman. Latin American Perspectives, Vol. 41 (1): 143-65. 2013. “Property Rights and the Gender Distribution of Wealth in Ecuador, Ghana and India.” with Abena D. Oduro, Hema Swaminathan, and Cheryl Doss. Journal of Economic Inequality, Vol. 11 (2): 249-265. 2012. “Asset Ownership and Egalitarian Decision-making in Dual-headed Households in Ecuador,” with Jennifer Twyman. Review of Radical Political Economy, Vol. 44 (3): 313-320. 2012. “Gender and International Migration: Globalization, Development and Governance,” with Lourdes Beneria and Naila Kabeer. In L. Beneria, C.D. Deere and N. Kabeer (eds.), Special Issue on Gender and International Migration. Feminist Economics, Vol. 18 (2): 1-30. Abridged version, in Laura Oso and Natalia Ribas-Mateo (eds.), The International Handbook on Gender, Migration and Transnationalism (Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar, 2013), 45-68. 7 2012. “Gender Inequality in Asset Ownership in Latin America: Female Owners versus Household Heads,” with Gina Alvarado and Jennifer Twyman. Development and Change, Vol. 43 (2): 505-530. 2010. “Property Rights and Women’s Accumulation of Assets over the Life Cycle: Patrimonial Violence in Ecuador,” with Jackeline Contreras and Jennifer Twyman. ALASRU. Nueva época. Análisis latinoamericana del medio rural, No. 5: 135-176. 2006 “The Gender Asset Gap: What Do We Know and Why Does it Matter?” with Cheryl R. Doss. Feminist Economics, Vol. 12 (1&2): 1-50. Abridged version, “The Gender Asset Gap: Why Women’s Wealth Matters,” in David Smith (ed.) The Social Issues Collection (Gender & Social Issues): A Routledge/University Readers Custom Library for Teaching (New York & London: Routledge Custom Publishing, 2008). 2006 “La feminización de la agricultura? Asalariadas, campesinas y reestructuración económica en la América Latina rural.” ALASRU: Análisis Latinoamericano del medio rural, No. 4: 77-136. Abridged English version, “The Feminization of Agriculture? Economic Restructuring in Rural Latin America,” in Shahra Razavi (ed.), The Gendered Impacts of Liberalization: Towards Embedded Liberalism? (London/New York: Routledge and UNRISD Research in Gender and Development, 2008), pp. 99-127. 2005 “Liberalism and Married Women’s Property Rights in Nineteenth Century Latin America,” with Magdalena León. Hispanic American Historical Review, Vol. 85 (4): 627-678. Spanish translation, “El liberalismo y los derechos de propiedad de las mujeres casadas en el siglo XIX en América Latina,” in Magdalena León and Eugenia Rodríguez (eds.), Ruptura de la inequidad? Propiedad y género en la América Latina del siglo XIX (Bogota: Siglo del Hombre Eds., 2005), pp. 29-103. 2005 “Married Women’s Property Rights as Human Rights: The Latin American Contribution.” Florida Journal of International Law, Vol. 17 (1): 101-113. 2004 “Revertir la reforma agraria con exclusión de género: Lecciones a partir de América Latina,” with Magdalena León. El Otro Derecho (Bogotá), Special Issue on Land, No. 31/32: 181-220. 2003 “The Gender Asset Gap: Land in Latin America,”with Magdalena León. World Development, Vol. 31 (6): 925-947. 8 Portuguese translation, “Diferenças de gênero en relação aos bens: a propiedade fundiária na América Latina.” Sociologias (Porto Alegre, Brazil), No. 10, 2003: 100-153; Spanish translation, “La brecha de género en la propiedad de la tierra en América Latina,” Estudios Sociológicos (Mexico City), Vol. 22 (65), 2004: 397-439; French translation (excerpt), Cahiers genre et développement (Geneva), No. 8, forthcoming 2012. 2003 “Women’s Land Rights and Rural Social Movements in the Brazilian Agrarian Reform.” Journal of Agrarian Change, Vol. 3 (1&2): 257-288. Portuguese translation, “Os direitos da mulher a terra e os movimentos sociais rurais na reforma agrária Brasileira” Revista de Estudos Feministas (Florianopolis, Brazil), Vol. 23 (1), 2004: 175-204. 2002 “Diferenças regionais na reforma agrária brasileira: gênero, direitos à terra e movimentos sociais rurais,” Estudos Sociedade e Agricultura (Rio de Janeiro), No. 18: 112-146. 2001 “Derechos de propiedad, herencia de las esposas e igualdad de género: aspectos comparativos entre Brasil y Hispanoamérica,” with Magdalena León, Revista de Estudos Feministas, Vol. 9 (2): 433-459. 2001 “Who Owns the Land? Gender and Land Titling Programs in Latin America,” with Magdalena León, Journal of Agrarian Change, Vol. 1 (3), 440-467. Spanish translation, “De quién es la tierra? Género y programas de titulación de tierras en América Latina,” Revista Cuadernos del Cendes (Caracas), No. 48, 2001: 43-69. 2001 “Institutional Reform of Agriculture under Neoliberalism: The Impact of the Women=s and Indigenous Movements,” with Magdalena León, Latin American Research Review, Vol. 36 (2): 31-63. Spanish translation, “La reforma institucional de la agricultura bajo el neoliberalismo. El impacto de los movimientos feministas e indígenas,” in Martha Patricia Castañeda Salgado, ed., Construyendo el presente, mirando al futuro: perspectivas feministas para un desarrollo con democracia. (Mexico City: CEIICH-UNAM, 2003). 2000 “Derechos individuales y colectivos a la tierra: mujeres e indígenas bajo el neoliberalismo,” with Magdalena León, Análisis Político (Bogotá), No. 39: 36-55. 1998 "Mujeres sin tierra," with Magdalena León, Tinkasos, Revista Boliviana de Ciencias Sociales (La Paz), Vol. 1 (2): 47-66. 1998 "Gender, Land and Water: from Reform to Counter-reform in Latin America," with Magdalena León, Journal of Agriculture and Human Values, Vol. 15 (4): 375-386. 9 1998 "Here Come the Yankees! The Rise and Decline of United States Colonies in Cuba, 18981930," Hispanic American Historical Review, Vol. 78 (4): 729-765. Spanish translation, “Ahí vienen los yanquis. El auge y la declinación de las colonias norteamericanas en Cuba (1898-1930)” in Rafael Hernández, ed., Mirar el Niagara: Huellas culturales entre Cuba y los Estados Unidos (Havana: Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo de la Cultura Cubana Juan Marinello, 2000), pp. 129-185. 1998 "Mujeres, derechos a la tierra y contrarreformas en América Latina," with Magdalena León, Debate Agrario (Lima), No. 27: 129-154. Also in Universidad Nacional, ed., Mujeres, hombres y cambio social (Bogotá: Universidad Nacional, 1998), pp. 253-285. French translation (excerpt), Cahiers genre et développement (Geneva), No. 8, forthcoming, 2012. 1997 "La mujer rural y la reforma agraria en Colombia," with Magdalena León, Revista Cuadernos de Desarrollo Rural (Bogotá), Nos. 38/39: 7-23. 1997 "Reforming Cuban Agriculture," Development and Change, Vol. 28 (4): 649-669. German translation in Lateinamerika Land und Freiheit, Analysen und Berichte, Vol. 21, 1997: 109-132. 1995 "The New Agrarian Reforms," in special issue on "Cuba: Adapting to a Post-Soviet World," NACLA Report on the Americas, Vol. 29 (2): 13-17. 1995 "What Difference Does Gender Make? Rethinking Peasant Studies," Feminist Economics, Vol. 1 (1): 53-72. Reprinted in Lourdes Beneria, ed., Gender and Development: Theoretical, Empirical and Practical Approaches (U.K.: Edward Elgar Publishing, Ltd., 2001), pp.74-93. Spanish translation, “Qué diferencia resulta de la perspectiva de género? Repensando los estudios campesinos,” in UMBRALES, Revista del Postgrado en Ciencias del Desarollo (La Paz: CIDES-UMSA), No. 11, 2002: 163-187. 1995 "Household Incomes in Cuban Agriculture: A Comparison of the State, Cooperative and Peasant Sectors," with Ernel Gonzales, Niurka Pérez, and Gustavo Rodriguez, Development and Change, Vol. 26 (2): 209-234. 1994 "The View from Below: Cuban Agriculture in the Special Period in Peacetime," with Niurka Pérez and Ernel Gonzales, Journal of Peasant Studies, Vol. 21 (2): 194-234. 10 1993 "Cuba's National Food Program and its Prospects for Food Security," Journal of Agriculture and Human Values, Vol. 10 (3): 35-51. 1992 "When Export Growth Isn't Enough: U.S. Trade Policy and Caribbean Basin Economic Recovery," with Edwin Melendez, Caribbean Affairs, Vol. 5 (1):61-70. Reprinted in Homines: Revista de Ciencias Sociales (San Juan), Vol. 17 (1 & 2), 1994: 353-361. 1992 "Toward a Periodization of the Cuban Collectivization Process: Changing Incentives and Peasant Response," with Mieke Meurs and Niurka Pérez, Cuban Studies/Estudios Cubanos, Vol. 22: 115-149. 1992 "Markets, Markets Everywhere? Understanding the Cuban Anomaly," with Mieke Meurs, World Development, Vol. 20 (6): 825-839. 1991 "Cuba's Struggle for Self-Sufficiency," Monthly Review, Vol. 43 (3): 55-73. 1985 "Rural Women and State Policy: The Latin American Agrarian Reform Experience," World Development, Vol. 13 ( 9): 1037-1053. Reprinted in Lourdes Beneria, ed., Gender and Development: Theoretical, Empirical and Practical Approaches (U.K.: Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd., 2001), pp. 477-493. Updated and revised version, "The Latin American Agrarian Reform Experience," in Deere and León, eds., Rural Women and State Policy, op. cit., pp. 165-190, and Spanish translation in León and Deere, eds., La Mujer y la Política Agraria, op. cit., pp. 187-208. 1985 "The Peasantry and the Development of Sandinista Agrarian Policy, 1979-1984," with Peter Marchetti and Nola Reinhardt, Latin American Research Review, Vol. 20 (3): 75-109. 1983 "Cooperative Development and Women's Participation in the Nicaraguan Agrarian Reform," American Journal of Agricultural Economics, Vol. 65 (5):1043-1048. French translation, Revue Tiers Monde, Vol. 26 (102), 1985: 403-409. 1982 "A Comparative Analysis of Agrarian Reform in El Salvador and Nicaragua," Development and Change, Vol. 13: 1-41. 1982 "The Division of Labor by Sex in Agriculture: A Peruvian Case Study," Economic Development and Cultural Change, Vol. 30 (4): 795-811. Also in E. Archetti, P. Cammack and B. Roberts, eds., Sociology of "Developing Societies:" Latin America (London: Macmillan, 1987), pp. 163-212; earlier Spanish version, “La División 11 por sexo del trabajo agrícola: Un estudio de la Sierra Norte del Perú,” Estudios de Población, Vol. II (9). 1977: 14-29. 1981 "Nicaraguan Agricultural Policy: 1979-1981," Cambridge Journal of Economics, Vol. 5 (2):195-200. 1981 "The Worker-Peasant Alliance in the First Year of the Nicaraguan Agrarian Reform," with Peter Marchetti, Latin American Perspectives, Vol. 8 (2): 40-73. Portuguese translation, Reforma Agrária (Brazil), Vol. 11 (3), 1981: 3-30. 1981 "Demographic and Social Differentiation among Northern Peruvian Peasants," with Alain de Janvry, Journal of Peasant Studies, Vol. 8 (3): 335-366. 1981 "Peasant Production, Proletarianization, and the Sexual Division of Labor in the Andes," with Magdalena León de Leal, SIGNS: Journal of Women in Culture and Society, Vol. 7 (2): 338-360. Also in Lourdes Benería, ed., Women and Development, the Sexual Division of Labor in Rural Societies (New York: Praeger, 1982), pp. 65-94; Spanish translation, "Producción Campesina, Proletarización, y la División Sexual del Trabajo en la Zona Andina," in M. León, ed., Las Trabajadoras del Agro (Bogotá: ACEP, 1982), pp. 115-132. 1979 "A Conceptual Framework for the Empirical Analysis of Peasants," with Alain de Janvry, American Journal of Agricultural Economics, Vol. 61 (4): 601-611. 1979 "La Mujer Rural y el Desarollo del Capitalismo en el Agro Colombiano," with Magdalena León de Leal, Estudios Rurales Latinoamericanos (Bogotá), Vol. 2 (1): 77-107. Condensed English version, "Rural Women and the Development of Capitalism in Colombian Agriculture," SIGNS: Journal of Women in Culture and Society, Vol. 5 (1), 1979: 60-77; earlier version (selected proceedings of First Symposium on Women in Mexico and the Caribbean) in América Indígena (Mexico City), Vol. 38 (2), 1978: 341-382 and in Demografía y Economía (Mexico City), Vol. 12 (1), 1978: 4-36. 1979 "Measuring Rural Women's Work and Class Position," with Magdalena León de Leal, Studies in Family Planning, Vol. 10 (11 &12): 370-374. Spanish translation, in Estudios de Población (Bogotá), Vol. 3 (3) 1980: 63-69. 1978 "The Differentiation of the Peasantry and Family Structure: A Study of the Northern Peruvian Sierra," Journal of Family History, Vol. 3 (4):422-438. 12 1977 "Changing Social Relations of Production and Peruvian Peasant Women's Work," Latin American Perspectives, Vol. 4 (1 & 2): 48-69. Also in Latin American Perspectives, ed., Women in Latin America (Riverside: LAP, 1979), pp. 26-46; earlier version (proceedings of Fourth World Congress) in Yearbook of Rural Sociology, Vol. 15, 1978. 1976 "Rural Women's Subsistence Production in the Capitalist Periphery," Review of Radical Political Economy, Vol. 8 (1): 9-17. Revised version in R. Cohen, P. Gutkind, and P. Brazier, eds., Peasants and Proletarians: The Struggle of Third World Workers (New York: Monthly Review Press, 1979), pp. 133-145; Spanish translation, "La Mujer Rural y la Producción de Subsistencia en la Periféria Capitalista," in M. León, ed., Las Trabajadoras del Agro (Bogotá: ACEP, 1982), pp. 11-22. Chapters in Books: 2015 “Measuring the Intra-Household Distribution of Wealth in Ecuador: Qualitative Insights and Quantitative Outcomes,” with Zachary Catanzarite, in Frederick Lee and Bruce Conin, eds., Handbook of Research Methods and Applications in Heterodox Economics (Edward Elgar), forthcoming. 2011 “Tierra y autonomía económica de la mujer rural: avances y desafíos para la investigación,” in Patricia Costas, coord., Tierra de mujeres. Reflexiones sobre el acceso de las mujeres rurales a la tierra en América Latina (La Paz: Fundación Tierra and International Land Coalition), pp. 39-69. Reprinted in Revista Estudios de la Procuraduría Agraria (Mexico), No. 52, 2012. English translation: “Land and Rural Women’s Economic Autonomy: Progress and Challenges for Research,” in P. Costas, coord.., Women’s Land: Reflections on Rural Women’s Access to Land in Latin America. (La Paz: Fundacion Tierra and International Land Coalition), 2013: 41-70, available at 2010 “Household Wealth and Women’s Poverty: Conceptual and Methodological Issues in Assessing Gender Inequality in Asset Ownership,” in Sylvia Chant, ed. Elgar International Handbook on Gender and Poverty. Concepts, Research and Policy (Oxon, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing), pp. 347-352. 2009 “Introduction: The Rise and Impact of National and Transnational Rural Social Movements in Latin America“ with Frederick S. Royce, in Carmen Diana Deere and Frederick S. Royce, eds., The Rural Social Movements in Latin America: Organizing for Sustainable Livelihoods, (Gainesville: University Press of Florida), pp. 1-29. 13 2008 “Gender and the Distribution of Wealth in Developing Countries,” with Cheryl Doss, in James B. Davies, ed., Personal Wealth from a Global Perspective (London and New York: Routledge and UNU-WIDER), pp. 353-372. Reprinted in Lourdes Benería, Ann Mari May and Diana Strassmann, eds., Feminist Economics, Vol. I, Feminism, Economics and Well-being (Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar, 2011), pp. 499-524. 2007 “Married Women’s Property Rights in Mexico: A Comparative Latin American Perspective and Research Agenda,” in Helga Baitenmann, Victoria Chenaut, and Ann Varley, eds., Decoding Gender: Law and Practice in Contemporary Mexico (New Jersey: Rutgers Univ. Press), pp. 213-230. Spanish translation, “Los derechos de propiedad de las mujeres casadas en Mexico: Perspectiva comparada de América Latina y agenda de investigación”“ in H. Baitenmann, V. Chenaut and A. Varley, eds., Los códigos del género. Prácticas del derecho en el México contemporaneo. Mexico City: Programa Universitario de Estudios de Género, 2010, pp. 347370. 2007 “Agrarian Reform and Poverty Reduction: Lessons from Brazil,” with Leonilde Medeiros, in Haroon Akram-Lodhi, Jun Borras and Cristóbal Kay, eds., Land, Poverty, and Livelihoods in an Era of Globalization: Perspectives from Developing and Transition Countries (London: Routledge), pp. 80-118 . 2007 “Empowering Women: Towards an Intellectual History of a Book Project,” in Angela Carreño, ed., Women in Latin American Studies: Reshaping the Boundaries. Papers of the 49th Annual Meeting of SALALM, June 5-8, 2004, Keynote Address (New Orleans: SALALM Secretariat, Tulane University), pp. 3-12. 2005 “Matrimonio y divorcio civil en América Latina durante el siglo XIX,” with Magdalena León, in Mujer, nación, identidad y ciudadanía: siglo XIX y XX. IX Cátedra Anual de Historia Ernesto Restrepo Tirado, 28 al 30 de octubre de 2004 (Bogotá: MinCultura Memorias), pp. 78101. 2003 “El modelo neoliberal en la agricultura y la propiedad de la tierra de las mujeres rurales en América Latina,” with Magdalena León, in Darío I. Restrepo, ed., La falacia neoliberal: crítica y alternativas. (Bogotá: Universidad Nacional), pp. 391-412. 2002 “Individual versus Collective Land Rights: Tensions between Women’s and Indigenous Rights under Neoliberalism,” with Magdalena León, in Jacquelyn Chase, ed., The Spaces of Neoliberalism: Land, Place and Family in Latin America (Bloomfield, CN: Kumarian Press), pp. 53-86. 14 2001 “Disjuncture in Law and Practice: Women’s Inheritance of Land in Latin America,” with Magdalena León, in Royal Tropical Institute, ed., Gender, Society and Development: Institutionalizing Gender Equality (Amsterdam: Royal Tropical Institute), pp. 19-32. 2000 “Neo-liberal agrarian legislation, gender equality, and indigenous rights: the impact of new social movements,” with Magdalena León, in Annelies Zoomers and Gemma van der Haar (eds.), Current Land Policy in Latin America: Regulating Land Tenure under Neo-Liberalism (Amsterdam: Royal Tropical Institute and KIT Publishers), pp. 75-92. 2000 “Gênero, reforma agrária e contra-reforma na America Latina,” in Nalu Faria, Maria Lucia Silveira, and Miriam Nobre, eds., Gênero nas Politicas Publicas (São Paulo: Cadernos Sempreviva, SOF), pp. 87-102. 2000 “Propiedad e igualdad de género. Sesgos en la herencia para hijas, esposas y viudad” with M. León, in Facultad de Ciencias Humanas, ed., Etica Masculinades y Feminidades (Bogotá: National University and CES), pp. 217-259. 2000 "Towards a Reconstruction of Cuba's Agrarian Transformation: Peasantization, Depeasantization and Re-peasantization," in Deborah Bryceson, Cristobal Kay, and J. Mooij, eds., Disappearing Peasantris? Rural Labour in Africa, Asia and Latin America (London: Intermediate Technology Publications), pp. 139-158. 1999 "Cuba: Successful Voluntary Collectivization," with Niurka Pérez, in Mieke Meurs, ed., Many Shades of Red: State Policy and Collective Agriculture (N.Y.: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers), pp. 185-236. 1999, "Agriculture (Third World)," in Meg Lewis and Janice Peterson, eds., The Elgar Companion to Feminist Economics (U.K.: Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd., ), pp. 9-18. 1998 "Cuba: the Reluctant Reformer," with the Rural Studies Team of the University of Havana, in Ivan Szelenyi, ed., Privatizing the Land: Rural Political Economy in Post-Communist Societies (London: Routledge), pp. 62-91. 1993 "Third World Socialism and the Demise of COMECON," with Stan Malinowitz, in G. Epstein, J. Graham, and J. Nembhard, eds., Creating a New World Economy: Forces of Change and Plans for Action, (Philadelphia: Temple University Press), pp. 405-420. 1987 "La mujer rural y la crisis económica latinoaméricana: su situación y políticas estatales," with Magdalena León, in Política Laboral y Empleo (Bogotá: Fundación Friedrich NaumanProdemocracia), pp. 93-114. 15 1986 "Agrarian Reform, Peasant Participation, and the Organization of Production in the Transition to Socialism," in Fagen, Deere, and Coraggio, eds., Transition and Development: Problems of Third World Socialism, op. cit., pp.97-142. Spanish translation in Coraggio and Deere, eds., La Transición Dificil, op. cit., pp. 215-254. 1986 “Introduction” with Richard Fagen and José Luis Coraggio, in Fagen, Deere, and Coraggio, eds., Transition and Development: Problems of Third World Socialism, op. cit., pp. 9-27. 1986 “Introducción: Las Condiciones de la Transición en los Pequeños Países Periféricos” with José Luis Coraggio, in Coraggio and Deere, eds., La Transición Dificil, op. cit., pp. 15-49. 1984 "Agrarian Reform as Revolution and Counter-Revolution: Nicaragua and El Salvador," in R. Burbach and P. Flynn, eds., The Politics of Intervention: the United States in Central America (New York: Monthly Review Press), pp. 163-188. Spanish translation, “La reforma agraria como revolución y contra-revolución” in Polémica (San José), No. 17/18, 1985: 61-76. 1984 "Rural Women and Agrarian Reform in Peru, Chile and Cuba," in UNESCO, ed., Women on the Move: Contemporary Changes in Family and Society (Paris: UNESCO), pp. 57-76. Reprinted in J. Nash and H. Safa, eds., Women and Change in Latin America (Hadley, MA: Bergin, 1986), pp. 189-207; earlier Spanish version in Revista de Ciencias Sociales (San José), No. 25, 1983: 49-74. 1983 "The Allocation of Familial Labor and the Formation of Peasant Household Income in the Peruvian Sierra," in M. Buvinic, M. Lycette, and W.P. McGreevy, eds., Women and Poverty in the Third World (Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press), pp. 104-129. 1982 "Class and Historical Analysis for the Study of Women and Economic Change," with Jane Humphries and Magdalena León de Leal, in R. Anker, M. Buvinic, and N. Youssef, eds., Women's Roles and Population Trends in the Third World (London: Croom Helm), pp. 87-114. 1981 "Ingreso Familiar y Trabajo No Agrícola entre los Pequeños Productores de América Latina y El Caribe," with Robert Wasserstrom, in A. Novoa and J. Posner, eds., Seminario Internacional sobre Producción Agropecuaria y Forestal en Zonas de Ladera de America Tropical, (Turrialba, Costa Rica: Centro Agronómico Tropical de Investigación y Enseñanza, Informe Técnico No. 11), pp. 151-167. 1980 "Planteamientos Teóricos y Metodológicos para el Estudio de la Mujer Rural y el Proceso de Desarrollo del Capitalismo," with Magdalena León de Leal, in Mujer y Capitalismo Agrario, op. cit., pp. 1-28. 16 1980 "La Proletarización y el Trabajo Agrícola en la Economía Parcelaria: Estudio de la División del Trabajo por Sexo," with Magdalena León de Leal, in Mujer y Capitalismo Agrario, op. cit., 262-289. Also in La Realidad Colombiana, op.cit., 1-27; Portuguese translation in N. Aguiar, ed., Mulheres na Força de Trabalho na America Latina (Rio de Janeiro: Ed. Vozes, 1985), 123-161. Other Monographs, Working Papers and Reports: 2015 Who Borrows? An Analysis of Gender, Debt, and Assets in Ecuador, Ghana, and Karnataka, India, with Caren Grown, Z. Catanzarite, A. D. Oduro, S. JY, H. Swaminathan, and L. Boakye-Yiadom. Discussion Paper. New York: UN Women. 2015 Shocks, Assets and Social Protection: A Gendered Analysis of Ecuador, Ghana and Karnataka, India, with Cheryl Doss, A. D. Oduro, H. Swaminathan, W. Baah-Boateng, and S. JY. Discussion Paper. New York: UN Women. 2015 Gender, Remittances and Asset Accumulation in Ecuador and Ghana, with Gina Alvarado, Abena D. Oduro and Louis Boakye-Yiadom. Discussion Paper. New York: UN Women. 2015 The ‘Special Relationship’ and the Challenge of Diversifying a Sugar Economy: Cuban Exports of Fruits and Vegetables to the United States, 1902 to 1962. Working Paper #1, Project Working Paper Series, The Agricultural Sector and the International Economy. Challenges and Opportunities for Cuba and the United States. Gainesville: UF Center for Latin American Studies and IFAS. 2013 Measuring Personal Wealth in Developing Countries: Interviewing Men and Women about Asset Values, with C. Doss, W. Baah-Boatang, L. Boakye-Yiadom, Z. Catanzarite, R. Lahoti, H. Swaminathan, and Suchitra J.Y.. Gender Asset Gap Project Working Paper #15, November. 2013 Women’s Land Ownership and Participation in Agricultural Decision-Making: Evidence from Ecuador, Ghana and Karnataka, India, with Louis Boakye-Yiadom, Cheryl Doss, Abena D. Oduro, Hema Swaminathan, Jennifer Twyman, and Suchitra Y. The Gender Asset Gap Project Research Brief Series No. 2. Bangalore: IIMB. September, 2012 “Women Who Save: A Comparative Analysis of Ecuador, Ghana and Karnataka, India,” with Cheryl Doss, A. Oduro & H. Swaminathan. Report prepared for the United Nations Foundation. November. 2012 The Rural Gender Asset and Gender Wealth Gaps, with Cheryl Doss, Abena D. Oduro and 17 Suchitra J. Y. Bangalore: IIMB. 2012 Lessons from the Field: Implementing Individual Asset Surveys in Ecuador, Ghana, India and Uganda,” with C. Doss, Suchitra Y.A., A. Oduro, and M. Hillesband. The Gender Asset Gap Project. (Bangalore: Indian Institute of Management Bangalore). 2011 The Gender Asset and Gender Wealth Gaps: Evidence from Ecuador, Ghana and Karnataka, India, with C. Doss, A. Oduro, H. Swaminathan et al. (Bangalore: Indian Institute of Management Bangalore). Spanish translation, “Las brechas de género en los activos y en la riqueza: evidencia de Ecuador, Ghana y Karnataka, India.” In A. Butto, I. Dantas, and K. Hora (cords.), As Mulheres nas estatísticas agropecuárias: Experiencias em países do Sul. Brasilia: Ministério do Desenvolvimento Agrario, 2012, pp. 14-39. 2010 Poverty, Headship and Gender Inequality in Asset Ownership in Latin America, with Gina E. Alvarado and Jennifer Twyman, Working Paper #296, Gender, Development and Globalization Program, Michigan State University, March. 31 pp. 2008 Gender and Asset Ownership: A Guide to Collecting Individual-Level Data, with Cheryl R. Doss and Caren Grown, World Bank Policy Research Working Paper No. WPS4704 (Washington, D.C.: The World Bank), August, 78 pp. 2006 Gender and the Distribution of Wealth in Developing Countries, with Cheryl Doss, UNUWIDER Research Paper No. 2006/115 (Helsinki: United Nations University-World Institute for Development Economics Research), November. 25 pp. 2005 Women’s Land Rights and Rural Household Incomes in Brazil, Paraguay and Peru, with Rosaluz Durán, Merrilee Mardon, Tom Masterson and Maria Correia, Agriculture and Rural Development Internal Report (Washington, DC: The World Bank), December. 32 pp. 2005 The Feminization of Agriculture? Economic Restructuring in Rural Latin America. United Nations Research Institute for Social Development (UNRISD) Occasional Paper #1 (Geneva: UNRISD). 66 pp. 1999 Mujer y Tierra en Guatemala, with Magdalena León (Guatemala: AVANCSO). 55 pp. 1999 Género y Derechos de las Mujeres a la Tierra en Chile, with Magdalena León (Santiago: CEDEM). 99 pp. 1999 Género y Derechos de las Mujeres a la Tierra en Ecuador, with Magdalena León, Elizabeth García and Julio Cesar Trujillo (Quito: CONAMU and UNICEF). 98 pp. 18 1999 "Towards a Gendered Analysis of the Brazilian Agrarian Reform," with Magdalena León, Occasional Paper #16, Latin American Studies Consortium of New England (Storrs: University of Connecticut). 54 pp. 1998 "Derechos de propiedad y acceso de la mujer a la tierra en El Salvador," with Magdalena León, Boletín PRISMA #32 (El Salvador). 15 pp. 1998 "Reforma agraria y contrarreforma en el Perú: hacia un análisis de género," with Magdalena León, Serie de Estudios Mujer Rural y Desarrollo, Ediciones flora tristan (Lima). 48 pp. 1997 "Women and Land Rights in the Latin American, Neo-Liberal Counter-reforms," with Magdalena León, Women in International Development Working Paper #264, Michigan State University. 81 pp. 1996 "The Evolution of Cuba's Agricultural Sector: Debates, Controversies and Research Issues," International Agricultural Trade and Development Center, International Working Paper Series #IW96-3, University of Florida. 29 pp. 1996 "An Annotated Bibliography on Post-1959 Cuban Agriculture," with José Alvarez, Karen Graubart and William A. Messina, Jr., International Agricultural Trade and Development Center, International Working Paper Series #IW96-4, University of Florida. 23 pp. 1994 "U.S.-Cuba Trade in the Process of Normalization of Relations and Cuban Economic Recovery," Background Paper prepared for the Atlantic Council, Washington, D.C., October. 1993 "Household Incomes in Cuban Agriculture: A Comparison of the State, Cooperative, and Peasant Sectors," with Ernel Gonzales, Niurka Pérez and Gustavo Rodriguez, Institute of Social Studies Working Paper Series No.143 (The Hague). 41 pp. 1992 "Socialism on One Island? Cuba's National Food Program and its Prospects for Food Security," Institute of Social Studies Working Paper Series No. 123 (The Hague). 57 pp. 1987 "Report of the Special Programming Mission to Ecuador," with Alain de Janvry (PI), et. al., International Fund for Agricultural Development (Rome). 160 pp. 1987 "The Peasantry in Political Economy: Trends of the 1980s," Occasional Papers Series No. 19, Program in Latin American Studies, University of Massachusetts, Amherst. 76 pp. 1984 "Rural Poverty in El Salvador: Dimensions, Trends,and Causes," with Martin Diskin, World Employment Programme Research Working Paper #64, International Labour Office. 51 pp. (refereed) 19 1984 "Agrarian Reform and the Peasantry in the Transition to Socialism in the Third World," Kellogg Institute Working Paper #31, University of Notre Dame. 83 pp. 1984 La Mujer en las Cooperativas Agropecuarias en Nicaragua, CIERA Rural Women's Research Team and C.D. Deere, Collaborative Researcher (Managua: Centro de Investigación y Estudio de la Reforma Agraria). 167 pp. Abridged English translation, Tough Row to Hoe: Women in the Nicaraguan Agricultural Cooperatives, with new Introduction by C.D. Deere (S.F.: Institute for Food and Development Policy, 1986). 51 pp. Book Reviews: 2015 Rebel Lands of Cuba: The Campesino Struggle of Oriente and Escambray, 1930-1974, by Joanna Swanger, in Hispanic American Historical Review, forthcoming. 2010 Assets, Livelihoods, and Social Policy, edited by Caroline Moser and Anis A. Dani, in Feminist Economics, Vol. 16 (2): 151-153. 2009 Pro-Poor Land Reform: A Critique, by Saturnino M. Borras Jr., in Journal of Agrarian Change, Vol. 9 (13): 437-439. 2004 Latin American Peasants, edited by Tom Brass, in Development and Change, Vol. 35 (1): 217-219. 2003 Tangled Routes: Women, Work and Globalization on the Tomato Trail, by Deborah Barndt, in Contemporary Sociology, Vol. 32 (5): 585. 2002 La última reforma agraria del siglo: La agricultura cubana entre el cambio y el estancamiento, edited by Hans-Jurgen Burchardt, in Cuban Studies/Estudios Cubanos, Vol. 33: 225-227. 1997 A Field of One's Own: Gender and Land Rights in South Asia, by Bina Agarwal, in Feminist Economics, Vol. 3 (1): 188-192. 1996 The Myth of the Male Breadwinner: Women and Industrialization in the Caribbean, by Helen I. Safa; in Cuban Studies/Estudios Cubanos, Vol. 26: 283-285. 1996 Peasant and Nation: the Making of Postcolonial Mexico and Peru, by Florencia E. Mallon, in Contemporary Sociology, Vol. 25 (1): 60-62. 1995 Are Economic Reforms Propelling Cuba to the Market?, by Carmelo Mesa-Lago; in Comparative Economic Studies, Vol. 37 (3): 97-99. 20 1995 Hungry Dreams: The Failure of Food Policy in Revolutionary Nicaragua, by Brizio N. Biondi-Morra; in Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. 33 (2): 881-882. 1995 "Documenting Latino Social Struggles," review of The Hispanic Struggle for Social Justice by James D. Cockcroft, and Latinas: Hispanic Women in the United States by Hedda Garza; in Latino Review of Books, in Vol. 1 (2): 8-9. 1994 Adjusting to Reality: Beyond "State versus Market" in Economic Development, by Robert Klitgaard; in Journal of Comparative Economics, Vol. 18: 88-89. 1988 Development Economics on Trial: the Anthropological Case for a Prosecution, by Polly Hill, in American Ethnologist, Vol. 15 (4): 816-817. 1988 The Peasant Betrayed: Agriculture and Land Reform in the Third World, by John P. Powelson and Richard Stock; in Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. 26 (December): 47-49. 1987 Post-Revolutionary Nicaragua: State, Class and the Dilemmas of Agrarian Policy, by Forrest Colburn, American Political Science Review, Vol. 81 (3): 1025-1027. 1987 Communism and Development, by Robert Bideleux, with Carollee Benglelsdorf, in Journal of Development Economics, Vol. 26 (1): 181-184. 1986 Economía de la comunidad campesina: aproximación regional, by Efraín Gonzales de Olarte, in Hispanic American Historical Review, Vol. 66 (2): 441-442. 1985 Capitalist Development and the Peasant Economy in Peru, by Adolfo Figueroa, in Agricultural History, Vol. 59 (4): 631-633. Other Publications: 2012 “The FAO Gender Equality Policy and Land: The Challenge of Gender Disaggregated Data.” Opinion Column for the FAO Regional Office for Latin America, July. 2010 “Foreword.” Forests for People. Community Rights and Forest Tenure Reform, edited by Anne M. Larson, Deborah Barry, Ganga Ram Dahal and Carol J. Pierce Colfer. London & Washington, D.C.: Earthscan, pp. ix-x. 2010 “Mujer, tierra y empoderamiento en America Latina. Propiedad de activos y poder de negociación de las mujeres.” Bolivia Post-Constituyente. Tierra, territorio y autonomías indígenas. Memoria del Seminario Internacional, 26-28 Octubre 2009. La Paz: International Land Coalition and Fundacion Tierra, pp. 41-44. 21 2009 “Assets, Gender and Entrepreneurship in Nicaragua” with Gina Alvarado. Background paper prepared for the Latin American and Caribbean Poverty and Gender Unit, The World Bank, Washington, D.C. 36 pp. 2006 “Reflections: Carmen Diana Deere.” Interview by Wicky Meynen. Development and Change, Vol. 37 (6): 1355-1364. 2006 “Foreword.” Promised Land. Competing Visions of Agrarian Reform, edited by P. Rosset, R. Patel, and M. Courville. Oakland, CA: Food First Books, pp. ix-xi. 2002 “Gender, Land Rights and the State in Latin America: The Inclusion of Women,” with Magdalena León, Hungry for What in Right (the magazine of FIAN). 2000 “Mechanisms of Inclusion: Recent Advances in Women’s Land Rights in Latin America,” with Magdalena León, in Andina van Isschot, coordinator, Securing Women’s Rights to Land, Property, and Housing, Country Strategies (Quebec: International Centre for Human Rights and Democratic Development), p. 14-17. Also on various web cites in English, Spanish and Portuguese. 1997. “Juan Valdés Paz”. Interview, with Carollee Bengelsdorf. Special Issue on Voices of the Left. NACLA Report on the Americas, Vol. 31 (1): 26-28. 1996. “Foreword.” Feminist Dilemmas in Fieldwork, edited by Diane L. Wolf. (Boulder: Westview Press), pp. vii-viii. 1994 “U.S.-Cuba Trade in the Process of Normalization of Relations and Cuban Economic Recovery.” Background Paper prepared for the Atlantic Council. Washington, D.C. October. 20 pp. 1994 Congressional Testimony, Hearing on "Agricultural Implications of Renewed Trade with Cuba," Subcommittee on Foreign Agriculture and Hunger, Committee on Agriculture, U.S. House of Representatives, May 19, 1994 in Congressional Record, Serial No. 103-69, pp. 8-11. Spanish translation, “Implicaciones agrícolas del comercio cubano.” Economía Cubana. Boletín Informativo (Havana), No. 18, 1994: 3-14. 1991 "Silver Linings: Ecological Issues in the Forefront," Cuba Update, Vol. XII (4): 26-27. 1990 "A CBI Report Card," Hemisphere: a Magazine of Latin American and Caribbean Affairs, Vol. 3 (1): 29-31. PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS 22 Latin American Studies Association (LASA) President, 1992-94; Past President, 1994-95 Vice-President, 1991-92; Treasurer, 1983-86 Executive Council, 1991-95 and 1983-86 Development Committee, 1994-99; Chair, 1994-95; Co-Chair 1997-98 Search Committee for Executive Director, 2002-03 Finance Committee, 2003Chair of Nominating Committee, 2006-07 New England Council of Latin American Studies (NECLAS) President, 1991-92; Vice-President, 1990-91 Executive Board, 1988-92; Chair, 1988 Prize Committee Best Book Award Committee, 2001 Latin American and Caribbean Economic Association (LACEA) Executive Board, 1994-97; Chair of Nominations Committee, 1997 Society for Economic Anthropology Executive Board, 1988-92 International Association for Feminist Economics Southeastern Council of Latin American Studies (SECOLAS) EDITORIAL BOARDS Revista EUTOPIA (Ecuador), 2014Feminist Economics, 1994-2000; Associate Editor, 2001Historia Agraria (Spain), 2002Journal of Agrarian Change (UK), 2000Estudos Feministas (Brazil), 2000Caribbean Studies (Puerto Rico), 1994Estudios Sociológicos (Mexico), 1994World Development, 1990-2013 Rethinking Marxism, Board of Advisors, 1989Latin American Perspectives, Participating Editor, 1979Cuban Studies/Estudios Cubanos, 1994-99 Journal of Peasant Studies, 1993-1999 NACLA Report on the Americas, 1993-1999 Women and International Development Annual, 1989-1994 Comparative Economic Studies, 1988-92 Latin American Research Review, 1986-92 Development and Change (The Netherlands), 1985-94 Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society, 1985-89 Estudios Rurales Latinoamericanos (Colombia), Adjunct Coordinator for U.S., 1984-90 Feminist Studies, Board of Consultants, 1979-85 23 OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVICE Bernstein and Byres Best Article Prize Committee, Journal of Agrarian Change, 2009 Advisory Board, BASIS/AMA CRSP Awards, US Agency for International Development and University of Wisconsin, 2007-09 Advisory Committee (Scholar member), Latin Americanist Research Resources Project (LARRP), Center for Research Libraries, 2005-07 Co-chair, Digital Library of the Caribbean (dLOC) Advisory Board, Department of Education TICFIA project, Florida International University and University of Florida, 2005-07 Selection Panel, Ford Foundation Doctoral Fellowship Program for Minorities, National Research Council, 2003 and 2005 Selection Panel, Peace and World Security Program, The John T. and Catherine D. MacArthur Foundation, 1997 Associate Editor, Latin American Series, University of Pittsburgh Press, 1995-98 Selection Panel for Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean, Council for International Exchange of Scholars, Fulbright Faculty Awards, 1995-98; Chair, 1996-98 Cultural Preservation Delegation to Tibet, National Committee for U.S.-China Relations, November 1995 External Reviewer, Latin American Studies Center, University of California, Berkeley, February 1994 External Reviewer, Agricultural and Rural Development Program, Institute for Social Studies, The Hague, August 1994 Advisory Council, Women's Studies Program, Princeton University, 1988-1996 Regional Research Advisory Committee, Coordinadora Regional de Investigaciones Económicas y Sociales (CRIES), 1992-94 Board of Advisors, Hemisphere Initiatives, 1989-92 Co-chairperson, 1984-89; Executive Board, 1982-89; Policy Alternatives for Central America and the Caribbean (PACCA) Board of Advisors, Center for the Study of the Americas, 1981-90 Advisory Fellow, U.S.-El Salvador Research and Information Center, 1981-89 Advisory Committee, Central America Resource Center, 1985-89 International Projects Committee (Project Analyst for Latin America), OXFAM-America, 1982-84 Board of Advisors, International Center for Research on Women, 1978-1982 RECENT PROFESSIONAL PRESENTATIONS (last 5 years, selected) “Gendered Paths to Asset Accumulation? The Role of Savings and Credit.” Paper presented to the International Association of Feminist Economics Conference, Berlin, July, 2015. 24 “Who Borrows to Accumulate Assets? Class and Gender in Ecuador’s Credit Market.” Paper presented to the Latin American Studies International Congress, San Juan, May, 2015; and to the III Congreso Latinoamericano y Caribeño de Ciencias Sociales, FLACSO-Quito, August, 2015. “Gender, Asset Accumulation and Wealth in Ecuador: Implications for Women’s Bargaining Power.” Stone Center for Latin American Studies, Tulane University, March 3, 2015. “Mitos sobre la mujer en la agricultura: por qué se necesita mejorar las estadísticas sobre la propiedad de la tierra y quien toma las decisiones agrícolas.” 15th International Meeting on Gender Statistics, INEGI/CEPAL/UNWomen, Aguascalientes, November 5-7, 2014. “Quién toma las decisiones agrícolas? Mujeres propietarias en Ecuador.” Keynote Address, XX Aniversario (1994-2014) del Area de Género: Mujer Rural, Colegio de Postgraduados, Campus Montecillo, Mexico, October 15, 2014. “Género, Acumulación de Activos y el Empoderamiento de Las Mujeres,” public lecture series (5), co-sponsored by FLACSO-Ecuador, UN Women-Andean Region, and the Comisión de Transición hacia la Igualdad de Género. FLACSO-Ecuador, April-May, 2014. “Género y la acumulación de activos en el Ecuador: Relación con el poder de negociación de la mujer,” Keynote panel, 12th UN Conference on Women in Latin American and the Caribbean, ECLAC, Santo Domingo, October 14-18, 2013. “Who is the farm manager? Women’s land ownership and decision-making in Ecuador, Ghana and India“, Invited panelist, Third Summit on Women, National Science Foundation, Washington, DC, November 15, 2013. “Estadísticas agropecuarias para la igualdad de género.” Keynote presentation, FAO-MDA Workshop on Improving Agricultural Statistics for Gender Equality, as part of REAF conference, Reuniao Especializada sobre Agricultura Familiar no Mercosul, Caixas do Sul, RGS, Brazil, November 12, 2012. “Women Who Save: A Comparative Analysis of Ecuador, Ghana and Karnataka, India.” UN Foundation and ExxonMobil Foundation Workshop on Women’s Economic Empowerment, Greentree, NY, October 12, 2012. “Apuntes Metodológicos: Las encuestas sobre la propiedad de activos.” 13th International Conference on Gender Statistics, INEGI/UN Women/CEPAL, Aguascalientes, Mexico, October 8-10, 2012. “Property Rights and the Gender Distribution of Wealth: Evidence from Ecuador, Ghana and India.” Keynote, International Banquet, American Agricultural Economics Association meetings, Seattle, August 13, 2012. 25 “Gender and International Migration: Globalization, Development and Governance.” Paper presented at the panel celebrating the Special Issue of Feminist Economics on Gender and International Migration, IAFFE Annual Conference, Barcelona, June 27-29, 2012. “The Gender Asset Gap Project: Implications for Data Collection”. World Bank Workshop on Gender and Assets, June 4, 2012. “Land Ownership and Farm Management in Ecuador: Egalitarian Family Farming Systems and Gendered Constraints.” Paper presented to the Annual World Bank Conference on Land and Poverty, Washington, D.C., April 23-26, 2012. Also presented to the 2012 International Congress of the Latin American Studies Association, San Francisco, May 24-26; revised version presented at the IAFFE Annual Conference, Barcelona, June 27-29, 2012. “Gender, Asset Ownership and Wealth in Ecuador.” Invited Lecture, Mellon Mentoring Initiative, Center for Latin American, Caribbean and Latino Studies, University of Massachusetts Amherst, April 27, 2012. “Asset Ownership and Egalitarian Decision-making in Dual-headed Households in Ecuador.” Paper presented at the ASSA annual meetings, URPE/IAFFE session, Chicago, January 2012; also to the SECOLAS Annual Meeting and 61st Annual Conference of the UF Center for Latin American Studies, March 29-31, 2012 and to the Development Economics Seminar, Department of Agriculture and Resource Economics, UC-Davis, May 29, 2012. “Property Rights, Asset Accumulation and Patrimonial Violence in Ecuador.” 2011 Robert G. Mead, Jr. Endowed Lecture, Center for Latin American Studies, University of Connecticut, Storrs, November, 2011; also Invited Lecture delivered at the Seventh Walker Symposium, Engendering Latin@ America, Colby College, Main, October 2011. “Derechos de Propiedad y Acumulación de Activos. Violencia Patrimonial en Ecuador.” Keynote Address, LASA Ecuador Section Conference, Quito, June 1, 2011. “La propiedad de activos y la desigualdad de género en América Latina.” Presentation to the 11th Regional Conference on Women in Latin America and the Caribbean, UN Economic Commission on Latin America, Brazilia, July 2010; also to a seminar hosted by the Ministry of Agricultural Development, Brazilia, July 2010. Also presented as the Keynote to the VIII Congress of the Latin American Rural Sociology Association, Porto de Galinhas, PB, Brazil, November 2010. “Jefa de hogar o propietaria? Integrando género en los Censos Nacionales.” Paper presented at the seminar, Presentación del Censo de Población y Vivienda 2010, INEC y FLACSO-Ecuador, Quito, November 6-7, 2009. 26 “La propiedad de activos por género en América Latina” Paper presented at the international seminar, Bolivia post-Constituyente: Tierra, territorio y autonomía indígena, Fundación Tierra, La Paz, October 26-28, 2009; and at the seminar, Globalización y Pequeña Agricultura Familiar, ESPOL, Guayaquil, December 9-10, 2009. UNIVERSITY SERVICE University of Florida: Coordinator, UF Cuba Program, 2010-13; Steering Committee, 2010-15. Coordinator, UF Working Group on Gender & Climate Change, 2012-15. Steering Committee, Masters in Sustainable Development Program, 2010-13; MDP Curriculum Committee, 2010-15 Advisory Committee, Bob Graham Center for Public Service, CLAS, 2006-2009 Steering Committee, Law and Policy in the Americas Program, Levin College of Law, 2005Search Committee for Food and Resource Economics Department/IFAS and Center for Latin American Studies joint position, 2005-06 Search Committee for IFAS Director of International Programs, 2005 Campus Interview Committee, Fulbright Fellowships, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2010, 2012 Planning Committee, Legal Policy Issues in the Americas Conference, Levin College of Law, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 Provost’s Review Committee for Dean of the UF International Center, 2004-05 Advisory Board, Center for International Business Education and Research, Warrington College of Business, 2004-2009 Affiliate Faculty, School of Natural Resources and the Environment Affiliate Faculty, Center for Women’s Studies and Gender Research University of Massachusetts: Five College Latin American Studies Council, 1992-2004 Chair of Steering Committee for the Self-Study, 2001-02; lead author for DOE, Title VI National Resource Center in Latin American Studies (Undergraduate) proposal, 2002 University Latin American Studies Program Executive Committee, 1977-2004; Director, 19922004 University Search Committee for Provost, 2003-04 University Women's Studies Program Advisory Council, 1996-97 University Advisory Council, Institute for the Humanities, 1992-95 University Council on Overseas Programs, 1992-95 Chancellor's Award Committee, 1983-84 and 1998 Provost's Evaluation Committee for Deans, 1987-88 College of Social & Behavioral Sciences, Strategic Planning Committee, 1995 Dean's Executive Council, College of Social and Behavioral Sciences, 1989-90; 1997-99; 27 2003-05 Chairperson of Department Executive and Personnel Committees, fall 1991; chair of Personnel Committee, 1992-93 Department Merit Committee, chair, 1998-99; member, 2001-02 Department Executive Committee, 1987-1989; 1991-93 Department Placement Officer, 1990 Acting Chairperson, Economics Department, 1987-88 Department Hiring Committee, multiple years COURSES TAUGHT Graduate: Gender in Latin American Development Foundations of Economics for Sustainable Development Issues and Perspectives in Latin American Studies Economic Development of Latin America Economic Development Theory Economic Development Policy Political Economy of Women in Development Seminar on Central American Development Problems Seminar on Problems of Third World Socialism Seminar on Cuba's 20th Century Agrarian History Economic History and Development Workshop Doctoral Dissertation Workshop in Economics Empoderamiento Económico de las Mujeres Desarrollo Económico en los Países Andinos Undergraduate: Economic Development Economic Development of Latin America Gender Issues in Latin American Economic Development Agriculture in Economic Development Introduction to Latin American and Latino Economic Issues Integration of the Americas: Labor, Capital and Commodity Flows Economics of the Peasantry Political Economy of Women in Development Socialist Economies in the Third World The Central American Crisis The Latin American Economic Crisis Global Environmental Problems Seminar on Central America and U.S. Foreign Policy Seminar on Issues in Development Studies 28 Latin American Studies Senior Seminar Intermediate Macroeconomics Introductory Microeconomics, Macroeconomics 29
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