Embajada del Ecuador en los Estados Día de Ecuador - Ecuador Day Agriculture, Development, and the Environment October 14, 2015 Emerson Alumni Hall University of Florida, Gainesville, FL Registration and Coffee (9:15-9:30)……………………………………….………President A & B Introduction and Welcome (9:30-10:00 am)……………………………………President A & B Dr. Philip Williams, Director, Center for Latin American Studies Dr. Kent Fuchs, President, University of Florida Amb. Francisco Borja Cevallos, Ambassador of Ecuador to the United States Academic Panels: Panel 1: Challenges of Amazonian Development (10:00-11:45 am)………….…Classroom • Biodiversity in Western Amazonia – Setting the Stage Bette Loiselle, Director of Tropical Conservation and Development Program, University of Florida • Al Sur de las decisiones: enfrentando la crisis del siglo XXI Fander Falconi, Coordinador del Doctorado en Economía del Desarrollo, Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales (FLACSO) • Sub-Regional Dynamics and Factors of Land Cover Change in the Ecuadorian Amazon, 1990-2013 Rodrigo Sierra, GeoIS Lunch (11:45 am -1:15 pm)………………………………………………………..………President A & B Panel 2: Sustainable Development Initiatives (1:15-3:00 pm)……………..…….Classroom Chair and Discussant, Glenn Galloway, Director, Master of the Sustainable Development Practice (MDP) Program, Center for Latin American Studies and Center for African Studies, University of Florida • Butterfly Farming as a Viable Tool for Sustainable Development in Ecuador Maria Checa, PhD candidate and MDP graduate, University of Florida • “La Minga” for Ecuadorian Cacao, a Successful Public-Private Partnership Alfredo Dueñas Dávalos, General Manager of the “Minga de Cacao” Project, an Alliance between Conservation and Development Foundation and Maquita Cushunchic Comercializando como Hermanos Foundation. • Programa Nacional de Incentivos Socio Bosque: Conservación y Desarrollo para el Buen Vivir Max Lascano, Coordinator of the Socio Bosque Program (Ministry of the Environment) Coffee Break (3:00-3:15 pm)………………..…………………………………………Room 207-208 Panel 3: Food Sovereignty and the Future of Smallholder Agriculture (3:15-5:00 pm) Classroom Chair and Discussant, Carmen Diana Deere, Professor Emerita, Latin American Studies and Food & Resource Economics, University of Florida • Access to Land and Food Security Dr. Ramón Espinel, Profesor Principal y Decano de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Vida, Escuela Superior Politécnica del Litoral (ESPOL) • La cuestión campesina hoy: perspectivas y retos Francisco Rhon, Executive Director, Centro Andino de Acción Popular (CAAP) • Gendered Perceptions of Land ownership and Agricultural Decision-making in Ecuador: Who are the Farm Managers? Pilar Useche, Associate Professor, Food & Resource Economics and Latin American Studies, University of Florida Cultural Event and Reception (5:15-7:00 pm)………………………………….President A & B Presentation of Afro-Ecuadorian music by El Grupo Chota Madre
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