SYNERGY REGISTRATION Office for Youth Ministry Dear Parish Leader, First of all, we appreciate you joining us for SYNERGY 2015. The theme for this year is VICTORIOUS! We pray this event will bring you and your group closer to Christ. Enclosed you will find: □ □ □ □ □ □ Registration Instructions Synergy Code of Behavior Synergy Chaperone Responsibilities (due back to our office) Registration Form (due back to our office) Description of Workshop Presenters Parental Consent Form and Liability Waiver (to be kept with you) (Available in English and Spanish) Instructions: Please include all youth and chaperones in the Registration Form. Parental Consent Forms must be filled out for every minor attending and should be kept in your possession. We need every chaperone to read and sign the responsibilities form (turn into OYM office). This year we will be offering 5 workshops during 2 separate time slots, please select the top 3 presenters for your group. Your group will be assigned to attend one workshop for one of the time slots and will get to spend time in our outdoor thematic park during the other time slot. The cost for the event is $30.00 per person. All registration forms are due back in our office by no later than March 11th (for the early rate to apply). After March 11th forms will be accepted at $35.00 per person. No registrations will be accepted after March 25th. No refunds will be given after March 25th. Food is not included in the price. You have the option of purchasing dinner combos ahead of time (in your registration). Combo #1 ($4) will include 1 hotdog, chips, cookie and a bottle of water. Combo #2 ($5) will include 2 hotdogs, chips, cookie and a bottle of water; if your group would prefer to have something different for dinner please make the appropriate arrangements. There are many restaurants nearby that can deliver food. Be aware that youth are not allowed to leave Mater Dei Catholic High School during Synergy. Food will also be available for purchase onsite but only during lunch time. Once the registration forms have been received, we will have an additional packet for you with wristbands and additional details for Synergy. We look forward to a successful and spirit filled day! Thank you, The Youth Office Synergy Code of Behavior We are happy and excited that you are joining us as part of Synergy 2015. The Code of Behavior has been developed as a way of helping participants understand what is expected of them. The following rules of conduct will help our event go smoothly and ensure the safety of all participants. Please read and sign the form with your parents and return it to your Youth Minister. 1. As necessary as rules are to maintain order, they can't and won't guarantee a successful Synergy experience. Success depends on people's willingness to work together for the common good. 2. Participants take part in Synergy as part of a parish or school team. The adult leader of each team maintains primary responsibility for the actions of his or her team members. The sponsoring parish and the families of team members assume responsibility for any damage done to the facilities. 3. Participants are expected to attend all sessions unless explicitly excused by the Program Director. 4. Wristbands should be worn during all program activities. 5. Dress for Synergy is casual; however shirts and shoes must be worn at all times. No short shorts, halter tops, tube tops, or sagging pants, modesty is important. Please keep undergarments under your garments. 6. Socializing should take place only when permitted. 7. Be respectful of your surroundings. Surroundings include people, property, motor vehicles, etc. 8. No fighting, weapons, fireworks, lighters, or explosives are permitted. 9. The purchase, possession or consumption of alcohol or drugs by participants will result in immediate dismissal from the program. Major infractions of the Code of Behavior will meet with the same consequences. I have read and understood this code of behavior and I agree to abide by the rules above. I understand that failure to comply with the code may result in my dismissal from the event. __________________________________ (Teen Participant) ________________ Date __________________________________ (Parent/Legal Guardian) ________________ Date CHAPERONE RESPONSIBILITIES SYNERGY YOUTH RALLY Group Leaders and Chaperones must read, understand, agree, sign and return this form with their liability forms. Please be sure that the Group Leader, the adult chaperones and your youth understand and abide by these policies. Basic Role of Chaperones: Chaperones must be 21 years of age or older, of good moral character and judgment. Chaperones must meet the requirements of their local diocese for working with youth, and by signing this form agree to comply with their local Diocesan Child Protection/Safe Environment Policies. For the safety and well-being of all conference participants and volunteers, the Diocese of San Diego-Office for Youth Ministry, depends on the adult example of obedience and cooperation with the policies and procedures as well as with our staff and volunteers on site. Chaperones should feel comfortable directing, sharing, and praying with their youth. Youths must be accompanied by a chaperone at all times. In case of an emergency contact your parish youth minister. Detailed Chaperone Responsibilities: Including, but not limited to the following: Appropriate Dress All participants are expected to dress in a fashion that represents modesty and good taste, respecting other participants and our Lord. Clothing must cover all undergarments and midriffs. Conduct It is expected that youth and adults will follow the directions of ALL Synergy Staff, Security, and Volunteers. Any instances of lack of cooperation or insubordination will not be tolerated and will be subject to appropriate discipline. All discipline problems regarding teenage participants will be brought to the attention of their Group Leader. Drugs, Alcohol and Weapons All alcohol, drugs and weapons are prohibited from Synergy. All state and local laws concerning alcohol, drugs and weapons will be strictly enforced. Violators will be subject to appropriate discipline and legal procedures. Guests Only registered participants are allowed to participate in Synergy. No guests are allowed. Health Issues In the event of a medical emergency, contact your parish youth minister for immediate assistance. For nonemergency medical needs, all participants will be directed to Synergy’s First Aid Center. This center is available during Synergy’s event hours. Any special needs should be reported on the participants waivers and again prior to check in to any diocesan staff. Ministry The primary role of the chaperone is to minister to the teens. This cannot happen if you are not with them. As a chaperone you must accompany your teens at all times. Adults should not take youth off site, except in the case of emergency. I,______________________________________ (Chaperone), have read, understand, and agree to the above policies. I will support the regulations and policies stipulated for Synergy. I certify that I meet the standards and requirements of my diocese for working with minor age youth. ________________________________________ Adult Chaperone Signature ____________________________ Date Synergy Registration Form Saturday April 11th, 2015 Mater Dei Catholic High School Diocese of San Diego - Office for Youth Ministry THERE IS NO REGISTRATION THE DAY OF SYNERGY 1. 2. 3. 4. A maximum of 10 youths can be registered per 1 paid adult chaperone. Registration fee is $30 per person until March 11th. $35 thru March 25th - Food not included No registrations will be accepted after March 25th. Full Payment is due April 25th. Mail all Checks payable to: Office for Youth Ministry, P.O. Box 85728, San Diego CA. 92186-5728 5. No refunds will be available after March 25th 6. Optional Dinner Coupons can be purchased - $4 or $5 combo 7. Questions call 858-490-8260, fax 858-490-8272, or e-mail [email protected] Please Print Clearly Diocese _______________________________________________________________________ Parish ________________________________________________________________________ School/ Org. ___________________________________________________________________ City___________________________________________________ State __________________ Contact Person: (if attending please include yourself below where applicable) Name ____________________________________________ Day Phone (___) ____________ Address __________________________________________ Eve. Phone (___) ____________ City ___________________________________ State ______________ Zip _______________ Email ________________________________________________________________________ Adult Chaperone: ____________________________________________________ First Name Last Name Registrants (print clearly: check if Adult) Adult Youth First Name _ $30 $35__ Thru Mar. 11 Mar. 11March 25 Last Name $60 $90 $120 $70 $105 $140 $150 $180 $210 $175 $210 $245 $240 $270 $300 $280 $315 $350 $330 $385 Workshop Choice for Group: 1st_____________ 2nd ____________ 3rd ____________ # of Dinner Combos $4 Combo: _______ Waiver Certification: I hereby certify that all youth participants have submitted the required waivers, $5Combo:________ _____________________________ Signature of Parish Representative Total Cost: _______ ______________________________ Printed Name of Parish Representative SYNERGY PRESENTER LIST 2015 (A) PRESENTER: Jamie Cleaton Jamie Cleaton is a local San Diegan who has been led on numerous adventures spanning the globe and now uses those experiences and his passionate speaking to invite young people into the greatest adventure, that of following Christ into fullness of life. Jamie has been active in youth ministry for 10 years and has been speaking professionally since 2008. He has been blessed to speak to thousands of high schoolers and young adults all across the United States (B) PRESENTERS: Jeremy and Ryan Jeremy and Ryan have been recognized as one of the best up and coming Catholic Rock artists today. They are very humbled by the gifts and opportunities that God has given them, and they are excited about what the future holds. (C) PRESENTER: Briana Robell Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.” In life, we have two worlds to figure out: the Work World and the Social World. In the Work World it’s all about grades, classes, and career. In the Social World it’s all about friends, family, love interests, parties, and sex. As a singer and pianist, Bri opens with secular music and reveals a method that will help you discover your uniqueness in a world that’s constantly trying to make you something else. Bri creates a down-to-earth, judgment-free zone that gives clarity when it comes to choosing what’s most beneficial in the Social World. To hear and read more check out Bri’s website at (D) PRESENTERS: Love Resonate Love Resonate is dedicated to making the love of Christ resonate within the hearts of people across the earth. Devoted to worship and ministry; Love, Resonate is comprised of musicians, ministers, and worship leaders. Based in Southern California, they are blessed to share the love of Christ manifested in art, music, and ministry. (E) PRESENTER: Nina Baumgardner Jesus is risen… Got joy? Do you know what joy even is? Come hear about what joy is, where you can find it, and why your life needs it. Nina is the Coordinator of Youth Ministry at St. Therese of Carmel in our very own Diocese of San Diego! PARENTAL/GUARDIAN CONSENT FORM AND LIABILITY WAIVER PARTICIPANT’S NAME: ___________________________________________________________________________________ BIRTH DATE: ___________________________________________________ SEX: _______________ PARENT/GUARDIAN’S NAME: _____________________________________________________________________________ HOME ADDRESS: _________________________________________________________________________________________ HOME PHONE: ( ) _____________________________ MOBILE PHONE: ( ) ________________________________ I, ___________________________________, (parent/guardian) grant permission to ____________________________________, (name of youth) to participate in this parish youth ministry event that requires transportation to a location away from the parish site. This activity will take place under the guidance and direction of parish employees from _________________________ (name of parish). A brief description of the activity follows: Name of event or activity: ____________________________________________________________________________________ Destination of event or activity: _______________________________________________________________________________ Name of individual in charge: ________________________________________________________________________________ Estimated time of departure and return: ________________________________________________________________________ Mode of transportation to and from event: ______________________________________________________________________ As parent and/or legal guardian, I remain legally responsible for any personal actions taken by ______________________ (name of youth). I __________________________, (parent/guardian) agree on behalf of myself, my child’s other parent if known or living, or our heirs, successors, and assignees, to hold harmless and defend________________________ (name of parish), the Diocese of San Diego; its officers, directors, agents, volunteers, chaperones, and representatives associated with the event with respect to any and all actions, claims or demands that may be made or brought against the parish, the Diocese of San Diego; its officers, directors, agents, volunteers, chaperones, and representatives associated with the event, arising from or in connection with my child attending this event or in connection with any illness, injury or cost of medical treatment in connection therewith. I agree to compensate the parish, the Diocese of San Diego; its officers, directors, agents, volunteers, chaperones, and representatives associated with this event for reasonable attorney’s fees and expenses arising in connection therewith. Signature___________________________________________________Date__________________________ MEDICAL MATTERS: I hereby warrant that to the best of my knowledge, my child is in good health, and I assume all responsibility for his/her health. *Of the following statements pertaining to medical matters, sign only those in accordance with your wishes* EMERGENCY MEDICAL TREATMENT: In the event of an emergency, I hereby grant permission to transport my child to a hospital for emergency medical or surgical treatment. I wish to be advised prior to any further treatment administered by the hospital or doctor. In the event of an emergency, if you are unable to reach me at the above numbers, please contact: NAME & RELATIONSHIP: ___________________________________________________________________________________ PHONE: ( ) __________________________________________________________________ (HOME/MOBILE) FAMILY DOCTOR: ________________________________________ PHONE: ( ) ___________________________ FAMILY HEALTH PLAN CARRIER: ___________________________________________________________________________ POLICY NUMBER: _________________________________________________________________________________________ Signature______________________________________ Date_______________________ OTHER MEDICAL TREATMENT: In the event it comes to the attention of the parish, the Diocese of San Diego; its officers, directors, agents, volunteers, chaperones, and representatives associated with the activity that my child becomes ill with symptoms such as headache, vomiting, sore throat, fever or diarrhea, I want to be contacted. Signature ______________________________________ Date_______________________ MEDICATIONS: My child is taking medication at present. My child will bring all medications necessary, and such medications will be well labeled. Names of medications and concise instructions for seeing that the child takes such medications, including dosage and frequency of dosage is as follows: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Signature_______________________________________ Date_______________________ MEDICATIONS: CHOOSE ONE OF THE BELOW LISTINGS: (A OR B) A) No medication of any type whether prescription or non-prescription may be administered to my child unless the situation is lifethreatening and emergency treatment is required. A) Signature_______________________________________ Date_______________________ B) I hereby grant permission for nonprescription medication (such as aspirin, throat lozenges, cough syrup) to be given to my child, if deemed advisable. B) Signature_______________________________________ Date_______________________ SPECIFIC MEDICAL INFORMATION The parish will take reasonable care to see that the following information will be held in confidence. Allergic reactions (medications, foods, plants, insects, etc.)____________________________________________________________ Immunizations: Date of last tetanus/diphtheria immunization: __________________________________________________________ Does child have a medically prescribed diet? _______________________________________________________________________ Any physical limitations? ______________________________________________________________________________________ Is child subject to chronic homesickness, emotional reactions to new situations, sleepwalking, bedwetting, fainting? _________________________________________________________________________________________ Has child recently been exposed to contagious disease or conditions, such as mumps, measles, chickenpox, H1N1, etc.? If so, date and disease or condition: _______________________________________________________________ You should be aware of these special medical conditions of my child: ________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ PHOTO/VIDEO RELEASE I,_________________________________________ (parent/guardian) authorize the Office for Youth Ministry (OYM) of the Catholic Diocese of San Diego, its representatives, or volunteers, to photograph or record on audio or video (tape or digital) __________________________________________ (name of youth) for purposes of furthering the mission of the OYM, in this specific case, the creation of publication materials for adults who participate in ________________________________(event & date). Photos, audio, or video may be used in printed materials and any other visual display or media. I understand that such photos and/or video recordings will be used for OYM related purposes and will not be used for any commercial purpose whatsoever. I therefore hereby waive any kind and all rights I may have for remuneration of any kind that could otherwise accrue for the uses of such photos and/or audio or video recordings. Signature_______________________________________ Date_______________________ CONSENTIMIENTO DEL PADRE/TUTOR EXENCIÓN DE RESPONSABILIDAD E INFORMACION MÉDICA NOMBRE DEL PARTICIPANTE:_____________________________________________________________________________ FECHA DE NACIMIENTO: ___________________________________________________ SEXO: ________________________ NOMBRE DEL PADRE(S) O TUTOR:__________________________________________________________________________ DOMICILIO: ______________________________________________________________________________________________ TELEFONO (CASA): ( ) __________________________TELEFONO (MOBIL): ( ) _______________________________ Yo, ___________________________________, (padre/tutor) otorgo permiso a ____________________________________, (nombre del participante) a que forme parte de este evento parroquial/diocesano del ministerio juvenil. Entiendo que se requiere el transporte a un lugar fuera del sitio parroquial. Este evento se llevara acabo bajo la orientación y dirección de los empleados de la parroquia de _________________________ (nombre de la parroquia). Una breve descripción de el evento sigue: Nombre del Evento: ____________________________________________________________________________________ Lugar del Evento: _______________________________________________________________________________ Nombre del individuo a cargo: ________________________________________________________________________________ Tiempo de partida y retorno: ________________________________________________________________________ Medio de Transporte: ______________________________________________________________________ Como padre y/o tutor legal, permanezco legalmente responsable por cualquier acción personal tomada por ______________________ (nombre del participante). Yo, __________________________, (padre/tutor) estoy de acuerdo en nombre de mi hijo(a), esposo(a), sucesores, herederos, y cesionarios de mantener indemne de toda responsabilidad y defender a ________________________ (nombre de la parroquia), la Diócesis de San Diego; sus funcionarios, directores, agentes, voluntarios, acompañantes, y representantes asociados con el evento; con respecto a cualquier y todas las acciones, reclamaciones o demandas que puedan introducirse, o ya en contra de la parroquia, la Diócesis de San Diego, sus oficiales, directores, agentes, voluntarios, acompañantes y representantes asociados con el evento, que surja de o en conexión con mi niño que asiste a este evento o en conexión con cualquier enfermedad, lesión o costo del tratamiento médico al respecto. Estoy de acuerdo en compensar a la parroquia, la Diócesis de San Diego, sus oficiales, directores, agentes, voluntarios, acompañantes y representantes asociados a este evento, los honorarios razonables de abogados y gastos generados en relación con la misma. Firma_____________________________________________ Fecha__________________________ ASUNTOS MEDICOS: Afirmo que mi hijo(a) está en buena salud, y asumo toda responsabilidad sobre la misma. * Favor de contestar el siguiente cuestionario medico, solo firme aquello que este de acuerdo a sus deseos * TRATAMIENTO MEDICO DE EMERGENCIA: En el caso de una emergencia, yo doy permiso para transportar a mi hijo(a) a un hospital para tratamiento de emergencia médica o quirúrgica. Deseo ser informado antes de cualquier tratamiento adicional administrado por el hospital o el médico. En el caso de una emergencia, si no pueden comunicarse conmigo, favor de llamar: NOMBRE & RELACION: ___________________________________________________________________________________ TELEFONO: ( ) __________________________________________________________________ (CASA/MOBIL) MÉDICO FAMILIAR: ________________________________________ PHONE: ( ) ___________________________ NOMBRE DE ASEGURANZA/PLAN DE SALUD: ________________________________________________________________ NUMERO DE POLIZA: ______________________________________________________________________________________ Firma____________________________________________ Fecha____________________________ OTRO TRATAMIENTO MEDICO: En el caso que algún empleado parroquial, la Diócesis de San Diego, sus oficiales, directores, agentes, voluntarios, acompañantes y representantes asociados con el evento, vea necesaria la administración de medicamento a mi hijo(a) por presentar síntomas tales como dolor de cabeza, vómitos, dolor de garganta, fiebre o diarrea, deseo que me notifiquen inmediatamente antes de administrar cualquier medicamento. Firma _________________________________________ Fecha_____________________________ MEDICAMENTOS: Mi hijo (a) actualmente esta bajo el siguiente tratamiento. Mi hijo (a) se hará cargo de llevar todos sus medicamentos y de tenerlos bien etiquetados. Los nombres de los medicamentos e instrucciones concisas para la administración, dosis y frecuencia es la siguiente: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Firma_______________________________________ Fecha_______________________ MEDICAMENTOS: FAVOR DE ESCOJER UNA DE LAS OPCIONES: (A O B) A) Ningún tipo de medicamento deberá ser administrado al menos que se encuentre la vida de mi hijo (a) en peligro de muerte y sea necesaria atención medica. A) Firma____________________________________ Fecha_______________________ B) Yo otorgo permiso para que se le administre medicamento sin receta a mi hijo (a) como (aspirinas, pastillas para la garganta, jarabe para la tos) si la situación lo amerita. B) Firma____________________________________ Fecha_______________________ DATOS IMPORTANTES MEDICOS La parroquia se tomara el cuidado especial de ver que la siguiente información se mantenga confidencial. Reacciones Alérgicas (medicamentos, comidas, plantas, insectos,etc . ) _________________________________________________ Vacunas: Fecha de la vacuna ante el tétano/difteria: __________________________________________________________ ¿Lleva su hijo (a) una dieta especial? _______________________________________________________________________ ¿Alguna limitación física? _____________________________________________________________________________________ ¿Su hijo (a) padece de nostalgia crónica, reacciones emocionales a las nuevas situaciones, el sonambulismo, orinarse en la cama o desmayos?_________________________________________________________________________________________ ¿Su hijo (a) ha estado expuesto a alguna enfermedad contagiosa o condiciones, como las paperas, el sarampión, la varicela, el H1N1, etc? En caso afirmativo, anote la fecha y la condición o enfermedad: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ También deben de estar conscientes de las siguientes condiciones médicas especiales de mi hijo (a): __________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ FOTO/VIDEO PRENSA Yo ,_________________________________________ (padre /tutor) autorizo a la Oficina de Jóvenes de la Diócesis Católica de San Diego, sus representantes, o voluntarios, para fotografiar o grabar en cinta de audio o vídeo (digital) a __________________________________________ (nombre del participante) con fines de promover la misión del Ministerio de Jóvenes, en este caso específico, la creación de materiales de publicación para los que participan en ________________________________( evento y fecha). Fotos, audio o video puede ser utilizados en materiales impresos y pantallas de visualización o de otros medios de comunicación. Entiendo que este tipo de fotos y / o grabaciones de vídeo se utilizará para fines relacionados con el Ministerio de Jóvenes y no serán utilizados con fines comerciales de ningún tipo. Por lo tanto, la presente renuncio a cualquier tipo y todos los derechos que pueda tener una remuneración de cualquier clase que de otro modo se podrían derivar para los usos de estos tipos de fotos y/o grabaciones de audio o video. Firma______________________________________ Fecha _____________________________________
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