Our Lady of Perpetual Help Catholic Church Rev. Robert B. Borges, Pastor Rev. Craig Plunkett, Parochial Vicar Rev. Adrian Kim, Parochial Vicar Rev. Mr. E. Gary Stevens, Deacon Sister Martha Arteaga, MEMI, Hispanic Ministries 929 Harvard, Clovis, CA 93612 Phone (559) 299-4270 • Fax (559) 299-7126 www.olphclovis.org • e-mail: [email protected] OFFICE HOURS: Monday-Thursday: 9:00am-5:00pm; Friday: 9:00am - 12:00 noon REGULAR MASS SCHEDULE Monday - Thursday: 7:30am - 5:30pm Friday: 8:45am Saturday: 7:30am, 5:30pm (Vigil) Sunday: 6:30am, 8:00am (Español), 9:30am, 11:00am, 12:30pm, 2:30pm (Divine Liturgy), 4:00pm (Korean), 5:30pm CONFESSIONS (Chapel) Every Saturday of the month 4:00pm - 5:00pm First Saturday of the month 11:00am - 12:00 noon AND 4:00pm - 5:00pm OLPH School Principal, Patrick Dodd 836 Dewitt, Clovis, CA 93612 • (559) 299-7504 www.olphschool.net Summer Office Hours Monday - Friday: 8:00am - 4:00pm OUR MISSIONS Divine Mercy Infant Jesus of Prague Clovis East High School Multi-purpose Room 2940 N. Leonard, Clovis, CA • (559) 374-2242 MASS SCHEDULE Sunday: 8:30am, 10:30am 32054 Whispering Springs Rd. Tollhouse, CA 93667 • (559) 855-4659 CONFESSIONS 7:45am - 8:15am on Sunday MASS SCHEDULE Saturday: 6:00pm (Vigil) CONFESSIONS Before Mass St. Anthony Zaccaria July 5 St. Maria Goretti July 6 ftvÜtÅxÇàáB`táá \ÇàxÇà|ÉÇáBcÜtçxÜá The Sacrament of Matrimony The following couples will marry in the coming weeks: Rafael Farias & Sylvia Tinoco Julio Cisneros & Sara Arguello If you know of any canonical reason for them not to be married, please contact the parish office . Saturday, July 4 9:00am (Daily) 5:30pm (Vigil) 6:00pm (IJOP) Sunday, July 5 6:30am 8:00am (Español) 8:30am (Divine Mercy) 9:30am 10:30am (Divine Mercy) 11:00am 12:30pm 5:30pm GN 27:1-5, 15-29; MT 9:14-17 Pat Mustro † Ernie Dalton † The Longenecker Family EZ 2:2-5; 2 COR 12:7-10; MK 6:1-6A OLPH Parishioners Jose & Gloria Avila Katherine Phillips † Nathaniel Schultz Jose Lara Lara † The Holy Souls in Purgatory Al Price † Elizabeth Huerta † Baptisms Baptismal Coordinator: Jacqui Ramirez, 299-4270, ext. 104 Parents should contact the Parish Office for the required documentation for scheduling a baptism. Those interested in attending Baptismal Preparation Class must register in the Parish Office. Matrimony The bride or groom should make an appointment with one of our priests at least six months in advance. Matrimonio La novia o novio necesitan hacer una cita con nuestro Párroco por lo menos de seis meses por adelantado. Wednesday, July 8 7:30am 5:30pm Thursday, July 9 7:30am 5:30pm Friday, July 10 8:45am Saturday, July 11 Memorial of Saint Benedict, Abbot 7:30 am (Daily) 5:30pm (Vigil) 6:00pm (IJOP) Sunday, July 12 Monday, July 6 7:30am 5:30pm Tuesday, July 7 7:30am 5:30pm GN 28:10-22A; MT 9:18-26 Pat Quinto † Jim Easton GN 32:23-33; MT 9:32-38 Albert Price † Frank Borges † Mass Intentions are a beautiful way to pray for our loved ones—both those who have died and those who are still here with us. The suggested offering is $10, and requests may be made at the parish office. Page 2 6:30am 8:00am (Español) 8:30am (Divine Mercy) 9:30am 10:30am (Divine Mercy) 11:00am 12:30pm 5:30pm GN 41:55-57; 42:5-7A, 17-24A; MT 10:1-7 John Spatafore † Kitty Chavez † GN 44:18-21, 23B-29; 45:1-5; MT 10:7-15 Br. Matthew Floro Miss Ana Hick † GN 46:1-7, 28-30; MT 10:16-23 Tony C. Semas † GN 49:29-32; 50:15-26A; MT 10:24-33 Lidia Sandoval Julio Rivera AM 7:12-15; EPH 1:3-14 or EPH 1:3-10; MK 6:7-13 Chici Cuttings Filemon Diaz † Fr. Craig Plunkett Enrique Olliver OLPH Parishioners Sally Kraschel † Daniel Nation Intenciones de las Misas son una hermosa manera de rezar por nuestros seres amados-tanto los que han muerto y los que todavía están aquí con nosotros. La ofrenda sugerida es de $10.00, y las solicitudes se puede hacer en la oficina parroquial. July 5, 2015 Blessed Emmanuel Ruiz & Companions July 7 St. Gregory Grassi & Companions July 8 ctÜ|á{ \ÇyÉÜÅtà|ÉÇ Es mado P. Robert, Sacerdotes, Diácono y Parroquianos, Dear Fr. Robert, Priests, Deacon and Parishioners, Once more the Sisters and I thank you for your love, support, generosity and friendship given us in the fi y-two years we were at OLPH parish and school. Most of us came to Clovis when we were young Sisters in our mid-twen es. In many ways, our me in Clovis made us who we are today. You helped us grow in our voca ons and helped us grow in the love of God as we ministered to you. You have become part of our lives. In leaving OLPH we take with us many wonderful memories. You were so pa ent and kind as we learned English. You are in our hearts and will not be forgo en. We pray that Our Lady of Perpetual Help always guide you. God bless you abundantly. Otra vez, las Hermanas y yo les agradecemos el amor, el apoyo, la generosidad y la amistad que nos han dado en los cincuenta y dos años que hemos estado en la Parroquia y la escuela de OLPH. La mayoría de nosotras vinimos a Clovis cuando éramos Hermanas jóvenes en mediados de los años veinte. En muchos aspectos, nuestro empo en Clovis nos hizo lo que somos hoy. Ustedes nos ayudaron a crecer en nuestra vocación y crecer en el amor de Dios, mientras ministramos a ustedes. Se han conver do en parte de nuestras vidas. Al dejar OLPH llevamos connosotras muchos recuerdos maravillosos. Fueron tan pacientes y amables cuando aprendimos el inglés. Ustedes están en nuestros corazones yno serán olvidados. Oramos para que Nuestra Señora del Perpetuo Socorro siempre los guiará. Que Dios los bendiga abundantemente. With sincere gra tude, Sister Isabel and Sisters of the Immaculate Concep on. Our Lady of Perpetual Help Adult Faith Forma on presents… Catholic Scripture Study Interna onal “The Book of Ruth” Experience Chris an truth in a majes c way using the texts and materials of Dr. Sco Hahn and Mark Shea and the DVD presenta ons of Fr. Sco Courtney! Final Session July 7, 2015 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. Notre Dame Hall BEREAVEMENT MINISTRY Our Lady of Perpetual Help Women’s Bible Study Let us join together in prayer and study to spiritually prepare for the upcoming Sunday’s Mass! Wednesday mornings 10:00 – 11:00 am Notre Dame Hall small room Please bring your Bible and an open heart! Ques ons? Please contact Karen Mentlewski at (559) 313-2032. [email protected] ST. MARTHA’S PANTRY Those who have suffered a loss of a Located behind Notre Dame Hall. Hours: loved one are invited to join our Mondays & Saturdays: 9:00am - 12:00 noon support group on the second and fourth Thursdays: 4:00pm - 7:00pm Tuesdays of the month at 6:30pm in Case Maas, Operations Manager • 260-1056 Harvard House. Mary Shute, Student Coordinator • 299-5369 Maureen Barile * 291-7970 Pat Peck, Produce Coordinator • 360-9763 Irene Aparicio * 291-4966 Pantry Phone • 298-8808 July 5, 2015 Con sincero agradecimiento, Sor Isabel y Las Hermanas de la Inmaculada Concepción. Our altar flowers were donated by the Padua Family in memory of Francisco Sr. & Florencia Padua. Next week, we will have our regular second collec on for our building fund. RAPHAEL HEALTH MINISTRY Located in Harvard House, this ministry provides health education, home visitation, and blood pressure checks. Open Mondays & Wednesdays 9:00am - 12:00 noon Roxanna Stevens, RN/Faith Community Nurse www.olphclovis.org/raphael Phone • 298-5443 Page 3 St. Augustine Zhao Rong & Companions July 9 St. Veronica Giuliani July 10 j{tà jxËÜx hÑ gÉ OLPH Vacation Bible School Notre Dame Hall July 27 – July 31, 2015 9:00 am – noon each day Preschool (4 yrs. old) 8th Grade (in the fall) (Are you younger than 4? Bring an adult with you!) (Financial arrangements available – see Karen) Bible Stories + Cra s + Snacks + Songs + Games We’re looking for Teachers, Adult Assistants, Youth Leaders (9th grade in fall on up!) and Ar sts who can transform our hall into Mt. Everest!! Opera on Kid to Kid-our fundraiser for the earthquake vic ms of Nepal! Please contact Karen Mentlewski 313-2032 [email protected] “By following Jesus’ new Commandment of unselfish love, our lives can be richly fulfilling, and marked by joy and peace. In contrast, trea ng others as either means or obstacles to one’s self-serving goals, while never learning to love generously, is an impoverished way to live.” Cardinal Daniel N. DiNardo [Former] Chairman, Commi ee on Pro-Life Ac vi es Statement for Respect Life Month, September 26, 2011 Life, Marriage and Religious Liberty. Join the Movement! www.usccb.org/pray July 5, 2015 Page 4 St. Benedict July 11 Sts. John Jones & John Wall July 12 `ÉÜx ZÉÉw fàâyy “Come and See!” Vocations Retreat THE DIOCESE OF FRESNO INVITES YOU TO PARTICIPATE IN A “COME AND SEE” RETREAT FOR MEN WHO ARE DISCERNING A CALL TO THE PRIESTHOOD. We encourage you to consider volunteering this summer in one of our ministries. We are in need of Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, especially at our 5:30 evening Masses and our 12:30pm Mass. We are also in need of addi onal Lectors and Ushers at these Masses. Please consider sharing your gi of me and talent, and see Elaine in the parish office, or call the number on the back of the bulle n for further informa on. Two weeks to Signup for Retrouvaille – Do you feel alone? Are you frustrated or angry with each other? Do you argue … or have you just stopped talking to each other? Does talking about it only make it worse? This program has helped 10’s of 1,000’s of couples experiencing marital difficulty at all levels including disillusionment and deep misery. For confiden al informa on about or to register for the July program in Bakersfield beginning with a weekend on July 10-12 call 661-747-2212 or email: [email protected] or visit the web site at www.HelpOurMarriage.com Today’s readings talk about the hardness of heart of God’s people and their lack of faith. What is the soil of our heart like? Open your heart to God and allow Him to transform your life and your marriage. Sign up today to a end one of the upcoming Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekends on July 17-19, 2015 at St. Anthony’s Retreat Center in Three Rivers, California or October 23-25, 2015 at the Saint Francis Retreat Center in San Juan Bau sta, California. For more informa on call Mary Jo and Rich Castello, at 831-704-6322 ([email protected]) or register online at centralcawwme.org. Page 5 FRIDAY, July 31st - SUNDAY, AUG. 2nd 2015 ST ANTHONY RETREAT CENTER, THREE RIVERS, CA DONATION OF $20 (Scholarships available for those who need help.) FOR ALL YOUNG MEN BETWEEN THE AGES OF 17-45 . Must be pre-registered to par cipate. Registra on forms due by 7/24/15. Contact: VOCATIONS OFFICE 1550 N. Fresno St., Fresno, CA 93703 EMAIL: voca ons@dioceseoffresno.org Flyers can be found at the office or in the ves bules. “Ven y Veras” Retiro Vocacional ¿TE GUSTARIA SER SACERDOTE? LA DIOCESIS DE FRESNO TE INVITA A VIVIR LA EXPERIENCIA DE UN PRESEMINARIO (RETIRO VOCACIONAL PARA HOMBRES QUE ESTAN DISCERNIENDO UNA LLAMADA AL SACERDOCIO.) VIERNES, 31 de ulio - DOMINGO 2 de agosto de 2015 Centro de Re ros de San Antonio en Three Rivers, CA. Se pide una donación 00000.pequeña de $20 para par cipar (hay becas para los que necesitan ayuda) Para todos los hombres solteros entre las edades de 1745. Por favor devuelvan este panfleto con toda la información requerida por fax o por co-rreo al dirección abajo antes del 24 de Julio del 2015 para poder par cipar en el preseminario. Tiene que traer la firma de su párroco, por favor. OFICINA DE VOCACIONES: 1550 N. Fresno St., Fresno, CA 93703 EMAIL: voca ons@dioceseoffresno.org “The complementarity of man and woman… is the root of marriage and family.” #LoveLikeFrancis July 5, 2015 OLPH Kids fàtyy tÇw bÜztÇ|étà|ÉÇá PARISH STAFF 299-4270 Director of Religious Educa on [email protected] Director of Liturgy and Music [email protected] Coordinator of Parish Opera ons [email protected] Administra ve Asst., Religious Educa on [email protected] Sister Martha Arteaga, MEMI Coordinator of Hispanic Ministries [email protected] Karen Mentlewski Elaine Bauer Jacqui Ramirez Lidia Rivera 313-2032 307-4216 ext. 104 326-7198 930-8295 MINISTRIES Liturgical Altar Servers Eucharis c Ministry Lectors Music Ushers/Greeters Mark and Dee Schultz Greg Lucas Deacon Gary Stevens Elaine Bauer Parish Office 559-291-4546 559-351-9230 559-299-4270 559-307-4216 559-299-4270 Maureen Barile Irene Aparicio Miguel/Martha Herrera Veronica Fortunato Linda Garcia Roxanna Stevens Marty and Denise Ouelle e Dave & Sylvia Langton Lupe & Maria Arredondo Case Maas 559-291-7970 559-291-4966 559-341-8733 559-917-7106 559-392-2119 559-298-5443 559-323-8215 559-324-7149 559-935-1424 559-260-1056 [email protected] Parish Ministries Bereavement Ministry Encuentro Matrimonial Natural Family Planning Raphael Health Ministry Retrouvaille Retrouvaille en Español St. Martha’s Pantry www.HelpOurMarriage.com [email protected] [email protected] PARISH GROUPS AND ORGANIZATIONS Boy Scouts (Boys Ages 11-18) Brownies/Girl Scouts Catholic Daughters Cub Scouts (Boys Grades 1-5) Cursillos Grupo de Oración Italian Catholic Federa on Journey Youth Group Knights of Columbus Korean Community Liaison Men’s Fellowship Mom’s Group Open Door Prayer Group Our Lady’s Guild Perpetual Helpers Silver Foxes Sociedad Guadalupana The Legion of Mary The Workshop Robert Hillis Jennifer Summers Kim Cochran Dean Posey William Quintana Pablo Garcia Petra Garcia Maria Torres Tina Torres Jessie Budd Erin Wink Mike Tillinghast, Grand Knight Bob Yoon Bart Devlin Nhuha Dizon Mary Pat Larralde Virginia Corpus Fred Borjas Dorothy S ers Veronica Roebuck Angelo and LeAnne Lavagnino Consuelo Gallegos Barbara Gray Madeline Conatser 559-392-0149 559-285-6336 559-288-9635 559-930-3753 559-618-1764 831-682-0394 559-341-6719 559-314-5146 559-240-6724 559-930-8043 559-977-6616 559-243-6404 [email protected] [email protected] www.olph-pack4.org [email protected] 559-323-7387 or 559-696-8031 559-325-9281 [email protected] 559-325-1998 559-392-0899 559-994-8828 a [email protected] 559-292-9533 dorothys ers@a .net 559-229-3345 559-298-3625 angelolavagnino@a .net 559-593-0378 [email protected] 559-349-9434 Barbara@tylerconstruc on.net 559-297-0149
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