PLEASE TURN OFF YOUR CELL PHONE Before & DURING MASS 615 Vine Avenue Roseville, CA 95678 916-783-5211 916-783-5212 (Fax) Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe November 22, 2015 Discussions for ALL Ages Reading 1 Reflection Daniel 7:13-14 Once again we share the visions of the prophet Daniel. He sees "one like a son of man" coming from the heavens into the presence of God. This Messiah king receives from God the Father power and kingship over all nations. His rule is universal and it lasts forever. No one can take it away from him. "Son of Man" later became a title of the Messiah. Jesus applied this title to himself. The Messiah was also thought of as a king. When Jesus was on trial before the high priest, he quoted the vision of Daniel to describe himself. Reading 2 Revelation 1:5-8 Reflection We are delighted whenever someone we love is honored. In this reading from the beginning of the Book of Revelation, the inspired author has a vision of the second coming of Jesus Christ. He comes in the clouds as the "ruler of the kings of earth." He is the "First and the Last, the Beginning and the End." He is the faithful witness to God's promises and the first to rise from the dead. Now he is honored as a crucified and risen King. On this triumphant feast day we rejoice in Christ's kingship. And we give thanks that Jesus has made of us a royal priesthood to serve our God and Father. Gospel Reflection Gospel John 18:33b-37 What kind of king is Jesus? In this reading from the passion story in John's Gospel, Jesus provides us with his own answer. Pontius Pilate was the Roman official who held power in Palestine. He asks Jesus if he is the king of the Jews. Pilate really wants to know whether Jesus might be part of a Jewish revolt against Roman rule. Jesus assures Pilate that his kingdom is not of this world. He is not one who rules by force. However he is a king who came into the world to "testify to the truth." All who recognize him as "the way and the truth and the life" will hear his voice (John 14:6). As the Church year comes to a close, we are grateful for the ways in which we have heard our King's voice in the liturgy this year. We consider how to live the words of Jesus more faithfully as the circle of the new liturgical year begins. [email protected] PARISH Mission Statement We, the family of St. Rose of Lima Catholic Parish, are called by virtue of our baptism and guided by the Holy Spirit to be disciples of Jesus. As disciples of Jesus, we are dedicated to foster the growth of God’s Kingdom on earth by praising God and living the Gospel values of love, justice, forgiveness and service to all. Discussion Questions for Reading 1 Today is the Feast of Our Lord Jesus Christ the King. In this reading from Daniel, we can see Jesus as the Son of Man who receives kingship from God the Father. What do we learn from Daniel about the Son of Man's kingship? How is Jesus different from any worldly king or leader? What are some of the qualities you admire in Christ our King? What ideas do you have about how we can best honor Christ the King? Discussion Questions for Reading 2 The feast of Christ the King reminds us that to be a disciple of Jesus in today's world we should be able to recognize the "signs of the times." What "signs of the times" are you most aware of? How do you respond if the sign is negative? Give an example and suggest how you might change a negative sign of the times into something positive. Discussion Questions for Gospel Trial scenes are often dramatized in movies and on TV. Imagine that you are a Roman soldier who is present at Pilate's official residence as the prisoner Jesus of Nazareth is being questioned. What might you think when you heard Jesus' answer to Pilate's question, "Are you the king of the Jews?" Why might you be surprised when you heard Jesus describe his kingdom? How might you respond when you heard why Jesus had come into the world? How do you think you would feel about this prisoner-king who was facing a possible death sentence? What are some of the ways people your age can show that they are committed to Jesus as the way, the truth and the life? How can you give evidence that Jesus rules in your life? Exploring the Sunday Readings FIRST READING: Daniel 7:13-14 ( November 22, 2015 His kingship shall not be destroyed. How many great authorities have you managed to outgrow, and in how many arenas are you now the one wielding power over others? SECOND READING: Revelation 1:5-8 . “I am the Alpha and the Omega, says the Lord God. What is your first reaction ot a new thing? Has this response changed as you’ve aged? ‘Gospel: John 18:33B-37 “But as it is, my kingdom is not here.” What are the most reliable sources of truth for you? How often does hearing the truth cost you something dear? As the weather grows colder and the leaves fall, and Thanksgiving and Christmas approach, it is natural that our thoughts turn to those whom we have loved who are no longer with us. How appropriate, then, that the Catholic Church offers us November, which begins with All Saints Day and All Souls Day, as the Month of the Holy Souls in Purgatory—those who have died in grace, yet who failed in this life to make satisfaction for all of their sins. In recent years, perhaps no Catholic doctrine has been more misunderstood by Catholics themselves than the doctrine of Purgatory. Consequently, we tend to downplay it, even seem a little embarrassed by it, and it is the Holy Souls who suffer because of our discomfort with the doctrine. Purgatory is not, as many people think, one last trial; all of those who make it to Purgatory will one day be in Heaven. Purgatory is where those who have died in grace, but who have not fully atoned for the temporal punishments resulting from their sins, go to finish their atonement before entering Heaven. A soul in Purgatory may suffer, but he has the assurance that he will ultimately enter Heaven when his punishment is complete. Catholics believe Purgatory is an expression of God's love, His desire to cleanse our souls of all that might keep us from experiencing the fullness of joy in Heaven. As Christians, we don't travel through this world alone. Our salvation is wrapped up with the salvation of others, and charity requires us to come to their aid. The same is true of the Holy Souls. In their time in Purgatory, they can pray for us, and we should pray for the faithful departed that they may be freed from the punishment for their sins and enter into Heaven. We should pray for the dead throughout the year, especially on the anniversary of their death, but in this Month of the Holy Souls, we should devote some time every day to prayer for the dead. We should start with those closest to us—our mother and father, for instance—but we should also offer prayers for all the souls, and especially for those most forsaken. We believe that those Holy Souls for whom we pray will continue to pray for us after they have been released from Purgatory. If we live Christian lives, we too will likely find ourselves in Purgatory someday, and our acts of charity toward the Holy Souls there now will ensure that they remember us before the throne of God when we are most in need of prayers. It's a comforting thought, and one that should encourage us, especially in this month of November, to offer our prayers for the Holy Souls. Kick off for St. Rose of Lima Parish Christmas Basket Program Thanksgiving Day is the beginning of our annual St. Rose Parish Christmas Basket program, sponsored by the Knights of Columbus. Please bring your non-perishable food items to the Thanksgiving Day Mass and, as tradition goes, you will be invited to bring your food items up to the altar during Mass. Cash/Checks donations are also welcomed and needed. Starting Saturday, Nov 28th, the Christmas Tree Angels will be in the back of the church, anxiously awaiting you to take them shopping for the children in need. Toys and gifts, canned and non-perishable food, gently-used clothes and household items will be collected through Dec 18th. We thank you for your generous support of the St. Rose of Lima Parish Christmas basket program, which provides families in need with a nutritional Christmas meal and gifts for their children. For those requesting assistance, applications will be take after each Sunday morning Mass on Nov 29th and again on Monday, Nov 30th, at 5pm until gone. Please bring proof of address. Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe November 22, 2015 CHRISTMAS SEASON SCHEDULE PENANCE SERVICES: ♦ Wednesday, December 9, 2015—St. Joseph, Lincoln - 7:00 PM ♦ Thursday, December 10, 2015—St. Rose of Lima, Roseville - 7:00 PM ♦ Monday, December 14, 2015—Holy Family, Citrus Heights—7:00 PM ♦ Thursday, December 17, 2015—Ss Peter & Paul, Rocklin - 7:00 PM ♦ Tuesday, December 22, 2015—St. Clare, Roseville - 6:30 PM FEAST of the IMMACULATE CONCEPTION—Holy Day of Obligation December 8, 2015 ♦ Masses: 6:30, 8:00 and 9:30 AM; 5:30 PM ; 7:00 PM in Spanish CHRISTMAS EVE MASS SCHEDULE: Thursday, December 24, 2015 ♦ 4:00 PM Masses will be held in both the Church and the Parish Hall ♦ 6:00 PM Christmas Vigil Mass ♦ 7:30 PM Spanish Mass ♦ 11:30 PM Midnight Mass CHRISTMAS DAY MASS SCHEDULE: please note times ♦ 8:00 AM ♦ 10:30 AM ♦ 12:30 PM—Spanish Mass SOLEMNITY of MARY MOTHER of GOD: Holy Day of Obligation ♦ VIGIL MASSES (12/31/15) - 5:30 PM (English) and 7:00 PM (Spanish) ♦ HOLY DAY - January 1, 2016—8:00 & 10:30 AM; 12:30 PM (Spanish) Horario de Festividades Viernes 11 de diciembre: 6:30 PM Advocaciones (Salón) 7:30 PM Grupo Azteca (Salón) 9:00 PM Santo Rosario (Templo) 11:00 PM Serenata (Templo) Sábado 12 de diciembre: 5:00 AM—Mañanitas (Templo) 6:00 AM—Misa 7:00 AM—Procesión Virgen de Guadalupe NOVENA MASSES: Mass/Posada • 6:00 PM December 15-18 • 7:00 PM December 19 • 12:30 PM December 20 • 6:00 PM December 21-23 Mass/Simbang Gabi • 7:00 PM December 15-18 • 7:00 PM December 19 (Parish Hall) • 7:00 PM December 20-23 EARLY BULLETIN NOTICES: For weekend of 11/28-29 : Monday 11/23@9am For weekend of 12/5-6: Monday 11/30 @ 9am For weekend of 12/12-13: Friday 12/4 @ Noon For weekend of 12/19-20: Friday 12/10 @ Noon For weekend of 12/26-27: Monday 12/17 @ 9AM For weekend of 1/2-3/16: Monday 12/21 @ 9AM Parish Office CLOSINGS: Thursday and Friday November 26-27 (Thanksgiving) Thursday and Friday December 24-25 (Christmas) Friday January 1, 2016 (New Year’s Day) Monday, January 18, 2016 (MLK Holiday) Monday, February 15, 2016 (President’s Day) November 22, 2015 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION / FAITH FORMATION Life Teen: Sunday, November 22nd teens are welcome to come and hangout at the Youth House. We will be watching a movie and socializing. Sunday, November 29th NO LIFE TEEN. Happy Thanksgiving! EDGE: Wednesday, November 25th NO EDGE. Happy Thanksgiving! Wednesday, December 9th we are talking about our last Corporal Work of Mercy for the semester: “Burying the Dead .” Religious Education—Faith Formation 2015-2016 Season Meets Wednesday, and/or Sunday call the Religious Education Office at 783-5211 ext. 7010 CHILDREN’s LITURGY of the WORD The Sunday 9AM Mass Dismissal for Children’s Liturgy has resumed. Mass Changes: Thanksgiving Day: 8AM and 10:00 AM Friday, November 27th 8:00 AM ONLY Thanksgiving Day Masses will be celebrated at 8 am and 10 am. At these Masses, all are welcome to bring nonperishable foods to the altar during the Offertory. Thanksgiving envelope contributions collected through the Offertory and the foods donated will be given to our parish Christmas Basket program to help feed the families adopted. Additional Thanksgiving envelopes are available at the entrances of the Church RCIA: The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults is a process by which a person becomes initiated into the Catholic Church. RCIA is also known as the Catechumenate. At the weekly gatherings Faith is experienced and teachings of the Church are shared. Sessions have began. Formation and Information Sessions are held in the B-2 Room from 7-9 PM. on Mondays. Call Dona to r egister or for mor e infor mation: 916-783-5211 ext 7010. Still time to register! The Koffee Bar, sponsored by ACTS, will be open after all Masses this morning. Come on over for something hot and wonderful. Specialty coffees, such as Pumpkin Spice, regular coffee, hot chocolate, tea and Pan Dulce will be on tap. Today we are featuring fresh, homemade tamales for only $2.50 each. Supply is limited so come on over and enjoy all the goodies and the company of your fellow St. Rose parishioners. Thanks For Giving Celebration November 26– Thanksgiving Dinner at 3PM Reservations being accepted Now OPEN TO ALL PARISHIONERS 916-783-5211 ext. 7010 Donations of turkeys, pies, appetizers and gourds Will be Gratefully Received Helping hands are always welcome! Our Lord Jesus Christ the King November 22, 2015 Jesus Christ is the faithful witness, the firstborn of the dead and ruler of the kings of the earth. - Revelation 1:5 Homeless Lunches: Thank you to all who have contributed, the larder is swelling, but there is still room! We need pre-packaged foods in order to continue our program. Jams, Jelly, Peanut Butter, Pre pack cookies, chips, crackers, also pre-packed veggies, fruit, anything prepackaged for individual use is needed. If there is a way you could help, or need more information, please contact Dona: 916-783-5211 ext. 7010. Front Office Volunteers Needed We have a wonderful group of ladies who are so gracious to give their time and talents to provide a warm welcome and help process your requests at our front desk. Effortlessly and tirelessly they fill in at their time slot and help us help you. We thank each one of them! At this time we are in need of more volunteers. We have openings on Monday afternoon from 1-4pm, Wednesday mornings from 8:30-Noon, Thursday mornings from 10-Noon. We are also looking to train one or two fill-ins, volunteers who would be on call or able to fill in for vacations of other volunteers. Training provided! If you have some time to fill, contact Deborah at the Parish office. 916-783-5211 Ext. 7008. COATS FOR KIDS Girl Scouts of Troop 3988 are collecting coats to help Roseville children in need again this winter. Over the last three years, St. Rose families have donated almost 700 coats. Your generosity is greatly appreciated! New or gently used coats of any size can be donated in the Church vestibule until Dec. 7th. Bud's Dry Cleaners has generously offered to clean all donated coats. The Girl Scouts will deliver the coats to St. Rose and St. Vincent de Paul for distribution. Please contact Debbie Chiu at 916-303-6064 with any questions. Donut Lady Retires! Better known to all as “Judy B”! Judy Battaglia (and Tom) have done donut Sunday here at St. Rose of Lima for MANY, MANY, MANY YEARS! Judy says it’s time…. Time for her to step back, Time to train a replacement! ARE YOU READY FOR THE CHALLENGE? This is a ONCE a Month Gig with SUMMERs OFF!!! Please contact Deborah at the Parish Office for more information or to volunteer! Team up with a friend! Judy’s last Donut event will be this December! Christmas Cards The Knights of Columbus will be selling Christmas Cards after all the Sunday morning Masses. Please remember to purchase religious cards to “Keep Christ in Christmas.” Respect Life Meeting- At 1109 Terra Way, Roseville ( Joan's house) , This Wednesday Nov 11 at 6:30pm. Respect Life Mass-2nd Saturday every month @8am, "remember to wear your blue Respect Life Tee shirts!" Praying in front of Planned Parenthood on Sunrise Blvd (next to creek bridge), in Roseville every Thursday @9am "JOIN US, RAIN OR SHINE, it is a CHRISTIAN happening!" UPCOMING EVENTS - February : Bishop Gallegos Maternity Home Baby Shower RACHAEL'S VINEYARD Is a ministry that holds retreats for healing after Abortion, their web site is . Our Respect Life Ministry is willing to sponsor a parishioner or a parishioners family member who needs assistance covering the expense. For more information contact Joan Donohue at [email protected] or 916-417-1071. Today’s Readings Mass Intentions November 22, 2015 Masses November 21, 2015—November 28, 2015 + = Deceased Requested by: SATURDAY, November 21, 2015 5:00 p.m. Ivan Ruff + Angelo Maraccini + 7:00 p.m. Para todos nuestros enfermos SUNDAY, November 22, 2015 7:30 a.m. Louigi & Marcello Novi Albert & Elizabeth Botti+ Carlos & George Carreras 9:00 a.m. Lidell Atanfcio + Lance & Julie Velez 10:30 a.m. People of the Parish Gene Rexford + 12:30 p.m. Para todos nuestros enfemos 5:00 p.m. Adison Alvia + Amy Lynne Novi Family Family Dad Fidelis Michele Vela Pamela MONDAY, November 23, 2015 6:30 a.m. In Memory of all those killed in Paris 8:00 a.m. Asuncion Cavanna Family TUESDAY, November 24, 2015 6:30 a.m. For all who are traveling this holiday 8:00 a.m. Special Intentions WEDNESDAY, November 25, 2015 6:30 a.m. Mrs. Christie Mounkes, Birthday Kristina Love + 8:00 a.m. Ethan Joseph Vn Dao, healing 6:30 p.m. Para todos nuestros enfermos READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Dn 1:1-6, 8-20; Dn 3:52-56; Lk 21:1-4 Tuesday: Dn 2:31-45; Dn 3:57-61; Lk 21:5-11 Wednesday: Dn 5:1-6, 13-14, 16-17, 23-28; Dn 3:62-67; Lk 21:12-19 Thursday: Dn 6:12-28; Dn 3:68-74; Lk 21:20-28 Thanksgiving Day, Suggested:Sir 50:22-24; Ps 145:2-11; 1 Cor 1:3-9; Lk 17:11-19 Friday: Dn 7:2-14; Dn 3:75-81; Lk 21:29-33 Saturday: Dn 7:15-27; Dn 3:82-87; Lk 21:34-36 Sunday: Jer 33:14-16; Ps 25:4-5, 8-10, 14; 1 Thes 3:12 — 4:2; Lk 21:25-28, 34-36 School Amy Family THURSDAY, November 26, 2015 THANKSGIVING DAY 8:00 a.m. Thanksgiving Day Mass 10:00 a.m. Laurie Ann Var + Ellie & John Monnat & Hayes VarFamily Ellen FRIDAY, November 27, 2015 6:30 a.m. For all who are traveling this holiday 8:00 a.m. In Thanksgiving for all we have SATURDAY, November 28, 2015 8:00 a.m. ICF 5:00 p.m. Pat DeVilbius + D.D. Tracy Lynn Trimble + Mother 7:00 p.m. Para todos nuestros enfermos Adoration will be held only on the FIRST SATURDAY, Monthly. TODAY’S READINGS First Reading — One like a Son of man received dominion, glory, and kingship (Daniel 7:13-14). Psalm — The Lord is king; he is robed in majesty (Psalm 93). Second Reading — Jesus Christ is the faithful witness, the firstborn of the dead (Revelation 1:5-8). Gospel — For this I came into the world, to testify to the truth (John 18:33b-37). The English translation of the Psalm Responses from the Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved. SECOND COLLECTIONS: Make checks payable to St. Rose of Lima Saturday/Sunday—November 21-22— Offertory Campaign for Human Development Thanksgiving Day—November 26th—Offertory Only (Thanks) Saturday/Sunday—November 28-29—Offertory Only Saturday/Sunday—December 5-6—Offertory / Maintenance Tuesday —December 8—Holy Day of Obligation Saturday/Sunday—December 12-13—Offertory Don’t forget Faith Direct! Collection for the Catholic Campaign for Human Development to be taken up in parishes Nov. 21-22 Working on the Margins The national collection for the Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) will take place parishes in the Diocese of Sacramento this weekend. The theme of this year’s collection is “CCHD: Working on the Margins.” “In the Gospel of Luke, Jesus told his disciples, ‘Go out quickly into the streets and alleys of the town and bring in here the poor and the crippled, the blind and the lame.’ This is the mission of CCHD (Lk 14:15-24),” said Bishop Jaime Soto of Sacramento, chairman of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ (USCCB) Subcommittee on the Catholic Campaign for Human Development. “CCHD works on the margins, alongside our brothers and sisters to bring new hope, build community, and address the root causes of poverty,” said Bishop Soto. “With its focus on long-term solutions, CCHD transforms the lives of families and communities in need, bringing them to the table of God’s Kingdom of justice, love and peace.” This national collection is the primary source of funding the CCHD’s anti-poverty grants and education programs working to provide lasting solutions for the estimated 46 million people who live in poverty in the United States. Twenty-five percent of funds collected remain in each diocese to support local anti-poverty projects. Our Lord Jesus Christ, the King - November 22, 2015 CLERGY SCHEDULE OF MASSES Weekdays 6:30 a.m. 8:00 a.m. Wednesday 6:30 p.m. (Spanish) Saturday 8:00 a.m. 5:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. (Spanish) Sunday 7:30 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 5:00 p.m. 12:30 p.m. (Spanish) CONFESSION ADORATION Saturday 3:00 p.m.—4:30 p.m. Wednesdays 5:00-6:00 p.m. First Saturday 6:30 a.m.-7:30 a.m. 8:30-4:00 Contact Deacon Mark Van Hook or Celebrant for preparation & scheduling, ext.7014 or for Spanish Weddings contact Fr. Antonio at ext. 7016, or Celebrant. QUINCEAÑERAS Make arrangements with Fr. Antonio Ace Racela at ext. 7016, or Celebrant of the Mass. NOTE: Weddings and/or Quinceañeras are not scheduled without your first contacting the Clergy. We ask that you contact them at least 6 months in advance to coordinate the Church and Clergy calendars. ST. ROSE PARISH SCHOOL (916) 782-1161 633 Vine Ave. Roseville, CA 95678 BAPTISM COORDINATORS AVAILABLE: Monday—Wednesday, 11AM-3:30 PM ONLY. Thursdays—10AM-1PM, ONLY. SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM: for questions please call 916-783-5211, ext. 7013 Worry Worry is like a rocking chair. It will give you something to do, but it won’t get you anywhere. —anynomous New Parishioner Change of Information 783-5211 x7012 Fr. Antonio Ace Racela Vicario Parroquial 783-5211 x7016 Fr. Michael Cormack Pastor Emeritus Fr. Michael McKeon Pastor Emeritus Deacon Pete Silott 783-5211 Deacon Mark Van Hook Deacon Mike Turner 783-5211 x7014 783-5211 PARISH STAFF Lynne Brys Liturgy Coordinator 783-5211 X 7006 Frida Callejas Coordinator of Spanish Religious Education 783-5211 x7011 Carmen Dizon Bookkeeper 783-5211 x7017 Deborah Fazzino Administrative Assistant/ Office Manager 783-5211 x7008 Closed from 12-1PM SACRAMENT OF MATRIMONY New Parishioner/ Information Update Pastor . PARISH OFFICE HOURS Monday –Friday Fr. Joel Genabia Barbara Fisher Coordinator of Youth Ministry, EDGE Ministry Director of Religious Education Stella Guzman Spanish/Bi-Lingual Secretary/ Sp. Baptism Dona Gentile Cathie Newman Assistant to DRE Suzanne Smoley School Principal Martin Vargas Plant Manager/ Maintenance Supervisor 783-5211 X7004 783-5211 X7010 783-5211 X7013 783-5211 x7010 782-1161 783-5211 x 7005 BAPTISM PROCESS: 1. Stop by the Parish Office to pick up a Baptismal Packet or visit Our web-site to down load a copy ( 2. Complete the Packet, gather all copies and signatures needed 3. Return COMPLETED Packet to Parish Office when Baptism Coordinator is available (see times listed ) Incomplete Packets will not be accepted. 4. You will be given a date for Class and Baptism upon receipt Of Completed packet. (NO Class Drop-Ins) Name Address Phone Number City Zip Please cut this out and place it in the collection basket if you wish to register with our parish , or if you have any updates to your information. Thank You! Nuestro Señor Jesucisto, Rey del Universo 22 de noviembre de 2015 Gracia y paz a ustedes, de parte de Jesucristo, el testigo fiel, el primogénito de los muertos, el soberano de los reyes de la tierra. - Apocalipsis 1:5 Horario De Misa En Español Miércoles 6:30 PM Sabado 7:00 PM Domingo 12:30 PM Confesión—Miércoles 5:00—6:00 pm Adoración—Primer Viernes—7-8 pm IGLESIA DE ST. ROSA DE LIMA Nosotros la familia de la iglesia de St. Rosa de Lima somos llamados por virtud de nuestro Bautismo y guiados por El Espíritu Santo para ser discípulos de Jesús; como discípulos de Jesús nos dedicamos a fomentar el crecimiento del Reino de Dios en la tierra, orando a Dios y viviendo el Evangelio, con Espíritu de Amor, Justicia, Perdón y servicio a los demás. CAMBIO de ORARIO—Para ayuda en Español Conciernos Ó Preguntas Si tiene preguntas ó conciernos sobre la comunidad Coordinadora de Bautismos en Es- Para mas información llamar la Hispana; favor de comunicares con: oficina parroquial 783-5211/7013 pañol se Encuentra Jose Plata (760-449-8860) Martin Vargas (916-969-3299) en la oficina Los Dias siguientes: De Los Santos (916-201-7083) Lunes —10AM-5PM Miércoles — 12:30AM-5:30 PM Venacio Padre Joel ó Padre Antonio (916-783-5211) Martes —9AM-1PM Jueves — 1:30PM-5:30 PM Recepcionistas Que hablan Español se encuentr an en la Frida Callejas 916-783-5211 ext 7011 CATEQUESIS HISPANA oficina los dias siguientes: Martes 4-8 PM Lunes 10AM—5 PM Miércoles 8-Noon MATRIMONIOS Jueves 4-8 PM Martes: 9AM—1PM Viernes 5-9 PM QUINCEAÑERAS Miércoles—12:30 PM—5:30PM Jueves 1:30 PM—5:30 PM Hacer arreglos 6 meses Soldados de Cristo cumplen los jueves en la C- habitación a partir por adelantado (916) 783-5211 Viernes— 1PM—4PM de las 7:00 PM Hacer arreglos con el Padre LECTURAS DE HOY Primera lectura – Cuando uno, como el Hijo del Hombre se dirigió hacia el anciano y fue llevado a su presencia, recibió el dominio eterno, un reinado indestructible (Daniel 7:13-14). Salmo —Señor, tu eres nuestro rey (Salmo 93 [92]). Segunda lectura – Que la gloria y el poder sean dados a Jesucristo, el primogénito de entre los muertos y Señor de toda la tierra (Apocalipsis 1:5-8). Evangelio – Jesús como Rey, vino a ser testigo de la verdad. Quien escucha la verdad, escucha su voz (Juan 18:33b-37). PROCESO DE BAUTISMO : 1. Pase por la oficina parroquial para obtener un paquete de información y requisitos o visite el sitio web para conseguir una copia del paquete ( 2. Completar el paquete incluyendo copias de los documentos y firmas requeridos. 3. Regrese el paquete completo a la oficina parroquial cuando la Coordinadora de Bautismos esté disponible. (encuentra el horario en el boletín semanario). No se aceptaran paquetes incompletos. 4. Al recibir el paquete completo se le proporcionaran las fechas disponibles de las clases y de los Bautismos. Gracias, por su cooperación! LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA Lunes: Dn 1:1-6, 8-20; Dn 3:52-56; Lc 21:1-4 Martes: Dn 2:31-45; Dn 3:57-61; Lc 21:5-11 Miércoles: Dn 5:1-6, 13-14, 16-17, 23-28; Dn 3:62-67; Lc 21:12-19 Jueves: Dn 6:12-28; Dn 3:68-74; Lc 21:20-28 Día de Acción de Gracias (sugerencia):Sir 50:22-24; Sal 145 (144):2-11; 1 Cor 1:3-9; Lc 17:11-19 Viernes: Dn 7:2-14; Dn 3:75-81; Lc 21:29-33 Sábado: Dn 7:15-27; Dn 3:82-87; Lc 21:34-36 Domingo: Jer 33:14-16; Sal 25 (24):4-5, 8-10, 14; 1 Tes 3:12 — 4:2; Lc 21:25-28, 34-36 Todas las Almas Sobres Puede ser colocado en la caja Cerca del altar Durante el mes de de noviembre Teléfono: 916-783-5211 Fax: 916-783-5212 615 Vine Avenue Roseville, CA 95678 offi[email protected] Virgen de Guadalupe Madre de las Américas Parroquia Sta. Rosa de Lima, Roseville Horario de Festividades Viernes 11 de diciembre: 6:30 p.m. Advocaciones (Salón) 7:30 p.m. Grupo Azteca (Salón) 9:00 p.m. Santo Rosario (Templo) 11:00 p.m. Serenata (Templo) Sabado 12 de diciembre: 5:00 a.m.—Mañanitas (Templo) 6:00 a.m.—Misa 7:00 a.m.—Procesión Explorar las lecturas del domingo Virgen de Guadalue PRIMERA LECTURA Daniel 7:13-14 Su reino no será destruido. Para que tipo de autoridades estás muy Viejo? En Qué aspectos de tu vida ejerces el poder de la autoridad sobre los demás? SEGUNDA LECTURA: Apocalipsis 1:5-8 . “Yo soy el Alfa y el Omega,” Como reaccionas ante algo Nuevo? Has cambiado tu reacción con la edad? EVANGELIO: Juan 18:33B-37. dijo el Señor, Dios. “Mi reino no es de este mundo.” Para ti, cuáles son las fuentes de verdad más confiables? Con qué frecuencia escuchar la verdad te costo algo querido? ¿LE INTERESARIA TRABAJAR EN LA CELEBRACION DE LA VIRGEN DE GUADALUPE? Ya estamos anotando a los que quieren trabajar en la celebración de la Virgen de Guadalupe. Hay mucho por hacer y necesitamos todo po de talentos para lograrlo. Por favor hable con cualquier miembro de los ministerios o llame a Padre Antonio al 916-783-5211 ext. 7016 para mayores informes. Nuevo Feligrés Nombre ___________________________________________________________________ Actualizacion Feligrés Direción ___________________________________________________________________ Telefono ___________________________________ Ministries & Organizations of St. Rose Parish Asesoría y Liderazgo en Español Advisory Council & Committee Parish Finance Council Parish Pastoral Council Building Committee John Pittman Cyndie Whitefoot Gary Magonigal 783-8643 632-9843 783-5971 (709) 449-8860 Coordinador General José Plata Secretario Gente Puente Dulce Vargas Venancio De Los Santos 969-3897 201-7083 Liturgia y Adoración Liturgy & Worship Altar Servers Altar Society Arts & Environment Children's Sunday Mass Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist Filipino Choir Lectors Lifeteen Music Ministry Liturgy Committee Ministry to the Sick Music Ministry Ushers Cyndie Whitefoot Sylvia Fauria 632-9843 773-9961 Mary Epling Marlene Mesich Dona Gentile Lynne Brys Jose Namoc Roger Anderson Matthew Brennan Lynne Brys Barbara Turner Lynne Brys Ed Silva 789-7741 784-8533 783-5211x7010 783-5211X7006 707-561-6775 773-5042 367-2260 783-5211 624-5956 783-5211x7006 408-2424 Faith Formation & Education Rocio y Martin Vargas Secretaria y Lectores Olimpia Prado 365-3179 Ministros Extraordinarios Rocio y Martin Vargas 969-3299 Sacristanes Martha Y Juan Carlos Valdes 751-6112 Monaguillos Gerardo y Martha y Arturo Ramirez 723-4829 Bienvenida y Bienestar Guillermo Contreras 899-3011 Colecta Ramiro Sierra Ramón Tellez 725-4057 770-5395 Orden y decoro del tempo Martin Vargas 969-3299 Coro de Niños Carol Irizarry 367-8897 Coro de Adultos Jorge Rivera 223-2448 Verónica Castro 667-4644 Grupo de Oración Bible Jam Chris Keller 792-4656 Coordinator of Youth Ministry Barbara Fisher 783-5211x7004 Religious Ed/Faith Formation Liturgia Comité Coordinador Dona Gentile 783-5211x7010 RCIA Dona Gentile 783-5211x7010 St. Rose School Suzanne Smoley 782-1161 St. Rose Adult Bible Study Karen Grehm 624-7274 969-3299 Formación en la Fe y Educación Coordinador de Catequesis Frida Callejas Grupo Juvenil Andrea Cuevas Nandy Martinez 783-5211 ext. 7011 Matrimonios para Cristo Tony y Verónica Ortiz 530-953-6316 916-899-4134 749-9897 Pre-cana curso pre-matrimonial Israel y Joanna Jamies Rafa y Mayra Plascencia 541-7847 300-3745 Vacation Bible Camp Dona Gentile 783-5211x7010 Pre-Bautismal Sólo en la clase Juan Carlos Amezquita Baptismal Preparation Parish Office 783-5211x7013 Grupo de Adolecentes Alma Fragoso 826-7622 Catholics Come Home Needed Solidaridad Social Carmen Cuellar 968-1473 Spirituality & Prayer ACTS Beginning Experience Associates of Carmelites of Mary Immaculate Charismatic Prayer & Praise George Hatten Marianne Platt Marie Alfuso 916-772-5280 916-769-0454 835-2282 Carmen Sandow 782-8064 Oración y Devoción Veronica Castro Grupo de Oración Sharon Bracco 782-4513 Felipe & Anne Lopez 908-591-9278 Coro – Grupo de Oración Talleres de Oración y Vida Handmaids for Family & Life Connie Munoa 784-0734 Vuelta en U Prayer Line Virginia DeBenardi 783-5211 Rosary Makers Carolina Fregoso Elva Valasek 645-7353 215-3080 Devotions 781-2048 771-4677 Precious Blood Natercia Varley 772-5558 St. Jude Shirley Kelly 408-7683 St. Mary Prayer Group Maria Kader Parish Ministries & Organizations Bereavement Lois Carreon, Rosalie Guillen Hospitality Sunday Judy Battaglia Senior Fellowship Ministry Dona Gentile New Evangelization Ministry Welcoming Ministry Mary Christine Amurao 783-5211 729-7252 7835211x7010 390-9682 Bobbie Mazas/Lynne Mellberg 784-1115/666-7348 667-4644 Soldados de Cristo Martin Vargas Rosario de Amor Guadalupano Rocio Vargas Couples for Christ FFL Our Lady of Perpetual Help Angelita Gilley Rose Valencia 783-5211 X7013 969-3299 969-3299 Edgardo Maldonado Margarita Toledo 673-8710 730-1498 Dulce Vargas 969-3897 Social Outreach Front Door Ministry Diane Russell 783-5211x7009 Health Ministry Bobbie Mazas 784-1115 Homeless lunches Dona Gentile 783-5211x7010 Respect Life Joann Donohue Robin Van Hook 417-1071 837-8059 Affiliated Organizations Cursillo Movement Engaged Encounter Hazel Miller Bob & Trish Vlasak 780-6885 786-3244 The Gathering Inn Lazarus Project St. Vincent de Paul Tom Battaglia David Loya Tom Stanko 729-7252 772-6833 781-3303 What Would Jesus Do Rich Fogarty 772-1180 Italian Catholic Federation Robert Del Pippo 783-5192 Knights of Columbus Darren Furgerson Retrovalle 703-659-5052 800-470-2230
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