May 24, 2015 CHURCH OF ST. VITO PASTOR: Monsignor James E. White PAROCHIAL VICAR: Father Amiro L. Jiménez PAROCHIAL VICAR: Father Jeba Lourdu WEEKEND ASSOCIATE: Father Steven Reilly, L.C. PAX CHRISTI SISTERS : Sister Eleazar & Sister Cleotilde RELIGIOUS EDUCATION DIRECTOR : Ms. María A. Crisafi DIRECTOR OF MUSIC MINISTRY: Mr. John Myers DIRECTOR OF SPANISH MUSIC MINISTRY: Mr. Edgar Riquelme PARISH MANAGER & DIRECTOR OF CYO: Mr. Joseph Comblo PARISH SECRETARIES: Mrs. Yenny Duran-Rivera & Ms. Angelina Gomez PARISH CENTER SECRETARY: Mrs. Anne Debacher RELIGIOUS EDUCATION ASSISTANTS: Mrs. Jennie Bucolo & Mrs. Winnie Jaeger • OFFICE HOURS / HORARIO DE OFICINA/ORARIO D’ UFFICIO Monday thru Friday /Lunes a Viernes/ Lunedi a Venerdi 9:30am to 6:30pm Saturdays / Sábados/ Sábato 9:30am to 4:30pm (Closed from 1pm - 2pm ) •MASSES / MISAS / MESSAS Monday thru Friday / Lunes a Viernes 8am Chapel Saturdays / Sábados/ Sabato 9:00am Chapel & 5:00pm Sundays /Domingo's/: 8:00am, 9:30am y 11:00am •SPANISH MASSES / MISAS EN ESPAÑOL: Mondays & Thursdays/ Lunes & Jueves 7:30PM Sundays /Domingos: 12:30pm •ITALIAN MASS / MESSE ITALIANA: First Sunday of the month /Prima Domenica del Messe 9:30am •PENANCE / CONFESIONES / CONFESSIONI Saturday / Sábado / Sábato: 4:00pm to 5:00pm. •BAPTISMS / BAUTIZOS/ BATTESIMO Baptism are celebrated once a month on a Sunday after the 12:30 Mass in Spanish and 2:00pm in English. The dates for the Baptism of children and for the Pre-Baptismal instruction of parents should be arranged in the rectory ONE MONTH IN ADVANCE. In addition to English, and Spanish this Sacrament may also be in Italian. •WEDDINGS/ MATRIMONIO Pre–marital instruction is a requirement for all engaged couples. Consequently, arrangements for weddings should be made SIX MONTHS in advance. RECTORY OF ST. VITO 816 Underhill Ave. Mamaroneck, NY 10543 Tel. 914-698-2648 Fax: 914-698-6081 E-mail: [email protected] •WELCOME/ BIENVENIDO/ BENVENUTO To register in the parish, please come to the Rectory. Para registrarse en la parroquia, por favor acérquese a la Rectoría. Sponsor Certificates are ONLY given to qualified registered parishioners. *Priest approval needed. • BIBLE STUDY/ESTUDIO DE BIBLIA Monday’s at 7:00pm in the Chapel • MEETINGS/ REUNIONES/ RIUNIONI Italian Club, First Friday, 7:30pm Parish Council, Third Thursday, 7:00pm •PREPARACIÓN DE BAUTIZOS: Hermanas de Pax Christi y Roció Gómez Domingos 9:30am en el Centro Parroquial •PREPARACIÓN DE SACRAMENTOS PARA JÓVENES Y ADULTOS: Domingos 11:00am en el Centro Parroquial Hermanas de Pax Christi Dolores Martínez •GRUPO DE ORACIÓN DE ADULTOS: Dirigente: Ana Loaiza Miércoles de 7:30 a 10:00pm en la Iglesia. •DIVINA MISERICORDIA Dirigentes: Imelda Maldonado, 914-514-7674 Martha Maldonado, 914-777-8202 •GRUPO GUADALUPANO Dirigente: Dolores Martínez, 914-261-0035 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION OFFICE 826 Underhill Ave. Mamaroneck, NY 10543 Tel. 914-698-2949 Fax: 914-698-2994 E-mail: [email protected] PENTECOST SUNDAY MAY 24, 2015 DOMINGO DE PENTECOSTÉS 24 DE MAYO, 2015 DOMENICA DI PENTECOSTE 24 DI MAGGIO, 2015 “In the same way, the Spirit too comes to the aid of our weakness; for we do not know how to pray as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes with inexpressible groaning. And the one who searches hearts knows what is the intention of the Spirit, because he intercedes for the holy ones according to God’s will.” The Pentecost event is so well known. The signs of fire, wind and noise accompany the transforming power of the Holy Spirit. What was is no more, as the fear which brought them together was unlocked as were the doors and a new era began. The Spirit which Jesus breathed into the apostles became the breath of new life for the church as the Spirit of God sent them to renew the face of the earth. As the doors were opened, the windows of Aggiornamento of Pope Saint John 23rd allowed new life to spring forth in the church. The Spirit comes to us in our weakness today, as we do not have all the answers but He intercedes for us, allowing us to be spirit driven to bring the gospel to our waiting world. “Igualmente, el mismo Espíritu viene en ayuda de nuestra debilidad porque no sabemos orar como es debido; pero el Espíritu intercede por nosotros con gemidos inefables. Y el que sondea los corazones conoce el deseo del Espíritu y sabe que su intercesión en favor de los santos está de acuerdo con la voluntad divina.” El evento de Pentecostés es bien conocido. Las señales de fuego, viento y ruido acompañan el poder de transformación del Espíritu Santo. Lo que fue ya no lo es; el miedo que los llevó a unirse desapareció cuando se abrieron las puertas y una nueva era comenzó. El Espíritu que Jesús sopló a los apóstoles se convirtió en el aliento de una nueva vida para la iglesia cuando el Espíritu de Dios los envió a renovar la faz de la tierra. Así como las puertas se abrieron, las ventanas del Aggiornamento del Papa San Juan XXIII permitió que nueva vida retoñara en la iglesia. El Espíritu nos llega en nuestra debilidad hoy, ya que no poseemos todas las respuestas. Sin embargo El intercede por nosotros, permitiéndonos ser espíritu dirigido a llevar el evangelio a un mundo que espera. Lo Spirito Santo è lo Spirito di Cristo ed è la Persona divina che diffonde nel mondo la possibilità di imitare Cristo, dando Cristo al mondo e facendolo vivere in noi. Nell’insegnamento e nell’opera di Cristo, nulla è più essenziale del perdono. Egli ha proclamato il regno futuro del Padre come regno dell’amore misericordioso. Sulla croce, col suo sacrificio perfetto, ha espiato i nostri peccati, facendo così trionfare la misericordia e l’amore mediante - e non contro - la giustizia e l’ordine. Nella sua vittoria pasquale, egli ha portato a compimento ogni cosa. Per questo il Padre si compiace di effondere, per mezzo del Figlio, lo Spirito di perdono. Nella Chiesa degli apostoli il perdono viene offerto attraverso i sacramenti del battesimo e della riconciliazione e nei gesti della vita cristiana. Dio ha conferito al suo popolo una grande autorità stabilendo che la salvezza fosse concessa agli uomini per mezzo della Chiesa! Ma questa autorità, per essere conforme al senso della Pentecoste, deve sempre essere esercitata con misericordiae con gioia, che sono le caratteristiche di Cristo, che ha sofferto ed è risorto, e che esulta eternamente nello Spirito Santo. NEWS AND EVENTS OF THE WEEK SAINT VITO FESTA SPONSORSHIP Our Annual Festa is offering the opportunity for Sponsors. Inserted in this week’s bulletin are Sponsorship Forms. Those sponsoring the Festa will have their names, their businesses or loved ones displayed prominently during the Festa. $150 - Grand Sponsor $100 - Benefactor — $50 - Patron Please use the inserted forms and we look forward to your support! Thank You! Deadline is June 8, 2015 BAPTISM INFORMATION The Sacrament of Baptism is Celebrated Once a month on Sunday One Sunday in Spanish after the 12:30pm Mass and One Sunday in English at 2PM. THE NEXT AVAILABLE DATES ARE: June 28th — Spanish Baptisms Please come to the office rectory. MOST HOLY TRINITY ALUMNI REUNION Most Holy Trinity is planning a reunion on July 18, 2015 for anyone who has attended MHT School thought out the years. The evening will begin with the 5pm Mass celebrated in honor of the alumni. The Mass will be followed by a reception, a tour of the school, dinner and drinks. If you are a MHT alumnus and would like to attend, you can contact us on Facebook or email Donna Sposato Williams at [email protected], cell/text at 402-451-6599 or Christine Byron-Cokeley at [email protected] FINANCIAL CORNER The total collection for the weekend of May 17th amounted to $6,080. Thank you for your generosity. SAINT VITO’S FESTA RAFFLE Tickets for the St. Vito’s 2015 Festa Raffle will be sold each weekend at the end of Mass. There are a limited number of tickets left. The cost of each ticket is $100 Only 250 tickets will be sold. 1st Grand Prize - $10,000 2nd Prize - $1,000 3rd Prize - $500 Drawing date : June 21, 2015 FESTA DATES JUNE 18th, 19th, 20th 21st MAKING ALL THINGS NEW As Most Holy Trinity and St. Vito move ahead in becoming one, the pastors of both parishes will visit each others churches. Monsignor White will celebrate Mass with the Holy Trinity congregation on Sunday, May 31st at 10:00 AM. Members of our parish who wish to do so are invited to attend Mass there on that Sunday in a gesture to meet the Holy Trinity parishioners. Father Robert Henry, the pastor of Holy Trinity, will celebrate Mass here at St. Vito's on Sunday, June 14th at 11:00am . This again is a gesture to come together as one faith community. Let us continue to pray for the Spirit to guide us as we fortify the Catholic presence in the Mamaroneck community. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION NEWS Religious Education Registration 2015-2016 will be announced soon! TUITION In order to close the financial books for the 2014-2015 Religious Education Program, It is asked that parents who have not yet met their financial obligations to the program pay the final balance as soon as possible. 2015 CARDINAL’S ANNUAL APPEAL To date our parish has received $26,854 in pledges/gifts toward the 2015 Cardinal’s Appeal, from 117 families. . It is not too late to make your gift. Please be as generous as you can. Thank you for your kind support. NOTICIAS Y EVENTOS DE LA SEMANA RIFA DE LA FESTA SAN VITO Los tickets para la Rifa de la Festa de San Vito 2015, se estarán vendiendo este fin de semana al final de la misa. El costo de cada tickets será de $100 Solo se venderán 250 tickets. 1er Gran Premio - $10,000 2do Premio - $1,000 3er Premio - $500 Fecha del sorteo: Junio 21, 2015 NOTICIAS DE EDUCACIÓN RELIGIOSA Las Registraciones para las Clases de Religión 2015-2016 se anunciaran muy pronto. MATRICULA Para poder cerrar el libro de finanzas del programa de Religión 2014-2015, y a la vez poder empezar las registraciones del próximo año 2015-2016, se les pide a los padres que todavía no han puesto al día su balance con el programa que por favor lo haga lo mas pronto posible. Estos pagos los pueden hacer en la rectoría de la Iglesia durante el horario regular de oficina. MEMORIAL DAY El día Lunes 25 de Mayo solo se celebrar una misa a las 9:00am en Ingles en la Iglesia. La misa de 8:00am y 7:30pm no se celebraran. De igual manera la Rectoría y el Centro Parroquial estarán cerrados. PATROCINADORES DE LA FESTA Nuestra Festa anual está ofreciendo la oportunidad para patrocinadores. Los nombres de los patrocinadores aparecerán durante la Festa. $150 - Grand Sponsor $100 - Benefactor $50 - Patron Por favor utilice los formularios insertados. ¡Esperamos su apoyo, Gracias! Fecha límite es el 8 de Junio, 2015 INFORMACION DE BAUTIZOS El Sacramento de Bautizo se celebrara una vez al mes los domingos. Los Bautizos en Español se llevan acabo después de la misa de 12:30pm y los bautizos en Ingles a las 2:00pm. NO SE CELEBRAN BAUTISMOS DURANTE CUARESMA LAS PROXIMAS FECHAS SON: JUNIO 28, 2015 - ESPAÑOL HACIENDO TODAS LAS COSAS NUEVAS As Most Holy Trinity and St. Vito move ahead in becoming one, the pastors of both parishes will visit each others churches. Monsignor White will celebrate Mass with the Holy Trinity congregation on Sunday, May 31st at 10:00 AM. Members of our parish who wish to do so are invited to attend Mass there on that Sunday in a gesture to meet the Holy Trinity parishioners. Father Robert Henry, the pastor of Holy Trinity, will celebrate Mass here at St. Vito's on Sunday, June 14th at 11:00am . This again is a gesture to come together as one faith community. Let us continue to pray for the Spirit to guide us as we fortify the Catholic presence in the Mamaroneck community. ESQUINA FINANCIERA CAMPAÑA ANUAL DEL CARDENAL El ingresos de la Parroquia del fin de semana del 17 de Mayo sumo un total de Hasta el día de hoy nuestra parroquia ha recibido $26,854 en promesas/regalos para la Campaña del Cardenal, por parte de 117 familias. Todavía están a tiempo para hacer su regalo. Muchas gracias por su amable apoyo. $6,080. Gracias por Su Generosidad! PENTECOST SUNDAY MAY 24, 2015 DOMINGO DE PENTECOSTÉS 24 DE MAYO, 2015 DOMENICA DI PENTECOSTE 24 DI MAGGIO, 2015 MEMORIAL DAY On Monday, May 25th, 2015 Mass will only be celebrated at 9:00am in the Church. The 8:00am and 7:30pm mass will not be celebrated. The rectory and the Parish Center will also be closed. Thank you for your cooperation. Saturday / Sábado / Sabato 5:00pm Sour Maria Totino -† 23 Sunday / Domingo / Domenica 8:00 Letizia & Rafaeli Michienze -† 9:30 Teresa & Ottavio Talarico & Family -† 11:00 Marie Recchia -† 12:30pm Naty Maldonado - Graduation (TODAS LAS MADRES ) 24 Monday / Lunes / Lunedi 9:00 Cynthis DeRosa - (Church) 7:30pm NO MASS 25 Tuesday / Martes /Martedi 8:00 Angela Negrillo -† 26 Wednesday / Miércoles / Mercoledi 8:00 ST VITO PARISH 27 BREAD & WINE Thursday / Jueves / Giovedi 8:00 Mildred Traub -† 7:30pm Maria Ramona Salinas -† 28 The next available date for bread & wine are the following: May , 31st June 7th, 28th July 5th, 19th, 26th Friday / Viernes / Venerdi 8:00 Vito Barbieri -† 29 Saturday / Sábado / Sabato 9:00 Pietro & Anna Maida and family -† 5:00pm Rino Fraulini -† 30 Sunday / Domingo / Domenica 8:00 Fred Yankocy -† 9:30 Carmela Di Maula -† 11:00 The Noletti Family 12:30pm Ana Loaiza(TODAS LAS MADRES ) 31 † WEDDING BANNS III. Marisol Contreras & Raul Oceguera ALTAR FLOWERS For this week are in Thanksgiving to Blessed Mother Requested by Frances Tomassetti Deceased Difunto Birthday Cumpleaños Sick Enfermo In Thanksgiving Acción de Gracias Wedding Anniversary Aniversario de Bodas Food For Thought BL. MOTHER THERESA’S SERIES… “IF YOU ARE HONEST, PEOPLE MAY CHEAT YOU. BE HONEST ANYWAY”. FR. JEBA PRAY FOR THE SICK OF OUR PARISH OREMOS POR LOS ENFERMOS PREGARE PER I MALATI Louisa Germani, Maria Comblo, Olga DiOrio, Antonette Fraioli, Pat Hachey, Marianne Fischetti, JoAnn Troccoli, Juan Alviar, Antonio Lopes & Louise Yannuzzi. To submit a name please call the rectory. Por favor llame a la rectoría para agregar un nombre.
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